Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 08, 1909, Image 2

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* ,
L M. IUOE , - - - - Publisher
* >
Buildings Destroyed Include Stable
IJaundry , Pharmacy and Employe
Quarters Fire Department Save
Main Building.
Six hundred helpless insane persor
were in danger of death Sunday aftei
! noon when a blaze , starting from
prairie fire , destroyed several builc
ings of the state insane asylum at Foi
Sully , Okla.- The fire broke out in tli
laundry buildingshortly after the nee
meal and the inmates had been r (
turned to their quarters. The asylui
fire department was ordered out an
every effort made to conceal from th
patients of the fact that the buildin
Vvas burning. One Avoman , looking ot
of a window , however , saw the fire an
excitedly gave the alarm.
"We'll be burned to death ! " sh
IIfS screamed.
The attendants rushed among thei
charges and tried frantically to pacif
"them , but a great panic was narrowl
The fire spread from the laundry t
the pharmacy supply building an
threatened the asylum itself. Whe
4he blaze was very near them the ir
anates had yielded to the entreaties c
the attendants and kept good ordc
when the danger was the greatest. ]
'took hard work to save the ward build
Jnff. Sd effective was the work of th
„ tfire department that these wer
spared. No loss of life occurred.
A high wind made it seem for th
moment that the whole institution wa
doomed. The buildings destroyed wer
the stables , laundry , pharmacy an
< employes' quarters. The loss is esti
mated at $75,000.
Daughter of R. B. Carter IJoscs Life i
Famous Building.
Miss Virginia Carter , young daugh
ter of Reese B. Carter , was burned t
death in the fire which destroyed he
parents' home , "Yellow House , " c
Rest , near Finchester , Va , Sunday
"Mr. and Mrs. Carter were badly burn
ed in an effort to save their daughtei
"Yellow House" was more than 20
years old and was the scene of man
notable events during the revolution
ary and civil war times. Gen. Georg
"Washington stopped there on his wa
to Braddock's relief at Fort Duquesm
and during the conflict between th
states it was the home of Mrs. Rach
el Wright , whose information to Ger
Sheridan was of such value to the fed
eral army during his valley campaig
.that congress voted her a gold mods
] in appreciation of her services. Th
origin of the fire is unknown.
.Pitches Headforemost from Luii ;
Island Bridge Into Falls.
An unknown man , about 38 year
old , committed suicide at Xiagar ;
Falls by jumping into the river fron
Ivuna island in'sight of a score of per
sons , who saw him swept over th
falls. He stood on the railing of th
' bridge for a second or two peerin ;
idown into the water and then dev
in head foremost. He was describe !
as a handsome man weighing abou
ISO pounds with black hair and mus
tache. The authorities hope to estab
lish his identity by means of a child'
ring found in one of tfie pockets of hi
overcoat which he left jon the bridge
Luna falls is the smallest of the cat
aracts , but it has never given up it
. Burned Area , a. Mile and a Half Lonj
and Half Male Wide.
To a party of small boys and a care
Jessly thrown cigarette is credited th' '
lire at Fort Worth , Tex. , Sunday.
Destroyed property in South For
Worth valued at $2,000,000 ; cause <
the death of J. J. Newton , a bank em
-ploye ; caused the serious injury of si :
others ; rendered 300 families home
Jess , "and caused temporary idlenes
to several hundred workmen.
The burned area is approximately ;
mile and a half in length and a hal
mile wide. The largest individual los :
-was suffered by the Texas and Pacific
( railroad , officials of the road placinj
the damage at $160,000.
Sioux City Live Stock 3Iarlcet.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioin
City live stock market follow : Toj
Jbeeves , $6.50. Top hogs , $6.95.
Kills Wife and Himself.
A dispute over family affairs at thei ]
home in New Haven , Conn. , had its
ending in a homicide , Franciscc
JGrangiande cutting his wife's throat
and then shooting himself. He died t
| few hours later. There is a large fam
ily of children.
Two Vessels for Italy.
A bill was introduced in the Italiat
-chamber of deputies providing for thi
speedy construction of two 20,000-tor
( battleships.
/ I _ _ _ _ _ _
Perjury Is Admitted in Wisconsin Ii
quiry Friday.
Chief State Game Warden Janv
tV. Stone , of Wisconsin , testifying b
! c/re the senatorial primary investiga
ration committee Friday confessed
perjury in that his testimony whe
he appeared before the committ <
: hree weeks ago in his explanation i
; o the distribution of $2,500 of tl
Stephenson campaign fund was fals
In addition to this , Mr. Stone ii
formed the committee that the gan
vardens raised a sum of $1,200 , whic
was given to Gov. James O. Davidsc
'or his campaign fund. The witne !
presented a list showing how he di :
posed of something over $2,000 , whic
ivas materialy different from the Ii
which he offered when he first a ]
peared before the committee.
The $1,200 campaign fund presente
to Gov. Davidson , Mr. Stone declarei
was delivered in three installment
Stone testfied that when he delivere
the first $500 in an envelope the goi
ernor asked him what it was , and wi
less remarked , "Ask no questions an
I'll tell you no lies. " The governor , a <
Herding to the witness , obeyed order
As far as Mr. Stone knew , Go
Davidson never solicited a campaig
P. J. Koehlen , organizer for S. 1
Cook , republican candidate , told (
Jistributing between $8,000 and $9,00
In Milwaukee and other counties , an
testified that two of Cook's men wei
sought away with $450 of Stephenso
Tioney. Koehler also told of one Ber
lamin Steinel , of Milwaukee , a dem <
iratic candidate for the assembly , ol
fering his services and proposing
fteeting for the support of a demc
jratic club in Milwaukee for $300 , bi
.hat the proposition was turned dowi
Gov. J. O. Davidson explained th
51,200 incident testified to by Gam
CVarden J. W. Stone , saying that h
iad never been able to get an explana
; ion from Mr. Stone , and that th
noney is still in the bank at M.
stone's orders.
Director Decides Not to Attempt t
Give Gcorgeous Production.
The opera "Salome" which the Mar
lattan Grand Opera company intend
id to present at the Boston theate
icxt Thursday will not be given be
: ause of protests from the clergy an
nany of the leading citizens.
The clergy objected to the opera o
noral grounds and many of them con
ider that a presentation of "Salome
lext Thursday would be a profanatio
> f holy week.
Mayor Hubbard notified the lessee
if the Boston theater , Frohman i
Harris , Friday that if the Manhatta
ibinpany- persisted in its intention o
reducing' "Salome" he would invok
uch power as he possessed to stop th
> resentation. Gov. Draper informei
he representatives of the compan ;
hat he had no authority to stop th
( reduction , but he hoped they wouli
lot present it.
Asks /for Rctorcmcnt.
Brig. Gen. John B. Kerr , command
int at Fort Riley , Kan. , announce !
Friday that he had asked the war"de
lartment for retirement. He expect
o be relieved of the dehrdluETAOK
o be relieved April 15 while in com
tiand of the department of the Mis
ouri at Omaha during Gen. Morton'
Noted Irishmen Meet.
Friday night more than 300 promi
.ent New York Irishmen , under th
.uspices of the Ancient Order of Hi
ernians , tendered a complimentar ;
anquet to Matthew Cummings , .na
lonal president of the order.
Black Hand IJcndcr Taken.
Vincenzo Geraci , who is said by tin
olice to be the leader of the Chicag <
Hack Hand society , was arrested ii
liat city Friday in the office of Dr
'eter Cuterar , from whom the Italiai
ad demanded $3,000 on pain of death
Two Deeds Arc Recorded.
Mrs. Lilly Bonnet Baldwin , widov
f E.J. . Baldwin had a deed recorded
'riday conveying all her interest ii
lie Baldwin estate to her late hus-
and's two daughters.
liree Ohio Men Arrested for Mur
der Eight Years Ago.
Barney Devine , Leonard Stevens
nd 'Matthew Taylor , indicted eighl
ears ago for the murder ol Clarence
7arrick , 15 years old , at Somerton
. , have been arrested at Zanesville
The murder was very brutal. A1
ight burglars entered the home ol
Irs. Warrick , an aged widov , * , and
) rtured the boy to force him to re-
sal where the family money was hid-
3n. The boy refused The burglars
icn shot and killed him , throwing
is body into the bed where his grand-
tether lay.
An Inheritance Tax Record.
All records in West Virginia for the
mount of inheritance tax paid were
roken Thursday when the estate of
to late former United States Senator
Jhnson , of Camden , paid $42,500.
Rail Hearing Ordered.
The railroad commissioners of Mis-
iuri have ordered a hearing of all the
tilroads of the state at Kansas City
pril 22 on the question of the pro-
jsed reduction of freight rates on
1 classes of commodities.
Jacldcs Have Scarlet Fever.
An epidemic of scarlet fever has
oken out among the crew of the
ittleship Missouri , now at Charleston
ivy yard.
Finding of Bodies of an Aged Coup
Mystifies the Police.
In the finding of the bodies of Luc
wig Krueger , aged 66 , and his wif
aged 63 , buried in the cellar of the
home near Toledo , O. , which was di
stroyed by fire Thursday the police <
that city are confronted by a puzzlir
murder mystery.
The Krueger residence was dlscove :
ed ablaze and there was no trace <
the aged couple. When the ashes ha
cooled a search of the debris wt
made , but there was no evidence of th
couple having been burned to death.
Later two boys were digging in th
cellar and noticed that the brick floe
had been tampered with. One <
them raised a brick and the face <
the dead woman was revealed. , Moi
of the floor was taken up and th
body of Mr. Krueger was found > burie
with his head at the feet of his wif
Both had been stabbed to death , pre
sumably with a butcher knife. It
aot known just when the murder O (
lurred as the Kruegers were last see
ilive on Tuesday evening by M. Sobc
loski , a tailor , who last Saturday pai
Mr. Krueger $2,000 as part paymer
for the purchase of the farm.
It is believed that robbery was th
motive , and that the slayer afte
Durying the bodies and replacing th
brick flooring in the cellar , set th
louse on fire to cover up the murde :
Vessel Docks in Texas Withot
Owner Griffith.
The schooner Vought , measuring 4
: ons net and having as a cargo a
ronbound box said to contain $5,60
n Peruvian silver , and five trunk ;
zontents unknown , were offered t
Collector Lee , Thursday , at Galvesto
Uexas , to keep safely until their owne
S. O. Griffith , formerly of Missour
s released from a Honduran jail. Th
strange and unprecedented presenta
ion of responsibility was accompanie
) y letters explaining the owner's pre
licament in Honduras and containin
Irafts on New Orleans banks for sui
icient money to pay off the crew , th
) ilot and quarantine fees and main
ain the vessel at Galveston. The let
ers were presented by Capt. Jame
Decker , who brought the vessel fror
fruxilo , Honduras.
According to 'the statement of Deck
> r , Griffith had been engaged in th
general merchandise business at Bel
atti , Honduras , with a Miss Beau
shamp , formerly of Jacksonville , Fla
ind last winter went to New York
vhere he purchased the Carolin
bought , the schooner , sailing in bal
ast for Honduras. Early in March th
tore building and living rooms a
Selfatti owned by Griffith and Mis
3eauchamp were burned and the twi
\ere arrested charged with arson , al
hough the building was npt insured
Bearing that his money and valuable
I'ould be confiscated , the letters as
ert , Griffith hastily had them takei
.board the Vought with instruction
o proceed to Galveston.
tToung Downs , of Baltimore. Said t <
Have Stolen $100,000.
William F. Downs , the young clerl
n the office of the city register a
Jaltimore , O. , has been placed unde :
50,000 bail for a hearing on a chargt
f embezzlement of funds belonginj
o the city. State Attorney Owen :
tated the amount taken from the citj
irobably would amount to $100,00
Jity Solicitor Poe stated that in al
00 charges of larceny will be per
Brred against Downs.
Downs is 26 years old. He has beei
[ ving in style beyond the means o
. $900 a year clerk , which he wa ;
ntil recently , when he was promotec
o a $1,400 clerkship , much agains
is will. The alleged peculations ap.
ear to trace back to July 1 , 1907.
Crew Biovm Into the Air.
The French tank bark , Jules Henry
i the oil trade between Philadelphic
nd Cette blew up Thursday morning
nd was practically totally wrecked
' \velve men of her crew were killed
nd many others were wounded.
$5,000,000 for Humanity.
Commander Eva Booth , of the Sal-
ation army , announced Friday thai
campaign was to be launched Aprl
0 for raising $5,000,000 for founding
"world university of humanity" foi
10 training of workers for the army'/
jcial service operations.
Wright Wants to Sec King.
Ambassador Griscom has asked
ling Victor Emmanual to grant an
udience to Wilbur Wright , American
eroplanist , and Hart O. Berg , his
usiness manager.
May Quit the Philippines.
It is reported that Gov. Gen. Smith
C the Philippines will resign his exe-
ative position and sail for San Fran-
sco about May 15.
(500 Men Resume Work.
Six hundred men returned to work
i the M. K. &T. shops at Sedalia , Mo.
hursday after a shutdown since
: arch 15.
Ban on Race Tips.
Senator Agnew's bill designed to
revent the publication of racing tips
id betting odds in newspapers was
.vorably reported Wednesday by the
ew York senate committee.
Pouren Is Discharged.
January Pouren , the Russian refu
se held in New York , whose extradi-
an has been sought by the Russian
> vernment lias been discharged-
TATE I * * *
Refuses to Concur in House Amenc
ments to State Occupation Tax.
King of Polk presented a report i
a conference committee to the sena
Thursday recommending that tl
house recede from an amendment ii
creasing the proposed occupation ii
upon corporations. The committi
report leaves the bill as it passed tl
senate with the exception of min <
changes. King believed the increa ;
in the proposed tax was too high ar
he asked that it be reduced to tl
point fixed by the senate. His motic
to concur in the joint committee repo
was adopted. The house provided f <
a tax of one-twentieth of one p <
cent of the capital stock. This ii
creased the annual tax of a compar
having a capital stock of $2,000,0 (
from $200 to $1,000 , and the tax upc
other companies proportionately ,
the bill becomes a law as it passed tl
senate it will bring in an annual h
come of $300,000 to the state.
The committee of the whole , rei
ommended the following bills f <
passage Thursday , most of them witl
out consideration :
By Humphrey Appropriating $2
000 annually for the Nebraska Coi
Improvers' association.
By Chase To authorize the sta
board of education to establish a sta
normal school in the Sixth congre :
sional district.
By Young Appropriating $18,0 (
for improvements at the asylum :
By Noyes To permit seining in tl
Platte river by permit , open season c
squirrels and a reduction in the lengl
of the open season on chickens.
By Taylor Damages for vacatic
or opening oC roads to be paid out <
the county general fund instead of 01
of township road fund.
By Bates Making the governor
member of the state printing boai
and authorizing him to appoint a se <
By Baker To require town mee
ings to be held the first Tuesday i
By Connolly Providing that a hu :
band charged with wife desertion ma
give bond for the support of wife an
Requiring a grand jury to be calle
the first day of the first term of coui
in each county. .
By Brown The governor to be stal
fire warden with power to appoint or
chief deputy and two other deputie
the chief to get $2,000 a year and th
others $1,500 , the salaries to be pai
by a tax imposed upon insurance con :
By Smith To permit the sale c
catfish , suckers , gar , buffalo , carp an
By Hospodsky To change the nam
of the institute for deaf and dumb t
the Nebraska school for the deaf.
By Nettlcton. To require the attoi
ney general to give written opinions t
either branch of the legislature or t
state officers.
Wayne Normal.
By a vote of 17 to 16 the senat
passed the Pilger bill appropriatin
$90,000 for the purchase of the Ne
biaska normal college , located a
Wayne. The finance committee ha
recommended the indefinite postpone
ment of the bill , but on motion o
Wiltse the senate turned down the rec
ommemlatioii and ordered the bill t
third reading. Other bills passei
ivere :
By Griffin Requiring county board
to furnish supplies for county survey
srs.By McVicker Providing that towi
boards shall consist of the clerk , as
sessor and justice of the peace receiv
ng the highest vote.
By West Allowing railroad compa
lies to grant free passes to member
jf families of employes who die ii
; ho service.
Passed by the House.
The following bills were read a thin
ime and passed by the Thurs
lay :
By Eastman Senate amendment
> end issue at gcnei'al election.
By Sink Senate amendments to the <
o bill that allows villages to vote or
lotel bill that regulates fire escapes.
By Ollis Providing a blanket ballo
it primary elections and rotation o :
he names on said ballot.
By Howell Forbidding overheat
nsurance and forcing insurance to b (
aken out through a state agent.
By Donohoe Xon-partisan judi-
: iary and educational ticket as side is-
ue to regular ballot at general elec-
ion.By Randall Sanitation for baker-
es , etc. , under the control of the state
oed commissioner.
By Randall Ordering transfer fa-
ilities wherever railroads cross each
By Pilger Senate amendments to
orrect title to bill authorizing the
iurchase of the Wayne normal at a
est of $90,000.
By Raymond Allowing refunding
f irrigation district bonds. Passed
, rith emergency.
By Raymond on the control of
torage reservoirs in irrigation ditches.
By Raymond Providing for reports
r irrigation districts to the state
card of irrigation.
By Laverty Providing that no
ounty could be sued for more than
300 as its share of the cost in any
ridge on the county Hue where the
ounty does not wish such bridge built ,
'as killed on final vote , 46 voting
gainst it and 21 for it.
To Survey Drainage District.
W. J. McEathron , a government en-
ineer met the directors of the Elk-
orn Valley Drainage district in Fre-
lent for a conference relative to the
ig river valley drainage scheme. The
jntract for the engineering work was
t to the Towle Engineering company
f Omaha.
Dahlmn Renominated.
-Again James Dahlman , known as the
: owboy mayor , " will lead the demo-
ara of Omaha in the municipal cam-
Grand Island 3Ian Accused of Grav
John Ruff , whose real name is sal
to be Englehart , is under arrest a
Grand Island , charged , informally s
far , with a serious offense against th
14-year-old daughter of a famil
which rents one of his houses in th
outskirts of the city. He is confine
in the jail and a warrant , it is expect
ed , will be sworn out against him in
few days. The story of his heinou
offense first came to the deputy sheril
through a prisoner in the jail. Th
deputy sheriff communicated the sam
to the county attorney who sent fo
the girl and after a thorough question
ing the girl admitted that the charg
\as not Avithout foundation. He
mother was then sent for and her 12
year-old sister and corroborative evi
dence was secured.
Iowa Man Puts Bandit .Out with
Punch at Norfolk.
A bold but unsuccessful attemp
was made about 2 o'clock Tuesda
morning to hold up Charles A. Smith
of Sutherland , la. As'Mr. Smith wa
on his way to the depot at Norfoll
to take the train to Dallas , S. D. , tw
masked men jumped out of an alley ii
front of him with the command
" " their remark
"Hands up ! emphasizing
mark by sticking a gun in his face
which Smith said looked as big as ;
stovepipe. Instead of following th
command he struck the nearest rob
ber a heavy blow on the jaw , knock
ing him down and out. The other rob
ber fired a wild shot and took to hi
heels. After a short chase Smith re
turned to the fallen man and gave hin
a terrible pounding and sent him 01
his way with some advice as to hold
ing up people.
Mr. Smith would not report the mat
ter to the police , saying he could no
take time to prosecute the case , evei
if he could identify the robbers. He i
of the opinion it was two men win
saw him display some bills in Siou :
City and followed him to this place.
Appropriation of $60,000 Knocked Oti
by Nebraska. Senate.
No wolf bounties this year , declaret
the state senate Tuesday afternoon
The appropriation of $60,000 wa
knocked out of the general claims bill
The bill introduced by Senator Bar
tos to regulate insurance profits wa :
defaeted in the senate.
A big fight is on in the legislatui-t
over the Donohoe bill , which give ;
the railway commission jurisdictioi
over the public utilities of the state
Omaha senators are fighting the bill.
It was voted Tuesday to pass th <
bill allowing telephones in depots.
The house Tuesday evening passec
what is known as the Bryan school o :
citizenship bill , originating in the sen
ite , and it now goes to the governor foi
approval. The bill was drafted by W
J Bryan , and it empowers the regents
of the state university to establish
chair for instruction on the duties ol
citizenship and good government. The
bill passed by a vote of 51 to 41 aftei
four calls of the house had been made
Body of Randolph Man is Found
Bleeding Beside Track.
Sunday forenoon the wounded and
jleeding body of Thomas Casey , aged
J7 yeai-s , was found lying beside the
Burlington track a short distance west
jf the ne\v town of Wareham. A pass-
ng freight was flagged and the man
> ut on board for his home in Ran-
lolph. As he was being put on the
; ars he died. lie was undoubtedly
itruck by the evening passenger train
Saturday night , and was exposed all
light to the freezing weather and suf-
'ering from his injuries.
niree of Them Given Aggregate of
Nearly $150.
Jurlge Palmer had before him Tues-
lay at Clay Center a bunch of Button
aloonkeepers , charged with selling
iquors to minors. After the cases
lad progress so far as the taking of
estimony , all parties pleaded guilty
m one count each ; the-other counts
icing dismissed and fine assessed at
25 and costs'in each case.
'audeville Artist Chews His Way Out
of Court.
Wilber Warner , a broken down
audeville perfo rmcr , literally chewed
is way to freedom at Lincoln Friday ,
n police court Warner gave an ex-
ibition by chewing several electric
ght bulbs and swallowed glass , also
sveral tacks. Judge Risser promptly
uashed the vagrancy charge against
New Park at Wahoo. citizens of Wahoo , at their mass
iceting called for the purpose of per-
jcting a permanent organization for
city park , appointed a committee to
> ok up a site which would be favor-
ble for such a venture.
Ranchman's Ser : Killed.
The 13-year-old son of Ed Ralya , a
inchman near Simeon , accidentally
lot himself in the chest while hunting
ucks , and died about an hour later.
Horse Thieves Bound Over.
The two horse thieves who tried to
eal the big bunch of horses from
2ar Merriman a. couple of weeks ago
xd their preliminary hearing before
idge Quigley at Valentine and were
jund over to the district court.
To Buy the Wayne Normal School.
The senate Tuesday morning voted
appropriate $90,000 for the pur-
iase of the Wayne Normal school ,
urmal proposals from Crawford and
insworth were voted' down.
Vccepts Terms Arranged by Powers
and Bows the Knee to
Sons Exchange
King Peter.Has .
Names to Keep a George
Head of House.
The formula agreed upon by the
of Europe and Austria-Hungary
the dispute
for tbe settlement of
ami Servia
' monarchy
tween' tlw dual
was accepted by tbe Servian govern
ment Tuesday. The formula was pre- . -
office by tbe l-rit-
seated at the foreign
and Italian
. Russian
Ish , French , German.
ian ministers , and Servia on YYednes-
ambassador at A icn-
Jny , through her
na , delivered to the Austrian govern
ment a note to the following effect :
1. Servia declares that her rights
have not been violated by the annexation
Bosnia and
tion i > y Austria-Hungary
Herzegovina and accepts the powers
lecision to annul paragraph 23 of the
treaty of Berlin.
" 2. Servia will not protest against
the annexation of Bosnia and Herze-
" 3. Servia will maintain peaceful
relations with Austria-Hungary.
" 4. Servia will return her military
forces to normal conditions by dis
charging the reservists and volunteers ,
ind she will not permit the formation
jf irregular troops or bands. "
This note has been prepared at the
mugestion of the powers and will be
sent with the object of terminating all
nisunderstandings between Austria-
aungary and Servia. First , however ,
it , together with the former note to
Instria , will be submitted to the na
tional assembly for approval.
King Peter has issued a ukase chang
ing the names of his sons. The step
s taken to provide the name of George
is the head of the house of Kara-
jeorgovitch. The former crown prin&fcfe
3eorge , who has renounced his rights L
: o the throne , will henceforth be known N
is Alexander , while Alexander , S-
Seorge's younger brother , who has been
recognized as crown prince , will be
mown as George. George , the new ;
: rown prince , has been made a lieuten-
int in the army. The local press is
roicing the demand that he be sent to
European colleges to complete his edu
cation. t
3reek Chieftain , Badly Wounded , in
Hands of Militia.
A dispatch from Ilenryetta , Okla. ,
eported that Crazy Snake , the outlavr
Dreek chieftain , had been captured
) adly wounded , in tbe ConcharJ
nouutains , southwest of Henryetta , by
: he militia under Col. Hoffman. A
ater bulletin from Muskogee states
; bat Crazy Snake , the leader of the
) and of Indian and negro outlaws , has
> een taken into custody , and is being
leld at Thompson , a few miles from
Tbe old Indian is said to'bare sur-
endered without a light and is badly
vounded , suffering from a gunshot
vound in the bip sustained in an en-
: ounter with an officers' posse. It Is
laid official statements as to Crazy
snake's capture are being withheld be-
jause of tbe intense feeling prevalent.
Che Indian will be taken to tbe Fed-
sral prison at Muskogee.
Great excitement prevails among the
Seminole freedraen in tbe vicinity of
loldenville because of tbe arrest of one
> f their number , Frank Coker , cburged
vitb killing Marshal Baum and Deputy
) dom during tbe fight at Crazy Snake's
louse Saturday. Reports reached Okla-
loma City that tbe Seminoles are ' \rm.-
ng to join Crazy Snake's band. Negro
igitators worked among the Indians
hroughout tbe evening in an
ucite them to an uprising.
It is charged that efforts are being
mule to belittle the Indian trouble on
iccotint of the
supposed unpleasant no-
oriety to the State. For this reason
t is bard to get at the real facts re-
; arding the number of dead and in
ured since fighting began Thursday.
L dispatch from Ilenryetta said mili-
ary officers had reported unofficially
bit three negroes and Indians bad
ieen killed since Thursday. A promi-
icnt citizen of
declares em-
ilmtically that the bodies of nearly
hirty negroes bad been found near the
ceuc of tbe
original disturbance nea3
: razy Snake's
.labilities f $ i-i 4i40
l y ev. % V. aicMaii.
Rev. William Me.Iahon.
pastor of St.
> ndgets Roman CatholicChurch. . Cleve-
ancl , and editor of th- Catholic Universe ,
.led . a voluntary petition in bankruptcy
n the Lmted
Stat s Court tuprp Wed-
.csday. la the petition his
total liabili-
ies are stateu to he * l.r , ! ;
? ? r tin * ? -----tf , of
< 1 , . > 00 is real t. < ; rute. The
mount . to ? 04ii. 2r.i : : -i- . . . , v i. etl ! [ Ci
- -
o--i > n , . n-i T
011,20.01. pud commercial
IS 1-ather McMahoa wa a Lec
he Fidelity Fnnrfin- Com , any of
-ork. founded by P. j. Klfna and wW
ow is in the hands
of rlvcru. . Thus-
: came about tint his , . ,
nan was snet ]
a many of the papers is- by thcorn -
any , and for which he i:3v is held liable