Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 01, 1909, Image 5

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If your Phonograph is not
equipped with the attach
ment for playing these rec
ords bring it in and we will
attach one. The price is
§ 5.00 for the Standard and
and $7.50 for the Home.
You will then have your
Phonograph so you can play
both the old style records
and the new. Don't put it
off. You're missing a good
| thing.
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by ail men for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or § 10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
All kinds of.
Shampooing a specialty. ,
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection
Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
T. J. Christopher ,
Will meet all calls phone or mail.
Versed on pedigreed stock.
Valentine Nebraska
as to the
Superiority ,
taking Powder
Received Highest Award
World' * Pare Food Exposition
Chicago , 1907.
Daily mean temperature 3 = .
Normal temperature 35 = .
Highest temperature Gl ° on 23th.
Lo'.vest temperature 17 ° on 30th.
Range of temperature ° .
Precipitation for week .00 of an inch.
I Average for 21 j-ear.s .33 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 1.11 incheb.
Average for 21 3'ears 1.15 of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAN , Observer.
W. N. Rliss , of near Kiljjore , was
in Valentine on business Tuesday.
John Shelbourne , jr , of near
Sparks , had business in town Tuesday.
John Neiss is down from the reser
vation ai tending the thoroughbred
stock sales.
Born to Julius Schrom and wife
Sunday morning , March 28 , 1909 , a
nine pound girl.
Some thoughHes bovs who broke
up the park seats' , filled up' the spring
and committed other depredations
should t-nke warning It means 30
davs in jail and a tine of double the
amount < f damages. Do you want to
go up against it ?
Cherry Valley Cracklings.
Mrs. Wm. Klingaman returned
recently from a six weeks' visit in
Mrs. T. Hoefs returned recent
ly from a month's visit with rela
tives in Texas.
Bert and "Roy Klincfaman have
quit school and are feeding cattle
on Gfio e creek.
Some of the Cherry Valley
school boys received 100 in the
last examination.
Miss Vera Latta of Simeon was
visiting Mrs Edythe Latta and-
Miss 'Myrtle Klingaman last week.
The CVS and the P V S boys
played their first baseball game
Sunday , the latter winning ; score
17 to 14.
Mrs. Edythe Latta is making
preparations to move onto her
homestead which joins the berg of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Schleuter de
parted from Woodlake Thursday
for a short visit with their daugh
ter , Mrs. Clark , in Colorado.
\Ve understand that Cherry Val
ley was well represented at the
band concert on St. Patrick's Day.
Five of our boys belong to the
Mrs. Victor Bird and children
have returned from Norfolk where
the children were attending school.
Harry's health became so poor he
had to give up school work.
A surprise party was given at
Wm. Klingaman's March 21 , in
honor of the birthday anniversar
ies of Roy Klingaman and Vera
Latta It. is reported that every
body enjoyed themselves to the
utmost. A guessing contest was
one of the leading features. A
prize was given to rhe young lady
who could guess the most correct
answers , and it was awarded to
Miselluth Ward.
Wewish to announce to our friends that
we have the exclusive sale of the John Deere
Plow Go's goods in this vicinity. We now
have the largest and most complete stock ever
shown here , including
r John Deere Plows , walking sulky and gang.
Listers , walking , single and double row.
Disk Harrows , with or without tongue trucks ,
Lever Harrows , Riding and Walking Culti =
vators , Corn Planters , Hoosier End Gate
Seeders and Press Drills , Success Manure
Spreaders , Economy Pitless Scales , Sharpies
C I , " Tubular Cream Separators , Samson Wind =
f mills , Fort Smith and New Moline Wagons.
The celebrated Velie Wrought Iron Buggies
and Spring Wagons.
All of this is bright , new stock. No car
ried over or out of date goods. Prices and
terms reasonable. Come and .see us.
Valentjne luumber Co.
Located in buildings formerly occupied
by W. T. Bishop as a feed and sale barn
L _
South Lake.
Dan Barnes went to Cody on
business this week.
Mrs. E. J. Kussell has been very
ill but is improving ,
Mrs. Dan Truax visited in this
neighborhood Sunday.
E. K. Barnes , who has been
quite ill , is recovering.
Elmer Barnes was in Cody this
week to bring out a load of freight.
Harry Bea'uchamp has been
spending a few days visiting home
Rev. Hunt conducted services
at the Barnes school house last
Robert Hines has moved his
cattle from C. R. Wolfiden's to
his home ranch.
Wilbur Kirk and Zan Gillaspie
were in Cody last week to bring
out lumber to repair the school
E. Burgett and wife of Valen
tine came out to the T 0 ranch
recently , Mrs. Burgett will be
A Sunday school will be organ
ized at Barnes school house next
Sunday. Everybody is cordially
invited to be present.
Mr. Bauersach has moved on
the property he recently purchased
from Jap Wallingford and will
bring his family soon.
Mrs. A. E. Barnes , who has
been very ill , at the home of her
daughter near Ainsworth , is im
proving and will soon be able to
return to her home.
The school house in district No
91 , having outgrown , the enter
prising citizens of this' neighbor
hood , with Zan Gillaspie and Geo.
Tellier as boss carpenters , pro
ceeded to take out one side of the
building and build on an addition
10x16 feet. After about ten days
arduous labor we have a fin build
ing 16x24 School began Mon
day with an enrollment of 26 , and
Miss Effie Echtinaw as teacher.
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Arabia on Saturday , April
3 at 10 a m.
In Valentine on Sunday , April
4 , Palm Sunday. First mass at
8 a. m. High mass and sermon at
10 a. m Blessing of the Palms
before high mass.
At 3 p. m. . instruction for the
LEO M. BLAERE , Rector.
Confession of Story
( Continued from page 1) )
slow and let your mind go back to
that very moment before you speak
a word. Now , slowly , what did
you do when he called you a son
of a b ? "
' 'I said , I don't take a son of a
b off of no man , and sprang
for him and tried to knock him
down , but he was too many for me
and warded off my licks , and soon
planted a heavy blow on my breast ,
which showed me that I could not
knock with him. So , having been
pretty handy in former days iu
wrestling , I thought to clinch him
and bv some wrestling1 trick might
get the advantage of him and whip
him yet But no sooner had I
clinched him than he showed me
that I could not hold him. In
clinching him it happened that his
left side was brought up to my
breast and my left arm around in
front of him , and in his grasp. My
right hand was hold of him about
the back of the neck , and all of a
sudden , quicker than a flash , Ilo < - tall
all my madness and frijiht t > ok it
place . In a glance I saw that he
could handle me , and no one
to interefere , and as we were
clinched I felt him releasing him
self from me , I feared for my life ,
and there seemed no possible way
for my safety but to shoot. My
right hand was not encumbered by
Fred , and , it being at his back , and
it was now or never , for in anoth
er second he would have me so I
could not shoot. I dropped my
right hand to my gun , which was
in my hip pocket , and placed it to
the back of his head , that being
the handiest for my right hand ,
and shot. "
"Sam , the coroner's inquest
says he was not shot , to which
Sara replied :
"I say that he was shot ! "
| ; Wellf go on , Sam. "
"As be fell out of my arms I
looked around to see if I was ob
served by anyone. No one was in
sight , and as 1 went to throw him
into the river to cover my deed ,
remembering that he had a little
money'which would help me in
flying the country , ' ! hastily took
this from his pocket. "
"Sam. did you know Fred bad this
money when you left Douglas ? "
each knbw that the oth-
< * > „
Old Crow , ' All Loading
Hermitage Bra ds
and Bottled
Gruchen- Unclel * the
heimer Supervision
Rye of the
> Vhiskeys. U. S. Gov.
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
er had a little money. "
' Sam , was Fred a willing partici
pant in the arguments that led up to
the fitrhtV"
"Yes Sir , he was. "
"Did either of you try to call it off
at anytime ? "
"No Sir , we did not. "
"Sam , when the skull is examined
will that skull speak the same words
to us that you have spoken , as to the
shot and the bullet being a 32 auto
matic steel bullet ? "
"Yes Sir. "
"Did you like Fred ? "
"Yes , orT would not have chummed
with him. "
' Was he a pleasant churn ? "
"Yes , very pleasant "
"Bad you any chance to kill F red
on this journey before ? "
"Lots of chances , but no such a
thoutrht ever entered my mind. "
"Did you not come to Valentine
purposely to do this crime , knowiner
the country with all its hills and
hollows ? "
"No , we expected to get clear down
to Long- Pine on that same train , hut
wa put off here at Valentine , n > r
had I anv thought of committing tl > *
crime until in the same SIM o. i
which I did it. "
"Were you frightened ? "
"Yes , desperately frightened/
the time I shot. "
"What was the immediate caus
of your fright was he threatening
to brain you ? "
"No , he threatened nothing with
his mouth , but his actions were fierce
and able. "
"Do you now believe , since you
thins back , that vou m : jht have
avoided the tragedy ? ' '
"Yes , because Fred was a pit-as-MI
dispositioned chum. "
If you had paid , "Chum , lets call n
off , " what would Fred probably ha e
taid and done ? " i
"I think he would have quit at once ,
and made friends. ' '
"Sam , do vou want a Irial ? ' '
"Well , I don't know what to do Mr
Latta "
"Well Sam , it might cost our coun
ty from one to three thousand dollars ,
and I don't know as a trial would do
vou any good , but it might be b st
for a jury to name the degree in which
your crime belongs. A jury could
pass upon this with nearlv no
cost to the county , and no matter
about the cost , I believe that \ou
have some rights in this matter
Now , poor fellow , I guess I mu'-t go '
'Well , Mr. Latta , I hardly know
what to do. Won't you come in and
advise me ? "
"Don't you want an attorney ? "
"No , I don't believe I do , but T
might want a little assistance in get
ting mv confession before the jury. ' *
'Well Sara , I wil ] submit this mat
ter to two or three of the bovs and
will report to you later , if agreeable
to Mr Rosseter " i
"Mr. Latta. Mr Rosseter will It t
vou come in to see me. f egiuse 1 e h -
been kind to me from the start con-
"idering "
"All right , Sam , good bve. "
"Good bje , Mr Latta/ '
Ever had trouble of your own with
a hired man ?
Read "The Late John Wiggins" in
this month's EVERYBODY'S , and
laugh over the other fellow's trouble.
Did you know that more funny
short stories are swapped from "The
Chestnut Tree' ' than from any
other similar collection anywhere ?
Every month you can find one that
you'll laugh over till you get the next.
Get EVERYBODY'S and see.
For sal ft by
George Elliott.
Lath Doors
, Shingles , ,
Windows Patent
, Paper , - „
ent Eoofing * Tar Paper , |
Paints , Oil , Varnish ,
Brushes Glass
, , Putty ,
Lime Cement Plaster
, , , |
Brick , POSTS , Poles.
We Sell Hudson Coal
fi Y
U i 9 B
New Hotel. Electric Lights ,
Good Rooms. and Cold Water.
MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Xebr.
Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains.
Done in the most satisfactory manner ! Largest prices for
the seller and honest dealing with the bidder ! On these
terms T.V. . Cramer solicits your patronage. Graduate
of Missouri Auction School , August term. 46
T. W. Cramer , = Valentine , Neb ,
The dull monotony of the housewife's daily
routine is wearing on both body and mind. She
will find in Digesto Malt Extract a splendid
tonic , whose mildly stimulating effect drives
away that feeling of apathy and listlessness and
gives life , , renewed interest.
Palatable and Efficient
At all Drug Stores
"Leads Them All"
. 5to ssa:5 : : "j3S3
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brownlee.Nebr ,
Soldier Pree > Tol-
um'ms 17th IGOO.IO.
a son of Columbus
17th , a half brother
pion n tie , and
rnm-e Ioat $ > df 1131 , -
C93 at head of herd.
[ no\v lin\e about 30 head of 1C07 bull calves
for i > : tle.
Nebraska Land and Feeding
{ artlett Richards Pres Will G Com stock , V. P.
Ohas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
a ay part of animal ,
a - < o tbf following
b - j :
horses branded th >
Range betweea
iiordon on the F.K
&M V..B. B. and
Hvannis on M. R R in Northwestern Nehr.
For Sale or Rent.
House. IS rooms and bath. Main
street , Valentine , Neb.
160 acres improved ranch , sec
tion 19 , township 3i , range 26 :
lease of school section , ALL 36-
34-27 , with above ranch ; the be-t ;
open range in Cherry county.
One-half section hay land , wither
or separate from above ranch , sec
tion 34 , township 33 , range 2o
Apply to owner , D. STEXARD ,
No. 2 , Alt. Vernon Ave. . Alt.
Vernon , N. Y. , or any broker in
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked $1 10 § 21 00
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
25urge , Nebr.
Tubular wells and windmills ,
me up by Telephone.
J. W. McDABlEL ,
All work will be jriven prompt
and careful attention.
. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Vnlenlirie-j Nfebr.