Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 18, 1909, Image 7

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    ? or Women-Lydia E. Pink *
jam's Vegetable Compound
* TN"oah , Ky. "I was passing through
, fihe Change of Life and suffered from
headaches , nervous
prostration , and
"Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable
well and strong , so
that I can do all'my
housework , and at
tend to the store
and post-office , and
Ifeel much younger
than I really am.
"Lydia E. Pink-
lam's Vegetable Compoundis the most
luccessful remedy for all kinds of
female troubles , and I feel that I can
lever praise it enough. " Hits. LIZZIE
OLLAXD , Noah , Ky.
TheChangeof Life is themostcritical
I ) eriod of n woman's existence , and
ieglect of health at this time invites
'isease and pain.
that there is no other remedy known to
fnedicine that mil so successfully ; carry
" Fomen through this trying period as
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
xmnci , made from native roots and
i. For 30 years it has been curing
Vomeii from the worst forms of female
Ills inflammation , tile oration , displacements -
' placements , iibroid tumors , irregularf-
ies , periodic pains , backache , and
lervous prostration.
If you would like special advice
fcibout your case -write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham , at
Iiynsi , Mass. Her advice is free ,
'Jtnd always lielpf uL
Season I Make and Sell Mere Ken's $3.00
- & , $3.50 Shots Than Any Other Manufacturer
Is beciuz 1 , : ' . < the _ arr the beceSt cf tlie mojt
coapl ta or ; n.-atT > r. of trained czr ts ted tilled
Ehoe.uakrr in „ ! * country
The Blectoc ct its leathers for each part of the zlio- : .
ni ere' 7 un.ul of the a tlrg in every department , 1.
Joc'ied rfter fcv the hat shctaakers In tte shoe 1n < lustiy.
I. I coj.i ti. ? w yi liow ci rcmlly VT. L TetgUs Ehccc
i > aaode , you wcula thsa understand fhy they iiold their
Shape , fit betUr , and wear loader taaa oay other raslie.
Sly Mcf'oJ'f Taming the Soles makes them More
Flexible a > Lotiysr Wearing than Guy others.
Shoes for t'ifry SHt-mbcr > r ( In-
' 1 iescn mid <
p . . . - > , y slioe dealers fveryvrli
I Xone K nmne " .t'uont \ \ ' . Douglas
I i name n.nJ price stamped on bottom.
? Mt Cole : t-e'ttt Used Exclusively. Catalog mailed free.
* W. L. DOUGLAS , 167 Spark St. , Brockton , Mass.
\ | B abided v.lih TJf |
fi V llorc Eyes , use IliU
This Trade-mark
Eliminates Ail
in the purchase of
paint materials.
It is an absolute
guarantee of pur
ity and quality.
For your own
protection , see
that it is on the side of
every keg of white lead
you buy.
1502 Trinity Buiiding. Hew York
Btranger. You little boys seem to
like that old gentleman ?
Little Boy YOB , he furnishes us with
so much amusement.
Stranger But he seems In such a
cross humor.
Little Boy Yes , but he Is the only
old gentteman In this part of town
that -wears a tall silk hat during the
snowball season.
Olijectloii Overruled.
"Colonel , we want a contribution from
.on lo lielp build a mission church. "
" .Judge , you know \v < ll enough that
' liilf I am in sympathy with morality
: < 1 religion I don't believe in churches in
' .f nhsTaft , and "
"Xcirhor do I , cnlanel. Wo're going tc
: M Shi- , one of concrete. " Chicago
" '
' ll'T.
Americans Profited Largely and Send
Baelc Satisfactory Reports.
The census branch of the Department
of Agriculture , Ottawa , Canada , has
completed its returns of the showing of
Western Canada's grain yield for 190S ,
and the report makes very interesting
reading. In the three provinces of
Manitoba , Saskatchewan and Alberta ,
which comprise what may be known as
Central Canada , there was a total
wheat yield of about 107,000,000 bush
els , worth to the farmers about $ S5-
000,000 ; iii addition to this the oat ,
barley and flax crops were worth an
other $35,000,000. Letters have recent
ly been received from many of the set
tlers from the United Stales. From
these , that of Rev. Oscar L. King has
been selected. He lives in the vicinity
of Edmonton , Alberta , and what he
says will be of interest to those who
contemplate moving to Central Can
ada. Every line of the letters is inter
esting. Those who wish for further
particulars as to how to secure home
steads and pre-emptions , should write
any Canadian Government agent Mr.
King says :
I am well satisfied with Alberta.
This country offers excellent opportuni
ties for _ anyone to make a good home
for himself and family if he is willing
to put up with a few hard knocks for
the first two or three years. But it is
worth a few hard knocks to get a 160-
acre farm of rich productive land with
no mortgage 011 it. This province is
well fitted for grains , stock raising and
dairying.Ye have found" the climate
generally healthful , more healthful
than Michigan , and although the ther
mometer sometimes drops to 40 de
grees below zero in winter , yet we do
not seem to feel that temperature any
more than we did 5 or 10 degrees be
low zero in Michigan. We like the
The Government takes great interest
in the education of the people and
luickly aids the settlers in establishing
.schools where they are called for. The
schools though graded differently than
those in the States are eilicieut and ad
vancing. Our great drawback has been
the limited and inadequate railway fa
cilities , but new roads are being rapid
ly built and many more are projected
through various parts of the province.
The new policy of the Alberta Govern
ment to construct a great many branch
lines throughout the province will
greatly help all parts of the country.
! f those new settlers who have to go
iack a considerable distance from ex-
-lins railroads and towns to find free
omesteads will but locate along the
: no of a projected railroad they will
i two or three years be near both
> wn and railroad. When I first came
o this country three and a half year- *
so the homestead I took up was To
i'es from a railroad town , now there
a railroad 25 miles north , another
. i miles south and a third is being
liit through my neighborhood.
I think the prairie country or coun
i-y that is partly prairie offers much
for opportunities than the prairie
IMFROTTE3EEXTS : A seven-room house with good cistern. Barn 68x82 ,
lolds 150 tons hay , 20 head of horses and 100 head of cattle. Granary , 5,000
> u. capacity. Tool house. Two good wells. One windmill , pump and tank.
Dast hn'f fenced in two parts , west half all under one fence. Fine grove of
roung r < P = on three sides of the house. It can't be beaten in the United States
tor a money-maker.
The following crops per acre were raised on the above place last season :
) tmim wbeat averaged 25 bu. , which at 90c brought $22.50 per acre. Bar-
fey averaged 27 bu. . at 55c or $14.85 per acre. Blue Stem wheat averaged 18
u. at 51.06 , or $19.08 per acre. Flax averaged 1C % bu. at $1.55 , or $25.54 per
tcre. Oats averaged 35 bu. at 46c , or $16.10 per acre. Only 240 acres under
Cultivation , balance virgin sod.
4 What the other fellow can do you can do.
If this is too large , come up and let me fit you with a smaller farm.
JBOSS E. PARKS , - Lily , South Dakota
Is dreadful to suffer and despairing to hear. Why threaten the health ot
your lungs and the peace of your family when you can obtain immediate
relief from Piso's Cure ? Remarkable results follow the first dose. Taken
regularly it soothes and heals the lacerated tissues , loosens the clogging
phlegm and stops the cough. Pleasant to the taste and free from
opiates. Children enjoy taking it. For throat and lung diseases , no
matter how far advanced ,
Morfality Statistics of the Census
Bureau , Covering 16 States ,
Out in Washington.
Tuberculosis Fatalities Do Not In
crease with Population Fig
ures Given for 1907.
The bureau of tlie census has pub
lished its eighth annual report on mor
tality statistics , which presents the
figures for the calendar year 3907 , to
gether with comparative data for the
years 1K ! ) to 1DOG inclusive.
The statistics given in the report do
not cover the entire country , but only
that portion of the United States
known as the "registration area. " This
urea includes the States in which the
laws requiring the registration of
deaths have been accepted as giving
practically complete mortality returns ,
and those cities in non-registration
States in which satisfactory returns
are required by the local authorities.
The registration area in 1907 included
fifteen States , the District of Colum
bia and seventy-six other cities.
The aggregate population of the reg
istration area for the calendar year
1907 is estimated at 41,758,037 , or 4S.S
per cent of total estimated population
of continental United States for that
The statistics for 1908 will cover
two new registration States , vrashing-
ton and Wisconsin , and as a result of
this addition the registration area
will , according to the estimates , in
clude for the first time a majority
(51.0 ( per cent ) of the total popula
Coitiimrisnn of Heath Ilntes.
The total number of deaths report
ed for the registration area in 1907
was (587,034 ( , corresponding to a death
rate of 1G.5 per 1,000 of estimated
population. In 1900 the rate was 1G.1.
The death rates per 1,000 of popula
tion for the several registration states
were as follows for 190G and 1907 :
inos. 1007.
California . 17.4 1S.G
Colorado . 13.9 17.G
Connecticut . 10.7 17.1
Indiana . I'J.o 12.5
Maine. , r . 1G.2 1G.G
Maryland . 1.1.7 1G.1
M.i aHuiotts . IG.G 17.3
Michunm . 14. . ° , 13.9
Xv Hampshire . 17.1 > 17.1
Ne-.v .T.-rMiy . . ' . 1G.2 1G.G
Now York . 17.1 17.3
Ui-otle JMand . 17.3 1S.O
> < t.tli Dakota . S.S 9.8
Vermont . 1G.S 1G.O
Iii the case of every registration
State the death rates were larger in
cities than in the rural districts.
CIUKUS of Denili.
The following causes were responsi
ble for at least 20 deaths per 100,000
of population during the year 1907 :
Cause of death 1006 1907.
Pneumonia ( including bron
cho pneumonia ) . 149.0 1G1.2
Tuberculosis of lungs . 139.4 158.9
Heart disease . i : > 0.7 141.7
Violence . 120.9 123.8
Diarrhoea nnd enteritis . 122.9 11G.7
Nephritis and Bright' dis
ease . 9.8 105.5
Apoplexy . 71.S 75.4
Cancer ' . . 70.8 73.1
Congenital debility . 34.2 33.S
Old ae . 34.S 32.7
Hronchitis . 30.3 30.9
Typhoid fever . 32.1 30.3
Meningitis . 25.6 2G.G
Diphtheria and croup . 2G.3 24.3
Inthicnzii . 10.5 24.1
The total number of deaths reported
from all forms of tuberculosis for the
year 1907 was 7G.G50 , tin increase of
1,138 over the number reported for
190G. When the allowance is made for
the increase in population , however ,
the death rate declined slightly , fall
ing from 1S4.2 per 100,000 in 190G to
1S3.G in 1907.
Skeptical About Itadlo-Tlior.
Physicians arc greatly interested in the
nnnouncement made by Dr. E. Stillman
Dniley of ! Chicago before the Southern
Homeopathic Medical Association at New
Orleans. Dr. Bailey said he was recent
ly requested by the. Chicago Board of
Trade to analyze a Colorado pitchblend.
A result of his investigation was a sub
stance like radium , biit less harmful and
less expensive , which he had named ra-
dio-thor. It has all the properties of ra
dium , and with it he can photograph ob
jects through six inches of wood. Dr.
Bailey claimed to have used it with suc
cess in cases of locomotor ataxia. The
radio-tlior is sewed in a bag , one side pro
tected by gauze , and applied to the back
bone of the sufferer. Dr. Bailey showed
signs of being very nervous from his ex
periments , and fear was expressed that
they had affected his nerves unfavorably.
Many physicians are still skeptical about
the curative value of the substance.
But It Sometime * Is Rail for the
When a property-owner knows noth
ing about paint it is bad for the prop
erty-owner , and bad for the painter. It
would not be so if the property-owner
would always hire a skilled painter
and then really leave everything t <
him. But the houseowner so often
fools himself on one or the other of
these things.
The skilled painter in every commu
nity has some of the most incompetent
competitors that ever vexed a consci
entious workman or contractor , and the
incompetents get jobs generally by
working cheap. In the next place ,
when the skilled painter is hired , they
do not leave everything to him , as so
many property-owners boast they do.
They interfere most ignorantly and
most fatally. They insist sometimes
on using paint materials without inves
tigating whether they are good or not
Or perhaps they insist on the painter's
hurrying the work.
"I'm not going to have this painter's
mess around my house a month , " the
wife says , and what wife says goes
at the cost of a lot of wasted painting
If the painter stays away a few days
to allow the paint to thoroughly dry
the owner says : "That painter's neg
lecting this work guess he's sidetracking
ing me for .Tones' work. I won't stand
it. "
What chance does a painter have to
do peed work for a man who is con
tinually nagging at him and otherwise
handicapping him ( without meaning it ,
of course ) ? A poor job is the inevita
ble result of such interference.
Poor painting costs the houseowner
money don't forget that. It might
pay you to get the practical paint book ,
oainting specifications and instrument
for detecting paint adulterants , which
National Lead Co. are offering under
the title of House Owner's Painting
Outfit No. 49. Address National Lead
Co. , 1902 Trinity Bldg. , New York City.
This company does not make paint
( they leave that to the painter to do ) ,
but they make pure white lead ( "Dutch
Boy Painter" trademark kind ) , and
they can tell you how to save moi.ey
by securing durable painting.
Of tlie Same Kind.
"Old man , ' said the chronic calamity
howler , buttonholing him , "I don't want
to be an alarmist , but - "
"And I don't want to be alarmed. Good
morning , " interrupted the other man ,
breaking away from him. Chicago Trib-
"Whiskey tor Rheumatism.
The increased use of whiskey for
rheumatism Is causing considerable dis
cussion among the medical fraternity.
It is an almost infallible cure when
mixed with certain other ingredients
and taken properly. The following
formula is effective : "To one half pint
of good whiskey add one ounce of Toris
Compound and one ounce of Syrup Sarsaparilla -
saparilla Compound. Take in tablespoonful -
spoonful doses before each meal and
before retiring. "
Toris compound is a product of the
laboratories of the Globe Pharmaceuti
cal Co. , Chicago , butjit as well 'as the
other ingredients canbe had from any
good druggist.
Sad Case.
"I never was so .shocked in my life , "
said Mrs. Lapsing. "Pearley Wintergreen -
green is trj ing to get a divorce from her
husband. She says she has found out
that they made a mistake when they were
married ; he isn't her real inflnilive. "
The Grip of Spring.
During the last twenty years many of
our citizens have been attacked in the
spring months by grip. Some have had se
rious or slight attacks every year or two.
All know it to be a dangerous disease. If
Lane's Pleasant Tablets ( which are sold
at 25 cents a bos by druggists and deal
ers ) are taken when the first symptoms
are felt , there is hardly a chance of the
malady getting a foothold. If you can
not get them near home , send 25 cents to
Orator F. Woodward , Le Roy , N. Y. Sam
ple free.
Free Eiilci'talmtieiit.
Mrs. Mooner I always make it a
point to go shopping early in the morn-
Mrs. Spooner To-avoid the rush ?
Mrs. Mooner Xo ; I like to listen to
the shop girls telling each other their
You will respond very quickly to the
Garfield Tea treatment , for tLis Natural
laxative corrects constipation , purifies tha
blood , and benefits the entire system ,
Additional 1'urticnlari.
St. Patrick was driving the snakes out
cf Ireland.
"If you take my advice , young men , "
he said to the reporters , "you won't writ *
this up you'll get the reputation of being
nature fakers. "
But the good man's admonitipn was
wasted. They rushed the story into print.
Chicago Tribune.
A Domestic Eye Remedy
Compounded by Experienced Physlclanp.
Conforms to Pure Food and Brujja Laws.
\Vlns Friends Wherever UVed. Ask B ug-
lists for Murlne Eye Remedy. Try Murme
In Your Eyes. You Will Like Murlne.
His StatcjjuianllUe View.
Trusty Henchman Then you believe in
a primary law , do you , colonel ?
Political Magnate Emphatically , yes I
It is the easiest of all ; mmes to beat.
tor the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the
World over to Cura a Cold In One Day. 25c.
Extent of His Knowledge.
The Doctor Profopsor , do you know
anything about political economy ?
The Professor I know just enough
about economy to kcsp out of politics.
S. C. N. U. - - Xo. 12 1909.
Celor mere goods brighter and faster colors ( ban iny
narm ; ! vitbont ripsiag apart % 'iits Ur lr bo
? c7.etn Cam on I.C-JETM and Anlile.n
Canadian Chief of Police Conld
r\"ot V.'ear Shoc.i IJeentiNC of Had
Scaling : and Ileliiii&r.
"I have been successfully cured of
Iry eczema. I was inspecting the re-
noval of noxious weeds from the edge
of a river and was constantly in the
Just from the weeds. At night I
icjiused my limbs , but felt a prickly
sensation. I paid no attention to It
for two years , but I noticed a scum
m ivy legs like fish scales. I did not
attend to it until it came to be too
itchy and sore and began getting two
running sores. My ankles were all sore
ind scabby and I could not wear shoes.
[ had to use carpet and felt slippers
for weeks. I got a cake -of the Cuti-
2tira Soap and some Cuticura Oiut-
tticnt. In less than ten days I could
put on my boots and in less than three
weeks I was free from the confounded
itching. Capt. George P. Bliss , Chief
) f Police , Morris , Manitoba , March 20 ,
1907 , and Sept. 24 , 190S. "
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. , Sole
Props , of Outicura Remedies , Boston.
Ribald Jester.
"Hear about the terrific magazine ex
plosion ? "
"Xo. How about It ? When did it
happen ? "
"Next March. Happened to the Out
look. " Chicago Tribune.
What n AVoman IV111 Not Do.
There is nothing a woman would not
do to regain her lost beauty. She
ought to be fully as zealous in pre
serving her good looks. The herb drink
called Lane's Family Medicine or
Lane's Tea is the most efficient aid
in preserving a beautiful skin , and will
do more than anything else to restore
the roses to faded cheeks. At all drug
gists' and dealers' , 25c.
Telephones are to ba , introduced into
the Turkish empire .isid operated by tha
Mrs. Wlnslcnv's Soothing Syrup tor child
ren teething , softens the gums , reduces In
flammation , allays pain , cures Avlnd colic.
2oc a bottle.
China has just completed its first school
of forestry.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chcnr-y &
Co. , doing business in the City of Toledo ,
County nnd State aforesaid , and that said
firm will pay the sum of ONE ITUNDKKD
DOLLARS for each and every case of Ca-
tnrrh that cannot be cured by the use of
Hall's Catarrh Cure. FIIAXK J. CHENEY.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in ray
presence , this Gth day of December , A. D.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally ,
and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Send for testimo
nials free.
free.F. . J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0.
Sol.l by all Druggists , 70c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
A burglar ariested in London the other
night remarked regretfully : "I knew the
time when I could do twenty houses in
two hours. But I am getting old. "
I want every chronic rheumatic to throw
nway all medicines , all liniments , all
plasters , nnd sire MUNYON'S RHEUMA
TISM REMEDY a trial. No matter what
your doctor may say , no matter what
your friends may Bay , no matter how
prejudiced you may be against all adver
tised remedies , co at once to your drug *
gist and get a bottle or the llHEDM.i *
TISM REMEDY. If it fulls to give satis
faction , ! vrill refund your money. Munyoa
Remember this remedy contains no sal-
Icyllc njd. r.o opium cocaine , morphine or
other harmful drugs. It Is put up under
the guarantee of the Pure Food and Drug
Act.For cale by all druggists. Price. 25c.
instead of
As further inducement to settlement cf the
TTheat K.iisimr lands of Western Canada , the
Canadian ( jove-nnu-nt Jias increassd the area
that may be taken by a homcsttader to320 acres
ItiO f r c and lee to be purchased at S3.00 per acre.
These lands are in the crain-raisinff area , where
m\eil Jarmiiijr is also carried on with unqualified
A railway will shortly be built to Hudson Bay
brhiKinir the world's markets a thousand miles
nearer those wheat fields , where Echools and
churches are convenient , climate excellent , rail
ways close to all settlements and local market *
"It would take time to assimilate tha
revelations that a visit to the great em
pire lying to the North of at unfolded at
every turn. " Correspondence of a National
Editor , v hovisited Western Canada. La
August , la' .
Lands may al--o be purchased from Railway
and La-d ( /.tni'inies at LOW PRICES AND
ON EASY TERMS. For pamphlets , maps and
information as to lovr Railway Rates app y ta
\ \ . I ) . S..U , Superintendent of Imrrhjratlon ,
Ott.iun. < .m.ida , or I'T. . Holmes , 315 J.-'tcksoa
St.M. I'.nil. Minn , and j. M. MacLaqhlan , Box
ii * ) \\atertu\\ii , bo. Dakota Authorized Govern
ment A Kent * .
I'lo-uw ba > vrhoro jnu EUW this advertisement.
We my i > o > tac * nd tend
and 1'istul * Cure.
RES CO. , Bept. OS. Minneapolis , Minn.
taking liquid physic or big or little
pills , that which makes you worse
instead of curing1. Cathartics don't
cure the } ' irritate and weaken the
bowels. CASCAREfS make the
bowels strong , tone the muscles so
they crawl and work when they
do this they are healthy , producing
right results. ' ° ?
CASCARETS ioc n bos for aweek's
treatment. Ai ! druggists. Biggest seller
in the world. Million boxes a month.
- * When tea years ago we first offered to the world Salzer'a Blllloa Dollar
? I ? t 13en toi their heads , prof ewers doubted , fanners wondered
who thor tha promises we made. 6 to 12 tons hay per acre , conld bo realized. V
ftow all dcupts ore rtraoTed , and today the first farmers of America eyorr.
. J118" * " Panting Salxar'1 Dilllan Dollar Oraes to their fallen ! satisfaction.
i coala bat BOo to 80s par acr * and the yield 13 aeldcra under 6 ta 12 tona of
cent hay per acre 1
SSi0Zr'i1ar L $ TO'consln from 30 acre * * wn to Ealrer's EOth Contnry Alfalfa Clorer har-
Trtt -tTltljln 24 weeks after fiSSOO.Oft
seodhie trerth of majnlflcent hay or at the rat
of orer 980.0O per acre. Onr aflh Century BtraUs cf Alfalfa. Medium , llaminoth Bed and
AlElkeclorcr and grasses are the purest wo belle-re oa earth.
Such as Barley. Corn.Tlar.Ontl and TTheat especially recommended and Introduced by theAcrl-
cultural Colle-efl -fflscoasla , Iowa , North Dakotaillmnecota. South Dakota , etc.
Wo are the larcert growers of reeetablo eoedi wo bellere In America. operatlnB OTer 8000 acres.
Yfo warrant our EeedB to produce the earliest , flaezt. T getables crown. Our seeds are znoacy aakar * .
Catalog tails why we hava the la.- eat Seed Potato tradeIn the wcrld
cno of our cellar * holding over 80,000 bushels alone.
Try ourSSpackages carUwtTeeetablaeeedapestpald for81.00.
For loomByampB wensall free of nil cost samples of SilverKlnj : Earlcy.yielding 173 bu.pernr-e-
Macarenl wheat , yielding 64 bu. per acre ; Ullllon Dollar Orass ; bpoltz. the cereal anil hay fos wond'.r ,
toee.her with timothy clOTOr.rrasaea.etc..etc. . anyone of If It becomes acclimatedonycur
form , will be worth 819.00 of any man's cseaey to jet a atari therewith.
Or.eendl4oajidweadd 8amploarm6e daoTcltj'iiaTer3eealje GrobyjGa. Box C "V
Tough stock , heavy soles , solid coun
ters , double leather toes , double seams
and high-grade workmanship are what make Mayer Work Shoes
last longer than any other kind.
Farmers , miners , lumbermen , mechanics and all classes of
workmen can get double the wear out of
They are honestly made solid through
and through. They are "builton honor. " Their
strength and wearing qualities cannot he equalled.
To be sure you are getting the genuine , look
for the Mayer Trade Mark on the sole.
Your dealer will supply you ; if not , write to
FREE If you -will send us the name of a dealer -who _ _
not handle Rlayer Work Shoes , we will send you free , post
paid , a beautiful picture of George Washincton , size 15x20.
We also make Honorbilt Shoes , Leading Lady Shoes ,
Martha Washincton Comfort Shoes , Yerma Cushion
Shoes and Special Merit School Shoes.
For Eink Eye. Eplzopllc. SWopIng
Fever and Catarrbcl Fever
Sure cure and positir < 5 preventive , no matter how horses at anr aga ara
infected or "exposed. " Liquid , given en the tongue , acts on the Bkoa an < J
Glands ; expels the poisonous germs from the body. Cures Distemper In
Dogs and Sheep and Cholera in Poultry. Largest selling live stock remedy.
Cures La Grippe araonjj human beings and is a fine Kidney remedy. 50c and
* l a bottle ; SB and $10 a Jozou. Cut this out. Keep it. Show to your drug-
§ ist , who will get it for you. Free Booklet , "Distemper , Causes and Cures ? '
pecial agent3 wanted.
Spohn Medical Co. Goshen , Ind. , U.S.A.
3lber dye. One lOc package colors Uty dye la cold wafer belter ( ban any oiher dye. Too can dy
Ucl-Uow ta Dye. BIcicfc tad MU Ctlon. JXOJVROE S-RVG GO. , Qqmcy.Illlnot *