\ iVsdtiysoiaasssaceto xva\ut& 'may be tctax % & 'wkn TVOcv er ace \ooss\st supp\ax\\\Ve\\oto\ , \v FBG SYRLSB = > Co. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS ONE SIZE ONLY- REGULAR PRICE SO ? PER BOTTLE ; FASHION HINTS This pretty silk model has a tucked front aznel from yoke to hem. The tight sleeves aave tiny tucks as trimming. „ Large silk covered buttons help to give 3. tailored air. It is a very practical frock for many occasions - casions , and dressy as well. , Still feir iwKlii > S. "Uncle Hiram. Lav you ever written cny magazine storjos ? ' ' "If no > not yet , dear ; I have only Britten stonp * r ° v In case of accident , cuts , wounds , burns , scalds , sprains , bruises , etc. , noth ing will so quickly take away all pain and soreness as Hamlins Wizard Oil. Oil , To He I'll bet I steal a kiss from you. She And I'll bet you two kisses you can't Dyspepsia and constipation are avoid able miseries take Garfield Tea , Nature's Serb laxative. 1 Hereafter all fish sold in Constantinople ple must be kept in shops paved with marIe - % Ie ( which is cheap there ) , or with plaques of so-called Malta stone. MI.ES CURED ITf O TO 14 DAYS OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure anj csa of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or Protrud- tor Pllw In 6 to 14 daja or money refunded. Me. A gun for throwing a lifeline to a wrecked vessel by the use of air compress ed by hand is a recent English inven tion. Save your hands , men and women ; or der our popular strong working gloves used by everybody , loc pair. Agents wanted everywhere. Richmond Glove Co. , Box 66S , Richmond , Va. Africa leads in the matter of gold pro duction ar.d the rn- : ! States is second. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for child ren teething , softens the gums , reduces In flammation , ailaya pain , cures wind colic. SSc * bottle. I Perfume Used by Royalty. Queen Wllhelmina ol1 Holland has dally a pint of cau de cologne in her morning bath ; Queen Victoria of Spain effects a mixture of iris and lavender on her handkerchiefs ; Queen Helena of Italy prefers iris and heliotrope ; the , I > owager Queen of Italy and Queen Amelia of Portugal are devotees of weet violets , but the Empress of Rus- Ia leads the way. as she spends no less than $20CCO a year on perfumery in Paris alone. In respect of violets * bc requires that they shall be plucked Just at sunset. And when the boxes reach St. Petersburg they are first sent to be examined lest they might conceal a bomb or some dondlv poison. rr\ To Cure When you sleep , in which direction do you lay your head ? It makes much difference. Even in sleeping there is much science. Sleeplessness ' .or insomnia iuy ? be greatly relieved if not actually cured by having the body lie in the natural relation of its own .magnetism and the earth magnetism. The human body is a great living magnet , almost as ttertcately poised as a magnetic needle in the compass box. When the- compass needle is placed in an east and west direction at once the needle begins to try to get in a north and south line with its length. This is because the magnetic waves in pass ing from the north pole of the world to the south pule sweep the magnetic needle into the line of least resist ance , lengtlnviso , so the inasnelie forces of the needle and the earth may 10 in harmony. If you are sleepless , or rest poorly , look after the arrangement of your bed. Turn its head to the north. Got your body in line with the magnetic polar earth waves and have no mag netic counteraction in your nervous make-up by the earth currents running jtcross your magnetic organism. The proof of a medicine is its results. Try this north and south body line up and note results that will make you marvel if you are nervous and sleepless. Hot and Cold Baths. Cold and hot water face baths com bined are much more effective than either one alone , for it takes the ? hot bath to cleanse the skin and the cold one to invigorate anfl stimulate it. The English are devoted to the cold water bath for the whole body a well as the face , and the English men as well as the women are famous . for the beauty of their complexion. The cold bath makes the skin look clean , but it docs not cleanse it The face should be washed in hot or at least warm Smooth blue chiffon velvet is the material employed in a magnificient afternoon gown. The cut shows the clover draping on-right side , just above knee , and the yoke and stock of white Irish crochet lace are outlined with shaped collar , elaborately braided in self-lone soutache. Pointed straps on PRETTY FASHIONS FOR THE MATRON WHO DOES HER OWN HOUSEWORK. water and should be rinsed in water of the same temperature. This should always be followed by dashing cold water on the face , neck and throat until the skin tingles and glows. The only time when the face should not be rinsed in cold water is after the even ing bath , when the pores must be left open to drink in th ? skin food that has been applied. The shock of the cold water draws the blood to the sur face and makes the skin firm , smooth , and healthy looking. The glow that this treatment brings to the cheeks is nature's rouge and surpasses by far any prepared rouge that one could buy. There is a fad for soft suede leather neckties. There is a hint of revolt against the empire style. Almost every gown has a different shoulder scarf. The shawls of sixty years tigo are r.g.-iiii in good style. For pvening there is a revival of the canary-colored scarf. Satin of the palest pink is the new color for evening wear. Cotton velvets arc much used for tailor-made suits just now. Belts will match the skirts instead of the waists this season. The parasol handle of the long direc- toire fashion is considered smart. All over braided and embroidered coats are seen with perfectly plain skirts. Roses , In velvet or chiffon or tissue , are figuring largely in the new hat dec oration. The familiar white yoke has given place to the colored one of transparent lu.'itcrial. Black tunics , heavy with embroidery , are sometimes worn over gowns of white satin. ' . Blue Velvet Cown. shoulders and across front are black satin. The sleeves are made attrac tive with buttonholed scallops and small velvet-covered buttons. Cleaning ; "Windows. Chamois skin is excellent for use in cleaning windows. Hot water would spoil it. Wash the windows with the wet chamois skin. Rinse the skin and squeeze it as dry as you can. Now wipe the windows again with the damp skin and leave what moisture remains on the windows to evaporate. If the windows are washed every week the work will be lessened , for it only will bo necessary to wipe the windows once .with the dampened skin. The skin must be kept perfectly clean or the windows will bo streaked. To clean the skin after using it. lay flat on a table or sink and rub with plenty of soap and cold water. ' Good Headache Cure. One of the very best remedies for a sick or nervous headache was sug gested recently by a Finnish servant girl. She took raw potatoes without either washing or paring and cut them into thick slices. These were laid close together on the forehead and temples and kept in place by covering with a large handkerchief folded cornerwise and tied in the back. In a short time the pain disap peared. As the pieces of potato get hot replace with cold fresh ones. They give all the coolness of ice without the incidental dampness , and there is not the burning sensation ice often causes. The potato is distinctly soothing. * A Woman Editor. Mrs. Catherine B. Bell , editor of the Cannon , of Cannon City , Colo. , besides attending to her household and edito rial duties , finds time to serve as pro- nation officer in her home county , to do the work of the president of the board of county visitors , to act as spe cial agent to the county commissioners in cases of destitution , and to be the humane officer and secretary of the local humane society. _ She is a widow and the mother of three children , whom she supports and cares for as well as though she did nothing but keep house. She is a New Yorker by birth and has lived in Colorado rado less than eight years. and Sillc 3Iull. i At the places where Irish lace is sold there comes a tiny scalloped edge , and this can be used with good result on a small bit of inexpensive silk mull. The two combined make a dainty and costly looking jabot for a turnover col lar at a small price. The silk mul is plain or dotted , and sells for about 25 cents a yard. If this is made into six fine plaits , about four inches long , with a tab and a buttonhole at top , then edged with the Irish scallop , it can be worn with one's smartest blouses or sent as a gift to a critical friend. Renl Attractiveness. A magnetic personality is often more powerful than ability , and is often , very often , placed in the balance against it. It is therefore advisable to exert oneself to the utmost to culti vate that wonderful charm to the high est degree , and she who has it not is not so much to be pitied as blamed , for it is , more or less , within the reach of all. To WiwJi AVJiite Cashmere. First of all , remove hooks and eyes nnd any colored trimming. Then shave up about four ounces of curd soap , put it in a small saucepan , cover with wa ter and allow it to melt over a gentle heat. When quite dissolved take out a cupful , beat remainder up to a lath er in a gallon of hot Water. When the heat has gone off immerse the cashmere , squeeze it in and out , and knead it a little. On no account must soap be rubbed on the material. When all the dirt has been removed squeeze as much of the water out as you can without wringing , and place the article - ; cle in a bath of tepid water , to which the cupful of dissolved soap and a little blue have been added. Squeeze ( as much of the water out again as you can and hang up to dry in the open air. When nearly dry pass through the mangle and press on the wronj side with a hot iron. IVatty Mushroom Hats. Care of Water Ilas. After filling a rubber water bottit with hot water press the sides of same before you screw on the top. In so do ing all the steam conies out and there will be no danger of the bottle ripping no matter how hot the water. A Cheap Quilt. Five or six thicknesses of newspaper placed between light layers of cotton batting or diniet , and covered and tack ed in the usual way. make a warm light and cheap quilt. Brown papei may be substituted for newspaper. One Advantage of paving : a. Dec. A den is a room where father car sit in the evening without the neigh bors discovering that he has holes ij his socks. Atchison Globe . WOMAN DIES FOR OTJttER. Mrs. Mary Farmer Goes to Electric Chair and Exonerates Husband. Mrs. Mary Farmer was led to the electric chair in Auburn ( N. Y. ) prison shortly after (5 ( o'clock Monday morn ing and paid the penalty for the mur der of Mrs. Sarah Brennan at Brown- ville last April. The execution of Mrs. Fiiriner the .second infliction of the sentence by electrocution on a woman h . New York State was effected with out sensational incident. Five women , two of whom were prison attendants , were witnesses. Father Ilk-key , spir- ituul adviser of the-condemned woman , afterward gave out u statement signed by Mrs. Farmer in which she declared that her hi.sbaud. under conviction for the same crime , was innocent and knew nothing of murder until after it had been committc-.l. Mrs. Sarah Brennan. a neighbor of the Farmers in the village of Brown- ville , Jefferson County , was murdered April 23. 190S. The body of Mrs. Bren nan was found in a trunk owned by Mrs. Farmer. Mrs. Fanner and her &i * * " i > & I [ JUS HATLY O. husband were given separate trials , and although the evidence was circum stantial , both were convicted and sen tenced to death. Mrs. Brennan and her husband lived in a house which they had occupied for twenty years and which was owned by Mrs. Brennan. Mouths before the homicide , in October , 1907 , Mrs. Farmer went to a lawyer's office at Watertown , produced a deed of the Brennan property , and , imper sonating Mrs. Breunan , had the deed transferred to James D. Farmer , sign ing the name "Sarah Brennan. " The deed was returned from the clerk's office to James D. Farmer Nov. 26 , and Jan. 7 , 1908 , Mrs. Farmer and her husband went to another lawyer and had the deed drawn to Peter J. Farm er , a child born to them the preceding September. CHARGED WITH BIG FORGERY. Roy Ilorf on Arrested in Kansas City , Accused of $75OOO Srrindle. Roy Horton was arrested in Kansas City on a charge of forgery for an amount placed at $7o,000 and will be taken back to East St. Louis , 111. He is charged with perpetrating a confidence game upon the Stock Yards Company of East St. Louis. Horton had been trad ing in horses for several weeks in Kan sas City under the name of William Ry an. John L. Horton , Raj's brother , was arrested at the home of his wife's moth er in Upper Alton , III. , luarch 10 , and is now out under $12,000 bail. In 1S93 the Hortons established in East St. Louis the commission firm of Horton Brothers & Hess. A part of the firm's : business consisted in financing feeders in : Texas. In 1902 the brothers disappear ed , and it was then discovered that they had questionable paper out to an amount approaching $100,000. : UNION PACIFIC TRAIN IS BURNED Passengers Escape in Wreck and Fire Sfear Castle Rock , Utah. West-bound passenger train No. 3 on n the Union Pacific Railroad struck a rock slide about a mile west of Castle Rock , Utah , about 4:30 a. m. Wednesday and ivent into the ditch. The wreckage im- nediatoly took .fire and the baggage car , C ) aail car and five passenger coaches were iestroyed. The haggageman and fireman oii | reported missing hut all the ii ire , passen- iio jers , according to the meager reports re- o : : eived , escaped serious injury. I Itl KAN BELIEVED DEAD IS ALIVE. tl tlti ti Family of Henry Bcthers Burled tiu a Body in Council Bluffs. IE Henry Bothers , who was supposed to lave been burned to death in a car of lag shipped from Council Bluffs to Val- ey , Neb. , last month , has returned Lome St ilive and well from St. Louis , where he Stb tas been working1. A charred body was b < ound in a car of slag and from frag- nents o clothing and a pnysical deform- n ty it was identified as that of Bethery T nd buried by his family. r h _ Wonder * of Science ladies and "In this compartment * " dime museum lecturer , ucnts. said the wonderful animal of the is a fine specimen mal known as the armadillo. I calljour hard horny attention particularly to its , its shell , properly epidermis , or more which is invulnerable. The arnud Ho , when pursued by nn enemy , immediately doubles itself p into the form of a perfect inch of which fect sphere , every square is protected by its armor , in which shape , ladies and gents , it wan used by the cava progenitor of our or prehistoric man , baseball. of the game race , in playing Pass on now to the next cage , which contains the celebrated ornithorhyncus , bird and tht the the missing link between beast. " . BACKS. NEW VIGOR FOR BAD Hack Better. Kov to Make n Weak Women who suffer with backache , dizziness , constant bearing-down pain , will find hope in dull , tired feelings , the advice of Mrs. M. Working , 315 Fulton Ave. , Roch ester , Ind. , who " suffered ev- says : "I , erythiug with pain ' in'the back , too fre quent passages of the kidney secre tions , swelling of the ankles and joints and a genera * , 'feeling of weakness. I used about ev erything said to be good for kidnej trouble , but Doan's Kidney Pill ? brought me the first real help , and three boxes cured me. " Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo. NT. Y. British capitalists have applied to tha Turkish government for a concession covering the oil fields o Bagdad and Mo sul. CHILD ATE CUTICURA. Spread "Whole Box of It on Crackers Not the Least Injury Resulted Thus Proven Pure and Sweet. A New York friend of Cuticura writes : 'My three year old son and heir , after being put to bed on a trip across theAtlantic , investigated the stateroom and located a box of graham crackers and a box of Cuticura Ointment. When a search was made for the box , It was found empty and the kid admitted that he had eaten the contents of the entire box spread on the crackers. It cured him of a bad cold and I don't know what else. " No more conclusive evidence could be offered that every ingredient Cuticura Ointment is absolutely pure , sweet and harmless. If it may be safely eaten by a young child , none but the most beneficial results can be ex pected to attend its application to even the tenderest skin or youngest infant. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. , Sole Props , of Cuticura Remedies. Boston. Telephone Cure for Obesity. "Pseudo-science I" said Nikola Tesla , at a dinner of electricians , apropos of an electrical cure for old age , "To a layman , " Mr. Tesla resumed , "such a cure sounds reasonable. But to a sci entist it is as ridiculous as the tele phone cure for corpulence. You have heard of that ? No ? "Well , Herbert Ilcavey , weighing 2S5 pounds , decided to reduce electrically. He wrapped a coil of copper wire round his wrist , connected it with the telephone -apparatus , and , sure enough , began at once to grow lighter at the rate of several pounds a minute. " 'This is a grand scheme , ' chuckled Heavey , pulling out the waistband of his trousers , which was already a foot too big for his waist. "Then , suddenly , the telephone bell rang. ' "Is that Herbert Heavey ? ' a gruff voice asked. " 'Yes , ' was the reply. " 'Well , this is the exchange , ' snapped the voice. 'Will you please stop fry ing scrapple with the telephone wires ? Our office is all full of nasty fat' " A Choice of Evils. Landlady Would you advise me tc send my daughter to a cooking school or to a music school ? Boarder ( reflectively- Well , I think I'd send her to a cooking school. It may be more fatal in its results , but U Isn't anything like so noisy. SISTER'S TRICK. Bnt It All Came Out Right. How a sister played a trick that > rought rosy health to a coffee fiend is in Interesting tale : "I was a coffee fiend a tremblin- lervous , physical -wreck , yet clingin- ° o he poison that stole away my strength mocked at Postum and would hive lone of It. "One day my sister substituted a up of piping hot Postum for my morn- ng cup of coffee but did not tell me vhat it was. i noticed the richness of t and remarked that the coffee tasted ' J5Ly lister n < * tell me I for "She kept the secret and kept ae Postum instead of coffee m Tew stronger , more tireless , got a Det er color in my sallow cheeks and a learness to my eye , then she toS f the me health-giving ! , nerve rtren ng life-saver she had given me in place f my morning coffee. From that became time a disciple of Postum ana Ten days * trial shows ' 's ewer to rebuild what coffee troyed. "There's a reason Look in pkgs. for the famous ook , "The Road to