Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 25, 1909, Image 4

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I. M. lilCE Editor and Proprietor.
MARK ZAKU Foreman.
Entered at the postollice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter.
Cherry Co. Subscriptions : | | t ; S
Foreign Subscriptions ]
A , . . . p , , ( 15c per inch each issue ; by contract 12c. .
Advertising Katesj -j Transient adv 2Qc per inch ; locals lOca line.
Foreign rales for stereotyped advertising , S months or longer 10 cents
per inch , net.
Local notice obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue
5 cents per line each insertion.
The enemies of every good and
great man are always finding some
flaw in the good man's armor.
Just now a lot of moralists in Ne
braska are berating Mr. Bryan
because he became a member of
the fraternal order of Eagles.
They say ] \Ir. Bryan gives the lie
to his pretentions when he becomes
a member of such an order. They
say he should not join an order
which admits saloon-keepers and
bar-tenders to membership. lam
glad Bryan had the courage to de
fy his critics. I don't know much
about the order of Eagles , but I
have personal acquaintance with
some splendid t'ellows who do be
long. It may be true , as some
men say , that many of the leaders
in that order are non-religious and
adicted to intoxicating drink , but
it is not true that the order as such
stands in opposition to religion
and good morals. On the con
trary , its teachings are good. One
of the best moral lectures ever de
livered in Nebraska was uttered
by a member of that order , at a
recent meeting of the Eagles'
grand lodge. Simply because Mr.
Bryan never touches liquor , nev
er smokes , never swears , the mor
alists say he has no right to asso
ciate with men who do not live the
kind of life he lives. That kind
of argument would bar the average
man from going into the presence
of his own mother. The Eagles
cannot harm Bryan , and if he
must lose the friendseip of the
moralists because he joins the
Eagles , or any other lodge , for
that matter well , the loss will not
be great. If there is bad in the
Eagles the bad will not touch Bry
an. If there is good in the Eagles
then the good part will be found
by Bryan , and he will use that
part for the betterment of every
Eagle whose feathers shall touch
bis own white and clean life. Col
umbus Telegram.
( Rushville Standard. )
A ' * Pure Food law" sounds well.
How would a"Pure Flue law"
sound ?
The omen folks aren't in it
with the present state legislature ,
which seems to know more about
what's good for women than they
do themselves , so their suffrage
bill has been stabbed.
We believe that Rushville will
not hesitate to vote bonds to put
in a good up-to-date water system
for the protection of property. It
is a business proposition with the
business all on one side.
A pleasant letter from Mabel
Hclxer at Park College , Mo. , was
received Tuesday. She is pro
gressing nicely with her work and
says there is a larger attendance
at the college this year than ever
Our winter term of school will I
close on Friday , March 5th. and ;
the spring term will open Monday ,
March Sth. We hope to have all
the little folks who intend to enter
school this spring plan to bo on
hand March Slh or just as soon
thereafter as possi ! ! * ' . . Usually '
the spring term of school begins
the first of March but we opened
school one week late last Septem
ber and we are still a week late.
Tony Maufe Captured.
Sheriff Rosseter received a mes
sage the first of the week from
Verdigris in Knox county asking
if the § 50 reward was still good
for the capture of Tony Maule
who broke jail here last July , to
gether with another prisoner who
pried the jail door oil' and made
their escape.
Verdigris was the old stamping
ground of Tony Maule and the
people there were on the lookout
for him. Sheriff Rosseter wired
back that the reward was good and
lo take the prisioner in charge.
Having another case on hand de
manding his attention , the sheriff
deputized County Attorney Tuck
er to go after the prisoner , and
once more he stands behind the
bars awaiting a more serious
charge than he had to face before.
He was arrested with his father ,
James Maule , for theft and pilfer
ing near Simeon and lodged in
jail , after a preliminary trial in
the county court last April. The
father was released on a bond of
S500 which was furnished by H.LI.
Wakefield of Crookston , and be
fore the next term of the district
court skipped out , leaving his
bondman to pay the § 500.
On Friday night , July 10 , 1908 ,
Tony Maule and Fred Gardner
broke jail and stole a mare and
colt from Matt House and a horse
from Jess Brosius on north table ,
making their escape , and at Cody
they attempted to sell the horses ,
which caused suspicion and Valen-
entine people were notified but we
seemed lo be asleep and they were
permitted to get away.
Sheriff Rosseter has been active
in his search and has at last landed
Tony back safely in jail. Tony
will probably try to shift the theft
to his father and to Gardner , but
he appears to have been a pretty
strong accomplice and can't get
around the fact that he broke jail
and that a rode one of the stolen
horses to get away.
Eastern Star at Woodlake
Last Saturday night the Wood
Lake Chapter of the Order of the
Eastern Star held a special meet
ing and invited Ainsworth and
Valentine members to join them
for the evening.
Special preparations were made
for this meeting because the Grand
Worthy Matron of the O. Ij ) . S. of
Nebraska , Mrs. Aplin , of Rush
ville. was to meet with them.
J. P. Kreycik of Arabia was
initiated fnto the order , and after
the meeting adjourned a banquet
was spread on a long table reach
ing the length of Honey's hall.
Mrs. L. C. Sparks , Mrs. I. M. ,
Rice , Rev. W. W. Wells and ye |
editor went from Valentine and we j
visited with W. A. Parker while
the others attended the lodge ,
neither Mr. Parker nor myself be-
ing members.
About eleven o'clock W. V.
Johnson came down to invite us
up to the banquet. It was just
about the time to get hungry and
the Wood lake ladies had prepared
a feast of good things to eat and
'everyone ate with a relish. I
No Change in Transfer
No change in the transfer sta
tion now says the Omaha Bee of
the 23rd. The commissioner ' F
Indian affairs stated that iheiv
will be no decisive action taken at
the Indian\uice until a clear un
derstanding of conditions and
points involved and that no change
would be made unless it was clearly - j
ly demonstrated that the transfer
would result in some advantage to
the government , and that it would
not operate to the disadvantage of
Indian teamsters while engaged in '
transportation of supplies for the j
Rosebud agency and school.
This means that the Indiacf sup
ply depot will remain where it is ,
for investigations will show that
the Rosebud boarding school is
two or three miles east of Valen
tine and north and that a more
centra ! point cannot be found than
Valentine and that the roads are
better than from any other rail
road point , considering both the
agency and the school.
Valentine is most likely to get
the freight division in the near fu
ture and passenger trains Nos. 1
and 2 will shortly be put on again ,
so we are informed. The rail
road company has decided to move
their stock yards to a point farth
er east , where the city has fur
nished the ground , and the com
pany agrees to maintain the arch
light at the tracks on Main street
and permits electric light wi es
to pass over their tracks and water
mains under them. Everybody
boost a little for Valentine.
Corning : The Ciamans.
For the first time in the histor.yx
of your city , you will have the ple
asure of witnessing the true-to-
life western melodrama "On the
Frontier" , Feb. 27th , 1909 , in
Church's opera house.
Not a blood and thunder , blood
curdling affair as some western
plays often are. but a beautiful sto
ry of early life in the West , inter
mingled with bright , clean comedy.
It portrays the love and devo
tion of a cowboy for his mother ;
the typical western girl , afraid of
nothing , and her tenderfoot lover
who is always "Just on time" , in
the thrilling climaxes ; the thrilling
knife fight of Dick the cowboy and
a redskin ; and the real live kitty
that steals the keys that open the
prison doors ; will long be remem
bered by young and old.
Don't forget the date.
Grand Band Concerts at 12 M.
and 7:30 : P. M.
Gordon Valley Gossip.
John Carr has been quite sick this
Frank Bush of Kennedy was in
our Vallty Sunday.
Mr. tind Mrs. Bucy spent Friday
at J. W. McDaniels. '
Fred Beel and wife were callers
at the Bucy home Sunday.
W. H. was seen going east last
Sunday. Hope he won't get lost.
l < \ E. Garter , from near Wood-
pike , spent Sunday with G.P. Bucy.
C. L. Latta and family spent the
day at Mr. Carr's last Thursday.
Mr. Carr is on the sick list.
G. II. Bucy was clown from Ken
nedy over Sunday. He is still go
ing to school and keeping hatch.
R. B. Thompson and family came
over from the Snake Suarlay. Bob
went on to Sawyer's ranch and his
wife visited her parents , Mr. and
Mrs. Carr.
Nelsou Rowley of Kennedy pass-
ccl through our Valley last week
with a bunch of cattle. We under-
stand he is taking them down east
to finish wintering.
Hosie is still feeding in our valley
and we think by the smile he wears
that he enjoys feeding in this nice
weather. He informs us that lie is
going south for his health next
Dr. Meehan , osteopath , at the
Donoher hotel , Monday , Wednes-
da-y and Frido-y each wee *
Are You Undecided
where to buy your bill of Lumber ?
If so , all you have to do is to look
at the prices we aFe quoting for
as well as everything that is in
cluded in building , for interior or
exterior work \from the Timber
in your foundation to the shingles
on your roof.
Valentine , Nebr.
We hear that the Valentine
school board needs reorganizing.
Mi > s Katie Carroll , who for sev
eral months past has been a valu
able assistant at THE DEMOCIIAT
office , ha been kept at home with
a bad cold recently.
J. li. Quigley returned from
Lincoln Saturday night , where he
had been lobbying for Valentine
and Cherry county. His son ,
Bryan , returned with him.
Monday the snow began failing
and though the thermometer was
only a few degrees below freezing
the wind blew chilly from the
northeast. It was probably the
biggest snow of the season and
drifted pretty bad , delaying the
Simeon and Rosebud mails a dav.
Notice to Owners of Tov/n
I am going to run the town herd
again this season and the price
will be the same as last year.
Probate Notice.
In the County Com t of 0' ' erry County Kcbrnska
1 n tin1 mutter of the estate of { _
Nnnci } AI M 'Ai vy.deceased f
All per ons mtere ted in sai l estate \vH * take
notice that I hiv : lix d March 10 , 1 < )1 ) ! > at in
o'c ock a. in , as the t me and mv > "io in Val-
en1 me. Nebraska as the place f * > r the heurii. :
of the petition of Alexander H. McAlevv. for
the prohate o th estate of Vanev .M -Alevv
deceased without administration , at wlnc'i '
time and place all persons int rented inaid
e-tate limy jipe i-and sliv ciu e , if iny. why
said estate -liould not be probate-t withou' ad
Ministration and a deciee of heirship an i > r > -
bat" of said estate .should n it be manV as by law , JA.AIKS C. QUHJJ.KY.
[ SEAL ] 7 . ; Ooiiutj Jud e
. Strattoo
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
Some statistician figures that ? 2. fV
000.000 every year is beiuir dlvcrlo.1
from the local merchants of this coun
try to the mail order concerns in the
great cities.
How much of that MONUMENTAL
MOUND OF MONEY goes out of this
community ?
Every dollar so spent helps to
SWELL THE HEAP in the city that
has no use for us except lo get our
Every dollar mailed away helps to
SCUTTLE P'E'OSrEIUTY riglit Ifcre o i
at httafc. od oI
When you strangle your neighbor d
you strangle yourself .
> , _ . r'f j * . * * t
? * '
\I1 kinds'of wood work done to o-der. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Residence and shop one blnck south of passenger depot.
Valentine , , PHON-E 72 Nebraska
References : M.\ Many Customers.
Go to the
tock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Ship your Live Stock
, ,
No shipment too large and none too small to receive the
most careful attention.
Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled
by members of the firm.
Each man's stock sold 0,1 their merits and a square deal
guarantee ! to all.
Write us for the market paper and our specia ] , market
letters , which we send you f : mee of charge ,
S it.
AMOS SXYDER , Hog Salesman. MATT MALOICE ) Cattle
GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesmar. THOS. J. DONAHUE f Salesman.
New Hotel. Electric Lights.
Gootf Rooms. Hot and Cold Water.
MRS. S. A. HEARS , I ropr. , Valentine , Nebr.
Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains.
Done in the most satisfactory manner ! Largest prices for
the seller and honest dealhg with the bidder ! On these
terms T.V. . Cramer solicits your patronage. Graduate
of Missouri Auction School , August term. 46
\ f
Contest Notice.
'U. S. Land Office. Va'entine. Nebraska. (
February 23,1909. l
A Miflicient content affidavit having lieon fil - din
in this office oy Junes K. Golf , ronifsla * t.
mjain t Homesread entry No. OoO ) ma-le j
August 10. isms , for WJ-i of s etion .13 I
NKi.tXH1. ! . M-i'tion 14 township ; cl rang * 35. liy
Kdward it. Stewart contestee. in whu-'t ' it , is
ullejred that sai-i Kdward B. "tew rt lias ne\er
st.-ibli-Iied rfbidonce upon the said land hh.ce
lilinir tlioreon.uid . hr has tailed lo cure .iis
[ .iclies up 'o this date i
naid lartif-sare h"rehnotified to appo-r : , |
respond an i otter evi 'ence touching said al e-1
Cation at 10 o'clock a. in on April : ; . J9 > : > .
I'eforf the register and receiver at the Unit-d
s' tes Land Omce in Valentine , ebraa
The saiu coi tenant having , in a proper a li
lavit filed Feb. 2:5. : l > 09 , s-t foith tactsvlii -ii ,
show that after due diligence personal serv , : e
if this notice ran not > made , it is hereby orrtf-r
* a and directed Hint such notice be giv n by due
uid proper publication.
K 74 Receiver
Tubular wells and windmills.
me up by Telephone.
For Sale.
One high grade Percheron stal-
ion , 3 years old last June , weight
600 pounds.
Also one Cleveland Bay horse ,
years old , weight 1250 pounds.
? or further information see or ad-
Iress me at Crookston , Neb.
For Sale
Six-room house , stable for seven
head of horses , granary and hay
stable ;
One 4-room house , corn crib and
stable , city water in both houses.
Must be sold soon , part time , part
cash , or will take young heavy
team as part payment. P. F.
Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or L M.
Rice , Valentine , Neb. 1
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawver has
charge of these
cattle. H rsea
8 onle'tshoul-
der. So
left side.
same left thigh.
Kange on Snake
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock v p
urasioCK' vp
Chas C Jamison u- - ' - -
Cattle branded on
any part of animal :
also the followlntr
brands :
horses branded the
Range berweem
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked § 1 05 § 20 00
Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00
Corn , sacked 1 20 23 00
Oats , sacked 1 50 29 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 25 24 00
Chop Feed , sacked H 0 2T ' 00