Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 11, 1909, Image 5
8 ! \ Full i One Pound I Violet Powder for c ] 3 , VALENTINE. NED $ | A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking accou'nt will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and \ j gives you a record of every transaction. 1 VALENTINE STATl BAKK i VALENTINE. NEB . 1 \ VALENTINE ai \ > BARBER SHOP a All kinds of. j i SHAMPOOS , % I MASSAGES , i AND LADIES ] iI \ I HAIR DRESSING I Shampooing a specialty. ' i HOT and COLD BATHS in connection ! Forest Shepard , Prop. \ i ' Valentine State Bank Building T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. ; [ "Will meet all calls- phone or mail. } i Versed on pedigreed .stock. j Vulentlnc Nebraska 2Talk ! oi the Town. s Try Kazda's barber shop. tf Sam Bordeaux was in town Monday. Frank Mogle was down from Cody Saturday. Mike and Mat Bollz were in town yesterday. Miss Ada Lewis goes to Omaha today to attend school. M. F. dynes was in town Sat urday greeting friends. Wait for "The Deestrict School" by home talent next month. Wrn. Smith and family of Hose- bud were in town last week. Shinefine , a strange , new dis covery is soon coming to town. 8 Arthur Burget rode the Wood men goat last Wednesday week. Wm llee.lan called at our office last Saturday for a friendly visit. Triple Coated Onyx Ware , Blue Tag Sale , at Ked Front Merc. Co. Gen. Giroux is having a big barn built or-i his farm north of Sparks I Second hand phaeton , in good condition , for sale cheap. Call at this office. 6 \ Mrs. Ivl Flynn , who was reported - ported as seriously ill last week is recoverng. i Some monpy to loan on land at S per cent. Address Box i , Val entine , Nebr. Charles Sparks is expecting to make a trip to New York next week on business. You will want to see "The Deestrict School , " at the opera is next month. Col. C. P. Jordin and son were in town the first of the week from their Rosebud home. Mrs.V T Kincaid returned la t week night from a visit with relatives back in iowa. Pole Hudson was in town the first of the week and you ought to hear him tell about the snow. L E GiHoo.k has bought the 11. II Ivlg-ir dwelling across the corner from Judge \ \ alcott's. Jim Hunter came in from the county line yesterday and says the snow was deep but is melting fast i L. K. Travis , principal of St. | Mary's Mission , was transacting ' business in our city last Saturday. Miss Helen McDonald is home from the Philippines where she has been living with her sister , s. Capt. Wiegenstein. ! Mrs. W. S. Jackson returned last Thursday week from Xeli h , j where she stopped oil to visit on her return from Chicago. ' Theo. Tillson came up a week ago yesterday to meet his daughter , Miss Theodora , who has been vis- 1'itingher sister , Mrs Alice Swan- lson , and going to school in Omaha. S. F. Oilman's mill dam at Nel- igh has suffered greatly from the recent high water at that place j'and it is reported that the damage to his dam there will be near § 5000. Mrs Charles Sparks has been suffering from a gathering in her ears which caused deafness , but an operation being performed , relieved - lieved the pressure on the ear drum and she is getting along fine. We wish to announce to our friends that .we have the exclusive sale of the John Deere Plow Go's goods in this vicinity. We now have the largest and most complete stock ever shown here , including John Deere Plows , walking sulky and gang. Listers , walking , single and double row. Disk Harrows , with or without tongue trucks , u Lever Harrows , Riding and Walking Culti = , lit lit vators , Corn Planters , Hoosier End Gate t Seeders and Press Drills , Success Manure a I Spreaders , Economy Pitless Scales , Sharpies li Tubular Cream Separators , Samson Wind = lit liv mills , Fort Smith and New Moline Wagons. t v The celebrated Velie Wrought Iron Buggies and Spring Wagons. All of this is bright , new stock. No car : 1 i ried over or out of date goods. Prices and 'a ' terms reasonable. Come and see us. t i Valentine Lumber Co. A. E. MORRIS , W. W. 3IOKRISSEY , J. T. KEELEY , DR. O. W. NOTES | Located in buildings formerly occupied ; by W T. Bishop a feed and sale barn "The District School" next month by home talent. Compare our Blue Tag prices with your catalogue prices. 9 2 lied Front Merc. Co. Lost Pair of gold rimmed eye glasses , in an O.V. . Morey case. CARL CHRISTENSKN. The fish hatchery for Valentine has received a consignment ofj 100.000 rainbow trout eggs for' hatching this spring , \V. A Allen of Sparks was in i ' town last Saturday and extended his subscription to THE DEMO CRAT a year in advance. E. L. Hutchison of Penbrook came in last Thursday and the fol lowing day went to Hot Springs , to doctor for kidney or blood dis order. George Hershey has been in Hot Springs doctoring for kidney trouble the past two weeks and has been pretty sick but is recov ering. Mrs. Clyde Hcccock of Farm- ington , N. M. , is visiting friends at Rosebud. Friends will remem ber her formerly as Mrs Edward Jordan. ' The Cherry County Telephone Co. is putting in a new switch board at Crookston to accommo date the increasing demand of business. T. A. Cutschall , the hotel keeps er of Kilgorp , was in town last Saturday on business and missed the l "local" west and bid to spend the day in our city. Mr. Cutschall called at our office for a friendly chat. R. M. Faddis returned last week from New Mexico where he went several weeks ago to buy cattlp. He succeeded in making a pura' chase of 2500 heud with little inconvenience - convenience ami will have them shipped up here in the spring. There N talk of a fast train soon to be put on the Northwestern to go west in the morning and east in the evening. This train when put on will be a great convenience for the people here and we hope it will not end in talk O'Neill In dependent. ( \V. T. Bullis has bought the Miss Martin property , ecoml door past of THE DEMOCRAT of- a lice and we hear that. Elmer Bristol - 0 tel will move his stock of goolls in to the building. Miss Martin has given up the millinery business and sold her stock. John R. Fee was in towji yester day making arrangements to get out sale bills for a public auction y at his place March 25th , at which Si time he will sell his horses , cattle , hogs , chickens and farm imple ments. He has sold his farm Jind expects to return to Missouri in the spring. h The Ainsworth Star-Journal Y came out last week with a souve nir edition containing a write-up r of the town and numerous Brown county citizens. It is a big under taking and the paper is well got ten up , with numerous illustrations atw of residences and w farm houses. Bro. Cotton , we congratulate you. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Jelly were in S town last Saturday and called at loin our office to subscribe for THE DEMOCRAT. They have their in youngest son , Matthias to \ tend their farm this summer , and r they expect to take a trip out to r\ the mountains in June to see llieir (1j son , Thomas , and enjoy a summer al vacation. el M. G. House called at our office yesterday on business. He is having a new well put down at re his place on North Table. Had to se iTO 1S3 feet , and ought , to < ret good water , but his windmill does the oi pumping s it isn't so bad and you oiw can get a cool drink at his place ai any hot day next summer when the wind blows. w M. V Nicholson returned Sattl , urdav niifht from Lincoln where he had been a couple of weeks in P' t' the interest \"alentine and her people who are interested in the ai agricultural experiment station a . being located ' here and in a fish hatchery bill for $5000 appropria tion for Valentine fish hatchery , u which we learn has been cut down u to § 2000. txj Jack Galloway came in from his ei father's ranch on the Xiobrara tl last week and while feeding the ai horses : in town jumped down onto tc an old pitchfork standing beside sr the. hay pen with prongs sticking ir upward and caught him in the flesh si behind the knee running upward , oi He had to limp around some but r < had the doctor attend to it at once j ir md returned the first of the week h to the ranch where he helps with ir the chores and goes to country tf school. ' ei t .Old . ( ( Crow , All Leading , Hermitage u Brands Pfc OT j and 41 Bottled Guchen- ( ' Under the ' _ heimer 1 Supervision of the Whiskeys. U. 8. Grov. We albo handle the Budweiser Beer. T JOHN G. STETTER , Propr. For sale Newly painted square house , north of Mr. Chapman's , four rooms , double closet , pantr.\ , cement cellar , cement \\alk. Terms : § 950 , cash. MRS.V.i. . T. STEVENSON. K. K. 2. South Auburn , L. E. Garlock has just complet ed his new oven for baking bread , built of brick , and is eleven feet square < on the inside and has a ca pacity of 500 loaves of bread at a baking. The old oven , having a capacity ! of 100 loaves , will be sold. The bridge work of wood was burned out of the new oven yesterday and they expect to have it ready for baking Monday. We hear that the appraisers appointed - pointed by the county judge have awarded citizens whose farm- * were cut up by the near cut to Valentine on . .higher grade acrs > the Niobrara as follows : John Broman 750 , Fred Miller § 1700 , and Irwin H. Emery § : ,00 , , lor the right-of-way across their Kinds " \Vmdy" ' settled with the company - pany ; last Friday for § 500 before appraised. ] j Messrs. Bonser , Emery , Geyser , Film. * Bray , McLaneVood , Leach , \Vasmund , Scrivens , Nei-s , Anderson and Rev. Hall of Ro-e bud , Vanden of Crookston , Mann and , Cole of Cody , Van Antwerp i of Yankton , attended the Masonic - | i sonic lodge at Valentine Tuesday j and raised a class of four to the ; ' rank ; of Master Mason. John Npips is thp W. M. , and John II , Scriv-j j ens delivered the lectures. : i Richard Owens was in town ! yesterday < on a contest case. IIe j says ! that it was a false report j ; about him being drunk the timej j ' his team upset his wagon several i weeks ago. He was driving home | ' inh the dark and having aoung j horse < the team didn't keep j road and upset the wagon onto | Mr. Owens. lie , was pinned down for four hours under the wagon i and had three ribs broken u hen ' 1 he , finally despairing of helpn reaching him , told his horses to go i and drove them up , dragging the wagon off of him. Pete Simons and Geo. Giroux were in town last week. Mr. Simons : attended theN oodmen lodge and occupied the Venerable Cou UJ.'s chair. Mr. Giroux ha made application to join the M j \V. A. and the matter has been ! referred to the Head Consul of the Grand Lodge. Mr. Giroux 's an eighth-blood Indian and there has always been some question as to eligibility of the mixed-blood In dians. ' If Mr. Giroux is admitted there will be many others on the reservation who will avail them selves of Insurance in the M.\V.A. Every few Jays wo see > ome one loading bulky article.s onto wagons to haul to Rosebud which are charged a higher freight rate by the railroad companies and we wonder if the teamsters < ret a suit able price for the bulky article- ; they hauH They get a very low ' price ' at the best , we hear , and { these articles that pile up a load ! and are inconvenient to handle ; and i take care of on the trip should j bring . them a suitable return for | their tumble. It often seems to , us that the freighters are imposed ' upon because they are willing j workers. It is perhaps true that- ! they get barely enough to make - ends meet and oftentimes when their wagons , harness or horses are worn out they have little cash i replace them unless they have I some other source of assistance or j income. Their feed bills are no ; small part of their expense and oftentimes they are caught on the road in a storm and they mu-t go all kinds of weather for they j have he-ivy thai ' ; expenses soon eat' into their earnings when the I teams arc not earning money ev- . eryday. i Ed S. Ever has sold the Holt County Democrat to Geo. A. Miles of the Holt County Inde pendent and retired from news-j paper woik in Holt county. Mr. Eves says he has other oppoituni-1 ties which are brighter. The sen timent of Holt county people has been with Geo. Miles , who bought The Independent from Mr. Eves everal years ago and was entitled to the support of the people. Mr. Eves was a good newspaper man but ] should have gone to some oth er field instead of starting up another - ' other paper where he had sold out. I At the residence of the bride's parents , Richard O.sburn , Mr. i William Groom.- ; and Mi s Delia , Max O-bnrne werp united in mar riage ' at { > m . March M. 1JOJ ) ) , J. S. Campbell officiating The bnde ' arid uroom have been resi dent of this vicinity since infancy and have manv warm friends who unite i in wHirLir ilem ; a long life of proppritand ; happiness The housp I and part of the yard were full 1 of guests and relatives of the contracting parties , presenting them with many useful presents , after which a bountiful dinner xvas * erved and -i sociable afternoon enjoyed bv everyone , and all departed - parted j feeling jjlad they had been there. t Communicated. P. San ford vvas in town the past week from the Snake. He is an old timer in Cherry county , hav ing i lived here over twenty years , lie's j getting old now and lives alone on his ranch , but has a com-1 fortable home and some horses and | cat tip. He likes to meet his old j friends and comes to town twice or t three times a year. His neighbors 'often call on him now in a friendly j . way and he says they are getting ' bi-tter all the time. Mr. San ford. . , has a fir.p fi-h pond near iii.s house stocked with black bass , and he j has invited us to come out.and fish. Mr. San ford says he has dealt with the Stetter brothers for 20 years or more and has never yet had to dispute their accounts or their honesty. He their friendliness toward him and likes to visit with them when he comes to town or when they happen - | pen out his way. His recoilec-i lions of Hon. John Shore and Thomas Fit/henry are pleasant memories. They were his old t neighbors and friends and he tells i us i that when he diehe would like , to t be buried a1 ? rlo p to them as possible in Mt. Hope cemetery. ! Get Into Business ( orYeurself 1 i A BUHK PEMCNT BLOCK HACHIKE wl ! make you money. Tha BUCK is theonlv tuo piece , self binding. self-Iock- j inR , water-proof , frost-proof , sani tary , drv-air block made. Takes less material and is made quicker than any other block. Write to n'tn i nit let : is tfllyott all about it , nni' hmv voti can make from i .ooto < ? o rv pverv day that you work. Kxrhi- \\ii\\\ \ \ in each rount3G3t In lirst. Interlock Block Machine Co. f'ity ( 24Ih and Paul Sts. OMAHA , NEB. LUMBER Lath , Shingles , Doors , Windows , Taper , Pat- out Roofing Tar Paper , Paints , Oil , Varnish , Brushes , Glass , Putty , Lime , Cement , Plaster , j Brick , Posts , Poles. j j We Sell Hudson Coal BISHOP & YOUNG , i W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise I'HONE 125 cor. ( Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. DAILEY , Dentist. , ovpr the jrrocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. J. W. MoDANIEL , Xebr. All work vT l be jriven prompt and Gainful attention. ' he Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Brov/niee.Nehr , Soldier PrceV ( * oi- Ulli'iUS 17th 1COO.V' , : i son of Columbus liti. ! a half brother of t.lie.tU.OOoOani- liinu Ortle , : i n ' 1 ' -"Cathead of herd. \ now have al ' 'itto head of rjo" bull Tsale. C. H. KAUI.IIAISEU. New Hotel. Electric Lights. Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. © NEAR DEPOT MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Xebr. If Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains. < ' A r\ IN L. * \ Done in I he most satisfactory manner ! Largest prices for the seller and honest deali-g .vith the bidder ! On these terms T.V. . Cranid * solicits your patronage. Graduate of Missouri Auction School , August term. 46 T W. - VALENTINE. NES GRANT BGYER CARPENTER & BUILDER. - All kinds of wood work done to order. Stor-k tanks ma 1 in all sizes K'esidt-nce and shop one bjock south of passenger .repot. Valentine. I-HOXE 72 l.'ebraska References : ly Many Customers.