Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 08, 1909, Image 7
Sn ; ? r n IMwlnrertnnt. In many purls of Knrope It is foinnry ntnon tin * people , ospeci the poorer classes , * to burn sugar sick rooms as a means of purifying air. Physicians , however , have 1 that this \vu < 5 simply an Innocent perslitlou , declaring that It was ncil beneficial or harmful. Prof. Trllbcrt of the Pasteur IT tute at Paris , however , 'ins rece ; demonstrated that burning sugar velops formic acotylone-hydrogen , of the most powerful antiseptic g : kuovv i to medical sclencp. In his periment seventy-seven grains of su \vero burned under a glass bell of quarts capacity. After the vapor cooled bacilli of typhus. U'bercuk cholera , smallpox , etc. . were placet the bell in open glass tubes , and Avil half an hour all the microbes v dead. If sugar is burned in a closed ve containing jmtrifiwl meat , or the < tents of rotten e gs. the offensive c disappears at one1. Hi * Crude liluit. Foreigner Why do you call it a ' mary" flection ? Native We call it , mister , ' that's the way we get primed fur a election. During Change of Life , says Mrs. Chas. Barcla Graniteville , Yt. "I was pass through the Change of Life andsuffe from nervousr and other annoy symptoms , anc can truly say t I LydiaE.Pinkha ; Vegetable C < pound has pro- worth rnounta of gold to me , a restored my hea and strength , never forget to 1 my friends wl LydiaE.Knkhai regetable Compound has done for Juring this trying period. Compl restoration to health moans so mite to mo that for the sake of other sufl ing women I am milling to make trouble public so you may ptibl this letter. " MRS. CIIAS. 13-AJRCH ; H.P.D.Graniteville , Yt. aSTo other medicine for woman's : has received such wide-spread and i ciualified endorsement. N"o other m icine.we know of has such a rec ( of cures of female ills as has Lydia Pinkham's Yegetable Compound. For more than 30 years it has be curing female complaints such inflammation , ulceration , local we : nesses , fibroid tumors , irregulariti periodic pains , backache , indigesti and nervoiis prostration , and it unequalled for carrying women safi through the period of change of li It costs but little to try Lydia Pinkham's Yegetable Compound , ai is "worth moi tains of gold " to suffering women. WESTESW THE PENNSNT WINME 66 Tfee West , The Government of Canada now jri ves to ei Actual Settler 16O acres ol wheat-grow land free and an additional ,1W > acres at $ an acre. The 300,003 contented American Sett jnakinirtheir homes in Western Canada is best evidence of the superiority ol that coun They arc becoming rich , crrowinsr from 25 t bushels wheat to the a ere ; CO to 110 bushels c and 45 to CO bushels barley , besides havinjr sp did herds of cattle raised on the prairia er Dairying1 is an important industry. The crop of 1903 still keeps Western Canad the lead. The world will soon look to it as tood-producer. " The thinsr which mo t impressed us was the magnitude of the country that is available for agricultural purposes. " National Editorial Correspondence , 1908. Low Railway Rates treed schools and churcl narkets convenient , Prices the Highest , dim perfect. " Lands are for sale by Railway and Land C panics. Descriptive pamphlctsan 1 maps sent f For Rail w ay Rates and other information appl ; \V. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigrati Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Holmes , 315 Jack St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLacFilau , I 116Vaterton , bo. Dakota Authorized Gou tncnt .Agents. Please say wliera you saw this advertisement. This Trade-marl Eliminates Al Uncertainty in the purchase c paint materials It is an absolut guarantee of pur ity and quality For your owi protection , sei that it is on the side o ever- keg of white lea < you buy. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY 1902 Trinity Building , KewYor T T IB ' 'KTK ' m TI Work While You Millions of people have CA CARETS do Health work f them. If you have never tri < this great health maker Get a li box and you will never use ai Other bowel medicine. i CASCARETS IDC a box for a week' * ' treatment , all drugjpbts. Biggest seller in tbe world. Million boxes a month. a O. N. U. - - No. 15 1909. Give the breeding mare exei tvery day. Alfalfa or clover hay is good for brood sow. Give her all she will up clean. liens do not like to scratch in that everything is Jitter. See as a bone and snug as you make it. Fairly good work may be done i poor tolls , but how much easier better work could be done with j tools. The best are none too good the farm. Many a horse has been permane Injured by slipping on the frozen i because smooth shod. See that shoes are changed to correspond the season. Men will have to do some thinl on the quack-grass problem this con season In some parts of the coun With strong measures it can be e Inated from the soil. Quack metl are useless. Foot-rot in cattle should be tres with water three parts and sulph acid one part , after the affected ] lias been thoroughly cleansed , 01 should be smeared -with pine tar i bandage tied between the claws about the pastern to keep out the d Have a manure shed -where you Iceep the manure spreader stand Bare it handy to the barn so that manure can be clumped into the spri 2r when the barn is cleaned morning. Then when the wagon is haul to the field and put on the 1 it once. The up-to-date man whether far or merchant Is generally well paid , case comes to notice where a fan by extensively advertising his f : sale , brought out the community and near , and realized large net reti * for his progressiveness. He who use talk skillfully in his business a. great advantage. Make the farm and the home so : hing besides just a place for worl rou would tie the boys and the to it. The farmer who thinks ( ) f the work he Is going to get oul iis children and who thinks more the farm and the stock than he c 3f his boys and girls need not be i ? rlsed that they are anxious to br iway from the farm when they ) ld enough to choose for themselves Every man ought to be kind to di inimals without having his atteni jailed to it. A farmer in an adjoir Bounty kicked at a neighbor's dog morning when the ground was soft iis boots loaded with nice , rich c He missed the dog and the gi cveight on his boot resulted in carr3 lilm over a fence into an old cist that had been left open. The mora this tale is to be kind to all anlm Here's a hard one : An automo Tightened a jack rabbit ; the rabbii jetting through a woven wire fe scared a flock of sheep : the sheep t ; o their heels and caused a team to iway ; the team went crashing int "acmyard gate just at milking time wautiful girl had just finished mill ; jight cow3 ; the herd stampeded and > ut one pail of milk was upset ; ) ld Brindle even stepped in that < : hough it wasn't overturned. Now j s to blame for the loss of all t nilk ? Carefully conducted experimc show that the manure produced thousand pounds of live weight of following classes of farm animals ralued at from $23 to $60 per head rear. The valuations given are as , ows : For cows , $29 ; horses , § sheep , $20 ; calves , $24 ; pigs , $ GO. 1 raluation takes into consideration c the actual amounts of nitrogen , pi ohorus and potassium contained In manure from these animals , valued iccordance'with the present prices : hese constituents in the form of c < nercial manures or fertilizers. It d lot take into consideration the va ) f the manure as a human builder i : o its large organic matter cent < From this it should be plain to any : hat the economical handling of fc nanure is one of the very import 'actors in maintaining the fertility ) ur soils. Ingenious ESJ ? Tester. An ingenious instrument has been ented for testing the relative fre tess of eggs , says the London Glc 't is well known that when a fr 'gg ' is placed in water it sinks , wl L stale one floats , but the new inst nent registers accurately degrees reshness. By means of it eggs n ie classified with precision into n < aid , fresh , cooking , etc. The appa us consists of an aluminum air chs > er with a graduated stem above. ; DW are spring wire loops to hold i gg. When the egg is fixed in this a ilaced In the water Its quality can read off on the graduated stem. 1 sinks down to the Mark XX the is new laid ; 0 niaans still quite fi while 4 marks the limit of the In- fast ejr . The mark S means still j for cooking , while 12 is bad. It w < be well if dealers in uew-lsiid eggs \ required fo have this apparatus to satisfy their customers by oc demonstration that they are XX. TIse lo\\er of Hoots. The tremendous power of a pus ; root is a subject for marvel. It lift tons by the swelling of its slei trunk or rend rocks with the po of dynamite , but silently anil invisi The pertinacity and force of plant occasionally shown in the great ci in this wise : Some old residences 1 viues many years old climbing up t weather-beaten brown fronts. T roots are deep in the tiny front g.'u plot , and their tendrils were at trained up slender cords to the balconies on the first floor. Tl slender green things twined in and of the iron railing of the balcony little serpents till they reached vertical wall , wr > h , nothing daun they began to climb. Little by little the tender green st hard woody tissues wl to < * kmged , swelled into flat plaits to accommoc itself to the bars of the iron rai through which it had woven itself , the accommodation was only fen for , swelling steadily , the vine tru appear to-day to have become as If as a man's arm , and the iron r which were its earliest support 1 been broken in twain by their ungr ful dependents. Another singular example of the tinacity of the roots is the followi A drain pipe seemed to be choked , vestigation showed that a thread- shoot of a tree had penetrated om the minute pores of the city pipe ; c inside the drain the tendril found s luxurious nourishment that it grew divided into branches , which wo themselves in coil on coil , until fin passage in the drain was comple choked up. It is said that bucket of tangled filaments were taken which measured only e of this pipe , inches in diameter , while the ski originated in a single threadlike ment , back through which coursed abundant nourishment to push on growth of the maple tree above grot Draft Horses. The draft horse is getting bigger bigger. lu the late 'SO's if one weig over 1GOO pounds and came fj Prance , it was an event and the h ( papers talked about him , with pictu To-day the draft importer will to nothing under l.SOO pounds and 3-yi old colts often run up to a ton. The favorite draft breed in Amei six to one is the Percheron France. It comes from Le Pen southwest of Paris , and nowhere c The horse breeders in that district h banded themselves into a guild union , anddecreed that no horse fi outside the borders of their dist ? an ever be recorded as a Percheroi the studbook of the breed. A colt t DC ! just across the line out of a in ind by a sire correctly registered c tiot himself be registered. The foundation blood of the Pen L-on is , or is said to be , Arab. ' OYenchman will tell you that a Pen con is an Arab made heavy by Miniate. But whether Arabian exti tion or not , it is sure that the br las been made heavy by the climate iiuman selection during the past 1 : entury. When George Sand was writing Percheron was famous as a road he a traveler , a ground coverer. 1 leroes used to drive hither and thit jehind four splendid distance eat Percherons. No modern Frenchn > vould dream of driving up to his ictte's door behind four Percherom The Perche peasants , within the 11 : ations of their material , most w lerfully fashion into being their equ maginings. It is much easier and s ) ler to carve a horse of the shape : vant on the Parthenon frieze than n a Lucerne pasture in the Euro Doir district. Dazed by their artist : ho French minister of agrcult gravely reports , "These men of ? erche are incredible. Command fr hem a horse , they will build you < : o your specifications. " From the current report of Trench horse breeding bureau is lea ; d that during the fiscal year 161- nares were bred to stallions belong : o the state , 1,207 to approved si ions , 9,4G7 to authorized stallio Clris Is bureaucratic , isn't it , that : ountry should be able to report hing like that ? And in the archi > f the French government Is the na nd description of each mare in Fran ogether with date about the horse w vhich she was bred. The French never dream of breed ! o stallions of mixed or unkno lood. But the American farmer red his mare to a Percheron for leavy colt usually changes his mine ouple ot years later , puts what he i rom the first cross to a coach hoer or styltt , this proeluct to a trotter : peed , and the grand result to a Jc r mule. As a horse breeder he lo < at the outside of the sire ( a pparently not so careful at that ) , a ares little what kind of blood la n ing Inside. THE CPcACKIITU OF PAINT. Properly OTJUTS Can Snvu Learning tbe Cmine. Do you know v.hat Is wrong v paint peels , or cracks , or other necessitates premature reiinting ; : Well , .sometimes it hasn't been j : erly applied 'the surface being d or there being too much turpentln too much drier. ' But. nine times out of ten. the t blc is caused by adulterated white 1 To avoid all such trouble , e houseowner should know in a gen way , when a surface is in proper ilition to receive paint , what kinc primer and finishing coats different faces require , and how to avoid : i teration in materials. A complete painting guide , inrltu EI book of color schemes , specificat for all kinds of painting worn , am instrument for detecting adultera in painting materials , with direct for using it , can be had free by v ing National Lead Company , 11 > 02 ' 1 ity Bid ; : . . New York , and asking Ilouseowner's Painting Outfit No. 4 This company , the largest maker pure white lead , invite tests , by UK of the blowpipe ( included hi outer or in any other way. of the purit ; the white lead sold' under their fan "Dutch Boy Painter' ' trademark. 'J trademark on a keg of white lea < in itself an absolute guarantee of ! ty and quality. AVlmt Conld She Do ? The Young Man I wish to th you , sir , for giving me your assist ? in persuading your daughter to mi me. me.The Old Man Sir , I was vlole opposed to the match. The Young Man I kuow it 1 land Leader. $ ! 00 Reward , $100. The readers of this paper will be pie to learn that there is at least one dre disease that science has heen able to In all Its stages , and 'that Is Catarrh , n Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to the medical frateinlty. Cat being a constitutional disease , requln constitutional treatment. Hall's Cat Cure is taken internally , acting din upon the blood and mucous surfaces of system , thereby destroying the foundatlo the diseased and giving the patient strei by building up the constitution and as Ing nature in doing its work. The pro ; tors have so much faith in its curative ] ers that they offer One Hundred Dollar ? any case that it falls to cure. Send for of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledt Sold by all Drugsibts , 73c. Take Hall's Family Pl'ls for constipa i tie iin-t. The p r.-tmg Reporter I sup it's hard to get the descriptions of emeu's gows correct ? Tl\2 Society Htj orter No ; the b os * . thins : is to write the descript so that every person ' - ! ! 1 consider self tluto t ' "i'T -1 woman preser Don't e Misled. Many a life has been cut short b x > ugh that was not believed to be ious. Many a backache and sidea 'ollows a coughing spell. Many a ni s * passed in restlessness caused roughing. Many a cough "cure" t icver cures is tried. Do not be mis If you cough , take the old relir vemp's Balsam , the best cough ci U druggists' and dealers' , 23c. Ijr Hie dive ti Gloom. Correspondent Do you know , S < or. that the crack in the liberty bell ; itended several inches lately ? Pessimistic Statesman No , I ha leard that. But I know there's a ' . n the constitution bis enough to d in elephant through. Chicago Tribun fn n rincli , Use Allen's Foof-Ei i. powder to shake into your shoes. It r he feet Cures Corns , Bunions , Swo ore , Hot , Callous , Aching , Sweating nd Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-I aakes new or tight shoes easy. Sold by Iruggists ai < l Shoe Stoics , 25c. Sail oailoi FREE. Address Allen S. Olnib ueRoy , N. Y. Practical. Walking leisurely around the Egyp Sphinx , the traveler from America rioted it from all points of view. "Ifa s. g arne. " be exclaimed , "to h : he thing in that shape. If I had it n Chicago I could clap a good cen lose of that face so quick it would n ts head swim ! " Pettit's Eye Salve First Sold In li > ver 100 years ago , sales increase- yea vonderful remedy ; cured millions TV yes. All druggists or Howard Bi Buffalo , N. Y. JMMijipoiiitment. Happy Bride ( on wading tour ) ' > ay we are coming to a tunnel , Harry t a long one ? Bridegroom ( momentarily depressed STos ; entirely too long. The condu .ells me they light up the cars before : ering it. Only One "BROMO Chat ts LAXATIVE BROM.O QUININE. I for the signature of E.V : GROVE. Used World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. Decided Improvement. Scribbles I understand young Rh ; Y Is doing much better than form < n the poetry line. Dribbles Why , he told me he hac vritten a line for six months. Scribbles Yes , he told me the sc hing. For Colds nnd Grip. Lane's Pleasant Tablets ( laxative ) < olds in an hour and are the best tr nent for grip. Do not wait a minute w on feel a cold coming on , but get a f these tablets and save suffering and iense. They are sold by druggists ealers at 25 cents a box. Orator F.V ( ard , Le Roy , N. Y. Sample free. Crushing Sarcasm. Mr. Hewligus Fourteen dollars , : am , is an outrageous price to pay feat at ! Mrs. Hewlijns If I should Buy lanet Saturn for a hat you'd thinl ushtn't to pay more than 39 cents foi Try Murlne Eye Remedy or Red , Weak , Weary , Watery Eyes , ompounded by Experienced Physicians , onforms to the Pure Food and Drugs LJ .urine Doesn't Smart. Soothe * Eye Pi r-MarlD for Your Eyes. You Will Lik Power at Farmers are well acquainted with the fact that the roots of trees will dis rupt ; irtd sometimes overturn a stonewall wall/ but the lifting power of tender vegetables is equally surprising. The ow result which has perhaps attracted the greatest attention is the discovery that a weight of two and a half tons can be lifted by the common pumpkin In the course of its develop ment. Dr. Carpenter relates the story of a paving stdiie weighing eighty-three pounds that was raised from its bed ( when- joined by others on all four ] sides ) by such a soft piece of fungi as the common mushroom. And still an other and more remarkable story is uddcd to the above. A man had a cask of sweet wine my p'aceil it in an empty cellar to ma ture. When examined several years later it had risen from the floor of the cellar to the ceiling , having been borne upward upon the tender shoots of a vine fungus with wliich the cellar was r , * - . f CURED IW ONE DAY Mucyon's Cold Remedy Relieves tfcf lead , throat and lungs almost Immediate y. Checks Fevers , stops Discharge * ff he nose , takes away all aches and palaft Caused by colds. It cures Grip and o itinate Coughs and prevents Pneuxnoal * . ? rlce 25c. Have you stiff or swollen joints , no maft- er how chronic ? Ask your druggist w Junyon's Rheumatism Remedy and low quickly jou will be cured. If you have any kidney or bladder tr > le get Munyon's Kidney Remedy. Munyon's Vltallzer makes went trong nud restores lost powera. For Infants and Children. You Have ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVegetableEreparaHon&rAs- f similating iheFootfaiuIRegiria- Bears tlie ting UieStomaciis andBovrelsof Promotes DigestioiuCfaerfd-i ness and RestContainsneilticr OpiunuMorphiae norMiaEraL NOT NARCOTIC. ; Rnapkin Sad" JtbLScnna-t- JMtltcSalts- fSwitonuti WcmSeed- Aperfect Remedy for Consfipa- lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrlioea ' Worms .Coiwulsions-Feverish- Bp' nessandLossOFSEEEP. , 68 * " TacSunilc Signature of -J"li , w * ' . NEW'YORK. * i2i'j ' " * * flt-vCr * - W § sdci ; \ I tT" i < Exact Copy of Wrappc THC ccNTAun COUPAHV. new YORK crrr. For DISTEMPER , CATARRH FEVER , AND ALL flOI AND THROAT D1SEAS3 Cures the sick and acts as a i > re\enuve for others. Liquid given on tongue. Safe for brood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy. & a bottle , 55.00 the dozen. 81 00 aid S10 CO the dozen. Sold by all and turf goods houses , or sent , express paid , b > the manufacturers. MEDICAL COMPANY , Chemisls , Goshen , Sloan's Liniment is the best remedy for sprains and bruises. It quiets the pain at once , and can be applied to the tenderest part without hurting because it doesn't need to be rubbed all you have to do is to lay it on lightly. It is a powerful preparation and penetrates instantly relieves any inflammation and congestion , and reduces the swelling. is an excellent antiseptic and gem& killer heals cuts , burns , wounds and contusions , and will draw the poison- from sting of poisonous insects. Price , 25c. , 50c. , and $1.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan , Boston , Mass. , ILS.A. Sloan's book on horaeg , cattle , sheep and poultry ient