Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 18, 1909, Image 1
Historical Society it in smr 3 H J ' i\ 1 H j Si. . I. M. Hicc , Editor and Proprietor VALEXTIXE , XEBK. , THURSDAY , FEBIirARY 18 , 1909. Volume 24 , Xo. ( > BRIDGE , BEACH & GO.'G Superior Quality in Material , Construction and Workmanship , WILL LAST A LJFETiWIE 1 Largo Square Roomy Oven 14- Largo Fire Box , extension for Wood 2 Fire Back Guaranteed 15 Removable Duplex Grate , 6 years for Coa ! ; 15 for Wood for Coal or Wood 3 Cast Fiuc Box and Curved Flues 16 Large Ash Pan ; faickel Ash Guards 4 Cast Pipe with Nickel Check Damper 17 Aluminized Ovsn Rack G Extra Large Warming Closet IS Drop Oven Door forms Shell G Nickeled Closet Brackets 13 Self-Locking Gveu Deer Handle 7 Nickeled Drop Tea Shelves 20 Elegant Casl Saso 8 Sliding Draft Damper 21 Delr.chab.e ! Encased Enamsled 9 Sectional Top Reservoir 10 Superior Covers and Centers 22 Back ShelJ , can bs usad instead of 11 Reducing Ring Cover Reservoir 12 Large Pouch Feed Water Heater for fire box when desired 13 Drop Draft Door Silver Finish Nickel , easy to clsan . e/ / Recently we have added a large line of Trunks , Suit Cases , Steamer Trunks Telescopes and Traveling Bags Before going on your trip look over our assortment and purchase what you need. Yv c guarantee our goods to be the best and at the lowest prices in the city. H M "S * if 1H tf Q rk l l ROBERT McGEER , Propr. Fine Wines , Liquors and Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Grow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hiil , and 27/year/old and Jas , E. Pepper , O , F. C. Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct-.from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hcnncssy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska 1 * 2S2 2 3tt tt ttt2S2imxGnSf2& Read the Advertisements. Fire Protection. llft is all wrought upovei their Decent fire which PWP pt- five building in the heart , of th"ir cii.y with : i loss of § i' ' ,0 0. Must ol the stocks of merchandise wen1. saved , piling up in the streets like a blockade. They are talking of locking the barn now and want a chemical engine , a ho e tower t < j drain and dry the ho-o and double the water pivs uro and supply. There are some buildings left in Rushviile and it is proper to take precautions ajraiii t Another fire. Hud they agitated this matter be fore the fire half or more of the town would have bi-en against the proposition for mure protection against fire and would holler their heads oli' about the increased burd en of taxes. We don't think the people are worse in Rushville than in other touns but we're ex pressing the customary view of such matters and beliexe that it applies to man.towns. . . Valentine people have no better faciliiies for lighting fiie than liushvi'le but people here rely upon the stone buildings for considerable fire pro tection and think their superiority precludes the possibility of a fire of nny great extent. What could we doith a fire in such a gale as that of Monday night last week ? Why , the firemen couldn't get close enough to throw a stream of water onto the bhizo or the smoke without following up the fire from the windward side with such pr's- ure as Valentine n.iw his. If we wait for a disastrous fire to get ready to rebuild our water system we'll have less fire to fight then as our present system may be sufficient for a small town It was very good when Valentine had only a few buildings but it is growing old , the old water tank is about to fall down or rot clown and in such a cae we'd have a big damage case on our hands if the collapse should crush Capt. Shaw's building under it or W. S. Bark er's building to the north. The water is also very bad in the summer time , tasting of the decayed wood and we're always out of water while the tank is be ing cleaned which never purii ( < s the water very much and for two or three days after cleaning or disturbing the lank the water huts a disagreeable smell and taste. Of course , a change means ex pense but can't we stand that ex pense better with a whole skin than to have the expense follow a disastrous fire or the collapse of the old water tank ? -We want twin reservoirs es tablished on the big hill north of town built in the ground and ce mented up , with a cover over the top and pipes leading to the water main from each reservoir so that we'll have water from the one while the other is being cleaned. With such a natural advantage many towns would have long ago made use of it and we hope Valentine j will get busy now , not next week or next month or next year but NOW. Immediately begin to talk for the reservoir on the hill and keep it up until we get it. Let' ? , have ifc big enough to supply the city. Lt wont post any more than a big cellar. We don't want any contractor for this job. We want a foreman of the woi k to oversee the construction and employ home men for every dollar's worth of labor. Valentine people will have the bill to pay and the money all stays at home. But we've got to get busy and vote bonds to start the work. How much do we want to vote or spend and what amount of work shall we undertake this year ? Let's build the reservoir first and connect up the water main. That is the most important thing. to tlo for the health and protection 7 o AYe have placed on sale this week in our window as good , if not better , bargains than we have heretofore offered you. Men's 25c and 20c Plain and Fancy Sox at 14c parr Men's Regular ! 5c Black and Brown Sox at lOc pr. Men's Blue Denim Overalls , 75c Sellers at 59c oair. Good for Cut out this coupon and return it to us and''we will - c give you 5 trading stamps ? . Only one f coupon can be used by any one person. TRADING STAMPS i at the fa S CORNER STORE I of everybody and work should be gin on it as soon as the frost i- . out of the ground. Arc you all with us ? ] > on't want anyone hanging back. The fellow who hangs back I may drink too ninch bail watt1 r this coming summer and be sorry. Get enthusiastic in this work. It's right. How to Enter a Country Newspaper Office. Parties wishing to enter the printing oflice at this season of the year iiiould 're governed by the following rules : Advance to the inner door and give three raps. The devil will attend to the alarm. You will give your name , your postofiiee address and the number of years you owe for the paper. You will be admitted into the sanc tum and wiii advance to the cen ter of the room , where you will address the editor with the follow ing countersign : Hold the right hand about two feet from the brvl.y with thumb and fingers extended , tSie thumb and index fingers cht.sp- ing a $10 bill which you drop into the editor's hand , at the eam time sayingVere : you waiting for rue ? " The editor will grasp your hand and the bill and pressing it , will say "You bet ! " After giv ing him the news of your locality , you will be permitted to retire , with a receipt for an obligation j properly discharged. Ex. | A bill has been introduced in congress to increase the salary of the president from $150,000 a year to § 100.000. V.'heri it is remem bered that Ge-irge Washington , Thomas Jefferson and Absv ham Lincoln each served for $25,000 a j .year , and that tlrs man Tuft wants j four times as much , it give the real , true American citizen a pan- , ic. Fail bury Journal. The Journal should not over look the § 12,000 item each year for autos for his Royal highness ii i to ride in. 'The suckers no doubt , this and respond with even ! larger majorities for the party of plutocracy , pelf and appropriations j than in the past. Crete Democrat. I ' 'Please forward my paper Jo' ' Lamoreaux , S. D . " was written ! on a postal card and add rested to us this week by someone who for got to sign his n-ime to the card. There was no post mark on th card showing where it wis : mailed and-the card bore no other marks to indicate the author. Will st-me j one please re-pond and get IH toil j of this dilemma. We don't know whose paper to forward to Lame reaux1 , S. I ) . 'SA . , ; F Oplcil We sell farming- implements a _ . _ . . . , merchandise at reasonable prices. ' Call and try us. i ! NEBRASKA. MAX E. VIERTEL. IN EVPRYTHING. UJmrton-d as a St < ue sred as a .National Hank Jun 1 , 1801. August 12. 1802 , ' ' ' Valentine , Nebraska. r to ) . ' . .Al'.TALPilD fiufllrftl Bailklll § 85.000. ' Collection Business. C. K. COKSKLL , President. J. T. MAY , Vica-President. ' i r rji rf r - m * \ f CONFECTIONERY ' ' ' I Tobaccos and Cigars. i Canned Goods Lunch Counter : $ S tf $ Phone l-S . . Ts. * t ome aesry. g . , i .j Poultry , Horses , Mules and ir you havp to soil. s ' . for t K f i" $ & . f . fSsS s sszsr ri ? w ff 1 ' O a A 1fl 1 fl Valentine , Nebraska , lias received a complete line of new , liig'li grade . Fall and Winter Goods 'A which are being offered at the lowest prices pos sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable. Prices are within the reach of all and plainly mark ed on every article. One price to everybody. ; " > " * " v " > > * _ " * : " T- * y . j- ' "X" % . "x"sr'"N.C' . - t / . ' ir' > > r' ii > ' " - iix.v. i " ' ' * . < j-t"-7x'n'r -t. .vx.N * . > "i'i"j ' . - > ii - - - r _ - % .r * . * v . OSSD Tor run hr 9 u t to *