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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1909)
GRIP IS PREVA LENT AGAIN. A prompt remedy is what every one is looking for. The efficiency of Peru- riais so well known that Its value as a grip rem edy need not be quest - t i on e d. The grip yields more quickly if taken in hand prompt ly. If you feel grippy get a bottle of Peruna at once. Delay is almost certain to aggravate your case. For n free illustrated booklet entitled The Truth About Peruna. " address the Peruna Co. , Columbus , Ohio , flailed postpaid. A * Revised. Tarpeia , covetous of the gold bracelets worn by the Sabine soldiers , had told them she would open the gates of the citadel to them if they would give her what they wore upon their left arms. "Sure J" joyously answered the soldiers. "All rights reserved ! " It was not until they had rewarded her treachery by overwhelming her with their shields , which they also wore upon their left arms , that she tumbled. Chicago Tribune. y for Baclc. To one-half pint good whiskey , add one ounce syrup sursaparilla and one ounce of Toris compound , which can be procured of any druggist. Take in teaspoonful - spoonful doses before each meal and before retiring. This recipe Is said to be the best known to medical science. In Extremis. Late one night a clergyman was called out to minister to an old man a worker upon the adjacent railway who was supposed to be dying. Tin- summons was brought by another old man , the. cldrr brother o the stricken one. WJiile lit- was bustling about , caking preparations for departure , the -clergyman forgot momentarily the so cial status of his visitor and asked , "Is he in extremis1 j The old man was not going to be beaten. "Aye , lie's right in. your rev f erence. " After a pause , he added , as n | clincher : "Clean in. poor chap. Riiriit i up to the neck , sir. " Cornlmll MIM- ! i j'ino. If Yosi Want flic will ask for and if you get it you trill have a remedy for coughs tbat will be satisfactory in every respect. If you accept something else we do not know what you will get , but it will not be the Best Cough Cure. At all druggists' , 25c. , 50c. and $1. Qona accept nnyllilnff else. it may save your life. Cathartics , bird shot and cannon ball pills tea spoon doses of cathartic medicines all depend on irritation of ths bowels c until they sweat enough to move. Cas- cards strengthen the bowel muscles titi BO they creep and crawl naturally. tii This means a cure and only through \i iti Cascards can you get it quickly and ti naturally. tie tiS Cascareta IDo box week's treat ment. All drujrjlsts. Bijrtrestr.cllcr S In the world million boxes a ii n V o T EXTERMINATED BY h s ? JTif > wonilerfnl , new Iniriorminpical ptrpaivtinn li < i < rtre am SI prej > r J by I > r Jeiii Jiaiijtr. Dim fir of Ine IHTO , y < f kfi\ 1 cultural ilirtc I'inli uy at tlio P steur Institute. Puif sol A sl rOISOV IIAUMU.-NS 10 HT-MtN HUM , * . . DimsTIU AND OTHER ANI.VAI " > , HUM'S ct < , jtt fatal t . i . .N . < ml ume 1 | . , * Yernnii al v j3 p > o.ij iilo toii ! Lastly j ic | > aird ami . .m.l.eil HOW SIUOH TO DSK Sn.-ill liousoon tui. , cr. u.ary dwellu- . ! three tohes fif rats jre iinmennis not t -3 titan tx tulM One r t o dOKeii tnhti for itai'lo with liay Inftaml j nl a"jrl , -l IP Similar quantity on earh rat infest il floor . " . . ) ou c frunary for eicli f. < i' > ( l > qmre feet floor ire 1 " 119 c.i e ! < ll r irS to doyen f or arrc inhabitcrl area Z t G tuUrs ; > * jier M < re ( i S n firM. SM iti ! tubes , full ] . . . p ) BJ > < > rerli./n / i..u-id tirti \ > i * 1 tuba 75 , 3 tabu JI 73 , or } i. no jtr a. nan. c.c.ivcici Independent Chemical Company K& OLI > SLIP - - \ rnYOKK. . N.I. Positively currd by these Little Pills. They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia , IP- digestion and Too Heart ; Eating. A perfect rem edy lor Dizziness. Nausea , Drowsiness , Bad Taste In. the Jlouth , Coated Tongue , Pain In the Side , til TORPID LIVER. They regulate tbo Bowels. Purely Vegetable. toni SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , CARTERS Genuine Must Bear ni Fac-Simile Signature ITTLE 11 ! IVER so PIUS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES , ( Nonsense Verses. Marcella had a cat , The cat she had a feller. Their backyard concerts so annoyed , Ma made Marcella sell her. Miss Lena weighed an awful lot Pudgy ! you should have seen her But her new gown , striped up and down , Seemed to make Lemi leaner. Louise n pair of booties bought. Though they were number threes. They pinched , and so she changed tliem for A pair that gave Lee case. Miss Roxana wed a man Whose cognomen was Ilanna , Their babe was named for grandma , so Roxana now rocks Anna. ITepsizah is a mannish girl , Kitty's more like her ma. With bonny Kate I'm deep in love. But as for llnp/.i Bah ! Boston Transcript. TinCrrat American "Woman. A French literary woman and so ciologist studying the big cities of America ( ells us thai our civilization will be the best the world has ever seen , because of the influence of the American woman on our educational system and our club life. It is always pleasant to hear nice thiuirs about one's own. and the Ameri can man is more easily and surely Ilat- tered by praise of his wife and daugh ters than by any other method. Of course , we know that the American woman is the finest of her sex. but It is not every day thai her European sister will admit it. The European man has always known her superiority , and the num ber of American wives in European homes is proof of his good judgment. On the other hand , it is an encourag ing sign of growing appreciation of the American man that a real , titled aristocrat from the old world has found the man of her heart in Balti more. Who knows but one of these days we shall have princesses and duchesses and ail that sort of thing in our best society , keeping up the drawing room while the plain American husband produces - duces the shekels to do the keeping ? u A vast amount of American money has gone to Europe with American brides. and J it is no more than fair that a foreign J title or two should come to this country ( o even up. Earls and dukes bolster up their family fortunes with American whvs and money , so why shouldn't Kuropean ladies of title take husbands from our great American nobility to maintain them in dignity suitable to their rank ? Odd Occupations of "Women. Mrs. Mary A. I.amont is a railroad switchwonmn on the Boston and AI bany. and receives all the railroad tele grams at h/H- station besides doing tin switching. Mrs. Hughes is the "master of the hounds" at Ncuaddfawr , Wales , and Is ; such nn expert rider that she swiim her : across stream while other * following the hounds think it more expedient fr pedient to go around by the bridge. Miss Edith Somerville. of West Car- bery , in Ireland , is master of fox hounds. Mrs. Donald C. Monroe is the only woman in the United States who is a professional cartoonist , being known in New York by her maiden name ol Laura K. Foster. l > r. S. Josephine Baker , of the Health Department of Now York City , and Dr. Annie Williams , of the Bacteriological Department , are both experts. "Who Stiiiports the l\ev. Anna Howard Shaw and Mrs. Ch.irlotte Perkins Oilman had a debate the other day in New York , the ques tion being. ' 'Do husbands support their wives ? " Rev. Anna Shaw said that they do not , but that in this semi civilized country in thirty-eight of the Slates tiic title to the children rests , not in the mother , but in the father. Women cannot legally possess their own children nor own their clothes. The more work a woman docs th- ' less her husband gives her. Mrs. ( Jilman said : that if a stenographer earning 23 a week married an invalid and he stayed home and did the work while sc she m.idc the money , people would say scdi she ' supported him. and logically the ai wife doing the same thing was sup tli ports , ! . The audience , however , votnd favor of the proposition of Dr. j Shaw. (1 s sw ov pr ti la siel el Fashionable fur stoies are long and lo nr" extremely wide. re l > : ice yokes and sleeves continue pop br ular in spite of their long use. hi Huge ostrich plumes , dyed in richest en < s. were never more in favor. Pi th White furs are worn as toques , stoles and umffs , not to mention trimmings. ' 1 'ic ' lace coat figures as a part of many of the dressy frocks of the aeajn sou. so Contrary to expectations , white th vnists hare not gone out of fashion , th but are being worn almost as much as ever. Cashmere de sole and dull heiirietfa are the most approved mourning mate rials. A now shade of dark green , very pop ular with young girls , is called At lantic. The walking stick , after a period of retirement , is now highly fashionable for men. An Immense automobile muff has constructed In it a special pocket for carrying a pet dog. Little hats that call for only a bit of fur , a wisp of gauze and an aigrette are fetching for theater wear. With some of the soft colors in use this winter the combinations of cloth and gauze are passing beautiful. Charming for women with fresh faces and fair skins are the new ame thyst hats , which have just come into the mode. Button finishes down the outside of the long , tight sleeves are one of the newest reliefs from the usually unbe coming line. The spangled net sleeves are most be coming to any woman whose arms are well shaped , and the sleeves are made without lining. Incidentally , some of the new mink and sable muffs look like a whole fur family , for the foundation is simply covered with heads and taila. In many of the season's styles ( lie eft eelof the back of the gown is more effect of the back of the gown is move 'laboratc than the front , the empire in < > accentuating the fact. Buttonholes are indeed a feature in hciusolvos this year : in their anxiety t ) prove themselves genuine Uiciy ivcly yawn in one's face. Children and IVezitiiess. A waste paper basket should form iart of every nursery equipment. Chil- ren should be taught to put into it all craps of paper , cuttings from dolls' ressmaking and any other little odds nd ends that would otherwise litter he nursery floor. It will teach them an excellent les- on in tidiness and be good training , specially for the girls , for the day rhen each will have a home of her wn. wn.While While children are young it is com- aratively easy to teach them to be idy , but the lesson is hard to learn in iter life. Ho' Doesn't Know Her. The girl who pulls roses to pieces as he talks is the creation of men nov- lists who do not share the feminine ve of Ilowers. ) They might as well epresent her as "idly pinching the aby as she spoke. " Marguerite and er daisy are true to life ; most woiu- would pull anything on earth to icccs to know if the right man loves hem ; but they need the motive. For Falling Hair. First rub some common kerosene ito the scalp , then lather it well with ap jolly ( made by melting soap ) , len sprinkle water on , still working latbtr antll it's like tht pictures. you see advertising shaving soap. Then rinse , rinse until the water runs off perfectly clear. Dry in the sun If possible. When well dried , comb with dull , coarse-tooth comb. Shun brushes as you would a pestilence. It Is brushes and fine combs that drag the hair out root and branch. That is all. Try it and be convinced. Put n piece of white soap in wide bottle tle , fill with warm water and let stand till ready to wash the hair , then fill up again and let stand till next time and the "jelly" Is always ready. Red Hair and Consumption. A German physician declares that red-haired persons are more suscepti ble to consumption than dark-haired people. Some other types , like Scandi navians , who , as a rule , are blonde , when transplanted from the healthy agricultural sections of their native country to the congested districts of large cities , offer less resistance to con sumption than do native born citizens. Many blondes , however , have remark able powers of resistance against con sumption , while many brunettes offer relatively little resisting power. This , he says , is due to racial susceptibility and change In environment. Educating ; tiie Men. In the United States , where women ' are probably freer than in anj * other part of the world , the divorce records show that they are the accusers in ' three-fourths of the suits filed. This . means , of course , that women are de- | ' mandlng a higher standard of living and that they will recognize only one standard of morality for both sexes. Men may rebel , but they will have to come to it finally if they hope to live happy ever after. "Woman Commercial Jndc. Pon't forget her name. Mme. Cle- mence Jusseline is the first woman ever elected an any public oflice in STUNNING PUB SET. IW MMWf&fflW& $ Ermine , than which there K nothing ptelti ! r for evening wear or dressy a afternoon affairs , is shown here in an atu-aelive little jacket , collar revers and turned cuffs trimmed with white silk braid. The latter have a deep frill of white lace. The muff is large and plain , and the jaunty little turban t is bordered with a band of saint fur. France. She was put up as represen p tative of her b profession as a dressmak er , and she it is who will now decide in the trade disputes. b Her title is com mercial judge. Strange to say , Mine. lia Jusseline has been elected entirely by a men. Stop , though : perhaps it would have been stranger if she had been \ chosen by her own sex. She regards * ( her election as "an almost historic event , for it is something to be prouder or to be the first woman in France to tl hold such a position. " Boston Herald. \ tl r ' .N Sentimental Fiction. M Anyone svho follows the development of modern fiction will have noticed the general decline of love-interest , says in the Book Monthly. Life has not on'lv 11I. become less leisurely , but also more sci entific and more serious. Love scenes a are nor only cut down , they have been in i transferred from the drawing room to the motor car or the aeroplane , and the new setting demands a certain serious Nat ness. it Practice Proved Theory. So many women have been willing to become school directors 11 * Philadel phia , and those who have had an op portunity have done such good work , that the cause of woman suffrage has S"J gained more , Pbiladelphians say , than many years of preaching and teaching would have accomplished. at t ic "XVliere Ignorance In icv \v A woman may shock a man to his in soul by doing something which out rages his idea of honor ; but the aver in age man who revealed his business inAi methods to his wife might Inflict equal pi wouiHl * * B feer. ce 1 CONGRESS TO AID FARMERS. forty-six Nations and Colonies Meet at Some to Improve Conditions. Forty-six powers of the old and new world recently ended at Rome , Italy , the first session of the International Institute of Agriculture , j The King of Italy built the palace ; for the institute , and endowed it with j an income derived from the rents of one of his private estates , and within its walls from time to time in the fu ture the nations of the world will gather to exchange thought , statistics and inventions for their mutual benefit. While the good aimed at is the good of all the people of all the countries , those who till the soil will be the ear liest beneficiaries. To aid them in har vesting larger crops , to help them to wider markets , to guard them from the evil effects of the speculative ex change , where prices are manipulated without regard to the man whose sweat has been spent on the soil , will j be a few of the objects sought by the 1 institute. The fact that forty-six governments - ; ernments have put their shoulders to I the wheel of the project promises well for its success. The first the world knew of the \\ork was when it was learned that King Victor Emmanuel had become an enthusiast on agriculture and hud written a letter to his cousin. Giovanni ( Jiolitti , president of the Council of Ministers at Rome , outlining the project - ject of the institute. In consequence of the King's letter an invitation was sent out to the principal governments of the world asking them to send representa tives to a preliminary meeting in Rome during May and June. lf.'U."i. At the preliminary conference the scheme of the work was divided into three branches , or bureaus. The first was to be that in control of the cler ical and financial details : the second ! to have charge of the general statistics and agricultural information , ami the third of information relating to eco nomic and social institutions. Tiider the last named are included the sub jects of wages of farm labor and in formation concerning the agencies of co-operation , insurance and agricul tural credit. The second bureau , how ever , is by far the most important in its scope , as it has charge of the chief subjects for which the institute was organized agricultural statistics , in cluding everything connected with an imal and vegetable production and dis tribution , prices and wages , and the diseases and pests of plants and their remedies. The expenses of the institute , except its home , which was given by the King of Italy , are borne by the various coun tries represented , the amount of as sessment being pro rated according to the number of votes each Jiovernment has in the conventions. The countries j are divided into five classes , those of j the first class , of which the United States is one , being entitled to five votes. Nearly all the other kingdoms , republics , principalities and colonies of the civilized world are in the fourth and fifth categories , with one or two votes apiece. Operative plasterers at Ottawa , Cana da , organized recently. A new union of blacksmiths has been formed at Sherman. Texas. The general lockout of tailors in Swit zerland has been settled. A local of the boot ana shoe workers' national union has been formed in Bos ton , Mass. Farm hands in tiie Dominion averasre $24.GO a month , and female' help $13. . > 0 month. Canada has 1 , . " > ! ) ; ) trades unions , thirty- one federations of trades unions , and for ty-three trades and labor councils. The strike of the railway workers in France has terminated by the almost complete - ' plete victory of the workers. Work has been resumed. An effort will bo made in Florida to brii'g about the reorganization of the Alligator - ligator Catchers' I'mon. which disbanded about a year ago. An educational session once a month , with : i professional expert as instructor , will be held henceforth by Boston Mass. ) Coal Hoisting Engineers" I'nion No. 7-1. 1'ndcr the workers * insurance laws there were on the a\vragf about -JU.lKtf ) workers insured in Stuttirart. tlcrniany , in the your 1DOT. This number fell , inon - > tiioc ; : ! ' of the depression , to 'M.UK ( ) in The sovnul crafts ougiii vr < : Boston. Mass. , number more than I.fh ( ) . and. 'IcspiJe the h-ird tini"-- . the enirini'iM's * locals have grown stroiz 'r ami : in u'roatciproportions than any -i-aft Xcw Englanil. \N'ith : . view of consolid.ttin-4 the V" . ! in tlio boot trad'rhc Mn lis'.i Xalionnl Tnion of 15o : . ; ant ! Sho.- Click ers has nv-i'iitly hivu ta-ing ! : ) bal'ot of < iicnli rs on the iust3on ; : of whether they should join the Nntiunal I'lijon of Hoot and Shoo Opera lives- , and the propo sition has b en irri l by ll''J to 1. The Dominion govrnmont i-stiei oruofs for a lint increase of .Sl" u or ciJwi-ir S"Jveel : to the civil s"fvants < if every department. 0:1 the pormaucnr stafff th" iiisidi' .service. I'uildinc : trndos unions in Mmnoaoi ; ! ; and St. Paul. Minn. , arc making efforts < > ! > ; 'sin \\i : i % s'iloand working mi * which will trnarantoo the same conditions both c'tios. At a mi-ering of tin- sliding scale com mittee in the iron and steel trade , held at Abcrgavenny , Wales , it was tlocided tha * prices justified a reduction of 5 % p cenr. Her 3Iammn. In the Bohemian set of Chicago trro of the popular members are a well- known writer and his wife , who has also written several books. They have a daughter about 4 years old. Recently - ly the little girl was visiting at the home of a friend and her small play mate asked her. "Can your mamma sew ? " The daughter of the literary pair evidently was a bit chagrined. She could not remember that she ever had seen her mamma sew. She is a truth ful child and would not claim nn.v ad vantage she was not sure of. yet she fnlt mamma's honor WHS : it stake. "I don't know if mnmnm can sew , " Bhe replied , dubiously , "but she can smoke a cigarette. " _ There Is more Catarrh Jn tbLs section of tlie country than all other diseases put to gether , and until the last few years was sup posed to be Incurable. For a great manr years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies , and by con stantly falling to cure with local treatment. pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven catnrrh to be a constitutional disease ana therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by K J- Cheney & Co. . Toledo. Ohio , is the only con stitutional cure on the market. It is taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to a tea- spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Thv offer j one hundred dollars for any case it faiN to 1 . testimonials. cure. Send for circulars and . Address : F. J. CIIENKY & CO. , Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipatloa. "I think from the utensils abr.'it him that this mummy must have been an Egyptian plumber. " "It would be interesting to bring him back to life. " "But too risky. Who's going to pay him for his time ? " Louisville Conrier- Jourual. A Domentic Eye Remedy Compounded by Experienced I'hy * ! Conforms to Pure Food ami Dniirs Wins KrlendsVhereer Used. Ask Drug gists for Murlne Kye itemed Try .Mirin In Your Eyca. 1'ou Will Like llurine. Extreme * of "We want to do something big to ad vertise that new play. " said the- New York manager. "Well. " answered the press agent , "which kind of a play is it ? One to which you invite the attention of the clergy or the attention of the police ? " Washington PILES CUREC lf O TO 14 DAYS PAZO OIXTAIEXT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles In 0 to 14 dajrs or money refunded. BOc. llov It Started. "George , I am going to cook you a dinner all by myseif on Wednesday ! ' " "Make it Tbu-sday. dear. " "Why ? " "I'm going to be out of town Thurs day. " Iou < on Post. Sore throat leads to TonssUtK Quinsy and Diphtheria. Hamlins Wizard Oil used as a gargle upon the first symptoms of a sore throat will invaruihJy prevent all three of these dread diseases. I' ' . . . " . - * i'i ij .v"a. MK-'J fll.iJIf in- talks toou like That h"s tco ir icrr'n : : ! . I just wouldn't stanJ 2iv of his lip. ism--rMa I fis lip I The ideal II * is : ; -v r presumed so far as to kiss me. To restore a normal action to liver , kidneys , stomach and bowi-ls. take Gar- tield Tea , the mild herb laxative. Excited Woman Are you g : ing to- run away with me ? Reckless Driver ( slightly intoxicat ed ) Sorry , mum : but I can't oblige you. I'm mar-married already. Judge. Mrs. WIoslow's Soottiinj ; Syrup for child ren teething , softens the jiums , r ; clii .ett in tlauuniitioii. allays pain , cures wind colic. 23c a oottle. The "Weather House. A very ingenious contrivance foi foretelling the weather is the old fash ioned "weather house , " largely mad In Switzerland. It is arranged in sucl a way that two figures act in response to the twisting of a piece of catgut The material , supported by a wire , con trols the movements of a little plat form , on either end of which is placed a model. Excessive moisture in the ai ) causes the catgut to twist and turn th platform round , so that the inai emerges from one of the doors in th front of the house. Reverse eomlitiom of the atmosphere bring about the con traction of the < titgsit. and the plat form swings back , thus bringing tin figure of the woman into prominency at her particular door. The making o ? a weather bouse Is quite an eusy mat ter. Some Men. Men are unapprechitive of efforts of their wives to look beautiful. During the recent absence of an Atohisoii mau his \vifo put up her hair in curl prtper * every night , and washed her gray hairs in a new kind of tea women haved's - covered. She supposed that when hvr , husband returned ht.inr be would re mark her imprwod api'far.nirf. I'tit he didn't : And litei.V is stiii punt hr' Atehison ( ilol > e.