Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 25, 1909, Image 8

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    The undei'signed will sell a1 public auction at his place , 12 miles
northwest of Valentine and \ mile southeast of Britt , Nebr. , on
Beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. , the following property , to-wit :
Consisting of
8 Heifer Calves , coming 1 year old. 1 Marc , J2 years old , with foal.
7 Hteer Calves , coming J year old. B dozen Chickens , and 8 full blooded
Buff Orphington chickens.
4 Steers , coming 2 years old.
2 Breaking Plows.
8 Heifers , coming 2 years old.
1 Stirring Plow.
6 Heifers , coming o years old.
1 'Lister ' and other Farm Machinery , including
9 Eange Cows , two with calves by side.
cluding Household Furniture and
H Milch Cows , one fresh now.
other articles too numerous too men
1 Mare , 4 years old. tion. Home Hay and Grain.
TERMS : Sums of $10 and under , cash. Over $10 , ten month's time will
be given purchaser on approved security bearing 10 per cent interest. 5 per cent
discount for cash on sums over $10.
3JSS !
t ,
G. E. TRACEWELL , Auctioneer. E. HALEY , Clerk.
Lincoln , Xeb. , Feb. 23.
( Special Correspondence )
Witli remarkable unanimity
the republican organs are
seeking to make it appear
that the present legislature
is the most extravagant in
the history of Nebraska.
The opposite is true. In
order to make it appear that
the present democratic legis
lature is extravagant the re
publican organs hail as an
appropriation every bill in
troduced with an appropria
tion clause. And with the
same unanimity these re
publican organs forget testate
state what is an absolute
fact that the appropria
tions made by the "econom
ical session1' two years ago
were utterly inadequate in
many instances , and the
present legislature has been
compelled to allow defic
iency appropriations in order
to keep state institutions
running. Funds that should
have lasted until April 1.
1909 , were exhausted two ,
three and four months ago.
In the very nature of
things it will cost Nebraska
more money to transact its
business during the next two
years than it did during any
two previous years. Any
growing business demands
increased expenditures.
There are more inmates
in the asylums to provide
for : there arc more convicts
in the penitentiary to pro
vide for ; there are more in
mates of the reformatories ;
state buildings must receive
more repairs as they grow
older. New buildings are
demanded and must be pro
vided. It is true that some
large appropriations com
paratively speaking may
be provided. But as a rule
the increase will consist in
appropriations for experi
mental farms and stations ,
buildings imparatively de-
imandecl at the Normal
school , and for a better en
forcement of laws safe
guarding the public health.
The finance , ways and
means committee is besieged
with petitions for heavy ap
propriations. Wore it to
accede to every req uest made
it would not have half
enough money to meet them.
But the committee is care
fully scrutinizing every bill ,
is cutting down here and
there , and getting down to
the real needs instead of
acting hastily upon the de
sires of the prompters. The
general appropriations bill
will be before the legislature
by the time this paper is in
the hands of its readers ,
and then the" public will
know exactly how much
truth there is in"the charge
of ' "undue extravagance"
made by the republican org
The bank guarantee bill
the subcommittee
prepared by -
mittee of the joint house and
senate committees on bank
ing , and endorsed by the full
committee , has been pre
sented to the legislature. Jt
Fulfills every promise made
in the platform , meets with
the approval of both deposi
tors and bankers , and has
the endorsement of Gov.
Shalienberger , who advised
with the committee in its
preparations , it strength
ens the provisions for the
proper inspection of the
banks , and is an acknow
ledged improvement upon
rhe Oklahoma kny. In a
short address before the
joint session on Wednesday
of last -veek Gov. Shallen-
berger gave the bill as
drawn his approval.
"Hoggingpatronage" is ,
another favorite cry of the
; republican organs. Jtisin-
'teresting ' to note that these
same organs are bewailing
the fact that the democratic
( majority is merely undoing
'what ' a republican majority
did when the conditions as
they exist today were ex
actly reversed. Amongoth-
jer bills introduced , and
j which is the special bete noir
of the g. o. p. managers , is
one providing that Railway
Commissioner Cowgill shall
have something to say about
the management of the rail
way commission. As it now
stands the two republican
members , being a majority ,
can so frame up things as to
control every appointment ,
issue every order and prac
tically and effectually nullify
any effort put forth by Mr.
( 'owgil 1. The proposed bill
merely makes it possible for
Mr. Towgill to have a.voice
in the management of the
commission. And this is all
the foundation there is to
the charge of "hogging the
patronage" in the railway
commission department.
The time limit for the in
troduction of bills will be
up by the last of the week ,
and then will begin the work
ruthlessly r slaughtering
legislation asked for "by
request" and calculated to
confer special benefits.
The "physical valuation"
bill has been introduced ,
and it makes provision for
carrying out in every way
the platform pledges. Mr.
Bryan's address before the
joint session dwelt especial
ly upon this platform pledge
and the applause that greet
ed his remarks was evidence
of the popularity of the
One of the most import
ant and far-reaching reve
nue bills introduced- the
one framed by Ollis of Val
ley , and Miller of Lancast
er , and known as Senate
File 268. It provides for
the submission of an amend
ment to Sec. 1 , Art. 9 , of the
constitution , the amend
ment being as follows : "All
property , except as herein
after provided , shall be
taxed ; all tax , whether state ,
local 'or municipal , shall be
uniform upon * all classes of
subjects within the territor
ial limits of the authorities
levying the tax , and shall
be levied and collected un
der general laws. " This
simply means that a legisla
ture may enact a law that
will raise all the state reve
nue from corporations and
leave each county and mu
nicipality to raise the neces
sary revenue as it sees fit.
This course will remove
many obstacles now in the
way of raising revenue , and
will permit the taxpayers of
any specified territory to fix
their own tax tax rate for
the maintenance of their in
stitutions , no part of it go
ing to the support of the
state government.
Among the senate files
that have run the senate
gauntlet and been sent to
the house are the following :
Senate File 76 , to estab
lish three demonstration
farms west of the 99th me
ridian , north of parallel 41.
This means a great deal to
the agricultural interests of
the northwest.
Senate File 159 , prohibit
ing the organization and
maintenance of secret fra
ternities and societies in
public schools.
Senate File 152 , providing
for a "school of citizenship"
in the state university.
Senate File 11 , to exhibit
and regulate by license the
carrying of concealed weap
ons.Senate File 71 , to regulate
demurrage and storage
charges and prevent delays
in the transportation and
delivery by railroads of
freight other than perishable
Senate File 133 , to provide
for the physical valuation of
railroads and other public
service corporations.
Because Gov. Shalien
berger has denied himself to
callers during the forenoon
while the legislature is in
session it is sought to be
shown by the opposition that
he is undemocratic. Gov.
Shalienberger. being a busi
ness man , has merely adopt
ed a business rule. lie
wants the morning hours to
himself so he can scan bills
look after the business of
his department and read his
mail. The rule works bene
ficially to all whose concern
ror the welfare of the state
outweighs their concern in
social or selfish ends.
J. A. L.
Justice's Estray Notice.
Notice is hereby jriven , that on
the 26th day of March A. D. 1909
the undersigned , Justice of the
Peace , will , at the residence
of John Jackson the , taker-
up of the animals hereinafter de
scribed as strays , on Section 20 in
Township 28 North , of Range 3i
East , in Cherry County , Nebraska ,
sell to the highest bidder , for cash ,
the following described property ,
to-wit , : One iron gray gelding a-
bent 6 yrs. old , branded BL on
right shoulder blotch brand on left
slioulcer 295. Sale will commence
at 10 o'clock a.
Said Described property having
been taken up by the said John
Jackson as strays.
Dated this 19th day of February
A. D. 1909.
7 5 Justice of the Peace.
Eat at the "Kanchcrs5 Home ,
meals 25 cents. Lunches a spec
ialty. J. BKADSUAW , Prop.
Order of Hearing and Notice on
Petition for Settfi'mfiitof Account
In the countv court of Cherry countv , N' >
State of Nebraska , i , „
Cherry County \ " "
To the heirs and all persons interested in
the estate of Fred Kudelke. deceased ;
On reading the petition of Joseph Kudelke
praying a linal settlement and allowance of
his account Hied in this court OH the 2nd
day ot February. ' iixx > . and for his discharge
as administrato'r of said estate.
It is hereby ordered that you and all per
sons interested in said matter may , and do.
appear at the county court to be held in an-l
for said county , on the 5th day of March ,
A. D . 1009. at io o'clock a. m. . to show caus ,
if any there be. why the prayer of the p > -
titioner should not be granted , and that not
ice ot the pendency ot said petition and the
weekly newspaper printed in said co inty for
four successive weeks prior to said J. av of
hearing. JAMES C. QUMIEY.
[ SEAL ] 3-1 County Judge.
XotiiH- tit Crv.ilitors.
THK STATK OF NKIMIASKA t „ _ In the foiituy
Tn the matter of the estate of Fred Kudelh ; ,
deceased :
To the creditors of sihl ; citato :
You are hereby notified 1'nat I will sit at the
County Court Koom in Valentin * ' in .said county
on the 27th day of Fcbnuiry , 11)00 ) at 10 o'clock n.
m. . to receiveuiiI ex.uiiirital claims agani-c
-aid esta tvif i a view . th-ir adjustment ai I
-llowan-c Ihe Mnif limiifd ' < > r the pr M-nt . -
tion nf chiintk ; iyiun-t said t-s.ite is six mont -J
from the 27ih day ot August A. 1) 1-J03 and the
time limited lor i > a\nifm of debts is one jear
Irom said 27tli day ot August 11)03. )
" Wit ness my hand and the ? eal of said
-EAL : countveoiirt , this 2nd day ot" Fetuu-
, ary , 1009. JAM& & (5. ( ( JUUJLKY ,
J 4 County Judge.
In the County Court of Cherr
County , Nebraska.
In tluM.iattcr ofth estatn i
of Joseph KolUdecetsed \
state of Nebraska , i . „
CliHi-rvC unty. fhs
Whereas , Tlif xlore F. Folk ha- filed in my
oflio- pinion -isking tha the regular adminis-
tratio . of said estate lie dispensed with -'inl th * t
thf notice be given to all jnr'i"int -sied in
Sid estate by the publication of this ntice fur
three successive wccKs in s.nne lejral new3 .ap , -
pi.bhsh'-d ! s-u'd ( 'iicny c "inty
It is thenforerd reil bthe" court tint tie
s tiii - be set down for lic-trii'i ' : before said ' -ourt
on the 27th dav m February , 11)00 ) ar 10 o'clock
a which time an ' place all perso < s init"-
estt'd are rmr - i to appear and she v cuus ,
ii any tliere be. why said petition liould n t I e
all-i\\cd as t > r.i.\ed for. ; ui the sei-yicc tlierei f
be had upon all p. r.sons nt-ieste'l in s-id i\stutt *
prior to said time of hearing bv t.m > HM'ioa f
said notice owe a wccK t r tlirec eon eeuti % , j
weeks in The Va-enMiii' DHIIIO.T.I'.Hwecy
newspaper printt'd imbi-h.-d ! and nf genet il
u n in sa d Cbcrry county.Vbriui. .
Civcn under my lian-l and thr- seal ofid
court in Valen.ine CheiTv cnii ty , * ebra-ki ,
this Htb d.u ol > , l90'J
5 ! County Juuge.
Contest Notice ,
U. S. Lat.d Ollice , Yalp"tinf. Nebraska. (
Febnury 13. 190'J , f
A .suHicient contest afl'uUvi having been lil.-d
in this onice by Laura X Ilmls' > n. contestant
against Homestead entry s'o K978 made St > ; -
temb i K , 1KM. ! tor N ' .V\V > .f , \ \v 4 > .w 4. S'/i
S\\ ' 4 and KV of Action 17 ; N'/iVH1 , . and SW 4
NKli of section In. tou.i-hip 27 range : > 7 , v
John Welleoutfstee in which it is allege d
that said Julj n vell - > has wholl abandon * d
paid land ; that be lias clmngcd his r-sidence
tlieretroni for more tba six nnuitlis last i-ast ;
that said land is not settled upon and cultivated
bvsaidp rty as by lau required , and he has
failed to cure his iuuhes up o this date.
Said parties are b reby notilie-t to apnear rj-
sjiond and ofler evidence touching said allega
tion at 10 oVlock a. m on Marcn 22. HiO ! ) . l.e-
fore the n-t-'is er and receiwr at the Uuit-.l
States l .iLini Cilice. Valenti .e , Nebraska
The said cone sta"t IMV ng. in a proper af ' -
davir. filed l-Yb. IJJ. t'A'l ) . set torth fats win ! i
. liow that after due diligenc' ' perso-al servi e
of this notice cannot be m-i < le , it is here y
ordered an I directed rhat s-tcb notice br * givi-n
by due and proper publication.
M C 1 K. OLSON. It
Contest Notice.
U.S. Land Oillce , Valentino. .
February 10 190'J
A sufficient contest stlldavit having been filed ,
in this otlice bKdward U. Arnol-l. c-n'es ant.
against homestead entry NO lSs7i-0137:3 ; : , made
June 27. 1)07 ! , tor N1 gc Ton 2tJ. and y section
27 , Township 29. Kange 23 bItufus" K. Day.
coutestee i v.hich it is allgia that Kn us
K Pay has h'iliy a > andoneit saiil l nd a ( !
clianged his residence tlu-refrom for murethin
six moinhs last past that the Inn is not sett.fd
upon nor cultivatrd in treed ta'tii. and entry n in
ha no esta lished resi ence thereon and he
h s fai't-d ' to cure < ns aches up to this dat .
Said parties ar" heieby norilied to anpe .r.
respond and oiler evidence touching saiuallea- :
tii > at 10 o'clock a. m 'i ) March 2nl. : ; l 0 ! )
before tbc > ic--ister and Deceiver at the Unit > d
states Land < Mlice in Val ntme. Nebr
The said contestant b svimi in a proper a 11-
itavit tiled Febrn iry 20,19'i'j s-1 f .rth facts win jh
sh-iw that r.ttrr due diligence personal sery re
ot this notice cannot be m ide it ishire' y ord red -
ed and directed t at v.ich notice be given jy
due and pr pci publication
5 4 E E. OLSON. Keceivei
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Otlice. Broken How , Nebraska i
January 2S 1909. (
A suflicient content : iffida\ having t-een IH 'd
in tins otlice bFrauk o. 1'ctrick. cunteMant ,
against Homestead entry No. : ' .7 4. made
Jnn29 IIXM for all of srct'on ' 21 township . ' 3.
range 35 G th I * . M .by Hermtii C. UmnoM lit
cont'Stetin which itis alleged that s : id
c ! liniant has whlly abaii'tnned said trac t ir
m re iban six months last par : thai he 1 us
never resided upon , cultivated or impro\
said tract as required In aw ; that the s id la id
IN in its wild and n.itiv-state wholly u ini.n | v-
ed : that a > l th ab v alleged delects ex st
at this date and have i ot been cured.
Said parties are hereby notified to app ar
respond and olfer evirtnee touclnntr sai allega-
t on at 10 o'clock a. m on M rch 12 1903 t e-
> ore J. 11. Welton , t"s. . Commissi-mer. Mull -n
Nebr. . and that the final hearing will be hi Id
at 10 o'clock a. m. on M firch 16. l.'X9 , < e
fore the ngivterand receiver at thUmtd
States laud Ollice in Broken Bow. ebra-ka ,
T e said comestant having , in aproper a'i
davit lied J.uiiiary is lyoi ) . set forth fats
\\hich show that a. t r due diligence PTSOI al
service of 'ilns notitv cannot tie m .ue , it is
here-'V ordered and directed that such notice be
uiven bv due aim pron-r publication.
4 4 H I'Aitius A.MMIKKKY , Keceut r
Contest Notice.
U. S. Lind Office. Valentine. > ebr ski I
Feh uary 20. 1)09 ! \
A suHicient conies affidavit having been lii ; d
in this ortice b > Harvey K. Jackson , contenta'tt.
ugaiiist Moment ad entry No l.'Viltt 01437 , m-t ie
Maichl' 1902. t .rS'iNH'i and E NW secti-n
12. township 31 , lauufjo. i'.v Charl-\ Howard ,
contestee. in winch u is alleged th itsaidChaney
Howard has wholly ab uid - nedaia land a id
changed his residence t eretrom ; thai , the la id
is not settled up n nor ciilnvate < l in go > .i faith
and eutrjman ha n-\er est.ihlished residen-e
thereon , and that .said alleged Hb mdonmnt of
the said land took \il \ tee more than six m-iiMs
L-itheexpi'ttlion of five years from the time of
lilmg upon same , and entrjmea li-ts , failed to
jure his la-lies up to tms date
Said parties ar her -by notified to appear. -
-pond , and oiler evident1- idling said allej. ? -
lion at 10 o'clock a m. , on April u. I9.ii ! , i .
[ . .re the regi.ter and receiver at the Unit ! !
states land onicin Valentine N'ebniska.
the said cent 'StHn having , in a proper a 11-
lavir , tiled Feoru.iry 20 190- ) . ser fortu fa-ts
Ahichshow tlint afier due diligence per.s-i U
serve of this notice cann > t be made , i1 is
leieby ordered and directed that such not cj
) e given -y due and propt-i pubn'cition.
E T'l E. OLSON , Keceiv r
Second hand phaeton in good
condition , for sale cheap. Call at
, his office. 6 /
- fir fni.
Pat Peiper.
Joe Bristol.Valentine
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on Nlo-
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
Kittle branded
ii B connected on
left hip or side ag
shown In cut
K. M. Faddis & Co.
? ostottlce address-Valentine or
Some branded
on left
Uorses branded
,011 , left
> r thigh.
- * *
Some Some branded
branded on right thigh
on left or shoulder.
or thigh
P. H. Young.
dimeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left Bide
en left jaw of
V horses.
Ranee on Gordon Crc'-k north of Simeon ,
Albert Wlripple & Sons.
. - > . JJ.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on riehtside
Some cattle also
have af fen neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
a nw hind qnar-
Ci-rs Some Texas
K > on iert aide and some
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left hio. Some cattle
rand"dw oar connected on both sidea ana
left hip of horses
X. S. Kowley.
Keunedj ,
Same as cut on ' ft
side and hip , and on
Ml shoulder of her
se.9. AlsoKEB on
left - ide
fr" X ° n leit side
So'lie fat-j
tie brand
ed husk-K' ! nifr pep ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder
of horses. m
on left hip of horses.
on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJBE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing iy nt these brxnrts.
Kohl & Terrill.
Brou-nlee , Neo.
rattle branded as
in cut on left
side. Some
brat'd d K. T Y
on left hip. Range
on North Lonp
river two nnls
west of Brownlee
J. A. Yaryan.
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on rightside
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr
Cattle branded
ai on cut.left side
onie on left hip.
Horses same on
Iftshoulder. .
Kan e- Square
l ake.
'Voodlake Neb
Ifance on ionji
Lake ; n.d Crook-
id Lake.
John Kills Plenty
Francis Mis m
lion ,
5. D.
n-ttle branded
is in cut ; Lories
auue on leif
liteli. Halite be-
\ \ veiprin Ck
iml Little Wli te
Metzger Bros.
Cattle branded
.nywhere on left
crop right ear.
Ilorsns have
anie brand on
sit thigh.
on norrton and