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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1909)
I't1"-- ! - * i . liike Poultry Pay Few things yield better profit at any time for the lit tle attention given than poul try. A little more attention to their condition just now I and you will find them a regular gold mine. Now is the time your flock should A ield it * bpst profits and with pggs at 30 cents a dozen in Valentine a thrifty flock is the best paying investment in the state. Keep them in condition and give them plenty of good egg making food. You will get a dollar for every dime invested We have every good kind of poultry food and remedy , in cluding LEE'S Egg Maker , ground shell , bone meal , grits and every other good thing for poultry. Most of these are for sale here only. Prices reasonable on all. VALENTINE. NEO A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any m < | n-T-for. you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out § 10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BAMK , VALENTINE. NFB3. VALENTINE S BARBER SMOPM All kiiidb of. SHAMPOOS , MASSAGES , AND LADIES . " HAIR DRESSING w Shampooing a specialty. 4 * HOT and COLD BATHS in connection < Forest Shepard , Prop , K Valentine State Bank Building Lonp Ilerefcid HHUch. .Neb > rrcplM'ol- uinus 17th u ; < ' 0r > . ITtli. a luilf iinitlii-r of tlU'SlOOOni ani- \ \ pioii > lo. a ti il lriln' - ltiil ( l 'l 1J1- 093 < i' head v > f herd [ f1 IS % ! I now ha\e about 80 head of 1007 bull il\v > for bale. C. H. FAri.H.xitKi : . I- . DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparrnent of T. C. Hornby's store. J. W. McDANIEL , COUNTY SURVEYOR Valentine - ] % > S r All work will he given prompt and careful attention. W. ri. Stratton 3)ealer ) in FLOUfK & FEED / General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. JOHNfF-.PORATB Tubular yells and w-indmjlls. me u | by Telephone. Talk of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop. tf Geo. D. Huggins is visiting in our city. A. K. Kuskie and J. F. Geyer of Sparks were in town yesterday. Sara Bordeaux was transacting business in Valentine yesterday. Never-Slip horse shoes and Nev- er-SHp calks in all sizes at Fisch er's Hardware. 2 The railroad coal chute at this place is being rep lired this week und a new floor put down. YTm. Ballard and R. O. Thomp son from out on the snake had business in Valentine this week. Young thoroughbred Buff and Patridge Cochin cockrels for sale at $1 each. MRS. J. F. SIIEFAKD. Rev\ Wells informs us that a daughter was born to his son-in- 1 law and wife , Mr. and Mrs.-S. W. Green , Tuesday , Jan. 26 , 1908. Fischer's orchestra filled a dance engagement at VVoodlake last Sat urday night. This is their third dance at Wondlake in the past five weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Milt Latta were in town one day last week and Mr. Latta was in again for a load Monday to take out to his Hackberry - berry Lake home. The Grand Union Tea Co. of Lincoln , Nebr. , has an interesting proposition to make to some young man or woman in this community. Write to them for particulars. Arthur McGepr , a younger brother of Wm. R McGeerof this city , is here from Indiana visiting. He bears a striking resemblance to his brother but is not quite so tall. D. M.-Sears of Kennedy was transacting business in Valentine Mondav and Tuesday. Dan has a fine ranch and beside feeding his own stock sold 81700 worth of hay last fall. A part of the commissioners' proceedings and the semi-annual statement of the county treasurer appear in this issue. More of the commissioners' proceedings will be published next week. Pete DeCorey is spending this week in town visiting and meeting old time friends. Pete is one of the old timers and one of the wealthiest men on the reservation. His son Ren and wife came down Monday , returning Tuesday. Man Hattan , Elmer Hoffman , Geo. Coleman and Jim Johnson , all of Kilgore , and Bob Hill of Rosebud came down from Kilgore Friday to transact business in our city. Hr Hattan called at our office for a short visit and extend ed his subscription to TIIK DEMO CRAT a year in advance. A L. Springer and W. R. White of Merriman spent several da\s in our city the first of the week on hiivino s Mr Springer came out from Iowa a few years ago and settled on a ranch near Merriman , and in the. meantime i 11 'i _ ! his family .spent several months ip Valentine while he was getting the ranch ready to move onto. Thomas Ryder , an old resident resident of this county , living on Seven Creeks , was a caller at this office Monday. He was enroute to the Pacific coast and had stop ped off in Valentine to see his brother William , who lives down the river , and to renew old ac quaintances. Mr. Ryder has been living near Hastings on a farm which he recently sold. John Cordier and wife were down from their ranch on the res ervation yesterday trading with our merchants. The Indian is beginning to realize that Valen tine , where there is plenty of com petition , is the place to trade. He should be encouraged in this , as a part of his civilization. Mr. Cordier is one of the enlightened Indians and knows where he can get his money's worth. Patronize the merchants tvho advertise in TUB DEMOCRAT. Zan Gillaspie waa in town a couple of days the first of theAve'ek. He seems to be wintering well. The railroad company finished their work of putting up ice last Saturday and Sunday paid their ice men for their work. C. R. Miller of Crookston has decided to not hold his sale Feb. 9 , for which he got out bills last week and has declared the sale off. Sam Schneider transacted busi ness in our city last Saturday and found time to call at our office while waiting for the morning freight to return to Crookston. Dewey Kellogg was in town Tuesday. He has combined sev eral quarters of land near Britt into a good farm and erected buildings upon itfor a dwelling and for his stock. Estrayed from the mill pasture last summer one brown cow brand ed M B on left side. 'Also , two heifer calves , one black and one red. both sucking the cow. Reasonable enable reward for recovery of the same. R. A. McQuADE , 2-2 Valentine , Neb. Pete Simons , mayor , and Pole Hudson , chief of police of Sparks , were in town this week. Their city is prospering under their manage ment and they are the most likely candidates for re-elecfcion without opposition. Their Valentine friends are always glad to see them in town. Sheriff Rosseter was called to Cody Monday to ge t a crazy man who was found some time before a few miles north of Cody living in a claim shanty on the Metz ranch. He had been eating corn and po tatoes and what other stuff he could get until from lack of food he is supposed to hove lost his mind. The sheriff brought him down from Cody Tuesday and the county board of insanity examined the man yes terday morning , finding him to he insane and lie will be taken to Nor folk. The man wore long hair which had heen braided and tied up on top of his head but was badly tangled and disheveled. His cloth ing was old , dirty and greasy and very ragged He appears listless and answered no questions and would not talk , not even to tell his name until afternoon yesterday when he was given a hath and clean clothes and after repeated question ing he said in a mumbled tone , scarcely audible , "Joe , " in reply to the question oft repeated , "what's your name ? " Shook his head when asked to write his name. Appeared not to know where he came from but in answer to the query what country he caine from said "Bo hemia , " and " 14" in reply to how many years he had heen in this country. Have you noticed the Main street crossing over the railroad tracks pine ? John Foster and ' e railroad men have fixed it up ? 'he ' fill across railroad street gnuif-cl from the street frying t < the traqks and aprpss the tracks out to the road AJjit \ f O' ' S c'r : } oads pf cinders \\pre used in ths work which Air Lyman , the road master , furnished to Mr. Foster for the hauling and also had tile section men fill his wagon from the cars near to the crossing , making only a short haul and enabling him to do a lot of work in a day. Mr. Foster proposes to keep on with this grading on Main street from Railroad lo Catherine street if he can get the cinders. Last year he made a narrow grade of cinders on Catherine street between Main and Cherry street and proposes to continue with this work this year as Catherine street is a main thoro- fare where there is more hauling and travel than on any other street in our city , as everybody coming to town comes in or goes out on Catherine street , excepting a little travel on Virginia street. We are glad to see the Main thoro- fares of our city improved and hope to see much needed work done this coming spring , continu ing the cinders. , Cherry County Treasurer's Semi Annua ] Statement LSndlng 31,1 Balance Receipts Disburse Balance July 1,08 ments Dec.31 , 'OS State fund ' . . . . ' . § 2764 45 S 16525.60 19290-05 County general fund 4223.85 17268.49 11821.47 $ 9670.S7 County sinking fund 12531.77 1310.69 300.00 13542.46 County bridge fund 8821.03 4894.08 7957.83 5757.2.S County road and labor fund 452 25 3519.36 93243 3039.18 Soldiers relief fund , 402 87 .44 61.00 342.31 Judgment fund 412.12 9.56 421.68 School district fund 12125 SO 22297 S3 17577.54 -16846.09 School bond fund 4111.94 2120.39 614.98 5617.35 Precinct bond fund .1191.27 429 72.00 1123.56 Special road fund 5887 54.62 Free high school fund 520.06 5.20 514.86 Valentine Village fund 112 90 2023.13 323.28 1812.75 Cody Village fund 35 60 15121 11.53 175.2S Merriman Village fund 68.76 304.04 251.51 121.29 Woodlake Village fund 8 30 207.65 136.93 79.02 Interest fund 514.93 945.52 1460.45 Protest fund 11.55 243.05 254.60 Redemption fund 186.72 1456,24 1522.95 120,01 Miscellaneous fund 58.78 58.7s Sale qf estrays fund 47.90 47.90 Fines"and license fund 2405.50 2405.50 Receipts July 1 , ' 08 to Dec. 31 , 'OS 76266.00 Balance July 1 , 1908 48082.79 Balance December 31 , 1908 02005.39 Dis'bts July 1 , ' 08 to Dec. 31 , 'OS 62343.40 § 124348.79 § 124348.79 I hereby certify that the above statement shows the amount of balances on hand July 1 , 1908 , the amounts collected in the several funds from July 1 , 1908 to December 3L , 1908 , inclusive , and the balances on hand December 31 , 1908 , and that the aforegoing is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. D. ARMSTKOXG , County Treasurer of Cherry county , Nebraska. [ SEAL ] By GERTRUDE JORDAX , Deputy Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brand and Bottled n , < < Guchen- Under the lieimer Supervision "T * Eye of the Whiskeys. U. S. ( TO.V. \Ve also handle the Budweiser Beer. JOHN Q STETTER , , Propr. Sawyer Bros. Oabis , Xebr f ! . K. Suwver has cliartre of tlit-be cattle. II rses l > S on le'tshoul- dor Soini- left side Her s .same left thifih. . Iliange on biiake M. dg I r' river. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Prep Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas branded ou any part al ; aUO til1 frtllrt.v np brands : horses branded the same Range between tiortlou on the FE. & M V , R. R. and Hyannis on M. II. K. in Nortlw-st rn Nebr. KITH \un.S. KINwor . Nolir. MILL PRICES FOP FEED. Per Cwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked _ § 1 05 $20 00 Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00 Corn , sacked 1 20 23 00 Oats , sacked 1 50 29 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 25 24 00 Chop Feed , sacked 14 0 27 00 Combs Refused Bail Judge Geo. W. Hays "was here Monday to hear the habeas cnrpu proceedings brought by the de fendant's attorneys , in hopes of securing bail for LPC L. Combs who is in jail charged with the murder of C. \\r. Mas > ingalo. Combs was represented by At torneys H. S. Powell , A 1J McMahon - Mahon and J. K. Mahony , and state by Neill C. Marsh. Case was submitted on testimony taken before the coroner's jury and special affidavits taken by the de fense. After hearing the argu ments and receiving the testimony Judge Hays decided Combs not entitled to bail and the case was carried to supreme court by de fendant's lawyers for a final hear ing. Eldorada ( Ark.Times. ) Dr. Meehan , osteopath , at the , Donoher hotel , Monday , Wednes day and Friday each week. 52 i Frank Fischer's trunk and suit case advertisment will interest everyone who travels. Look for it. 52 Recently we liave added a larqe ; line of Trunks , Suit Cases , Steamer Trunks Telescopes and Traveling Bags Before going on your trip look over our assortment and purchase what you need. "We guarantee our goods to be the best and at the lowest prices in the city. Fischer. ITS BUlLDiiNG ' 11MB i\OW and the selection of Lumber for Use purpose is a matter of great importance. There is ALL KINDS OF LUMBER on the market , both greed and bad. Only the jrond kinds has found its way into our yards. It will pay to let us furnish an estimate on your next bill. Remember , we carry first class stock. T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. Will meet all callb phone or mail. Versed on pedigreed block. Valentine Nebraska ' i To make room I must sell as soon as possible 25 fine rinjrlet barred Plymouth Rock cockerels. Call on or address Mrs. L. E. i Viertel , Croukston , ! Xeb. 2-i HAS GOT THIS MONTH Two screaming stories by Ellis Parker Butler and Lindsay Denison , each racing to see which will bump your funny bone hardest. One tragedy that will grip your heart. And articles bv Russell. Paine and * Dickson that cut deep into things. LOOK OUT FOR EVERYBODY'S THIS MONTH. THE CAT IS BACK For sale by George Elliott. Prices are what we are talking Now Our stock is complete. BISHOP & YOUNG , n v M c D n I UUY , Nhbh , Eat at the "Ran c'i . rs ' Bcrce , meals 25 cents. Lunches a spec ialty. J. BKADSUAAV , Prop.