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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1909)
Commissioners' Proceed = ings. 4 OHice of Co. Commissioners. Valentine , Neb. , Jan. 5,09. Board of county commissioners mot as per adjournment. Present : G. K. Kussell , A. E. Morris and James Alone. The following taxes uere order ed stricken from the tax list for the .voar 190S : New York Life Jns. Co. , Merriman , $11.21 ; Oliver Typewriter Co. , Valentine , § 2.98 ; Remington Typewriter Co. . Val entine , $1.48 , same having been erroneously assessed. Personal taxes of John Good , Pleasant Hill Precinct , for years 189(1-97 ( ordered stricken from the tax list , same having been paid. The following claims were allow ed on the General fund : Election Fei-.s . ! - ii'di t-s : i d < ) Gee Elliott I ! OJ 'A 11 raiK-ke apecial deputy 17 75 John Keeley jr do 10 25 The following claims were al- lowpd 1 on the Road fund : D J Kichardson bla ksmithing 6 55 Uoad Work IJreuVlaiiderreiuuing plows 11 55 Board adjourned to Jan. 6th. Jan. t > , 1909. The following claims were al lowed on the General fund : Red Front Merc Co burial pauper 73 15 Kosa Mone care pauper 30 00 .1 C Quigley ' \pense 10 72 lied Front Merc Co supplies 71 15 SF Oilman light Dec 15 25 E C Cole supplies pauper 152 20 S A very service * as chem'st ' 10 0) A J Baldwin medical servii- 5 00 AM Morrisscy attorneys hes 50 00 E 1) Clarke do r.o oo C I\I \ ix well justi > ft fees 10 45 H E Crosby i ailill iced 11 00 II C Jennums photographs 11 25 G. o Elliott state vs Burdiek 3 05 The Fair , Gordon , casket pauper 12 50 T Coleman .sher-ff tees 1 35 Mate .Journal Co supplies 38 75 K I' Hoxey medical services 5 00 . ) Moglecare puiyer 30 00 .John Tucker salary Oct 38 33 W Snowden witness fees r to ; W T Bullis bailiir fees K ; oo ( ' A Kosseter .sheriff lees 127 25 IJ Ho i son salary 135 00 A I\I \ .Mo > ns ey canvassing bo ird 2 00 C M Cornell do 2 00 .1 T Kee ey do 2 00 .1 I Keeley m ips , sal. exp ' 175 90 W I ) Aims'rongexpense 1)7 ) 59 G Carlson labor 12 50 State vs Maule II a Heriing 8 70 Echo Kilya 9 CO Ethel Kalya 10 30 luiima V Kalya 9 CO G E Kalya i ) l > < > F F Kalya G 10 C II Stoner making booths 10 5t J M TueKer e\p 10 20 I .M Kite printing G 50 0 Ilershey wit fees 2 CO Wru Fni'.cke " G 00 Win Bell \ \ 00 G B McNain-e justice fe2S 5 CO Cherry Ca Tel Co plion es S4 S3 Star Livery Co livery 20 00 F J Baldwin phy-i-ian fees 23 00 1 II Ei.iery burial pauper 15 00 G Christopher wit fees 13 00 W It While making ballot , boxes G 00 Marv Glemlenning care pauper I ) 60 G 15 McXapiee wit fees 11 50 Mrs II G 12 10 HGIendenuing 12 10 Mabel Sinders 12 40 W Cutsclmll 11 40 Ir Baldwin 10 20 G F Itoberts 10 20 Jury Fees G L Hauver 14 r > o W Epke IT 70 G J.hnsou 10 50 K Crahb 11 00 C W Carter 12 r.o L B Barclay IS 40 K F O-boi-n 45 00 S B Weston 14 10 M 1) C } phtr3 11 10 G Christopher 12 CO G W iUirge 12 00 r w Unison G 00 II I'orath 5 SO C Jensen 14 10 ' . - B AlcXanvse 14 00 W McDonald 14 10 .1 Hee'aud 7 GO L L Bivens 14 10 S Q Spain 10 10 J U Dwyer 11 00 A Benson 12 00 ii Fowler 9 20 S M Woodward 20 CO O Church 2 10 W Francke 2 10 K Kobins'ju 12 10 K Andeiaou > . K ; H Koi-ertsun J 10 E Brcuklander 12 10 ( J Cailson 2 10 F Kandall 12 10 II W Johns.on 2 10 II Graham 2 10 B Bachelor 2 10 II E I/iyport 12 10 F Kandail draying 1 20 Gee Elliott judges fees 1 40 The following claims were al- lowed on the Road fund : CC Thompson 1200 Theo Green 2 : ; oo Johnson Bros 1.90 Banif.vJarchow 5 OJ C W Cramer 1 00 K c-ramei l 00 C .Montgomery 34 25 E Adams 12 OJ C llujkminster ( ! 00 S M Woodward s 00 J Pike 4 00 Margrave & D 7 70 H Alejers n 70 W F Bullis 3 W 1'CGallowap 42 05 G C Jelfers 10 50 H F Miller 31 00 J lUeber 21 50 U lieeker 3(1 ( 00 GMarlu 21 0) ( J Austin 'S 00 J Martin 51 00 \ .Muisen ; 7 50 1) Crane 5 00 F Uiieehle 99 00 J F Hook IS 75 C I'.ulik 18 00 E Beed 4 50 Al H : < tten 3 00 W E Cady 0 00 A K Ivuskie 17 00 K Osborn 3 00 11 Kuskio ( i .r > 'J ' L K Geyer 75 11 a Johnson 3 00 J May 3 0. ) .M Katoii 3 00 J Fail-head 1 50 F T Lee 702 L C St.trr 113 00 S KSnrth f > 00 P Smith 5 (0 W Minth 5 00 15 Nichols 12 ( ,0 The following official bonds were approved : J M Tucker countv attorney John Good justice of the peace Elsmcre pre K F Osborn constable steen precinct Iti-ad Ovei'oeers W Foster No 2 F M Edwards i ; 0 I'.ivlJk 7 -chaefer li C Wren 11 M Mono 12 LC Stair 13 C Larson II ( T H Folsoni 15 S M Woodward 17 ] U Eitou 18 W Dahlgiin 20 O H Firth 21 A Howe YV A McN'all 2(3 ( C Montgomery I'C Galloway 28 IK ! rooms 30 . On petition of John Good et al j of Elsmere precinct , C. B. Over- was appointed constable in airl for said precinct to ( ill vacancy and his bond approved. The following official bonds were rejected : A C Ilrown , constable , Goose Crock precinct : E L > Mi ; Jtotb. justice of the peace , Goose Creek precinct. Jlefund of $5.57 ordered made teD D Q Steed for taxes paid by him in Valentine village for the year 1908 , his property having been erroneously assessed. Upon showing made by the county assessor the valuation of lots 19 and ? 0 in block 11 , Villas j of Valentine , ordered changed j from § 5490 to § 4860 and taxes computed on § 4860 valuation for the year 1908. Kefund of § 6 ordered made teA A G Holt for taxes paid by him in Goose Creek precinct for the year 1908 , his property having been erroneously assessed. Bids called for for the furnish ing one car Olympic coil for court house and contract entered into with J W Yeast to furnish same at § 6.75 per ton delivered in bin at court house. The county treasurer is allowed a deputy during the year 1909 at a salary of § 700 per annum and in addition is allowed § 1.00 for extra clerk hire during said year , same to be paid out of the fees of his office. The following list of deputy as sessors for the year 1909 appoint ed by P II Young county assessor is approved : Cleveland and Dewey - ey Lake , C W Bennett , Simeon ; Barley and Gillaspie , Dan Barnes , Lake ; Nenzel aa:3 Sharps lianch , Alois Schaefer , Nenzel ; Elsmere , Goose Creek and Pleasant Hill , John M Uehling , ElizabethSparks ; and Kewanee , John Shelbourne , jr. , Valentine ; Lavaca and Irwin , Ira T Johnson , Gordon ; Eli , W D Ricketts , Merriman ; German , E D Spencer , Crookston ; Georgia , W I VVray , Kilgore ; Merriman , E B Quible , Merriman ; River , Ernest L Heth , Valentine ; Schlagel , Wm Heelan , Arabia ; Valentine , W E Haley , Valentine ; Woodlake , J P Kreycik , Arabia ; Crookston , Mor ris Anderson , Crooksfcon ; Table , C M llahn , Valentine ; Kennedy , Wm H Kennedy , Kennedy ; Steen and Reeves , R F Osborn , Cherry ; Enlow and Russell James Sween ey , Pullman ; Loup , Homer Tait , Brownlee ; Cody , M Mone , Cody ; Kinney ville , Al Stewart , Prentice. The appointment of Alex Burr as deputy assessor for BuGulo Lake and Mother Lake precincts , was rejected. Board adjourned to Jan. 7th. Peru Normal Notes. Miss Vivian Young of Woodlake will enter school for the second semester's work. Miss Stella Mcftare left Peru Jan. 27 , for a short business trip to her home at Arabia. Members of the Philomathean society enjoyed a piano solo given by Margaret Stetter last Friday evening. Everyone enjoyed Senior Day , Jan. 29. The seniors gave a very enjoyable program at the chapel hour. Misses Alfa Dunham and Ennis Boyer are members of this class. Gov. Shallenberger has accepted the invitation of the senior class to deliver the commencement ad dress on June 1. This class of 17.5 students will be the largest ever graduated from our state normal at Peru. Adrian M. Newens gave "A Message From Mars" en evening last week. This was one of the best numbers of our splendid lec ture course. It will be remember ed that Mr. Newens gave this ex cellent lecture in Valentine last summer. A man in Sheridan county ad vertises in the ilushville Standard to sell his farm on account of the neighborhood in which he lives. This is what he says : "On ac-1 count of being located in a neighborhood - borhood where horses , cows and other property is stolen and mo lested , I wish to sell my farm con sisting of nearly one and a half sections of land. This is the best farming and grazing land in the country and my only reason for wanting to sell is stated above. Will give good bargain to anyone wishing to locate in such a neigh borhood. Will state that there are some very good , industrious neighbors in the same locality. " Taken Up at my place , S miles smith of \7il- : entine , Nebr. , on Tuesday , January - uary 19 , 1909 , one white face steer , ? or four years old , no vis- ible brand , ears under . cropped , broad horns , left hind foot bruised , F. D. EEAMAN , 2-5 Valentine. Neb. - Estray Notice. I have taken up as estravs two red white face yearling steers. No brands , one has left ear either cropped off or end frozen off No other marks I am able to find. They are at my ranch on sec. 33 , tp. 33 , r. 25 , Cherry Co. , Nebr. 15 D. A HANCOCK , Are You a Writer ? AVe want , some young lady or you nil man to take up the work of city editor on THK DEMOCRAT and learn other work connected with the office. To the one who can gather the news and tell it in a readable style and help with other work when not so engaged we of fer a place on our staff Wages will be paid according to the value of the services. We want a capa ble person of good education and a talent for newspaper work. tf For Sale Six- room house , stable for seven head of horses , granary and hay stable ; One i-room house , corn crib and stable , city water in both houses. Must be sold soon , part time , part cash , or will take young heavy team as part payment. P. F. Simons , Sparks , Neb. , or I , M. Rice , Valentine , Neb. 1 31. S. W for week Ending E'Yb. 2. Daily mean temperature 27 ° . Normal 18 ° . Highest 58 ° , lowest -5 ° . Precipitation 0 00 of an inch. Total precipitation from March 1st ( the crop season ) to date was 19.71 inches and the average for same period for 20 years is 22.00. Estrayed from my range near Kennedy one roan steer 4 years old , branded .S , . on left side. Was last seen in October , 1907 , on Diamond Bar range. § 5 reward for information of his whereabouts. 3-3 D. M. SEARS , Kennedy , Neb. For Sale. One high grade Percheron stal lion , 3 .years old last June , weight 1600 pounds. Also one Cleveland Bay horse , 5 years old , weight 1250 pounds. For further information see or ad dress me at Crookston , Neb. L. H. OVERMAN. Notice to Creditors. In .he County Court within and lor Cherry county , Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of L'jvi N Kime. deceased. < To the creditors of said estate : You arw hereby notified. That I will sit at tlu- CouiitA Coirt IJonm In Valentine in said county on the 20th duy of l-Yiirnary , lt)09 ) al 10 o'clock a m. to receive and examine all claims atiaiust said estate , with a. siew to their adjiiHtmi'iit and allowance The time Inn-ted for the presen : i tion of claims against saii estate is MX months from the 20 h dav of August A l 1908 and tin- time limited for payment ot debts is one year Irom said 2uth daof Au ust. I90S. Witness my hand aiN ttie seal < > fs > iid SEAL County ourt 2sth dnvof Jumary. v 1909. JAMKS C. QUIGI.EY , 3 4 County Judge. Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account In the county court of Cherry coun'ty. Xe- braska. State of Nebraska , i Cherry County t To the heirs and all persons interested in the estate ot Willie II. Archer , deceased. On reading the petition of Emma Archer praying a settlement and allowance of ' her'account HleJ in this court on the 10th day of January. 1909 , and lor her discharge as administratrix. It is hereby ordered that you and all per sons interested in said matter may. and do. appear at the county court to be held in and for said county , on the Oth day of February , A. D , 1 ! > 09. at 2 o'clock p. m. . to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted , and that not ice ot the pendency ot said petition and the hearing thereof be'given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy ot- tlu.s order in The Valentine Democrat , a weevly newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said da'v of hearing. JAJIKS C. QLMULEY. " 2-'J County Judge. I * . - . < an l Othrc Iro'-i ii otv Vf ' B I Janua y 2S i90u t siillii : < n nifi'-t ; . ( l d v ha\ ei- lid in \ this ottli- ' bI"raik ; o p. irii H n r-iani , aft-iinsr Home < > rtad eurrv N . 37S4. made June ! i 29 19H4 for all of srctlon 21 township 25. range 35 6th P. M .by Herman C. Gumwrcchr contest.- * ' in which ills alleged that said cl-iimant has wholly abandoned said trae * for m i < > re than six months last pa-it ; thar , he has never resi'ti'd ' tii < on. cultivated or improved said tract as require' } b > aw ; that the sji'd hu d H in its wild ami nativ stai - wholly u fd ; that a'l th ai < v alleged defects exist at this date and liave i ot t een cured. Said parties are hereby norilid to app ar respond : md offer evi-icnce touchmi. sai allega- t on at 10 o'clock a. m on M rch 13 1909 i-e- fore J. H. Welton , U * . Commissi mer. Mullen Nebr. . and that the final hearing will * held at 10 o'clock a. in. on AUreh 10. 19(9. t'f ' j fore the rg terand receiver at thUn ted State J land OfhVe in Kiokcn How. ebra-ka. Toe stiiii contpstjuit having. In aproper .ifli davit \ li ed J.muary 18 1909. set tortn ta--t ? which show that t r due duicenci * p-rsonal service of ; his nolleeanii' " he m is here .y ordered and direct * * ' th it Midi notice l-e given i > \ dim anu prop r j'ublKution 4 4 H I'AHIUS AJISKKUUY , KeCB Vr Contest Notice. U. S. Land O fee. va entim1Vbriska. : . i J nu-irv 9 , 1909. i A sufticient conto t affidavit having h n til d in this otlice " > y M ir < C St.'wa. t co-it-st ant. again t Ilom-s-ea-t entry Vo 1M29J)119I ! ) m deJunelW 1908. for swv { wi4. nw w ' 4. section 1 ' /Jii1/ and sy s cti 'ii2 township'29 raim31 , by I'env 1'eterion. coimstee. in whicti it. is alleged that s-ii.i IVter ivterson has never Mnblished residence upon the land since lilimr iip-in the same md h lias laded to cure his laches up o this date naid tartiesare lire' v i-olified to ajtpear , respond anJ offer e\i ence touching said alle- g.ti-n at 10 o'clock a in i n Kel rnarj 20 1909 i'i-'or - the register and iec'eivi-r al the Unitec' S' 'tf-s Land o ci * PI Valentine. ebtaska Tlie sain co > te-tant liavuig. n a j > roper aitl- davit filed Jan. 9 1909. s-t foith facts which show that * fter due diliuemv personal ser ict of this n-'tice can not'i ' is hereby order e < i rtiid direct-d tiint s-ich notice titgiv -n i y due and proper publication. K.l.S ( V K 1 4 Receiver Contest Notice. U. S. L-ind Ofiico. Valentine. Nel > r sk-i. Jaiitiarj 12 l.09. : A sutlicient conies' affidavit haviiig been tiled in this oKtce 1 \ Charles O.Miyder contesiant. a-'aiust boniest ud eiury No 1HH7 01221. nndt hVbrnan 1 19)2. ) f .r K'.K'S. seed u 2s town- sliip in , > : umei : : ) . i y Horace I ) Hilton contes tee , in which a is alleged tint said Horace I ) Hilton has whol.v ab ind-ned vain land ; thai the land is nut settled up n nor cnlnvatort in go ni faith and < _ > . trjm-tn \er estat li he ( ' residence thf-reon. a'nd tliat said al eged aband oiiment of th-said-anil ftxik ; ! < ee more ihHi six inlit is I > the evpi'nlioii of live years item the ti Me of filing upon same and cutmneii ha- failed to cure his lah s up to t MS date Said parties ; ir Iierby notified to appear re sr > o-id. and oiler ev dence to'chingaid nlleg ? lion at 10 o'clock a. in. , on Kebrti try 2:5 : 19 ! . ue t -re the r m ter and receiver ar the Unite' States land otnc in Valentine Vebraska. ihesiiid r'litest-Hit liavimr. in a uroperafF- davit , Hied Janury 12 190 : . sei fortii fact- which show til-it afn r due diligence i.ersona1 MTV e ol this nonce cann > t be made ili > hereby ordered an-i oireeicd that sncli i otic be given > -y due and projici public uion. E 2'l E. OLSOX , Keceiver Contest Notice. U.S. Land Office , Va'entine. Nebraska , i January 12 1909 f A sufficient contest affidavit Having beni filed in thi- . office by CbnleO Sn.\d r. ones - ant. against homes-ad entry No l.Tl-15-oi22r > nude hebruarv 1 1902 fr s.fsvf. ; . sw 4 > t-W section 2S ; ne'tiiw1Hiid nw ue . secfou 3:5. : townslmi 35. range "O , by James Pospes I , cot- testee. in which it is alleged that s-nd .fames I'ospesil has wholly abandoned said land ; that it is not settled upon nor cu tivated in good fai h , and entrymao lias not established resi den e th reon.and said alleged abandonmeir took plaiv more than six months prior ttht expiiaiion ot li e years from the tunof lilimj : upon same , andeutryman has fai.ett to cure his laches up to this date. Said panics are hereby notified to appear , n - spend and offer evidence"touchiiif ; said allega tion at 10 o'clock a m , , on February 23 190 : ) , before the register and receiver at the United States L-md Office in Valentine , Nebraska The sa d contestant having , in a proper affi davit , filed J-ui. 12,1909.ct forth facts which show that after due diligent- ' personal service of tinnoti e can -ot be made , it ia herefy oidered that such notice be given by due ant proper publication. E 2 4 E. OLSON , Receiver. to Ci'ftutors. THE STATIC OF NKIUASKA In the rouu'y CHKKKV COUNTV.SB ( Court , In tbe matter of the estate of Fred Kudelk , deceased : To the crediio s of said estat" : Vou are hereuy nonlied i'liat I will sit at tl'.ti Coun'y Court Itoom in Valentine m > aidcoun v on the 27th day of February , 1909 at 10 'clucv i. m. . to receive and examine ail cjaiins again , t said estate witti a. view to their adjustment and allowance The Mine limited tor the present i- tion of claims against said estate is six moiit-s ! from the 27th day ot August A. I ) . It'OS and tl e time limned fur payment of debts is one jeir In-iii said 27th dav ot August 1908. ' Witness my hand au-i the * e ii of said EAL county court , this 2nd dav ot Febut- , ary , 1909. JAMat. U. QUl-iLEY , 4 4 County Judge. Notice of Probate of Will. In the countv court ot Cherry countv. Xe braska. STATE OF XEI5RASKA , i , _ COUNTY OP CHERRY , i'hb To all persons interested in the estate of John Ford , deceased : On reading tbe petition of Bennett \V. Smith , praying that the instrument liled , n this c mrt on the 8th day of Januarv. 1 % . ) , anu purporting to be the last will and testa ment ot the said deceased , inav be prowd and allowed , and recorded as the last w 11 and testament ot said deceased ; that sad instrument be admitted to probate , and the administration of said estate be granted o Victoria E Smith and Bennett W" . Sinit i. as executors. It is herel > 3- ordered that all persons inter ested in said matter , may. and do , appear it the county court to be held in and tor sa d county , on the 12th day of Febrtiarv. A. ! . . 1909. at 10 o'clock , a. m. . to show cause , it ai v there be , why the praver ot the petition--- should not be granted" , and that notice ot ti ! < - pendency of said petition and that the her - ing thereof be given to all persons interest- l in said matter by publishing a copy of tl > order in the Valentine Demorrat.'a week newspaper printed in said county , for thr e successive weeks prior tosaidda\ hearing. Witness mi'hand and seal of said court [ SEAL , ] this22nd day ot February. A D. . 19 "it. " 3-3 JAMKS C. QUIGLEV , County Judge Notice of Probate of Will. In the county court of Cherrv countv. N ; - braska. braska.State State of Nebraska , i . County of Cherry , t To all persons interested in the estate if Lewis H. Smith , deceased. On reading the petition of A. C. Nellr r. ; i praying that the instrument Hied in tins i court on the 22nd day of Januarv , 1909. and " purporting to be the last will and "testame it of the said deceased , may be proved and . 1- " lowed. and recorded as" the last will ai d testament of said deceased : that said insti i- uient be admitted to probate , and the ad ministration of said estate be granted to \ . . C. Xellor and C. H. Cornell as executor . It is hereby ordered that all persons interested - ested in said matter , may and do. appear it s the countv court to be held in and to sa d county , on the 13th day of Februarv. A. 1 . . I 1909 , a'l 2 o'clock p. m. , to show cause , " it"ai.y there be. why the prayer of the petition ; r should not be granted" and that notice of t le . pendency of said petition and that the he : ring - ing thereof be given to all persons interest : d in said matter by publishing a copy of tl is ' ' order in the Valentine Democrat , a newspaper printed in said county , tor three successive weeks prior to said dav " of hearirg. A Witness my hand , and seal of "said cou "t , [ SEAI > 1 this 2oth dav of Januarv , A. D. , lltw. a-u JAMBS C. QUIULEY , County Jud e. Pat P' irer. Blmeen Ne > r Joe Bristol.Valentine. Valentine. Nebr. Range on NIo- brara river four miles east of Ft. \1ohrara Horses and le branded connected on eft hip or side as in K. M. Faddis & Co. Posuirtlce address Valentine or KHunedy. Some branded on left thigh. Horses branded [ shoulder i r thigh. Some Some branded branded on right thigh on left ' or shoulder shoulder or thL'h . P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left aide some QYon left side. on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Cre k north of Simeon , Albert Whipple & Sons. rtosebud n. It. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO ou rigbtside Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two barn across hind quar- UTS Some Texas S O on left aide and some on left side. llarses hrinded SOS on left nlo. Some cattle hr-i'io > d \ w nar connected on both sides and left hip of horses N7 S. Rowley. riaine as cut mi ft tidf and hip , and on 1-ft shoulder of her ae. . AlsoBH on left side hip F X on left sidp Some pat- ! tie bniM- ! t-il hus i iir peg ( either side np ) on 1-ift , sidor p ou left jaw and left shoulder or homes. UJ on left hip of horses. on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud. 8D Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJBE IJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock DearingH.nv of brands. Kohl & TerrilL Brownlee , Ne J. fattle branded as in cut on left side. Some branded K T Y on left hip. Range on North Loup river two mil s west of Brownlee J. A. Yaryan. Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded aou cut.left side vane on left hip. Horses same on 1-ft shoulder. Range Square Roan Woodlake Neb Kangr on Lonjc Lake atid Crook ed Lake. John Kills Plenty. St Francis Mis sion. Kosehud. S. D. rattle branded as in cut ; horses x m * on letf thitrh. Kaii-e he- iwee"prill Ck and Little Wh te river. Metzger Bros. Koiftebr Cattle branded anywhere ou left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Ilorsps have same brand on left thigh. Uange on Gordon and Snake Creeks. Reward of $250 will be vaid to any person for itiioim.tion leading to the arrest aud final conviction ot any person or persons stealing cattle with above Draud.