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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1909)
" * = - * / fil * \/AL I. M. KICE Editor and Proprietor. MAKK ZARR Foreman. Entered at tbe postolISce at Valentine , Cherry 'county , Nebr. . as Second Class Matter. TERMS : Cherry Co. Subscriptions : { | { ; ° Foreign Subscriptions \ A . . . . r 4- ( Joe per inch each issue ; by contract 12ic. Advertising Rates - } Transieilt adv 20c per 5nch ; locais i0ca line. Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents per inch , net , Local notice- obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue 5 cents per line each insertion. THURSDAY , MA.KCL-I IS , 1909. Citizens Hold Caucus. A. Caucus for the purpose of nominating three members for the olh'ce of Village Trustees for the village of Valentine , Cherry County , State of Nebraska , was held in the County Court house of said Cherry County and state aforesaid. Tuesday night , March 16th , 1909. The Caucus was called to order at S p. m. John M. Tucker was , on motion of W. S. Barker , duly elected chairman of said caucus. On motion of Win. T. Kinkaid , S. 13. Weston was elected Secre- ary. Nominations for village trustees being in order , the following named were placed in nomination by M. V. Nicholson : Walter S. Jackson , George Elliott and U. G. Dunn. I. M. Kice placed in nomination the following named : M. V. Nich olson and Edward Clyde Daven port. port.There being no other nomina tions it was ordered that the cau cus proceed to ballot. The following named were ap pointed by the chairman to act as tellers of the caucus : W. S. Bar ker , Wm. F. Haley and Win. Morrissey. Thereupon ballots were prepar ed , cast and counted with the fol lowing results : Walter S. J ack- son received 62 votes , George Elliott , 4:3 votes , Edward Daven port , 33 votes , U. G. Dunn , 28 votes , M. V. Nicholson , 28 votes , Mark Cyphers , 2 votes , John Eaton. 1 vote , George Chapman , 1 vote , Robert Robinson , 1 vote , Grant Boyer , 1 vote. It appearing that the above named Walter S. Jackson , George Elliott and Edward Davenport having received the highest num ber of votes cast were declared the nominees of the caucus. On motion by Waiter Melten- dorlT , and carried , it was ordered that a committee of three be ap pointed by the chair to fill va cancies that may exist by reason of death , resignation , disability or other causes. The chair appoint ed Walther Meltentendorff , A. L. Towle and Charles Sparks as members of that committee. Whereupon the caucus adjourn- e-1. If the school board will apolo gize to Prof , Watson and rescind their recent order requiring the graduating class to pass examina tion for a second grade certificate then we think the class would be willing to apologize for their pub lished letter to the school board. Neither side should expect a set tlement without some humiliation and the apology seems to be due from both sides. It is a regret- able fact that the controversy seemed as far from an amicable settlement Monday night as at the first meeting about two weeks ago. The meeting was held in the coun ty treasurer's office and only the members of the school board. Prof. Watson , the class and their parents were expected to be present , though two or three extra \\erc there , not knowing that the meeting was ex pected to be a private affair. Now let us suggest that if the school board will use proper discretion they will realize that the people know that they did insult Prof. Watson by that ill timed order which came as a final climax to a series of disputes implied and hick of co-operation and harmony which cropped out plainly enough at the other meeting in the county judge's room. The general public rpseut the insult to Prof. Watson which appears to be purposely intended. If there be any doubt let theschool board call a public meeting for Saturday night. Ilo-vard Li.yport's oldest son , Lt\i. is recovering iYirn a long spell of illness ami i.e younger son , ' Vern , ia ill. Geo. D. Iluggins and son are in town this week. Shinefme , a strange , new dis covery is soon coming to town. S Read the Ludwig Lumber Go's large ad elsewhere ; n this paper. James E. Jordan of Arabia was transacting business in our town yesterday. Lost : Pair of gold rimmed eye glasses , in an O. W. Morey case. CAUL CiiiiiSTEXSEX. J. A. KirkwoocL came in from Sam Hudson's ranch the first of the week to visit old time friends about town. A number of Valentine young people went down to the Band Concert and dance at Wood Lake last evening. L. C. Sparks , manager of the the Ludwig Lumber Co. , informs us that they recently sold an eight ging plow and engine to John Ayers for § 2,000. Ed Lewis of Wood Lake was in town yesterday and tells us that he did not purchase the Norclen Hotel as reported some time ago. lie and his family are living on their homestead. We forgot to mention last week that A. Thompson , of the Schlagel , was in town looking fine and says he is feeling young au-l strong as ever. He had been in poor health two or three years. A few of the friends of Robert G. Easlcy and family gathered at their home Monday night and sur prised them , bringing with them eatables and a hand painted china plate as a memento of their love and friendship. G. P. Crabb came in from his son's farm yesterday and will spend the week in town visiting with iiis nephew , Robert Wells , who has been here a few days and was out to Ralph Crabb's visiting the first of the week , Sheriff Rosseter brought in two prisoners yesterday from Merri- man , Homer Crane and George Loomis. They were captured near the Metzger Bros , ranch with Ii horses belonging to Mrs. Monteau , of Lake creek , north of Merriman. J. E. Thackrey came in from Hackberry Lake Monday for a load of coal and feed for C. S. Keece. He informs us that Mr. Reece has gone to Wichita , Kan sas , to see his mother who was vis iting a son and was taken seriously iii while there. J. F. Kellar had a case before Judge Quigley today vs. the rail road company for a bull killed last September. Many prominent cit izens and farmers near Crookston testified as to the value of said animal and the judge rendered a verdict of § 100 for plaintiff. F. E. Willott has closed up his restaurant and popcorn business expecting to practice up for a month at Lincoln trying to get into the baseball league for this season. Mr. Wiilott has made many friends in Valentine during his sojourn with us and may come buck if he failb to get into the League team. A caucus was held in the court room last night and called to order by W. D. Armstrong to place three candidates in nomination for the village boa id on the Peoples ticket. Dr. Dailey nominated T. C. Hornby , Geo. Hornby nomi nated C. H. Cornell , andV. . A. Pcttycrew nominated Howard Lay port. Very little interest in the meeting was manifested and Dr. Dai by moved to adjourn be fore the chair had appointed a committee of three members to fill vacancies. Neither of the nominees of the caucus were present and wii think it is doubt ful if they huvo any desire under such condiiions to try their strength as candidates. The Seventh grade pupils er- tertained the Sixth grade at the home of W. A. Keister on Cherry street last night. Win. Steadman was in town a couple of days this week and is looking pretty well again , but. is not as robust as before his spell of sickness which followed the death of Ed liichards. f Mrs. Frank Bray ton assisted by Mrs. Henry Ploenig entertained about forty ladies at a St. Patrick's party yesterday afternoon. A puzzle card with two doze'n Pats to be made into words as explained by short sentences and guessed by the ladies present. Mrs. Cornell and Mrs. Stetter were awarded the first and second prizes , respective ly. The ladies wore green ties and bows and the rooms were ! decorated in green. A dainty luncheon was served and every thing was green ; green candy , ice cream , lettuce sandwiches and other things. In the County Court of Cherry county , Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Joseph Winslow - low , deceased : A duly verified petition having been liled in my oflice praying for the probate of the estate of Joseph Winslow. deceased , without administration , and it , satisfactorily appear ing to me that the statements made in said petition are true : It is hereby ordered that a hearing on said petition be had on the 3rd day of April. IHO'.I. at 10 o'clock , a. m. . at m } ' oflice in Valentine Cherry count- . Nebraska , at which time all persons iulere.sted in said estate may appear and show cause , if any there be , why said petition should not be "granted. Witnes , mj- hand and the seal of said court this 13th day of March. I'.KW. ISEALJ JAMKS C. , t . . . . 10 3 County Judge. In the County Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. Tu the matter of the estate of Beaten U. Teeters , deceased : NOTIC c OF iiEAiitNc. Wilson J. Teeter.s having liled in 1113ofllce. . a clulv " verilied petition praying tor the pro bate "of the estate ot Uenton 15. Teeter.s. without administration , all persons interest- cd in said estate will take notice that i have lixed April 3rd. WW , at 10 o'clock a. m. . as the time , and my oflice in Valentine , Cherry county. Nebraska , as the place for the hear ing of tlie said petition , at which time and place all persons interested in .said estate may appear and show cause , if an } ' there be , why said estate .should not be probated without administration. Witness inv hand and the seal of the county - ty court > th day of March. isw. ) . [ SEAL ) JAMES c. QUIGLEV , 10 3 Countv Judge. Notice to Creditors. In iiie Comity Court \vuhm : uul lor Cherry county , IX'eiiraska , In Hie matter of the estate of Levi N. Ltyport deceased. To the creditors of sain estate : You urtt hereby notified. That I w.ll sit at the Count : Con t Itoom in Valentine in smd county on the loth d.iy of Apiii , t'JOO at 10 o'e.ock a in. to receive and examine all el-.ims against said estate , with H > ie\v to their adjustment and allowance. 'Die time Imute-l for tne p"esenia- thm of claims against said estate is > i\ months I rum the 15 h day of ueiober A t ) . 1'Jos and the time limited for payine. t ot debts is one year Irom sau ! 15th ua > of ( ) j ober , I'.KW. Uitness my ham * , an ! tl.ebeal < < f s-iid SEAL County' ' ; oiiri tnis loth day ol March , v ly. JAMtiS 0. ( JUUIUCY , 10 4 County Judge. In the District Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. In the matter of the ] application ot Eli i ma C. Kit-hards , | guardian ot Kelvn j J. Kichards. Gladys i L. RichardHob - , , , , , , , , . . . . . . , , - , . . , , . . , , . . . rOKULR 10 .snow CAFSL. ertE. Richards and John II. Richards. . minor heirs of Edward - i ward R. Richards. | deceased.for leave | to sell real estate , j On reading the petition , duly verii'ed. ' of l hna C. Richards , guardian 01 the person and estate of Evelyn J. Richards. Gladys Ij. Richards Robert E. Richards and John M. Richards , minors , lor license to sell the lol- lowing described real estate to-wit : 1 he'.South Hall ot the Northwest Quarter. Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter. Northwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter of section -Jj. South Half of the .Southwest Quarter. West Half of Southeast Quarter ot section . ' 3. township 30. range 30 , and Lots Three and Four , section I'.1 , township 30. range - " . > . Clierrv county. Nebraska , for the maintenance of said minors , and for the in vestment of any residue that mav remain in the hands of said guardian , and it appearing from said petition that said real estate con sists ot unimprove 1 range , pasture ami meadow land in Cherry county. Nebraska , and that it would be for the best interests of said minors that said real estate be sol-l and the proceed . thereof used for the purpose ot educating and maintaining said minors and investing any residue in approved real es tate securities , it is therefore ordered that the next ot km ol the said minors and all persons interested in said estate appear be fore inn at tlie regular April I'.iO'.l term ol the district com t ot Cherrv countv. Nebraska , to-wit on the I''th ' day "of April iwj at the iouit house in the city of Valentine , Cherry county. Nebraska , at 10 o'clock a. ui. to show caus'/it anv there be whv a license should not be granted to the said"Elma C. Richards to sell said real estate for the purpose above set forth. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be served on all persons interested in said estate by publication for three suece.s- sive weeks "in the Valentine Democrat , a newspaper printed and published in said county ot Cherry and .State of Nebraska. Dated at Chambers in the city of O'Nei.l. Countv ot Holt and State of Nebraska , this Kith dayot March. HW'.i. J. J. IlAKIUNirrON. Judge of the District Court. For Sale. One high grade Percheron stal lion , 3 years old last June , weight 1GOO pounds. Also one Cleveland Bay horse , 9 5 yrars old , weight 1250 pounds. For further information see or ad dress me at Crookston , Neb. L. H. In the County Court of Cherry j Couuty , Nebraska. In the Matter of the estate of Francis M. Carpenter , rtece sed XOTIOE OF HKAIUNO. William A. Pettycrew. having Hied in my t. oflice a Uiy ! verified pejitjon praying for th probat" of tin * estatn of Francis M. i'arpenter { without JHlministratio-i , nil persons intur 'Steil in ' J > B ! I'Mattf will take not it that I Imv fi.vtl March29. IDOu. : tt 10 o'clock a in. . a- tlitinu \ a fi my ollu-e in Valentine , riierry c unity , Ne- bnis1 J * i , as i lie jMjtct' for the li < ai jr < > lad l petition , at which time and place nil persons j' interested in said estate may appear and show \ cause , if any there l > f. why said estate .should not be proba'ed witho 't administration Witness my hand and the t-c il of said EAL county court , this 9 h dav of M : rch , 100(1. JAM Kb O. QUIRKY , a 3 County Judge. Contest Notice , U. S. Land Office , Valentino. Nebraska. I February 13. 1'JM ) , t" A sulHi-iont contest afiidavi having been tiled in tins o'tice ' by I.aura X Huds > : n. conie'-taiit against Ilomesfpad er-try NO 1C97S made ijtp- temb i C. 1901. tor N' N'W'f , * \ \ - > } 4. S$4 $ SU f : md E1of section 17 ; .V-VKVi. and SWi Xl'Ai of section H. touii-hip 27 range 37. bv John Wellcoutestee. . in vlucli it is alleged that said J h n uells lias wholh abandoned said land : that he has clmnged hLs residence therefrom for more tliasi \ months last cast ; that said land is not seitle i upon and cultivated bvsaid p rty as by law required , and he ha * failed to cure his lac ies up o this date. Said uartie-5 ate lu ieby ' .otilie i to appear respond spend ami offer valence toticiimtr said allega tion at 10 oMoek a. m on April 17. U'Ou. ' he- fore the reaisff r and rm'ivi r at the Uuitec States I and tllce. Valenti ic , Nebraska The said cone slant li.iv ng. in a proper atll- davir , lited Feb. 13. 1909. s-t fortlvjaets which show that after due diligence perso tal service of this notice cannot be made , it is hereby ordered aiM directed that such notice bf given by due-and proper publication. M 101 R. OI.SONT. Contest Notice. L' . S. Land O I'.ee. Va online. Vebra'ska. I February 2J , 1909. t A sufficient content affidavit having bn fil-d i in this oflice uy Junes F. Golf , contestant , i against Hnnifsfead entry No. O.'iO ) made August 10. 190.S , f. > r W i of s ction 13 and NW.iN'KKi. s-etion 11 township 32 rangj 35. by F.dwaid U.Stewart , confstee. in which ii , | S alleged that sti I Edward B.tew. . rt lias never rstriblMi-Hl residence upon thf said land since ' lili.izr thereon , and hu has tailed to cure his laches up 'o this date naid larti sare h-ivby notified to appear , respond an 1 ofter evi'euue touching said alle gation at 10 o'clock a. m on April 3. 100 ! ) . ne'ore the reiiister and receiver at the United Suites Land O'ice in Valentine , --ebiaska The said coi te-taut having. 111 a proper am davit lileu Feb. 23. 1900 , sjt foith facts which show that after due diligence personal service ot this nntice i-an notbr is hereby order ed and directed timt such notice be given by due and proper publication. E. OLSON . E 74 Receiver. Contest Notice. U. S Land Office. Valentine , Nebr.ska. I Feb.nary 2) . lOD. ! ) ( A sullicient conies allidavir having been li.ed in this oflice b > Harvey K. Jackson contestant , against honifst ml entry No 13" > 1G 01437 , m tde Man-lit ! ! 10U2. f.irS'iNK'f and KJ/iN v seed n 12. township 31 , ianm'25. i yCharl"v Howard , contestee , in winch H is alleged th it said Charley Howani has whplh ab md-ned > airt land -iid changed hi- > residence t'lerefrom ; tlm tin1 land is not settled upn nor culnv.ite i in go > .i faith , and ei'trjm-ui ' ha n-\er estanlished resideu--e thereon , and that said alleged .ibindonm-nr of the said land took f.l-ice inon * tlrtu .K nT nt is t'the expi'ation ot live years Irom tile tine of tiling upon same , and entnmeu Ins failed to cure his la-hes up to tins date Said pa-t'es ar" hereby notified to appear re- sfuild. and oll'er evid uct tonching said alleg- tioii at 10 o'clock a. m. , on April 9. 10' ! ) , OH- l re the reui-ter and receiver as the L'.iito-i states land oniee in Valentine Nebr.tsKa. I he said eontegt-int having , in a proper affi davit , fued Fei > rn-iry 20 i < > tM. ser fortnficts \\hichshowth-ttafier due diligenceiers serv1 e of this notice cann > t be m.ide it is hereby ordered and uireuied that such iiotic- ' be given y due and propi-i public ition. K 7 1 F OLSON , Uceeiver Contest Notice. U S. Laim OJlJoe , Valentire , Nebraska , i March I'JO'.i f L'o tli. heirs of Char es W. P.ailey deceased : You. a d each of you , are heiuby notih'ed that , A hutlicient contest affidavit having ben lil a in tins otlice by ( Jeer e H. 7. ur. joii-estaut. against homes-ad wry j\o IfllOJ. made July 13. 1904. f.r NHNE.f ! SWUNL'i. NU' ; . , , S\\ ' .i. Wj-isKh , section _ ' .s. M4 : N'KU. " section - ' , N'-v J-i section 3.5 , township 3 : > , range : > ! > , by Chides W. Haileycontests , in wliich it is al.eged that said liarl .s W. Ua-l.-y departed this Hie on or about t'ie 24th day of December , WOO. that during his life h - ne\er established a residence upon said land or ertc.'cd or caused to be erected improvements of any character or description thereon , also Ui it th- said Charle- . \V. Bailey during h's lite time did not cnltiva'f or cause to be culiived the laud embraced in his s id homestead entry ; nor did h cure nis aches up t the date of his demiM' : that ii he left any heirs they au > to this aliiiant That more than six months I'as el.ipsed since the death o the NIK ! Chailc.s W Bailey , and his luir at law nor anv of th" sii 1 h'-irs at law i-n\u 'btabli.huu re-id ncc u ; > n said trac' of laud nor hav - s .id heirat law < r uy of them cultivated the tr.-ict. of ltn i in a > y ina'nier em braced in said entry ; thatihere is not now nor has then-bet-n t anv time MIICU the date ot sai-l entiy wnv imprYemenis of any kmc ! or de- scnpti n placed upon oji'd inmt. either oyentrv- man dm ing his 1'fe tune or b > ins heirs at la\v since his decease and the lanu embraced in sa'd entry K now wild and imcultiv-vted land : that the said heirs at jawaml smy and all of thm ha'.e fai ed to cure tunr laches up to the date of ilKimti.ition ot this contest. Saul paries are heieby notih- to appear , respond spend and oiler evidence touching sa-d allegi- tiou at 10 o'clock a m. , on April 1G 190J. before thf i egister and receiver -it the United States Lnd Oflice in Valentine , Nebraska 1 lie sa d contestant having , in a proper alli- d.ivit. Tiled March 2 , UU ) ! . 'ct forth facts which bhow that aftt r due diligei-c * p' servnv of tliiMtKe can nt bo made , it is horei-y 01 dtired that such notice be v'veii ' by ( Lie ana proper publication. 08-1 E. OI.SOX. Receiver. v Notice to Non-Kesident Defend ants. To Joe Sutton and Mrs. Sutton. tirst and true name unknown , wife of Joe Suuou. non- ve > identj > : You. and each of vou. are hereby notified that on the PJth day ot December. V.'Os ' Her bert Thompson and Albert Thompson minor heii > of Mar\ ' Thompson , deceased , bv An drew Thompson , their next friend , filed their petition in the district court of Cherry coun ty. Xebraska. against you and each of you. iiiipleaded with John Marty , jr. . as detend- ants. That the object anil praj'er of said petition is to have a certain deed of convey ance , alleged to have been made and execut ed by Mary Thompson , the mother of these plaintiff , on March 22. 18 ! > S. and purpotmg to convey the south halt of the southwest quarter of section . " > . and the .southeast quar ter of southeast quarter of section G and the northwest quarter of northw est quarter of .section 8. township 32. range 29 , in Cherry county. Nebraska , and is recorded in Book U ot Deeds at Page f 17 of the records of Cherry count- . Nebraska , declared and ad judged to be a forgery and to be null and void , and to have the same cancelled , and that said defendants and each and all of them , and each and every person claiming bv. through , or under them , or an3r of them , be forever barred and excluded from any right , title and interest in and to said land , and to have the right and title of the plain tiffs in and to the above described land for- eter quieted and established in fee simple , and for all other and further orders and judgments as Jiall appear to the court to be ju > t. right and proper. You are required to answer said petition on or before April 19. lW' ( ) . HEuutrr THOMPSON and AL.UKKT THOMPSON , minor heirs of Mary Thompson , deceased , bv " Andrew Thompson , their next friend , m 9 1 Plaintiffs. A Compare our Blue Tag prices with your catalogue prices. \ 2 Red Front Merc. Co. Milt Dunham and family are moving to the reservation where they will farm for A. K. Wood m this summer , tt T carries a complete assortment of Farm * Machinery comprising the Johnson and Osborn Disks , Moline and Oliver Sulky Plows , Kirlin and John Deere two = row Cultivators ; Oliver , Moline and Deere Plows , Superior Drills , Weber and Moline Wagons ; Staver , Moline , Moon and Velie Buggies ; the Corn King and 20th Century Manure Spreaders ; the Hoosier and Superior Broadcast Seeders ; the Superior line of Hay Tools , consisting of Stackers , Sweeps , etc. ; DeLaval Cream Sepa = tors , Eclipse Windmills , Tanks , Pipe , Pumps , etc. ; McCormick Mow = ers , Rakes and Binders ; Moline , Oliver and Deere Listers. Will close out the John Deere line of Implements and Vehicles at greatly reduced prices. REPAIRS for any make of implement will be furnished on the shortest possible notice. Every effort will be made to accomodate custcmers and supply their wants. Don't be misled by representations of other dealers carrying inferior and near competing lines , but post yourself on improved makes and reduced prices before making your purchases. - Ludwig Lumber Co. Ship your Live Stock to 1LONE DONAHUE CO. SO. OMAHA OR CHICAGO iSTo shipment too large and none too small to receive the most careful attention. Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled by members of the firm. Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal guarantee ! to all. - * Write us for the market paper and our special market letters , which we send .you fi ee of charge. AMOS SNYDEK , Hog Salesman. MATT MALO.VE ) Cattle O. M.VOOD , Sheep Salesman THOS J. DONAHUE ) Salesman. Go to the Stock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes. \ Kesidence and shop one block south of passenger depot. \ Valentine , THON-E 72 Nebraska References : M.ilany Customers. r rr 111 t Gr. M. Gaskill and family hav i The Eighth grade children were moved from the northeast part of entertained at the Christensen town to the Dunham property. home last Thursday nigh&