\ v ; r T. B. See land yet , soup
' /i ' / T. Bear Nope ! Let's get off and walk this is
"Ii i
; ?
800 of the Army's Convicts Rescued
at Port Leavenworth.
The military prison at Fort Leaven-
vortli. Kan. , was partially destroyed
l > y fire at midnight Wednesday night.
The SCO prisoners all were taken from
ihe main building as soon as the fire
reached it and none was injured.
The convicts were confined in a
stockade under the guard of United
States troops. None of them , so far
iis is known , succeeded in gaining his
liberty during the transfer to the
stockade. At 2 o'clock some of the cell-
houses had cooled sulHciently to allow
lialf of the prisoners to return. The
others will be taken to the Federal
prison , two miles away , at daylight.
Two of the Federal soldiers who were
fighting the fire were injured. The
property loss on the building is esti
mated at $200,000.
The fire was first discovered at 10
o'clock in the tailor shop. It soon
spread to the shoe shop and the black
smith establishment. Lack of water
pressure prevented all hope of saving
oven the main building , and it was de-
cidetl to move the inmates. Long before
this , however , the convicts had seen the
flames and. fearing they would be
burned to death , they battered on the
bars of their cells and screamed in
As soon as several companies of sol
diers , including cavalrymen , had gotten
under arms , a strong cordon was
thrown about the prison and the deliv
ery of the prisoners began. The sick
were removed first , placed in ambu
lances , and taken to the Fort Leaven-
worth hospital under guard of cavalry.
The records were removed from the
administration building. If everything
had not been done in perfect order lives
doubtless would have been lost. As it
was. strict military discipline prevailed.
Sisr Kationnl Conference to Be Held
in Chicago April 1O.
Legislation in the interests of the
workers of the country will be the sub
ject of discussion at a conference , of
economists , educators , manufacturers and
labor leaders from all parts of the Uni
ted States , which is to be held in the
rooms of the City Club in Chicago April
10 , under the auspices of the American
Association for Labor Legislation. The
government will be represented by
Charles P. Neill , Commissioner of Labor ,
and Daniel J. Keefe , Commissioner Gen
eral of Immigration. Following the
business session a public meeting will be
held in the evening at Hull House for
the discussion of measures for the pro
tection of working men and women.
Cleveland 3Iaii Unknowingly Carries
Girl's Corpse to His Home.
For several hours Walter Johnson , Jr. ,
carried the body oi a baby girl about
Cleveland in a basket , thinking it con
tained groceries. Johnson bought gro be
ceries at several markets. He started
home , but , meeting friends on the way , by
was delayed until morning. He then
went to bed without opening the basket ,
leaving it in the center of a. dining ta est
ble. His father opened the basket to
lift out the groceries. The police believe
the body was left in a basket in one of
the markets visited by Johnson. Death
is said to iiave been due to exposure. of
81,000,000 DAM IS COMPLETED.
Structure Spanning : Colorado River
Ready for Opening- . tral
The last carload of rock has been
dumped into the apron of Laguna dam ,
and the great diversion weir is being a
f cleared of all its construction equipment ing
L / preparatory to the opening celebration.
t. / Lagiina dain extends across the Colorado
River and is located about fourteen miles
above the city of Yuma
, Ariz. It was
b'jHt by the United States reclamation road's
service st a cost of more than a million
Work on the dam was
cora- will
nr l la July , 11)05. Tiie dam is 4,770 large
Tliree Killed and Five AVonnded in
AH-NJsliT ; Fisrht at Oklahoma.
On the scene of the famous Creek In
dian uprising of last year at Hickory
Settlement , Okln. . three negroes were
killed , five wtftiuded and forty captured
in a b.-ittle between twenty deputy sher
iffs and 300 negropi ; . The fighting began
late Wednesday afternoon and continued
until 10 o'clock Thursday. Five depu
ties went from Ilenryetta to the negro
settlement to arrest cattle thieves thought
to be conceded in the house of one of
the negroes. They were met by a party
of armed negroes and fired upon. Out
numbered , the deputies fled. A few hours
later a large poss-e reached the settle
ment. Some one fired a shot and the
rioting was on. The fight continued as
a series of duels throughout the night.
The deputies renewed the attack ou the
negroes Thursday morning. About 300
shots were fired in the last encounter ,
when two 'negroes were killed and Depu
ty Sheriff Fowler injured. At the first
onslaught the negroes were dislodged
from their huts and fled. The deputies
pursued and captured forty.
t _ _ _ _ _ _
! riIceman Believes Self and Famous
Ividuaped Roy Are Identical.
William Grant Eyester of Mclvee's
Rocks , a Pittsburg suburb , formerly a
coal miner at Sluunokin , now a brakeman
on the I'ittsburg an . Lake Erie Rail
road , stated that he believes he is the
Charlie Ross kidnaped from Gerniantown ,
Pa. , thirty-five
years ago and never re
covered , lie said he learned early in
life that he was not the child of his sup
posed pji rents , and that many things
they did led him to believe that he was
Charlie Ross. He said he tallies in every
respect with the description of Charlie ,
even to moles on his body. Memories of
his early home , he said , agree with de
scriptions of the Ross home. His foster
parents , who lived at Shamokin. are dead
and he has no evidence of his identity
and is not making any effort to prove
his claim with the families in the case
because of the notoriety it would give
During the last Ten years the New
York Central has expended $285,000,000 ho
for betterments and increased facilities. by
The New York Central
is preparing an ty
educational train to run in connection
with the New York State Agricultural
The Wells-Fargo Express Company is
planning to monopolize the express busi
ness of Mexico by absorbing the National
Express Company. be
It is stated that the Lake Shore will
given a good share of the $8,000,000
worth of equipment to be contracted for
the New York Central lines.
The report some time ago . that the
Pennsylvania had acquired a half inter
in the Lake Erie and Pittsburg road ,
building from Youngstown to Lorain , has
been confirmed.
E. T. Young , former attorney general , a
appeared before the railroad committee U
the Minnesota House , and argued in The
favor of .T. N. Johnson's bill , which au
thorizes the State to regulate the issuing the
stocks and bonds by railroads.
The accounting department of fhe Cen
Electric Railway Association of Ohio , the
Indiana and Michigan held a two days'
session in Lima. Ohio. The problem of
uniform S3'stem of interrailway account ing
is being studied by thirty different
traction lines.
Rush orders have been issued to the
Chicago , Milwaukee and Puget Sound en drove
gineering department to complete the wife
' terminal in Seattle and Tacoma im out
mediately , as within two months the roads The
be running trains into Seattle. A
force has been put in service on the and
Posse Surrounds Part of Crazy
Snake's Outlaws and Kills One
A detachment of Crazy Snake's band
of belligerent Indians was surrounded
by deputy sheriffs and troops Monday
afternoon , near Crazy Snake's home , in
Oklahoma , and a lively battle followed.
More than UOO shots were fired , and
one Indian was killed. Eight Indians
were captured , and the remainder tied ,
with'the deputies and militiamen in
There were about fifteen Indians in
the band which had taken refuge in i a
house. Advancing from all sides the
posse fired a volley. The Indians rushed
out. scattered among the trees and
made a valiant defense. The posse ,
firing-all the while , steadily advanced ,
and soon routed the baud. The house
of Crazy Snake was burned during the :
Crazy Snake was said to be sur
rounded in the north Canadian river
bottoms near Pierce. Three hundred
soldiers , cowboys and deputy sheriffs ;
were closing in upon him. Crazy
Snake's band apparently has broken up
into numerous small groups , each try
ing to escape without regard for the
grand dreams of the chieftain , to real
ize which they were called together by
Sunday's signal fires. All efforts at
organized resistance to the deputies and
militia seem to have vanished.
Chief Who Assembled Globe-Glr-
gr Ships Succumbs at Home.
Rear Admiral George A. Converse , 75
years old , died at his home in" Washing
ton , D. C. , of uraemic poisoning. Although -
though placed on the retired list several
years ago , he was in active service at
the time of his death , being president of
the board of construction of the navy.
It was under him , as chief of the bureau
of navigation , that the battleship fleet of
sixteen vessels which recently circled the
globe was assembled. His widow , who
was a Miss Blood of New York , and his
two unmarried daughters , Maud and Olga ,
were with him when he died. Two other
daughters survive Mrs. Colt of Bristol ,
R. I. , and Mrs. Jackson of Baltimore ,
Md. Admiral Converse was born in Nor
wich , Vt.
Earle's "Wife Asks Separation on
Ground of Lnnaey. .
Ferdinand Pinuey Earle , artist , author ,
and playwright , was confronted the other
day on his return to Middletowu , N. Y. ,
from the West , where it was reported
had been an inmate of a sanitarium ,
Sheriff A. L. Decker of Orange Coun
, who served on him papers in an ac-
tion begun by his wife , Julia Kuttner
Earle , for the annulment of their marchf
riage. Mrs. Earle alleges that her husof
band was a lunatic previous to their
marriage and at the time he married her.
She/ask the custody of her child , that .she
allowed to resume her maiden name , ,
and that the child also be known by its
mother's familv name. *
Pittsbnrgr Police Think Bricklayer's
Son Is Playing Joke.
Lawrence Gibson , 1-i years old , of
Pittsburg , disappeared the other night
about midnight his father received
special . . . ,
delivery letter
bJ * l.AljV * V * * TV- * AI. b kv > demanding a
ransom of $15,000 for his son's return.
police were notified and after inveser
tigating the case are inclined to believe th
lad , with the aid of boy friends , is od
trying to play a joke on his father. Mr.
Gibson is a bricklayer. Mrs. Gibson ,
boy's mother , was worried , but admitted - .
mitted that the handwriting in the letter
resembles her son's. The police are try- bit
to find the boy. * r
Finds Wife Dead in AVagon. as
Theodore Mayuard , wealthy farmer ,
into Bellingham , Wash. , with his njj
, and as he a'tempted to help her
of the carriage founa she had died. jn ,
husband explained that shortly after * *
leaving home she had swayed in the seat you
he put his arm around her , keeping w
there until he reached the city.
. *
y poi\ that Bbse'd Safeth mom tenly Cti ir tot forth in3
in Jfvaniiished'deathand5insiYen ( |
Die Angel of the Lorcappeared
roiled the pond'rous sfone away
Chime upon golden chime ,
How the rapt echoes climb
At the blest EasteMime !
What say the innumerous bells
Unto the hearkening hills and listeningal
della ?
New j birth ! new birth !
Life j after death and dearth 1
Renascence upon earth !
Chime ( on harmonic chime ,
How the clear echoes climb
At the dear Easter-time !
3o ? man what message tells
The rapture of the intermingling bells ?
New birth ! new birth !
All hearts attuned to mirth ;
And Christ-love upon earth !
_ ]
The Rabbit , Like Santa. Claus , Is
Threatened by Modernism.
Now j that certain clubs and organiza
tions are trying to bring about a gen
eral vote to serve Santa Glaus with
notice to quit it looks as though the
Easter bunny would be sent hopping
after him.
There's something sad in all this at
tack upon the legends of childish days.
Even the good old prayer , "Now I lay
me , " which most of us are sentimental
enough to believe can never be im
proved < upon , is inveighed against , the
charge being that one line of it is full
of "the bugaboo of death" and the rest
jf it "too utterly childish. "
The Easter bunny seems harmless
enough , and the interest of the chil
dren is so wonderful the anxiety for
fear that some stupid grown-up may
come ] along and shut the window down
tight ! , instead of leaving the necessary
crack for the bunny to creep in
through , and the breathless rush to
Inspect the nests which have been so
mysteriously built in odd corners !
Wonderful eggs are in those nests
pink and lavender , blue and red , with
chocolate for the best of all and a gen
erous < lot of little sugar eggs , the kind
that : are speckled all over , filling in
odd corners.
Children aren't always deceived by
these legends , and the deceit isn't the
kind that does harm any more than a
of poetry does a grown-up. It's a
treat ( to the imagination , and a child's
Imagination craves its' treats as surely
S we older children do.
Leave your window "on a crack" the
night before Easter if there's a child
the house and provide yourself with
plenty of eggs to help the bunny as
helped Santa Glaus. It's the days
which some mystical personage influ
ence ! that are the bright particular
memories in later years. St. Louis
The Easter Vision.
The word Easter is almost synony
mous with happiness , but happiness of
all are those who have the Easter
vision , which is the vision of a living
Christ. Easter day is the celebration
ol the resurrection of our Lord , "who
llveth and was dead , and is alive for
evermore. " That is the old , yet ever
new , the precious Easter truth , "a
living Christ , " to give new life
through the hope of immortality.
Where is the sting of death or the
victory ] of the grave , with the expecta
tion of a perfect world beyond ?
A living Christ gives new life to all
our best relationships here with one
another. Everything we begin here
that Is worth while , we can finish
hereafter. There could be little satis
faction in a friendship which must
end with the separation of friends.
But a living Christ offers us the boon
of perfect friendship and perfect love ,
perfect because eternal and abiding ,
such as is Christ's love toward His
children. The best that is in us has
a better chance for development here
for the knowledge that death is but
an incident , after which comes life
in the sinless world beyond.
Easter is the symbol of life. To
make room for the life more abun
dant , there must be a death of the
life insufficient , a death of old de
sires , ambitions and aims which are
unworthy. Each year should bring a
fresh resurrection in our lives a
death of the old life , poor and mean ,
a resurrection to the new life , unself
ish and hallowed. We must die to
weakness to arise to strength. We
must die to selfishness to arise to
devotion. We must die to strife and
hatred to arise to peace and love. W
must die to the things which are tem
poral to arise to the things which are
eternal. To all who have the clear
Easter vision , Christ is risen indeed
in the heart , to be alive forevermore.
Pussy AVllloTvs in Place of Palms.
In England , where the palm cannot
be'procured , branches of willow with
catkins on them are used. It is a Lin
colnshire saying that unless catkins
are in bloom by the fifth Sunday in
Lent the season will be a bad one for
the farmer.
Sewinj ? on Good Friday.
The good women of Shropshire , Eng
land , devote every spare minute on Good
Friday to sewing , believing that sewing
done on that day will never come undone.