IIt t ! Full Pound Boxi of Violet for 25c * ' B VALENTINE. NEO A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by ail men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or § 10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a _ record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATt BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. VALENTINE BARBER SHOP I All kinds of. SHAMPOOS , MASSAGES. AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a specialty. HOT and COLD BATHS in connection 1 Forest Shepard , Prop. Valentine State Bank Building T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. Will meet all calls phone or mail. Versed on pedigreed stock. Valentine Nebraska Talk of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop. tf Yank O'Bryan was in town the first of the week. H. Buttinghaus was in town Monday on business. A. B. Datus was a Valentine visitor the first of the week. Henry , William and Dock Grooms were in town Monday. William lied fern was in town from near lied Deer lake Monday. Shinefine , a strange , new dis covery is soon coming to town. 8 Tom Spratt was mingling with Valentine friends the first of the week. Dan Sears and A. H. Stees of Kennedy were in town the first of the week. Noble Lunderman and Byron Barker were down from Rosebud the first of the week. Mrs. W. T. Kincaid returned Tues day night , from a visit with rela tives back in Iowa. The ladies of the M. E. aid will serve supper Friday evening at the home of J udge Walcott. Just wait until you see what Shinefine will do for you ? A strange , new discoverd. Coming soon. 8 George Heath and John Smith of Xorden hauled in corn Monday. Orvel Hay ford hauled in a load of rye. Clyde Cohee and M-s. Mary Vauirhn were married at Hot Springs S D. , recently. They livf out ( tear 0 > i < . H. A. Ilnncock II. A L.\ons , X .1 Uck and W F. Parker of Woodlako , and J. P. Kreycik and Andrew Benson of Arabis , came up Tuesday to attend a Masonic meeting and banquet in our city , at which there were several new initiated. John L.ndf . , traveling agent for the Nebraska Underwriters Fire Ins. Co , of Omaha , was in town from Saturday until Monday the past wppk visiting I. M Ricp , local agent of that company. This is onp of the strong Nebraska in surance companies , with assets of nearly a quarter of a million of dollars. Charles Latta came in from Oasis to get a load of coal and feed Tuesday and transact other business. He says stock is doing well and people , mostly , are in good health , but there has been considerable sickness around. Riv er 'StillwelPs family have the whooping cough. J. E. Thack- rey's children have the mumps. \V. H. Kennedy's boy , Sammy , has had a serious time with pneu monia. Mrs. llichard's children had bad colds. Alex McAlevy's son , Tommy , has had a serious j time with the grip , but is better. Most of the sickness is past ser iousness Mrs. Elias Still well is in Hot Springs doctoring for liver trouble. We wish to announce to our friends that we have the exclusive sale of the John Deere Plow Go's goods in this vicinity. We now have the largest and most complete stock ever shown here , including John Deere Plows , walking sulky and gang. Listers , walking , single and double row. Disk Harrows , with or without tongue trucks , Lever Harrows , Riding and Walking Culti = vators , Corn Planters , Hoosier End Gate Seeders and Press Drills , Success Manure Spreaders , Economy Pitless Scales , Sharpies Tubular Cream Separators , Samson Wind = mills , Fort Smith and New Moline Wagons. The celebrated Velie Wrought Iron Buggies and Spring Wagons. All of this is bright , new stock. No car ried over or out of date goods. Prices and terms reasonable. Come and see us. Valentine Lumber Co. A. E. MORRIS , W. W. 3IORRISSEY , J. T. KEELEY , DR. O. W. NOTES j Located in buildings formerly occupied by W. T. Bishop as a feed and sale barn John Grooms was in town the first of the week visiting his family. Robert Dyer , an old timer of Rosebud , spent several days in town the past week. Joe Thompson and A. E. Spall of Simeon were transacting busi ness in town Monday. Charley Firth , from out on the Schlagel , was in town Monday , lie lives on the old Doty farm. Barney Denaeyer , sr. , was in town Monday and told us that he was going to Rich Hill. Mo. , soon. Ed Lewis of Wood lake was in town Monday and informs us that he has made a deal for the Xorden hotel and expects to go over and take charge of it soon. The state questions for the eighth grade final examinatins are now in the office of the county superintendent. Teachers may have them by writing for them. Lon Mosher was in town Mon day and called-to renew his sub scription to THE DEMOCRAT , and ordered THE DEMOCRAT sent to his brother Charley at Sundance , Wyo. Sunday school at 10 a. m. , follow ed by a holy celebration of the Holy Communion with serinon , at 11 on Sunday , next ; 2nd Lent March 7th ; Vesper service with address at 7:30 , at Jt. John's church. The Glide Automobile built by the Barthalomew Co. at Peoria , 111. , was considered to be mechan ically the most correct , the sim plest , and mo fc durable car of all that was shown at the great show at t'hicjigo. x It Do you want to jo to college ? ' If see can help you.'e have al ready put hundreds through college by means of our pLm. Write to day for full information regarding our offer of a free scholarship in any school or college. Address , Robert J. Sher'ock ' , 29 31 East 22ud St. , New York City. 8 2 The Aiusworth * Star-Journal comes out this week with a souve nir edition , containing a writeup of the town and numerous Brown Co. citizens. It is a big undertaking , and the paper is well gotten up , with numerous illustrations of farm houses and residences. Brother Cot- toii , we congratulate you. Jack Pouten is a good-hearted fellow and was in town Monday greeting his friends and enjoying a good time. Jack says he was hpre before there was any town. He was something of a ball player in the early days. Jack moans well but is often misunderstood. He lives eight miles south of town , near the Schlagel. Mrs. Charles Pollard and Mrs. Elia Davis spent a couple of weeks visiting Mrs. Hooton and Miss Rosa at the Valentine hotel , and returned last Saturday , Mrs. Pol lard to Chadron and Mrs. Davis to Billings , Mont. They were called here on account of the ser ious illness of Mrs. Davis' daugh ter who lives with Mrs. Hooton. Wanted Success Magazine re quires the services of a man in Cherry county to look after expir ing subscriptions and to secure new business by means of special meth ods unusually effective ; position permanent ; prefer one with ex perience , but would consider any applicant with good natural quali fications ; salary $1.50 per day ; with commission option. Address , with references , R ! C. Peacock , room 102 , Success Magazine Bldg. , New York. 8 2 Frank J. B. Higgin returned from a two month's visit with relatives and friends in Liverpool , England , last Thursday. Frank came over with Ted Ormesher and wife eight years ago and this was his first visit back to tin ? home of his youth. He says times are hard and thousands out of em ployment in England. Also that business is very dull back there now and that people here are do ing much better than in other places where he has been. He en- joyed..a splendid visit , but is glad to get back here to live1. Old Crow , All Leading Hermitae Brands and Bottled Griichen- Under tiie heimer Supervision Eye & of the < * -f/r a ? - j&sl 3P < # ? Whiskeys. U. S. Gov. "We also handle the Budweiser Beer. IT J \ v 7H T IOHN J\Jf & a i - < ) Crl'OOl .t O tcOS ' - I' By R. H. WATSON Mrs. Emma Vincent and Miss Allie Cyphers made a pleasant call at our home one day last week. James Lewis , who is in Seattle \Vash. , sends us his compliments and a souvenir , "Seattle in a Clam Shell. Both Hey and Hazel Graham have taken shares in the new building and loan series , which was opened on Tuesday of this week. Mary Easloy and Helen Sparks visited with Florence Pettijohn at Longpine last Friday , and on Sit- ur-lay morning joined the rest of us on our way to Atkinson. Misses Nellie Collet and Carrie Stetter were inspecting the va cant lots south of Mr. Bates on Tuesday morning in the ho pes of finding a suitable location for a tennis ground , ' i Miss Jessie Holley of Plain view | who was principal of the Valen tine high school last year , is ex pected to arrive in Valentine on | i Friday of this week to visit a few ! days with Miss Gordon. i Mrs. Edith Cowden of Garnctt , | Kan. , one of the first graduates of , the V. II. S. , writes of her home j in Kansas , and says she expects to visit Valentine again soon. All who were fortunate enough to have had her for a friend in girl hood days will delight in giving her a hearty welcome. Winnie Keeley , who dropped out of school this year to teach , is j doing a most sensible thing in pur chasing a few shares in the new building and loan series The only possible way a young woman can save anything out of her meagre salary as teacher is to have some place to put a few dollars lars each month where it can not slip away from her. Mr. and Mrs. YVulther Melten- dorff entertained the teachers of the high school and the senio rs on Friday night , Feb. 19 at 5 o'clock dinner. Each uesb felt that the inner-man had bi'en well looked after by the hostess , in the ex cellent dinner serve'l ; after which followed an evening long to be remembered , filled with music. recitations and pleasant conversa tion. Mrs. Chas. Pollard , a former pupil of the V. H. S. , called to see us last week and is one of the many former pupils who never misses a chance to renew old friendship ? . We appreciate , more than \vords can tell , the almost constant reminder ? , either by word or letter , of the many true friends we have among-the gradu ates who are now scattered thru- out the United States. Although two of the three judg es decided against them in the de bate in Atkinson last Saturday eve ning , the young people returned home Sanday morning iu the be > t of spirits. They received inuiy compliments from all they mt as to the excellent manner in which they presented their side of the aul/ject1 , and especially on the man- New Hotel. Electric Lights , Good Rooms. Mot and Cold Water. NEAR DEPOT MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propi\/Yaentiiie.Xcbr. ] Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains , r G Done in ( he most satisfactory manner ! Largest prices for the seller and honest dealing with the bidder ! On these terms T.Y. . Cramer solicits your patronage. Graduate of Missouri Auction School , August term. 40 T OAM" ' - VAI GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood \vork done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Kosidencc and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHOXK 72 Nebraska Eeferences : My Many Customers. ner in which they took their de feat. The young people made many friends by exhibiting traits of character not always to Le found in the naikeup of boys and girls of their age. Besides the debating team , con sisting of Charles Helzer , EJith Adamson , Marie Christensen and Mary Easley , the following pprj j sons went to Atkinson last Satur day to be present at the debate be tween Valentine and Atkinson : Mr. and Mrs. Meltendorff , L. C. Sparks , Prin. John Mohlman , Misses Ailie Cyphers , Helen Sparks and Laureutia Haley : Ed die Cohota , Clarence Haley , Jes e Holsclaw and Supt. It II. Watson. The Girl Who Works. God bless the girl who works ! She is not too proud to earn her own living , nor ashamed to be caught at her daily task. She smiles at you from behind the desk , counter or printer's case. There is a sweet memory of her in everything she touches. She is like a brave mountaineer , al ready far up the precipice climbing , struggling , rejoicing. The sight is an insjjiration. It is an honor to know th < s girl and be worthy of her esteem. Lift your hat to her , young man , ashe passes by. She is a queen in the realm of womanhood. She's a princess among the toilers. Her hands may be stained by dish washing , sweeping , printers' inker or factory greaso. But they are honest hands. They stay mis fortune from the home ; they sup port the invalial loved one , may be , they are moving , i otent shields that protect many a fam ily from the poor house. God bless and protect the gril who works. Terrell ( Texas ) Trans- cript. ( | J. W. McBANIEL , i r sim VE YOU , All work will be given prompt i and careful attention. E.I S. Eves has sold the Holt Co. ) e'morafc to Geo. A. Miles of the lolt Co. Independent and retired rorn newspaper work in Holt Couu- y last week. LUMBER Lath , Shingles , Doors , Windows , Paper , Pat ent Roofing Tar Paper , Paints , Oil , Varnish , Brushes. Glass , Putty , Lime. CcmeiiT. Plaster , Brick , Posts , Poles. We Sell Hudson Coal BISHOP & YOUJIG. I he Lou p Valley Hereford Ranch. Drownlee.Nebr , Greet Col- uiniius 17th 1GOO.V ) , a son o [ Columbus 17th. .a half brother of ilie $10.000 C iini- j > n > : i n.ile , ; i n d Prmce Uoabdel li.- : ; O'j' ; lit lie l of herd. I noxv hu\eaboiit ) head of 1907 bull cuhus or sale. C. H. FAULHABEK , Contest Notice. L'.S. Lana Ofitee.Ya'.entinrNebraska , i March _ ' . 1900 > ' L'o the heirs of Chnr , fvjV. . Hailey. deceased : You. SI-MI cich ot you' , are hereby notified that , A siifllcfrnl contest affidavit Having been lil l u this oiht ' by Georue B. 7. irr. contestant. i ainst homcvad tnrrv No. 137rJ. made ! tl1'XM. ; . f tf N'jNE-4. S\V 4VE > 4. ' Vl. x'-N'A li section : ? j , to wnshm 33. ranee - ' . iy Charles \V. Baiiev. contfitee. m which it - , al.eued that said iarlv. . IJa'Iey departed hilite on or about the Ctthd-ty of December. ! 1HH > . that diir.ui ; his life h- never stabhshed a e > nHnce ujnn said land < > r erected or < MU-edj : > bferci'ted improvements of any Hi tractor or lescription thfreon , also that thu"said Charlf ; \V. Hatiev during his ufo time did not cultivate ' ir cause to be riiltived the land embraced m his s id homestead entry ; n < r did cnrenis laohes Lip t the date of hu'deiinv ; that if he left unv lieirs they are to this : iliiait ! unknown Tim more than six months "as elapsed sin -P ilu > death o. Hie said Charles W. Bniley , and his beir ut luw norHiix oC th s.ud hctrs at law > > a\e "btablNheti re-uteuceu * ) m said tract of land nor haa n'l heirs at law or ; ny of them i-ultivated the tract of lau-t in any manner e" i braced in said entry : that there is not no\v n _ > r has tber" ben at anv time since the date of said entry air , improvements 01 any ktnd or dt- SL-ripU MI placed nuon saul land , either oy entry- man during his life tune or by his heirs at lAv since his deceas . and the laud embraced n said entry i- now wild and nncnltnated laud : that the -aid heirs at law and any and allf th--m have fai'ed to cure t ieir laches np to the date of < hr initiation ot this contest Said parties are heieby notititd to appear , re- spoud and oiler evidence touching saa allej : i- tion at 10 o'clock a. in , , on .April 16.19 tj , before the reji > ter and receiver at the United States L-uul Office in Yalei * ne. Nebraska. The sa'd contestant havu _ in a proper ath- d.ivit. tiled M-ircb _ , IDTO. . , forth facts \ > lnch show that after du ° diliuyi , personal Stirviee of thi- notice caii'-ol be 1.1 ide. it i hereby ordered that .siu-h notice be riven by d.ie ana proper publication. 0 iU \ttS0N , K&toter.