Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 25, 1909, Image 2

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Munyon's Cold Remedy Relieves the
bead , throat and lungs almost immediate
ly. Checks Fevers , stops Discharges of
the nose , takes away all aches and pains
Caused by colds. It cures Grip and ob-
ftinate Coughs and prevents Pneumonia.
Price 23c.
Have yon stiff or swollen Joints , no mat
ter how chronic ? Ask your druggist for
ilunyon's Rheumatism Remedy and sea
how "quickly you will be cured.
If you have any kidney or bladder trou
ble pet Munyon's Kidney Remedy.
Munyon's Vitalizer makes weak
trong and restores lost powers.
Author In "Whlta Hole.
Down in Marion , Mass. , Richard
Harding Davis , the author , has begun
his new job of keeping the streets of
that town clean. Three boys with a
new push cart and a prod apiece , mads
out of curtain rollers , with screws on
one end , the heads filed down to &
point , with which they pierce scatter
ing paper , directed by the novelist ,
have started In to make a record as
the working force of the new depart
ment of street cleaning. Mr. Davis and
Mrs. Webb Dexter offered to share th
cost of the cleaning , and at an im
provement association meeting recently
the members elected Mr. Davis to take
charge and carry out his own ideas.
He hired the boys and will pay them
$8 apiece for one month. The next
month Mrs. Dexter will settle with
Slow , but Deadly.
"Have you anything tbut will kill cock
roaches ? ' ' asked the near sighted customer ,
"Ycs'm , " said the salesboy. "We've
Sot ; something that's sure death on cock
roaches , but it acts kind o' slow. It'll
take you a long time to clear : \ house of
'em if you don't use anything else. "
Here he placed a number of samples ,
of assorted sizes , on the counter.
"What are these ? " she asked.
"Hammers , ma'am. "
v "Gracious ! I don't want any ham
mers. I have plenty of them at home.
Anyhow , if I wanted hammers I wouldn't
come to a drug store for them. "
"This isn't a drug store , ma'am. "
"What is it ? "
"It's a lirmhvnro storo. "
"Oh ! " f'liVisro Trilrn *
Siweache ,
Headache ,
and a
May all conic
Lane's Family
( called also Lane's Tea )
is a herb Tonic-Laxative and
will cure constipation and the
ills that come from it.
It is a great blood medicine
and one of the best for all
stomach , kidney and bowel
All druggists , 25 and 50 cts.
I give a lot of new sorts for
| , trial with every order I fill.
. Grand Big Catalog
'Illustrated with over !
,700 engravings of vegetables
pi and flowers. Send yours and
-your neighbors'addresses. .
R. H. SHUMWAY , Rockford. Hi
Bushels of ba
Wheat per Acre ci
have been grown on Farm Lands in tltl
Much less would be satisfactory.
The general average is above 20 bushels
"All are loud in llu-ir praises of the P
prcat crops and \vo ulrriuj countrv " 11
Extract from ( .irebpondrnrc National
Jiditorul Asboci.itioH of Aujubt , 1908. Tla
It is now posMblf to secure n Homestead ol a
160 acres ir.e and .mother 160 acres at 53 co per
Hundreds have paid the cost of the < r farms 'il
rhasc-d ) and then had
a halance of from io cc
to 12 oo per acre from one crop. >
Wheat. Karlrv.Oats Fla\-all do v\dl. Mixed
LI ! Farming is a jjreat success and Dairjing is highly ill
.profitable. tl
Excellent Clin.ate , splendicj Schools and tlas
Churches , Railways hrinj ; most every district asb
within easy reach of market. b
Railway and Land Companies have lands for ft
ale at low prices and on easy terms. ftw
"Lns < " w
Best West" Pamphlets
nd maps sent free. For these and information in
as to how to secure lowest Railway Rates apply to inSi
\V. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigration ,
Ottaua , Canada , or E. T. Holmes , 315 Jackson
St. , St. Paul , Minn , nnd J. M. MacLachlan , Box
jib \Vatertown , So. Dakota Authorized Govern-
( oein Agents.
l'Jea o t > u < r vrher * you > aw this AdTertisAmeat.
_ f5 _ _ _ > , _ . . . a <
Host Cough Syrup. Tastes Good as
in time. Sold
hy druggists In
Her to Make n. Ued.
tbe weather is very damp , In
the morning each counterpane , jl-inkct ,
sheet , pillow and bolster should be re
moved 'ind spread where they may qet
the n r and sun , and allowed to remain
t'Mis for at least an hour. If possible
turn the mattress before nu'lcing I'JL-
bed pgai'ii. Put on the lower sheet , tuc'c '
it In al the head , smooth it ev rywhe'-'j
\\ilh ( he hands to get out * he wrin
kles ; tuck it in at the foot , then one.
side , then the other , being careful to
put it well under the mattress and noi
the sprinir. Next spread the r.ppei'
sheet , r.iid do be sure it is tucked snug
ly under the foot of the mattress
( nothing is more uncomfortable than Jo
hive The covers loosen from the hot
torn or a cold night ) . The o'ankets .tie ;
followed by the counterpane. Ilav >
these perfectly straight , tuck in at the
foot , turn over evenly at the top and
tuck in the sides : or , if your spread is
a fa 1103- one , let it hang loose. Some
like the turndown made before the
spread is brought up. Place- the bol
ster in position and the pillows neatly
upon it to suitJindividual taste.
When performing this important part
of a day's work do not forget to have
the mattress level at the start , or your
bed will not look straight when fin
ished , in spite of your best efforts.
Have you ever gotten into a bed made
up by a careless maid , perhaps in a
hurry , when you were not feeling well ?
No ? Follow this advice , and your fam
ily , as well ns friends , will agree there
Is an art In bednmking. There is noth
ing i worse for the nerves than to lie on
n wrinkled sheet.
TinKKclieii Sink.
A true housewife should take the
greatest pride in her kitchen sink and
keep it spotlessly cloan. The easiest
and best way to clean a galvanized
iron sink which has been more or less
neglected is to rub strong soap powder
Into 1 every corner and over every inch
small brutalities of speech. If a woman
refrains from exacting devotion , and
is unswervinglj' kind and unselfish , a
husband who has any affection for his
wife at all can be left to look out for
doing his share. lie will look out for
ir anyway ; no one else can make him.
Neither tears nor entreaties will wring
from him tli'ose small kindnesses and
attentions so dear to women. A Wife
in Harper's Bazar.
f > %
. Oi
-c = *
Undoubtedly Ihe high ruches are go
ing out as fast ns they came in and
satin folds and crushed ribbons are
being used instead.
The shawl collar of satin is again
brought into a season of usefulness
and even silk collars are worn. They
arc found upon the coat and are dressy
in every respect.
Paris predicts that the huge sweep
ing brim on hats will have to be cur
tailed , and in its place will come the
narrow one with the high crown of
the IltMiry III. period.
"lailored girls are wearing bhvk
satin stocks , which are passed twice
: round the nock , lapping in front with
a handsome buckle ornament. The
o''ds. of course , have fringe on them.
Although black evening gowns are
popular , says a report from London ,
i-oft white satin promises to be the
favorite fabric for dance and dinner
dresses for girls and youthful matrons.
Fancy braids are shown in bewilder
ing assortments ( hat will find place
upon the .late winter dresses and
may be an absolute fit and so easy to
iron that "any child could do it" Yet
some laundresses without that cer
tain appreciation of the cut of gar
ments and the weave of goods will
invariably iron them hit or miss , run
ning' the iron on the erossway or the
bias of the moist material , thus iron
ing the twist in permanently if the
bias method has been employed , or
shortening the garment perceptibly if
it has been done on the cross weave.
It is positively easier for a laundress
to iron "with the goods" if the little
trick were made plain to her.
Blaster Your Mood * .
Conquer your moods.
Don't let your moods conquer you.
People who give way to moods never
amount to much because they are
never masters of themselves.
They never know in the morning
whether they are going to do a good
day's work or not. whether they are
going to be a cheering or a depressing
influence on the people around them.
If they feel like being good tem
pered they will be.
If they feel like "snapping" at every
thing they will snap.
People who suffer from moods should
be careful about their habits.
They should be regular about meals ,
sleep , exercise and work.
The condition of the health has much
to do with moods , and there is noth
ing that contribute ? so much to health
as absolute regularity.
- \
Get a quart bottle Gorman rhine
wine ; take a tenspoonful and rub it
well into the scalp once every week.
This will cure the worst form , of danJ J
druff. Dry the hair with a coarse ;
towel , don't use artificial heat ; don't1 1
use water with the wine. Repeat the
above until the scalp is white , clean 1
and healthy and dandruff gone. Shampoo - j
pee your hair once every week and
of surface. Let it remain on for ten
Dr fifteen minutes , then with a stout
brush go over the whole , dipping the
brush into boiling water. When the
sink is thoroughly scrubbed , polish it
tvith kerosene , rubbing the oil into the
Iron and leaving the residue of grease
3Chind. The kerosene prevents it from
rusting after the strong soap powder
ind boiling water are used. Care
must be taken that the painted wood-
ivork around the sink does not come
nto contact with the powder , as it
nay eat off the paint. The kitchen
sink should be cleaned as thoroughly
is this twice a week , and every day
carefully rinsed out with hot soap
Al % > Jiy * Handy.
The woman whose time is valuable ,
wlio desires everything to bo neat
md : trim , will always keep on the pin
nishion in her sewing room a needle
threaded with white thread and one
threaded with black , so she can sew on
Buttons and hooks and eyes in a hurry.
Often when dressing a button or hook
jecomes loosened , and it can be re-
ilaced in a minute's time if one has
he threaded needle on hand and does
lot have to look first for the thread
ind : then for the needle.
Immune Against Typhoid.
The War Department has consider-
d the advisability of immunizing sol-
iiers against typhoid fever by vaccina-
ion. It has decided that inoculation
is a preventive against typhoid has
een < so thoroughly demonstrated in
'oreign' countries and its eflicaey so
veil established that the vaccination
nethod is to be adopted in the United
states Army.
11 us bit n ( I : : ii < l Wife.
No man yet wa.s ever made more
ender by having tenderness demanded
him ; no man yet was ever cried into
ru'ing his wife more. I am willing to
dmit that men are as faulty cre.-iturc.s
women Ihenifvlvos. unsympathetic
small things often blind ? and
hey may easily be exasperated into
Unlike the prim braids of the present
period , these little braids will be found
useful on waist outlines.
Never has so much red been worn
in the hair as this season. Flowers , or
ribbon , it seems to make little differ
ence , as long as the shade is there.
The Greek key design developed in
soutache upon velvet is used largely
to outline certain details of the heavy
street garment that is worn without a
Embroideries carried out in a won
derful variety of metallic threads , in
cluding not only the more ordinary
gold and silver , but also copper , plati
num and aluminum , will be a feature
of the most elaborate evening gowns
this winter.
On the front of a one-piece dress the
bodice was decorated in a very novel
manner. On one side were buttons of
white pearl , while elongated white but
tons were on the opposite or
left side at the waist. The two fronts ,
however , were separated with a small
ornament of braid.
The lie Gossip.
A child who. glowing with sudden In
terest , cried out : "Mother , why did
you marry father ? " and was answered
with. "Because I was born on the 7th
of March , my dear , " grew up into a
happy , natural inquiring man. His
young mind , says the New York Even
ing Sim. was not stunted , he was en
couraged in his questions , shown what
a Mirprising thing an answer might be ,
and now he is a delightful gossip and
attributes his talents entirely to his.
early training.
: "Way to Iron.
It would be s-ich a satisfactory ar
rangement if all of the right people
ci.tild read about the wrong way to
iron , but all the wrong people are sure
to ivad what they already know , mid
the only hope is. therefore , to have
them pash it along to the right people.
A skirt may be perfectly made as to
cut and finish , and a plain shirtwaist
use the wine the following day according -
cording to directions. You should never
use salt in water with soap when
shampooing hair , it prevents a thorough -
ough cleansing , causing the dirt to ,
cling to the little beards of the hair
and make it stickj- .
For Your Oily Skin.
Bathe in water hot as you can bear
without burning , in which you dissolve
one tablespoonful of borax or blears
bonate of soda. Use this at least five
minutes ; rinse in tepid water , then i
with a cloth wet with alcohol rub your
skin thoroughly and let It dry. This
treatment will thoroughly cleanse the
pores of the skin.
Happy Man. t
It is surprising how little money a
man can get along on when his family
needs it all. "Perkins looks very hap
py these days. " . "lie has reason to , "
Brown replied. "After his wife and
children had been fitted out with their
winter wardrobe he found there was
enough left to have a new collar put
on his overcoat. " Life.
the Eyes.
Neglect of the eyes may result not
only in poor sight , but in a poor skin.
Neglect of the eyes , weakening of the
eyes , causes wrinkles , screws up the
face in a most unbeautiful fashion and
adds scores of tiny crowsfeet about the
face and forehead.
Do Xot Allow Stooping.
In childhood and girlhood lounging iisi
and stooping are too much allowed , just sit
as they are with our boys in public
schools. Fencing is a cure for this de 11vi
fect. Fencing teaches grace without viu
stiffness , whereas drill fails in the latter
ter particular. t5P
ClemiiitKT Carpet.s. r
Carpets should be beaten on the I
wrong side first and then , more gently , \v
on the right. Never put a carpet down cl
on a damp floor , for this often results bi
in the carpet he-coining mildewed- CJ
Sentiment at Indianapolis Conven
tion Unanimous for Com
mission Plan.
Before Final Adjourment J. W. Van
Cleave Is Put at Head of Per
manent Organization.
The national tariff commission con-
rention came to an end in Indianapo
lis Thursday and its officials and del-
egi t * , before their departure , ox-
pifjsecl confidence that its work wouM
soon be perpetuated in the form oi a
permanent tariff commission , toward
the attainment of which their labors
have been directed.
Tlie convention was small in num
bers , but large in enthusiasm. Its del
egates represented great commercial ,
agricultural and civic bodies and many
were United States Senators , Congress
men or national and state officials.
James W. Van Cleave , chosen as its
permanent chairman , had behind him
scores of members of the National As
sociation of Manufacturers , and from
the platform on the last day Thatl
Snow , who declared himself "just a
plain , unattached fanner of Indiana , "
joined with his predecessors in what
had been a remarkable unanimity of
expression from various sections , pro
fessions and occupations for the estab-
lisbment by Congress of a permanent
scientific and non-partisan tariff com
During the session hundreds of mes
sages of congratulation and encour
agement were received. The messages
bore the names of many great manu
facturing firms and business houses.
None came from Andrew Carnegie , although -
though the Pittsburg ironmaster had
previously expressed his approval of
the purposes of the convention.
Before the final stroke of Chairman
Van Cleave's gavel each delegate
pledged himself to continue in his
home territory the work for which the
convention Avas called.
The permanent committee of TOO , of
which .T. W. Van Cleave is chairman ,
will give the widest possible distribu-
tion to the records of the convention
proceedings and carry on the work of
agitating for the creation of a permanc
ent tariff commission. The chairmen
of the permanent committees of the
convention selected by Chairman Van
Cleave are II. E. Miles of Uaeine. Wis. .
of the Executive Committee , and John
Herbert , Jr. . of Dayton. Ohio , of the
Finance Committee.
C Field Is Open.
Asserting that if the United States
Is to develop her trade with the twen-
ty Latin-American republics in the
western hemisphere. John Barrett , di
rector of the International Bureau of .
American Republics , in an address be
fore the convention urged that most
careful considerations be given tariff
"Equally important with the im
provement of steamship facilities , the
establishment of banks backed by
United States capital and the thor
ough , legitimate exploitation of the
markets of South America by respon
sible agents of Ameriman manufactur
ers , " said Mr. Barrett , "is the need of
framing our tariff with some reference
to ' the interests of our sister republics. 5
"In other words , if the United States P
expects these twenty growing , re Pbi Pd
sourceful and ambitious countries to bi
purchase our manufactured products
in ] greater volume we must in turn give
them an opportunity to sell within our
limits their natural products in. larger
quantities. "
He said that the undeniable import
ance of the Latin American field of trT
trade was proved by the fact that in T
the year 1QOS these twenty countries
conducted with the
outside world a
commerce valued at 92,000,000,000 , an ir
increase of $ 1.000,000.000 in ten years , ce
or an average of $100,000,000 per an ceBi
"The share of the United States in
this total , " he declared , "does not ex th :
ceed $ oGO.OOO,0.0 ( , including both exports tote :
ports and imports , and the balance of
trade is overwhelmingly in favor of :
Latin America. "
cu ;
Scramble Every Ten Years. scs
D. A. Tompkins of Charlotte
, N. C. , to
pointed out the evils of the present tar 8tl
iff system. "The present method of
making the tariff is a sort of scramble R
about once in ten years , " he said. "The
industry which gets unsatisfactory re
sults has no reined- , but has to wait Mi '
ten years and take chances again. If
under the present system a tariff is laid
which develops graft , this condition
must continue until the next general SO
tariff revision. Under the commission pi
plan the tariff might be in process of
revision < or readjustment all the time. re
Revision ! might be upward or down
ward. It would moan whatever
changes were necessary to produce the
best " "uterests " at home for the Ameri
can feople. " t
It Dia Not TVorlC. '
Mr. Seabury and his wife were o *
the point of moving to another flat. /I
Both of them wore anxious that
transfer should be made at the least
possible expense , and the nearness of
the new home promised materially to
further this aim.
"I can carry loads of little thin
over in my brown bag , " announced
Mrs. Seabury. "And you can takj
books and so on in your big satchel.
In discussing further the matter of
transportation , Mrs. Seabury remark
ed that , notwithstanding the heat , ah *
could wear her winter coat over , leav
it , and return for her spring coat. Th
idea charmed her impractical husband.
"Why. I can do the same thing ! " h ®
said. "I'll wear over one suit and tha
come back for another ! "
Every Reader Will Concede the Truth
of This Statement.
One who suffers with backache or
any form of kidney trouble wants a
lasting cure , not
merely a temporary
benefit. Profit by
the example of
Rev. J. M. Suffield ,
of 2179 S. 8th St. .
Lincoln , Xebr. , who-
confirms a report
of his cure after
several years. "I
told in a state
ment made for pub
lication in 1900 how
Doan's Kidney Pills
had relieved nie-
after other reme
dies had failed/ *
said Rev. Suffield. "I have no hesita
tion in confirming that statement now.
I have used Doan's Kidney Pills at
various times and they have never-
failed me. "
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Fostor-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
The Suburbanite.
"I'll see , " said the wife , "that you don't
To order that ironstone china set ! "
lie missed his train , for bhe made him.
While siie tied a string around his finger.
Chicago Tribune.
H ICceps n Bottle in tlto House. .
"About ten days before Christmas I
got my hand hurt so badly that I bad
j to stop work right in the busy time of
the year , " says Mr. Milton Wheeler ,
2100 Morris avc. , Birmingham , Ala. "At
lirst I thought I would have to have-
my , hand taken off , but someone told mete
to get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment and
that would do the work. The Liniment
cured my hand and I gladly recommend
it to everyone. "
Mr. J. E. Matthews , proprietor ol
St. James Hotel , Corning , Ark. , says :
"My finger was greatly inflamed front
n fish sting and doctors pronounced it
blood j poisoning. I used several appli
cations of Sloan's Liniment and il
cured me all right. I will always keep
a bottle of Sloan's Liniment in mj
house. j , "
Mr. J. P. Evans of Mt. Airy , Ga7
says : "After 'being ' allli'tod for thre <
years with rheumatism I used Sloan'j
Liniment , and was cured sound am }
well , and am glad to say I haven't beei
troubled with rheumatism since. Mj
leg was badly swollen from my bis
to my knee. One-half a bottle took th {
pain and swelling out. "
Heal Hero.
"Yes , " related the suburban man , "a
burglar came around the other night
and stole every squeaky phonograph ta
the neighborhood. "
"Gracious , " exclaimed the visitor ,
"and what are they going to give him
captured ? "
"I don't know , but I think they oughf
tc give him a monument. "
Home Toiiic for Olrt People.
Wonderful results , eventually restor
ing full physical vigor , are obtained !
from the following : To one-half pint '
good whiskey , add one ounce syrup sarsaparilla - \
saparilla ! and one ounce Torls com
pound < , which can be procured from any
druggist. Take in tonspoonful doses
before each meal and before retiring
OiuitHinii.1 of Ili.Mory.
The pilgrim fathers had just landed at
Plymouth Rock.
"Just the thing , " they exclaimed witfc
enthusiasm. 'Tor a New England farm ! "
Whereupon they proceeded to plant the
tree of liberty right there. Chicago
For Irritation of the Throat , Coughs
Hoarseness , Brown's Bronchial Troches
ire exceedingly beneficial. In boxes 25
ents. Samples mailed free. John I.
3rown & Son , Boston , Mass.
" \VoultI Do no Well.
"I am sorry to have to tvh you , " said
he eminent surgeon , "that we shall hav *
perform an operation. "
"That's all right , " answered the pa-
ient. "Go ahead. ' '
' But the condition of your heart ia
uch that we do not dare to
use any an
esthetic. "
"O , well ; tell me what the bill is Solng
be , doctor. That will be sufficiently
itupefying- . "
led , Weuk , Werry , "Watery Kye
Relieved by Alurlne Eye Remedy.
Compounded by Experienced Physicians
Conforms to Pure Food and Drujr Laws"
furlne Doesw't Smart ; Soothea Eye Pain.
Murlne in i our Eyes. Ask Your Drueglrt ,
The Only Way. A
"This bathing pool on the lot you > .
sold me is a fake , " blustered the irate
mrchaser. -
"in what way , sir ? " asked the crafty
al estate asent.
"Why , you told me I would find the
rater up to my neck. Instead of that 1
ind it only 12 inches deep. "
"Well , er I meant you would find
up to your neck , sir , if vou Jumaed is
lead first. "