Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 28, 1909, Image 8

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    : luse Measure is Referred
Back lor Amsiidmsnl ,
-Taylor Believes Its Passage Would In
troduce Politics liitq- State Univer.
sity Bill Introduced in Senate to
Establish School of Citizenship.
Lincoln , J > > n. 20. The needs of the
state university promises to be one of
the most difficult problems tor the leg
islators to solve. The board of regents
thought at first to ask for an increase
in the 1 mill levy in order to raise
sufficient revenue to pay the expenses
of the institution , but gave up this
idea and will ask in addtion to : he l
mill levy , a specific sum for the con
struction of more buildings.
.F The situation was more complicated
by a request from Mr. Bryan to the
regents to establish a "school of poli
tics , " for which an additional building
would be required. The regents would
not accept this suggestion , saying that
they were already asking the legisla
ture for as much money as they could
hope to secure. After several confer
ences with Mr. Bryan he agreed to be
satisfied if the regents would consent
to the establishment of a "school oi
citizenship" in the university The
regents expressed their individual pro
test against this , but decided not to
fight a bill requesting them to do this
The bill was introduced in the senate
by Senator Miller of Lancaster county
Just what will happen to this bi ;
and how it will affect the appropria
tion for the university cannot bt cre
told , but the action of the house on a
bill to permit the regents to estab'/.si ,
"new departments at their discretion
is an indication. This bil : was re
ferred back to the committee of the
whole tor the specific amendment to
strike out the words quoted Taylor
of Custer county Jed the fight for the
amendment and he had the indorse
ment of Xettleton of Clay , former
speaker. Mr. Taylor's reasons were
that this authority granted the regents
would open the way for future .argb
appropriations. Later , in an Inter
view , he said he believed its passage
would introduce politics into the uni
versity , though he felt satisfied that
neither Mr Bryan nor the iec2ius
wanted" this brought about.
Sergeant-at-Arms to Eject Lobbyists.
The anti-lobby law , which prevents.
by a penalty , any person save ihose
representing cities , towns or state in
Etitutions interested in legislation
from influencing the legislators ex
cept by appearing before committees ,
by publication or the filing of "criers ,
was not sufficient for the house mem
bers. On motion of Stoecker of Doug
las county a resolution was adopted
that any lobbyist appearing on the
floor of the house should be ejected
bodily by the sergeant-at-arms.
In thB meantime some of those who
have in the past been lobbyists or who
have appeared in Lincoln to look attei
legislation have an amendment to the
anti-lobby law to propose. This pro
posed amendment provides that any
member who hunts up a lobbyist to
ask him what he is representing should
be made to suffer a penalty , fhis
party , w.ho is a former lobbyist , said
he had been approached by several
members who desired to know what
he Is representing this year. As the
person was not registered , and was
subject to a penalty should he talk to
the members of legislation , he pro
fessed to be very much embarrassed
by the questions.
The lobby book at this time contains
the following names , with the inter
ests each represents : Frances B
Heald , W. C. T. U. ; C. C. Wright.-J
Northwestern railroad ; Eclson Rich ,
the Union Pacific ; D. Wagner of Chad-
ron and W. R. Routt of South Omaha ,
th'j B. R. T. ; A. D. Lane , Xebraaka
Telephone company ; A. C. Hull of
Hastings , B. B. Linch of University
Place. M. C. Dill of Belvidere and H
L. Keefe of Walthiil , Association < ; f
Mutual Insurance companies. P D.
Ailer of Auburn , insurance and ieal
estate ; William Croft of Hastings , <
bee keeper ; T. E. Hurless of Fairbury , j
railroad trainmen ; S. C. Mecomer ; of i
North Platte , railroad conductors ;
Lillian B. Stuff , Anna E. Hardv.-ck ; ,
Miss H. J. Fisher of Lincoln , trained
nurses' association ; P. F. Zimmer of
I-incoln , fire insurance ; Thomas Benton -
ton of Lincoln , Pullman Car company
Physical Valuation of Railroads.
As anticipated , the bill to provide I r
for the physical valuation of railroads j f '
and other public service corporations
ivil ! be drafted by the railroad com
mittees of the house and senate T lie
first meeting of this joint committee
was held Monday night.
One thing is certain about this house
of representatives , and that one thing
is it is dead against any Sunday base
ball That is it is against repealing
the state law which forbids this incul
gtncf ; on Sunday. Scheele of Seward
Bounty introduced a lull to legalize
Suwlav baseball and it WHH promptly
. and it provided that thf
should be played outside of the cor-
.pornte limits of zny town. But the- E ,
gentleman from Seward is going tc
die gane for his Sunday fcas'ibnil. so n
he introduced' another bill inirneili.-.tely
after the death of Xo. 1 and thifc -
or.d measure provides t'-at it sbai. lie
legal to play barelal ! c. . Sunday it tfce [
- . . . .nr.jr.iiscone-j give : : - ' > " < : : :
ic.L. 11,15 one la yet to COraC UCiuro
xhe m em tiers. , FelJc'.v Eca-dcrs , Rejoice.
Su us the iegis.atuie act lavoraoly
i upon a jill nitron act" ! by s&nator Randall -
1 dall . ; ; uo jogger oe possible lor a
hotel'c : u restaaaut to cave a dirty
kitcnen aSt : sei\e poorly prepared
! icoa wiiLuiit' tut nsK oi u =
owner teiii ; niieu L lr = ixuucian bli
rro.-ifcea t at in addiuon to 111 = other
cutics the ueputy loou commissioner
fc. < a. . r.ave the a-atnomy to enter the
cccK-.rig apartment oi a.iy hoie. or res
taurant anu investuate tne same as
couaiticn and as to
to m aamtaiy
wtethei the lood is being prepared in
sucr. a way as io nullity tile pure locd
law'- The ii asure aiso provices tnat
the food commissioner snaii nave tne
nynt to entti oakeries and see to it
U..C no bakery SB uutae a sleeping
1 pla-.e ci is in anywav uilciean 01 un
sanitary. Tue mil uas yet to run iuc-
gauntlet ol both iiousts
Orefc.i , Plan m Favor.
It is beginning to look as tnoagh the
next man elected United States sena
tor fiomeoraska will be the man
who receuea the mgneit number of
votes cast lor canuiuates lor that ot-
fice. regardless or : .is pcntics. The
Humpmey LM. . has aiready received
lavoiacie action ui tne hoase anj it
provides : .at each uuidiuate for the
legisla.tuit .nay inaKe one oi two state
ments , to o-e printed on the ballot Xo.
1. that nt . . . . vote for the can. : . < . .t = ;
lor ser.atoi uno recenea tn truest
number oi volts and No. 2 , that he
reiuses to vote icr tne people's choice
lor senator. This iast statement is so
worded that it wil. piacticiJiy lorco
every candidate : o agree to statement
Xo. 1. Mr Bryan requested Mr.
Humphrey to amend his bui to provide
that each camlicate may have the
right to have his piatiorm on the bal-
iot after his name , to include not more
than 1UO words The hoase baiKPd at
this and Mr. Humphrey vhurew it
Either Speaker Pool or Chief Clerk
Treninore Ccno has the authority to
discharge any employee oi the house
who lai.s to ccme up to their require
ments of what an employee snould
really oe. This authority was granted
the two officials by a resolution \vaich
passed the house with I'.ttle opposition.
Preparing Road Bill.
The legislature : ook Definite step :
to secure the enac'nent of a road law
when it autnorized the committee on
roads and oridges or'the house and
senate to act : n concert in the prepara
tion of a road Dili All bills en t
subject Wuicii have been introduced
wii ! be reterred to this joint commit
tee and ircm tnesj measures the bill
will be drawn
It is no-.v ccnteaiplated to draft a
bill which will place tae state engi
ueer in charge of all road construe
tion in the state so that uniform roads
may be built all over Xebras.-.a. It
the bill now in contemplation is final
} y agreed upon the state engineer wih
draw the plans for road construction
and wii } have general supervision ovei
tLe work. Heretofore it has been the
experience ; r Nebraska that often
the work of one year is ruined the
next by a change jn the system of road
Duiiding. It is to avoid this that the
committee hopes to create a centra ;
officer to be m charge or the work
It is beginning to look as though
Xebraska vvill at last construct a mon
uinent to the memory of Abraham Lin
coin on the state house grounds. Tht
bill appropriating § 15,000 for tnis pur
pose has been secommentled lor pas
sage in the house and will be passed ,
and it is thought it will receive like
treatment in the senate Both the
house and senate have been invited tc
take part in the Lincoln centennial
celebration in Lincoln Fob 12 , and
this , it is thought , will help along tht
sentiment for the measure
House Begins to Pass Bills.
The house began to pass bills the
first of this week , though it was in a
position to pass or kill several fcatur-
day , but adjourned just wnen the com
mittee on enrolled and engrossed bills
was ready to report. Save the Uvo ap
propriation bills , one to appropriate
§ 20UOO lor incidental expenses of the
leg.slature and the other to appropri
ate $30,000 to pay the salaries ct me
memoers and employees , no bills were
passed until Monday.
Incidentally , the delay of the en roil
ing committee to get those appropna
lion bills to the president of tie ien
ate for his signature previous to tht
senate adjournment caused a deiay in
Lhe niembeis getting to tne strong bo.\
Df several days. The bills were aii
ready except this signature Saturday
LO go to the governor. The commuu- .
started down with them , when sonie
: ne recalled that the president of tln.-
= enate had-not signed them. As tht
senate was not in session this delayed
natters until Monday.
Appropriation bills carrying the fees ,
salaries and current expenses will bt
epoited back to the house on or bu
'ore the thirtieth day of the session
Phis was in accordance with a motion
) y Taylor of Custer county , who in
iStstOf ] that the house needed just as
nuch time to investigate thesf bi.l
S did the committee which draw.- .
hem There was some opposition to
his , but Taylor suggested that ii the
omrnittee could not do its orl : wnh-
n the time limit , and could giv > ? a rea- f
enable excuse , more time would be
the committee.
A storm is brewing in the senate
nd it may break out most any time
iome cf the radical Democrats who i :
3 = t out in the organization and the
election of committees objec * to tli-
omiimtion of the other faction of the a
-.embcrshSp. So Uiey have made ov < r. _
ires to several lienubliojui senators
) join with them in conlrolJinf ; iegis-
uion. What will happen cannot be
> recasted. H. H. PHILPOtT.
Conference at Lincoln on Bank
Guaranty Bill.
Legislature Has Drainage Problem to
Solve High Water Makes It Neces
sary to Provide New Measure to
Cope With Situation.
Lincoln , Jan. 27. The principal pro
visions of the bank guaranty law that
is to be passed by the legislature were
agreed upon at a conference of Demo
cratic leaders with W. J. Bryan and
Governor Shallenberger at the execu
tive mansion. There were present
Senator Volpp and Representative
Graf , chairmen of the senate and
house banking committees , and sev
eral leading members of both houses.
The bill which Mr. Bryan wishes
passed will be a compulsory act and
for immediate payment even as dis
tinguished tfom Senator Volpp's thir
ty-day payment provision , it having
been impressed on the members that
this is necessary and Mr. Bryan de
sires losses shall be made good the
moment the bank can be checked up.
The bill must also have a tax equal
to 1 per cent of the average deposits
and the maximum levy in any one
year must not exceed 2 per cent of the
deposits in emergencies. The money
is to be reinvested in the banks and
they are to furnish securit'es to the
state for safety.
The understanding is the banking
committees will get together on a
measure of this character and will re
port it to the two houses as a commit
tee bill.
Suffrage Bill Goes to General File.
There is every indication that the
proposed woman suffrage bill will
have hard sledding in the present leg
islature. Indeed , it near lost its stand
ing at one fell swoop when the sen
ate committee having in in charge re
ported the bill adversely. Senator
Miller , author of the measure , was
quickly on his feet to say that he had
not been notified of its being consid
ered in committee , and thus securing
a recommendation that the bill go to
the general file. It is not believed the
bul will ever reach the top of that file.
A joint commission of the commit
tees on roads of the house and' senate
gave promise of future action. A bill
introduced by Senator Laverty of
Saunders county some time ago' re
ceived considerable attention and is
to be pushed to passage. It provides
that road building shall be in charge
of the state engineer and that the
state shal bear 50 per cent of the ex
pense of repairing and opening new
roads. The 50 per cent paid by the
county will go into the state treas
ury and the expense will be" appor
tioned according to the valuation
which the different counties bear to
the entire state valuation.
Although this will make the taxa
tions of large counties very high for
roads , it is considered just , since the
cities reap the benefits of good roads
leading to the principal cities and
jtowns in the state. A number of oth
er measures are before the legislature.
Legislature Has Drainage Problem.
Drainage and its control has been
the subject of a number of confer-
pnpes held here recently by attorneys
from Wahoo , Ashland , Fremont and
other places wtyere recent overflows
have brought new problems to the
communities and forced upon the resi
dents the necessity of providing new
laws to meet them. Both house and
senate , when they convened early in ,
the session , added a new standing
committee on drainage which will
take the bills as soon as they are in-
troduced. For two sessions the legis
lature has passed drainage laws in
tended to permit property owners in
certain districts to act together and
drain swampy lands. As a result of the
floods of last year added problems
have arisen. Valuable lands have
been flooded and the purpose of the
acts is to provide a way to cope with
this situation also.
The house , by a vote of 48 to 29 ,
passed the bill providing that the state
canvassing board shall hereafter count
the votes of November elections and
declare the result , instead of the legis
lature. It makes more definite the
present law , and has a direct bearing
en the contest for supreme court jus
tices , wherein appointments have been
made by the outgoing and incoming
governors. Twenty-three Democrats
voted with the twenty-five Republicans.
Maud Olson Scared to Death by Trif
ling Explosion on Stove ,
Newman Grove , Neb. , Jan , 27.
Maud Olson , the nine-year-old dauglj.
; er of John Olson , a farmer , is deacj ,
ipparently having been literally
scared to death.
The child took the top of a fruit jar ,
nit some sugar and water into it to
nake some candy and placed it on the
stove. Suddenly there was a loud ex-
> lesion and the fruit jar top and its
: ontents were blown to the ceiling.
Phe child was not injured , but was so
Tightened that she went into hys-
erics. She was attended by a physi-
ian , but died a few hours later.
) ares Comrade to Shoot and Is Killed.
Fort Robinson , Neb. , Jan. 27. Jjk-
ngly daring his comrade and s-ip-
losed friend to fire upon him. Private
! arry of the Eighth regiment was shot
nil instantly killed by Private Thcm-
s Of ih& artnib regiment. Thomas was
jading his pistol io go1 oh guard when
lie dare wr.S extended. The m6h had'
Ben bantering each' other , Ijui
rnguiigc was llidugM .to bo
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chicago , Jan. 2o. ostnee of export
demand for American wheat and in
creasing receipts at primary points in
this country induced liberal profit-tak
ing in the wheat market here today ,
resulting in final losses of % ( & : /l/4e-
Corn closed firm , oats steady and pro
visions weak. Closing prices :
Wheat May , $ l.vt vi ; July , ijo' % @
SG c ; Sept. , gs&c.
Corn May , G2 4@G2c ; JulyG2iAc. .
'Oats May , 517/ic ; July , 4GV.c. (
Pork Jan. , $1U.90 ; May , $ lU.67i/ . .
Lard Jan. , $9.52 % ; May , $9.t > 7& .
Ribs Jan. , $8.70 ; May , $8.85.
Chicago Cash Prices i\o. 2 hard
wheat , $1.04Vo < gpl.061/4 ; No. 3 corn ,
59Vic ; No. 3 white oats ,
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha , Jan. 26. Cattle Re
ceipts , 3,7uU ; steady to lOc higner ; na
tive steers 0'.50 and heifers
, $4-OUy ( > ; cows
ers , $ J.UO ( 5.ii5 ; western ste'ers , $3.50
@ 5 60 ; Texas steers , $3.00y/5.1u ( ; canners -
ners , $2 O.tb.3.00 ; stokers and feed
ers , $2 755.5'j ( : calves , $3. 0 7.75 ;
bulls. stagsetc. , $ J.75 5.0a. Hogs
Receipts il.CUo ; 5c lower : neavy ,
$ fi 10&6.30 : mixed , § 3.95 0.10 ; light ,
i5 SoffiG.lO ; pigs. $4.5Uii&.50 ; bulk of
sales , $5.95y.i ( > .U5. Sheep Receipts ,
5,000 ; steady : yearlings , $ G.25@7.00 ;
wethers. $ 2515.0 , , ; ewes , $4.25tp (
5.15 , i am us. $ o.75.7.G5. (
Chicago Live Stock. .
Chicago , Jan 2G. Cattle Receipts ,
2,500 ; steady ; steers. $4.60 7715 ;
cows. $3.00U 5.50 : heifers , $3.00&5.75 ' ;
hulls. $ : j 0-4t390 ; calves , $3.50(0,9.50 ( ;
stockers and : eeJers. $2.50 515. Hogs
Receipts T2i00 ; weak ; choice
heavy ship : > in0 , $ d.50@G.60 ; bjtchers ,
$ G.45@G55 ; h 1 mixed , $6.,0&G.15 ;
choice Ijsnt , S'J ' 15 6.20 ; packers , $ G 10
@C40 : pigs. J4.70&5.GO. Sheep Re
ceipts. 10.000 ; steady ; sheep , $4.25@
tr.Cf ) ; lambs. ? 5.25S-7.G5 | ; yearlings ,
55.001 ; 6.G5.
Judc.c Wur.gcr Rules Apical Can Be
Taken to l-cderal Courts.
Lincoln , Jan. 27. A rul.ns made
here by United States District Judge
Thomas C. Mungcr has the effect of
nullifying so much ol an enactment of
the Nebraska legislature of two years
ago as piohibits railroad corporations
irorn appealing to ieileiai courts from
orders of tne state railway commis
sion. The act of the legislature pro
vided that in appeals that the cases
should be taken to the state courts.
The railroad commission ordered the
Burlington and Northwestern railroads
to construct switches at the town of
York for the transfer of cars from one
line to the other. The two railroads
contested the order and appealed to
the federal court. The "stnte attorney
general , in behalf of the commission ,
demurred and advanced the state law
compelling actions to be started in
state courts. Judge Munger overruled
this demurrer , holding the appeal to
the federal court to be within the pro vince -
ince of the roads. Judge Munger did
not pass upon the merits of the com
mission's order to build the switches.
Father Returns From Trip to Town '
ar.d Discovers Bodies.
Hastings , Neb. , Jan. 23. Airs.
Cliarles Mock , wife of a larmer living
about six miles south"of Glenville , in
JGlay county , killed herseli and three
children during the absence of her
husband , ilr. Mock , who had been at
Fairfield with his oldest child , re
turned during the aitcrnoon to find the
bodies. T e mother had bsen in poor
health of late , which is ascribed as a
cause for her action. The oldest child ,
killed was about tear years of age and
the youngest was a babe pf one month. |
The child left alive is a daughter oi
six years. She killed the children by
giving them wood alpohol then
committed suicide by drinking a quan
tity of the same liquid.
Cock and Assistant Injured in Acci
dent in Columbus Hostdiry.
Columous , NQO. , Jan , 2G , An explo
sion oi gas in the basement 01 tue
Thurston hotel badiy wrecked t-.e
building and seriously injured J , , .
Hunter , the COOK , and Mrs. H-nier , hiq !
assistant. The v. oman is cu eau y
hurt she may not recover. Janic ; ;
O'Brien , a workman , who was in the
basement , was olown out 01 ti.e : coii
but is not ser.ousiy hurt , rircyeu tra ,
eling men hi tne dmng room eo-v.-upcvj
with minor injuries. Windows < ji < i
Store building across the street wr .
Shattered. The rear part o : tiife not
js torn to pieces. Fire , which bro .
out in the wreckage , was ei
after barn fight.
Four Hundred Thoucand Dollars a
Stake in Omaha Suit ,
Qmnha , Jnn , 2Qr Miss Giace Con
nor , t'osier aughter of Joseph A. Coij i
nor , who u.etj a few monuis aso , is
trying to secure possession ot tne
$400UOu estate her adopted lather ief
It appears tnat numerous wiiisyerc
made by Connor , one orvniclj letj
25,000 eaci to Miss Grace gnd a sis.-
ter of the lend man and the balance
to Catholic institutions , This yili
Miss Connor seeks to have thrown quj
of court. The trial is attracting UP.- I
usual attention and much legal counsel j
is1 lmlployei. tiy Lfath sides.
Quake in ficrtheajt ricbracka.
NorlOih , Meb , , Jan. 27. Specials to 5
: lie Dally News tell of an earthquake J
shock through Pierce and Knox coun- ,
; ieThe noise resembled a powder ,
Jl exjrltrsiODr l Tt > Ganger is reported.
" ' '
- I
U S L-ui ' > \ ' ; | , . | n .Kri-t
! : MIUH \ 2
A sufficient i-oi.itNt a' . * ! v ' IIMV n In- ti ! i f .
Ill tlllH , | | > > Ji\ .M .rK (5 StiW rl O'MM'HS ! .
rirfttfisfh'omeslHjuf pntrf > 1P3SMM. mn e
June < . uxi8. tor v-vXKW. KHN'WM Nwy
NWH swum 20 : NK > 4-K&section : 7. Towti-
shlt'30 Kan e 31. fov .In-cpli JJrostnn. coi ic U-e
i wliicli ir. is allf irt-d that Jose' li Br anii
hap npver estn > > l'.slie l rPrtdence u on th la' 1
since tilins : upon s.une. and IIB h is filled teen
on eliis 'aclipsiin to this rtat * *
Said parties : ir lieieby onfi" < ? to appear.
resiHinn and oHVr evidence toicl ini' SHI lal'eju-
ti at 10 o'clock a m if Felinuri 13 Is. 9
before tim ri i.ster and Deceiver at the Unit-d
States Land < tlice m Val mine Nebr
The said coniest-int b.ivin r in a proper alrt-
rtavir filed J uni try 2,1009 sr f Ttlj' facts winch
show that Httr dii" < iHiirMce personal se vi < ;
of fhN notice cannot b- mule it Mien ; vrd r.
ed and directed t at sudi iionce he jil\vn v
due and pr per pnhiicat on
5'J 4 K K. OLSON.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Lai-d Ofllce. Vale' lin" . N'ohnisfn. I.
January 2. 1909 , j"
A siilliplfnt contest afliduvi having been til d
in this o 'ce bD.ivid s rii' nni. . con'C'-tti
niains noniest a' ' effy ' M > ' 9:57201177 : mae
June 4. lflM ( tor l/ -Kli.'NlJS > 4 SKVt 'A'H.
section 13 ; VKJ4 N * J4 s-ciinn 21 tw htp 2S
mnKPSO. bv j\l npie 'iiirlb'trf o in t-'sfe- * n
which it is alleged tli it sai' ) Minnie Hlhi rt
das' n-ver estat-iK ni re id nepnn p th > * ia > > i ]
sf CP fillui > "ii ani" i > 'l ii Iri ful l co
cut' ber Jsc cs. up .imUii te
-aid i > arti" a e if y ( it-Il t > fnio r r - -
. pr > . d ami offer videiiur MII > m'n \ U jri-
tion ai 10 o * Jo4'l < a in on Fb 13 1900 i e-
fore tlie rei'is''r and IVC
MV r ar the Unit-'d
States I and . .tlice , Valenii .e. Nebraska
The said cnr bia t IMV ntr. in a proper afli-
daviMiieil Jfin 2 190.1 st fortli faIs wliidi
show tliar after du.Mliii < enct ; personal service
of tlii- . notice cannot be nrute , it is hereby
ordered an dir-cteil 'hat s iuh uotiuu nuivt n
bv dn1 uni proper publication
E 52 4 f. O
Contest N"fticp.
'U S. Land O fee. .
J iiiuary 9 , 1909. i
A < 5ufficipnt conf t affidavit having I > HPH fild
in this oMlce "V Mir < C Stewa-t cojlt -
anl. agiin t Ifn'u s ea-t entry Vo lii-129-ni I J4
in deInn - SO 19DS f > r swVf wt , IIW.XVLT. .
section -/Cnii- and s1sctin2 township U'J
ranuHJ. . biVr'V ' I'eter in. cent , stee in
\vhic" i . is'j'llotred tliat s ii IVter IMersin
has never stnbii-hed sidence upon the la id
sinelih i - ' up 'ii ill' ' same rid h lias t.i led .0
cure his laches up o tins date
Said arti-sare hiv v lotifie'i to ajipei r ,
respond an I oiler evi enc-e touching s id ali"-
g.ti n nt 10 o'clock a 111n Fei ruar0 19 > 9
' e'nr' the reu > st 'r and receiv , r ut the Unit-d
H'-'t R Ijrind > c i V'llentme. cbrasl a
Tlio sai < i CMC te taut baviig. n a propt-r aitt-
davit file i .la" . 9 19. s-i fottli facts whivli
show tint "fter due diligence personal ser c
of this n. tice can fott > made , ii i-hfr-by rd ? -
| eii rtiui ( iip'ct d tlmr s-icb notice btgivn | .y d j *
and i ropt-r pibcation. ; : :
i E 1 4 Kt-ceivcr
Contest Notice.
U. S. I.Mid Office. Valentiiubr < ska.
laiaiarj 12 l)0f ! )
A sufficient coniep : , tlid-ivit havinu been lijc'd
in this oaicen \ Ubarli s O njdcr c nte ia it.
iuaidst honi--t aden'ty N'o 1IH47 01224 , m de
Kfbi-uar\ 19J2 firK K't hi'C'i n 2S tono-
hip 3 > , lungeufi. i y Horace I ) Milton cont--s-
tce. in which -t is allowed tint said Hor.u-e U.
Hilton lias wboi.v ab uid > ncd aifl land ; t L
the land is n r settled up n nor cultivate ! m
go < i faith aid e tijniui han \er estat'lisb
residence tht rcon. and 'liat s'd 1 al e ed \ > - * \ d-
onnieiit of tli- "aidani took flce more ib i
ix inlit i- t 'the epitlion of live v - r from
the ti nu of lilnig upon same and entrjnie.i Las
failed to cure his la 'h s u to tis date
Said pa tiesap-Iicr by ootilied to appear ' ? -
SPO d. and oiler ev d. net- tottchingaid allc-
tion at 10 o'clock a in . on Kebrti iry 23 19 : > , t ° -
f re the r-m ter and receiver ar the Uoit.M
States la < d olicin ; Vilpntui < ; Vebr.tska.
l lie sauj ntc6t't liavmtr. in a proper a II-
duvit , li ed Janu ry 12 1909 ser fortti facts
which show t'i'it ' af'i r due diliu'enee j er.soi al
erve ot this nonce caiin't be made if Is
heiehy ord Tt-d and i irecied that such i.ot c
be given ny due and pi ope. publication.
E 24 E. OLSO.V , Kecdvir.
Contest Notice.
U.S. Lana Offlee. Va'entlne. Nebraska , i
January 12 1909 i
A snfflcienS contest affidavit naving been ti'jd
in thi . olllce by Cunle-i O Snydt-r. .on ( stunt
unt , against homes .id euiry No 134.I. > -012-5.
made Hebruan 1 1002 for s "i .1 * . Mv e'tf.
section 2.S ; ne'tnw1and niv n " . - . sect on : ? 3.
township 35. range 30 , by .laiits | 1'ospes
testee. in which It is aliened that . > url .Ian es
rosspesil IMS wholly aband > i.e't said hind ; tl at
it is not settled upon nor en thated m god
fai h , : md entryinaii not established n-.1-
den i-tli-renn. and said alleged aiMiulonnn it
t > ok place m > re than six nim.lprior ! t i ie
f\pnali > n ot li e yearfrnn the tunof lilinc
upo'i same , ad entrym ui IMS t'a-.ed io euni Jus
laches up to this date.
S'aid parties ' are In-roby notified to appear , rc-
spoud and oll'er evidence'toiiulttiiK saut nlle at t
tion at ! ( } o'clock a in. , on Lrebr ' "ary 23 IM ) . j
before the irgisier and receiver at tlitipni ed !
States L'lid Ofllce in Valentine , J'enit ! > " : j I
The sa d cent itant liavnm , ui a pr ip r a 11-
davt. filed , ln. 12. 1UC9. rt forth laets xvh ch
Slum * that after du > ' ( ( iliKeicjiercoual serviee
of thin iti e can ot b" made , it is hen ; iy
pi dered that such notice be given toy * l e y iu
proiie ? publication.
2 4 E. QLSON. Receiver.
Sheriff Sale.
] } y virtue of an order of sain issued ny ins
pjerk of the district rourt oi riierrv. Co. . Neb
raska. Ufct'iijlier 15 , 1008 muter a ( U-eret of
mortgace forfclohiin1 whsrein Frederick II.
.SclMii./ was Pliiiiiiiff and K. M. Cl utoii : uid
Pearl * Cl jton , his uife , C S Worrestand Kda
1. Vorie-t , m * tyife Frank Peanse and NVr.i
Pciiree , his \\ife. and C"larlsVorrot | nero iittT
femtaits. }
I will tell at the front door of 'lie court ho iso
in Valentine. ( . 'Merry comi'y. Nebraska , t iat
being tjie i where n the Ust term of s * id
uourt wu : li 1 < 1. on tlio yoth < iay of . .lamiay. .
11)01) ) . at 10 o'clock A M M satisfy iiidmnt > ntt
$190 : ! 3 ! ) anuii.tereht at in per ( it Irom d..t i
nt jnilgment Vovember 21th , 1'Jns. and co < t.-
faxed at S-IS. > a-id ae'Tning costs at put lie
unction , io the highes Mdih r , iho
[ oll'iwin f'e'cribed
property , to-wit :
The Southeast Q'laner of s-i-ti.MI G Tim us tip
53u.Kan e 31 , in CDer-v ooimtv. Nebraska.
Dated this 28th day of IK cumber I'.xis
C A K' sseter , slu-rlir.
King & Uittner. i-sieola. X l
51 5 Attornej fur plalntlll.
For Sale.
Ope high grade Percheron st ij- sii
} oti , 3 .vears old last June , weight R
Gbo pounds. . . '
/Also / one Cleveland Bay hon.e ,
, -years old , wcijiht 1250 poum's. ' lei
ior * ! further information see or zd-
ress me at Crookston , Neb. AI
L. H.
- Pat Peiper.
Joe Bristol.valentine
valentine , Nebr.
Ranpe on NJo-
brara river four
miles of Kt.
Horses and
attconnected on
! elt hip orjtdH as
in nt
K. M. Faddis & Co.
'n-tuitticb addreis Valeutmti or Kennedy.
Some branded
on left
- thigh. branded
| hoiilder
< > r thigh
Some Some branded
branded on riftht Hiigb
on left -huuldor-r
orthi h
. P. H. Young- .
rfime.on Nebr.
s Catt'e branded
as mil on I fr si'de
Qyon left
on left Jaw ot
V horaeo.
on Gordon Cre-k north of Slmp n ,
Albert "Whipple & Sons.
t'attle branded
JDS > n left side
OSU oil riebtsld *
Some cattle abe
Dnvtt & - jon neck
Some vltb A. on
teft shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
across hJnrt qnar-
ti-rs Some Texas
oittle branded si O on leit sihe and s
on left side.
Horses branded SHS on left hlo. So'me ealtltj
hm.nriv.1Wnar connected oti ottb sides and
left hip of horses
X. S. Eowley.
us cm "ii ft
tide and hip , aud mi
I 'ft shoulder of horse
se ° . AlsoSgja on
left side
F X °
Some cat- _
tie bnnu-pS
k-35 i t peg ( either side up ) on
1ft * idor hli- . f. m left Jaw and 1ft.nonlrter
or liorwwj , jjj
jjjQ on left hip of horses.
] sj"on left Jaw of horses
G. P. Jordan.
Kosetiud. SD
Florsea * nd cattle
same aj cut : also
CJBB fj on rljrht
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearinu ' iv ol
Kohl & Ten-ill.
lirnwnlee , Xeb.
Tattift branded a
in = cnt on left
side. S-o rule
brai.i"d M. T Y
on Jft J hinf.-'Range
on North Loop
river tU-o miKi
west of , Krawulee
J/A. Yaryan.
, Ifebr
Oattle branded JY
on riijhtslde
Horses branded JT
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
D , M , Sears ,
xeniieay. Nebr
Cattle branded
n on cnt.left side
Some on left hip.
Fiorses same on
ft shoulder.
e- Square
< aku.
Roan Bros.
Voodlake Neb
iake and Crook-
John Kills Plenty ,
on. ltpseb.ud.
1) .
r ttle branded
! in cut ; horses
une 0,11 letf
iiuh. K ime be-
> ve nrin C'k
id Mttle Wh { e
Metzger Bros ,
Cattle branded
lyuhere on left
de ,
innark. square
crop rljjht ear.
ITorses liave
me brand on
on fiordon and Snake Creeks.
Reward of $250 will be j nld to any person for
information leading to the arrest aud flnal
conviction ot any nerson or iicnons
Jjittlo wffn .ilroro Draml. stealing