Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 18, 1909, Image 4
" H IF \ / It ! IF . t s L \ / n L L I. 3M. KICK Editor and Proprietor. MARK ZAUK Foreman. En term ! at the postollice at Valentine , Cherry count } ' , K > br. . us Second Class A ] a tier. TE1LMS : . SubsrrintioncJ100 . per year in advance : subscriptions. ( SL50 whfin nofc paid } n advance Fnrpio-n Snh rrintionc j l-50 Pcr Aear in advance ; paper dis- horeign bUDSCnptlons " continued atexpiration if not renewed. j 15c per inch each issue : by contract 12-2C. I Transient adv 20c per indi ; locals lOca line. Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents per inch , net. Local notice * obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue 5 cents per line each insertion. THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 18 , 1909. Baseball Notes. Frank Fischer , jr. , recently re ceived a letter from Andy Luke , one of our last season's pitchers. Andy now holds a position as dep uty in the oliice of E. II. Mallory , treasurer of Franklin county , Hampton , Iowa. "Word also comes from Sever ance , Kan. , in regard to Harry Chapman , anotheR of our last sea son's baseball stars. His mother writes that he's still in a private hospital and that they do not think he can play ball again. He had signed up with the Omaha western league team for the coming season. Roy Caylor , a tonsorial artist , is at Hubbard , Iowa. Bert Watson is running a cigar and confectionery store at albion. Gordon Lord was in town yes- teiday. C. H. Vanden of Crookston was in the city yesterday , J. II. Pettibone has moved into Col. Thompson's dwelling. Mrs. Mark Cyphers entertained the 500 club last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Kyees have mov ed to the Jelly farm down the river. Uryou Barker of Rosebud was in town for a short visit Tuesday evening. A large crowd from Valentine attended the dance atVoocllake last night. Floyd Valentine , of the Home Bakery , has purchased the home of Mrs. Calleu. Miss VanArsdale went down to i\eligh ; last week to visit her cous in , Mrs. Spirk. Mrs. Quigley , assisted by Mrs. Easley , entertained the Flinch club last evening. Charles Reece drove in from Simeon yesterday and took out a load of grain today. John Dey , A. T. Brackctt , Geo. Weisilog and Jack Melshaw of the German Settlement"were in town yesterday on business. Charles , the three year old son of Mr. axd Mrs. Ho ward Lay port , died yesterday morning of pneu i monia , after a short illness. The funeral is held today. Roscoe Fischer has been in Oma ha a couple of weeks , having an operation performed for obstruc tion in the nose , and is also taking treatment for asthma. \Vc see a number of people with sore ears and DOS ? , or a patch on either cheek and chin as a result of facing the storm of last week in which they were nipped by the cold. Chas. Brown , who was formerly employed as night clerk at the Valentine House , is now on the payroll of one of the local moving j picture , shows as operator and electrician. Thomas W. Jelly writes us from Ft. MacKinxio that he is get- ing al eng line and hasn't lost a day's work since he left Valentine , j He has a girl nine months old , be- siJe other good fortune , arid says the1. ' enjoy reading THE DEMO CRAT , and sein's ouo % gh money to j renew for another y < u > in ad varice. I Never-Slip horse shoes and Nevj -Slip calks in all sizes at Fisch er's Hardware. 2 ! Mrs. AV. II. Ilines , wife of the ! printer at the Republican ofiice , j arrived here last week from ' iSpringview. Mr. and Mrs. Hines called at our oiKce to gctacquiiint- ed Tuesday. Geo. Christopher of Simeon i started Kast this morning , going to eastern Iowa to purchase his share of a car load of white face bulls , which will be shipped here j with some that P. H. Young pur chased there last week. James Collins was in town the fir < = t of the week , visiting the Donoher sisters and other friends. Mrs. Collins went down to Fre mont to visit relatives there. They have sold their restaurant in Craw ford , and Uncle Jim says he is go ing farther west to look up another location. S. Q. Spain , who has been visit ing his sister , Mrs. Dunwoody of Marshaltown , la. , returned home last week , lie had not met his sister in 25 years and the meeting was a joyous occasion. His niece , Miss Emma Dunwoody , returned home with him and will spend the summer months with her uncle. In Acapulco. Mexico , Tuesday night , a moving picture film caught on fire and resulted in the death of about 300 persons and injured scores. The incidents surround ing the fire , were somewhat simi lar to those of the never-to-kbe-for- gotten Iroquois fire of Chicago , that is , the doors opened inwards. Judge V\rpstover has been selec ted by Gov. Shallenberger as one i of the delegates to the National Tarili' Commission Convention which is to be held at Indianapo lis , Ind. , the 16th , 17th and iSth of this month. We join with the Judge's many friends in extend- i n g congratulations. Gordon Journal. Last week .Fames Clark was charged with petit larceny at the Chicago House and when taken before the county judge refused ; to answer questions. He was sentenced - ; tenced to ten days in the county t jf jail. The circumstantial evidence j was that he had taken money from j the pockets of a stranger who occupied - j cupied a room that Clark had rec-r ently vacated. ' The bibie class of Rev. Baker of the Methodist church divided itself in two .sections , the blue and the red , in a contest to get more pu pils. The blue won and , consequently quently , the red section gave an afternoon luncheon to the blue. Small favors in the form of Valen tines and paper trinkets were dis tributed , and all had a very enjoy able afternoon. i ii Alfred Taylor , son of Louis ; Taylor , was united in marriage to i Miss Valentine Thibordeau of ! Campbell , Neb. , on the 15th inst. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father Sirois of St.i Ann's Roman Catholic church of j Lincoln , Xeb. Mr. Taylor and [ his bride will be guests at a supper \ uiven here in their honor tonight. - Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Xollett arrived i in town today to help celebrate the happy union' . - j Eat at the ' 'Ranchers' Homo , meals 25 cents. Lunches a spec ialty. J. BKADSIIAW , Prop. We tvould like to suggest to some of our correspondents tkit they be less personal in their n s items. Some items appear to re flect discreditably upon your neighbors or friends , to persons not familiar with the circumstan ce. and we prefer not to publish such items , though , perhaps , they are meant kindly enough. Little jokes may seem ail ri ht , except ing to the other fellow. Charles W. Goodwin , formerly of Chicago , has accepted a position with this paper. He has had con siderable experience in newspaper work and comes to as highly rec ommended. We hope the people of Cherry county will appreciate our efforts to give them the best local paper ever published for a j dollar a year ( in advance ) and give us your advertising. If you are j not a subscriber get your name on ' our list. To Whom This May Ccn = cern. I will not stand responsible for debts contracted by any persons , except myself and wife. G 0. C. THOMPSON . 1 ubscription Si F & You Uncleciaeci where to buy your bill of Lumber ? If so , till , \ou have lo do is to look at the prices we are quoting for HIGH GRADE LUMBER as well as everything that is in cluded in building , for interior or exterior work from the Timber in your foundation to the shir.gles on vour roof. Valentine , Nebr. Second hand phaeton , in good I condition , for sale cheap. Call at this ofiice. G Frank Fischer's trunk arid suit case advert.ismcnt will interest everyone who travels. Look for it. 52 Thn 100th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln \va celebrated by Valentine admirers of our dead idol. A parade , led by Prof. Watson , marched around the street and into the hull where a packed house awaited his coin- in" . He actnu his clmirmsm and introduced the speakers who gave masterful addresses , touching on the life of Lincoln , his policies , deeds , gravity and humor. St. Nicholas Church. Services will be hold in the Catholic church as follows : In Valentine on Sunday. F.-b. 21. High mass and sermon at 10 a. m. At ' ) p. m. . instruction for the children. Lie M. BLAEHK , Rector. Contest Notice , U. S. Lund Ofiice , Valn"tino. Xel'riski ; , i Ffbnuiry K5 , 190y , \ A sutlificnt contest ; iliitvi- ! ! having bocn riled in this ( inu-i liv Luiini X ] lid-i : n ! rent < -Mrit jifjjiiMS' Iloini'st'a'ltry \'o Kiii7s in-UiO.- ! > - teml ) : . lio-i ! tor N/V\VH. * wi. . * i.t si' ' svi ami Kli of < fctini'i IT ; \ ' .VK'.t. a-id s\v NK1 ! ot sccn'oii H lo\\i'-lii | > 2T nii' rc : tr b\ . .InbtiVlls. . v in vliii-ii if is a tliat siiid .l < > ii n ' lias \\liol ! aban said land : tliut li < > has clinii f-l Jii.s n-sul-nce th TC'ir < ) iii for more tlia- six : - uths la .t ia--t ; that said l-ii.d is not si-'llfi r.pou and cilti\.ilcd ! bvsiiiitp rty : is ! > y lu\v KMjini'i'd. and lu ha lail d to cure bis l.-uves up n this date. Said iartiijnc iinid-y . otilie i to aiuic-ir re- 1)011(1 aiiit olh-r ' vidfiicitoin'Mni ; s'lid all" a- tion at K ) o' lo.-k a. m on Mai'-li 'i liilH. i c- lore tilt' n-uisrf.r and n-c-'iv. r ; vr ibe L'uited States I and ttiof. Valfuti'.t' ' . NVras\a ! ! 'i lit ; said c'Uit s'a-'t liav nu " in a pn > pr aili- davir , lilt-d Kl > . 1:5 : lOUii s"t "lortb 'a-ts \\liii-b snow tliat after du.-'ii.i fin'c per-o 'ril service of this notice canner be iia : < ! e , it i > liereny ordered an * dhvcted thai Siiub notice ij-- i\e'i by < lneind proper publiuation. M G 1 1C. o ere e wore ; He Swears No Mere KfLr'WUK / rif H W > i hero was a r/erchant ! mighty core In fact , so sere he swcra and cv/cre And kept en swearing rr.crc and more. The trouble was that folks , inctead Of patronizing him , by Ned ! Were buying gcods by mail , he said. One day he got a little hint On hew to make his store a mint ; Then hope tcck en a rosy tint. * ! He came and ADVERTISED his stock ; His store was crowded , chtick-a- blcck , Frcm seven until six o'olo'ck. o i So no'w this Merchant swears nb more ; No longer is ho feeling sore , I Since ADVERTISING crov/ds hisd GRANT B CARPENTER & BUILD-ER. MI kinds of wood wor.k done to orclnr. Stock tanks made in all seizes Residence anfTshop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine. r o\-E 72 Nebraska References : M.\ Many Customers. Go to the " * VALENTINE'S PLRE LIQUOR CENTER Waltoer F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. Ship your Live Stock t/E3 / .fl . : SO. OMAH4 OR Ch'ICAGO Xo shipment too large arid none too small to receive the most careful attention. Each consignment intru-ted to our care will be handled by members of the firm. Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal guarantee ! to all. Write us for the market paper and our special market letters , which we send you free of charge. AMOS S.VVDEH , Hog Salesman. MATT 7FA LOSE ) Cattle Gi-o. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. Tiros. J. DONAHUE f Salesman. New Hotel. Electric Lights , m Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. NEAR DEPOT MRS. S. A. SEARS. Propr. , Valentine , Nebr. Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains , / S ? NG Done in I he most satisfactory manner ! Largest prices for the seller ami honest deali'-g with the bidder ! On these terms T.V. . Cramer solicits your patronage. Graduate of Missouri Auction School , August term. 45 T. W. CRAMER - VALFNTI E. NFS. Taken Up at my place , S miles south of Val entine , Nebr. , on Tuesday , Jan uary 19 , 1909 , one white fate steer , o or four years old , no vi ; - ible brand , ears under cropped , broad horns , left hind foot bruise J. F. D. B RAM AX , 2-5 Valentine. Neb. 5J S. 5 jz Daily mean temperature 9 ° . Normal 20 ° . Highest -io0 , lowest -17 ° . Precipitation 0.1S of an inch. Total precipitation from Man h 1st ( the crop season ) to date w-is L9 89 inches and the average for ; ; ame period for 20 years is 22.18. j For Sale. One hi fh grade Percheron stl- ion , 3 years old last June , weight GOO pounds. Also one Cleveland Bay horse , years old , weight 1250 pounds. per further information see or ad- ress nie at Crookston , Neb. L. H. Oy ft > iAf. For Sale Six-room house , stable for seven head of horses , granary and hay stable ; One 4-room house , corn crib and stable , city water in both houses. Must be sold soon , part time , part cash , or will take young heavy team as part payment. P. F. Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I , M. Rice , Valentine , Neb. i Sawyer Bros. Oasis. Nebr ( { . K. Sawver lias charge of these rattle. II rses < i'-r. Some left sicl siclHors Hors -3 < ? ame left thigh " on duake river. Nebraska Land and Feedin v Cattle branded If f * * * V 3K * MUC\1 on $ sm fas * * * ? - ' * < 3. m i > rantled tht betweea on the F.E. . K R and MILL PRICES FOP FEED. PerCwt. Per Ton. , sacked § 1 05 § 20 00 Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00 Corn , sacked 1 20 23 00 Oats , sacked 1 50 29 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 25 9J00 Chop Feed } sacked H Q 3T 00