Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 18, 1909, Image 8

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Holsture 1
Tackage *
of good luck an
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> - * > - ? S. . * * ra1 Ali 2
Cr *
. will be offered for sale at public auction in
Valentine , Nebr. ,
Wednesday , March 31 , 1909 ,
commencing' at one o'clock p. m.
These are all registered rlerefords , average age
twenty-two months , good strong bulls , well bred from
the old established herd of George J. Anstey of Mas-
sena , Iowa , one the largest and best breeders in Iowa.
Watch for large bills and further announcements
in-the newspapers next w
G. E. TRACE WELL , A net.
AY. E. HALEY , Clerk.
( Special Correspondence. *
Lincoln , Xeb. March 16.
. Notwithstanding the fact
that the republican party
lias been in control of the
state of Nebraska nearly all
the years that lias interven
ed since its admission as a
state it fell to the lot of a
democratic legislature to
make a liberal appropriation
to erect a monument at the
state capitol to the memory
of Abraham Lincoln. Twen
ty thousand dollrrs has been
set a-part for purpose *
and at last the state will
have done proper honor to
the memory of the great
The democratic members
of the house have held a
caucus and selected from
its members a sifting com
mittee , which will have
charge of the work of pick
ing out the important bills
that will come before the
lower house for considera-
t'on. Two memb'ers were
selected from each congres
sional district , and two re
publicans were given a place ,
on the committee. Speaker
Pool will be chairman , and
the fact that the selection of
this committee was made by
the members of the caucus
was no reflection upon this
gentleman , who lias the con
fidence and respect of the
house , but it was done in
conformity to the democratic -
ic principle inaugurated at
the opening of the session ,
and by which the house
took upon itself the prerog-
tive of selecting its own
committees. Eepresenta-
tives Taylor of Ouster ,
Henry , Bowman , Clark and
others were active in advo
cating this plan , and that it
has met with approval is
evidenced by the fact that
strong words of commenda
tion in its favor have come
from every part of the en
tire country.
The general appropria
tion bills have taken up part
of the time of the house
during the week. A de
ficiency of § 110,000 came
down to this legislature from
the last republican adminis
tration which must be made
up and the bills paid. The
people of the state will be
glad to know that the wards
of the commonwealth will
be properly cared for by
this legislature. That the
state institutions will be
maintained and that every
dollar necessary for their
proper maintenance will be
generously given. No one
desires that the people
should be niggardly in this
but it is now pate-nt
that the governor and the
legislature propose to see
that every dollar appro
priated goes into proper
channels , and that useless
and unnecessary extrava
gances are cut off.
One of the strongest
speeches made during the
! session was derived by Sen
ator Donohue of Holt on
Wednesday in support of his
bill for the enactment of the
initiative and referendum.
Among the other strong
members of this body from
out in the state are Ollis ,
Henry , Tibbets and Fuller.
One of the bills passed by
the house is the proposal to
repeal that part of the reve
nue law providing for the
appointment of precinct as
sessors , and making these
officials elective , and plac
ing their selection back
again in the hands of the
people where it rightfully
The railroad lobby made
a strong effort during the
work to have the committee
on railroads of the house re
port the demurrage bill for
indefinite postponement , but
signally failed in their ef
forts in this direction , and
the bill was recommended
for passage. This bill pro
vides that shipments miist
be forwarded without de
lay , and carries a penalty
for failure to do so , making
the conditions reciprocal ,
as the railroads now charge
demurrage for failure to un
load cars within a specified
regardless of how long
the car . may have been in
- * *
transit. .
The proposed law for th }
physical valuation of all
corporate properties in the I
state is being antagonized' '
by every intrenched interest - j
est within its borders. The
bill has passed the senate
and will become a law.
Judge McPherson , who
recently decided against the
two-cent passenger rate law
in Missouri , based his opin .
ion on the earnings upon a \
valuation fixed by the rail
road companies. Had the
proposed Nebraska law been
in force there these valua
tions would have been as
certained by the state itself
and the facts accurately ar
rived at. As an instance of
what this law seeks to ac
complish it may be stated
that it is openly asserted
here that a local gas com
pany has charged rates based
on a valuation of their prop
erty , three dollars of which
is water and one dollar act
ual money or its equivalent
in value. To forever wipe
out this kind of financier
ing and expose the methods
by where corporations have
evaded taxes and charged
exhorbitant rates is the pur
pose of this democratic leg
islature in passing this law.
Gov. Shallenberger has
signed the bill prohibiting
the formation of fraternal
societies in the public
The bank guaranty de
posit law has passed the
house and will pass the sen
ate as soon as the sames
reached. This measure hrs
been carefully written , an 1
lias been endorsed by tl e
best intelligence on this sub
ject in the state. A coterie
of national bankers have
been quietly taking a stab
at this bill whenever oppor
tunity afforded but their ef
forts have been unavailing.
Both the house and sen
ate have recommended for
passage bills for changes in
the road law. While the
measures differ in some re
spects yet they each provide
for the formation of new
road districts by the county
board , the payment of one-
half of the road tax in mon
ey and for other changes
which meet the approbation
of the farmers in the legisla
The house on Friday
morning , by a decisive vote ,
refused to legalize the do
nation of the Carnegie fund
to the state university pro
fessors , thus repudiating the
efforts made to have the
reputation of our great uni
versity tainted with money
amassed by the head of the
steel trust. Mr. Carnegie
himself has recently admit
ted that the fortunes created
in steel industry were made
under the protection of laws
which he says now ought to
be repealed.
N bras&a Land and Feeding CD.
3artl < jtt Richards Pres Will G Cbrastock , V p.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded o
any partofaninr it
also the follow np
brands :
horsea brandei
jj liauge btitwt ; n
Cordon on the F E.
& M V , R R 2 cd
Hyannis , on M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebr.
KIUIIAADS. Ellawonu ,
Pat Peiper. -
/ j
K. M. Faddis & Co.
Posmfflce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
, on left
Horses branded
ir thigh ,
Some Some branded
branded i on right thigh
on left or shoulder.
P. H. Young- .
rilmeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on lefc aide
Some QYon
on left Jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Rosebud S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rightsido
Some cattle also
have a 4on neck
Some with A. on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind qnar-
_ ters Some Texas
's O on left side and some
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left hio. Some cattle
branded A.W bar connected on both sides ana
left hip of horses
Kenned } ,
Same as cut on left ,
j'.de and hip , and on
left shoulder of horse
se ? . AlsoSSI ou
left side
F X on left side
Some cat-
tie branded -
ed hus „ , . . . „ peg ( either -side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left Jaw and left shoulder
of horses.
on left hip of horses.
on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan. \
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing inv of these brand * .
Kohl & Terrill.
IJrownlee , Xea.
rattle branded 3
in cxt on left
side. Some
branded K. T Y
on left hip. Kanjo
on North Loup
river two milrs
west of Brew-nice
J. A. Yaryan.
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JT
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
a-i on cut.Ieft side
Some on loft hip.
Horses same enl
l ft shoulder.
Range Square
Roan Bros.
Woodlake Neb
Range on Long
Lake and Crook
ed Lake. '
John Kills Plenty.
St Francis Mis
sion. Rosebud.
S. L > .
rattle branded
as in cut ; horses
8me on letf
thigh. Kantje be
tween Spring
and Little W
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawver has
charge of tiiese
cattle. H rsea
* > onlettshoul-
der. Somel
left side.
same left thigh.
ttange on Snake
Metzger Bros. .
Uolfe "
anvwhcre on left
Eannark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
- " m t ir i m B
Ranee on Gordon and Snake CreeRs.
A Reward of $250 will bt- \ aid lo any person for
luiornihtion lea-Uii } ; to tlie arrest aud nnal
SKSS Si'ESSS1 ? ° r P on < stealing