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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1909)
gistoiical Society . 1or. r 1 6J T rn i ALENT I. M. Eice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , MARCH 25 , 1909. Volume 24 , Xo. 11 Manufactured by U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , is.retailed by Red Front Merc. Co. In our "Model A" you will find all the uptodate principles carried out , and we do not think we are exaggerating when we claim that it is the most practical , successful and reliable steel mill on the market today. root Sewing Machines at" Lowest Drophead machines at § 15 , guaranteed for ten years. New Royal Cabinet and Semi- Cabinet machines. Progress and Service Machines , and in conclusion the best of all The New Home , with automotic lift Needles , Bobbins and Shuttles for all machines made. Be sure and secure one of our "" Needle Threaders. With this threader .you can thread your needle in the dark as well as day light. Machines , etc. , now on display. 3E3Q 1 Eure ROBERT McGEER , Propr. f Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 27 yearxold and Jas. E , Pepper , O. F , C , Taylor , * These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Unexcelled - | excelled for family and medical use. | * Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported v Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. | Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , f I Valentine Nebraska y _ S2S2S : X2 Read the Advertisements , r . Murderer Confesses Samuel Story Confesses to Murdering Fred Smith Last October Near the Wagon Bridge On the Niobrara River , South = east of Valentine. Through the untiring efforts of Sheriff Clyde A , llos&eter , assisted b.v County Attorney Tucker , of Cherry county , a chain of con victing circumstantial evidence has been securrd that permitted no denial as to guilt. The murderer , Samuel L Story , now held in the county jail of this county , confessed yesterday to Sheriff Rosseter and County At torney Tucker that he murdered Fred Smith last October a few rods east of the wagon bridge on the Kiobrara river , about 2-V miles southeast of Valentine. Story says he killed Fred Smith with an automatic revolver , shooting him , in the back of the head while he lay sleeping on the ground where they had lain down together. Story says he then went through Smith's pockets and took his mon ey and tore up the paper and slips and threw them away , and threw the body into the Niobrara river. Story then started down the road toward \Voodlake and threw the revolver away on his way to Thacher. Story and Smith had left Valen tine together , and our Sheriff Rosseter had been thorough in his work , tracing the journey of Story and Smith from Douglas , Wyo. , where he had them starting out to gether , and even many minute de tails of their journey to Valentine , where they were put off the train , how they appeared at the. Chicago House and washed and of their eating breakfast at the Home Bakery , and of their starting out together from here on foot and of parties meeting Stpry a.lnne after the murder ; of people seeing them together near the bridge and of Story mailing a letter on the train to Fred Smith at his home at Ge neva after the murder , accusing Smith of forsaking him to go with another fellow , and of his circuit ous journey down through the country , heading for Cheyenne , and from there to LaGrange , Oro. , where he was located , arrested and brought back to Valentine March 1st. 1st.When When confronted with this evi dence against him , Samuel L. Story saw no avenue of escape and decided to confess the murder with a view of getting a life sen tence , fearing that he would be convicted and likely be hung if he went to trial. l i School Jf y CTjt V . By R. H. WATSON Miss Bertha Gordon visited last Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Hot Springs , S. D. Dr. B. F. Jeffers and wife made us a very pleasant call at our home last Sunday. Mrs. Jeffers is a member of the class ' 00 and Mr. Jeffers of the class ' 01 of the Val entine high school. The following little folks have entered the k'C" class in the pri mary room this term : George Jennings , Sarah Wells , Philip Francke , Edna Holsclaw , Gloretta Whipple , Helen Northrop , Wilber Glen , Helen Hammond , Eddie Gassan and Robert Stetter. The following girls from the intermediate grades have organ ized a basketball team and have called themselves the "Valentine Juniors : " Martha Haley , Jennie Graham , Callie Faddis , Leon An derson , Arlene Burge , Marie Mel- tendorff , Eldene Sparks , Zeta Haley. Marion Anderson , Irene Northrop , Myrtle Fitzgerald and Queen Moon. On Wednesday of this week we received from Mary Easley a beautiful postal picture of .the school of education building which is a branch of the Chicago uni versity. Mary is with her cousin who lives very near the univer sity. This cousin was a class mate of ours in Dr. Clark's class in the Chicago university two years ago. "TO EVERY .MAX who values Iris 1 personal appearance , and to every woman who values her personal appear ance , we extend a cordial invitation to look over our Spring and Summer line of mer chandise. Our showing ; includes new pretty patterns in Lawns at medium prices. Attractive assortment in Muslin under wear , and neat patterns in the new Side band goods. Also the latest models in apparel for young1 and middle aged men , such as Cluett and Monarch Shirts , Arrow Collars , AYonder Hose Sox , Tiger Tiats , Florsheim Shoes , etc. See our windows Ask For Trading Stamps "Shall oppose the election of Mr. Cannon as speaker. " The above pledge was made by Congressman KinkaM in an open letter addressed to the voters of the Sixth congressional district , over his signature , and scattered broadcast throughout the district during the last campaign. Last Monday congress met in special session and Speaker Cannon was re-elected , and , notwithstanding his pledge to the electors of this district , Mr. Kinkaid cast his vote for Cannon , the "Iron Duke of American politics. " Thq average republican believes that ante-election promises and platform pledges should be faith fully lived up to and are at a loss tv , account for the double cross handed them by the congressman from the big Sixth. Cannonism was made an issue of the last cam paign in this district and his pledge to oppose him undoubtedly won him many supporters throughout the district. That he should ac quire icicles upon his pedal ex- tremeties and line up for Cannon- ism at the last moment is not sur prising to those who are intimately acquainted with the ' cold-hanoVcl , hand-shaking congressman. The O'Neill Frontier ( rep. ) . The Band Concert. The band concert given by the Woodlake Cornet Band in the opera house at Woodlake on March 17th was a comj.le success. J. P. Krey- cik , the band director , has fully demonstrated that the boys under his direction are as good musicians and can handle their respective parts in the band as well as ihey are ranchmen and cowboys and can handle the rope and horse. The program showed that ifc was carefully prepared and contained very difficult and uptodaie compo sitions. That the music was ap preciated \\as fully demonstrated by the tremencluons applause after each selection. Special hits of the evening seems to have been the Eumoresque Over ture , "I Am Afraid to Go Home In the Dark , " and a cornet solo with drums accompaniment , "The St. Patrick's Dav in the Morning , " both the numbers being jjoocl and were repeated. A free dance after the concert seems also to have been enjoyed very much. In conclusion I must say that we have a first class band here and should keep it right at the top notch. And I know the band i will do their part if we do ours , j This was fully demonstrated by the ' exhibition of musical interest in i this concert by the business men of , Woodlake and in appreciation of i their efforts a great turnout of the | people from the town and surrounding - \ ing county as well was greatly ap preciated by the band. DISINTERESTED OBSERVER. Win. Gulick came up from Ainsworth last night wh re. he had been attending a meeting of the M. W. A. He says theiio were about 50 new mom hers initiated , of whom 25 were from Woodlake vicinity. He expected to return to Woodlake this after noon on ths freight. tits We sell farming implements as well as other- merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and try us. GROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E. ViERTEL. DFALER IN EVERYTHING. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a .National Bank Jun 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , Valentine , IsTebraska. ' * ( Successor to ) JAPATAL PAID ZN A General Bunking S35 000 Exchange and 7 Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , VicerEre&ident. M. V. T r. Cashier. Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods ? Lunch Counter. Phone 7 Home Bakery. IS : S2SK Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IX All Kinds of Fresli and Salt Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. J ? 32 ' 2:3 : 5 ? 'A \ \ I Yalentiae , Nebraska , has received a complete line of ne\v , high grade 1 Fall and Winter Goods , a which are being offered at the lowest prices pos sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable. I Prices are within the reach of all and plainly mark a ed on every article. One price to everybody. * " < > n ii ip i * * > p i in i i I