Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 18, 1909, Image 8
vf'j - " * * " - . The undersigned will sell at public auction the personal property and effects of thelate Lewis II.Smith , at the resicl-ji e of Matthew G-.House , four miles west \ralentine , on i-o , o 9 Beginning at I . oi.9 sharp. /Consisting of the following : Horses and Mules Wagons , Buggy , Etc. Four Wagons. 4- old 1.300 Ibs. One mare , - years , weight , One Buggy. One mare , 8 years old , weight , 1,250 Ibs. Five sets Harness. Two Geldings. 4 years old. weight 1,100 pounds each. mplements One 3-year-old mule , weight 1.100 Ibs. ic Lister. One mule weight 1,100 Ibs. 4-year-old , , One Corn Binder. One 3-year-old mule , weight l.C-00 Ibs. One Small Grain Binder. Two 2-year-old geldings , weight 1,050 One Double How Corn Cultivator. pounds each. Cultivators , Plovrs and other Farm Im plements too to mention. One 3-year-old gelding , weight 1,100Ibs. numerous Grain Cows 475 bushels oats. Five milch COAVS , two fresh ; one yearling 1-14 bushels spelts. heifer Jerseys. 1,958 bushels corn. i g TERMS = = = On purchoses tess than $10.00 , cash. Over $10.00 nine months time at 10 per cent Interest , or 5 per cent off for cash ( with the exception of grain , and we reserve the right to accept or reject a\l \ bids on grain. ) e1fe < nf ° 81 ITS & P IILPl ctiiim W < Q. E. TRACEWELL , Auctioneer. W. E. HALEY , Clerk. Our Lincoln Letter. Lincoln , Xch. : I1'eb. 13 , ( Hpccial ( Correspondence ) Last Aveek the house manag- aged to get action on the woman suffrage bill before the senate got to it. As a result the senate was com pelled to defeat the propo sition that an amendment to the constitution be submit ted permitting the women to vote. The senate per formed the task with neat ness and dispatch. Several members , repre senting both parties , have expressed the fear that franchising women would speedily lead to prohibition. A little investigation of this question reveals the startling fact that in every prohibition state the women are disfranchised , while in no state where the women vote is there state wide pro hibition. The same old howl about ' 'hungry for pie ' is being sent out by the g. o. p. org ans. After creating a lot of offices for the , purpose of taking care of hungry pa triots , the republicans are now complaining because the democrats insist on tak ing their turn at the coun ter. The latest complaint is that the democrats are now figuring on securing the ap pointment of a clerk of the HIP printing board. The board consists of the secretary of the state , the auditor and the treasurer. It is now proposed to make the gov ernor a member ifi place of tlie treasurer and give him the appointment of the sec retary.nd the Avail of des pair sent up by the republi cans can be heard from Pan to Beer-Bheba. The bank guarantee bill is now before ' . he legisla hire , and itvill be passed in a form that will redeem the party's pledge on that point. It was drawn with infinite -care and patience and will safeguard the inter ests of the public as well as the interests of t h e bankers. Right here is an- I other interesting parallel. i The republican papers make 'much ' of the fact that the , banking committee employ- jed Judge Alberts at a stip- i end of § 300 to look after the I legal phases of the banking bill. This was pointed teas as a sample of "democratic inefficiency" and an example of ' 'democratic extrava gance. " But it was just # 9,700 less than a republican legislature appropriated to employ John L. Webster to help the attorney general fight for the freight law en acted by the legislature of 1891' . And the freight rate case was lost by the state , too. There was a merry little fight in the house and sen ate Thursday , and in both instances the soldiers1 homes at ivh'lforcl and Grand Is land were the cause thereof. Reports submitted showed grave irregularties in the management of both these institutions. It was charged that one inmate of the MilFord - Ford home was discharged because he wrote a campaign letter to the World-Herald. Gross neglect of the farm interests at Gand : Island was charged. After the re ports had been read the re publican members of the committee realized that they would not make good cam paign material , so they in sisted upon their withdraw al. This was agreed to , but the facts will doubtless be brought ont officially at an early date. i In order to bolster tip its charge of "riotous extrava gance" the Omaha Bee prints a list of the appro priations asked for , andtak- ng it for granted that every appropriation 1 asked for will , be granted it shows that the j total appropriations will be labour a million larger than ' usual. The trouble with the Bee's estimate is that 'the ' appropriations asked for will be cut down about 35 or 40 per cent , as usual. , Xattirally the appropriations jwiil be larger than usual be- I cause Nebraska is a growing ; state and a growing business always means a growing ex- ipense account. One big item in the forthcoming ap propriation bills will be de ficiencies caused by the last republican administration. It has been necessary to make up several thousand dollars of deficiencies in state institutions already , one of § 15,000 for the peni tentiary being a case in point. The Talcott bill , No. 288 , is aimed at the destruction of what has become about the smoothest republican machine in the state the state superintendent's office. The state superintendent today has the appointment of more people and the ex pending of more money than any other state official , the governor alone excepted in the matter of appointments. ' The Talcott bill provides that all the army of appoint ees in the public school and normal school service shall be made by the educational board instead of by the state superintendent. This board is appointed by the governor and is by-partisan. J. L. McBrien , ex-state superin tendent , who is about as smooth politically as they ! melee 'em , organized the machine and it is a wonder worker. The Talcott bill , if it becomes a law , will put a plug in the aforesaid ma chine and take the normal and junior normals out of politics. It doesn't take much to make the disappointed and ; displaced republicans "hol- ; ler. " They are now putting ! tip a great cry over the proposition to provide for another district oil inspec- ! tor. There are now five. The proposition is to ap- i point another one so as to i have one in each congress ional district and leave the chief oil inspector free to attend to the duties of the office. As the oil inspection department docs not cost the taxpayers a penny the g. o. p. cry of extravagance is no better founded in this case than in the rest of them. Observing /Farmers will note that chief among the appropriations asked for , and chief among those al ready granted , are for the establishment pc experi mental farms in different parts of the state. This sort of'"extravagance" will not hurt the feelings of the men who have dared the frontier and arc now interested in learning how best to adapt themselves to the soil of their localities. Dollars spent in this way will be re turned manyfold in the near future. Thursday of last week closed the thirtieth day of the session as far as the house was concerned. From now on the work will be ha stencd. Many of the mem bers are farmers , and as soon as they feel the spring- winds and feel the tang of "plowing weather" they will be anxious to get home. Then will be the time when pet bills will be ruthlessly slaughtered. J. A. L. By R. H. WATSON Supt. Watson irf to go to Chjul- r in on Saturbay Kcbtiary 20 10 : ut as one of the judges of the de- dab ; between the Chadron and Gravford high schools. Proff. Koirg of Lincoln who \vas to ca-t loti to decide whether At kinson or Valentine should IIMVC the affirmative of the ojiestioii ? > on to be debated lias reported that Valentine lo-l and that we are now to take the wgati v < and to meet the Atkinson people in tin ir own town. Charles lleixer. Edith Adamson , Marie Ohi lt.Misun and Mary Easely will g i to Atkinson abont the last ol : t'he month to prove to the Atkinson folks that. the'C is no call for a compulsory board of arbitration in the railroad biioinc-s. We be lieve that they can prove this jui-t MS conclusively to Atkinson as they proved to Ainsworth that there is a need for such a board. It is a surprise and a wonder to any one uhovi'l ' compare serious ly the wav little folks think and * / express their thoughts to day with the work we were capable of do- 1 ini ; when \vc wore children. The following sentences written by j Elmo Ulson. of the first iM-aclc. one day recently when he had finished his number work and was waiting for the time for his class to ircite , are certanly : worthy of notice. Valentine , Neb , Feb. 10 , 1909. I will write a letter about Lin coln this morning. Lincoln was a very good man. I love him. Mamma , and pnpa love him , too. Would you like him for a papa ? I would. . He was in a war one day. Would you like to fight like hrtid ? He was in iLe.Bfetflfv-EJnxvk win * . ' . * _ . ' . . . He kept a ston\once. . . - . . Then he was onr IG'h ' i-resideut. Lincoln's birthday will be hen1 soon. His birthday is the 12th of February. He said : "All I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother. " ELMO OLSOX. Theodore Vian handed his books toPrin. Mohlman Monday ? md said he was going homt * . Theodore af- signed no reason for quitting school and we are sorry to have him gofer for we still cherished a hspe that he would get down to earnest work and make us a strong student. IS'otice ' to Owners of Town Cows. I arn iioin r to run the town hoivl ajrain this season and the price , will be the > amo as last .yoar. o 3 JOE MAKSHALL. Notice to Creditors. In in- Bounty ( . ' "iirtviUim : tnd lor Cherry l tile ill-liter .ftiieestat of L"vi IKim - * . To the creditors s > f saw estate : You ai'f hcivl'\ not died'I , hat I xv II sit nt the Count * , ( ' ( -in t Iiiiom In \ ale tine in .said county on the u'uih d iof ! * uriiiiry.'M'J \ .it lOo'c ock ft. in. In Mveive a d \-tiume : tl ! claims airainsf , said estsiteith \ie\v to tlii-n adjustment and allowance I'lietHiu' inn te > l toitlie p-t-st-nt i 'inn ol rifiims against said < -s > ate is Mm tit is | rnmtie:2U : l ; dav ol August A i- lO-io and Me. tune liiniii-d for p.m * l ol debts is one ye ir from SIM ntii ia % 01 , \ niibt if-os. . * \ \ itnrs iiv 11,111 , ii' . ' lir - . .v.lfsJld ] sKM. oiiit | . our i i > * Ji > ili < ] > \ i > f J tMiar , I ! 4 t niiiiiv .liuige. Order of Henriny and Notice ou Petition for Settlement of Account In the county court cf Cherry count v , Ne braska. Stale of Nebraska. Cherry I'ountv \ To the heirs and all persons interested in the estate ol Fred Kuu tke. ueceased. On reading the petition of Joseph Kudelke praying a Una ! settlement and allowance of his account tiled in thi > court on the t-'nd dajot Febraarv. ' ItMO. and for his discharge as admini.strato'r ot said estate. It is hereby ordered that you and all ptr- sons interested in said matter may. and do. appear at the count v court to be held in and lor said county , on the 5th da } ' ot March , A. D . 10W. ; at 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause , if any there be , why the praver of the pe titioner should not be granted" , and that not ice ot the pendency ot saiu petition and the hearing thereof be'given to all persons inU rested - ested in said matter publishing : i copj" i- this order in fj he Valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county l > r four successive weeks prior to said dav " of hearing. JAMIS C. QUIGLKY. [ : siAi.j 5-1 County Judge. to C Tin ? STATIC OF N'KISHASICA i In the Bounty CIIKKKV COUNTY. t Court , In the matterof the estate of Fred KuJcII e , dcL-e.isi'd : To tlie credito s of said : Von are hen-uy noufied 1'nat I will sit at the Ooun y Court U.ioin VjileniiiK'in said county on tli7th day of I-Vbrnary , IC'J'.i at 10 VIocifi. . in. , i o receive and exaiiini- 1 claims airainst > ; ; id eti'e : wif'i a \ iew to th"ir adjustment and nilouanof Ihe/inie / limited lor the pr-st-nt.i- lioti ot claims auanist said estate is six months from the 27 h diy ot August A. 1) . 1'JOS and tnti" himiud lof pajmcut of debts is one jiar tr.iin said liTlh dav ot August 1HK ! Wirings my Jini ; tlie ' ea ! of . " -'id KAL ( niimvi'iirirl , this 2nd dao , Fet" u- , ury , ly O. JAM.-.S x . < C > 1'1 .LEY , 1 4 County Judge. In the County Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. In the Matter of thcstat - * i o of Jos | ih KolKclt-ce aed " state \ein-aska , i Ch.-rrvC unty. fss Wh-Tpas , 'I -idore \V F.iJk ha filed in tny ollic a p IIIJMII i . | ; ing rha the re-rular .iitmiius- tratio of said ' 'st.uv he < tisie ] > svdvitli -i d tl it lh - notice lie gsxvn to a 1 iiir'i - hit T-sted n s > ii estate hy the publication ot this ulice t > r three siicressivtv.telis in some leyal news/ajujr pt.blislu-il in s'lid Cherry c-tunty. It ss thereloie "id redbvthecout that the sunbe set down tor he-irr > ! r efore said eo > rt on thf 2rth da o. I'Viiruary , IDOU. ar to nVJ . * ' < a in..athleh tim anpfaee alt perso s ini > r- Csted are r ijijir - j t appear and siiOA' c.-iu- * , l any theie he. why said petition Miould n-it t : ilii\xii ! > ts iT'txeil for. an th- service then of be hud np'Mi til ! p. rsons int-iest d in s-iid estnte prior to s.isd time of neann-j ; bv f.ublicat ion of said notice < > ne a ueeK l--r tnree con > ecutive XMekin The Va en 1.1 DeinoiT.i'.u.e' ly newspaper ji inted imhlUhrd and of g > 'neril c'p-nlai.i n in sa d Cheiry cotiiity. Vebrisn.i. ( Sixen nmlt-r m > han-i and tli-- seal ot"s id cour. in Vaicinne Clierre.n ty , ebra-ki , this t > ti ! d.iot Ffhru.irj , ! ) : ! ) [ shAij JA.UI-.S c ( inr.i.KY. 5 > County Judge. Contest Xotice. U.S. Landoilice , Valen'in.Vehniska. . February 10 1POO A sufllcieiir foulest : illd.tvil ; havni ; he-n fih rt. in tliis i > ttic bKdward H , A imt'1. c-ires ant , agaiusi homt'st ail etury NI l ! > S7fi-Oij73. : made Jtine'7. l ! > ! > 7 , toN' . PI--non 20. ai.d ' ; secti.iu i7. ; Tounslii.t 20 l.'sihjje 25 bv IiUfu.s H.Djiy , contesrce i uiiich it is ali ii > n that Kurus K P-ij lias whly a'andoiit-d sai'i l.-nl a'd changed his residence Hien-from lor six months last nas ? that the Inn is not cettied upon nor cultivated in utiod ia th. and en'ryman lui no esa lislied resjnce thereon ami lie h < s ftii'fd to cure is aches up to tins dat > * . Said parties ar- hereby notified to atip'ear , re-ponu and oiler exuience touch insaiualleua - ti at 10 o'clock a. ni ' ! ) Man-li 23rd. li > i < Q before ttie ie ister aim Deceiver at the Unit.-d StHii-s I.and < > nic. ' in Val nti e. .Nebr The said conies * itt b iViiiir m a jimper attl- ( iavit liled Febru ry 20,19'iy st frth facts which show rlia * idtr-r dur < iili < r * neu | > ersonal se-vce ol this noti.-e eannoT be ide . - m it i.liortvonl * r- edaud dnected tat sach notice be "i veil by due and nr pe ; pubiicat.on 5 1 K K. OLSON. Il.-coiver. Contest Xoticc. U. S. Land Otlice. Broken How , Neln sJc-i i .lamia y 23 1'j \ Asnffieipnt content affifiavit having t.eeu fii-u in t'ns otliiv b\ Frank o. IVtrick. contestant , jiUiiinsr lloiiii--tead eufr > No. : ! 784. ma.le .11111 2:1 : l : ii4 for all of s-ct'on 21 t ) i\nship-\ range : ! " ) Oth I' . M .by Ilenn m C' . ( niniirechr coiit'stein \\lnch itls nllegt-d that said el .imaiit Iris wh-Ily abaii'ioned said tractor nr ie than six months la t past : th.u he has never resined uon cultivated or impro\ed suid tract as ic'iuireii bj aw : that the s "d " land is in its wild and naliv state wholly u tini.rov- | ed : that a'l th atmv alleged defects ' \ist at this d te and have rot t'een cured. Said i > : iitifs an * hereby nontid to app fir U'spoi.d .ind offer evvu-iiee touchintr sai jille rat - t ou at 10 o'clock a. m yn xi rch 12 1009 t-e- toiv J. II. WVlton , U S. Commtssi met.Mulbn Neb- . , and that the final hearing will i' * * held tit HI o'clock a. m. on Mj-rch JO. ir.(9. t e- rorrihe rirst-rand receixvr at til I' States mud ( Jllii-e -itoken I ! < iw. ebra k ; , Ttif saii coi'ie.stant having. In apropiT.itll davit II ed J < i..ttary IS IWJ. set forth ta--ts xvhieh show Hint H t r tint ! diUt-ence p-rsoial : .service of ; Ius nolle-- cannot be in tie , it in here'-y ordered and directe-t that such notice oe iven b\ due aim prop r jnibhcation. 44 H Peiper. Simeon N " ' i ; .j Joe Bristol. valentine. Nebr. Kauge on Nlo- nrani river four as * of Ft. Horses an J nttle br.vmleiJ iK connected in eft hip > r side * in "nt R. M. Faddis" & Co. PostoffleeuddretM- Valentino or lv ujiedy. Some branded on left liiigh. Horses linudcd - ittjOM left * lSashniiWer , r thigh. Some S me branded bonded on richt. thigh Oil lefl or shoulder or tin. h P. H. Young. Mineon. Nebr. Cattle branded as nit on left side left on left jaw of , - , V horsea. K-mue o'i fiordorfro - k nor'h of Slme n. lbert Whipple & Sons. . - > , it. branded left side OSO on rtehtslde rfome cattle also ntve a - ( - on neck Some with A on .eft .shoulder and < ome branded A'ltli two bars hind jaar- ] c--rs Some Texas O on iett side and some ou Iff t side. ITor-os br-in'1ert S < on left * iin. Some cattle - . - , - . i i AWnar "imnwipfl nn horh sidf" and h-ft hip of hordes _ X. B. Rowley. tiits : cut on ft idf.-iid t ip , ud . 1 ft NJi'i'ildfr of her hip V" , . ' n 'oil side tie 'M- ed tinslc-- ' peg ( either side up ) on left &id'or hi } . p m le/t jaw and left ihonlder Of tliirHf. JJ on left hip of horses. * on left ] "a\v of horses C. P. Jordan. . SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE fj on right hip. Kange en Oak and Btitte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlera of stock Kohl & Ten-ill. lirnwnlee , Tattle branded as in cut on left side. S o in o lirai-rt'-d 14. T Y on left hip. Kange on North Lonp river two niil-s west of Urewulee J. A. Yaryan. .Pullman , Nobr Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed ' from tny ranee. D. ] > I. Sears. Kennedy , Cattle a < on cut , loft sid ! "tne on lufr hip. Horses same OP 1ft 1 shoulder. Kauge Square Koan Bros. on Long Lak ai.d Crook- en Lake. MUJUI Kills Plenty. St Francis Mis sion. Kosebud. < S. D. e hrandod us in cut ; horses tiiu' on letf thiirli. itriime be- luve" prin Ck : md Little \Vh te river. Metzger Bros Cattle branded : mywhere ou left bide. \ Eannark. square crop right eiir. Ilorss have JHme brand on .Bit thigh. ci' on Gordon and Snake Creeks. X Reward of $250 wih be i aid to any person for iulorin.non lea-ling to the arrest and final conviction of nny person or persons stealin- with above bntud.