Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 04, 1909, Image 5

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    K 4f r
a v
Phonographs j
and Records
New Ambcrol .Records
play 4 minutes. If you
have an old style phon
ograph get the attach
ment for playing the
Ambcrol Records. We
will put it on for you.
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men for any
man for you. It is
' suited to the need of
i ! any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
\ BARBER S H 0 P 3
\ ,
\ 1
, All kinds of 1
Shampooing a specialty. II
HOT and COL.D BATHS in connection I
5 Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
'ilieLoup Vallt4 } Hcrofoid Ranch
uinus 17th ir.iior. < i.
: i son til Columbus
17th. a half iirothtT
pion i > ilc. a n ( I
I'rmrr Hoal.dd l\- \
C03 ui heul of herd
I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calvi s
for sale.
Office ovo.r the grocery deparraent
of T. C. Hornby's store.
- Kohr
All work will he { riven prompt
and careful attention.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
nioxK 125
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
me up by Telephone.
Tr.Knzila' . . - barber shop. tf
Ed PiKe ami A. E Green were in
town Tueaday.
Harry Presho of Eosebud was in
town yesterday.
SIt. . Kirnmel spent , several days
in town the past week.
| Tim Lu'lwitr ' Lu nber Co. have
a change of ad in this issue.
| Frank "Randall has a new wagon
frame for hauling trunks and boxes.
Ur. II. Ritchie of Kiljrore spent
several days in our city last week.
\Ve hear thatCrookston is boom
ing and town lots selling like hot
A. B. Overman of Crookston
transacted business in the city last
Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Kyees enter
tained the Flinch club last nighfc at
the latter's home.
The RIM ! Front , and D.ivenports
r.rt1 finibiniup their annual in-
week. the "Ranchers' Home ,
ni'-aU 2. ) cnnts Lunches a sp < * c-
ialt.v. J. BIIADSIIAW , Prop.
i A large number of Norden men
were in town Monday laden with
wheat fet the Oilman's mill here.
Younir thoroughbred Buff and
j Pat. ridge Cochin cockrels for sale
at $1 each. Mus. J. F. SIIEPABD.
Win. Anderson was in from the
Niobrara Monday transacting busi
ness and called to set his subscrip
tion a year m advance.
Frank Foster of Keya Paha county
was in town yesterday. He has
been out to the coast and fhinks of
returning soon.
A. E. Spall has been in town
and around the country several
days this week buying cattle which
he shipped to market.
Harry Shosspr the Rosebud liv-
ennan lum purchase ! lh < > Win.
Brown stable at Crookston and is
remodeling it and building a dwell
Rasmus Anderson has been in
town several days this week pre
paring to move his family to Craw
ford where he has charge of the
Post Exchange restaurant.
To make room I mu t sell as
soon as possible 2o fine ringlet
barred Plymouth Rock cockerels.
Call on or address Mrs. L. E.
Vicrtel , Crookston , Neb. 2-A
Misses Pearl Lewis and Garnet
Holsclaw came down from Chad-
ron last Friday morning and spent
several days visiting in town.
Miss Lewis had been visiting in
The d.mce given by Fischer's
orchestra Tuesd i.v evening was
fairly well attended. Joe West-
over , violinist of Rushville , led the
orchestra. II. C. Jennings took a
flash light picture of the dancers.
Sup rinfendant Shmion was clown
from the boarding school the first of
the week. D. L. McLean and John
Anderson of Rosebud and Robt.
Emery and John Neiss were also
in town several days the first of the
A big blaze was started near
Hack berry lake last Friday when
Joe Thackrey carried out some
ashes and dumped in the yard by
the house. 30 men were out to
fight fire and soon run it into the
lake where for lack of fuel it went
W. L. Puckett has accepted a
a position in John Kazda's barber |
shop , Elmer DeBolt having resign
ed and gone bick to his home at
Ainsworth. Mr. Puckett comes
t'rom the Millard Hotel barber
shop in Omaha preferring to live
in our thriving village.
Geo. D. Huggins and daughter
are in town this week. Mr. E'uggins
owns a moving picture machine
which he has rented to the young
man who operates the show for Obe
Church which started Monday night.
People remarked that Monday
night's audience was the largest
ever in the hall and best show of
thte kind given in Valentine.
C II Kincs'id is in lowu lotlaj' .
Col.Qiiigley went to Lincoln this
Andrew Schatzthauer of Wood-
Lake was in town yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Compton gave a
card party to a few friends Satur
day night.
The railroad company is repair
ing the coal chute , putting in
steeper slides.
Xever-Slip horse shoes and Nev-
er-Slip calks in all sizes at Fisch
er's Hardware. 2
J. M. Moffet drifted into town
yesterday and called at our office
for a visit. He is buying mules
and steers.
R.E. Garlock and wife returned
Tuesday night from a mgnth's visit
with relatives at Walnut Grove and
Waseca Minn.
Mrs. G. A. Chapman gave a cake
party Wednesday afternoon of last
week , each guest dressing to repre-j
sent some cake.
Mrs. Frank Bniyton enfertai'.ed
the 500 club last Thursday after
noon during that awful wind and
they got so interested that they
didn't know it was blowing until
they started for home.
C. IT. Cornell received a tele
gram Monday morning that F. A.
Gunnison of Boston , the husband
of Mrs. Genevieve Adams Ilew-
ett , well known to Valentine people
ple , died Sunday night. Mr = C.
Gunnison is a sister of Archie
W. E. Case of King brought in
4:7 wolf scalps yesterday and
transacted bu ines in our city.
We acknowledge a pleasant vi it
with him. lie has a good home
stead and does considerable farm
ing and raises a fine garden. Glad
to hear it and to see these western
f irmers.
Mis * B' ltz goes up to her
home at Xenzel today and in a
fe v days goes to Cri\vf : < nl where
she. joins Mr and Mrs. Fercl-m
who are going up into Wyoming
tp visit , and Mrs. Ferdon expects
to remain at a friend's home dur
ing her absence visiting in Enir-
Und. Miss Boltz is to reimin
with Mrs Ferdon.
MrL. . C Sparks give a lirtle
girls party yesterday afternoon in
which the ladies about town dress
ed like girls of 12 and went for
getting their age. We suppose
they talked about school and fel
lows and dolls and romped all over
Levi's blue grass yard and there's
lots of room , too. They had a
swell time and the novelty gave
spice to the occasion.
M. V. Nicholson and daughter
Estelle went down to Lincoln Mon
day morning where the latter takes
a course in a business college Mr.
Nicholson has since his departure
been delegated to represent Valen
tine before members of the legisla
ture in the interests of nn apropria-
tion for continuing the fish hatchery
here and to ask that an agricultural
experiment station be established
Pole Hudson was back to town
Saturday and says the wind blowed
hard enough to twist his windmill
and when he and the Mayor got to
Sparks with a load of coal and a
barrel of coal-oil one of them had
to hold the wagon and the other
the team and there was no one to
unload the oil so he hauled it home
and unloaded coal first and hauled
the oil back when the wind went
down the following day. Strong
To those who sometimes
forget the printer.
Several persons forgot to call and
settle r.he first of the year and others
who like to pay in advance have neg
lected to do so. We would like to
have all accounts past due for THE
VALENTINE DEMOCRAT settled at once.
Thee who pay in advance should
call and pay.Ve don't like to
present a bill tor something they
have not received. Don't forget
this notice.
Very truly ,
Old Crow , All Loading-
Hermitage Brand
and Bottled
Gruchcn- Under the
heimer Supervision
: Rye of the
vYliiskeys. U. S. Uov.
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
Col. Jas. H. Qm'giey aid M. V.
Nicholson have been deleaved to
represent the commercial clul ) at the
legislature favoring favorable caUle
inspection for this western counrry
and other interests of Valentine and
Cherry county people.Ve will need
some money to pay their expenses ,
they donating their time. All uho
are willing to do something -hould
see that their names are en rolled
for a dollar or two or as much as
they feel disp osed to release.
\V. T. Brosius' team got gay Sat
urday evening while turning up' i
Main street off Catherine and one ,
a colt began kicking mid running
and ran into a tree at die corner of
the Palace saloon breaking 'he ' neck [ I 1
yoke and tiie wagon crowded the
horses to each side by in on
them. The sudden stopping of the
wagon threw Roy Brosius a boy 10
or 11 years old , over the dash board
between the horses. lie crawled out
some way without getting hurt
while the hordes were kicking and
caving around. The harness of one
horse was broken some nnd I ho
other horse was scratched and bann
ed on the tree and from kicking th- . >
wagon. Little other damage was
"Big Jim , " the new rural com
edy by Chas. A Gardiner , which
will be presented at the op-ra
house Thursday , Feb11 , is a
beautiful blending of c nn-dv ad
pithos. lie Ivis treated th1 sn" " -
ject in an entirely oriii'mal man
ner. Ttiere is not a borrowed
situation in the whole piece , and
it embraces miny n < iw ideas in ; !
play building. The comedy is' ' '
clean and screamingly funny , I '
while the more serious scenes are ! '
natural and touching. There is , |
of course , a love story interwoven j |
in the plot , but it is entirely devoid - j
void of "mushy" love scenes. The j
play teaches a beautiful lesson of
forebcirance , resignation and forgiveness
that fail awnk-
giveness cannot to - (
ed the better feelings of everyone.
Count Meltendortl and some of i
his friends were discussing \vulk-j
ing last Saturday when the Count' '
remarked that he could walk to. ii i i
FortXibrara an 1 back in two hours. '
The distance is about ? miles and >
some of the gentlemen thought ho '
couldn't do it so a wager of two j !
and a Ivilf was nude tlvit the count I
couldn't go on foot to Fort Xio- J I
brara and back in two hours. The !
time then was 3:15 : p. m when ,
Mr. Meltendorff started on his' '
journey. He was plucky and was j i
going to make his word good Lee '
Shepard and Geo. Corbin started i
to follow him as soon as they could , i
hitch up a team but the Count beat ji j i
them to the Post rounded the fhg
pole and was on his way back in
54 minutes. Promptly on time he
came striding up the valley taking
always the nearest route and one
minute before his two hours ex
pired he clasped his arms around
the city Hag pole , made his word
good and won the bet. Count
Meltcndoril' now declares tint he '
will lay Teddy's ride in the hadr- .
He says he will ride 90 miles in a' '
day and walk 10 miles on each end
of the journey. At present he is
very much interested in the big
t '
wolf chase on the reservation
Coming off Febuary 22.
; I Friday morning , our town looked
like the morning after hallowe'en.
Jens Thompson and Heinrich
Sauerwein of ( Yookstonere in
town yesterday.
Dr. Median , osteopath , at the
Do noher hotel , Monday , Wednes
day and Fridiy : each week. f > 2
Frank Fi-cher'.s trunk and suit
case advertisment will intere-t
everyone who travels. Look for
it. 52
It was a mistake. Mrs. Jackson i
didn't return last week. She stopped '
in Chicago for a visit with Walter's '
Velenfine wants the railroad di-
vis on located here and the Com-
meicijil 'jlub has delegated lion. C.
H Cornell to communicate with
TJy.oflicials. All who want to see
Valentine get this division should
get to town and boost a little for it.
Chnrles Lower , the mail carrier
between Yatan'ine and Sparks was
canchf on ihe flat the other side of i
the Fort , and his wagon upset like
a tov smashing the top so he took i
ifc off dragged it" into a valley nearby j
and went , his with
on way an open i
ru. Next d.-iy Ihe top was blown out
of the valley and half way up the'
Tlia1" wi a fal-o report al out |
John Maxwell beinir married. '
J > 'm ' can bring reoomm ndatio-
f'-orn rmny a farm that he never ,
plaved suehatrick. John's letter i
to Clvirlev Lower was like this : i
k'I suppose you have heard that I
'am an uncle , " and Mr. Lower
'reading the letter hastily , read the
word 'married' instead of 'uncle. '
All special scenery will be used \
in Gordinier Bros , production of j
"Big Jim" at Church's opera
house next Thursday. Feb. 11 , !
scenery painted especially for the
plav and correctly depicting the
places and scenes represented in
the story. 'Specialties are intro
duced between the act . eliminat- '
iing all tedious waits while the various - !
rious settings are being made. '
Last Thurs.lay the wind blew oG
miles an hour , tore off the porchf-s '
of the Donoher hotel and Morej'st
building east , side of main street , '
blew tin : VALKNTINS DEMOCRAT sign I
Chas. Gasman's window , topped
several chimneys and blew down a '
number of wind-mills m town and
all over the country. The daimge j
down east was heavier and they had ,
a nine inch snow fall with the wind j
storm. The hay stacks were blo.wn !
over in many places. i
\Ve want you to come to our
moving picfure show in tin opera
house Monday night. We hive a
special program for this occasion.
Mr. Jennings will take a flash light
picture of the a-d ; ence on Monday
'night from the stage to mike souv
enir cards and each person
present will iccfive a post card pic
ture of the audience. Come early
'and get agool position. A coupon
will he handed yon at the ticket
'officehioh will entitle you to the j i
post card picture. Doors open at ! i
7:00. : Movng ; pictures at 7:30. j i
Flashlight picture at 8:30. . Seats' I
for GOO persons , t j
Obe Church , j i
Are You Undecided
where to buy your bill of Lumbei ?
If so , all you have to do is to look
at the prices we are quoting for
as well as everything that is in
cluded in building , for interior or
exterior \\ork from the Tin.ber
in your foundation to the shingles
on your roof.
Valentine , Neb.- .
There is an article in this number with
a big jolt in it. DON'T MISS IT.
You know some of the things
There is a story by the " Pigs Is
Pigs " man that is one long ache of
laughter , and back of these special
features a big , fine EVERYBODY'S
For sale by
George Elliott.
Latli. Shingles , Doors ,
"Windows. Paper , Pat
ent Hoofing Tar Paper.
jj Paints , Oil , Varnish.
i Brushes. Glass. Putty ,
3 Lime , Cemeir. Plaster ,
Brick. Pasts. Poles.
I We Sell Hudson Coal
Snwyer Bros.
o.isis ,
< ! . lias
< -har ' of
caul- * II rv-s
. sanu' lelt thijrli.
IUIJ.-V on anake
Is"eb risK Luna and Feeding Co.
irtl-tt Ki"hardsI'res Will G Comtock , V. P.
Chas C Jamison See&Troas
. . S , iib branded on
* ' v-
- a ij part of ammat ;
ibranded ibt
K-iage betwe n
No-don on die KK.
A % ' . , R. R
flyintmon M. II. It. in Xorc'i.x it-'ii NVbr
i ! vitr. F.rr IM < HAUD.S. i.iNw.-r h. s .nr.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked si 05 § 20 0
Shorts , sacked J20 23 00
Corn , sacked 1JO 23 00
Oats , sacked T oO 29 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 25 2-i 0j (
Chop Feed , sacked 1-i 0 27 O'O