NINTH ANNUAL LIG SALE Cattle are the property of Geo. J. Aifstey of Massena , Iowa , but sale will be at © 1 Commencing at 1 o'clock. Every animal will be in good ilesh. They are good range bulls with good bone , are bred right and will average around 21 months old. They are a draft from my herd which numbers 300 head. Now is the time to buy. Many bargains are in store for lovers of good cattle. : : : : : : : : : : Don't forget the time and place , but arrange to tf attend this MOST IMPORTANT SALE. Catalogues are now ready and one will be sent you upon request. ? v ' s It © ® * \ COL. Q. E. TRACEWELL , Auct. THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. Rice , Editor and Prop. Thursday , March 25 , 1009. OUR LINCOLN LETTER. ( Special Correspondence. ) Lincoln , Nebr. , March 20. Gov. Shallenberger has signed the I anti-discrimination bill introduced by Taylor , of Hitchcock , and the provisions of that measure is now the law. This bill strikes at one of the worst evils that has been in vogue in the state. Tt has been the practice of old line elevator companies and the big creamery concerns to drive to the wall small independent companies by paying a higher price at the places in which these local concerns were located than was being paid at oth er places and thus compel them to do business at a loss. For in-j stance where farmers have organ ized elevator companies the old line concerns have attempted to cripple them by paying higher prices for grain than the market would stand , and they made up this loss by paying a lower price at points where there was no com petition of this kind. The same system was worked by big cream ery companies , but under the law which has just gone into effect by j j virtue of emergency clause the j smaller independent companies will be able to obtain a free Held without being harrassed and then threatened with financial disaster by the organized big companies. ! | The house has passed a lav ; making - ' the penalties - ing more stringent for selling liquors to minors. The bill provides that minors can not obtain intoxicants upon any pre text , and will prevent children from going into saloons and ob taining beer to be carried home under an order from their parents , and also provides for punishment of the bar-tender or any other person who aids them in receiving it. A measure of a good deal of im portance passed both branches of the legislature this week. It has been the custom of state officials in the past to "use the stamps paid for by the state for any and all kinds of busuvss w'-c-ther oflicial or not. Especially t - this boon tru'e in campaign times , when campaign thunder was sent out to the voters under postage paid for by the state. The new law pro vides that hereafter all stamps purchashed for official state busi ness shall have printed across them the letters "X. E , B. " and a severe penalty will attach to any person using them for other than purely state business. The bill is in harmony with the postal laws of the federal government , The fight put up in the senate last week when the bank guaran tee bill was up for final disposition will go down as one of the most memorable in the state's history. Every method known to a shrewd and ingenious mind was used by the republican members to defeat the measure , or to delay its pas sage. Amendments were propos ed by them to every section , and roll calls or divisions were con tinuously demanded , evidently with the hope , if the bill could not , be defeated , of so entangling the record that the law might be de feated in the courts on some tech nicality. The democratic major ity stood like a stone wall during the entire onslaught , and under I he able leadership of Senators Donohue of O'Neill and Kanson of Omaha met every attack. Jt has been openly reported around Lin coln that a sum said to be about § 10.000 could have been divided among enough democratic mem- bers of the senate to have defeated the bill , but be it said to the ever lasting credit and fame of the members no one deserted , but in- stoac the twenty majority mem bers resisted unitedly the attacks of the republican opposition and on every roll call or division lined up together. But in the end , when a'l ' saw that their efforts had been futile , a number of the re publicans voted for the bill. Another of the promises made to the people last fall was fulfilled \vhon the senate pns-pd the Fuller bill which provides that the state board of equalization cannot tam per with the total assessments made by the counties. This was one of the most glaring abuses against which the people had to complain , because of the arbitary manner in which the state board Ind taken advantage of the law. The new law provides that the board may have the power to equalize assess ments madeby each county but takes away from this body the right to raise the total amounts levied by the county boards. The proposed amendment to the constitution providing for the initiative and referendum passed the house by a large majority , and j will come up in the senate in a ' 1 short time. The former bill failed of passage in the senate , ery ' j republican in that body except' | two voting against it. As it rej j I quires a three-fifths vote to pass a 1 bill submitting a constitutional , amendment tlu-e gentlemen may defeat the measure. A man by the name of Serene E. Payne who is chairman of the ways and means committee in the House of Representatives has loaned his name to the committee to attach to a bill which revises the tariff to the extent of an expect ed raise of the revenues of our gov ernment 40 million dollars a year. This is about a half dollar a piece for every person. It may be sev eral times a half dollar for big families but this is a republican administration and must expect to be bled a little so that Taft can have § 20,000 a year for automo biles and § 25,000 a year for rail road expenses beside his extra increase in salary to § 75,000 a year. This.bill reduces the tariff on a few articles but only slightly. For Sale Six-room house , stable for seven head of horses , granary and hay stable ; One 4-room house , corn crib and stable , city water in both houses. Must be sold soon , part time , part cash , or will take young heavy team as part payment. P. F. Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I , M. Rice , Valentine , Neb. 1 Notice of Village Election. Notice is hereby given that on April ( i. 1 ! > 09. there will l > e held at the District Court JQoin. in the Court House , within ami for the Village of Valentine. Nebraska , an election for said village. At ajd election there shall be elected three trustees for said village to serve for the term of two yeareach. . Dated this rJnd day of March. HHKi. W. Jr. HAItivKK. IIJ Chairman. In the County Court of Cherry county , Nebraska. In the matter ot llie estate of Joseph Winslow - low , deceased : A duly verified petition having been tiled in my ollice praying for the probate of the estate ot Joseph Winslow. deceased , \\ithout administration , and it satisfactorily appear ing to me that the statements madfe in said petition are true : It is hereby ordered that a hearing on said petition be fiad on the : trd day of April. 1 < > U.I. at 10 o'clock , a. m. . at my ollice in ' Valentine Cherry countNebrask'a. . at which time all persons interested in said estate 1x1113- appear and show cause , it any there be. why said petition should not be granted. Witness 1113" hand and the seal of said court tin's itth : day ot March. 1 ! 0 < > . I.SUALJ JAMES C. Qutcr.KV. 10 : i County Judge. In the District Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. In theinatterof the ! application of Kl- | ma C. Hichards. j guardian of Evelyn j J. Richards. Gladys j Ii. Richards. Kob-t . . . . . „ - . . „ , . . ° KDtu : lu MIm * ALSt" ertE. Richards and f John II. Richards , j minor heirs of Edward - i ward R. Richards. , deceased , tor leave I to sell real estate. ) On reading the petition , dulv verified , of Elma C. Richards , guardian of the person and estate ot Evelyn J. Richards. Iliad v.s I _ . Richards. Robert E. Richards and Jolin M. Richards , minors , tor license to sell the fol low ing described real estate to-\vit : The South Half ot the Northwest Quarter. Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter. Northwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter ot section . ( > . South Halt ot the N > uth\\est Quarter. West Half of .Southeast Quarter ot section 'J ; ? . township : ! 0. range . ,0. and Lots Three and Four , section I'.t. township SO. range iii. Cherrv county. Nebraska , tor the maintenance ot said minors , and for the in vestment of any residue that may remain in the hands of said guardian , and it appearing from said petition that said real estate con sists of unimproved range , pasture and meadow land in Cherry county. Nebraska , and that it would be lor the best interests ot said minors thatsifd real estate be sold and the proceeds thereol Used tor the purpose ot educating and maintaining said minors and investing any residue in appro veil real es tate securities , it is therefore ordered that the next ot kin ot the said minors and all persons interested in said estate appear be- rore IIIK at the regular April l' 0 < ) term of the district court ot Cherrv countv. Nebraska , to-witon the I''tli ' dav of Aprfl IWJ at the court house in the citv of Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , at 10 o'clock a. m. to .show cause'it any there lie. whv a license should not be granted to the salif Kim a C. Richards to sell said real estate tor the purpose above set torth. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be served on all persons interested in said estate by publication tor three succes sive weeks in the Valentine Democrat , a newspaper printed and published in said count } " ot Cherry and State ol Nebraska. Dated at Chum hers in the cit } * ot O'Neill. County ol Holt and State of Nebraska , this ith ; ; dayol March. I'.tO'.i. J. J , IlAKKtNfiTOX , Judge of the District Court. or bale. One high grade Percheron stal lion , , ' } years old last June , weight 1GOO pounds. Also one Cleveland Bay horse , j 5 years old , weight 1250 pounds. For further information see or ad dress me a"t Crookston , Neb. L. II. OVERMAN. In the County Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of IJenton 13. Teeters , deceased : NOTICE OF HEARING. Wilson J. Teeters having tiled in iny ofllce. a dulv " veritied petition praving for the probate - bate "of the estate of Henton L5. Teeters , without administration , all persons interest ed in said estate will take notice that I have fixed April 3rd. I'.iO'J. at 10 o'clock a. m. . as the time , and my ollice in Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as the place for the hearing - ing or the said petition , at which time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and show cause , if any there ' foe.'wlry said estate should not be p'robated without administration. Witness my hand and the seal of the coun ty court this 15th day of March. I5 1X > . [ SB.VL ] JAMES C. QUIULEV. 10 3 Count } " Judge. Notice to Creditors. In .ne ( 'oinity Court within and for Cheiry couijty , Nebraska , In the mailer of the estate of Levi N' . L-iyport deceased. To the creditors of said estate : You aiv hereby notified. ' 1 hat I will sit at tin ; Countj Cou t iCooin In Valentine in suid county on the 15th day of A pi il , 100 ! ) at 10 o'ciock a in. to receive and eXHimne alt cl.-inis against said estate , with aiev to their adjustment and allowance 'Ihe time limited lor tne presenta tion of claims against sani estate is sj\ months from the 15 h dav of October A It. IDes and the time limited for p.i\meiit ot debts is one year troin sain l. > th dav 01 Oc.ober. 1908. Witness my band aii'i rite seal "f s id SEA I. count ) ouri t Nitfthdiy ol March , 1K.9. ! . JAMfcS U. QUi'di.KY , 10 4 _ OuiuityJudge. In the Ccunty Court of Cherry Coun ty , Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of James M. Cam m. deceased : OKUEIi OF HKAKINC. George A. Camm having tiled in m } " oixice a duly verified petition praving for "probate ot the estate of James M. Camm. deceased , without administration , all persons interest ed in said estate will take notice that I have ti.xed April 17. HKW. at 10 o'clock a. in. , as the time , and inv ollice in Valentine. Cherry countv. Nebraska , as the place for the hear ing of said petition , at which time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear " pear and show cause , if an } ' there be"whv said estate should not be probated without administration. Witness my hand and the seal of the coun tv court this IDth da3 of March. liiOS ) . [ SEAI.I JAMES C. QUKU.EV. 11 15 CountJudge. . In the County Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. In the i.iatter of the estate of Francis M. Carpenter , rtece sed NOTICE OF HEARING. William A Pettycrew. havintr filed in my ofliiv : i duly verified petition praving lor ihe probat of the estate of Krancis M. aqenter without administration , all persons interested in saiii estate will t < ike notice that I IIHV fix"d March29. 1001) ) . at 10 o'clocK a n > . . us th- tune , and my ollu-e in Valentine. Cherry c unity , Ne- bras'-a , as the place lor the lia ing of = airt petition , at which time and place all persons interested in ssud estate may appear and shwv cause , il any there be. why aul estate should not be proba ed witho T administration Witness my hand and the --eal of said EAL county court , this Oili day of March , 1009. jAMlibC. ( i'UI-JLKY , 0 3 County Judge. Contest Notice , U. S. Luiid Office , Valentino. Nebraska , i February 115. 190 ! ) , \ A sulh'cient contest allidavi' having boun tiled in tlnsoitice by Laura X. Hudson , contestant against Homestead entry v'o ir,978 made Sep- temh i 0. 190J. lor N'\'Ww , VW -V-.MJ. S'/5 S\v > 4 and K'/i of section 17 ; iNMrM i. and SU XK14 of section 18. touii-hip 7 range 37. b > John WelK contestee , in which it is alleged that said .loli u \\clls has wholh abandoned said land : that lie has changed his residence therefrom tor more tha-1 six months last past ; that said land is not settle. ' ) upon and cultivated I'vsaidp ityasby law required , and IK , has failed to cure bis lacties up o this date. haid uarties ate hereby i.otilic i to annuiir respond spend ami oiler t valence touching said allega tion at 10 oMock a. m on April 17. r.)0i. ) ; he- tore the register and receiver at the Uuiteu States Land uliice. Valentine , Nebraska The said cons stant havng. in a proper alli- davir , filed Feb. K5. 1'JOp. set fortli tacts which show that alter due diligence personal service of this notice caunor be made , u Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. M 104 K. OLSON , Contest Notice. U. S. Laim Ollice , Va'.entire. Nebraska. / March 2 I'M ) \ I'o th heirs of Char es W. P.ailey. deceased : You. a it each of you , are hereby notified that , A siitlicient contest affidavit Having ben Illed in this ollice by ( ieorgu 1 $ . Z trr. contestant , against homes * - admry Xo 15702. made July ] . ' ) . 1901. i'--r .N' XKH' S\V 4Mii4. XWJ.J , s\V > 4 , WI KT. , section 2 * . Mv'tNK1 ! . section ! - ' , /SX'.s ; . ! section 8J , tow iishin ; j ; ? , range 2i ! , by Charles \V. Hailev , co-itestfe. in which it is al.eged thai said harlsV. . ISa'ly departed itiis me on or at'Oiit t'if-Itli d-iy of December , l'.Ht ) > . that during hi- , life h- never eMabhshed a resni-Mice upon said l.uid or er ced ur caused t i beereeted improvements o any diameter or description thereon , also init III- said Cluirle-t SV. Haiiei during Ins life time did not ciiltiva' or cause to be cullived the 1 uid embraced m bis s id lioineste'id entry ; nor did h cure nisaches up I the dat < - of his demise ; that ii he left any liens the } aiet < > this attiunt unknown. Thai more ili.ui six months nas el.ip- < l sin e he death o tin I'harles W U-iiley , and his uelr at law n ir am of tli > sui-l li-irs at law t ave tbtabli ber > - id rice it ; ) n said traci < > f laud nor ha\v Slid heirs at law or ny of them cultivated the tract of Ian i in ay ma tner em braced m suid entry ; that there is not now nor has then-beMi ut anv time since the ddte of said entry * n\ imprvements oi anj k < nd orde- scripii u placed upon saul i-unl. either > t > entry- niiin dining his Me tnueor In his heir"at law since his decent-- , and the i.imi embraced M vi d eutrj i-iiow wild unfl iiiu-ultn .ted land ; that the .said hrirs at .aw a K ! ny and all ot thm have lai ed to cure tnir laches up to the date o initiation 01 this comcst. Said panics are heieby notilit d to appear , respond spend and otfor evidence touuuiii saui alleg-t- tioii ar. 10 o'clock a. in , , on April 16 1H03. before thf register and receiver nt the United States L-iml OJllce in Yaleut-ne. , Ncbiuska The sa d contestant having , in : i proper ath- d.ivit. tiled March u , Iit9. ! ) ct torth facts which show that after due diliuenur- personal service of thinoti e can .ot b > ; nude , it is hereuy oulered that such notice be given by due aim publication. C S1 K. OLSOX Receiver. Notice to Non-Kesident Defend ants. To Joe Sutton and Mrs. FUitton. first and true name unknown , wife of Joe Sutton. non residents : You. and each of you. are hereby notified that on the TJth day ct December. "I'.iOS. Her bert Thompson and Albert Thompson , minor heirs of Mary Thompson , deceased , by An drew Thompson , their next friend , tiled "their petition in the district court ot Cherry coun tv Nebraska , against 3-011 and each of you. impleaded with John Marty , jr. , as defend ants. That the object ami prayer ot said petition is to have a certain deed of convey ance , alleged to have been made and execut ed bv Marv Thompson , the mother of these plaintiffs , on March . ' . IM'rf. ' and purpoting to convex- the south half of the southwest quarter of sections , and the southeast quar ter of southeast quarter of section 0. and the northwest quarter of north west quarter , of section 8. township : W. range'JU. in Cherry county , Nebraska , and whicli is recorded in Hook U ot Deeds at Page 417 of the records of Cherry county. Nebraska , declared and ad judged to be a forgerv and to be null and voitt. and to have the .same cancelled , and that said defendants and each and all of them , and each and everv person claiming ' bv , through , or under the'm. or anj' of them , be forever barred and excluded "from anv right , title and interest in and to said land , A and to have the right and title of the plain tiffs in and to the above described land for ATi ever quieted and established in fee simple , and for all other and further orders and Ti judgments as shall at , appear to the court to be jubt. right and proper. . . You are required to answer aid petition o'a or before April 1U , lWi ! . HEIUJUT TuOiiPaUX aud AMIKUT THO-MTSOX. minor heirs of Marv Thompson , deceased , bv Andrew Thompson , their next friend. * rn 'J 4 Pontiffs' . T carries a complete assortment of achinery comprising the Johnson and Osborn Disks , Moline and Oliver Sulk } Plows , Kirlin and John Deere two = row Cultivators ; Oliver , Moline and Deere Plows , Superior Drills , Weber and Moline Wagons ; Staver , Moline , Moon and Velie Buggies ; the Corn King and 20th Century Manure Spreaders ; the Hoosier and Superior Broadcast Seeders ; the Superior line of Hay Tools , consisting of Stackers , Sweeps , etc. ; DeLaval Cream Sepa- tors , Eclipse Windmills , Tanks , Pipe , Pumps , etc. ; McCormick Mowers - ers , Rakes and Binders ; Moline , Oliver and Deere Listers. Will close out the John Deere line of Implements and Vehicles at greatly reduced prices. REPAIRS for any make of implement will -be furnished on the shortest possible notice. Every effort will be made to accomodate customers and supply their wants. Don't be misled by representations of other dealers carrying inferior and near competing lines , but post yourself on improved makes and reduced prices before making your purchases. Lumber Co. SSiip your Live Stock to ALONE DONAHUE CO , SO. OMAHA OR CHICAGO No shipment too large and none too small to receive the most careful attention. Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled by members of the firm. Each man's stock sold c n their merits and a square deal guaranted to all. Write us for the marker paper and our special market letters , which we send you -'ree of charge. AMOS SNYDER , Hog Salesman. MATT MALOXE ) Cattle GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesma J. Tires J. DONAHUE f Salesman. Go to the Stock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. GRANT BOYER ; * * " " ' . - . . I . . ! . _ - - "l ' - " ' _ -T ! " ' . ' ' _ CARPENTER & BUILDER tVll kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Kesidence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , mm : 72 Nebraska References : Mv Many Customers. THIS OFFICE