Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 25, 1909, Image 8

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    3 * -1"- " "
„ -
Sold cnly in
Hoisture Proof
S S B yffi ®
The National prestige of Biscuit Is
baked in. The moment you take a biscuit
from the package , as soon as you taste it , tbu
reason becomes apparent why so. many hun
dred millions of packages of
have been bought by tiie American people
Talk of the Town.
jMiss Zaida Elliott has la grippe.
District court will convene
April 19 , 1909.
A.Thompson , from out on the
Schlagel , was trading in town
Born to John Slonecker and
wife Saturday , March 20 , 1909 , a
Mrs. Marsden is visiting at the
home of her daughter , Mrs. John
John Adamson , from up the
river , was in Valentine Tuesday
on business.
"Wanted Girl for general house
work. Mrs. It.v M. Tcrrill ,
Brownlee Xeb. 11 1
Mac Cramer is building an ad
dition onto his house south of the
Catholic church.
Milt Dunham re-shingled his
house before going to the reser
vation last week.
Richard Salmon has built a com
modious addition to his house on
west Catherine street.
You needn't be afraid.
. One day a lady who had been reared
in the careful luxury of the old-fashioned
Virginia home was invited to visit the
kitchijn of a great Chicago hotel. She
wanted to go , but was afraid. When
asked why , she replied , "I'm afraid I'll
sec something that will forever destroy
my appetite for hotel food. " She went ,
and found everything delightfully clean.
Good housewives consider cleanliness
and purity first of all ; that's why Quaker
Oats is their choice among all oatmeals.
In making Quaker Oats the grain is
silted and rcsifted , passing through more
than fifty processes of cleaning before it
is cooked and rolled.
If you took a handful of oats and
scrubbed and polished and wiped each
separate grain , it wouldn't then be nearly i
as clean as Quaker Oats. No human
hand ever touches a single grain of
Quaker Oots from the field to your
kitchen. The best advice on foods you
could have is : Eat Quaker Oats every
morning for breakfast.
You'll find Ouaiier Oats put up in
two size packages , the regular size and
the large , family size for those who are
not convenient to the sl re.
Shinefine , a strange , new dis-
; cover.y is soon coming to town , b
Second hand phaeton , in good
condition , for sale cheap. Call at
this cilice. C
We omitted to mention last week
the arrival of a daughter to Kas-
mus Anderson and wife , born
Sunday , March U , 1009.
Frank Hippie was in town last
I Saturday , getting ready for spring
I work on his farm a few miles up
the Minnechaduxa west of Crooks-
The new bridge to be built by
1 the C. & N. W , , across the Nio-
brara is to be nearly one-half mile
long and will cost nearly a quarter
of a million dollars.
When m needed of printed or
| blank stationery make this office a
call , Everything from a sale bill
to the finest of wedding stationery
and at prices that are reasonable.
Oscar Elkinton of Crookston
had business in Valentine Mon
day and called at our office to pay
up on subscription and insert a
local advertisement in these col
i FOUND : By Lou McDill , an
article evidently belonging to some
lady : owner may have same by
calling at the Wood Lake Bank
j and fitting it in the prebence of
two witnesses.
Xotice the large sale ad of the
Eastern Iowa Breeders' Associa
tion , of which J. M. Mofi'ett is
manager , elsewhere in this paper
They will oiler some choice cows
and bulls for sale at public auction
A fine square piano and several
other useful articles of furniture
will be o lie red for sale to first
comers at reasonable prices at the
Presbyterian Munse , Valentine ,
Nebr. I expect lo move away by
April 1st. 2t.
Mrs. W. S. Barker and Miss
Kcister entertained the Flinch
jclub Wednesday evrning , the
SevenU'LMUh rff Ireland. The
rooms were decorated in green
and spuds were trumps. Potatoes
were served in several different
ty h and ice cream in "Murphy"
.shellsitha dainty three-course
lunciii'on , and the ladies enjoyed
a swell time till the \vt e'sma houifl
o' th' niht.
Dr. Meehan , osteopath , at the
Donoher hotel , Monday , Wednes
day and Friday each week. 52
Everybody gets enthusiastic
about Shinefine . Can't help it.
You will too. Shinefine is coming
soon. S
IT. Donzelmann , a prominent
attorney of Cheyenne , Wyo. , was
in the city the first of the week in
the interest of Sam Story who is
under arrest and charged with the
murder of Fred Smith last Octob
er near Valentine.
John Cordier was in town last
week from his reservation ranch
and tells us that he expects to
farm 150 acres this summer. He
purchased § 100 worth of farm im
plements from the Valentine Lum
ber Co. , while in town.
G. W. Cowan called on us Tues
day to advance his subscription to (
THE DEMOCRAT. He is a farmer
on North Table and lives across
the road from O. W. Halm's place.
Mr. Cowan came here from South
Dakota about a year ago. His
father lives on the hill north of
town ,
J. L. McElderry returned last
Sunday week from an extended
trip in Kansas and Oklahoma ,
where he spent the past winter.
He visited John Whillans and
family at Lindsborg , Kan. Mr.
McElderry is looking well and en
joys better health apparently than
for several years past.
Mrs. Kobert G. Ivi ley and
daughters , Mary and l\uth , de
parted from here Sunday morning ,
going to Chicago where they v sit
a week , after which they go to
Hloomington , Incl. Mr , Easley ,
Miss Nellie and Kobert will re
main in Valentine for a couple of
months or more yet before they go.
Cl-iarley Tackett was in town
last Friday from Rosebud and
says to tell our farmer friends to
put in all the crop they can this
spring , and "put it in early" is
the suggestion of ye editor , for we
believe that the. early crop is
surer. You can't put all of il. in
early but put all in early that . \ou
can. Don't wait for traditional
thunder-storms before you begin
to plow. Mr. Tackelt says he is
going to put in the biggest crop i
he can this spriLg and thinks h is ;
going to be a bountiful -yield. . ij1
D. J. Drebert came up to Val 1-
entine Tuesday to visit I. M. llice.
Mr. Drebert is now special agent
of the Western Fire Ins. Co , itf
Lincoln and travels over this part
of the state. We have worked
with Mr. Drebert for a number of
years and have found him to be a
hustler for business and a good
; judge of Lisurable values.
E. L. Hutchison returned from
Hot Springs last Saturday morn
ing not fully recovered , yet feel i1 1n
ing some better , and hopes to soon >
be strong again as the trouble
seems to have been reached and
his blood purified by the hot baths
and sweats. Water is good for >
soaking out the system , the same
as soaking the salt out of mackerel
or white fish.
An enjoyable time was had at
the home of Rachel Breuklander
Friday evening. Those present
wore : Emma Herman , Esther >
Shepard , Hazel and Nellie Franke ,
Olive Jones , Gladys Grooms ,
Mary Hershey , Bessie Salmon ,
Idel Ralya , Venus Handy. Loyd ,
Loren and Henry Breuklander 1 ;
Clarence Marshall , Louie Franke :
and Froebel Jones. After a few
light refreshments were served the
little ones returned home with
light hearts and tired enough for )
a good night's rest.
Sam Chesnut of Ainsworth wus
in town Tuesday. It-was his first
visit to our 'city fo'r about sx ;
years and he spent" the day vis.t-
ing with , , ojd friends -who. used to
know him when he lived in the
west end of the county on one of
the finest ranches ever seen in the
west for its size and he used to
come to Valentine more frequently -
ly than now. Sam looks about
the same as he used to and doesn't
seem to grow old any faster than
the rest of us.
The talk is that there will be tv , o
new passenger trains put on the
C. & N.V. . in a few weeks th it
will go through to the end of the
line of road and give us a daylight
train service westward and an
* * " *
evening train going east. In is is
supposed to be a permanent
equipment of the road and with
the new cut off to Valpntine and
other additional improvements we
can exppct faster trains and pos
sibly a division point at Valentine
which is being talked considerably.
Last Thursday as we went to
press there was a case before
County Judge Quigley in which
J. F. Kellar of Crookston was
asking for damages of § 100 for the
killing of a bull who happened co
trespass on the right-of-way and
locked horns with the locomotive
on one of the trains which disput
ed Master Bovine's
right-of-way ,
and the result was that Master
Bovine tumbled into the ditch.
Mr. Kellar had a number of his
neighbors with him as witnesses to
the value of the animal and in accordance -
cordance with their testimony the
county judge awarded Mr , Kellar
§ 100 , the amount of damage claim
ed. Max. E. Vip.rtel , Francis
McDermott , Fred Grpen. Edward
Pike , James McLaughlin , John j
Adamson and P.H. Young testified
a s to the value of the animal killed.
J udge Quigley was prompt in his
decision of questions raised by the
opposing counsel as to the admissibility -
bility of evidence anrl the case was
just as promptly decided at the
close- There was no dispute
further than as to the value of the
animal and that was determined by
the evidence of men well qualified
to judge in the matter because of
their acquaintance with the ani
mal in question , knowledge of
stock and of prevailing prices.
For Sale or Trade.
One bicycle , nearly new , Inqui fe
of Oscar Elkinton , Crookston , Neb.
Justice's Estray Notice.
Notice is hereby given , that on
the 26th day of March A. D. ID ) l )
the undersigned , Justice of tae
Peace , will , at the residence
of John Jackson the , taktr-j
up of the animals hereinafter de
scribed' strays , on Section 20 in
Township 28 North , of Range 3i
East , in Cherry County , Nebraska ,
sell to the highest bidder , for cash ,
the following described property ,
to- wit , : One iron gray geldiag a-
bdut 6 yrs. old , branded BL on
right shoulder blotch brand on left
shoulcer 295. Sale will commence
at 10 o'clock a. m. , sharp.
Said described property havi 3g
been taken up by the said Join
Jackson as strays.
Dated this 19th day of February
A. D. 1909.
7 5 Justice of the Peace.
Land and Feeding Co.
3artletfc Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part ofanin al.
also the following
z > 3 if5irsr jJ < i > i7'xs 's vp K1tii OraUdS :
&M V.B. R.
Hvannis on M. R. 11. in Northwestern Nebr.
IJARTl.ETT JilCflAKDS. Ells worth „ ICel ) .
me t
and to secure a good one one that will do our product
justice we are going ; to give $25.00 to the person whose suggestion
is decided by a committee consisting of Mayor Gallagher ; D. H.
Cronin , editor Frontier ; and GeoA. . Miles , editor Independent , to be
most suitable , and which we will adopt as our trade mark. It will
cost you nothing to try , and may put $25.00 in your putse. Simply
fill out the attached coupon and mail it to E. F. Gallagher , Mayor ,
O'Neill , Neb.F&CLARK. . BJcGINNIS CREAMERY , O'Heil ! Neb.
S-ir'The rapidly increasing demand for our Butter has compelled us to put
it up in cartons , which necessitates the adoption of a trade name.
My Choice for Name of Butter ,
oi Signed
op K. R. Station.
p County . State
Do you use a. Scpa.ra.ior ? ,
0 No. Ccwos milked in Winter In Summer. left
This Contest Cissjs Saturday , April 17 , and aii Coupjas ciust Bs In by Tnat Time.
Pat Peiper.
E. M. Faddis & Co.
? ostofflce address-Valentine or
Some branded
' on left
Horses branded
on left
( shoulder
or thigh ,
Some Some branded
branded i on right thigh
on left or shoulder.
or thte
' P. H. Young : .
. dimeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
Some Q Yon Ieft
en left Jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Koaebud o , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on lefc side
OSO OQ rlghtside
Some cattle also
have a - \ - on neck
Some with A. on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind qnar-
Iters Some Texas
S O on left side and some |
on left side. I
Horses } branded SOS on left hip- Some castle
branded i AW bar connected on both sides ana
left i hip of horses ,
Kennedy , - \nimiska.
Same as cut on left
. .de and hip , and on
left j shoulder of her
ses. AlsoRZB on
left aide
F X 'eft ' side
Some cat-
tie brcna-
ed husk- ing peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder
of horses. UJ
on left hip of borses.
on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD \
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJBE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
_ „ _ „ . , _ - , _ of rustlers of stock
hearing .anv of thfse brands.
Kohl & Terrill.
Brownlee , Kej.
Cattle branded as
in cat on left
side. Some
brandPd K. T Y
on left hip. Kanje
on North Lonp
river two miles
west of Brewnlee
f !
iA. . Yaryan.
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.Ieft side
Some un left hip.
Horses same on
1-jft shoulder.
Range Square
Koan Bros.
Woodlake Neb
L'ange on Long
Lake and Crook
ed Lake.
John Kills Plenty
St Francis Mis
sion , Kosebud.
S. D.
asm cut ; horses
B tine on Icif
tliuzh. Kange oe-
\vt-en ' " 'prin-i '
and Little W
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
( ' . K. Sawver has
charge of these
cattle. H rse.s
same left thfjrh.
iKange on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Kolfe Xebr
Cattle branded
nywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks
Reward of S250 will be jaid to any person for
leading to the arrest and final
or persoas steaiiDg