Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 25, 1909, Image 5

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    * nr > "
\ i lie State
Chemist Says
Forty per cent For
maldehyde is the only
strength that should be
used in treating Seed
Grain and Heed Pota
toes before planting , if
you want to eradicate
Smut and Scab from
your crops next fall.
Forty per cent For
maldehyde is the
strength we have long
advocated and have al
ways supplied this
strength. Farmers who
have not had good re
sults should try our
full strength forty per
cent for sure results.
Big supply now on
. *
IT * * * * TTffi3saEa
i case
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men for any
man for you. ' It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
All kinds of.
Shampooing a specialty.
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection
Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
,52 ,
T. J. Christopher ,
Will meet all calls phone or mail.
Versed on pedigreed stock.
Valentine Nebraska
Daily mean temperature 11 ° .
Normal temperature ) = .
Highest temperature 01 = on C3rd.
Lowest temperature e)3 : on 17th.
Range of temperature = .
Precipitation for week .00 of an inch.
Average for -Jl years .08 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 1.11 inches.
Average for'Jl years .82 of an inch.
JOHN .1. McliEAX , Observer.
Talk of the Town
Tr.y Kazda's barber shop. tf
T. A. Cutshall of Kilgore was
in town Tuesday.
Dallas Shaw was down from
ll-sebud .yesterday.
Mac Cramer and wife are en
joying a visit from Mr. and Mrs.
Milligan of Sprinijview.
Perry Swearingen was up from
Sparks Tuesday and says it is
pretty muddy down there.
Wm. E. Haley and wife are re
joicing over the arrival of a girl ,
born Friday , March 19 , 1909.
A. M. Morrissey was down to
Lincoln last week , and also had
some legal business at Bassett.
We learned this morning that
Mrs. Scrivens of liosebud died
yesterday of a lingering illness.
Mrs. Olson is enjoying a visit
this week from her sister , Mrs.
H. E. Root , and family of Merri-
D. A. Hancock and one of his
neighbors drove-up to Valentine
from his ranch Tuesday on busi
Karl Lurxand Gust Welke came
up from Wood lake Tuesday to
take in the sights of our city and
to transact business.
John Kazda has been putting in
hot water connections with the
Efner building north of his shop
preparatory to moving.
Francis Blum and wife of Fre
mont have moved to our city , Mr.
Blum having accepted a position
as barber for John Kazda.
0. L. Miller of Oak Creek , Mrs.
E. B. Kelly and son Guy of Hose-
bud and Miss liosa Brooks of the
boarding school were in town
The controversy between the
school board and the pupils of the
12th grade was satisfactorily set
tled last Saturday night and we
think there will be no further
Last Saturday W. R. Smith's
iiousehold goods were sold on the
street at public auction , Mr. and
Mrs. Smith being in such poor
lealth as to not permit of their
igain keeping house.
Judge Walcott is almost at the
joint of clothing himself in sack-
iloth and ashes , as a consequence
) f parting with one of his favorite
lorses which he traded to Tom
VanBuren the first of the week.
Your attention is called to the
; ae ! advertisement of George J.
\nstpy which appears in another
: olumn of this paper. He is go
ng to sell 34 : bulls at public auc-
, ion in Valentine on March 31st.
3r. E. Tracewell is the auctioneer.
News reaches us of Ed Ralya's
roundest son , Elver , aged 13 ,
Lccidently shooting himself fatally
> n the rdge of Rake Ranch lake
resterday afternoon about four
> 'clock , while hunting ducks. T he
'uneral ' will be held this afternoon
it the house.
We wish to announce to our friends that
we have the exclusive sale of the John Deere
Plow Go's goods in this vicinity. We now
have the largest and most complete stock ever
shown here , including
John Deere Plows , walking sulky and gang.
Listers , walking , single and double row.
Disk'Harrows , with or without tongue trucks ,
Lever Harrows , Riding and Walking Culti =
vators , Corn Planters , Hoosier End Gate
Seeders and Press Drills , Success Manure
Spreaders , Economy Pitless Scales , Sharpies
Tubular Cream Separators , Sarnson Wind =
mills , Fort Smith and New Moline Wagons.
The celebrated Velie Wrought Iron Buggies
and Spring Wagons.
All of this is bright , new stock. No car
ried over or out of date goods. Prices and
terms reasonable. Come and see us.
Valentine Lumber Co. '
Located in buildings formerly occupied
by W. T. Bishop as a feed and sale barn
Compare our Blue Tag prices
with your catalogue prices.
9 2 Red Front Merc. Co.
Mrs. Ryschon of north table has
been visiting her daughters , Mrs.
Hammond and Mrs. 11. Anderson.
Mrs. Hammond is recovering
from her illness of last week.
Hon. C. H. Cornell returned
th1 first of the week from Chicago
whore he had been on business ,
and brought a gentleman back
with him to look over his water
power prr position with a view of
developing it for an electric road
between Valentine and Dallas , S.
D. , and possibly other enterprises.
Valentine may take a lead yet as
a manufacturing town. The
abundance of water power here
ought to induce capital to develop
the wonderful resources of our
country and build Valentine up as
a great trade center. Mr. Cornell
has been limping around as the
result of an accident sustained in
alighting from a street car in Chicago
cage just as an automobile came
rushing along , and in his effort to
get out of the way strained the
tendon achilles.
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Crookston on Sunday , March
28 at the usual hour.
In Arabia on Saturday , April
3 at 10 a. in.
In Valentine on Sunday , April
i , Palm Sunday. First mass at
S a. ra. High mass and sermon at
10 a. m. Blessing of the Palms
before high mass.
At 3 p. m. . instruction for the
LEO M. BLAEUE. Rector.
The Storm of March 4th.
It is not usual to answer criti
cisms of the forecasts of the Weath
er Bureau , but the hundreds of
press clippings that have been re
ceived since March 4 , containing ad
verse criticisms of the Bureau seem
to call for this statement from me.
* Forecasts of the Weather Bu
reau are before the public every clay
in the year. In the past about one
prediction out of each ten failed to
be verified , and it may be expected
that jjie same ratio of failure will
he maintained until meteorology
eau be made , what it is not now , an
exact science.
In the case of the storm that vis
ited Washington on the 4th of
March last , the fact is that the dis
turbance began here on the morn
ing of the 3rd , and was accurately
forecast the day before. The Bu
reau anticipated that the storm cen
ter would pass over the Middle At
lantic States during the night of
the 3rd , and that northwest winds
and falling temperatures would
leave a clear clay for the 4th. The
center passed precisely as forecast ,
the wind shifted and the tempera
ture fell , hut instead of the north
west wind clearing the sky as it
does in nearly all cases , precipita
tion in the form of bnow occurred
and continued for twelve hours af
ter the storm center had passed
eastward. No forecaster could fore
see this. Were we to forecast a fall of
snow following the passage of storm
2enters that moved from the north
west , we would have hundreds of
failures charged against us , instead
af an occasional one , for it is rare
[ bat snow falls in the Middle At
lantic States except with the approach
preach of a storm from the south
west , which causes northeast winds ,
ind it is extremely rare that any
storm m this region that begins
with rain ends with snow of any
2ousiderable amount. On the con
trary , many storms that begin as
> now end a < rain.
The forecast in question was
made by one of the most experi-
3nced forecasters of the Bureau and
was concurred in by all of the fore
casters who were conversant with
ihe conditions , and the same fore
cast would he made today if similar
conditions existed.
The forecasters of the U. S.
Weather Bureau are the equal , if
iot the superiors , of any others in
he world , and their predictions of
Tests , cold waves , floods and maine -
ine storms , although subject to
irror in the proportion of about
me to ten , are of such value to the
ndustries of the nation that if one
) f the newspapers that now so free-
y criticise because two unverified
'orecasts for the District of Colum
bia have fallen on inauguration
lay were to omit from its pages the
laily predictions of the weather its
eaclers would compel it to restore
, hein , and if the. Department or
Congress were to close a station of
; he Bureau in any part of the
United Slates the property inter
ests would demand its restoration.
Dhis would not be the case if the
lysterical abuse that is now being
ndulgecl in was justified.
Chief U. S. Weather Bureau.
Old Crow , All Leading-
Hermitage * " ' k i- Bra ds
and Bottled
Gruchen- yiW * ' Under the
! heimer Supervision
Kye of the
Whiskeys. . U. S. Grov.i
" " r '
; * } 't - * s3wr vx5
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
/ 'T * w " i ? vif T w v IT K
Q/ STETTER , Propr.
Just wait until you see what
Shinefine will 'do for .von ? A
strange , new discovered Coming
soon. 8
Peru Normal Notes.
Bessie Gaskill gave an ecel'ent '
paper on "Caesar" before the Latin
club last week.
Miss Stella McNare of Arabia en
joyed a short visit from her father
on Tuesday of last week.
Margaret Stetter received a letter
the past week from Miss E. Flor
ence Nelson , a former graduate of
Peru. Miss Nelson is enjoying her
teaching at Big Timber , Montana.
Her many friends are always glad
to hear from her.
For Sale or Rent.
House. 18 rooms and bath , Main
street , Valentine , Neb.
160 acres improved ranch , sec-
r.ion 19 , township 34ran < rr > 2(5 ( ;
lease of school section , ALL 30-
-Ji-27 , with above ranch ; the best
> pen range in Cherry county. i
One-half section hay land , with '
) r separate from above ranch , sec i
ion 34 , township 3o , rangr 2 ( ) j
Apply to owner , D. STIXAIJD ,
\To. 2 , Mt. Vernon Ave. . Mt. i
yVrnon , N. Y. , or any broker in
Valentine , Neb. 11
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brown.'pe , Nebr , t
< aB CT e..ii " Ifigaa ' 'o'dier ' Pne1Col - | ,
Bj& jta
uill'ilis 17th IG < ifl. > < > , j
: i son of Columbus '
17th. a half hrotluT j
pion M , le. a n < I i
i'nnee l > otixlel 131- j
69:5 : nt head of herd.
I now lm\i > about : ; o h-'iwl of 1007 bull calves
i > r sale.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise (
or. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
All \vork will he triven prompt
and careful attention.
You've got r : > use for any inaga-
Pon'r ne-d EVERYJRODY'Sr No ? j
Doesn't concern vou ? No ? Sj
ll'JT hi Ji-priced freight , coal , and 11
K : siber pifooJ : cheap water- Sj
v.-avs ? hits vo-.i ? Yes ? That's \ ,
\vhat EVERYBODY'S is for.
Get it ; cut out an article occasion
al and send it to your congressman.
Things will hepin to incve ycu
won't feel so ] i\-.crcs3. :
For sale by
George Elliott.
Lath. Shingles , Doors.
Windows , Paper , Pat
ent-Roofing Tar Paper ,
Paints , Oil , Varnish ,
Brushes , Glass. Putty , | !
Lime , Cement. Plaster , gj
Brick , POSTS , Poles. |
We Sell Hudson Coai \
H M l\l r 0
\ 0
1181 Y W r n H
UbJIa E , U H I g
New Hotel. Electric Lights.
Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water.
MRS. S. A. HEARS , Propr. , Valentino , Xebr.
| Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains ,
Done in the most satisfactory manner ! Largest prices for '
the seller and honest dealing with the bidder ! On these
terras T.V. . Cramer solicits your patronage. Graduate
of Missouri Auction School , August term. 40
. W. Cramer , = Valentine , Neb.
2CT55ffSraT37B gaa55ggaa3g
I .
? $
iAt the Checkered Front Sales Stable ,
I Valentine , Nefor. ,
Commencing- 10 o'clock a. m. ,
M luOI
5 I
Two Carloads of
Consisting of fine Short Horns , Herefords -
fords and Aberdeen Angus , owned by
the following well known eastern Iowa
breeders :
N Farm , E. Cosgriff ; Morning Side Farm ,
N \ , , L. W. Davinson Hill B
5d ; Top Furm , A. B. P
5da Davidson ; Woodside farm , Moore
a Bros. ; Morning Sun farm , Thos. Kane ; M
$ $ Maple Hurst farm , S. Britcher ; ; Grand
View farm Win.
a , Penningroth ,
Stock farm. Wilier & Hambright ;
I Wald Stock farm , James J. Spear.
HEREEORDS : Virgil Ballou.
[ | Terms made known on day of sale &
g Col's. Griff Johnson and Qeo. Tracev/e3i , Auct's.
I W. E. Haley , Clerk.
Iowa Bre <
I Association 9 i
jj J. M. Moffett , Mr. . James Hpoar , President
; W. A. Findlay , Asst. See. Sion Britcher , Sec'y.
Office over the grocery deparraent
of T. C. Hornbv's store.
Tubular wells and windmills.
* v.'all me up by Telephone.