Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 04, 1909, Image 8

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    The undersigned will sell at the old HAMER PLACE , 5 miies
south of Sparks , on the river , commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. , on
the following property , to-wit :
One bay Mare , 10 years old , weight
1200 pounds , with foal. -
One grey Mare , 4 years old , weight
900 pounds.
Four Milch Cows.
One Yearling Heifer.
One Stock Cow.
- Wagons , Etc ,
One Moline Wagon , v/ide tire.
One Wagon.
One Spring Wagon.
One Top Buggy.
Two Saddles.
One John Deere Disc.
Two John Deere Cultivators.
One End Gate Seeder.
One Disc Sled.
One McCormick Mower.
One Hay Rake.
One Marrow.
One Walking Lister ; 1 Breaking Plow.
Four dozen Chickens.
One new Queen Sewing Machine.
One Cook Stove.
Some Hay.
Other articles too numerous to men =
at Noon
TERMS : Sums of $10 and under , cash. Over $10 , nine month's time will
be given purchaser on notes with approved security , bearing 10 percent interest.
Five per cent discount for cash on sums over $10.
& *
> -
G. E. TRACE WELL. Auctioneer. . E , HALEY , Clerk.
( Special Correspondence. )
Lincoln , Xeb. , March 2.
The time limit for the in
troduction of bills lias ex
pired , and from now on the
work of legislation will go
on in real earnest.
The "slaughter of the in
nocents , " reference being *
had to favorite bills , has al
ready begun. That the
pledges of the democratic-
platform will be carried in
letter and in spirit is assur
ed. It is no easy task to
frame a law that will stand
the scrutiny of a supreme
court , especially when that
law has to deal with such
an important matter as our
banking laws. But the com
mittees on banking have
worked hard and long , and
the result is a bill that will
carry out the pledges guar
anteeing depositors. The
bill may , and doubtless will , j
be amended before its final
passage , but the amend
ments will have to do with' '
details , and not with the
spirit of the law.
Senate File 15 has been
passed by both houses and
now goes to Governor
Shallenberg'er. This bill
provides that the secretary
of state shall cause" " * to
be published in newspapers
designated by the governor
all proposed constitutional
Senator Donahue's bill ,
providing for a non-partisan
judiciary and taking the
schools .out .x. of politics * , has . *
passed the sen.- . ' . It pro- '
vides that no party designa
tion be affixed to candidates
for judges of the supreme
or district courts , the coun
ty court , or candidates for
county superintendent or
state superintendent.
The house took the bit in
its teeth last week and or
dered the stock yards bill
reported from the commit
tee. This bill regulates the
prices charged by the stock
yards and puts that big
business institution under
the supervision of tiie rail
way commission. The house
will restore to the physical
valuation bill some things
taken from it in the senate.
At this writing it seems safe
to say that the physical val
uation bill will include all
public service corporations
of whatsoever kind. The
determination is to make
good the platform pledge
for a physical valuation of
all corporations performing *
public service.
House Roll 1 has gone to
the governor. This is what
is known as the ' . 'Oregon
Plan" of electing LTnited
States senators. By its pro
visions candidates for the
legislature are given the
option of signing two pledg
es or refusing * to sign any.
One pledges the candidate
to vote for the senatorial
candidate receiving the
highest number of votes.
The other pledges him to
vote for the candidate re
ceiving the highest number
of votes in his district. Or
he can refuse to pledge him
self at all. This is. the bill ,
which republican organs
charge is a plan to "foist
Bryan" on the state.
Here is a little sample of
I republican politics : It hap
pened in one of the state in
stitutions , situated close to
the Missouri river. When
( lov. Shallenberger's appointee -
[ pointee assumed charge of
this institution he found that
the retiring superintendent
had on Jan. 30 , 1908 , signed
contracts with the teachers
he had appointed for the
year of 1909. Thus the inc -
c o m i n g superintendent
found himself burdened
with the teachers appointed
by his predecessor.
One of Gov. Sheldon's
! appointees may yet find
himself in trouble. This
particular man made affidavit -
| vit that he performed the
work in two separate jobs ,
thereby drawing two sepa
rate and distinct salaries.
It is well known that he
never performed one bit of
the work of one position.
He did , however , draw a
warrant for 35 every
month which he retained ,
and gave a woman from § 5
to $8 a month to actually do
the work which he claimed
to have done , and for which
he drew $35 a month.
The number of bills in
troduced in the house at this
session will not be larger
than the number introduced
two years ago. But the
the number will be about
the same. The general ap- ,
propriarions bill will not be' '
larger than the one two
years ago * notwithstanding
the fact that the constitu
tional amendments adopted
last fall will add something
like $90,000 a year to the
expenses of the supreme
and district courts. And
it must be borne in mind
that this legislature will
have to take care of several
deficiencies created by the
Sheldon administration.
March 19th. Mr. Bryan's
birthday , will be the oc
casion for the gathering of
clans in Lincoln. There
will be a banquet in the
evening , at which time Mr.
Bryan will speak , as will
others. In the afternoon
the Democratic Editorial
Association will meet at the
Lincoln hotel , and an inter
esting program has been
prepared. Mr. Bryan , who
is president of the associa
tion , will address the edi
The "sob squad , " always
so noticeable every time a
pardon or a commutation of
sentence is applied for , will
find its occupation gone.
The application for a commutation - |
mutation of sentence in the
case of Shumway revealed
the feact that Gov. Shallen-
berger is not going to be :
embarrassed by sentiment- ;
ality. He confined the hearing - |
ing to facts , and several' '
members of the "sob squad"
were not allowed to com
plicate matters. The hear
ing was short , sharp and
decisive and the govern
or refused ts interfere. He
also refused to parole and
commute the sentences of
several convicts whose pe
titions were based on senti
mental grounds.
The attempt to make po
litical capital out of the So.
Omaha riot was a dismal
failure. Representatives
Howard and Kraus had no
difficulty in proving1 that
nothing said by them was
calculated to arouse the j
passions of men. The riot
was participated in by hood
lum boys , the better element
of the workingmen depre
cating the outbreak and do
ing what they could to pre
vent it.
Gov. Shallenberger and
staff will attend the inaug
ural ceremonies in Yf ash- ,
ington. On his way the ;
governor stopped in Omaha ;
on March 2 , and addressed
the Omaha Ad Club.
J. A. L.
Justice's Estray Notice.
Notice is hereby given , that on
the 26th da.y of March A. D. 1909
the undersigned , Justice of the
Peace , will , at the vesidence
of John Jackson the , taker-
up of the animals hereinafter de
scribed as strays , on Section 20 in
Township 28 North , of Range 3 ±
East , in Cherry County , Nebraska ,
sell to the highest bidder , for cash ,
the following described property ,
to-wit , : One iron gray gelding about -
bout 6 yrs. old , branded BL on
right shoulder blotch brand on left
shoulcer 295. Sale will commence
at 10 o'clock a.
Said described property having
been taken up by the said John
Jackson as strays.
Dated this 19th day of February
A. D. 1909.
7 5 Justice of the Peace.
Eat at the "Ranchers' Home ,
meals 25 cents. Lunches a spec
ialty. J. BRADSIIAW , Prop.
Dr. Median , osteopath , at the
Donoher hotel , Monday , Wednes
day and Friday each week. 6-2
Order.of Rearing and Notice V > n
Petition for Settlement of Accou it
In the county court of Cherry county , . -
State of Nebraska , I . .
Cherry County t
To the" heirs and all persons interested in
the estate of Fred Kudelke. deceased.
On reading the petition of Joseph Kudelke
praying a llnal settlement and allowance of
his account tiled in this court on the 2nd
day of February , HHJ9 , and for his discharge
as administrate" ] : of said estate.
It is hereby ordered that you and all per
sons interested in said matter inav , and do.
appear at the count } ' court to be held in and
for said county , on the "ith day of Marvh ,
A. D . 1909 , at 10 o'clock a. m. . to show cau .e.
if any there be , why the prayer of the pe
titioner should not be granted , and that not
ice ot the pendency of said petition and rhe
hearing thereof be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of-
this order in The Valentine Democrat , a
weekly newspaper printed in said co inty for
four successive weeks prior to said i ay of
5-1 Countv Judge.
Contest Notice ,
U. S. Land Office , Valentino. Nebraska , >
February 13 , 1909 ,
A snttieicnt contest affidavit luving been Ihed
in this oniee by Laura. N Hudson , contest int
against Homestead entry \'o 1G97S made S'-p-
temb i G , 1904. tor NVi WM.vWii - 4. S'/
SU and El/2 of ection 17 ; iN'SN'E1 , and 8V14
NK1 * of section 18. tow i hip 27 range 37 , bv
John WelK contestee in which it is alleged
that said J > h n Adls has wholl abaudoi ed
fuid tand : tliHt he has cliHiiged his reside ice
therefrom for more tha M\ months last past ;
that s.ud land is not settle upon and cultivated
bvsaid p rty as by Isitv required , and ha has
failed to cure his iac.ies up o this date.
Said uarties are hereby notilie-i to anuear respond
spend and olfer evidence touching said allega
tion at 10 o' < lock a. m on March 22. 1903. be
fore the resns'er and receiver at the Uuited
States I and ulllce. Valentine , Nebraska
The said coiit sta ; t hav ng , in a proper nfll-
davir , Tiled IM > . 13.1909. set forth tacts which
show that after dm-diligence personal service
of this notice cannot be made , it is hereby
ordered auri directed that such notice be gien
by due and proper publication.
M c l K. OLSON. Receiver.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land office , Valentine. Nebraska ,
February 10 1SO' .
A sufficient contest affidavit having been iiiert ,
in this ottiet' In Edward U , A not * ! , c-iiU's ; it.
iigainst homestead entry " o ISS7G-01373. m.ide
June 'J.7 , l)07 ! ) , lor N1swpon 2(5. ( and / section
L'7 , Township no. Range 25 , b\ Rufus li. Day.
contesfee i" which it is alb ued that Kt.fiis
K I'ay lias wholly abandoned saM Iniid and
changed his residence theretrom for more II an
six months last past that the Ian ' is not seU ed
upon nor cultivated in good ia th. an-1 entryu in
ha no' esta liMicd re-.i nice thereon and he
li ts t'ai'ed ' to CU-H nis ache > > up to this date.
Said parties are heieby notified to anpt ar ,
responn and oiler evidence touching saiualk ja-
ti in at 10 o'clock a. m on Mitich Ird. M09
before the register and receiver at the Unned
States Land Ollice m Val ntine. Nebr
The said contestant h iving in a proper : tll-
davit filed Febru try M , 19-)9 ) sf frth facts
show than alter due dilmeuce puisonal sen ice
of this notice cannot be niude it ishere'n'ortvr-
ed and directed ti at such notice be given by
due and proper publication.
5 4 E E. OLSON. Receiver.
Probate Notice.
In the County Com t of 01 erryOunty Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of i
Nancy M \ v. deceased \
All per ons mUTe tt-d in said estate will t.ike
notice that I ha\i-liX'-d March 19 , 1909 at 10
o'c ock a. in. , as the t me and my > tict in * 'al-
en'ine. Nebraska an t lie phuv f-r Hie heanng
of the petition of Alexander I > . McAlevy , . r
the probate o' th estate of Vaucv M McAlevy.
deceased without administration , at which
time and place all persons int- rested in j-aid
e-tate may ppe < - and shw cui-e , if any , why
said estate Miotiid not be probate i without , id-
istration and decree of 1 ' -
mii a heiiship an i'-o-
batf oi said estate should si t be ma lt > as
pr.ivi-ied by law , .JAMES C. QUKJI.EY.
[ bRAL ] 7 .J County Jud-
Contest Notice.
U. S. Laud O Vn. cntiue. Nebraska.
February 23,1909. i
A siiflicifnt content affidavit having I > . > PU l'ld
in this office oy Junes l " . ( Joff. contestant ,
agnin-t HomesTeaxt entry No. 00) ; in.ule
A nnu t 10. 190S , for W'i of s ction 13md
NKV4N'K4. } section 14 township 32 ramru 35 , by
Edwaid U. Stewart cent Mee. m whic'i i ! is
aliened that s-iia Edward B. < texvtrt has HI ver
estnbli hed n\sidence upon the said land si ice \
tili iir thereon , .nut h has failed lo cure his
laches np o this dale
aaid .irtjt-s are h re v notified to appear ,
respond an 1 oiler evi 'eii'-e touching said ; lle-
gation at 10 o'clock a. m on April 3. 1)09.
itefore tlie register and receiver nt the Un ed
S'ates Land ( ) -iice in Valentine , ebraa
The sain cotetant having , m a proper .titl
davit lile < i Feb. 23. 19 ; > 9 , s-t forth facts wb cu
show Unit after due diligence personal ser ce
of this n 'tiee can not' ) , is hereby or 'Or '
ed an < 1 directed tlmt such notice be givn by ue
and proper publication.
K 1 4 Iteceivt r.
Contest Notice.
U. S L-ind Office. Valentine. : 1.1
Febi uary 20. UiOO. f
A sufficient comes' affidavit having been tiled
in this otnee b.\ Harvey K. Jackson , contest ; nt.
against hornet ad entry No 1351C 01437 , m , de
March n 190J. f. r S' NE'-j and E'Nv sect n
12. township 31 , iame2o. i-y Charl-v How ; rd ,
contcbtee , in \ \ Inch't is alleged tlit said Thai'ey
Howar-l has whollv abtndined.aid land .ud
changed his residence f-erefrom ; that the 1. nd
is not M-tried up n nor cub ivate i in go P.I fa th.
and ebtruuan ha.iier esUolished reside we
thereon , and that saM alleged : ib iudoiim-ii of
the said land took pi-ice morn than six m mths
to the expiration ot live years from thetim-of
tilini : upon same , and entrjmeu his failed to
cure his laches up to tins date
Said parties ar her-by notified to appear , re-
si'ond. and olTcr evidence to'icliing said alliga
tion at 10 o'clock a m. , on April 9. 19tt ) , > a
fore the r m-ter awF receiver at the Uai at
States laud othce in Valentine Nebraska.
the said cent sum havmir. in a proper -iffi-
davit , fued Fe : > ru ry 20 1909. ser form f. cts
which show that af'er due diligence perso lal
serv" e of this notice cann > t be made , it is
heieby ordert-il and uirec'cd that such no tcr ;
be given -y due and proju-i publication.
E 7 1 K. OLSON , Uecen r
For Sale.
One high grade Percheron st il-
lion , 3 years old last June , weight
1600 pounds.
Also one Cleveland Bay her e ,
5 years old , weight 1250 pounds.
For further information see or ad
dress me at Crookston , Neb.
Second hand phaeton , in good
condition , for sale cheap. Call'at
this cilice. 0
PatPeiper ,
11. M. Faddis & Co
fostotttce address-Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
on left
Horses branded
, on left
or thigh ,
Home Some branded
branded on right thigh
on left or shoulder.
or thigh
P. H. Young- .
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left Bide .
Some Qyon left"
en left jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordon Cre-'k north of Simeon ,
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Kosebud ri , 1 > .
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rigutsida
Some cattle also
have a 4on neck'
Some with A. on
left ; shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
across bind qnar-
Vrs Some Texas
[ O on left side and some ; *
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left alp. Some cattle
connected on both side * ana
> > randwl 4.W nar
left hip of horses
N. S. Eowley.
Kenneuj ,
riarne as cut on left
side and hip , aiid on
Ml shoulderof horse
se ? . AlsoZSSa on
F X ° n 'eft side
Some cat-
tie brand
ed teithBr side up ) on
left side or hip. f on left jaw and left shoulder
nf iiorMes iil
iilQ on left hip of horses.
M on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same as cut : also
CJBEJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands.
Kohl & Terrffl.
Brownlee , NBJ.
Cattle brand edas
in cut on left
side. Some
branded K. T Y
on left hip. Range
on North Lonp
river two pnl s
west of Brewnlee
J. A. Yaryan.
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JT ?
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any Information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr. < 3
Cattle branded .
as on cut.left side x
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
lift shoulder.
Range Square
Neblioan Bros.
Woodlake Neb
on Long
Lake and Crook-
id Lake.
John Kills Plenty
Francis Mis . * * *
iion , Kosebud.
5. D.
isincut ; horses
Rime on letf
Irish. Kanj-e be-
wt-en prin Ck
md Little Wh t
i ver.
Oasis , Nebr
GK. . Sawyer has
charge of these
cattle. H rsea
. Some
left side
left thigh.
Kange on Snake
. .
Metzger Bros.
Cattle branded
nywhere on left
larmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
ame brand on
; ft thigh.
Bange on Gordon and Snake Creeks