Vfr - 1
'kPE- '
\ Cramp * in the Stomach of Six Tears'
! Standing.
was troubled with cramps in the
stb'l/iach for six years. I tried many
kinds of medicine , also was treated
by three doctors.
"They said that I had nervous dys
pepsia. I took the medicine for two
' ! years , then I got sick again and gave
up all hopes of getting cured.
"I saw a testimonial of a man whose
case was similar to mine , being cured
by Peruna , so thought ! would give it
a trial. I procured a bottle at once ,
and commenced taking it.
"I have taken nineteen bottles , and
am entirely cured. I believe Peruna
is all that is claimed for it. " Mrs. J.
C. Jamison , 61 Marchant St. , Watson-
ville , Cal.
Bushels of
I Wbeafl per Acre
have been grown on Farm Lands in
Much loss would be satisfactory.
The general average is above 20 bushel a
' Ml are loud in their praises of tlie
Ills now possible to secure n ITomcslead ol
s > o acres In e aJ.d another 160 acres at $3.00 pel
Hundreds have p.iid the cost of tlie'r farms fil
purchased ) and then had a balance of from $ io.oc
to $12 oa per acre from one crop.
Wheat. Bnrlcv , Oats. Flax all do well. Mixed
Farming is a great buccebs and Dairying is highly
Excellent Climate , splendid Schools and
Churches , Railuavs briny most every district
within easy reach of market.
Railway and Land Companies have lands , for
lale af low prices and on easy terms.
"Lnst Bcsl West" Pamphlets
and maps sent free. For these and information
as to how to secure loncst Railway Rates apply to
W. D. Scott , Superintendent of IminSgration ,
Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Holmes , 31 Jackson
St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLachlau , Box
116 Watertown , So. Dakota Authorized Govern
ment Agents.
Pleuao eay when jflu saw this advertisement.
Positively cnred by
these Little Pills.
CARTi "They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia , In
ITTtE digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
Drotvslness , Bad Taste
In the Mouth , Coated
Tongue , Pain In tne Side ,
egulato tto Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
CARTERS Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
"For over nine years I suffered with chronic
constipation and. during this time I had to take
an injection of warm water once every 24 hours
before I could have an action on my bowels ,
ti applly I tried Cscarcts , and today I am a well
I an. During the nine years before I used
k- < carets I suffered untold misery with internal
pill Thanks to you , I am free from all that
this morning. You can nse this in behalf of
suffering humanity. B. F. Fisher , Roanoke , 111.
Pleasant. Palatable , Potent , Taste Good.
Do Good. Never SIcken.Weaken or Gripe.
lOc , 25c , 50c. Never sold in bulk. The gen
uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
euro or your money back. 830
"gassaj Paxline excels any dentifrice
I fi 2t ยง EH in cleansing , whiteninp and
removing tartar from the teeth , besides destroying
all germs of decay and disease which ordiniry
tooth preparations cannot do.
BjpfBC * E/jf S J3TPEU3 Paxbnc used as u moutn-
a filfii BWB rw E EH wash disinfec's the mouth
and throat , purifies the breath , and kills the germ
which collect in the mouth , causing sore throat ,
bad teeth , bad breath , grippe , and much sickaess.
"ytiBS1 lVISi'v"cn inrtamed , bred , echo
fi fa Si & I BaV and burn , may be instortly
relieved and strengthened by Paxtine.
jaB Paxtins will destroy the gernu
SSs thct cau. e cat rrh , hsil the in-
and stop the discharge. It is A sure
remedy for uterine catarrh.
Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful
gennicidc.disinf cdtant and deodorizer.
Used ia bathing it destroys odors and
leaves the body antiseptically clean.
The Eeason I Make and Sell More Men's $3.00
& / $3.50 Shoes Than Any Other Manufacturer
is becinze I gU th wearer tbe btneSt of the molt
complete organization of trained expert * and rtllltd
V maker In the cocntry.
sAfot ielection of tbe leathers for each part of the shoe.
* ? d ererr dfttall of the aiUcg in every dtpartment. 1s
Koked ft r by the best zhoemaken In tbe shoo Industry.
Ifl cocld show you hoK csrefally W. L. rccrlu shoes
mrt aade , yon would then understand why they hold their
sipe. at b tter , and wear longer than any other maie.
'itu Method of Tanning the Soles makes them Mora
Flexible and Z.oyrr Wearing than any others.
nttoem for JEirery Member of the fumlly ,
cu. I5oyVomenMl c nntl Children.
For nal" by "hoe dealers cvrryrrlicrc.
nlllTinU I Kone genuine wllhout W. L. Doupl.ii
uAU I > UI > name and price Mumped on bottom.
fast Oolvr Eyelets Used Ezduilrely. Catalog mifled frt * .
W. L. DOUGLAS , 167 Spark St. , Brockton , Mus.
< U4&s > &
$ jffi $ $ Jp
Jp"S ,
Wood charcoal should always be kept
In Use hoj
Xo animal on the farm. succumbs so
quickly to disease as sheep , but they
nre not difficult to keep healthy.
Fe careful about Hie harness. If it
Is comfortable you will jc t work out of
the team to the best advantage.
If there are any young colts running
about in the stable , be sure you hang
the harness out of their reach.
Oil meal or ground HJIT seed makes
a splendid ration to overcome a ten
dency to constipation in the horses.
Nervous and bad tempered horses
have been tamed by feeding sugar.
Many instances of this are on record.
In breeding , defects are peculiarly
persistent and are more easily stamped
on the next generation than are good
Oats and bran , half tnd half by
measure , is the best grain ration for
the stallion in season , according to an
experienced horseman.
Pigs will oat ordinary slop with rel
ish. It Is good for them because it
supplies certain elements which are not
found in the ordinary rations.
A ration made of corn , shorts and
tankage makes an Ideal ration. The
proportion should be five parts of corn ,
five parts shorts , and one part tankage.
A lien can stand considerable cold ,
but will quickly succumb to drafts. To
keep her comfortable she must be made
to exercise and this is best done by
keeping the floor of the scratching shed
or the regular pen heavily littered and
grain thrown among it.
Modern USCM of Corn.
People often wonder , particularly
those who have traveled for hundreds
of miles through tbe corn belt , what
becomes of corn which is grown every
year. In tbe year 300S , when tbe total
crop was 2,606,000,000 bushels , 241-
000.000 bushels were consumed in flonr
and grist-mill products. 8,000,000
bushels in the manufacture of starch.
0,000,000 for malt liquors , 17,000,000
bushels in the production of distilled
liquors , 40.000,000 for glucose , 100-
000,000 for export and 13,000,000 for
seed , making a total of 518,000,000
bushels or 19.3 per cent of tbe entire
crop. Tbe remaining 80.7 per cent ,
or 2,148,000,000 bcshels , seems to have
been almost entirely for feeding pur-
posesv It is an interesting fact that
about 80 per cent of the corn crop ,
roughly the above amount , was shipped
out of the counties in which It was
grown. Corn Reporter.
Facts About Poultry.
Keep your hens warm , well watered
and fed.
Eggs are the drawing cards at thie
time of the year.
Keep your laying hens from rougher
or raw weather.
Are you aware that the lazy hen is
never a laying hen ?
Eggs are profitable if hens are
housed and fed intelligently.
The hopper 'method , of feeding IB a
success with some varieties.
Laying hens that are confined dur
ing the cold days must have meat
Never , under any circumstances , keep
the feed before the fowls constantly.
The American and Asiatic breeds
will do better if fed at regular inter
You will quickly notice a falling off
in eggs when hens are allowed to run
out in the cold snow.
Line your house with tarred paper.
Cracks nre roup producers. A sick
fowl is worse than none at all.
Fit up your breeding pens early.
Remember that early hatches develop
and make the most valuable birds.
Feeding is a puzzling problem to the
majority of amaturs. Feed a variety ,
only just what they will eat , and you
have solved the problem.
See that your roost poles are low.
While corn is high see that every
fowl is paying a profit. If she is not
profitable , dispose of her at once.
Discovers Xew Farm Products.
After a quest for new varieties of
alfalfa and clover in which be cov
ered much of Russia , Siberia , Central
Asia , Turkestan and Northern Africa ,
N. E. Hanson , the agriccltural explor
er , has returned with more than 300
lots of seeds and plants to be used
by the agricultural department in ex
perimental work. Prof. Hanson on
previous trips discovered alfalfa and
clover that thrived amazingly in the
west where before the plants would
not grow at all. He also introduced in
the northwest a Siberian alfalfa that
is believed to be the hardiest of the
proteid plants and endures the most
severe cold.
Professor Hanson has found two
more varieties of this northern plant ,
which grow in a section of Siberia
where the mercury freezes and where
there is no snow. The department of
agriculture will conduct experiments
with the newest plants thai have been
discovered in several of the northwest
ern States , and the results will tw
watched with great interest.
Where to I'lace JtJie Incubator.
As to the locution of the Incubator.
Do not place it in a room where It
will be between two windows where a
draft is likely to blow across it. The
machine shoiikl not be located whore
( he sun can fall across it or strike the
floor too close to it.
The effect of the sun upon the ma
chine is rather peculiar , and while the
temperature in the room may not scorn
to rise , the suu will cause the egg
chamber to heat more rapidly than
might bo supposed , thereby interfer
ing with the adjustments of the regu
Do not locate the machine in a north
or west room , unless it is impossible
to find another place. A south or east
room is far more satisfactory.
The Incubator should be where there
is lire all the time or it should be in
a room where there is no tire at all.
If the machine is placed in a room
where there is no fire it should be
borne in mind that the eggs can not
bo cooled in a temperature lower than
GO degrees for any length of time with
out chilling the eggs. The eggs should
be wrapped between the folds of a
blanket and carried into an adjoining
room where there is a fire.
The operator should use every possi
ble care iu keeping the lamp bowl and
lamp burner scrupulously clean and
free from oil or any other foreign set
tlings. If this is not done the heat of
the burner will naturally generate
some gas , and If this be thrown off in
the room it Is sure to be gathered back
into the incubator , and as it Hews
through the egg chamber , may cause
a great deal of damage.
The air in the room must be abso
lutely sweet and fresh. Be very care
ful to see that the Incubator sets per
fectly level , but do not attempt to level
it by a water bottle , pan of water or
anything except a carpenter's spirit
Be sure to set the machine true In
the front and back and across each
end. ns this will insure a perfect cir
culation of air through the tanks as
well as through the egg chamber ,
which will play a good part In produc
ing strong , healthy chickens.
Agricultural Development.
Xo one factor has contributed more
toward modern agricultural expausioi.
than farm machinery. At the begin
ning of the nineteenth century there
were approximately 1,500,000 farms in
the United States , and to-day there
are 6,000,000. A century ago the pro
duction of wheat averaged four and
one-third bushels per capita of the
population , and. to-day the production
of wheat will average ten bushels per
capita. A hundred years ago there
were no steel plows , grain drills , har
vesters or steam threshing machines ,
and farm work was the heaviest kind
of drudgery.
When all the agricultural operations
were performed by manual labor there
was no wonder that the sons of farm
ers sought other occupations besides
tilling the soil. The grain was sown
broadcast by hand , as in the days
when Moses presided over the agricul-i
ture of Egypt. To the farmer of five
score years ago there was no interval
of rest , as every function of the farm
called for physical strength and ardu
ous work. The grain that was sown
by hand was harvested with the sickle
or later with the cradle. It was
stored in the barn and threshed by
flails and cleaned by tossing it into the
wind , which separated the wheat from
the chaff. The farmer grew but a
small surplus over his urgent necessi
ties , as his tune was too circumscribed
to till land for commercial crops.
If one looks on the hard and labor
ious operations of primitive agricul
ture and contrasts conditions on the
farm to-day with the environments of
the farm a century ago , he will mar
vel at the transition. With less than
4 per cent of the population massed in
cities It became necessary to import
wheat from Europe for domestic con
sumption. When the population was
only 4,000,000 and over 90 per cent
of the people resided on farms , agri
cultural products were inadequate for
maintenance of the inhabitants , while
to-day , with a population of 87,000,000 ,
there is a surplus production of 130-
000,000 to 300,000,000 bushels of wheat
annually for export. This achievement
Is consummated with 70 per cent of
the people living in cities.
What has wrought this marvelous
transition in agriculture ? The answer
can only be modern machinery and
scientific methods of farming. A
strenuous drudgery has been raised tea
a national Industry , and Is destined to
take rank as the leading profession.
As an industry it embraces one-third
of the population , and as a profession
it is equipped with a university and
experiment station in every common
wealth of the nation. If there are
law and medical colleges to equip men
for professions , so also there are uni
versities to teach farmers scientific
agriculture. Under the inspiration of
scientific knowledge of all branches of
farming the agriculture of the future
will surpass in production the achieve
mentg of to-day. Goodall's Farmer.
Of PaintinK Ileciuircmciitn Will Sare
Much ExpeiiKft.
When one sees the surface of a house
or other building scaling , or peeling ,
or spotted or blistered , or showing
other symptoms of paint "disease , " it
Is evident that a poor painter has been
on tbe job. or that poor paint was used
or possibly that a good painter has
been dominated by a property-owner
who knew nothing about paint.
It is an easy matter to be informed
on paint and painting. A complete
painting guide , including a book of
color schemes , either for exterior or
interior specifications for all kinds of
painting and an instrument for de
tecting adulteration in paint material ,
with directions for using it , may be bad
free by writing National Lead Com
pany. 1H02 Trinity Bldg. . New York
City , and asking for Houseowner's
Painting Outfit No. 49.
Then , every houscowner should make
it a point to get only well-known reli
able brands in buying his materials.
Pure white lead is especially important ,
or tbe paint will not prove satisfactory.
Tbe famous "Dutch Boy Painter" trade
mark of National Lead Company , the
largest makers of pure white lead , is
an absolute guarantee of tbe purity and
quality of tbe unite lead sold under it.
That trademark is a safeguard against
paint trouble.
English mercantile marine , which forms
taorc than one-half of the whole world's
shipping , brings that country about $150-
000,000 every year.
Home Tonic- for Ol - People.
Wonderful results , eventually restor
ing full physical vigor , are obtained
from the following : To ouc-half pint
good whiskey , add one ounce syrup sarsaparilla -
saparilla and one ounce Toris com
pound , which can be procured from any
druggist. Take in teaspoonful doses
before each meal and before retiring ;
Theodore Gill , the world's greatest au
thority on fishes , works for the United
States government for $1 a month.
Pettlt's Eye Snlve 1OO Years Old ,
relieves tired eyes , quickly cures eye aches ,
inflamed , sore , watery or ulcerated eyes.
All druggists or Ho war ! Bros. , Buffalo
N. Y.
On Her Way to the Club.
"For mercy's sake , whose dirty Httla
boy are you ! "
"Yours , mamma. " Chicago Tribune.
Xo Wonder She's Cross.
The woman who has a thousand pet
ty cares and annoyances while she suf
fers with headache or sideache must
not be blauied if she cannot always be
angelicalty amiable. What she needs
Is thoo0'htfulness from her family and
such a simple and natural remedy as
Lome's Family Medicine , the herb tea
that makes weak women strong and
well. Sold by druggists and dealers ,
New York City's water reservoirs hold
a sufficient supply to meet the usual
needs of the city for fourteen weeks.
lor the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the
World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 2Bc.
In the reign of Charles I. the death rate
in London was seventy a thousand , or
more than three times what It is now.
Red , Wcnlc , "Weary , Wntery Eyes
Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Com
pounded by Experienced Physicians. Mu-
rlne Doesn't Smart ; Soothes Eye Pain.
Write Murine Eye Remedv Co. , Chicago ,
for illustrated Eye Book Free.
"SYliat n Former Oregon Farmer
Thinks of Western Canada.
Albert Nelson left Benton County ,
Oregon , in September , 10O1 , for the
reat Canadian prairies. To quote
from his letter : I was greatly sur
prised to find such an immense stretch
of rich virgin prairie still almost un
occupied in the very heart of North
America. The splendid crops of oats ,
wheat , barley , potatoes and hay I be
held in the settlements made me very
eager for a piece of this rich soil , and
I soon located in the Goose Lake coun
try. We have here a great stretch of
the rich deep clay loam of the Sas
katchewan a soil heavy and hard to
break , but particularly well adapted for
the retention of moisture and produc
tion of the bright No. 1 hard wheat ,
and great crops of oats , barley , flax and
potatoes. I had GO bushels of oats
weighing 44 pounds to the bushel per
acre. Some of my neighbors had still
greater yield. Wheat yielded from 20
to 30 bushels per acre. We have all
done well here , and I could name many
Americans who came here with means
to go ahead , who have done big al
ready. For homesteads one has to go
further west , but the best prairie can
be bought here for from $12 to $10
per acre. The climate is dry and
healtby. This is the regular Saskatch
ewan fall weather frosty nights and
bright sunny days ideal for threshing
and hauling out of wheat. The trails
are dusty , as thousands of wheat teams
are moving towards the elevators.
The sight -of it makes one stop and
wonder what it will be in a few years
when the immense prairies get under
cultivation. Heavy snowfall is the ex
ception here. Snow generally falls in
December and goes off in March. It
sometimes gets very cold , but the Sas
katchewan farmer does not fear the
cold. Winter is his season of rest. The
first or second crop he builds a com
fortable house for himself , and warm
stables for his horses. He need not ,
like some , be poking about in the mud
all winter attending a few beasts for
a livelihood.
S. C. X. U. - - Xo. 14 1909.
Keeling Kcttcr.
"Senator. " asked the reporter , "what
do yon think of our political future now ? '
"Weil , young man , " said Senator
Kicquer. brightening up. "I don't think
we'll do any more benevolent assimilat
ing for a few years , at nil events. With
the retirement of Mr. Bonaparte will go
the last vestige of. imperialism in our
government. "
Eccernn on Hand , Arms , L.CK and
Face It Wu SomcthinK Terrible
Complete Cure by Cntlcura.
"About fifteen or eighteen years ago
eczema developed on top of my band.
It burned and itched so much that I
was compelled to show it to a doctor.
He pronounced it ringworm. Alter
trying bis different remedies the dis
ease increased and went up my arms
ami to my legs and finally on my face.
The burning was something terrible. 1
went to another doctor who had the
icputation of being the best in town ,
lie told me it was eczema. His mt-di-
cine checked the advance of the dis
ease , but no further. I finally con
cluded to try the Cuticura Kerne lies
and louud relief in the first trial. I
continued until I was free from the dis
ease and I have not been troubled siiuv.
C. Burkhart , 2'M W. Market St. , rham-
bersburs , rn. , Sept. If ) . IOCS. "
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. . Mole
Props , of Cutictir : Remedies' . Boston.
About 7 , " > , GOO fox skin.srn s-M out of
Maine every year. Very few of 'ni ? sy !
aniiuaN are shot. Many nre killed l > y the
us" of poisoned bait , while hunJieds are
killed in drives.
Slopi Colds in nn Hour.
You will be plnd to know LanPlonc -
ant Tablets ( laxative ) will stop in an hoar
u cold that could not be warded off by any-
thin ? else. They will always break up n
cold almost immediately. Drugcis ! and
dealers sell them nt2."icts. .1 bo-c. Omor F.
Woodward , Le Hey , N. Y. Sample free.
Unsatisfied i
"I've often 'thought. ' " Mn > . Lnpsling
was saying , "I should love to set- that
wonderful atmospheric freenoiflenou they
call the garage in the desert. "
Your working power depends upon yoiu
health ! Garfield Tea corrects disorders of
liver , kidneys , stomach and bowels : over
comes constipation , purifies the blood
brings good health.
"Why One \Vontnn Succeeded.
Let me throw out a suggestion to
business women : "Never make capital
out of the fact that you are a woman. "
L. Brady.
Brown's Bronchial Troches relieve
Throat Irritations caused by cold or use
of the voice. In boxes 2. i cents. Sam
ples mailed free. John I. Brown & Son ,
Boston , Mass.
An estimate by the geological survey
places the country's production of Port
land cement in 1908 at 40,000,000 barrels.
a decrease from 11)07 ) of nearly 20 per j
Lydia E. Piakfaam's Vegeta
ble Compound Cured Her. '
"Willimantic , Conn. "For five years
I suffered untold agony from female
troubles , causing backache , irregulari
ties , dizziness and nervous prostra
tion. It was impossible for me to
v/aik upstairs
without stopping
on the \vav. I
tried three differ
ent doctors and
each told ine some
thing different. I
received no beneflfe
from any of them ,
[ 1 to suf-
doctor said noth
ing \vould restore
ray health. I began
talcing Ljuio. E. Pinkharq's Vegetable
Compound ro see v.liat itvould do.
and I am restored to my natural
health. " Mrs. ETTA DOXOVAX , Box
\Villiinantic , Conn.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound , made from roots
and herbs , is unparalleled. It may be
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements , inflam
mation , ulcenition , fibroid tumors , ir
regularities , periodic pains , backache ,
bearing-dovrn feeling , flatulency , indi
gestion , dizziness , or nervous prostra
For thirty years Lydia E.Pinkham'g
Vegetable Compound has been the
standard remedy for female ills , and
suffering women owe it to themselves
to at least give this medicine a triaL
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others , and why should it
not cure you ?
This Trade-mark
Eliminates All
in the purchase of
paint materials.
It is an absolute
guarantee of pur
ity and quality.
For your own
protection , see
that it is on the side of
every keg of white lead
you buy.
1502 Trinity Building , 8 fork
We piy poittga ami n4
and Pistnli Cure
KE3 CO. , Depl. B5. Minneapolis Minn *
IMPROVEMENTS : A seven-room house with good cistern. Barn 68x82 ,
holds 150 tons hay , 20 head of horses and 100 head of cattle. Granary , 5,000
bu. capacity. Tool house. Two good wells. One windmill , pump and tank.
East half fenced in two parts , west half all under ono fence. Fine grove of
young trees on three sides of the house. It can't be beaten in the United Statee
for a money-maker. Price is right.
The following crops per acre were raised on the above place last season :
Durum wheat averaged 25 bu. , which at 90c brought $22.50 per acre. Bar
ley averaged 27 bu. , at 55c or $14.85 per acre. Blue Stem wheat averaged 18
bu. at $1.0G , or $19.08 per acre. Flax averaged 1GV2' bu. at $1.55 , or $25.54 per
acre. Oats averaged 35 bu. at 46c , or $16.10 per acre. Only 240 acres under
cultivation , balance virgin sod.
What the other fellow can do you can do.
II this is too large , come up and let me fit you with a smaller farm.
ROSS E. PARKS , - Lily , South Dakota-
Martha Washington
Comfort Shoes
You will never know what genuine
foot comfort is until you wear Martha
Washington Comfort Shoes. They re
lieve tired and aching feet and make walk
ing a pleasure. They fit liks a glove ar.d
feel as easy as a stocking. No bother about
buttons or laces they just slip on and off at will. The elastic at
the sides "gives" with every movement of the foot , insuring free
action and a perfect fit. Absolute comfort guaranteed.
Beware of imitations. Only the genuine have the name Martha
Washington and Mayer Trade Mark stamped on the sole. Refuse
substitutes. Your dealer will supply you ; if not , write to us.
FREE If you will send us the name of a dealer \vho
does r.ot handle Martha Washinfjtori Comfort Shoes , we
willsend youfree.postpaid.a beautiful picture of Martha
Washington , size 15x20.
We also make Honorbilt Shoes. Leading Lady
Shoes , Yerma Cushion Shoes and Special Merit
School Shoes.
F. Mayer Boot fifShoe Co.
.Can bo handled very easily. The sick are cured , and all othen i
, same Rtable , no matter how "exposed. " kept from having the dl * .
the tongue , or In feed. Acts on the blood and expels genzs of
all forms of distemper. Best remedy ever < nown for mare * In foaL
One bottle sfuarsn'-eed to euro one case. 50c an < * 81 a bottle ; K and
| 810 dozen of drngglctsand harness dealers , or Beat express paid by
/ manufacturers. Cut chows how to poultice throata. Our froi-
BooUetK'l''eseTeT7thlnfr. Local amenta wanted. Largest celllnjr
horsa remedy In existence twcrre j ears.
8POHN MEDICAL CO. . ears.Coshen , Ind. , U. 8. A
CUr Btre iods briobfer aid Infercolen An r Hkr dye. Oae lOc pic&age eolars ill flfem. Itay tie ! cold water tetter ( boi a y olber dye. TOB CM
nrunMalwittwilriMtasifirt. Write IN lew t UHUvl3ly , lluckBii Mix UUc * MOJJ-X.OE WRVG CO. . Quiney. lilt *