'A. ' \ We know of no other medicine which has been so suc cessful in relieving the suffering of women , or secured so many genuine testimonials , as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has either been benefited by it , or knows some one who has. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn , Mass. , are files con taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health , in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkkam's Vegetable Compound is made ex clusively from roots and herbs , and is perfectly harmless. The reason why it is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism , restoring it to healthy and normal activity. Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. MinneapolisMinn. : "I was a great sufferer from female troubles which , caused a weakness and broken down condition of the system. I read so much of what Lydia E , Piiikham's Vegetable Compound had done for other suffering- women , I felt sure it would help me , and I must say it did help me wonder fully. Within three months I was a perfectly well woman. "I want this letter made public to show the benefits to be derived from IJydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Mrs. JohnGr.Moldan , 2115 Second St.North , MinneapolisMinn. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. Everybody lores earliest vecetablesand brilliant flowers. Therefore to ci n 7 u a" cuBtoinorvro offer : 1MO ternes Fine Onion Seed. 1000 " Rich Carrot Seed. 1000 Celery , 100 Parsley. 1000 Juicy Radish Seed. 1500 Buttery Lettuce Seed. 1500 Tender Turnip Seed. 1500 " Sweet Rutabaga Seed. 100 " Melons , 100 Tomato. 1200 Brilliant Flowerine Annuals. In all 10,000 kernelsof warranted northern grown aedg.well vrorth $1.0O of any man's money ( Includ- lat Big Catalog ) all post paid f or butl 601 netaraps. Above goods will easily produce $50.OO worth of rich vezetables and beautiful flowers. .And If you vend 20o we add a package of Earlier ! Peep O'iay ) Bweet Corn. OALZER'8 SEED AND PLANT CATALOG Host orlglru.1 teoA book aver published. Brim fall of bristling feed thouchts. Gladly mailed to all In- tendinc buyers free ; tvrita today. John A. Salzer Seed Co. Box c.r. La Crease , Wis. MENTION THIS PAPER wirur trxm.i * TO ADTSETUIK-I Extremely L'nfa.shioimble. "Who are those people in that private box ? " "I don't know ; mere nobodies , I guess. Thry are devoting their whole attention to the play. " When Yon Put on Heavy Stockings do your shoes pinch , and your feet swell and perspire ? Sprinkle Allen' Foot-Ease Into your shoe ? , and get instant relief. Best thing to u e when wearing rubbers. Try it for Danclne Parties and Breaking In New Shoes. Sold Everywhere , 2. > c. Sampla FREE. Address , Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy , N. Y. Accept no substitute. Out of neatly ± I < ) . ) > mileo railways in the United Stutos only 4,000 miles ara equipped with blo.-k tei Only One "BIIOMO QUININE" That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World orer to Cure a Cold In One Day. 25c. To Shut On Pnpn's Income. "But why are you In such a hurry to get married ? I love you aud you are on the right side of papa. " "I know , but it's this keeping on tha right side of papa that is worrying me ; when we are married I won't have to let him win at poker when he plays. " Houston Post IJ 'U ' , For Infants and Children. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. A\ ( geablePreparatbnCrAs similaling tfieFootfaiufltegula Bears the ting ( Ju ? Stomachs aruLBoweisor ness and Rest.Containsneitter OpiimuMorphinc norMoEra ] NOT NARCOTIC. Jfap/aa Jim/ " jUx.Stana + JfxAtlleSafts- d + it- IfimSetd- Qcriffttl Sugar Aperfect Remedy forConsRji Hon , Sour Stomach.Dlantea. ness andLo SSOFSIEER imile Signature of Thirty Year Guaranteed underthe boodar _ ' " " " " * S1m ' " * iT'iaitff"J ! a81t5i" ! Exact of Wrapper , . . Copy THE ccHTAun COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. PEACE WITH VENEZUELA. Protocol Signed to Settle All Dis putes with United States. A protor-ol , in sctth-mont of the mat ters between the United" States and Venezuela , was signed Saturday. The Venezuelan cabinet the previous day approved the proposal to effect the set tlements directly between the United States and Venezuela , thus removing the last obstacle to the signing of the protocol. Throe claims go to The Hague trib unal for arbitration ; the fourth is set tled by a small cash payment , and the fifth has been settled directly between the Venezuelan government and the claimants. The protocol is equally sat isfactory to the United States and to Venezuela. It saves the dignity and honor of Venezuela , while as for the United States the troublesome claims that have led to so much negotiation are disposed of. The New York and Bermudez As phalt Company , through Mr. Buchanan , has reached a direct settlement with the government , by which the company obtains possession of its property in Venezuela and agrees to pay the gov ernment a minimum revenue of $20,000 a year. Furthermore , the company will pay the government a cash indemnity of GO.OOO to compromise the suit brought against it on account of its al leged participation in the Mates revo lution. SIX LOSE LIVES IN EIRE. Hoof Falls and Five Milwaukee Firemen Meet Death. Five firemen are dead , nine injured , two of them fatally , and one other man lost his life as a result of a fire which broke out in the warehouse of the Johns-Mauville Manufacturing Company at 122.1 Clybourn street , Milwaukee , about noon Saturday and burned fierce ly until 2 o'clock , the warehouse , to gether with the piano and organ plant of the Xetzow Manufacturing Company , near by , being practically completely destroyed , entailing a loss of $200,000 , which is covered by insurance. The firemen were killed by the col lapse of a wall of the Johns-Manville building , which smashed through thereof roof of the piano warehouse , on which two companies were stationed. The fire is said to have started from an explosion of oil In the basement. A panic followed among the employes , but all escaped uninjured with the excep tion of one man. ADMITS STEALING $34,000. Tax Collector Gct.s 1(5 Years ; Was Robbed of $ ! OOOO o Loot. John T. Morgan , former tax collector of McKccs Rocks , a suburb of Pittsburg , was sentenced to sixteen years in the penitentiary for forgery and embezzle ment. Morgan pleaded guilty. An ofE- cial of the Chartiers Trust Company tes tified that Morgan drew $3-1,000 of bor ough funds from the bank August 20 last , when he disappeared. Morgan said he was robbed of $20.000 in New York and that he spent all but $200 oE the remainder in traveling , lie did not fur nish bond iu 1007 and 100S and the bor ough will lose the whole amount. Asked why he did not furnish a bond. Morgan replied : ' 'Because no one asked me. " DEEP SNOW SAVES LOSS OF LIFE. Great Xortliern Train Wrcelceil and Chieiif ? < > Faii Ha lly Injured. The deep snow was probably all that saved many of the passengers on the Great Northern train which left Grand Forks , N. D. , Tuesday for Winnipeg. The train was derailed three miles north of Ardock. the cnirine remaining on the track and the coaches going into the ditch. Nearly all of the leO passengers on the train were more or less injured. One of the more seriously was "Cinch" McCrea of Chicago. The combination baggage car was ditched , the smoker and observation cars were tipped on the side and the day conch remained upright. Tha accident was due to a broken rail. $50,000 RUG IN WHITE HOUSE. Gift of Armenian < o Nation Accented for President's ITome. A rug said to be worth more than ? 50- 000 and declared the iinest in the world was presented to t'he White House as a gift to the nation and was accepted by President Roosevelt. II will be placed in the parlors of the President's home. The donor was IT. II. Topakyan. a rich Armenian of New York City. The rug is six and a half feet loim and four and a half feet wide and is of imperial silk heavily jeweled with rich pearls , tur quoises , rubies and other oriental stones. BANKER CONVICTED OE BRIBERY Wanted City Deposits Offered Pitts- burs : Councilman Money. "W" . W. Ramsey , former president of the German National Bank , was found guilty as indicted in connection with the recent graft exposure in Tittsburg. Rnmsey was accused of bribing Councilman John F. Klein by giving him $17,500 , for which Klein was to secure the passage of an ordinance making the bank a depository for city funds. Six Buried by Cloudburst. Following a cloudburst in Ruble Can yon , above Pasadena , Cal. , a flood of water came down the narrow canyon , precipitating the pavilion into the ravine and burying Fred T. Drew , agent of tha Pacific Electric Railroad , with his wife and four children , in the ruins. Drew was rescued , badly injured , and three of the children were also taken out. Mrs. Drew and the other child are still buried. "Hipper" Outfaces Up to 22. The vicious attacks on women on the streets of Berlin continue , and the riminal has not yet been arrested. Two iew ca es occurred on a recent morn- ng , and both women were slightly wound- d. This brings the aggregate since thl beginning of these "ripper" outrages up to twenty-two. GERMANY , a conntry smaller than Texas , erowa more oat than nearly the whole of En- rope put together. AVhy i She has no better eoll than anybody else , but the long only pedicroo , ble yielding varieties. EMPEROR WILLIAM OATS. Some ycarsaeo-when In GennanyXe picked up this remarkable oat In a rich sldoTsHey of the Rhine. Thousands of American farmers tried It last year and are load and earnest Inlta praise. Trial pacfcago 6c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ii REJUVENATED WHITE BONANZA OATS. Balzer'o White Bonanza Outs. 21 years ojo. took the-world's prize of ISOO.OOln cold for the heaviest yielding oat rsrlety. ( Our catalog tells the Interesting story. ) TV'e have rejuvenated this oat und offer it oealn a3 something quite above the ordinary. HEADQUARTERS FOR AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCED roch aa Minnesota No. 6 and No. SB Oats. Wisconsin Swedish Oats. Oderbrncker ( Wls. No. B8) . Minnesota Jio. C and No. 165 Barley , illnneeota No. 36 and North Dakota No. 155 Flax. Corn. Wheat , etc. . etc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wo have by all odds the largest SEED POTATO trade In the world ; one of our cellars alone holds 60,000 bushels ! DIG SEED , PLANT AND TOOL BOOK FREE. Wo publish the most original ceed catalog In America. It bristles -with eoed thoughts. Or. 1C yon remit 10c in postage fro will send you a remarkable lot of farm seed samples. In. eluding Billion Dollar Grass , the 12 ton Hay Wonder. Spelts , the 6O bu. cereal and hay prodigy. Silver King Itarloy. y ieldlnc 173 bu. per aero , together with clover , timothy , grasses , etc. . etc. . worth 510.OO of any man's money to get a start therewith. Or remit 14cacdwoTrlll add a package of aNewi'arta Seed Novelty never before seen by you. w In all Cases of DISTEMPER , PINKEYE , INFLUENZA COLDS , ETC. Of all Horses , Brood Mares , Colts , Stallions , is to Oa their tongues or in thefoed put Spohn's Liquid Compound. Give the remedy to all of them. Jt acts on the blood and glands. It routs the disease by expelling : the disease germs. It wards off the trouble no matter how they are "exposed. " Abso lutely free from an\ thing injurious. A child can safely take it. 50 cents and 31.00 ; $5.00 and 510 00 the dozen. Sold by druggists , harness dealers , or sent , express paid , by the manufacturers. Special Agents Wanted SPOMN MEDICAL CO. Chemists and Bacteriologists GOSHEN , IND. , U.S.A. Brotherly Admiration. Spectator ( at roller skating rink ) Little boy , do you know who that hand some young lady is that skated past us just now ? Urchin Yes , sir ; that's my big sister. She's the whole smear , ain't she ? " Chicago cage Tribune. Stiff neck ! Doesn't amount to much , hut mighty disagreeable. You've no idea how quickly a little Hamlins Wizard Oil will lubricate the cords and make you comfortable again. An anti-opium crusade in the Malaj states is meeting with great success. A plant said to possess the properties ol curing the opium habit has been discov ered in Selangor. and this is being dis tributed wholesale. No harmful drugs in Garfield Tea , Na- tine's laxative it is composed wholly o1 clean , sweet , health-giving Herbs ! Fo' ' constipation , liver and kidney troubles. Glooity X Jew > { Mankind. " 1 : nay IK- kind o' harsh in my judg ment of men , " ob < " * rved Uncle Jerry Pee bles , "but I've noticed , as a general thing , that a man ain't any better than his hat. " Mrs. WIiislow's Soothing Syrnp for child ren teething , softens the gums , reduces In- flnminntion. allays pain , cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. In Sweden some of the station waitinj rooms are provided with couches for pas sengers , and porters call the travelers ten minutes before the arrival of trains. A SIiu.ru Voice. "Mrs. Bomong has a rather sharp Yolcc , hasn't she ? " "Sharp ? Well , it's a voice that never needs any honing. She -vraa at the theater one night in a box party and talked as usual all through the play , and finally the manager got so mad the piece wasn't drawing rery well , anyway that he came out before the curtain and said that If the sair filing in one of the boxes didn't cease the play couldn't go on , and the audience applauded wildly. ' ' "What did Mrs. Bomong do ? " "She was so mad that she rat out the last two acts and then cut for home. " Cleveland Plain Dealer. Thirst fur Knowledge. "I will wait a few moments , " said the lecturer , who had delivered an eloquent and instructive address on "The High Mission of Women in Our Modern Civil ization , " "to answer any question that may be asked. " "There's one thing I'd like to know , Mr. Croxton , " spoke up a dyspeptic look ing man with a thin , straggling beard. . "Where do they git the names fur al ! these breakfast foods ? " Illustrious Angler. "I'm not much of a fisherman myself , " Mr. Wipedunks was remarking , "but I have always been interested in reading the quaint sayings of that grand old angler , Sir Izaak Wai polo " Most grateful and comforting is a warm bath with Cuticura Soar and gentle anointings with Cuti cura. This pure , sweet , econom ical treatment brings immediate relief and refreshing sleep to skirv ; tortured and disfigured little ones and rest to tired , fretted mothers ; For eczemas , rashes , itchinga , ; irritations and chafings , CuticurJjf Soap and Cuticura Ointment ar worth their weight in gold. .j Sold throuchout the world. Depots' London , Yi Charterhouse So ; Paris. 5. Kucclela Pnlx. Aiiitn lla. R Towns & Co . Sydnev ; India. H. K I'au Calcutta ; China. Hong KODK Drue Co. : J.ipal Marurx Ltd. Toklo. RusMa. forreln. Mosctra 80 Afrlcn. Lennon. Ltd . ripe Town , etc. : IT.S.A Potter .Drug tt Cncm. Corp. . Sole Props. . Bo to ! to every locality" " 5n the States to advertise our tack up showcartls in all con spicuous places and distribute email advertisingmatter. . Commission or salary1 533 per month and expenses $4 per day. Steady. work the year round : entirely new plan ; no experience - * perience required. Write for particulars. \ ROYAL REMEDY CO. , London , Ont. , Canada That's -what it costn to got a week's treatment of CASCARETS. They do more for you than any medicina on Earth. Sickness generally shows and starts first in the Eowels and Liver ; CASCARETS cure these ills. It's so easy to try vrhy not start to night and have help in the morning ? CASCARETS loc a box for aweek's treatment , all drur ists. Biggest ssller la the mirld. Million boxes a month. TTHITINO TO ADVEKTISKM WHEN pleaae say yon aaw cli advertloeuaena sa thla S. C. N. U. No. 9 1909. ' V XJ Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating contests of this competitive age and when of ample character it places its fortunate possessor in the front ranks of The Well Informed of the World. A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the highest excellence in any field of human effort. A Knov/ledge of Forms , Knowledge of Functions and Knowl edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health Mrs l when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna , manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. , is an ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and gives universal satisfaction , because it is a remedy of Known Quality , Known Excellence and Known Component A Parts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the % world , who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first ' and best of family laxatives , for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles , obtained from Senna , are well known to physicians and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy , but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects , always note , when purchasing , the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package , whether you call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. ADDRESSES SAN FRANCISCO , GAL. , INCORPORATED LOUISVILLE , KY. LONDONSENGLAND.