Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 08, 1909, Image 5

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    6 * SaEBBB32I5 C2T7
If your Phonograph is not
equipped with the attach
ment for playing these rec
ords bring it in and we will
attach one. The price is
§ 5 00 for the Standard and
and $7 50 for the Home.
You will then have your
Phonograph so you can play
both the old style records
and the new. Don't put it
off. You're missing a good
I thing.
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying |
by check was devised
by ail men for any
man for you. It is I
\ suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts 'system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
All kindjj of.
Shampooing a specialty.
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection
I Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
T. J. Christopher ,
"Will meet all calls phone or mail.
Verged on pedigreed block.
Valentine Nebraska ,
Daily mean temperature 33 ° .
" Normal temperature 40s.
Highest temperature CO3 on 1-3.
Lowest temperature 10s on 1st.
Range of temperature 41 ° .
Precipitation for week .27 of an inch.
Average for 21 years .36 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date inches.
Average for 21 years 1.51 of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAN , Observer.
Preparation of Seed Bed
( Concluded from page 4. )
surface after rain , or kill t <
weeds before planting. Ifc is i
splendid help in firming a seed bed
to take a four-horse team , and a
heavy roller and roll the field be
fore planting. Newly germinatec
weeds have few roots and arc
easily torn loose by harrowing ;
therefore use the harrow freely.
Prof. Bowman says that weeds.and
grass allowed to grow in corn stalk
land in the spring , before plowing
are injurious to the physical con
dition of the soil because they com
pact and harden the surfacewhich
in turn allows the rapid evapora
tion of moisture. When this
green mat is turned under later
it acts as a partition between the
furrow slice and the bottom of the
A light coating of manure from
a spreader over your corn land is
very beneficial , but refrain from
spn a-Jing green manure too thick
ly , as rotti n green manure requires
a greatdeal of moisture which must
necessarily be drawn from jthe sur
face soil , and oftsn causesthe fur
row slice to become very dry with
in a few days. * ,
In parts of Nebraska where
there is ample rainfall , we would
recommend that the check-rower
be used in planting. Some farm
ers prefer listing , claiming that it
stands the drouth better , is easier
to kill the weeds and the corn
stands up better under a high
wind. Take a little pride in try
ing to get the rows pefectly
straight , as the satisfaction you
will experience all through the
season will amply repay you for
the trouble. Use a rigid neckyoke
on your planter. . Do not fail to
know that the planter or lister is
working properly.
In fall plowing or on stubble
ground , when it is considered de
sirable to list , do not plant with
your lister but use the corn plant
er with check rower in lister fur
row. The satisfaction experienced
by after results will amply repay.
Next to corn , one of the most
valuable crops to the Nebraska
farmer , is oats. The yield of
oats for Nebraska for the year
190S was reported at an average
of 23.86 bushels per acre which
should easily be increased from
25 to 50 per cent under intelligent
methods. The oats which under
observation , have produced the
best yield in Nebraska , are Kher
son for ea'rly , and for later , Swe
dish , Select and Silver Mine.
Owing to the fact that these va
rieties are quite extensively grown ,
we think the seed more easily ob
tained than some of the varieties
We wish to announce to our friends that
we have the exclusive sale of the John Deere
Plow Go's goods in this vicinity. We now
have the largest and most complete stock ever-
shown here , including
John Deere Plows , walking sulky and gang.
Listers , walking , single and double row.
Disk Harrows , with or without tongue trucks ,
Lever Harrows , Riding and Walking Culti =
vators , Corn Planters , Hoosier End Gate
Seeders and Press Drills , Success Manure
Spreaders , Economy Pitless Scales , Sharpies
Tubular Cream Separators , Samson Wind =
mills , Fort Smith and New Moline Wagons.
The celebrated Velie Wrought Iron Buggies
and Spring Wagons.
All of this is bright , new stock. No car
ried over or out of date goods' Prices and
terms reasonable. Come and see us.
Valentine Lumber Co.
Located in buildings former-l.v occupied
by W. T. Bishop as a feed and sale barn
litttl.y introduced , which may bt
fully equal in yield. When you
have secured your seed , run i (
through your fanning mill to thor
oughly clean it of small and chaffy
grains , retaining only the plump ,
heavy seed. If you have no fan
ning mill buy or borrow one , or
load your seed up and take to an
elevator and have it cleaned there.
In the greater part of the state it
is not necessary to treat for smut ,
but if you are a resident of riorth-
'eastern Nebraska , our advice
would be that you adhere to the
following :
When your seed is cleaned , and
two or three days before you de
sire to sow , get a rain barrel , and
to forty gallons of water add one
pound of formalin , and stir it well ;
clean a place on the barn or gran
ary floor , and cover same with
oats to the depth of two inches ;
take a sprinkling can and sprinkle
with the mixture ; rake over well
so that each grain is moistened ;
add another layer of oats and re
peat the sprinkling and raking
until all your seed is treated.
Then spread out over the floor
about two inches deep , and by the
following day the oats will be suf
ficiently dry to sow through your
drill. By this method you will
get rid of 95 per cent of the smut
which costs some of our farmers
fully , ten per cent of their crop
each year.
To prepare the gronnd , get a
corn stalk cutter and cut the stalks ,
and in order to leave the surface
of your field as nearjy level as pos
sible , disc your field diagonally ,
lapping one-half or more ; then sow
with a drill from two or three
bushels per acre.
Numerous complaints having
been bent to the state board of
agriculture relative to the destruc
tion of alfalfa fields by gophers ,
and from reports of various ex
periments we are pleased to suL-
rait the following method for the
extermination of gopher colonies.
Select potatoes about the size of
English walnuts ; insert an open
ended quill about two-thirds of the
way through the potato , half fill
the cavity in the potato ( made by
the quiil ) with strychnine ; plug the
balance of the hole with potato ,
place the medicated potatoes in
basket or pail allowing them four
or five hours to saturate before
using. Take a sharp end wagon
rod and spade and these potatoes
out to the field to be treated. By
probing , with the end-gate rod
into the ground between the gopher
hills , the runways are easily lo
cated. When located carefully
uncover the runway , drop in a
couple of the potatoes , cover with
litter and soil so that the dirt does
not fill the original runway and
that no light penetrates. Treat
each colony in the same manner
and the field will be effectually
cleared of the pests.
EdSatterlee _ , the Nenzel merch
ant , was in our city today.
There is a force of men working
out of Valentine , starting the rail
road work.
For Sale Full blood Partridge
Cochin and Buff Cochin eggs. § 1
per setting of 15. Mus. JA.MES
SHEPARD , Valentine , Nebr. 13
Monthly Meteorological
Summary. -
Valentine. March , 1907.
Mean 41.C ia.7 1.14
JOHN Observen
Under fclie <
. We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
Rev. Beale and family departec
last week for Spalding.
Mrs. Olson is enjoying a visi
from her sister of Kilgore.
The " 500'3 club enjoyed a meet
ing at the home of Mrs. I. M.Ricc
last Thursday.
L K. Travis of St. Mary's Mis
sion had business in our city i
couple of days this week.
Mrs. A. N. Complon returnee
last week from a visit with her
brother , Dr. Will Donoher , at Sail
Lake City.
Geo. Borders was brought uf
here last week from Pullman and
will be given a hearing before th e
insanity board.
M. Christensen and his men.
Ed Taylor and Geo. Cutler , spent
several days at home the pasl
week , from Crawford.
Dan Handy , Milt Dunl am and
Matt Woodson were home to vote
Tuesday. They are working on
the Rosebud reservation.
Wash Honey of Wood lake call
ed on us the first of the week and
we learned that he has traded his
hall to N. J. Uck for the latter's
coal business.
Next Monday Valentine be
comes a freight division , and crews
nut of Longpine will run to Valen
tine and return , and crews will
run from here to Chadron.
The Norfolk News says that the
governor has vetoed the bill ap
propriating § 15,000 for an agri
cultural experimental station in
bhe Fourteenth senatorial district.
Mrs. S. E. Doty and two boys
ivere brought down from Cody
Tuesday , upon complaint of Har-
' .y Ware ( colored ) that they had
jet fire to J. H. Quhrley's barn.
This , Mrs. Doty denies and -says
; he was in the house with her bo.s .
vhen they discovered the barn to
> e on fire. She complains of ill
of herself and her 17
rear old daughter at the hands of
3arry Ware , who is Quigley's
oreman. The Dotys have been
iving on the Quigley ranch since
ast fall and have a claim near.
Dhe case will be heard in Justice
Jaxwell's court Saturday.
Gov. Shallenbcrger signed the
'daylight saloon bill" Tuesday ,
> roviding for the opening of sa-
eons at 7 a. m. , and closing at S
i , m. , throughout the state. The
lews was received here by dis-
> atch and-seems to be , generally ,
atisfactory to all concerned. We
iave talked with our saloon men
nd they announce that they will
heerfully comply with the meas-
re which becomes a law in ninety
ays or J/uly 6. Mr. Meltendorif
ays that much of the year a sa
wn is kept open at an expense
fter S o'clock and that it will re-
uce running expenses and that he
heerfully acquiesces.
Liquor Notice. - -
Notice is hereby given that we
ave filed with the clerk 'of the
oard of trustees of the Village of
ralentine , Nebraska , a petition ,
ccompanied by a bond duly at-
jsted , said petition praying that
re be granted a license to sell malt ,
pirituous and vinious liquors in
lock 5 , lot 22 , in said Village of
ralentine. Cherry county , Ne-
raska- , for the year ending May
> ated April 8' , 1909. j
New Hotel. Electric Lights.
Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water.
MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Nebr.
Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains ,
The high school baseball team
will play the Thacher team on the
jhome grounds next Friday after-
j noon. On Saturday afternoon the
i boys will play Britt.
For the past two weeks the hi"h
school students have been prei ar-
ing a play entitled , "The Last
Loaf , " which they expect to pre
sent to the public next week.
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
i On Good Friday at 3 p. ra. ,
| Rosary and Stations of the Cross.
On Holy Saturday at S a. m. ,
Blessing of the Paschal Candle ;
Blessing of the Baptismal and
Easter Water ; High Mass.
On Easter Sunday , April llth ,
low mass and sermon at 10 a. m.
Benediction with the blessed sac
rament after mass.
In Arabia on Sunday , April IS ,
at 10 a. m.
LEO M. BLAEUE. Rector.
Arabia Scream ings.
B. Tinkliam was on our streets
A. Benson went to Wood lake
Mr. Woche and family went to
Valentine Thursday.
Fred Ackerts of Ainsworth was
in our town last week.
J. P. Kreycik was in Woodlake
on business Saturday.
A very enjoyable evening was
spent at Wm. Teterow's Wednes
day evening.
Wm. Helland , Schalgel precinct
assessor , and wife , went to Valen
tine Tuesday.
J. T. O'Kief has been quite ill
with rheumatism the past week
but is recovering.
Jas. Kreycik was a pleasant call
er at the home of O Turnquist
Thursday evening.
- Chas. Velter has returned from
Fremont , where he had been work
ing all winter in a theatre.
Chas. Kreycik went to Valen-
Jne Friday to bring out the regis-
: ered stock purchased by his fath
er at the sale.
J. P. Kreycik , the Woodlake
precinct assessor , and wife , went
; o Valentine Tuesday , staving for
; he registered stock sales.
Bert McNamee 'has returned
From Kansas City where he had
jeen finishing a course in veteri
nary work. We hope him a prosperous
perous future. *
The home talent have postponed
iheir entertainment tillfthVSOth of
.his month. A basket social. . will
ie given after the play for the
jcnefit of the schoo.l. Everybody
Lath , Shingles , Doors ,
Windows , Paper , Pat
ent Roofing Tar Paper ,
Paints , Oil , Varnish ,
Brushes , Glass , Putty ,
Lime , Cement , Plaster ,
Brick , POSTS , Poles.
We Sell Hudson Coal
I he Loup Valley Hereford Eanch.
Brownlee.Nebr ,
Koldiei Creelr Col-
ummis 17th 1G005U ,
a son of Columbus
I7tli , a half brother
of tlie § 10.000 Cham
pion Ortle , a u ( I
.Prince Boabdel 131-
603 at head of herd.
I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves
tor j > ule.
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
Urtlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
horsca branded the.
P.ange between
Jordon on the F.K.
&M. V..B.K. and
Ilyannis on M. 11. i : in Northwestern Nebr.
IJARTl ETT K1CHAKDS. Ellsworth , A'ebr.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked _ $ L 10 § 21 00
Shorts , sacked 1 2r 2i 00
Corn , sacked 1 20 23 00
Oats , sacked 1 50 29 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 25 2 ± 00
Chop Feed , sacked 1 40 27 00
H. BAILEJ , * *
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
ISnrge , Kebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
i me up by Telephone.
Valentine - JTebr.
All \vork will be { riven prompt
and careful attention.
W Stratton
Dealer in J
General Merchandise
3or. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nehr.
Second hand phrtonj in godd
condition , for sale clnip. . Call afc
.his office. " " 6