Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 01, 1909, Image 8

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    only in
Moisture Proof :
. Packages > : f
No woman
ever once oougnt
tnen willingly
nt any otner
o soaa cracKers.
uscuit can oe tne
N ationa Biscuit unless it is
Talk of the Town.
Shinefine , a strange , new dis-
'covery is soon coming to town. 8
Second hand phaeton , in good
condition , for sale cheap. Call at
this office. , 6
George W. Kellar was in town
last Friday on business at the land
office and paying taxes.
Mrs. Etter and son Arthur of
Xorden were in town last week
visiting Owen Etter and wife.
Everybody gets enthusiastic
about Shinefine. Can't help it.
You will too. Shinefine is coming
soon. 8
The Ladies Guild of St. John's
church will hold one of their food
sales just before Easter. Further
particulars later.
Call at THE DEMOCRAT office
and see our nice line of commence
ment card samples. The designs
are beautiful and prices are reas
Geo. N. Davis , who lives on the
Rake ranch down the river , was
in town last Saturday and called
at this office to subscribe for THE
DEMOCRAT. ii i i
. James , Charles W. and L. N.
Hudson , three good Missouri dem
ocrats , were transacting business
in our city last Friday and stop
ped over night in town. We ordered - i
ered subscriptions for them for
* the St. Louis Republic , the World-
Hearld and the Commoner. .
Long ago the Scotch learned this.
The sturdy old Scotchman must be
amused at the recent "discoveries" that
oatmeal is the best food in the world.
Our scientific men have been making
experiments which * prove that Ameri
cans eat too much fat and grease and
not enough cereals.
The Scotchmen say : "Look at our
nation as proof. The sturdiest nation
on earth. " Still we have one good point
to make. We make better oatmeal than
the Scotch.
They buy. * Quaker Oats and consider
it the .leader of all oatmeals to be had ]
'anywhere. If you are convenient to
"the store yo'ti'l ! probably buy thb
regular size package. For those who
live ia the country the large size family
- package is more satisfactory. Follow
.the example of the Scotch ; eat a Quaker
Gats "breakfast every day.
Dr. Meehan , osteopath , at the
Donoher hotel , Monday , Wednes
day and Friday each week. 52
There were a lot of people in
town Friday from the central part
of the county , interested in a con
test case of Charles Webster vs
Geo. Ladely. A number of wit
nesses were present , among whom
we met Chas. .Kirne and Teeters
brothers. We were not acquaint
ed with the other parties.
T. L. Evans called at our office
last Thursday to subscribe for
THE DEMOCRAT. He is an old set
tler of this part of the country ,
coming to Keya Paha county 23
years ago and lived near Norden
until three years ago when he
bought the Wm. Hughes farm in
this county southeast of Sparks.
Mr. Evans brought up a load of
wheat and took home lumber and
building material.
Next week , beginning Monday ,
April 5 , being Holy Week , there
will be devotional services on
Monday , Tuesday and Wednes
day in St. John's Episcopal church
at1:15 : a. m. On Maundy Thurs
day at S a. m. , there will beacelef
bration of the Holy Eucharist.
Good Friday , services from 11 a.
m. until 3 p. m. During the hour
from 11 to 12 there will be Matins ,
Litany , Pro-Anaphora and The
Reproachesvfrom ; 12 to. 3 devot
ional services and addresses in
commemoration of the Three
Hours' Agony of our Blessed
Lorc-1. Easter program next week.
( li-orge Stover , a piqneer of the
\Vest , called on us last Thursday
while in our city. He came to
the Black Hills in ' 73 and has been
up and down the hills ever since.
Twenty some years ago he started
? he Livingston Tribune , a demo
cratic weekly paper , at Livings
ton , Mont. , and a iVw years later
sold it and moved down to Ne
braska near Merriman. Mr.
Stover drew a claim in the recent
Tripp county drawing and is mak
ing preparations to move over and
file when his time comes , which
is about the first of May , his num-
bpr being something over 3,000 ,
but lie will get down a thousand
! ov/er on account of some persons
being ineligble and others failing
10 appear. Mr. Stover's son-in-
law , John Swallow , of Merriman
aocom-panied Mr.Stover * " '
Rotten Egg Two School
Eushville , Neb. , March 27.
Owing to some stories that have
been afloat here some boys rotten-
egged two women school teachers
of this place last night. The citi
zens are very indignant over the
occurrance. One of the teachers
has sent her resignation to the
school board. World-Herald.
Accidently Shoots Himself
On March 21 , 1909 , Elver E.
Kalya , aged 13 years , son of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward G. Ralya , ac-
cidently shot himself at the Rake
ranch , about 30 miles south of
Valentine : He had just returned
from a duck hunt.on the lake near
the house at about six o'clock p3
m. , and after getting out of . , the
boat reached for his shot gun
which was still in the boat , pulling
it toward him , holding the end of
the barrel. In some way the ham
mer caught and the gun was dis
charged , inflicting a fatal wound
in his right breast from the effects
of which he died two hours later.
The report of the gun attracted
the attention of the family at tha
house who observed him sinking
to the ground and resting in a sit
ting position. They rushed down
to .where he was , found him un
conscious and carried him to the
house where he shortly rallied and
regained consciousness for a short
time , called the members of the
family to the beside and kissed
the'm goodbye. Observing their
grief the brave little man told
them not to cry , that he felt he
was going to get better but wished
the doctor would hurry up and
come to stop the bleeding. The
doctor had been summoned by
phone but arrived too late to be of
any assistance.
He leaves a loving father and
mother , a brother , Earl , and two
sisters , Miss Echo and Miss Etlv1 ,
who was at Kennedy teaching
The funeral services where held
at the Rake ranch , conducted by
Rev. A. F. Cumbow , and attended
by the relatives and many frienJs
and neighbors , from whence the
remains were taken to Valentine
for burial , accompanied by rela
tives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralya have the
henrfefclb eiympattny o-f a host of
friends and neighbors in this their
bereavement , COMMUNICATED.
Compare our Blue Tag prices
with your catalogue prices.
9 2 Red Front Merc. Co.
Death of Mrs. Henry
The demise of Mrs. Henry
Murphy , who died at her home in
Banner , Nebr. , March 10 , has left
a void in many a heart that time
alone can fill.
Mrs. Murphy's maiden name
was Mary O'Leary and she was
born at Bantry , County Cork , Ire
land , March 12 , 1838. She came
to America in 1817 , and was mar
ried to Henry Murphy at Mon
treal , Canada , August 26 , 1862.
There were nine children born of
this union , seven sons and two
daughters , of whom four sons are
dead. The Murphys came to Ne
braska in 1885 and have resided
here ever since. Mrs. Murphy ,
who has not enjoyed good health
for five years , died rather sudden
ly , after but five days' illness , of
pnuemonia , on March 10. She
was 70 years and 11 months old ,
and her remains were laid to res't
in the Catholic churchyard at
Broken Bow. World-Herald.
Arabia Scream ings.
( Received too late for publication last week.
Look out , Johnnie Brindia.
Sickness is quite a commpn thin
in the neighborhood nowadays.
One of Arabia's policemen has
struck for higher wages. Do yoi
know where we can get another ?
James Kreycik is batching on
the I. N. Query place and feeding
cattle. 'Tis high time he's getting
a partner.
Mr. McNare returned home Fri
day from Lincoln where he hac
been purchasing some thorough
bred stock.
I. N. Query took a bunch ol
Mr , Benson's catjle to Ed Tryon'j
which he is going to feeckthere foi
about three weeks.
A Bunn is very ill from a seven
case of pneumonia but we hope h :
will recover soon with the aid ol
Joe Kreycik , jr. , and Miss Corbin.
Geo. Dew , the Cherry county
cattle inspector , was in this vicin
ity the past week. The phone \m \ °
was kept quite busy while he was
Jess Mitchell , from near Nord-
en , was a visitor at Joe Kreycik's
a couple of days last week and
transacted business with Mr. Kirk
while down.
Arabia's home talent is getting
ready to give an entertainment ia
the near future , but have fixed no
date as yet. They had their first
rehearsal last Saturday evening
which came off very nicely fox
those who were there.
The concert given by the Wood
Lake cornet band at Wooklake o i
St. Patrick's Day was well attend
ed although the roads were quito
bad. The band appreciated the
good work done by some of thd
Woodlake business men in aiding
them to get up a large crowd.
( Later Correspondence. )
A. Bunn is recovering.
Amos Denaeyer is back again
we hear.
John Heelan was seen on our
streets Friday.
Miss Jennie Bennett , our teach
er , went to Valentine Saturday.
Mrs. M. J. Jordan has been ill
with the gripp but is recovering.
Geo. Hull and Wm Gulick
were at Joe Kreycik's Saturday.
J. E. Kreycik was a pleasant
visitor at J. C. McNare's Sunday.
Mrs. Chas. Yingst was a pleas
ant caller at J. P. Kreycik's last ;
J. P. Kreycik was out south
buying more hay the fore part of
the week.
Mesdames Wm. Heelan and J.
P. Kreycik were plsasant visitors
at our school Tuesday week.
Bernard Denaeyer has returned
from Rich Hill , Mo. , where he
saw his parents safely located.
Bernard Denaeyer and family
went up on the Schlagel Sunday ,
visiting their son-in-law Henrj
Six of our boys went to Ains-
worth Wednesday to attend the
M. W. A. lodge. Three of the
boys were initiated that evening.
There was quite a crowd in our
city after the sale held at Ed JohE-
son's last Tuesday week , whici
kept the clerks of the department
store quite busy for awhile.
Arabia's home talent had their
second rehearsal Friday evening * ,
svhich came off better than the
arst , owing to a better attendance.
They intend to give the entertain
ment in about three weeks.
Uc and to secure a good one one that will do our product
justice we are going to give $25.00 to the person whose suggestion
is decided by a committee consisting of Mayor Gallagher ; D. H.
Cronin , editor Frontier ; and Geo. A. Miles , editor Independent , to be
most suitable , and which we will adopt as our trade mark. It will
cost you nothing to try , and may put $25.00 in your purse. Simply
fill out the attached couponr and , mail it to E. F. Gallagher , Mayor ,
O'Neill , Neb. FMcGIKNIS CREAMERY , O'Weili. Heb/ '
ESpThe rapidly increasing demand for our Butter has compelled us to put
it up in cartons , which necessitates the adoption of a trade name.
My Choice for Name of Butter.
0 Signed
P. 0- R.R. Station.
Coanty . State.
Do you use a "Cream Separ&'tor ?
0 No. milked in Wfnfgf Li Summer.
This Contest Closes Saturday , April 17 , and all Coupons MusUBs & by That Time.
PatPeiper ; - . * ,
> '
E. M. Faddis & Co.
Posmfflce address-Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
on left
Horses branded
or thigh.
Some Some branded
brandedJ on right thigh
on left or Moulder
or thigh
P. H. Young.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
Some Q.Yon left
en left Jaw of
V horses.
Kange on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
Albert"Whipple & Sons.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rlghtside
Some cattle also
have a - 4on neck
Some with A. on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind qnar-
Some Texas
branded O on teft side and
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left hit ) . Some cattle
Hrandfid A.W nar connected on botn siaea anu
left hip of horses
S. Kowley.
rfame as cut on left
side and hip , and ou
left shoulder of her
ses. AlsoISH on
left side
* ' X on left side
Some cat
tle branded -
ed husk ing peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. f on left Jaw and left shoulder
of horses , QJ
QJQ on left hip of horses.
fj * on left Jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Horses and cattle
same aa cut ; also
CJ BE fJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
_ of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands.
Kohl & Terrill.
Brownlee , Xe o.
Cattle branded as
in cit on left
side. Some
branded K. T Y
on left hip. Ran * a
on North Loop
river , two. mile *
west of Brew nice
* *
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JT
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any Information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
a * on cut.Ieft side
some on left hip.
Horses same on
1-rft shoulder.
Range Square
i ake.
Eoan Bros.
Wocdlake Neb
Range on Long
Lake and Crook-
3d Lake.
John Kills Plenty.
? t Francis Mis
lion. Kosebud.
> . D.
f1. ttte branded
it in cut ; horses
itrne on leif
hich. Kanj-e be-
Oasis , Xebr
G. K. Sa\wer has
SttKe . ° rrTth'se
vntiic. ti rscs
> 0nlt. tshoul.
df r. Samel
left sidn I
Uors sj
isame left thKh.
Kange on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Koif Nebr
Cattle branded
nywhere on left ! "
ide. "PL \
armark. square
crop right ear. B Kl
Horses have \
ime brand on
ft thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake r
Reward of $250 wlh be j-aid to anv
information leading to the arrest
conviction of any person or ? i
cattle with above brand. stealing