Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 01, 1909, Image 4

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I. M. Rice , Editor and Prop.
Thursday , April 1 , 1909.
Judge Westover held a special term
of court Wednesday evening and sen
tenced Samuel Lawrence Story to life
imprisonment for the the murder oi
Fred Smith. When arraigned before
the bar of justice he plead guilty U
murder in the second degree and ac
cepted the sentence without a mur
mur , though he shifted uneasily from
one loot to the other.
Our people [ do not believe Store's
confession of a scuille and a fight , as
it would have been impossible for hm
to have shot Fred Smith in the head
in such a scuffle as he describes.
Further , it is evident that Story
deliberately planned to murder ir
shooting Smith in the head , either
while walking behind or while Fred
lay on the ground asleep.
Sheriff Rosseter and Webb Hilsing-
er took Story to the pen today.
Next Tuesday we will vote foi
three village trustees. We believe
that W. S. Jackson , E. C. Daven
port and George Elliott , the nomi
nees of the citizen's ticket , will be
the choice of our people by a large
majority. They stand for a liber
al policy and city improvements.
They are in favor of high license ,
and our town will be run on busi
ness principles. Let us show our
good business judgment in giving
them loyal support next Tuesday.
( Special Correspondence. )
Lincoln , Nehr. , March 30. Re
publican newspapers have been un
able to point to one single law
placed on the statute book by this
legislature that any fault can bt
found with. That is the serious
trouble with these fellows. This is
evidenced by the fact that the Orna-
ha Bee a few days ago attempted tc
twit the legislature because thej
had not passed an anti-injunction
measure , when every thinking per
son knows that this is not of con
sequence so far as the state govern
ment is concerned. Our republican
brethern are pretty hard up for
thunder when they resort to in
consequential matters of this kind.
The law makers have fulfilled everj
pledge made to the people and the
record will bear the closest investi
Gov. Shallenberger has vetoed
the bill which would have permit
ted the licensing of a saloon at Ft.
Crook. There has been a wide dif
ference of opinion as to the merits
of this measure , and many of the
legislators voted for it because of
the fact that the colonel in com
mand of the fort favored it. The
governor's action in refusing his
sanction to the the law is being
generally commended.
The passage of the new oil law is
one of the best things done by this
legislature. This bill was prepared
and introduced after consultation
with the 'state oil inspector and his
department. Heretofore under the
old law Kansas oil has been ex
cluded from this state and this fact
has rebounded to the interest of the
Standard Oil people. The new law
admits this oil and it is conceded
now that the measure will save to
the people of this state a quarter of
a million dollars the first year.
Several changes have been made.
Under the old system oil was in
spected only with reference to its
inflammability and without refer
ence to its quality. A good deal of
complaint has been heard from this.
Kerosene oil has been placed upon
the market that stood tne Hash
r. test , but admittedly of the poorest
grade. It will now be one of
the duties of the oil inspector's of
fice to test oil both as to its quality
and flammability. Considerable
credit is due to Inspector Mullen
for the consummation of efforts
that should have been made into
law years ago.
The Ollis warehouse bill has pass
ed both branches of the legislature
and will be the law. This is a
measure of far-reaching import
ance , and is one of the wisest law ?
placed upon the statute books. It
provides for the establishment of
warehouses in the state for the
storage of grain. Certificates will
be issued by these bonded ware
houses and these will at once be
come negotiable. It is conceded
that the price of grain in this slate
has alwajs been pounded down by
manipulators of the market just at
the time that the great bulk of it
was ready for market. There is always
who have to
ways a clnss of fellows
sell and thus .prevent any organized
opposition to cutting down the
price. This now law will prevent
all this. Grain may he stored at
.very little cost and held until price ?
adjust themselves , and the man
who stores it , can realize upon his
certificates , thus preventing the
necessity of soiling a ; , any price that
i' *
may be offered. Several of the
southern states have- enacted this
principle into law and thereby en
abled the cotton raisers to resist
the efforts of the cotton manipula
tors to get the commodity at their
own prices.
For the first time in the history
of the state a law hap been passed
fixing the salary 'of the clerk of the
supreme court and his nssistants.
Nobody knows how high the reve
nues of this office have run , but it
is known that they have been enor
mous , and that this office was one
of the juciest from a financial stand
point in the state. It is generally
conceded that the enactment of the
new law will increase the revenues
of the state at leaut § 10,000 a year ,
enough to pay off in six years the
accumulated wolf bounty claims.
The old method of running this of
fice is a relic of the spoils system
of politics , and the legislature is to
be commended for its reform in this
Another bill passed by the law
makers at Lincoln is one that will
receive the endorsement of every
thinking citizen. This is the law
that prevents the collection of cam
paign contributions from office
holders. It has been the custom in
the past for the committee in charge
of the campaign to assess every
holder of republican proclivities.
Postmasters , revenue officers , court
reporters , everybody that drew a
salary , was notified to come across
with the sum named by the com
mittee or run the risk of having his
political head decapitated. Under
the wife provision of the new law
this will be prevented and heavy
penalties exacted from offenders. _
Gov. Shallenberger sent a special
message to the legislature request
ing the passage of a bill with which
he accompanied his message pro
viding that -public service corpora
tions shall be under the control of
the railroad commission and that
they shall not be permitted to issue
new notes , bonds or stocks without
the permission of the commission
after an investigation by that body ,
and then only when the new issue
is for money needed in improve
ments. The governor has taken an
advanced stand on all questions re
lating to the control of corporations.
In his -speech at the Bryan banquet
and again in his message to tlie
legislature enclosing the new bill
he vigorously demanded the passage
of the bill providing for the physi
cal valuation of railroads. He con
tends that it is the only proper
method upon which to base rates.
With reference to the law asked for
by him he says that no reasonable
mind can object to the passage of
the law , and that no corporation
wishing to do business on the square
could find fault with its provisions.
It has been the custom in the past
for public service corporations to
issue stocks and bonds largely in
excess of the value of their prop
erty , thus compelling the payment
ot exorbitant rates in order to pay
interest on these bonds , and at the
same time deceiving the investing
public. Under the proposed law
the public would be protected in the
purchase of stocks and bonds be
cause the sanction of the railway
commission had been given , and
the law making power would 1m ow
the exact valuation of corporations
when they attempted to fix rates.
The governor has signed Mr.
Kuhl's bill which provides that the
state conventions shall be held the
last week in July , so as to have the
platforms adopted prior to the
holding of the primary.
The bill requiring that all cam
paign contributions must be pub
lished before the election has passed
both branches of the legislature and
is now a law.
The house has passed the bill
providing for the appointment of a
beer inspector , whose duties will be
the inspection of all beer made in
the state. The cost of this falls
upon the brewers and it is admitted
that the law will have the effect of
netting the state treasury about
§ 150,000 per year.
Many items were necessarily left
out this week to .u'ive Story's confess
ion. ,
The -tock sales held yesterday anfl
today were well attended and a pro
nounced success :
Tonv Maule plead guilty to horse
sie'ilin < r and ; ot two years , at the
special term ot court.
For Sale or Trade.
One bicycle , nearly new. Inquire
of Oscar Elkinton , Crookston , Neb.
Estray Notice.
Valentine. Nebraska , March 23. 1909.
Taken up by theunder.signed at my place
l.'i miles northeast of Valentine. Nebraska , in
section 2. township 3. > , range M. the follow
ing : One bay horse , weight 9. > 0 pounds ,
branded QC or oe connected on right fiank.
12 5 JOHN SiiuuiouitNis , JK.
Just wait until you see what
Shinefine will do for you ? A
strange , new discoverd. Coming
soon. 8
Try Kazda's barbershoptf
3x.i8z.-fjf Tflhnftr
Misses Ina Spratt and Grace
Grooms made a pleasant visit at
our home last Saturday to talk
over old time school days and
various plans for the future.
Miss Laura Petti John writes
that she is having a pleasant and
profitable year in the state uni
versity , but that if good
high school position opens up for
her she will drop out and teach
next year.
Miss Geraldine Tracewell visit
ed over Saturday and Sunday at
her home in Valentine. Geral
dine has made good at Cody and
has been elected for another year.
She made us a brief call Sunday
afternoon and talked over plans
for future work.
We have just received a long
and interesting letter from Everett
Harvey in which he thanks us for
being so patient in trying to get
good work out of him while he was
in the Valentine school. He says
he sometimes thought we had it infer
for him , but now he knows we
were doing the vevy best we could
for him. He -doing nicely in
his work in York Business Col
lege and securing high grades.
Mrs. Watson received an inter
esting letter a few days ago from
Miss Eleanor Lally , who was with
us several years in the Valentine
junior normal. Miss Lally says
that of all the different normals
and institutes she has worked in
she has more pleasant memories
of Valentine than of any other
one place. She says she had a
most enjoyable and profitable time
while in England last autumn , in
specting the school system there.
Earl Petty crew of the class 'OS
took dinner with us last Satur
day. Earl is looking fairly well
after his severe illness and is plan
ning to do a lot of farming the
coming season. He makes good
use of the knowledge gained from
his course in the agricultural
school at Lincoln. He was popu
lar with his professors at Lincoln
and will no doubt be in close
touch with the experimental sta
tion , which we hope to see es
tablished at Valentine soon.
Last Friday marked the 17th
anniversary of Eugene Taylor's
birthday , and Saturday did the
same for the birthday of Hazel
Graham ; and the students of the
high school planned a surprise. for
these young people at the home of
Mrs. Taylor. Miss Tennant , Mr.
Mohlraann and Mr , and Mrs. 11
H , Watson enjoyed the evening
with the pupils.
The evening was spent in games
of various kinds , after which re
freshments were served. Both
Hazel and Eugene received beau
tiful gold rings as marks of the
esteem in which they are held by
their classmates.
For Sale
Six-room house , stable for seven
head of horses , granary and hay
stable ;
One tt-room house , corn crib and
stable , city water in both houses.
Must be sold soon , part time , part
cash , or will take young heavy
team as part payment. P. F.
Simons , Sparks , * Neb. , or I , M.
Eice , Valentine , Neb. 1
In the County Court of Cherry
county , Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Joseph Winslow -
low , decea.sed :
A duly verified petition having been tiled in
my olllce praying for the probate of the
estate ot Joseph "Winslow , deceased , without
administration , and it satisfactorily appear
ing to me that the statements made in said
petition are true :
It i.s hereby ordered that a hearing en said
petition be had on the 3rd day of April , 1909.
at 10 o'clock , a. in. , at my office in Valentine
Cherry county. Nebraska , at which time all
persons interested in said estate may appear
and show cause , if any there be , why baid
petition should not be granted.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
-this ith : ) day of March. 19U9.
10 3 County Judge.
For Sale.
One high grade Percheron stal
lion , 3 years old last June , weight
1600 pounds.
Also one Cleveland Bay horse ,
5 years old , weight 1250 pounds.
For further information see or ad
dress me at Crookston , Neb.
L , H >
Notice of Village Election.
Notice i.s hereby given that on April 6,1900.
there will be held at the District Court
Room , in the Court House , within and for the
Village of Valentine , Nebraska , an election
for said village. At said election there shall
be elected three trustees lor said1 village to
serve for the term of two years each.
Dated this 22nd day of March , 1909.
11 2 Chairman.
In the County Court of Cherry
County , Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Benton 13.
Teeters , , deceased :
Wilson J. Teeters having tiled in my office ,
a duly verified petition praying for the pro
bate of the estate of Benton B. Teeters ,
without administration , all persons interest
ed in said estate will take notice that I have
Used April 3rd , 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m. , as the
time , and my office in Valentine , Cherry
county , Nebraska , as the place for the hear
ing of the said petition , at which time and
place all persons interested in said estate
may appear and show cause , if any there
be , why said estate should not be probated
without administration.
Witness my hand and the seal of the coun
ty court this 15th day of March , 1909.
10 3 County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
In aie County Court within xnd lor Cherry
county , Nebraska ,
In the matter of the estate of Levi N. Lnyport
To the creditors of said estate :
You ar hereby notified , That I will sit at the
County Cou-t Koom hi Valentine in said county
on the 15th day of April , 1809 at 10 o'clock a
in. to receive and examine all claims against
said estate , \\ith a view to their adjustment and
allowance The time limited for cue presenta
tion of claims against said estate is > ix months
from tlifc 15 h day of uctober A i 1908 and the
time limited for ot debts is one year
ironi salt ! lath da > of Oc ober. 190S.
" Witness my liano sin-Tllie seal f s-tid
SEAL count } ouri i is 13th day of March ,
. 1909. JAMKS C. ijUl'Gl.EY ,
10 4 Otiuntv.Judge ,
In the Ccunty Court of Cherry Coun
ty , Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of James M.
Camm. deceased :
George A. Camm having tiled in my qfllce a
duly veriiied petition praying for probate
of the estate of James M. Camm , deceased ,
without administration , all persons interest
ed in said estate will take notice that I have
lixed April 17,1909 , at 10 o'clock a. m. . as the
time , and my office in Valentine , Cherry
county , Nebraska , as the place for the hear
ing of said petition , at which time and place
all persons interested in said estate may ap
pear and show cause , if any there be , why
said estate should not be probated without
Witness my hand and the seal of the coun
ty court this 19th day of March , 1909.
11 3 County Judge.
Contest Notice ,
U. S. Lai.d Office , Valentine. Nei'raska. I
February 13. 1909 , )
A sufficient contest affidavi having been lilt d
in this ouu-e by Laura N Hudson , contestant
against Homestead entry NO K978 ; made tiep-
tenib 1 0. 1904 , lor Ni < i\\Vf , W4 * $ ! . S'/
SWJi and Ey of section 17 ; > \E 4 , and SVVJ4
NK 4 of section 18. town-hip 27 range 37 , b >
Johu Wellcontestee , in which it is alleged
that said Joh n vvells lias wholl , abandoned
said land ; that he has changed his residence
ttu retrom for more tha * six months last i-ast ;
that said land is not seitlmi upou and cultivated
t v said p rty as by law required , and lie has
failed to cure his tactics up othisdute.
> aid narties aie hnet > y i otilie > i to appear respond
spend and offer vidence toticnniK said allega
tion at 10 o' < lock a. in on April 17 , 190J. be
fore the reuis'er and recmvtr at the Uuiteo
States Land office. Valentine. Nebraska
The said cone stattt nav ng , in a proper affi
davit , Hied Feb. 13.1909. set forth tacts which
show that after due diligence personal service
of this notice cannot be made , it is hereoy
ordered and directed that , such notice be given
by due and proper publication.
M 104 R. OI.RON. Ke" > ivpr.
Notice to Non-Resident Defend
To Joe Sutton and Mrs. Sutton. first and
true name unknown , wife of Joe Sutton. non
residents :
You , and each of 3-011. are hereby notified
that on the 12th day of December. 1908 , Her
bert Thompson and Albert Thompson , minor
heirs of Marjr Thompson , deceased , bv Andrew
drew Thompson , their next friend , tiled "their
petition in the district court of Cherrycuun-
ty , Nebraska , against you and each of vou ,
impleaded with John Jfarty. jr. , as defend
ants. That the object and prayer of said
petition is to have a certain deed of convey
ance , alleged to have been made and execut
ed by Mary Thompson , the mother of
plaintiffs , on March 22,1893. and purpoting to
convey the south half of the southwest
quarter of section 5. and the southeast quar
ter of southeast quarter of section (5 ( , and
the northwest quarter of north west quarter ,
of section 8 , township 32 , range 29 , in Cherry
county , Nebraska , and which is recorded in
Book U of Deeds at Page 417 of the records of
Cherry count- . Nebraska , declared and ad
judged to be a forgery and to be null and
void , and to have the same cancelled , and
that said defendants and each and all of
them , and each and every person claiming
b } * , through , or under the'm. or any of them ,
be forever barred and excluded from any
right , title and interest in and to said land ,
and to have the right and title of the plain-
tilfs in and to the above described land for
ever quieted and established in fee simple ,
and for all other and further orders and
judgments as shall as appear to the court to
be just , right and proper.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before April 19,19J9.
minor heirs of Mary Thompson , deceased ,
bv Andrew Thompson , their next friend ,
m 9 4 Plamtirts.
In the District Court of Cherry
County , Nebraska.
In the matter of the
application of El-
ma C. Richards ,
guardian of Evelyn
j. Richaras , Gladys
L. Richards , Robert - , , , „ _ „ . , „ . ,
ert E.Richards and
John H. Richards ,
minor heirs of Ed
ward R. Richards ,
deceased , for leave .
to sell real estate , j
On reading the petition , duly verified , of
Elm a C. Richards , guardian ot the person
and estate of Evelyn J. Richards. Gladvs L.
Richards , Robert E. Richards apd John M.
Richards , minors , for license to sell the fol
lowing described real estate to-wit :
The South Half of the Northwest Quarter ,
Northeast Quarter of Northwest-Quarter.
Northwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter of
section 26. South Half of the Southwest
Quarter , West Half of Southeast Quarter of
section 23 , township 30 , range 30. and Lots
rhree and Four , section 19. township 'M ,
range 29 , Cherry county. Nebraska , for the
maintenance of said minors , and for the in
i-estment of any residue that may remain in
Lhe hands of said guardian , and it appearing
from said petition that .said real estate con-
> ists of unimproved range , pasture and
meadow land in Cherry county , Nebraska ,
ind that it would be for the best interests of
> aid minors that said real estate be sold and
the proceeds thereof used for the purpose of
educating and maintaining said minors and
nvestmg any residue in approved real es
tate securitie's , it is therefore ordered that
: henext of kin of the said minors and all
persons interested in said estate appear be
fore mE at the regular April 1909 term of the
listrict court of Cherrv county. Nebraska.
: o-wit on the 19th day "of April 1909 at the
; ourt house in the city of Valentine , Cherry
: ounty , Nebraska , at 10 o'clock a. m. to show
; ause if anv there be , why a license should
lot be granted to the said Elma C. Richards
.o sell said real estate for the purpose above
set forth.
It is further ordered that a copy of this
irder be served on all persons interested in
> atd estate by publication , for three succes
sive weeks in. the Valentine D'emtfcrat a
iew'sjj'ap."er printed aud published In said
: ounty of Cherry and State of Nebraska.
Dated at Chambers in the city of O'Neill ,
bounty of Holt and State of Nebraska , this
13th day of March , 1909.J.
ill hat L. S I i VK l- T 1 I * " *
* V * t
carries a complete assortment
Farm Machinery
eompj ising the
Johnson and Osborn Disks , Moline
and Oliver Sulky Plows , Kirlin and
John Deere , two-row Cultivators ;
Oliver , Moline and Deere Plows ,
Superior Drills , Weber and Moline
Wagons ; Staver , Moline , Moon and
Velie Buggies ; the Corn King and
20th Century Manure Spreaders ;
the Hoosier and Superior Broadcast
Seeders ; the Superior line of Hay
Tools , consisting of Stackers ,
Sweeps , etc. ; DeLaval Cream Sepa-
tors , Eclipse Windmills , Tanks ,
Pipe , Pumps , etc. ; McCormick Mow
ers , Rakes and Binders ; Moline ,
Oliver and Deere Listers.
Will close out the John Deere line
of Implements and Vehicles
at greatly reduced prices.
for any make of implement will be
furnished on the shortest possible
notice. Every effort will be made to
accomodate customers and supply
their wants.
Don't be misled by representations of- other M. * "
dealers carrying inferior and near competing
lines , but post yourself on improved makes and
reduced prices before making your purchases.
Ludwio ; Lumber Co.
Ship your Live Stock
to y
- No shipment too large ; ind none too'small to receive the
most careful attention.
Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled
by members of the firm.
Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal
guaranted to all.
Write us for the mark * t paper and our special market
letters , which we send you free of charge.
AMOS SXTDER , Hog Salesman. MATT MALONE ) "Cattle
GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. THOS J. DONAHUE 1 Salesman. '
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propn
111 kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizeaX $ .1
Kpsidence and shop one block south of passenger depot. \ \ (
Valentine , . PHOXE 72 .
xNenrn turnv \
IWprpnw * : My Many Customers \