( SpaciaJ Correspondence.TI ) | !
Lincoln , Neb. , March 9.
The time limit for the intro
duction of bills is past , and
the legislature is now deep
in the work of passing , amending -
mending or killing proposed
legislation. X a t ina 11 y
enough a majority of the
bills in both branches are
amendatory. It is necessary
because of changing con
ditions , to amend numerous
statutes at every session.
Every day sees a batch oi
bills going from the house
to the senate , and vice versa.
The house has passed
house rolls 214 and 215 , thus
taking a long step towards
redeeming one of the plat
form pledges. These two
bills provide for the election
of precinct assessors. Xeith-
or had any opposition.
Of the thirty sessions oi
the legislature held prior t-
to the present one , nine-
tenths were republican. But
it remained for a democratic
legislature to so far show
respect for the memory oi
Abraham Lincoln as to pro
vide the money for the erec
tion a statute to the martyr
ed president on the capitol
grounds of the city bearing
his name. Last week the
house joined in the amend
ment increasing the propos
ed appropriation from $15-
000 to § 20,000 , and the bill
will become a law.
A lot of misrepresentation
is being made of the. physi
cal valuation bill because it
does not include the stock
yards and the street rail
ways. There is no intention
of allowing either of them
to escape , but the work of
making this valuation will
be immense , and the cost
will be enormous. Xpt all
of it can be accomplished
within the next two years.
Just as soon as the steam
railroads are valued , atten
tion will be given to other
corporations , and in due
time every public service
corporation of whatsoever
nature will beinclucled. .But
the men who are foremost
in bringing about physical
valuation are pretty gener
ally agreed that it would be
unwise to undertake too
much at one time.
The woman's suffrage bill
has passed the house. This
was a'house bill , but as ?
similar senate bill was killed
by the gentlemen sitting in
the west chamber , it is not
thought at all likely that the
house bill will get through.
The bank guarantee bill
occupied the attention of
the houses for the greater
part of two days last week.
The republicans filibustered
and proposed amendment
after amendment in an ef
fort to discredit the bill , but
without avail. The demo
crats were pledged by their
platform to give the deposit
ors a guarantee , and they
stood by their pledges.
Thiessen , republican , voted
for the committee bill , ex
plaining his vote by saying
that he had pledged him
self to support a guarantee
bill , and he supported this
one because it was the only
one that stood any "show of
passing. Thiessen's ex
planation was greeted with
applause From the demo
cratic members.
Democratic interest in
education has been shown
by the passage in the house
of the bill appropriating
§ 50,000 for a new wing to
the Kearney normal school
and § 35,000 for a new nor
mal school at Ainsworth.
A bill that will interest
shippers was passed by the
senate last week. It pro
vides that wherever rail
roads cross at grade ; or
wherever they approach
. , -ithin 500 feet in any city
or town , they shall main
tain track connections , and
provide suitable passenger
Another bill looking to
wards purity in elections
and providing for publicity
has passed the senate. It
provides that all chairmen
or treasurers of political
committees receiving mon
ies for campaign purposes
shall make a statement of
the money received fifteen
lays before election , and
state specifically how the
money has been expended.
Every contribution of § 50
jr over must be reported.
The senate has also passed
a bill providing that real
property shall be assessed
every two years , instead of
civery four years as now.
It was stated in last
week's letter that Governor
Shallenberger would attend
the inaugural ceremonies at
Washington on March 4.
After the letter was sent out
the governor changed his
plans , realizing that he could
not at this time leave his
duties as chief executive.
The Lincoln charter bill
has passed the senate. This
provides the commission
system of municipal govern
ment for the Capitol City.
The Omaha charter bill is
having difficult sledding in
the house although it pass
ed the senate.
The indications are that
the gathering1 of the demo
cratic clans in Lincoln on
March 19 will be the largest
in the party's history. The
occasion will be a celebra
tion OL Bryan's birthday and
a democratic love feast hav
ing for its object the plan
ning of the future. On the
same date the Democratic
Editorial association will
meet. In the evening a
banquet will be served at
the Auditorium , and dis
tinguished speakers from
home and abroad will ad
dress the banqueters. Among -
mong them will be Mr. Bry
an , who will also address
the editors in the afternoon.
Deputy Commissioner of
Labor Maupin wants the
farmers of Nebraska to
kmttv that if they are in
need of farm help he is in a
position to put them in com
munication with men who
are in need of the jobs. A
letter enclosing a stamp for
reply will bring to any in
quiring farmer a list of
names of men who are anx
ious to secure farm work.
The anti-treating bill was
killed in the house last week.
By some it is claimed that
this is a prophecy of what
will be done to the county
option bills as fast as they
come up.
The balmy weather of the
last few days has had the
effect of making the farmer
members anxious to rush the
work through so they can
get home and begin the
spring plowing. As a re
sult the legislature is push
ing things with rapidity.
The number of bills this
year is practically the same
as the number introduced
two years ago. The present
house beat the record of two
years ago by about a , doen
bills , but the senate fell be
hind the 1907 record about
the same number.
,1. A. L.
d Success Magazine re
quires the services of a , man in
Cherry county to look after expir
ing subscriptions and to secure new
business by means of special meth
ods unusually effective ; position
permanent ; prefer one with ex
perience , but uould consider any
ippliijanl with good natural quali
fications ; salary $1.50 per dtiy ,
with commission option. Address ,
with references , fi. C. Peacock , room
102 , Success Magazine Bldg. , New
York. 8 2 *
Farmers Demand The
Abolition of the Tariff
On Lumber.
The tariff is to be revised at a
special session of congress xvhich
President Taft will probably call in
March. The ways and means com
mittee ot the honse of representa
tives is now at work framing the
bill for revision. Farmers are in
terested in this tariff making , not
so much because they require any
important changes in the duties af
fecting their own products as be
cause of the changes that are likely
to be made in duties affecting what
they buy.
One of the schedules in which ev
ery farmer is interested and in re
gard to which he should make his
influence felt , is that of lumber and
forests products generally. The
duty on lumber varies from § 2 to
$3.50 per thousand feet , and is
practically prohibitive of importa
tions of any form of lumber that is j
not wholly in the rough. The manu
facturers and timber owners thru
their various associations , are mak
ing a desperate light to retain the
present duties , notwithstanding the
popular demand for their repeal.
They are maintaiug a lobby con
stantly on the ground in Washing
ton , and are bringing all possible
pressure to bear on individual con
We regnrd this attitude of the
lumbermen as a sublime demon
stration of to the extent to which
men will allow their avarice to
move them to oppose the interests
of the whole people.
If there is a single schedule in the
tariff law which ought to be re
pealed , root and branch , it is that
embracing lumber and forest pro
ducts. Our lumbermen have from
, the beginning had the advantage of
the greatest and best supplies of
raw material the world afforded.
Never in modern times have there
beau opened to lumbering such for
ests as those of the United States.
In thousands of instances they have
come into possefsion of this timber
at an iusignficant cost and often in
cynical defiance of law. Much of it
should never have been allowed to
pass from the public domain into
their possession. They have the
advantage of having the best home
market for lumber in the whole
world , and at the same time they
export more lumber than any other
nation. They even export to Cana
da in vast quantities , while simul
taneously expressing fear of Ca
nadian competition. They have ad
vanced prices from year to year un
til we are now confronted by price
lists that show an increase in some
items of nearly 200 per cent in fif
teen years , and the lumber trade
journals assure us that the tend
ency will continue to be upward be
cause the forests are nearing ex-
ha'ustion. After having themselves
depleted the foiests in the accumu
lation of immense fortunes , they
now have the audacity to come for
ward and ask the American people
to continue to tax themselves and
thus add to the price of lumber , al
ready cxhorbifant , and thereby mul
tiply the value of the standing tim
ber of the speculators , and contrib
ute to the r.-ipid destruction of the
remaining forests. "Pay us , " the
lumbermen practically say , "a boun
ty out of your hard-earned savings ,
that we may increase our already
colossal profits and destroy the for
ests in the shortest possible time. "
So ruthlessly have our forests
been razed that no power in the
world can now prevent a timber
famine in this country. Why ,
then , in the name of all that is
right , should there be any tariffeven ,
for revenue purposes , on lumber
imported from other countries' ?
We owe it to ourselves as consum
ers and to the conservation of the
remaining forests , to draw on ' .he
supplies that oilier countries are
willing to let us have. If it were
known that we did not have timber
enough to last more than a year
the tariff would come off forest pro
ducts in a rush or there would b-1 a
revolution in the composition of
congress. \ \ ell , we are practicil-
ly up against that very situation ,
except that , the da > of desolation is
little farther off. It is stirnar/Dd
that at the of
present-rate consump
tion the forests will not last more
than twenty to thirty years but it
takes at least sixty years to make a
lumber tree. And long before the
twenty or thirty years are over we
shall experience a famine appalling
to Ihink of ; in faot it is begun now.
And yet the lumbermen ask us to
continue to give them a tariff that
will concentrate the whole vast de
mand in the United States ( and an
immense export trade ) on these
scanty remaining forests If they
have their way we "hall continue to
pay more and more for lumber and
hurry ourselves with increasing
speed toward a time when we can't
get , domestic lumber at any price.
We can't imagine a more monstrous
illustration of human selfishness
exercised in complete disregard of
the welfare of others and of the na
Every farmer owes it to himself
and tile country to use his influence
with his congressmen and senators
to force them to resist this demand
of the lumber barons. Write to the
congressmen of your district , write
to your United States senators and ,
moreover , write to the Hon. Sereuo
E. Payne , chairman of the ways and
means committee , Washington , D.
C. , and tell them what you think.
Congressmen are tremendously in
fluenced by letters from their
thoughtful constituents.
Write now , before it is too late.
Farm and Stock.
The one great stand-pat fight
being made in the interesls of an
unjust tariff is that being put up
b.y the lumber manufacturers for
the retention of the duty of $2 00
to $3.50 per thousand on lumber.
Compared with the lumber lobby
there is no other lobby in Wa h-
ington at present. From 20 to 50
of the biggest lumber manufacter-
ers in the country are now in
Washington with paid secretaries
and press agents , bringing every
possible form of pressure and in
ducement to bear on members of
congress in favor of the high tarifi
on lumber.
The other night this lobby en
tertained 150 members of congress
at dinner at the. Willarcl hotel.
On another night it entertained
at a sumptuous banquet a score of
the national oflicials arid represen
tatives of organized labor.
It has had Gifford Pinchot ,
chief of the forestry service , " "on
the carpet" and is trying to bully
and cacljole him into taking the
absurd position that the best way
to conserve our domestic forests is
to keep out the products of for
eign forests.
This lobby , while admitting that
public opinion is against it , now
boasts that it has accomplished its
purpose , and that whatever the
lower house of congress may do ,
the senate will block any attempt
to repeal the duty on lumber.
If there is a single industry in
the United States that does not
require protection , and should not
have it , it is the lumber industry.
If the duty cannot be removed
from lumber , what can it he re
moved from ?
Justice's Estray Notice.
Notice is hereby given , that on
the 26th day of March A. D. 1909
the undersigned , Justice of the
Peace , will , at the residence
of John Jackson the , taker-
up of the animals hereinafter de
scribed as strays , on Section 20 in
Township 28 North , of Range 3i
East , in Cherry County , Nebraska ,
sell to the highest bidder , for cash ,
the following described property ,
to-wit , : One iron gray gelding about -
bout 6 yrs. old , branded BL on
right shoulder blotch brand on left
shoulcer 295. Sale will commence
at 10 o'clock a. m.sharp.
Said described property having
been taken up by the said John
Jackson as strays.
Dated this 19tb clay of February
A. D. 1909.
75 J ustice of the Peace.
Just wait until you see what
Shinefine will do for you ? A
strangey new discoveret. Coining
stoftr. 6
Probate Notice.
In the Coiintj Con I of ' crry Ounty Vubraj .n.
In the matter ' [ the o ? * site ' f i
Na'ic..M . Miv\jcvy. deceased i
All per-ons int'-re. ted in said estate. will t : . ' < f
notice that I have fixed Marcli 19. I'M ) at 10
o'c oc-k a. m.as the t iw and inv mcii in ; il-
en'lne. Nebraska an tlie place f' > r tlu > hear nu
of the petition of Alexander K. McAlcvy. or
the probate o thsta'e of Vancv M .MiAle\v.
drcrasidiiliot administration , at which
tinif and place all pt rsonint rented iniiil
t tate IIIHV ppe - and * h w c n-e , ifmy. . hy
sai' § estntf hoiild nor ti prubat \vitlinur d-
ini' istritii > n Miid a dWiet * of neirsbip an io -
bat ofaid estate sh"iil < ' n ' be iniilr > as
jir 'Vi ted by law. .JAMES C. QUIO'.KV.
jeKAK ] 7 . ' { ( ' .imty
In the County Court of Cherry
County , Nebraska.
In the matter of ih. estate of Francis M.
Carpenter , -lece M-d
N n 'K < > K HKAKING
Wil.iam A Prt > cri'\v. lavm ' Ulcd In my
olnV ailulv veriiieii pention praying tor he
P'oh.it of th" esi.itt * of Kr.'WK M a per.'er
wilhotil i'dininistratio , all pe'Soi-s int-r ed
MI sui esiar.- will tikfiiotiu that I Inv fi > oil
Mar-'h'jO. 190' ) at 10 oVInc- ni..nthti..ie. .
a d my olhi-e in Valentine ' 'herry u initye -
bnis ta > the | iiui-i for the Ita i g .ii' .ua
peririon. athlch time aid place till Den-nns
interested - fii estate in-iy ai > par and si > w
cus.n any fere ! > . why -aid est-it- should
not be uroba ed witho i .dim .istrati-w
* Wuiie-ss my h.iud aiw tine tl of sai'i
aKAL ( ! - > iinty c art , tin * ! n dao Mirc.il
; , 100' .JAM . - > O.ITI l.KV ,
9 I ? dainty .Indg.- .
Contest Notice ,
U. S. Lai.d Office. Valentino. Nebraska. !
Febru-irv 115. I1H > 0 , t
A sufficient contest afliiUvi h.tvinn been tiled
in tins o'f by Laura X IhiN < > n. contest'int
against Homestead e'-fy M > ius 7s made Sp-
tenil ) i fi. Ill"tor Ni/\\V't. U i , - . i , . S
Stt and M'/i ofvet ion 17 ' SU
U / -vet ; NKXK't. a-id 4
N'Kliof section is. tow . h n7 ranjre J7 In
John Wellimttstee. . ! vliich it is alle red
that , said .loij n iclls l > a > > wboll abaiulo-i-d
s.iid laud ; that be haschtngcd his n-Mde ice
therefrom for more tha six m 'iiths last ist :
that said laiid is not sc tl'1 up > > and cuitiva ed
I'V.s.ii'lp rty as hy iaw rcq'i.rnd. HI I he ias
failed to cure bis iic ; es up < ; this d-.tte.
'aid iiarti * < a e'nieiiy ' ( > tilie < to appear respond
spend and ofler videucituncmur said allf.a-
tiou at 10 oMoeka. m on Marcli 22. IIKW. t > e-
fore the reL'is'er and ivceivi r at I be L'uited
States i and Cilice. Valenti * . Nebraska
The said emit sta t luv nj. ; in a proper : .11-
davir , filed 1'Vb IS I 'JO ! ) ft tortha -is wh.ch
show that after dutiiijeiice pcr > o al service
of this notice cannot be m Me , it is lu-reuy
ordered an i din-cied ihai s.ich notice Orjjhen
by due < tnd proper publication.
M i ; 4 if.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land O-iee. Vn entine. Vebraska. I
February S3,1901) ) . t"
A s-uflicifnt content affidavit having foeon fil-d
in ( his oilleeiy .Imies F ( Soff contestMit.
agHin < t Hom-s'oa'l entry ! Vo. O.'iOi mrule
Aumist 10 ioos. for W'i of s ction IS .tint
NK' N'E1. ! . section 11 lov\iiship32 rangIJ5. . by
Kdwaid it Stewart conrestee. in whie' > "H. is
alleged that s-ti-t Kdwa'd H. tew-irf has m > er
stnbli-hed residence upon the said land si'ice
15i"ir ! thoreon. .uid h- has fulled to cure his
laches up o this date
naid artKs are hrebv notified to appi ar ,
respond an 1 oiler evieuce touching said i'le-
g.tiun at 10 o'clock a. m on April 3. 1109.
i efor - the register and receiver at the Uni ed
S'-'t-s Land o ce m Valentine , ehras ;
The sain co te-tant havmg. 'n a proper .itti
davit lilen Feb. 23 live , s--t foitli tactsvh oil
show that after due diligence personal ser ice
of this ii'-tiee can r.otbmade.it is hereby order
ed au < i directed that such notice be giv n by due
and proper publication.
E 74 Receive" .
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Ollice. Valentine. Nebr sk % I
Fel uary 2' ' 1 % . i"
A ullicienr comes affidavit , having been 1 'ed
in this lUicc bllarey 1 . .Jackson contest nt.
against ho-D > - < t ail eni y No 13 > lfi Ol4 : > 7 , m de
March 1 < < 1902. f.irS'-i.NEH-"id K'iM x secn
12 towns-hip 31 , ian'e25. : i y Charley How. rd ,
contestce. in wnich't isa-leged th"tsaid ( "ha ley
HnwaiM has wholiv ab md piiedaid land tint
changed his n sidence t ! erefroni ; tlnu the 1 nd
is not settled up ! ! nor cub i\.Ue : in go m fa th.
ard ct trjman liatti-\cr established result i"-e
thereon , and that s'ii-1 aPegeilth imlonmen of
the said land took ; > ! ice more th tn six in > i t is
t the e\iiru.tiou | oi live years Irom the tin : of
lilinu ; upon same , and eiitr > mcu Ins faile i to
cure his la"he up to ti is date
Said pa-ties r-her-by notified to appear , re
st onrt. and offeev.deiicito iching said allcg-
tion at 10 o'clock a m. . on April ! ) 19' . ' ) , je.-
tre the r-Lri ter and receiver : u the Uni e t
states land oihee in Valentine Vt-brasi a.
l he said e uitesttiif havimr. in a pioper ifll-
duvit , tied Fenni iry 20 tOiRi. ser fortnficts
which show th'it af'er due dilicencit perst aal
serv e ol this notice cannt be made , 't Is
hereby ordered and niri'dcd that such no it"
be given ' \ flue ami pioju-i public tmn.
K T'-l E OLSON. Uecei or
Contest Notice
U. S. I.ana omue. Va'enti'-e. Nebnslca. >
Maxell 2 liHK ) i"
To the heirs of ( 'liar eW. . I'.ailey deceased :
You. a d each of you. are hereby notified tl at ,
A sufficient contest jvilidavir navmg ben I l d
in this ojfice by George U. Z trr. on est ! nt.
against homes - adnt'v \o l.02 m de
.July l.i. 1904 tor N'/iNKH SW4 MN V t
SW1. ! . W' stf'- , , section 2s.E ! < K'4. s-ct on
32. 'iN\\ section 33 , to-mshm 33 range 2 : > .
by Tn rleiV. . IJaney. coi'test . m wbic i it
is aliened that said harl-s W. Ha I-y departed
this life on or a-'out t'e 24th il iy of D-cenler.
Ii06. ! that during his life h never establishe I a
residence upon said land - > r er-ci > M < > r c-iti ed
to he erected improvements o any ch uvtcte or
description tiit-reon .also ni t th s.ud ( "ha. lei
W. Haile\ during h's ife time d d not cnlti\at , . '
or cause to becuitived the 1 t'nl ern ! ra'e l in uis
s id hon-este id entry ; n r di < l h cure > is .ic tes
up t the date of h"s " demi.s" : that if he left . .nv
hens thej are t < this a'Hi.int nnknoxvn
Tli.it more than six m uithsuis eltpse-'l si \ " < i
the death o the Mud diaries W li iley , and his
heir at law n .r am of th" sail heirs at aw
have stablMied re-irl nee u ; > n said trac * f
Ian < j nor has iid heir-i at law nr ny of tl em
cultivated the tract of Ian i in a > y iiia'merm -
braced in suid entry ; that then-is not now nor
has ther bei n at anv time since Die dttt of
.said entry MIV impremenls o any k nd or le-
scnptj n'placed upon sa d uml. either . y en ry-
m.in dm ing his 1'fe time or hhi.s heirs at aw
since his deceuM . and the land en.braced i i
sa'd entry I- now wild and unoultiv.ded la-id ;
that the said heirs at an-a > d s ny and : ii ! of
th m have fai ed to cure tiieir laches up to the
date o1 'h-initiation ot this contest.
Said panics are heiehy notifii d to appear , re-
spo'-d and filter evidence" touching sa'd alliga
tion at 10 o'clock a. m. . on April 1 " , Utoy.
before the register and receiver at the Unted
States L-nd Oflice in Valentine , Nebraska
The sa'd contestant having. In a proper fii-
davt. tiled March L' . lniict : ) forth facts wl ich
show tbat after due diligence per 9ual ser ice
of thi ii"ti e can ot be made , it iHhtTiiiy
oi dered that such notice be given by due .ua
proper publication.
C -s 4 E.OLSON Receive- .
For Sale.
'One high grade Percheron stal
lion , 3 years old last June , weight
1600 pounds.
Also one Cleveland Bay her e ,
5 years old , weight 1250 poun Is.
For further information see or 'id-
dress me at Crr.okstcn , Neb.
L. H.
Pat Peiper ,
8tn-"r'i !
R. M. Faddis & Co.
Posr4.mceaddre.sValentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
on left
Horses branded
.on left
[ shoulder
nr thigh.
Some Some branded
on riuht thigh
on left or shoulder
P. 11. Young.
dimeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as nt on left aide
Qyon left
on left Jaw of
V horees.
Range on GordoH Cro-k north of Simeon.
Albert "Whipple & Sons.
UuseDurt a. O.
-Cuttle branded
SOS on left Bide
OHO on rightslde
Some cattle also
have a 4on neck
j Some with A on
( eft shonlder and
, some branded
| with two bars
across hind qnar-
] t > -rs Some Texas
Oun mtt side and
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left hlo. Some cattle
branded \\v tw connected on both side * ana
left hip ff horses
N ! S. Rowley.
Kennedy ,
Same as cut on f ft
side and hip , and on' '
! ' l"ft shoulder of her
i ae ? . AlsoJKjfcSI on
left "ide
i F > : on 'eft side
So'iie eat-
tle bnnd
ed husk- ing peg ( either side up ) on
loft side or hip. uu left jaw and Mi. shoulder
ot nor e.ft yon
i on left hip of horses.
on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same aa cut ; also
OJBE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butt * creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of * tock
hearing -inv of rheso f > rnd * .
Kohl & Ten-ill.
Brownlee , XGJ.
rattle branded as
in cat on left
, side. Some
j branded K. T V
j on If ft hip. Rang a
on North Lonp
river two mile *
west of Brawnlee
J. A. Yaryan.
fullman , Nobr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any Informatics
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from tny
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left'hip.
Horses same on
1 ift shoulder.
Kange Square
Roan Bros.
Itange on Long
Lake and. Crook
ed Lake.
John Kills Plenty.
St FrMiicis Mis
sion. Rosebud.
n-ttle branded
as in cut : horses
mine on letf
thigh , linn-ni be
tween prin :
and Little W
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
O. K. Sawver has
charge of these
cattle. H rsei
! * * on IrU shoul
der. Some |
left side
same left thigh.
Range on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Koife. Nebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark. Square
crop right ear.
Horses have
* ame brand on
left taign.
Ran ire on Gordon and Snake CreeRs.
A Reward of 5250 wilt be1 aid to any ptrson for
iuloimution leading to the arrest and final
conviction of any person or persona stealing
with atnrre brawl.