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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1909)
"Pcefnmn Uwed Ijy Royalty. Queen. Wilhelmlna of Holland hns daily a pint of euu de cologne in her morning bath ; Queen Victoria of Spain affects a mixture of iris and lavender on her handkerchiefs ; Queen Helena of Italy prefers iris and heliotrope ; the Dowager Queen of Italy and Queen Amelia of Portugal are devotees of , sweet violets , but the Empress of Rus sia leads the way , as she spends no less than $20,000 a year on perfumery In Paris alone. In respect of violets * hc requires that they shall be plucked Just at sunset. And when the boxes reach St. Petersburg they are first sent to be examined lest they might conceal a bomb or some deadly poison. BUN DOWN TO A SHADOW. From Thin Condition Brought Back to Health. Mrs. Edgar Smith , Belle Plaine , Iowa , says : "After an eleven-months' siege of rheumatism and typhoid my kidneys went wrong , my back was weak and painful and at last I took to my bed. Attacks of gravel ran me down to a mere skeleton. I was treated for fe rn a 1 e weakness without benefit , and finally began osing Doan's Kidney Pills. I improved from that time until well , and can say without hesitation that Doan's Kidney Pills saved my life. " Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mil burn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Rare Booic. "My husband. " said Mrs. Lapsling , "didn't do a thing yesterday but sit in his easy chair nil day long and read Dar win's 'Oregon of Specie. ' " A Cough , Cold or Sera Throat , re quires immediate attention. Brown's Bronchial Troches always give relief. In boxes 25 cents. Samples mailed free. John I. Brown & Son , Boston , Mass. The Daws M-CJU most addicted to sin cide. Their average is 2.1(5 ( .s-'F-inunlere-- a million persons a year. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUINTN1L Look lor the signature of E. W. GROVB. Us d the World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 26c In all race : * the man's brain averages 10 per cent hesvier than the brain of tne woman. JJrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for child ren teething , softens the gums , reduces In- finniinntion. ullays palii , cures wind colJe. 25c a bottle. Oh , To L.oxe. He I'll bet I steal a kiss from you. She And I'll bet you two kisses you can't. Mexico Land. Best agricultural and timber land in Republic. Price $3 per acres. Address Henry Benham , Cisco , Tex. Telephone Cure for Ohcaity. "Pseudo-science ! " said Nikola Tesla , at a dinner of electricians , apropos of an electrical cure for old age. "To a layman.1 Mr. Tesla resumed , "such a cure sounds reasonable. But to a sci entist it is as ridiculous as the tele phone cure for corpulence. You have heard of tW ? No ? "Well , Herbert Heavey , weighing 2So pounds , decided to reduce electrically. He wrapped a coil of copper wire round his wrist , connected it with the telephone apparatus , and , sure enough , began at once to grow lighter at the rate of several pounds a minute. " 'This is a grand scheme , ' chuckled Heavey , pulling out the waistband of his trousers , which was already a foot ! too big for his waist. "Then , suddenly , the telephone bell rang. " 'Is that Herbert Heavey ? ' a gruff af Toice asked. afw " 'Yes , ' was the reply. peer " 'Well , this is the exchange , ' snapped or the voicu. 'Will you please slop frying CO ing scrapple with the telephone wires ? ta Our office is all full of nasty fat' " in What Could She Do ? ti The Young Man I wish to- thank Fi you , sir , for giving me your assistance 'no in persuading your daughter to marry jw me. ( mi me.The The Old Man Sir , I was violently | bu opposed to the match. he The Young Man I know It. Cleve It land Leader. jpo ( Hz LESS MEAT Advice of Family Physician. Formerly people thought meat nec essary for strength and muscular vigor. The man who worked hard was sup posed to require meat two or three 'times a day. Science has found out 1 differently. ! It Is now a common thing for the family physician to order less meat , as in the following letter from a N. Y. man : ' "I had suffered for years with dyspepsia - \ pepsia and nervousness. My physician advised me to eat less meat and greasy 'foods ' generally. I tried several things to take the place of my usual break fast of chops , fried potatoes , etc. , but fet no relief until I tried Grape-Nuts food. "After using Grape-Nuts for the Cereal part of my meals for two years , I am now a well man. Grape-Nuts feeneflted my health far more than the 500.00 worth of medicine I had taken before. "My wife and children are healthier than they had been for years , and we re a very happy family , largely due to Grape-Nuts. "We have been so much benefited by Grape-Nuts that It would be ungrate ful not to acknowledge It. " Name given by Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich. Head "The Road to Well- yllle , " in pkgs. "There's a Reason. " Ever read the above letter ? A new one appears from time to time. a i They are genuine , true and full of ma human interest. tro The Mother of the 3Iun. No perfect woman she but unafraid She walked the ways of life , A loving daughter first , then afterwards A loyal loving wife. She sat upon no pedestal self-reared In lofty pride alone ' But shoulder close with workers walked To worldly fame unknown. The simple * duties of the common lot Its loves , its hopes , its fears With kindly heart and steadfast faith to brave Whate'er might bring the years. i She had her place in life , a lowly one. But even in her thought She neither shirked the task nor unearned rest From present dutv t-ought. ' And when a son she mothered won his way To fortune and to fame , The foolish world looked on and wondered much Whence all his courage came. Moist Petted Women In the World. That we are the most indulged and petted women in the world is undoubt edly true ; it is difficult to see why we f should claim a powerful place in the national life. While the women of oth er countries are making and saving , our women are wasting and sending. The light-hearted Italian -rromen are a source of wealth to their country by their frugality and their not inconsid erable business ability. Their less light-hearted and less comely Gorman sisters are miracles of hard-working thrift. No one who has lived in Ger many can fail to have observed what comfortable homes and what substan tial meals the German hausfrau of all classes conjures from incomes so tiny that the American can only wonder how they manage to live at all. It is also interesting to observe that for her success in homemaking the Ger man woman reaps her reward. The German husband may seem to us un- chivalrous in the minor details of life ; he may talk with brutal disparagement about the "female brain. ' ' but when he goes out to amuse himself it doesn't occur to him to go alone. He takes with him his wife and children. That pathetic person whose husband neglects her for the society of men , for whom our tears flow so often in this country , is not found in Germany. While the poorest class of English women are poor homemakers. and while we undoubtedly learned some of our lessons in inefficient and wasteful cooking from our English kinswomen , English women of the upper classes put iis to shame in the part they play In the political life of the country. They have their definite part they are expected to piny in the game of poli tics. The well educated English women do not exist who can not talk Intelligently on the political situation. American women can not ; politics bores them. It is , however , In France that woman has the most power. From the peasant ui she takes a more active part in the affairs of her country than do the t women < of any other land. The pros- " perlty of France is builded on the amazing thrift of French women. She combines with this thrift a supreme f talent for home-making. Housekeep ing does not give her nervous prostra 1 ] tion , and the brisk cheerfulness of all French women Is the one thing that notably strikes the traveler in France , _ whether ] he comes from America , Germany is many or England. The French woman's business ability Is pre-eminent. With her thrift , gayety and business ability , Is not surprising that she wields the power that she does. Applcton's Mag : azine. Sinmilncr Liniichcoii Gown. ac 1 a ati ? T & w wc c tl tlr < r t si 1)a 1)a 1)n ! : I" > I"d d ; ciol ol old d [ : IK ei tli bew Broadcloth of the finest texture in M delightful shade of Copenhagen blue ed ule the gown from which the illus- Hi ition was taken ami * ; hich was un- liil usually smart in appearance. The line just above the knee marks the tunic , running from back to foot of skirt in front. There is a generous train and the little bolero effect on bodice opens over a charming chemisette of embroid ered white moussellne. Black soutache braid 1 is used on jacket and sleeves , the latter 1 formed entirely of deep circular tucks j and a band of black satin edges , the jacket next the chemisette. Two black satin-covered buttons effect a closing at bust line. With this charm ing costume is worn a fur hat of white fox with long boa to match , the hat adorned with a gorgeous bird of para dise. Borax Bundled up the nose is good for catarrh. It is said very strong tea will stop bleeding from a cut. A mustard plaster for a young child should be half flour. A dab of eau de cologne will often remove a slight red spot from the face. A couple of soda mints , or a teaspoonful - spoonful of cooking soda In water , will often stave off a sick headache. A teaspoonful of Jamaica ginger SIMPLE OITE- PIECE GOWNS. | j a gives quick relief for a pain in the stomach or cramp colic. Half a teaspoonful - spoonful of soda may be added. A teaspoonful of strong black tea tied up in a piece of muslin , -with boil ing water poured over it , may be left an the eye all night for a sty. Often when one has a cold the eyes feel ( hot and are red and inflamed. The best way to effect a cure is to bathe the eyes frequently with a solution of boric acid and water. A woman who would be beautiful should avoid worry and anger , for It a well-known fact that they write Sne lines , which deepen into wrinkles , 5n the face. A season of rest and free- lorn from violent emotions will do uore to efface them than all the toilet ever Invented. Land I Jiff a An Atchison family of three girls , all of them equally attractive , had a curiosity to know the best method of landing ; a husband , and agreed to try in experiment. One of them learned to cook , and was a domestic sort of 5lrl. Another learned shorthand and ot a position in a downtown office. Hie third devoted all her attention to society. If we were writing a story , ive would marry off the girl who could ook < within three months , but , alas ! Hie facts are different. The society tfrl lias landed a wealthy man. the stenographer has another nibbling : ut the real heroine , the one who can nake light biscuits , cook a beefsteak in boil a soup bone , has attracted no ittention i whatever. Atchison Globe. Wiixhliijc Apron. Washing , except in the case of ex- erienccd home experts. Is apt to be a lamp occupation , splashes being difli- iilt to prevent when the iiis and outs the trade are not understood. A ampproof apron will , in such a case , found to represent a great conveni- ince. and one of the best materials for lie purpose is that of white oiled cloth lound with braid and supplemented nth a wide bib. A Thori > u-li Wife. T , ' is not known generally that Mi < s lar.jorie Gould has had a thorough duex'tion in house .vii'cry. Her mother , hough 11 woman of artistic activities , ns do/uvstic inclinationa and believes every young woman , no matter how wealthy , should be able to run a house hold. In fact , Mrs. Gould holds that thf. richer a woman Is tlie more skilled as a housewife she should be , because her establishment will be all the larger. Miss Gould , therefore , Is an adept in every branch of household science. She can sit in her boudoir , and through a house telephone direct every detail of the daily machinery at Georgian Court. Nor is her ability restricted to manage ment. She can cook as well as many a chef , and when it comes to delicacies has many specialties. Cor.set.H 3Inst Go. The corset is woman's closest friend , literally as well as figuratively , and that's no joke. Neither is it a joke how the corset has been torturing her insides and making life a burden to her. During the past few years a great man } ' changes have been made in cor sets and as many corresponding "fig ures" have been in style. Woman has altered her shape again and again at the behest of fashion , regardless of the intentions of nature , and all this chang ing couid have but one result. It Is already manifest. It is a crusade to do away with the corset entirely and permit the female form to be just as was Intended in the beginning. The agitation against it has begun where the evils of tight lacing have been most pronounced in France. The organs inside the body are capa ui ble of being compressed to a most en alarming degree , and thus it happens of that fashion's decrees have made many ot women a bunch of physical abnormali ties. She can't see them , but she has bo them nevertheless. p Fashion Xotes. sit A new notion in shoes is patent WJ leather with tan color tops and pearl pu buttons. ev It seems that for day wear one cannot - . not have too rnanj- buttons or too much . by braid on the cloth or velvet gown. The pannier is showing Itself In the COm early modes. Whether it will be drop wi ped later or not is hard now to deter mine. apwl wl The tightly fitting sleeve is still mod be ish , but some of the new models have little upper sleeves given to them , a great improvement for long , thin arms. Back comes the bolero , .as piquant as W ever. Bolero blouses , covered with sou sei tache embroidery , are worn over a Pi guimpe of lace or net , under the UK "dowdy" coat po PJI -A. Real Man. fa A real man is one who , reaching his CO home , is met at the gate , door or In the house by his children , who grab ili him around the neck , hug and kiss him and maul him in general ; their .Ta action to be followed by a hearty re ception by the wife and mother. It is poi possible for such a man to be a gentle mi man , but many "gentlemen" are not 11 a real men. New York Sun. tee wli For Leather. No Vinegar and linseed oil form an ex Ba cellent reviver for leather cushions sroto and upholstered furniture which have wa ; become dull with wear. One part of It : vinegar to two of linseed oil Is the OV correct proportion , the two ingredients f being poured into a bottle and the lat ter shaken until the polish is of the rho consistency of cream. Lai [ rest restI I A Dunt Remedy. An excellent instrument for keeping E , 00 3. a sewing machine or typewriter free the of dust in the crevices is an old bicycle theI pninp. A smali bellows can often be in linq used in the saint" way. or even an lins atomizer. Tha work of cleaning can and be done in half the time. COS ! ' ELECTED IIHnoisan Chosen Speaker of House When Extra Session Begins Work. NEW MEMBERS ARE SWORN IN. Lively Scenes at the Nation's Capitol When Lawmakers Gather for Tariff Revision. Washington correspondence : The extraordinary session of the Six- tjvfirst Congress , called by the Presid ' dent to enact tariff legislation , began at noon Monday. Great crowds were attracted to the capital , but only a few were able to gain admission to either chamber. The Senate being a continu- j ous body , its organization was al ready complete , although interest in the proceedings centered on the new Vice-President , Mr. Sherman , and the swearing in of Senator Stephinson of Wisconsin , who has been re-elected aft er a bitter fight in the Legislature & his State. At the other end of the capitol , however , a different situation was presented. The House , with its seventy-seven new members , had to organize - ganize , which took considerable time. While this was being done the clerk , ( Alexander McDowell , acted as presiding officer. It was necessary first to swear in the entire membership by States. The various groups of members marched down the aisles and , standing in the well in front of the rostrum , took the oath of office. The President's proclamation was read to both bodies , r which business proceeded. A few minutes after the House met Joseph G. Cannon of Illinois was reelected - elected Speaker. The vote on Speaker was : Cannon , 20-1 ; Champ Clark , Mis souri , 100 : Cooper. Wisconsin , S ; Esch , Wisconsin , 1 ; Norris. Nebraska , ; Hepburn. Iowa , 1. The session of the Senate Monday was brief , the chief business being the reading of the President's proclama tion calling an extra session of the Sixty-first Congress and the appoint ment of a committee formally to noti fy the President that the Senate was in readiness to receive any message. Senator Stephenson of Wisconsin was sworn in as a United States Senator. After being in session fifteen minutes recess was taken until 2 o'clock and almost immediately upon reassembling the Senate adjourned. Joseph G. Can non was re-elettcci Speaker by the House , but a motion to adopt the old rules was voted down. Sevei-al amend ments to the rules were secured after hot debate. The reading of the President's mes sage in favor of a revision of the tar iff was the chief business before the Senate Tuesday. The message re- ceived careful attention from SenaS tors. After the adoption of a motion that the Senate should not meet again until Friday an adjournment was tak en. In striking contrast to the scenes H confusion , disorder and acrimoni- ill ous debate which marked the opening a day of the House , the session of that ep body assumed its wonted air of digni epvl vlwl . The message of President Taft wl pointing out the necessity for a revi do sion of the tariff was received and met fe with prolonged applause from the Re- , is . publicans. Some disappointment , how- j m ever , was felt over the fact that the rai tariff , measure was not presented. In Pa terest attached to the announcement coi the Speaker of the personnel of the the committees on rules and ways and be. means. < The biennial lottery for seats was conducted , and many were the dis appointments upon the part of those whose names were among the last to drawn. The Senate was not in session Wednesday. The tariff bill was pre sented in the House by Chairman Payne of the committe on ways and means and referred. Until it is re ported out of committee , which Mr. Payne said he hoped would be at an ear'y ' day. the measure will not be come ] official. According to a state ment made by him upon the tlor. he ' not anticipate any committee rh.-Misres. Messrs. Bartlett ( Ga. ) and TaMes CKy. ) made good their caucus plaTice not to accept a committee ap pointment unlessiirst approved by their minority leader. Mr. Clark ( Mo. ) , and flatly refused to serve on the conmiit- on mileage , the membership of ivhich was announced by the Speaker. objection wa ? made because of Mr. LJartlett's attitude , but it required a of the before Mr. James excused by the Speaker , although was manifest that the vote was verwhelmingly against excusing him. INTERESTING NEWS ITEMS. George and Jerry Peterson , brothers , were imprisoned in a mine near Salt I . Utah , for almost fifty hours , were pla tway cscucd unhurt. TI Diamonds and jewelry valued at $10- roar have been stolen from Mr. and Mrs. you > re N. Chapman of Greenwich. Conn. , at Jsed Hotel Gotham in New York. gist riSM By Loru Guthrie's decision in the Stir- faclR diverto case in Edinburgh Mrs. Stir- crllc R is allowed the expenses of the suit ither Lord Northland is ordered to pay the f le U of her husband's action. I * ' Cnreil S reeney and ItetHfrrefl . Dr. Sloan's Liniment and Veterinary Remedies are well known all over th country. They have siived the lives ol' many valuable horses and are a pcrmay' Jiient institution in thousands of stables./ Mr. G. T. Roberts of Resaca , Ga. , B. F. D. , No. 1 , Box 4. * , writes : "I hav - used your Liniment on a horse fof- sweeney and effected a thorough curet- I also removed a spavin on a mule. This spavin was as large as a guine egg. I regard Sloan's Liniment as thf- most penetrating and effective Linl. ment I have ever known. " Mr. H. M. GIbbs of Lawrence. R. F. D. No. 3 , writes : "Your ment is the best that I have ever I had a mare with an abscess on heif- back and one 50c bottle of Sloan * ! . Liniment entirely cured her. I keep U. | around all the time for galls and small swellings and for everything a'bout thU- stock. " Dr. Sloan will send His Treatise o . the Horse free to any horseman. A < j dress Dr. Earl S. Sloan , Boston , Masa , . Station A. JIIs Only Fcitr. Kind Lady You should be careful how you tramp around in the sleet , poor man. This paper states that there- are five varieties of grip. Sandy Pikes Dat may be , lady , but der is only one kind dnt I am skeerei of. Kind Lady And what is that ? Sandy Pikes De bulldog's grip . mum. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS , as they caj * . not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease , and h * . order to cure it you must take Internal rem edies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally , and acts directly on the blood and. mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by on * of the best physicians in this country foe years and is a regular prescription. It Is composed of the best tonics known , combined with the best blood purifiers , actinp directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com bination of the two ingredients Is what pro duces such wonderful results in curing Ca tarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by Druggists- , price > c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation , "Myrtle , is jour mother opposed to my coming to see you ? ' ' No , Percy ; since I told her taore was no er likelihood of your ever pro posing to me she has withdrawn her ob * jections. ' " Chicago Tribune. The head waiter at the banquet was a towering rage. "They paid that word slinser ? . 0 foi half an hour's talk , " lie filmed ; "am ! alj I got was $15.05. mostly in nickels I" "Whiakey for L.amo Hack. The increased use of whiskey for lame back rheumatism is causing considera ble discussion among the medical fra ternity. It is an almost infallible cure when mixed with certain other ingre dients and taken properly. The fol lowing formula is effective : "To one half pint of good whiskey add one ounce of Toris Compound and one ounce Syrup Sarsaparilla Compound. Take Ir tablespoonful doses before each inal Irai and before retiring. " Toris compound is a product of the laboratories of the Globe Pharmaceuti cal Co. , Chicago , but it as well as tli other ingredients can be had from an. good < druggist. "WoiiderH of Science. "In this compartment , ladies gents , " said the dime museum lecturer , "is a fine specimen of the wonderful ani mal known as the armadillo. I call 30111 attention particularly to its hard , horny epidermis , or more properly its shell , which is invulnerable. The armadillo , when pursued by an enemy , immediiMy doubles itself * : p into the form of a p ° r- fect < sphere , every square inch of which protected by its armor , in which sh.-Tpe , ladies , and gents , it was used by the . .ve man , or prehistoric progenitor of our race , in playing the game of basc'.all. Pass on now to the next cage , which contains the celebrated ornithorhynchus , < missing link between the bird and the beast. " - . v < .r.vff-r > Iwant every chronic rheumatic to ilirrvr all medicines , all Masters , and clve MUNYON'S liniments , alt KIIKUMA- * REMEDY a trial. No mattr-r what doctor \ may say , no matter what * friends may say , no rncfrr how jrejudlced you may be ' remedies apainst a'a ! v > r- , po at onre to r ' t- and ? get a bottle of tic itlJEUMV- - 'actlon.I REMEDY. will Jf It fails TOi c-jtls- refund your mon . y. Mnnyoa Remember this remedy contains ' no sal- . harmful ac'il. no opium cocaircr > r : > hiae or drucs. It ii * ; put t : ; B . guarantee of the Pare Uooil and 1 'or sale by all drnggists. Price. 2oe.