Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 25, 1909, Image 7

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    Trora woman's ailments are invited to write to the names and
addresses here given , for positive proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound does cure female ills.
i iimor
Chingc , IIl.oMrH. Alvena Sperling , ULang-
< lon .Street.
J/tS'ilIfy , Jjnl. = Mrs. MsyFrv.
Kinsley. Iuuif < . = Mrs. Stella Giffonl
: S ott , N. Y' . = Mrs. S. J. Barber.
'CornvMlIvillo , N.Y. = Mrs. Win. Boughtnn.
CincinnatiO. = MrH.W.K.Hou-.h.7KiHUic\rAv
l\ihi-iukee , Wis. = Mrs. Emma luise , 833 1st
lit. , German.
Chance of T.lfc.
: South Bond , Iml. = Mrs. Fred Ccrtia , 1011 S.
Lafayette Street.
TCo.ii ! , K utucky. = Mrs. Li/zie Holland.
iir < okiieli. Mo. = Mrs. Sirah Lousignont , 207
S. Market St.
Pat r-on. N.J.r = AIrs. "v7m. Somcrville , 10j
Hamburgh Avenue.
Tliiladeltihia , I'u. = Mrs. K. E. Garrctt , 2107
NortJi G.irnet Street.
Kcuaskum , Wis. = Mrs. Carl D.ihlke.
Maternity Troubles.
"Wbrcr ; trr , M ass. = Mrs. Dosylva Cote" , 117
Soutbgato Street.
Indianapolis , Iml. = Mrs. A. T. Anderson , 1207
K. Pratt Street.
His ; Uun , Pa. = Mrs.7. . 12. Pooler.
.A < : r Stat'on , O. = 3ri. ! Ani-M rrfn
Cincinnati , Uhio. = Mra. E. II. JM.ulduclu. , ili
Gilbert Avcmio.
TVIogidore , Ohio. = Mrs. Lee Manses , Box 131.
JOewi'tville , N.Y. = Mrs. A. A. Giles.
Johnstown , N.Y. = Mrs. Homer K.Scaman , 103
E. Main Street.
Burtonview , Ill. = Mrs. Peter Langenbahn.
Avoid Operations.
Ifaiupstead , Md. = "Mrs. Jos. II. TJandv.
Adrian , Ga. = ljOiia V. iienry , liouto Xo. . * 5.
Indianapolis , Jixl. = Bessie V. Piper , 20 South
Addison Street.
louisville , Ky. = Mrs. Sam LCD , 2323 Fotirl li St.
Souih7est "Harbor , Mau-o. = Mrs. Lillian
Jlobblns , Mt. Desert Light Station.
Detroit , Mich. = . Mrs. Frieda lioaeca.u , 041
3Ieldnim Avenue , Ger.nan.
Organic Displacements.
JVTozior. Ills. = Mrs. M i-y Bill.
.Melbourne , Iowa. = Mrs. Clara Wjtterm.ain ,
It. F. D. No. 1.
Bardstovrn. Ky. = Mr . Joscrli Hall.
I/ewiston , Mame. = Mrs. I3.ei.ry Cloutier , CG
Oxford Street.
Minneapolis , Minn. = T.Ir3. John G. Moldau ,
2115 Second Strcot , N
Shamrock , Mo. = Josie Ham , E.F. D. Xo. 1 ;
Box 22.
Slarlton , N.J. = Mrs. Geo. Jordy , Ilouto Xo.3 ,
Box 40.
Chester. Ark. = Mrs. TJlla Wood.
Ocilla , Ga. = Mrs. T. A. Cribh.
Pendleton. lsi < l. = Mrs. M-iy Marshall , U.TC.41.
Cambridge , Xob. = Mrs. Nellie Mo-dander.
Goshen , Ala. = Mrs.W. T. Dalton , RouteNo.3.
Chicago , Ill. = Mrs Wm. Tully. * fin Ogden Av.
J'.iw I'aw , Mich = Mrs Emma Draper.
Flushing , Mich. = Mrs. Burt Loyd , It. F. D.
Iso. 'J ; care of 1 > . A. Sanborn.
Coffeeville , Miss. = Mrs. S. J. Joneg.
Cincinnati , Ohio. = Mrs. Flora Ahr , 10C2 Ernst
Cleveland , Ohio = Miss Lizzio Stclger , M10
Fleet Avenue , S.E.
VvVsh-vvillc , Pa. = Mrs. MasgieEster.K.F.D.l.
IversfnirpTcnn = Mrs. Lue Ililliard , lt.JR.1.
llajlicldra. . = lrs. Mayme Wiudlo.
IFcrrin , 111 = > . Trs Chas. Folkel.
V. inchester , Ind = AIrs. May Deal.
Dver , Iud. = Mrs. Wm. Oberloh , It. F. D. Xo. 1.
Kaltnuoie , Md. = Mrs. W. S. Ford , 19J3 Lansdowne -
downe Street.
Kosbnry , MaHS. = Mrs. Francis Merklo,13 Field
ClailtFd ile , Mo. = Miss Anna "Wallace.
Gtusvillo , Ohio. = .Mrs. Ella Michael , K.F.D.3.
DAyton , MJiii . = Mi . Ida Hale , Box 23 , Na
tional Military Home.
Lebanon , l'a. = Mfs. Hany L. Kittle , 233 Leh- Street.
Svkes , 'JVnn. = MiinicHall. .
Det : tMieh. = Loui'-e.Tung,332Chcstnut
ot. Ovarian Tniuliln.
Vincenncs. Ind. = Mrb. Sj 1. B. Jerauld , 503 X.
Tenth Streot.
Gardiner , Maine. = Mrs. S. A. V 'illiams , K. F.
D.Xo. 11 ; I o\0.
Philadclpliia , Tn = Mrs. Chas. Boell , 2407 N.
Garucc Stiet. .
riattsburgMiss. = MissVcna"\VilkesPt F.D.I.
V.'illimantJe , Conli. = Mis. Etta Donovan , Box
2 ; > 9.
"Woi.dMde , T.I ihn. = Mrs. Knchel Johnson.
liuclcland , 7 Liiic. ! = Mra. Will Young , G Col-
unibia Avonu > > .
Pcottxille. Mich. = Mrs J G. Johnson , It.F.D.3.
I tax ton , Ohio. = Mrs. F. It. Smith. 431 Elm St.
Krio , Pa , = Mrs. J. P. Endlich. It. F. D. Ko. 7.
Beax r Falls , Pa. = Mrs. W. P. Boyd , 2109
yex'onth Avenue.
i"iiiehanccI > a. = AIr ! . T. A. Dunham , Box 132.
Fort Hunter , Pa. = Mrs. Marx .lano Shatto
liifct Karl , Pi. = M-s. A 11511 ' u < < I .yon , Jt.F.D. 2.
Vienna , \V. Va. = Mrs. Emma Wheaton.
Nervous T'rostraf ion.
Oronogo , Mo. = Mr& . Mao McKnight.
Camden , X J. = Mrs. Tillic Waters , 431 Liber
ty Street.
Joseph , Oiegon. = ? Irs. Alict > Huffman.
Phil -delphia , Pi. = Mrs. John Johnston , 210
Sigel Streot.
Chrltiana renn. = Mrs. Mary "Wood , K.F.D.
No. 3.
Pecos , T xas. Mr' . Ada Young Eggleston.
GranitoviHo , Vt. = Mrs. Cluis. Barclay , Il.F.D.
These women are only a , few of thousands of living witnesses of
tlie power of Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound to cure female
diseases. Not one of these women ever received compensation in any
form for the use of their names in this advertisement but are will
ing that we should refer to them because of the good the7 may
do other suffering women toprove that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is a reliable and honest medicine , and that the
statements made in our advertisements regarding its merit are the
truth and nothing but the truth.
rMPKOVEMEXTS : A seven-room house with good cistern. Barn CSxS2 ,
iclds l',0 tons hay , 20 head of horses and 100 head of cattle. Granary , 5,000
> u capacity. Tool house. Two good wells. One windmill , pump and tank ,
last half fenced in two parts , west half all under ono fence. Fine grove of
rouug trees on three sides of the house. It can't be beaten in the United States
Cor a money-maker. Price is right.
The following crops per acre were raised on the above place last season :
. .Eurumheat averaged 25 bu. , which at 90c brought $22.50 per acre. Bar-
'ley averaged 27 bu. , at 55c or $14.85 per acre. Blue Stem wheat averaged 18
pu. at $1.06 , or $19.08 per acre. Flax averaged 16 % bu. at $1.55 , or $25.54 per
.Were Oats averaged 35 bu. at 46c , or $16.10 per acre. Only 240 acres under
Sulthation , balance virgin sod.
What the other fellow can do you can tlo.
' 5f this is too large , come up and let me fit you with a smaller farm.
JIOSS E. PARKS , - Lily , South Dakota
of Wheat Land
in Western Canada
SO bushe's per acre have been grown. General
.ffltreraffe creater than in any other part of the Con-
Jinent. Under New Regulations it is possible to
-Secure a Homestead of 160 acres free , and additional
$60 acres at * 3.0. > per acre.
"The development of the country has
made marvellous btrides. It is a revela
tion , a rec > rd of conquest by ttlement
that ! > remarkable. " Extract from cor
respondence of a National Editor , nho
visited Canada in August last.
The cram crop of 1903 will n-t many farmers
-$20.00 to S25.00 per acre. Grain-raising , Mived
farming- and Dairying are the principal indus
tries. Climate is excellent : Social Conditions the
Railway Advantages unequalled : Schools ,
hes and markets close at hand.
Thane's may al * > o be purchased from Railway
Land Companies.
ipamphlets. maps and information as to
jio\v to secure lowest Railway Rates , apply to
Vf. D bcott. Superintendent of Immigration ,
Attawa. Canada , or E. T. Holmes. 315 Jackson
.fit. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLacnlan , Box
, li6 , Yvatortown , So. Dakota Authorized Govern-
client Agents.
Please bay where you sav this advertisement.
Biggest organ of the body the
towels and the most important
it's got to be looked after neglect
means suffering and years of
misery. CAS CARETS help
lature keep every part of your
' bowels clean and strong thfn ;
hey act right means health to
four whole body. ou
CASCARHTS IDC a bor for a week's treat
ment. All drujrpsts. Biggest seller la
the world Million boxes a month.
I.ft Oouth Syrup. Tastes Good.
time. Sold by druggists.
. . . .
Tl. ' L L > "Jgl - 'tJ.HLI '
About IS cents a square yard is spent
a year to keep the si reels of Paris clean ,
Berlin spends 4 rents for this.
Safe and Sure.
Among the medicines that are recom
mended and endorsed by physicians
and nurses is Kemp's Balsam , the best
cough cure. For many years it has
been regarded by doctors as the medi
cine most likely to cure coughs , and it
has a strong hold on the esteem of
all well-informed people. When Kemp's
Balsam cannot cure a cough we shall
be at a loss to know what will. At
druggists' and dealers' , 25c.
Messina's end Mop.s the picturesque pa
rades of the bandits from nearby moun
Cure Tlmt Cold To-Day.
Nearly all druggists and dealers now
have in stock Lane's Pleasant Tablets
( laxative ) for Colds and Grip , and they
will break up a cold quicker than any oth
er remedy. A trial will convince you as it
has thousands of others. Avoid" suffering
and save doctors' bills by ordering to-day.
23 cents a box. Sample free. Address
Orator F. Woodward , Le Roy , N. Y.
A bird's wing is , in proportion to its
owner's weight , twenty times as strong ai
a man's arm.
Thousands of country people know that
in time of sudden mishap or accident
Ilamlins Wizard Oil is the best substi
tute for the family doctor. That is why
it is so often found upon the shelf.
Hereafter all fish sold in Constantinople
ple mut be kept in shops paved with mar
ble ( which is cheap there ) , or with
plaques of so-called Malta stone.
Red , "Weak , Werry , Watery Eyes
Relieved by Murlne Eye Remedy.
Compounded by Experienced Physicians.
Conforms to Pure Food and Drug Laws.
Murine Doesn't Smart ; Soothes Eye Pain.
Try Murine in Your Eyes. Ask Your Druggist.
He Was.
"You're a traveling man , I presume ,
Mr. Wattles , ' ' ventured the new hotel
lerk , with an affable smile.
"Yes , sir , " said the big , bearded ath
lete who had just registered. "Do I look
like a traveling woman ? "
fif Vr IK T * A TtVT
An unusual 13- low number of trading
defaults reflects gratifying settle
ments this month , which generally is
a time of heavy payments. Further
testimony to the improving state of
commerce is seen in increasing move
ments of factory outputs , general mer
chandise and grain. Money is also in
wider demand for the leading indus
tries and currency outgo exceeds the
receipts , but discount rates for de
sirable paper remain favorable to bor
rowers and encourage a revival of en
terprise. Production is yet upon a
conservative basis.
The iron and steel branches obtain
a fair aggregate of now demands , al
though the readjustment of prices
causes revision of estimates and de
lays commitments for equipment ,
bridge and track needs. Some con
tracts are closed for lake freighters of
heavy tonnage and this improved the
shipbuilding outlook. Specifications
become more plentiful for plates and
structural shapes , and there is a mod
erate gain in forces at the rolling mills
and forges.
Cat construction steadily expands.
Railroad plans assure much work , in
volving heavy outlays in the near fu
ture , and there is further accumula
tion of contemplated factory exten
sions and mercantile and hotel build
Failures reported in the Chicago dis
trict number IS , against 27 last week ,
30 in 1908 and 23 in 1007. Those with
liabilities over ? 3,000 number 6 ,
against 10 last week , 11 In 190S and 8
in 1907. " Dun's Weekly Review of
Trade and industrial development *
have been slightly more favorable , the ?
result being a better tone in various
lines of trade and some enlargement of
activity in spring demand from job
bers and from retailers. Helpful in
this respect has been the arrival of
better weather conditions , the advance
of the season's trade toward an early
Easter , large shipments of grain to
market , attracted by high prices , the
placing of some business in iron and
steel induced by lower prices and the
resumption of building operations at
many cities after the winter shut
Where jobbing demand has improved
however , conservatism in buying has
ruled , trade at first hands has remain
ed pretty quiet and the enlargement of
retail buying has not been very mark
ed. Still , even collections show a slight
Business failures in the United
States for the week ending March 11
were 254 , against 219 last week , 278
in the like week of 1908 , ISO in 1907 ,
187 in 190G and ISO in 1905.
Caandian failures for the week num
ber 40 , which compares with 33 last
week and 31 in this week last year.
Chicago Cattle , common to prime ,
$4.00 to 87.35 ; hogs , prime heavy , 84.50
to SG.90 ; sheep , fair to choice , $3.00
to $0.00 ; wheat , No. 2 , $1.19 to $1.21 ;
corn , No. 2 , Glc to GGc ; oats , standard ,
53c to 54c ; rye , Xo. 2 , 79c to Sic ; hay ,
timothy , $8.00 to $13.50 ; prairie , $8.00
to $11.50 ; butter , choice creamery , 25c
to 2Sc ; eggs , fresh , 15c to ISc ; potatoes ,
per bushel , SOc to 90c.
Indianapolis Cattle , shipping , $3.00
to $ G.uO ; hogs , good to choice heavy ,
$ 'J.)0 to $ G.GO ; sheep , good to choice ,
$2..10 to $4.00 ; wheat , No. 2 , $1.20 to
$1.22 ; corn , No. 2 , white , Glc to 63c ;
oaN. No. 2 white , 49c to 51c.
St. Louis Cattle , $1.50 to $7.40 ; hogs ,
$1.00 to $ G.95 ; sheep. $ . ° > .00 to $3.75 ;
wheat , No. 2 , $1.20 to $1"JO ; corn , No. 2 ,
G5c to G7c ; oats , No. 2 , 54c to 5Gc ; rye ,
No. 2 , 79c to SOc.
Cincinnati Cattle , $4.00 to $6.25 ;
IIORS. $4.00 to $ G.90 ; sheep , $3.00 to
$5.30 : wheat. No. 2 , $1.26 to $1.27 ; corn ,
> o. 2 mixed , G7c to GSc ; oats , No. 2
mixed , 53c to 3Gc ; rye , No. 2 , S2c to 84c.
Detroit Cattle , $1.00 to $5.G5 ; hogs ,
$1.00 to $6.80 ; sheep , $2.50 to $5.00 ;
wheat , No. 2 , $1.19 to $1.20 : corn , No. 3
yellow , G7c to GSc ; oats , No. 3 white ,
54c to 55c ; rye , 5STo. 2 , SOc to S2c.
Milwaukee Wheat , No. 2 "northern ,
$1.14 to $1.16 ; corn , No. 3 , G5c to 67c ;
oats , standard , 54c to 56c ; rye , No. 1 ,
79c to SOc ; barley , No. 1 , G5c to G7c ;
pork , mess , $16.3-5.
Buffalo Cattle , choice shipping steers ,
$4.00 to $7.05 ; hogs , fair to choice , $4.00
to $7.15 ; sheep , common to good mixed ,
$4.00 to $4.75 ; lambs , fair to choice ,
$5.00 to $8.15.
New York Cattle , $4.00 to $ G.G5 ;
hogs , $3.30 to $7.00 ; sheep , $3.00 to
$3.00 ; wheat , No. 2 red. $1.22 to $1.23 ;
corn , No. 2 , 75c to 7Gc ; oats , natural
ivhite. 5Sc to 61c ; butter , creamery , 25c
: o 27c ; eggs , western , 17c to 20c.
Toledo Wheat , No. 2 mixed , $1.21 to
$1.22 ; corn , No. 2 mixed , G7c to GSc ;
oats , No. 2 mixed , 54c to 55c ; rye , No.
2 , Sic to S3c ; clover seed , $5.3G.
Chicago detectives took into custody
the 10-year-old Michigan City , Ind. ,
vouths who confessed to having left their
tomes to "break the Chicago board of
trade. ' ' They said they had a "system"
to beat the market and produced between
them $900 with which they had expected
to begin operations.
Preventing Paint Troublca.
It's easy enough to recognize the
Symptoms of poor paint , after it has
been on awhile after its inherent ten
dency to crack and peel and scale and
blister , etc. , has developed into trouble.
You know these paint "diseases" usu
ally Indicate adulteration or substitu
tion in , the paint materials. And you
know the only remedy Is repainting.
A little knowledge of paint and
painting requirements , and how to
make sure of the purity and quality
of materials , would prevent all trouble ,
and save the big extru expense of re
painting ; just as a proper knowledge
of simple health-laws , and observance
of t'lem , prevents sickness.
A complete painting guide , including
a book of color schemes , specifications
for all kinds of painting work , and an
instrument for detecting adulteration
in paint materials , with directions for
using it. can be had free by writing
National Lead Co. . 1902 Trinity Bldg. ,
New York , and asking for Uouseown-
er's Painting Outfit No. 49.
A very simple guide in the purchase
of white lead ( the only sure and safe
paint material ) is the famous "Dutch
Boy Painter" trademark ; that trade
mark is an absolute guarantee of purity
and quality.
Her Friends.
Nan Rather a pretty irl , don't you
think ?
Fan She iif-'cd to be beautiful before
she found it out.
Child a ttntH of Dreadful Sore , Itching
ing- , Irritating Humor for Two
Months Little Sufferer in Tcrri-
blo Plight Cared by Cuticuru.
"My six year old daughter had the
dreadful disease called hives for two
months. She became affected by play
ing with children who had it. By
scratching she caused large sores
which were irritating. Her body was
a complete sore , but it was worse on
her arms and back. We employed a
physician who left medicine , but it did
not help her and I tried several reme
dies , but without avail. Seeing the
Cuticura Remedies advertised , I
thought I would try them. I gave her
a hot bath daily with Cuticura Soap
and anointed her body with Cuticura
Ointment The first treatment relieved
the itching and in a short time the dis
ease disappeared. Mrs. G. L. Fridhoff ,
Warren , Mich. , June 30 and July 13 , "OS. "
Potter Drug & Cheui. Corp. , Sole
Props , of Outicura Remedies , Boston.
"Unclo Hir : > iii. have jou ever written
: IMJ masja/'iie stories ? "
"X no , not yet , dear ; I have only
uiitten storie fonvtsazines. . "
PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any
case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or Protrud
ing Plies in 6 to 14 days or money refunded.
Is It the Truth ?
Bachelors , observes a writer , are fond
of talking about the extravagance of
women and giving that as the excuse
for their not marrying while they know
in their hearts that there are lots of
women whom they might marry who
are not extravagant , as regards clothes
at least. But these women they look
upon as dowdies , and don't want them
for life partners , which goes to show
that it is the extravagance of the bach
elor that reacts and makes extravagant
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
slrallating theFootfanilReguli- - Bears the
ting Uie Siomachs andBowelsof
ffilS S Promotes DiestionJCkerfiil-
" ness and Resr.Contains neither
& i & Opium.Morphitie norMoEral.
IBS * '
B ? ' -
| flmpkia
jilx.Senna *
Ife JbdtlleSdts-
vji i , n
&te $
' Jlea&K/-
! C/cnfieit S
Wgo ,
Apcrfect Remedy for Consfipa-
brJUVLrf < tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrlioea
Eq Worms.CoiivulsioTis.FevorisIi-
< 2
IT * fT1 "l 4
mk Facsimile Signature of
" tA'to ' , 6&t
siMlfi , _ .
- - „ - > - JI M
Exact of Wrapper.
5 5gH3JSJE32
.Can bo handled very easily. The nick n-e cured , nml all others la
samostable.nt > irat- li > vr"exposc < l "Lcpt from having the dl *
se , by using blMuVS LIQUID UISTEilPER CUKE. Giro oa
o tongue , or In feid. Afts on the blood and expels fjermj ei
all forma of diEtei < } IT. Best remedy ercr known for wares In fo LOne
Ono bottle guaruiref.l to cure ono case. COcnn' lta Ixittle ; ioand
tlO dozsn of dniKglsts and harness dealers , or gent oxprouu paid by
manutaiHirers. Cit -'hows liow to poultice throats. Our fro *
JlooklotKlveueverything. Local agents wanted. Largest
uon > a remedy in cxistczue twelve j care.
WED3CAL CO. . rcsnistscr-dBactcrioiasUu , Coshenf Ind. , U. G ,
British capitalists h.T-o applied to the
Turkish govcniment for a coucfioii
covprin ? the oil fields of Bagdad and Mo
"When "Von Pnt on Heavy Stocking
do your shoes pinch , and your feet.voll
and perspireV Sprinkle Allen's Foot Ka e
Into your shoes , and get Instant relief. lest
thins to use when wearing rubbers. Try it
for Dancinc Parties and Breaking in Now
Shoes. Sold Everywhere , Uoc. Sample
FREE. Address , Allen S. Olinsted , Le Roy ,
N. Y. Accept no substitute.
His C'rmli ? idea.
Foreigner Why do you call it a "pri
mary" election ?
Native We tall it tha * . mister , Yau e
that'1 * the \ \ iuc ot primed fur a real
A pessimist needs Garficld Tea , the
Herb laxative which regulates the liver ,
corrects constipation and brings good
health and good spirits.
The Playwright.
He said : "To make a successful play
Is easy , as I have found it ;
Take any scandal that comes your way ,
And scribble some words around it. "
S. C. N. U. - - Xo. 13 1909.
60 cts ,
a bu.
L'e.r balzer 3 catalog pace 123. ISjJkSJ
Lur" crowers of S'-ed potatoes and early ]
. Hjetii ' ? in the worl'l B kr catalog f. ee. or
> eiid IGc ni ctampb and -ct.ive catalo2 and j
' mo 1' i iHs each of on'ons carrots , celery. I
ladisl cs , lyio li-ttiiT. rutabaga , turnips. 100 I
ptr-ky , 100 tomatoes , 100 tncluns. izooj
rr. ir r mj flower steds. in all 10.000 kernels , !
e siJj' v.orth Sl.OO of aa > man's money. Or.
- . " id 2Oc nd v.-e add one pkg. of Earliest ]
Peep O D- > Sweet Corn.
SALZER SEED CO. . Box CN La Crosse , WIs.
This Trade-r. rk
Eliminates All
in the purch ise of
p.unt materials.
It i > an ab-olute
{ jiKirantee of pur
ity and quality.
I * or your own
protection , see
that it is on the side of
ever } ' keg of white lead
you buy.
1902 Trinity Building. New York
is 'to learn as to the relative standing- and reliability of the leading- manufactur
ers of medicinal agents , as the most eminent physicians are the most carelul as to
the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them , and it is well
known to physicians and the Well-informed general- ! that the California Fig- Syrup
Co. , by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of
its product , has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only , and , therefore , that the name of the
Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedr.
appeal to the Well-informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc
cess and creditable standing , therefore we wish to call the attention of all t\ho would
enjoy good health , with its blessings , to the fact that it involves the question of right
living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour
of recreation , of enjoyment , of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage , but
as in many instances a simple , wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the
proper time , the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present
truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won
the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informedbecause
of the excellence of the combination , known to all , and the original method of manufac
ture , which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives , and as its pure laxative principles , obtained from Senna , are well
known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural
laxatives , we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy , but doubtless it will always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always
note , when purchasing , the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package , whether you simply call for Syrup of
Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig S'rup
Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given
satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout
the United States , in original packages of one size only , the regular price of which
is fifty cents per bottle.
Ever } ' bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company , filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture , at Washington , D. C. , that the remedy is not adulterated or
misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Arr , June 3 > " 5th , 1906.
Louisville , Ky. U S. A. New York , N. Y.
London , England.