I. M. RICE , - - - - Publishc
Victim of Shot .Resided in New Yoi
and Was on a Visit to Her Fathe
Gen. A. C. Girard Dcmonstratir
"Use of Weapon.
George Busse , brother of Fred j
Busse , mayor Chicago , killed Mrs. La
cius C. Tuckcrman , 32 years old , wii
of a fruit dealer of Milton , N. Y.
The shooting occurred in the Waltc
apartment building , 305 North Clar
street , Chicago. Mrs. Tuckerman we
visiting her father , Gen. A. C. Giran
retired , who occupies an apartmei
in the building.
George Busse , in his apartmer
across the areaway from the Girard
was demonstrating the use of a revoh
er to Bertha Lambke , hs houseman
ao that she could use the weapon i
case of burglars. Suddenly the re
volver was discharged and the bullc
went through two windows into th
Girard apartment and pierced Mn
Tuckerman's heart. Mayor Busse wa
present , and as soon as he learned o
the fatal consequences notified the po
Mrs. Tuckerman was in a bedroor
dressing when struck by the bullel
She staggered into a hallway. Ger
Girard and Mrs. Tuckerman's 5-year
old son Alfred rushed from an adjoin
ing room.
"Oh , father , I've been shot and I'n
dying. " said Mrs. Tuckerman , and ex
pired. A moment later there was ;
pounding at the door of the Giran
apartment and Mayor Busse Avitji hi
brother George came in. Mayo :
Busse's wife and his mother followed
The mayor summoned a physician am
notified the police by telephone , bu
the woman died before the physiciar
arrived. Xo arrests were made , Gen
Girard expressing himself as satisfied
that the shooting was purely accident
According to the statement made ti
the police George Busse was about tt
leave for Cincinnati on a business trip
He did not care to leave his mothei
nad maul alone without some meant
of protection. He therefore purchased
a revolver and was instructing the
maid how to use it when the trigger
was pulled accidentally.
.Lincoln Physician Found Dead in
Room of Chit-ago Hotel.
Dr. R. A. Holyoke , a physician of
.Lincoln , Neb. , was found dead in his
room at the Windsor-Clifton hotel in
Chicago Sunday. His death is be
lieved to have been caused by poison
ing , and the police are investigating a
theory that he accidentally took an
overdose of medicine.
Dr. R. A. Holyoke has been a well
known physician of Lincoln , Neb. , for
nearly fifteen years , and was at one
time county coroner. A wife and
daughter survive him.
Mrs. Holyoke secured a divorce two
or three years ago. Dr. Holyoke went
to Chicago near a month ago for treat
ment for an ailment , the nature of
which his brother , a physician of Lin.
coin , did not disclose.
Fierce Beast Then Almost Devours
Body of 2-Year-Old Boy.
Her 2-year-old boy killed and his
body terribly mutilated by a monster
mountain lion , and the fierce beast
devouring one of the legs which it
had torn from its socket , was the sight
that Mrs. Christ Brown beheld when
she entered the family tent ,
four miles from Balboa , Cal. .
after a short -\\alk Monday evening.
AVhen the mother realized what had
taken place she screamed and almost
threw herself on the lion , which
growled savagely and backed away
slowly out of the rear of the tent , car
rying a mouthful of the human fiesh
in its teeth , and disappeared. The
Browns arrived from Delaware twc
weeks ago.
Negroes Arc Exclude.
The Springfield. 111. . Law and Ordei
j < ague , an organization of negroes ,
Sunday adopted resolutions condemn
ing the Lincoln Centennial association
for excluding negroes from the cele
bration lo be held there in memory of
the inoth birthday of Abraham Lin
coln. The negroes say they will hold ' .
ehbration of their own.
Eight of Orc\v reri ! h.
The Norwegian brig. Sleed , was
wrecked Sunday night off Jutland , and
> ight of her crew perished.
Sioux Cily Live- Stork Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
City live stock market follow : Top
bffves , S5.S5. Top hogs. ? C.ln.
Town Wiped Out by Fire.
The town of Milton , thiity miles east
s > t Pensacola , Fla. , was practically
wiped out by fire Sunday , the entire-
business section and several residences
being destroyed. The loss is between
$150,000 and 5200,000.
Four Burn to Death.
Philip Van Sickle , his son and
daughter and his son-in-law. Harry
Van Sickle , were1 burned to death Sun
day in a fire that destroyed their home
at London , Out.
i > ropcrty Loss Will Reach Into tl
Although a definite estimate Is in
possible at this time , thousands of do
lars' worth of property was dostroye
in the Creston , la. , business sectio
by the wind storm which accompanie
Friday morning's blizzard. The cour
ty court house tower and cupola wei
thrown through Sheriff Mason's fror
porch. One thousand dollars will ne
replace the tower.
The Christian church tower wa
wrecked to the extent of $300 , and th
Second Catholic church nearly $101
The heavy slate roofing of the larg
machine shops here was torn awa
and the machinery buried in ice an
snow , necessitating the abandonmen
of all work.
Sections of the roundhouse wer
blown away and the engines expose
to the elements.
The storm Thursday night and Fri
day at Council Bluffs did a vast amoun
of damage in that vicinity. Plate glap
windows and entire store fronts wer
blown in , and streets and lawns ar
Ptrcwn with limbs from trees.
Mail carriers report windmills dowi
by the score , nad the damage to frui
trees is large.
For forty-eight hours Fort Dodg
and vicinity was in the throes of a ter
rific wind , and still there are no sign
of a letup. The heavy downpour o
rain and springlike temperature o
Thursday changed suddenly at nigh
"o snow and freezing.
Denies Ho is Planning Counter Revel
in Yene/uela.
Cipriano Castro , the former presi
dent of Venezuela , was interviewed ir
Berlin Friday regarding reports re
cently made public to the effect that IK
was planning a counter revolution ir
\renezuela , and that it was his ambitior
to become the "new liberator" of the
people of Venezuela. Castro received
tris questioner seated at a desk. He
ivore a black skull cap decorated with
jold braid , and he was still looking
rather weak , as a result of the con-
hrement that followed his recent op"-
iration. He said :
"I cannot accept the role of liberator
) f the Venezuelan people assigned to
ne because by experience of nine years
is president has taught me that true
'reedom is a chimera , and when we
relieve we are about to attain it the
> eople's ideas of liberty degenerate in-
o license.
"I repeat what I said on another
> ccasion : I do not complain of any-
hing or anybody. What I desire most
s peace and retirement. "
Senor Castro will leave the private
lospital , where he now is. on Saturday
md return to the Hotel Esplanade.
Jookinaking- Made a Felony in
Xc\v California Bill. ,
The Walker-Otis anti-race track bill
rhich was passed by the assembly was
he subject of discussion Thursday
ight at Sacramento , Cal. , by the sen-
te committee on public morals. Thom-
s H. Williams , Jr. , president of the
ew California Jockey club , and sev-
ral others representing the interests
f that track as well as the Santa Anita
Lacing association , were heard at great
mgth in arguments protesting against
ie passage of the bill unless amend-
fl to permit bookmaking for limited
icetings , not to exceed thirty days a
ear in any county. It is likely the
ill will come up for action early by
le senate.
The bill to which the racing men ob-
; ct , according to the legislature , meets
ith the approval of a large majority
! the state senators. It makes book
laking a felony. Gov. Gillett has de-
ared on several occasions that he
ould sign any anti-race track bill
issed by the legislature.
Held rp by Bookkeeper.
Harda\\ay Young , president of the
mthern Hardware and Supply corg-
iny , of Mobile , Ala. , was held up. Fri-
iy and made to write a check to the
nount of $ . - > .GOO by Fleetwood Leslie ,
s bookkeeper. A woman figures in
e case. She had the check cashed at
e firm's office.
Dies of Hydrophobia.
Clarence Campbell , aged 12 years ,
? d at Tulsa , Okla. , Friday of hydro-
iobia. The boy was bitten by a dog
> vember IS. His brother and two
Iier children also were victims. All
th the exception of Clarence were
it to the Pasteur institute in Chica-
, where they recovered.
Alligator Steak for Taft.
Determined that Louisiana shall not
behind in furnishing unique and
) ical viands for the delectation of
esident-elect Taft. Secretary M. B.
ezevant , of the Progressive union ,
ins to give Mr. Taft on his visit to
w Orleans an alligator steak dinner.
Panama-American Treaty.
rhe Panama-United States treaty
s ratified Wednesday at Panama by
assembly and was signed immedi-
ly by President Obaldia.
Crime Due to Race Hatred.
* ace feeling , it is-.said , inspired a
tie between white boys and a cold -
d youth in front of the East night
eel on Woodward street , Cincinnati ,
Friday night , which culminated in
death of William AViebold , aged 17
rs ; the probable fatal injury of
Ham Dorsey , aged 20 years , and
serious injury of Charles Rulf , aged
Unole Sain Hands the Reins Over
( lOIllCZ.
A new era of Cuban independen
dawned in Havana Thursday when t
affairs of the island , which have be >
administered by American officers f
more than two years as a result
the revolution against former Pres
dent Palma in 190G , were formal
transferred to the newly elected nati
executives. January 28 will hereaft
take rank with May 20 as a natal he
iday in Cuba , for it was on the latt
day in 1902 , that the island was fir
transferred to the Cuban people 1
the United States after a period of r
habilitation following the Spanish wa
The coming of this new elay of Ci
ban liberty was signalized by a gei
eral display of fireworks , the screed
ing of rockets and bombs sending do\\
showers of golden rain and vari-colo
ed lights. The streets of the cit
which were brilliantly illuminated ar
garlanded with chains of incandesce ]
bulbs , were thronged until an ear
hour Thursday morning and a carniv ;
spirit everywhere prevailed.
Thousands of people gathere
around the Clerks' club tbroughoi
Thursday night , where inaugural an
farewell balls were held jointly i
honor of President Gomez and Vic
President Zayas , and Gov. Gen. Me
goon , all three of whom were quick !
recognized on entering the buildin
and leaving it and loudly applaudet
The balls constituted one of the moi
brilliant functions held since the daj
of the Spanish occupation.
The inaugural parade , in which enl
native troops , civil organizations an
the rural guards participated , passe
under the magnificent triumphal arc
erected in Monserrat square , facin
Central Park , and it was reviewed b
President Gomez.
Warrant Out for Husband of Mrs
Although the coroner's jury som <
.veeks ago returned a verdict of acci
lental death in the case of Mrs. Franl
3. Campbell , who was found asphy
dated in the bathroom of her homi
n Chicago , a warrant charging mur
lor was sworn out for Campbell b :
: hief of Detectives O'Brien Thursday
Campbell is a saleman , and is said t <
> e in Galesburg , 111. New evidence
'aid ' to have been secured from neigh
> ors of Campbell's and the buildin !
n which they lived , is alleged to hav <
ed to the swearing out of the warrant
L'en Stood for Acquittal of Ed wan
Marshall. Accused Night Rider.
After being out sixteen hours thi
ury in the Edward Marshall night rid-
r trial reported Thursday morning
.t Union City , Tenn. , that they were
inable to agree on a verdict and were
ischargeel. The jury stood ten for
cquittal and two for mimic r in the
econd degree.
Marshall is accused of taking part
n the lynching of Capt. Ranken at
( eelfoot lake.
Victims of the Quake.
The bodies of the two American vie-
; ms of the convulsion of nature at
lessina a month ago United States
onsul General Cheney and Mrs. Che-
ey , arrived in New York Thursday ,
he bodies were escorted by regular
-oops to the Grand Central station
nel there embarked for the home ?
C the Cheneys , where they are to be
IKaze in Tunnel.
Fire which broke ou in the grea ,
jtro tunnel at Virginia City. Nev. ,
hursday , which drains all the Com-
ock mines , was brought under con-
ol Friday afternoon , but not until a
rge amount of timbering and the
nnbination drift had been ruined.
damage can be repaired in a few
lys , however.
TA\O Jurors Discharged.
Jurors Leigh and Jackson , in tin
) oper-Caunack murtYl-r trial , against
liom charges of drunkenness and
ejudice weie preferred by the conn
1 for tire state at Nashville , Tenn.
jre Thursday excused from service
lis leaves but seven men in the jurj
Dies of Hydrophobia.
Clarence Campbell , aged 12 year.
3d at Tulsa , Okla. , of hydrophobia
ic boy was bitten by a dog Novembe
. His brother and two other child
\ \ also were victims. All with the
ception of Clarence were sent to the
.steur institute in Chicago , when-
ey recovered.
Rudowit/ Free.
Christian Rudowitz. who was save <
> m extradition to Russia when Sec-
ary Root ruled the crime with which
3 Russian government accuseel the
isoner was political in character , wa ?
eased from jail at Chicago , Thurs
T\\o Nations in Quarrel.
Dhe rupture of diplomatic relations
.ween Chile and Peru , signalized by
> withdrawal etf Senor Echenique ,
ilean minister at Lima , has aroused
re or less excitement at Valparai.
Infant Ruler Has Smallpox.
tabling from Pekin , the correspon-
it of the London Times says thaj
infant Chinese emperor is suffering
m confluent smallpox
He Had Been Living in a Claim Shan
Xear Valentine.
Another mystery for Valentine ,
crazy wild man. found a couple '
months ago living in a claim shac
where he had been for no one knov
how long , living entirely upon bake
potatoes. He was discovered by Fran
Bowman , foreman of the Metz Bro :
ranch , about six miles north of Cod
Sheriff Rosseter went up and brougl
the man to Valentine and put him i
jail. He is a medium sized man. ui
.shaven , with long hair which he weai
braided down his back , wild lookin
eyes , and he has not uttered a wor
since he was found. No one is able t
tell how long he has been living in tl
old deserted claim shack , nor is anj
body able to tell who he is or whei
he came from. He is absolutely de
mented and will be examined by tli
insanity board and undoubtedly wi
be sent to some state institution ft
the insane. This is the second dee
mystery for that section of the countr
within the hist three months , as n
trace as to who the murdered ma
found in the river here last Novembe :
or who murdered him , has yet bee
Business District Was Threatened
Thursday Xight.
In the face of one of the wors
storms which has visited the sectio
in years , and a terrific GO-mile an hou
wind , the heart of the business distric
of Norfolk apparently was doomed b ;
a fire which broke out Thursday even
All telephone and telegraph connec
tions to the town situated sixty mile
west of Sioux City , on the level Ne
braska prairie , were cut off. The enl ;
information that could be secured Ii
Sioux City Thursday night about th <
blaze was from the meager details a :
told by the operators of the Nebraskj
Telephone company just before thej
were driven from their building by the
Starting in some frame buildings or
the south side of the main street tht
fire ate its way westward and east
ward. The telephone girls wera driver
from the building about 9 o'clock ir
the evening.
Posed as insurance Adju-rter and In
dorsed Imaginary Claims.
B. B. Thomas , making Norfolk 1m
headquarters for three years past ,
known at Anoka as C. J. T.roeneke and
it Emmet as F. R. Thomas , is under
irrest in South Dakota charged with
iiaving executed one of the cleverest
swindles yet devised. Feu- three years
ic is said to ha\e acted unelir one
lame as agent for a mutual fire insur-
ince company of Mountain Lake ,
Minn. , and under another name as ad-
usting agent. As adjuster he indorsed
Maims for imaginary fires , having the
1 rafts sent to him. The company
Maims he milked them for $10.000. He
vas formerly postmaster at Tywdall.
? . D.
Nebraska's Seismic Disturbance Caused
by a Fallhi" Meteor.
The violent/'earthquake" shock felt
n Pierce , Foster. Plainview and
'reighton , was not an earthejuake.
fter all , but the jar due to the falling
if a 100-pounel meteor at Neligh.
The meteor was dug out of the
; round , still hot and fuming with sul-
hur. It will be taken to the state
nuseum at Lincoln.
The crash , like a powder mill explo-
Jon report , extended for thirty miles ,
nd the outer edge of the circle
luched those four towns.
Horses and cattle were frightened
ito a stampede by the noise , chickens
ackled and mules ran away.
Married Sisters.
T\\o Brothers 10
TWO brothers were married to two
sters in a double wedding ceremony
'hursday by County Judge Leslie ,
ambert Englehart. aged 30. married
liss Eva Fowler , aged 24. and his
rother. Mat Englehart. aged 24. Avas
tarried to the bride's sifter. Mis ? Ella
owler. aged 17. All of the parties- are
? sldentc of Thurston.
AVill Sue Saloonkeeper.
The widow of Edward Stokes. whe
as found de-ad at the bottom of a
.lileh a few day.ago. . will probably
gin strit against Ainsworth saloon-
epers. asserting her husband had
en drinking before the-accident. She
is employed an attorney and will
ish the case.
Declared In-ane.
Msr. Nettie Smith , wife ofV. . S.
nith , of Nebraska City , was examined
fore the board of commissioner ? on
sanity and declared insane. She was
Icon to the asylum. She has been
ffei ing from a religious mania for
me time.
Younu Woman Shoots Self.
Dead , with a bullet wound in her
iht temple and with he-r clothing
enched in blood , the body of Mis-s
nnie Talbot. 21 years of ag ° . was
und late Wcdneselay afternoon in an
i tairs room at her hotel in Omaha.
AIle ed Robber Taken.
Word re-ached Norfolk that a man is
der arrest in Sioux City suspected
having re > bbed the Hadar bank last
Mi White i < Hound Over.
Judge Ropt r bound Jane White over
the district court to answer to the
of manslaughter Miss White I
tl been arrested on the charge of
anticide for dropping a baby from
Burlington passenger train on the
irning of December 23 , 190S.
Bitten by Dojr.
* ev. J. XL. Salsbury. pastor of the
st Presblterian church in Platts-
uth , was attacked by a vicious dog
1 one hand was badly lacerated dur-
the mixup.
Violent Shock * . Are Felt by Re'-Ulei
of Knox and Pierce Count ic- .
Specials to the Norfolk Dail\ \ -
tell of a violent earthquake --ho
through Pierce and Knox counties
2:15 p. in. Tuesday. The noise n-s'ei
bled a powder explosion. Horses 1 :
came frightened , cattle stampeded a
chickens cackled. A team of mul
ran away from fright , and at Foster
young man herding fifty cattle narro-
ly arrested their stampede at the ri
of his life. The school building
Plainview was shaken by the jar. T
shock lasted by a few seconds. Hors
were more alarmed by it than by thu
The shock was felt at Pierce. Plal
view. Foster and Creighton , and f
ten miles on either side. At Creightt
the noise is said to have resembli
a wagon rolling over a bridge , whi
s-outhwest of Pierce it was like a elyn
mite explosion. Farmers driving alor
the roads stopped to look and the1
horses became frightened. It was tl
severest quake yet felt in north N
braska. Last summer there was
si ock at Niobrara and Verdigre ,
Knox county.
Fudge Munger Holds Railremds Mil
Appesil to Federal Conns.
A ruling made at Lincoln Tuesd ?
by United States District Judge Then
as C. Munger has the effect of nullify
ing so much of an enactment of tl :
Nebraska legis-lature of two years ag
prohibits nilroad corporations froi
appealing to federal courts from 01
tiers of the state railway commis.sioi
The act of the legislature provided tlu
in appeals the cases should be taken t
the state courts. The railway comrnij
* ion ordered the Burlington and North
western railroads to construct switch
es at the town of York for the tram
i'er of cars from one line to the othei
The two lailroads contested the orde
und appealed to the federal court. Th
tate attorney general , in behalf of th
commission , demurred and ad\ance
the state law compelling actions to b
= tarted in state courts. Judge Munge
overruled this demurrer , holding th
ippeal to the federal court to be with
n the province of the roads. Judg
Munger did not pass upon the merit
if the commission's order to build th
j witches.
v\plo-ion of Gas in Basement HadI ;
Wrecks Xt braska Hotel ,
An explosion oi ga.s in the basemen
) f the Thurston heitel at Columbui
Tuesday badly wrecked the buildinf
mil seriously injured J. L. Hunter , th <
look , and Mrs. Hunter , his assistant
he woman so badly she may not re
: over.
James O'Crien , a workman , who wa :
n the basement , was blown out of the
oonr , but is not seriously hurt. Fif-
eeir traveling men in the dining roon-
scaped with minor injuries. Win-
lows of a store building across the
treetere shattered. The rear parl
if the hotel is torn to pieces. Fire
ihich broke out in the wreckage \\at
xtinguished after a hard fight.
r > rth\\estern Road Made Defendant
in J > 2.0 ( ! ) { > Ca-e.
Suits for nearly S2H.OOO damage ?
. -ere instituted in district court at
'remont against the Northwestern
lailroatl company by Thos. II. Hicks ,
is daughter , Mrs. .Maud Hicks , of
barren. 111. , and the two little daugh-
rs of the latter. On November 3 ,
907 , a carriage in which Mr Hicks
nd the others , who were visiting the
rmer in Fremont , uas struck by a
'orthurs-tern switch engine which was
acking into the round house yards.
Ire accident occurred at the Military
ul crossing.
Xo Joke. This.
Jokingly daring his comrade one
ipposed friend to fire upon him , Pri-
ite Barry , of the Eighth regiment ,
as shot and instantly killed at Rob-
ison Tuesday by Private Thomas , of
ie same regiment. Thomas was loael-
g his pistol to go on guard when the
ire was extended. The men had
> en bantering each other , but the lan-
lage was thought to be friendly ,
liomasis in the guard house.
Resign at In-ane Hospital.
Resignations at the Norfolk insane
) spital are coming thick and fast
blowing Dr. DiMrong's resignation
i.s Sinclair , superintendent of nurses
is forwarded her resignation to Gov
lalleubf-rger. Through her resigna
m the training school for nurses a
3rfolk loses its affiliation with Clark-
n , Methodist and Mercy hospitals ,
naha. Mrs. W. O. liak'-r. matron
nounced hei intention to resign.
Omaha Germans Celebrate.
German residents of Omaha are pre-
ring for an elaborate celebration am"
ve taken the initiative in what may
come a national movement to colo-
; ite the 1.900th anniversary of the
ttle e > f Teutorburg Forest. The bat-
was fought in the year 9 A. D. , be-
een the forces of the Emperor Au-
stine under the Roman General Va-
is. and the German tribes under Ar-
Killed a Wolf.
irf Shawhan. of Table Rock , kill-
a wolf Thursday night which had
clently betn has-ed some distance
dogs , nntl when it ran into his
d it was PO weary that he was able
run up ts > it and strike it on the
ul with a club. It was a large g-ay
If of a kind not often seen in that
Dies of His Injuries.
\.ithur Carlson , the young man
use arm wa < torn completely off in
orn sheik'r Thursday , tlied at Nor-
FillThrcuiuh Trap Door.
, Irs. Anna Bates , of Elk Creek , is
'ering the results of falling down
ar. She went to the cellar and re-
ned to the kitchen in re-sponse to
it she thought to be someone
icking. The lady found no one at
door and in passing through the
[ way , which was dark , she forgot
t she had left the trap cellar door
n and plunged headlong to the eel-
floor. No bones were broken , but
. Bates , who is well along in years ,
ered bruises and a great nervous
Senator Sees War Unless Congress
Hears "Outraged Public. "
The evils attent'niimblin m tim
products of the soil ! y the sale of fu
tures \vis the subject of
on excuancesvis
a passionate speech delivered by Sen-
utor Jeff Davis < ArK. in the Senate.
Mr. Davis advocated the passage of a
bill introduced by him to penalize the
use of the mails , the telegraph or the
telephone for the purpose of convey
ing gambling propositions between buy
er aud seller. After advocating the
passage of this measure. Mr. Davis
denounced what he declared to be evils
" " and incidentally
of the "money power"
ally touched upon the policy of main
taining a protective tariff as n part
of n system which , he declared , was
for the suppression of the rights of
the people. "Ah. the money power of
this government is treading upon dan
gerous ground. " lie said. "They do not
know , or else they do not care , that
the people are already ground down
with taxation and the weight of gov-
cnimcnt until their backs are almost
broken beneath their loud. I wotId not
bo an alarmist , but 1 predict here and
now that unless the congress of the
United States turns a listening ear to
tlie Indentations of an outraged i ul -
lie within ten years th - ' way be- an
other Shenamloah valley , there may
be rw-ther Gettysburg , tli * rod bronni
of war may swoop this government as
it has never boon sv.-npt before. "
Charging that Will ! mi Xelson Crom
well. Roger L. Farnhain , Charles P.
Taft and others are parties to the
"most infamous railroad proposition
ever submitted to any government , "
and that they "are being permitted not
only to rob the republic of Panama ,
but indirectly the treasury of the Tint
ed States , " Representative Rainey of
Illinois directed the searchlight of pub
licity upon affairs in the canal zone
in a startling speech in support of his
resolution providing for an investiga
tion by Congress of the I'anama canal
[ > urchaso. "In their efforts in tin's di-
poction , " he said , "they have had so
far the complete co-operation and ac-
ive assistance of the present adminis
tration and of the next President of
: he United States/ '
3aby's Neck Is Broken by Father
to Stop Cry.
John David Stewart was tired whet
ie came home at night after his work
n Kansas C'ity. He had heard the
ilanging of tools and machinery all
lay and quiet was what he wanted ,
iut there was no quid at his home.
A little girl , ten mouths old. was a
> art of the Stewart f.imily. She. cried
i-equcntly. after the manner of babies
vhen the father comes home tired. A
hiId of ton months was but a-Huffy
it of nothing in bis hands. The fin-
; ers accustomed to hard work gripped
oo tightly for baby's comfort. And
nth those same strong hands Stewart
lioked the baby. He shook it bard
ne night and then sl.immed it down
n the bed and tola his wife 10 career
or it. Baby's temper was broken. So
ras its neck. The coroner and the decor -
or said Stewart killed the child and
lie wife pointed the accusing linger ,
n criminal court Stewart withdrew
is plea of not guilty and pleaded
uilty to manslaughter in the fourth
ogree. Ilis sentence to the poniten-
iary was two years.
: nxsia' Demand for I'risom-r Ue
fuscil by L'niriMl Mates OHichil.
Christian Iludowit/ . Italian political
'fiisree. whom the ovornmont of the czm
larged with immlrr in ; m effort to ex-
atlite him for puni-hmpiit as a revolt ! ,
onist , will not have to go back to tht
rgman's rope in his native land. Thu
g fight to save him. in which men anq
men in all walks of life participated ,
s suce-p sful Tuesday. Secretary of
ite Itoot overruled United States Com-
isioner Foote and held that the of-
ae of the refugee was political and
refore not extraditable under the Uni-
States treaty with the Russian goy