\ EDISON Phonographs . and Records New Amberol Records play 4 minutes. If you have an old style phon ograph get the attach ment for playing the Amberol Records. We ! will put it on for you. i VALENTINt. NED A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out § 10 or § 10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and , gives you a record of ' every transaction. .VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEB = ? . < VALENTINE r Si BARBER SHO P All kinds of. SHAMPOOS , MASSAGES. AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a specialty. HOT and COLD BATHS in connection Forest Shepard , Prop. v Valentine State Bank Building The Loop Valley Herefci d Ranch. Browniee.Nebi. So'dier ' Tree * Tol- um HIS 17th I6i05i ( , a * on of Columbus 17th , a half brother oftbeStO.OOOi'iam- pie o le. a n d J-Tiuce Ho-il'd l 131.- 093 at head of herd Tnowliave about 30 head of 1907 bull cahes tor sale. C. H. FAUI.HAUKH , H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. J , \V. will he attt-nrin. ( W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOTJK & FEED / General Merchandise It/ PHONE 12p cor. Hall & Cath. Vrnlentiue , Nebr , JOHN F. PORATH Tubular wells and windmills. me up by Telephone. Talk of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop. tf Jim ] Vlc can came to town yes terday f mm the Reservation. Wrn. EricksDii came up from his ranch and spent Saturday in I town. Mr. Willetsof the Coney Island restaurant haa m-w peanut roast er and pop-roni popper. Richard Owen called on us last Friday while in town on business and subscribed for THE DEMOCRAT. Tom VanBuren returned Friday from a visit to his mother Mrs. E. J. McLaughlin at Clam Falls , Wis. County Ju-'ge ' Quigley perform ed the marriage cermony uniting Martin Shopfish and Mary Arm , both of Rosebud Monday. Abraham John of the firm of A , John and Co. , of this city was married in Omaha last Sunday w.-ek to Miss Cecelia Dellal. j E. ! ' . Hume * handed IH a dollar for hi.-and one for W W. Goodin's ' ' ' - to TIIK OKM-'CKATIH ' alv n.-e while in town Sunday. Ernest Evans of Forest city , Mo. , and Mi s Geitie Coates of Irwin ; were married Ky county Judge' Quigle * last Snturday afternoon. Tom Aspinwall and wife are n-joiciiiiT over a pair of twins born to them about three weeks ago. | Mr. Aspnwall lives near Newton pi t office. There has been no loss of stock- yet reported to us from Monday and Tuesdays storm. The storm wa ? not so severe here as reported elsewhere. Straypd from Rosebud last week one heavy bay team branded T II connected and bar underneath. Notify \Vm Thunder Hawk , Rose bud , S. D , and receive reward. Medill Swi ert of Gordon was o befo'e the c < " uhry J udge here last Thursday charged with assault and mttery but was discharged , there lot beingsufficient cause for action. Wm. Ilarman told us Sunday of the twiiH horn to J. R. Wallingford wife the first of the year. A and a sjirl. Mr Wallinsford O v ives south of the onako aiid north of Xewton. Henry Sanner returned last light from Antelope and Pierce iounties where he has been lo k- for land. Fie says a Wyom- man fell off the train between Rasett and Lone : Pi o The man < i ? appeared to be intoxicated , Wm. Fugate was in town last Friday and informs us that he was defeated in his wrestling match with Lee Hand at Kilgore Wed nesday night previous , Hand get ting the first fall in 34 Fugate the second in 6 and Hand the last in 31 minutes. Invitations are out for the mar- rage of Stephen Fennunore Estes to Miss Maud , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. U'terback , both of Rosebud , S. IX , on Monday. Febj j nary loth , 1909 THE DKMOCRVT famiU extends he irty congratula/ fions to this woithy couple. Wm Bachelor was \a \ town last week wit ha big coyote scalp and kin He wanted a load of corn to tak * back with him- Farmers who have porn t-o - - pH m.ight put a no * tice in the pap T t ° that , elft ot so that thpv , ooulcj be called up by phone and n' > tiH < * d when to deliver a load in townTnis would enable the ranchmen to load at any time on short notice. Chuiles Hind man has been vis iting at the Carter home in Codv for several weeks dining the ill- Whh ofV. . H. ( 'tirh-r lie was niirt'd fiom a four year ol-l chili 1 bMr. . and MrW. . II. Caiter and sta\ed with them until a few years after they came tu this oiunty * lie is now a conductor on the I ) , and R. ( T. between Denver and i'ubblU. For Sale Six-room houe , stable for seven head of horses , granary and hay stable ; One 4-room house , corn crib and stable , city water in both houses. Must be sold soon , part time , part cash , or will take young heavy team as part payment. P. F. Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I. M. Rice , Valentine , Neb. 1 - Combs Out On Bail. Two week ago Lee L. Combs , charged with murder of C. W. Massingale , Dec. 23rd , applied to the circuit court for bond , in a habeas corpus proceedings before Judge Hays , and after reviewing the testimony in the case refused to grant him bail. The matter was appealed to the supreme court and this court granted bail in the sura of § 10,000 , which was made Tuesday. Eldorado ( Ark. ) Times. Rushville has a Bad Fire. A fire brokrt out in J. W. Good's clothing store on the west side of Main street Monday night and swept Fc.uthward to the corner 1) irnhig our . .JesVc > < < r , harl er , T A. Armr-frong , Gen M < i.-e. . Tom Sutherland , dry goods and millin ery , D. Brown , Gen. Mdse. and J. W. Grubb Furniture and Under taking Ye-8 , they have a water works system and noarlv every man in town belongs to the fire department to keep from paying poll tux and avoid being called on the jury but the hose had been rolled up wet and was frozen har.i as a hone and flat. < ouldn't get any water through it and the fire had its own way. A iow of frame buildings is a temptation and an aggravation for a fire and these Do buildings were of the fir&t in the town and the rate of in-urance was from 0 to S per cent. Will \ral- entine be caught with a wet and O frozen hose ? Peter Hoffman of Nenzel was < in town last week for a day but didn't forget to roll a dollar into this office for another year's sub script on. A. 0. Goodwin of Dannehro call ed at our office Friday on his way up to Cody where he has taken a homestead and expects to move his family up as soon as he can build a house. He was formerly a railroad man on the B. & M. , but recently has been farming and raising stock. W. W. Piercy faced the storm from H. A. Davis' place into town Monday and found it a long dis tance. He decided not to try to re turn until the storm abated. Leon ard will look after the stock at their Kennedy ranch during Will's ab sence. Leonard and Will run the home ranch in partnership. Miss Maud VauOrsdoll returned Sunday night from a vUit hac-k in Indiana where she and her sister Mies Mary were called about a month ago on account of the death of their father. Miss "VaiiOrsdoll took a carriage Monday morning for Rosebud and had a very cold ride up there. Under the statutes the Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of Ln- bor and Industrial Statistics is rqude manager qf a free employment lw- reau , where applicants for positions may file npvhoaUons and where those wanting help may make the fact Uno n The employment bu reau is thus made a sort of indus trial clearing house Unfortunately , the legislature has never rna < le ade quate provision for the ma ntenanoe of tin's employment bureau , ami it has ner been pushed as it should he. Deputy Commissioner Man pin has hopes , however , of securing the necessary support. In the mean time , he suggests that Nebraska farmers who may be desirious of emploving farm help communicate with him , as he is in ieceipfc of numerous inquiries from men who want to secure employment on farms. The service is absolutely free , except lhafc those writing should enclose stamp for reply. Addrsss sill communications to the Bureau of L'djor and Industrial Statistics , Luuculnj Nebr. Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brand and Bottled Gruchen- Under the heimer Supervision * " . * * j i i. Rye of the Whiskeys. U. S. GOT. We also handle the Budweiser Beer. TLJC PA i JOHN G. STETTER , Propr. William H. Carter. The funeral of William II Car ter , who died at his late home in Cody early last Friday morning , was held in the Valentine Presby terian church Sunday , afternoon , Feb. 7th , under the auspices of the Valentine and Cody lodges of the I. O 0. F. and M. W. A of which Mr. Carter had been a mem ber and worker. The Odd Fellows' service was used , the Valentine officers con ducting the ceremonies , being assisted - sisted by the pastor , the J. Robert Beale , who preached a sermon from the text in Genesis 23:45 : " 1 am a stranger and a sojnurner with you ; give me a possession of a burying place with you , that I may bury . .ray dead out of my sight. " The songs rendered by the Pres byterian choir were "Rock of Ages , " "Oh Think of the Home Over There" and "What a Frici.d . We Have in Jesus. " "The service was very beautiful , and of the large numbers in at tendance fairly crowding the church there were eighty .mem bers of the two fraternal ( vrcler- , nearly forty of whom had come down from Cody. Of these , led by the Foresters of the Co ly M. W. A. who were dressed in their Forestry uniforms and carrying their Woodmen axes , about sixty of the fraternity men , accompan ied the body on foot to Mt. Hope cemetery , followed by" seventeen carriages. Among those who came to show their respects and sympathy were several families who had known Mr. and Mrs. Carter for many years , friends and old acquaint ances from the hay flats. Of these were E R. Barnes and wife , Wm. Harmon and wife , Joe Edwards and wife and Dan Barnes and wife from Lake ; also A. E. Barnes from Ainsworth and A. Newberry from Cody. The interment was also in charge of the Odd Fellows , the members of both orders participating and dropping the sprig of evergreen upon the casket , and the benedic tion was pronounced by Rev. Beale. The bouquets of flowers pre sented by the fellow lodge mem bers were elaborate and beautiful , furnishing a fit illustration of the deep sense of human sympathy which earnestly sought expression by friend and neighbor. OBITUARY. William H. Carter , son of Hen ry and Mary Carter , was born in i Smithfield , Ohio , June 29 , 1851 ( ! His parents moved to Illinois 1 with him in 1S51 , where : it the age of 25 years William Carter married Mary E. Moore. Aflei- ten years , in 1SS8 , he , with his wife , removed to Nebraska , set tling on the Niobrara river at McCann's canyon. Five , \ ears 5 later they removed to the ha.\ flats 30 miles south of Cody , residing there twelve years They then removed to their hem * in Cody where the deceased passed away Friday morning , Feb nth. Mr. Carter leaves to ncr > urn hU loss 1 his wife , Mary E. and In- father Henry Carter. The latter has now survived all the members oj , the faamily of the family , except the wife of the deceased. Wil liam' * * mother pissi-d : away Oct. 16 , 1892 at the age of 62 years,1 his hitter Airs Ruth Ann Shore , wife of John H Shore , and well known to the people of Valentine , passed aw.iy July 26 , 11)07. ) ] \Ve extend to the bereaved our sincere sympathy. ' Win. rL Carter's deith at Cody last Friday morning called many of the old timers together from the neighborhood where he had j ! lived. The pall bearers were divided - ! ' vided between the O.ld Fellows and Woodmen : Joe Elxvard- , , Eirl Hook and El Stuart , and James Alone , 0. C. Brooks and \Vm. Dunbar. The Cody Foresters in uniform were : John Bennett W N Ilarnan W E Buckman C H Stoner Dock Shannon Alike Alone C 0 Goodrich Dan Barnes E \i \ Birnes Jess Cutcomb Besides these were C X Wren , Frank Bow.raan , Frank Mogle , Frank Jones , George Jurchow , Fred Amiott and Fred Barber of ICody ' ; William Kitchie , Frank Rothleutner , A T Brackett and W I Wray of Kilgore ; Mix E Viertel of Crookston , and LI W L > gan and wife of Norden , all old time friends ami neighbors. Airs. Xellie Carter , wife of the I deceased , was accompanied bv her alopted son , Charles Hindnvin , ' and Henry Carter , Wm Ander-1 son and wife , who is Airs. Carter's i niece. The casket , the most beau- i Jtiful and expensive seen in this county , was of quarter sawed pol ished oak with panels and metalic lined. Valentine fraternal hall was thrown open to the. visitors until i their return home. j Len Bivens took charge of the hearse and William Kjnkaid di rected the march. The arrange ments were perfect. Gordon Valley Gossip. , ' These nice days make people ' think of spring. . , . & Mrs. R p- . Tooinp-oii and son . Ray were guots at the home of iAlr. Carr's the latcr ? part of hibt week. Miss Mable Davis of Burge called - J I ed on relatives and friends in this , n Mghl > orhood fiom We < Jnesdav im- O / til Sunday. Some of our voting folks spent the eviMiitig with Mr.and Mrs. , ' Fred IVel Tlmr > { dny evening , j G. K. S twyer was seen in our Vall y one day last wee' < buying her es and pop i-.orn. Gniidpa Davis was out fora picas- ant walk Tuesduv. . H visited at x ( air's and Air. . ' uc\"s. Mi > . C. . S. luiece and Miss Th irkiv\ railed on Mr . Geo. Kucy I : s week The p ple aie out in numbers hnnling for The Wolf but are ali.-iiil he is ? o smnl ! the do s will not fr'O able to ST-O him. We undcr-in { < l W. M. Ftu - \ hac ] ihe pleasure of fulijiig .qiU o.f n buggie inielv. o f 11 W Duted vucaUer at : Are You Undecided where to bu v your bjll of Lumber ? If so"all you have to ao is to look at the prices we are quoting for HIGH GRADE LUMBER as well as everything that is in cluded in building , for interior or exterior work from the Timber in your foundation to the shingles on your roof. Mg Lumber Co. Valentine , Nebr. LUMBER . Lath , Shingles , Doors , Windows , Paper , raton - on t Roofing Tar Paper , Paints , Oil , Varnish , Brushes , Glass , , /Pjitty , Jjiine , Cement , Plaster , Brick , Posts , Poles. We Sell Hudson oal BISHOP & YOUNG , NFRR Il L D HI Br6s' Oasis , Nebr t ( ! . K. Sawver lias , charif of the.se A \ Battle H rst-1 l on leftshoiil- cler. Son left sule. left thl ; h. e on ijuake river. UrasKa LSIEIQ and Feeding Co. KIrharns PresV ill G Conntock , V. F. Chas C Jamison SecttTreaa Cattle branded on a ly part of animal ; also the following brands : horsea branded tht same i $ : . Range between w eBSs a ttordou t n tlie l"'Ji. < SM V..R. R. and Ih'innisoii M. Ui II. in Xortlnv-st-r i Nehr. ItvtT KTT UIji HVRDS. KIMvjrn. Nehr. MILL PRICES FOR FEED. 'VerCwfcf Per Ton. Bran , sacked. . . 1 Off1 § 20 00 Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00 Corn , sacked 1 20 23 00 ,1,50 29 00 Cliop Corn , sacked 1 25 2i 00 Cliop Feed , sacked 14 0 27 00 | th- Ballard ranch last 'Tuesday. * Dune minor eavs tliau ed ding hells rang Potith of our Valley M iudjiy. JJurrah'for Don Cupid. i . Happy Oarnir was seen riding up our Valley Friday. Our nVc weather c au/ht cold Momhu a.utl liaa heen making up if.'rlo-t tune , ii i i The fudge party riven by' Miss. EMythe was wi'll tl.-i led an I all [ report a go > i time. ! OARKIB NAIIOK