Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 14, 1909, Image 8
u , 1 Jacksonian Club's Annual Banquet - quet at Omaha. . Most Brihiar.i Event in the History of , the Crgamzaton : W. J. Bryar. and Governor Shallenberger Among the List of Speakers. ji j J Omaha , Jan 12. The JacLsonian J club of Nebraska last night had as iL- j | principal guest William J. Bryan , wnc [ | addressed the members on "What oi [ i the Night. " The meeting was one of ; i good cheer , despite the recent national defeat , because in Mr. Bryan s own bU.e the result was different. There were present nearly a thousand Demo crats , who cheered every le'ader as he entered , and even though there ha been some differences of opinion be tween the Jacksouian club and Mayo Dahlman , that city official was cheerec to the echo when he arrived. Governor Shallenberger was one o the honored guests and on his lelt sa fourteen cf his staff in full unilorm It was a brilliant affair , spectacularly After the menu the spe'akers in or der addressed the gathering. Mr. Bri an being the last on the program. Mr. Bryan's subject was "What o the Night. " i'le reviewed the politica contests of the last twelve years claiming that the Democratic position had been vindicated by events , and de clared that the party had been a domi nating influence in political thought He described in detail the influences which were most potent in the late campaign , namely : "A larger cam paign fund , an army of government employees drawing their salaries Iron the treasury ; three-fourths of the newspapers or more against us , ant the coercive power of concentrated wealth. " He advocated "the organization of permanent Democratic clubs in every county , the establishment of a Demo cratic paper in every community an 1 the continuation of the educational work as the things necessary .for fut ure Democratic success. Farmers' Institute at Broken Bow. Broken Bow , Jan. 12. Tne first an nual farmers' institute school is in sjes sion her3 and is being well attaiuiuu by farmers and their sons. The opera house , with a seating capacity oi 400. has been secured as an assembly room and the old Central school lias been fitted up as a stock judging j.-avilion. The women's school of domestic science will be held in the Woodmen building. The institute will last for the entire week and promises to be the best attended of any school of the kind ever held in the state. Ask Requisition for Taylor. Minden , Neb. , Jan. 12. County At torney King and Sheriff Ransom have gone to Lincoln and will apply for a requisition on the governor of Califor nia for the return to Nebraska of Bert Taylor , the alleged murderer. Sheriff Ransom will go direct to San Bernardino dine from Lincoln for his prisonei. While feeling against Taylor is very bitter here , it is not believed any at tempt at violence will be made ir he is brought back. Nebraska's Vote Cast for Bryan. Lincoln , Jan. 12. Nebraska's eight presidential electors met at the state capitol , cast their vote for William J. Bryan for president and selected R. E. Watzke as the messenger to Washing ton. There was keen rivalry for the position of messenger , and Douglas Shawvan of Boone county , who aspired to the place , was greatly disappointed at his defeat. The electors , with the exception of Mr. Shawvan , later took luncheon with Mr. Bryan. Lsndseekers Meet Death. JIumboldt , Neb. , Jan. 12. Two years ago a special car took about twenty- five heads of families to the newly opened lands across the Canadian border. A local paper this weeh prints a story showing that six of the party have since died of violent deaths and four others are dead as the result of disease. All were well known in this section. Returns Stolen Spoon. Chicago , Jan. 12. The proprietor of t the Victoria hotel has received a letter Irom a young man in Beatrice , Neb. , who states that while he was a siu- dent he stole a silver spoon from the hotel. The writer declared that ho had been converted and therefore was returning the spoon as a conscience c sacrifice. In the letter the spoon was j enclosed. ] t Shallenberger Issues Requisition. tr Lincoln , Jan. 9 The first official act of Governor Shallenberger was to issue - * sue a requisition on the governor or a L Kansas for the n-turn of Harry HamG lin , under arrest at Wichita , to Omaha i on an embezzlement charge. The doc I ument was mailed direct from the govi i ornor's office here to Topeka. Herd on Way to Recovery. Centra ! City , Neb. , Jan 12. C. 15. Tlord , capitalist , who was stricken i { ) with paralysis in Omaha last week , is j , ; I * on a lair way to recovery. Two Omaha | | _ . [ * physicians have been in attendance ' ' on him since he was returned and say \ j ; he will bo able to get around within New Fre and Police Board. < Lincoln , Jan. 12. Governor Shallen- bergc'r appointed Charles Karbach a ] and Ca'rl.Brandeis tBemS. fn'ci . ) as and j police commissitincrs' fdr Omahh , vice"S ( John L. Keimcuy atiQ ItolteH fcbwell Outgoing Governor Urges Sterilization I of Delinquent Criminals. j Lincoln , Jau S. Governor cj eldcn , I i in his message to the legislature , has ] j some strong recommendations to make i and does not hesitate to tei where he j ii i i i stands on several questions which | i have been agitating the political at- ; usosphers in .Nebraska for the r-asi ! ( few years. The liquor traffic is particularly - ; ularly obnoxious , in his mind , and Icl tLat reason he recommends that a : i absolutely state-wide prohibition lav. be parsed , and insists en a strict en lorccrncnt of the law which pro vices that no man shall take a drink in si saloon that he does not himself pay for. The social question isthen toachea upon and the retiring governor handles it without gloves. He says careless ant ; ill advised marriages cause untold hnr.ii and in this connection says : 'I therefore recommend for your earnest consideration a change in our mar riage laws , so that it will be impossi ble for any man or woman to marry until a certificate from a physician licensed to practice in this state ? has been presented , containing a state rnent that their health is good a'nd that they arc capable cf producing healthy offspring. Those who are a burden upon society should not be per- "Jn order to prevent the confirmed criminal and the incurable insane from producing offspring. I suggest that you give careful consideration tu the necessity of passing a law providing for sterilization of that class of people. ' LEGISLATURE DOWN TO WORK. First Important Business to Come Up Is Canvsssing cf Vote. Lincoln , Jan. 11. The legislature got oown to business touay , both blanches having been fuhy organised last week. The first business oi im portance to come up is the canvassing ot the vote on constitutional aiiienu- inents. Extraordinary interest is taken in tins canvass , because it is said that the Lamocratic inajciit } will attempt to unseat the RepubLcau supreme juuges selected by the fonder administration , as provide : ! i'or in the amendment adopted at the last elec tion. The Democrats declare the amendment does not become law un til the vote is canvassad by the logis- latuie , and that te judges r.ppointeJ by Goveinor Sl.eiuon do not properly hold their sjats. This matter may be come the eajse of a bitter struggle. The banking law will probaaly be introduced this week. The bill will provide lor "prompt" , bat not "imme diate , " payment of depositors in the event of failures. This has been ae- cided on auer an extended comerence between "William J. Eiyan and former State Cuairman P. L. Hull , the lattei being a banker. It is sai.l that the banker finally succeeded in bringing the commoner to his way oi' thinking. Nebraska Pioneer Dead. West Point , Neb. , Jan. 11. John E. Shadainann , one of the oldest settiers in 'the Elkhorn valley , is dsacl , aged eighty-nine-having died of infirmities resulting from old age. Shadauiaun was captain of the first organized com pany of militia in Nebraska , WLich was used in most part for fighting In dians , which occupied most of the time of the company. He was at the head of a government surveying corps which located the Nebraska-Kansas line. Farmers' Telephone Declares Dividend Shelton , Neb. , Jan. 9. Some idaa oi the profit ? cf a wcil operated inde pendent telephone company were shown when the directors cf the Farmers' Homo Telephone company of this county declared a dividend of 1 ( > per cent and showed a sabstantial working balance in the treasury. The company also constructed a number of new lines and maintained the entire system in a high class manner during the part year. G. "W. Barrett was reelected - elected president. Matthews Replies to President. Omaha. Jan. .9 T. L. Matthews , former United States marshal in this district , who was summarily dismissed from the s'ervice in connection with the land fencing action brought igainst Comstock and Richaids. who were later convicted of fraudulent land grabbing , and who was mentioned in President Roosevelt's recent message LO congress , has defended himssli igalnst the president's words by de claring them entirely false. First Lobbyist Registers. . Lincoln , Jan. 8. F. H. Monroe ot Washington , D. C. , registered in thp ) fnce of the secretary of state as a obbyist , in conformity with the anti- obby law rasssd by the last loisla- .ure. Mr. ? , Ionroe is the first man to r egistpr under the provisions of the aw. Hs will endeavor to persuade : he members of the legislature * o pass bill submitting to the next genera ! lection an amendment to the constitu ion for the initiative and referendum. ? . iror.d3 ! Must Install Telephones Lincoln , Jan. S. The state railwav ommission issued an order which will iave the effect of compelling railroad ompanics of the stat" to install tele ihones in all s'.auur.s whenever iatrons make the request , to be main ained ar. the ex pens" of the roads , 'here are between 9,0 and 1,000 stain - in Nebraska. Reception and Inaugural Call- Mnroln , .7an. $ Lst ; : night at the tate capitol building occurred the ru- a option. 10 Governor Shallon'ocr cr ° nd the now slate ofiiccrs in the hosa ; : lia hsr n-ul the inanguial ball in the crale. The functions were largely ttendcd by society people cf the city nd state * , " " * f * * * * * IIUIHIH AI ! Members of Congregation Killed or Injured , Pillars cf Ancient Edifice Give Way During Services Cry of Earthquake Causes Wild Panic Among Villagers. Sixty Persons Badly Injured. During Sabbath services , an an cient church near Sion , Switzerland , suddenly collapsed , burying the wor shipers in the ruins. Practically all the members of the congregation were killed or injured. A wild panic fol lowed , those who escaped rushing through the fields shouting that an earthquake had overtaken the village. Other villagers joined in the outcry and were with difficulty calmed. After an hour's exertion the fire company oi the place extricated' forty corpses , but it is still believed there are a number under the timbers. Sixty persons were badly injured. The collapse was caused by the time worn pillars in the underground crypt , giving way. j MINE EXPLOSION KILLS 25 MEN. , Disaster in Leiter's Colliery at Zeigler , 111. , Due to Electric Spark. A gas explosion , in which twenty-five men lost their lives , occurred in Jo seph Leiter's famous colliery at Zeig- ler , 111. A spark from a trolley pole of an electric motor coming in contact with a pocket of gas is assigned as the cause of the explosion. The Americans killed in the explo sion include Willis Warner and Albert Kerr , foremen ; James Patterson , Joe t Richardson , Fred Morgan , J. O. Evans , j Gilbert'Jones , Joe Tate , James Phillips ' lips , John Cassay , Aaron Jereoll , Tom Hubbard , Cebe Pucket and Charles j Smothers. j Mr. Leiter personally conducted the first relief party that descended into ! the mine to recover the dead bodies. [ The lone survivor of the explosion , was an Italian youth , who escaped un harmed' . An expert who had been experiment ing with the gases in the mines at Zeigler left last week , confident that , he had placed the mine in safe condi tion to be operated. The men entombed were engaged in clearing away the debris caused by , the recent fires in the mine. | The bodies taken from the mine are badly burned and identification is dif- . ficult. j The explosion was peculiar. No noise or shock was heard'or felt at the open ing of the shaft , only a puff of smoke. The engineer noticed the smoke and realizing that an accident had pened , summoned aid. ITALIAN DEPUTIES VOTE RELIEF. By an Overwhelming Majority Cham ber Passes Measure. j The special meeting of the Italian chamber of deputies , which was called to consider measures of relief for the devastated provinces of south ern Italy , was marked by eloquent ex pressions of sympathy and grief at the terrible disaster. The govern ment relief measures , which were en trusted to a parliamentary committee , were finally adopted by a vote of 406 to 5. The dissenting votes were greet ed with howls and hisses , while pro longed applause followed the an nouncement of the result. Some of the members , particularly those who participated in the rescue work , criticised the relief organiza- : tion. especially the decision to entrust it to the military authorities. The proclamation of a state of siege in ' the stricken zone was denounced on the ground that it contributed to the i isolation of towns and villages. Deputy Felice , whose brother was i killed at Messina , shouted during tlu > < course of a fiery speech : "If I had < been in charge we would have saved 1 half of Messina. " i : Ruins Give Up Their Dead. ' ] The bodies of nearly a hundred men ] were taken from the ruins at Messina - ] sina Monday , all in an advanced ( stage of putrefaction. At Reggie , liowever , firemen during their excavaj j ticns , came upon a five-year-old boy , who was apparently uninjured. Pie liad no idea of thb length of time he liad been buried , and it is possible .hat he was entombed by debris in one Df the later shocks. U. S. Squadron in Italian Waters. The United States battleship Con- lecticut arrived at Naples Sunday , rler sisterships of the special squad- on sent to the relief of the earth- : juake sufferers , the Vermont , Kansas ind Minnesota , accompanied the Con- lecticut to Messina , but did not come = nto Naples. They proceeded to Ville tranche. rormer Nebraska Couple Asphyxiated. J. C. Welles , field superintendent or the Fort Collins sugar factory , and a iis-wife were found dead in bed nf. j heir home , about two miles from Fort ? oil ins , Colo. Apparently both had j jecn overcome by coal gas. Before t oming to Fort Collins. Mr. Welles and lis wife lived in Nebraska. _ UES Guns With Fatal Effect. (1 In a pistol fight at Silver City. Miss. . ) . B. Sproles , a prominent planter , was * , isrhaps fatally shot , and Vess Davis , n negro , was instantly killed. Davis t ( ipcncd fire on the white man. * 1 Lincoln Pallbearer Dead. j John Coj'ndgs , former Unite'd St'atds cnator < real California , and the las't t ! urvivor of the pallbearers of Presij j "cut Lincoln died ai Boston. u i Declares Roosevelt Misquoted Inspector's Report Couth Carolinian Declares He Gui ty of No Action Inconsiotent Vv ith Honor or Obligation as Sena tor imputes Attack to Hatred. Uuej by the galleries when he enic-icii the senate ciiUinoer to reply to i-resiuout Kooseveit s remarks in ' re.3i.oct to iiis connection witu Oregon thii.ici .and , Senator Tillman read nis < pte.iiroi lei aru.s with littie attempt _ at oi'iuoncai euect. lie was accorded CM.-ui aiieiitiun by senators on botn i ciJca of the chamber , the public and ! innate jja idnea Lt. : . taxed to their j capacity. uociaied tlat the president had been actuated by motives of malice and re\eiijc in" attacking his course in connection vith the Coos Bay ( Ore. ) land grant , and argued that he was guilty of no action inconsistent wirh honor or ouligation as a sen ator. He charged tuat the president uiaQUOted the inspectors' report. Tak ing up the president's statement con cerning Dorr , a land agent , making his filiiigs through ReeJer & Watkins of MarshfielJ , Ore. , Mr. Tillman said : "it will be noted that I accused Don in the senate cf being a swindler , and ashed the i/ostoffice department to is sue a fraud order against him. Dorr \ declared in his circular : 'So sure is Senator Tihman or our success thai , he has subscribed and paid the neces sary lets iui a quarter section for him- salt and ten ether sections for ten oi his nearest relatives. ' It was this bold and outrageous laisehood mainly that caused me to denounce Dorr as a swindler as well , and to declare in the senate that he had no warrant for the assertion. "Let us suppose for a moment that i was guilty o , . a laisjhood in declaring that i had not undertaken to purcnase any land. What did that have to do with Dorr's transparent and open use of the mails to induce men to send him money to purchase iand ? Dorr's declaring that I had paid the fees is an absolute falsehood , and the postcf- flee ( inspectcfj , wuile tney searched the records lor entries at CoqaiilOj 'noted that Reeder & Watkins hp.1 Hied several hundred applications. ' but nowhere mentioned that any had been filed in my name or lor me. There fore the falsehood is proven on Dorr , and yat the president declared the as sault which Se.iatcr Tillman m.ul on Mr. Dorr was , according to the report of the inspectors , a wanton a. na.t made to cover up Senator Tii.mui s own transactions. Admits Considering Land Purchase. ' 'In doing this he makes a false dec laration , ior the inspectors nowhere say any such thing as above quoted , which can be pi oven by an examina tion of their report. Now , about the lying. My letter of Feb. 15 , of which the president has secured a photo- grapnic copy , antedated by four days my statement in the senate that I liad not bought any land or undertaken to buy any , and the president considered this positive proof of falsehood. I did ' not say I had not considered the pur chase of land ; I did not say I had not : contemplated the purchase of land , because - } cause I had done both. I was perhaps ] dis.nsentiOvis , but a moment's thought 1 will convince any honest minded man : that , as I had not signed any papers , ( had not paid any money , had talien " nobody's receipt , the usual process by ] which one 'undertakes' to buy land. I ' was speaking accurately and not lalss- ' ly. Everything hinges on the meaning - * ing of the word 'undertakes' and my use of it. " i Senator Tillman went into details 1 as to his transaction with Lee , and declared - < clared Lee wa empowered only to t examine the land. After examining S the proposition he said he became convinced - vinced it was a "very doubtful propoi i Eition , " until Mr. Lee showed him a " letter from Reeder & Watkins , which r Mr. Tillman said had been stolen from c his desk , probably by some of the seI cret service sleuths. \ HOUSE REBUKES PRESIDENT.T Tables So Much of His Message as Rs1 fleets on Its Fvlernbers. t After having ma e him the target for s sriticism , with here and there words of commendation , the house of representatives - a sentatives , by a vote of 212 to 35. rebuked - * buked the l president by tabling so much of his messages as reflected on members of congress in connection c : ivith his recommendations regarding v he secret service detectives , and also r declaring it to be the sense of the a L nouse that they shall decline to con- t5 idfM- any communication from any source "which is not in its own judg- Sl ient respectful. S ; The president made public details of in investigation by postoffice inspect- i jrs and secret service agents ot Sen- t : itov TiUman's connection with an al- p eged "land grab" in Oregon. As he li jresentb the evidence to Senator Hale , O1 n response to the lattcr's request to he heads of the various executive de11 ] lUihnents for a statement of the oper- itions of the secret service , the presi- t lent undertakes to show That Mr.fl rillman used his influence as a ssna- " or in an cffoit to force the govern- nent to compel arailroad | corporation in o relinquish its control of land grants k rcm the United States in order that ic and his family and his secretary , sc r. 13 , Knight > might profit lli rough the h : Jtlrchase Of some of the land ; that te he senator used his government tt rani. ing privilege in numerous inca ftsivces Tor the use ttf private business. K Thought-Mia of Ink. "When applied to the newspaper page they make people think twice. First , people think there's a msarh > keeps up with the procession. Second , they think bo must keep good goods on hand. Again , if the home paper has enough drops of advertising ink on its snrfact- to make a proper showing the outsider thinks this must be n pretty livel ; town. Thus a drop of NEWSPAPER AF VERTISING INK is a good thing for the town. Hcrefords Bring High Price. Cambridge. Neb. , Jan. 2. Seventy head of Hereford thoroughbred cattle sold at the Mousel ranch , near here , brought an average of $22 j. the best price ever paid for so large a herd. Buyers were present from all over the UniiGil States. SALINE COUNTY DEMOCRAT. Wilber , Neb. , June 8 , 1908 Gentlemen - men : The coming struggle over the liquor question should be approached with the greatest moderation and for bearance on both sides. The manufacture and sale of a bev erage tnat has been in use as far back as authentic his.cry goes , and age. ; before the dawn of Christianity , can no more be prohibited by statute law | because the depraved appetities of a few bring discredit upon those who supply the public demand for it than can the preaching of the gospel be prohibited because the vicious pro pensities of a small percentage of rain- ; isters and the excesses of their pat rons bring contumely upon the whole church , by transgressing upon divine- as well as civil law. To my icono clastic mind uoth are in the same class there for the money that is in it | In my opinion , the Slocumb law of Nebraska is the best form of regulat ing the liquor business that has ye-t been devised. It has s'ood the tests of the courts for years and where any reasonable effort towards its enforce ment by the local authorities has been made , it has given almost general sat isfaction. Witness 'he jubilation cf the "dry" forces at the result of tb.3 recent spring elections. It gives each community local option. To tamper with it would be tempting Providence , because the introduction of just ona innocent-looking little "joker" by some adroit schemer might tead from order ly regulation to absolute chaos. : Prohibition has been adop ed in a number of the southern states just "to keep the niggers from getting IL" If adopted here , it will be the white man af limited means that will be the greatest victim. In many localities it would be those colonies of hardworking ing , law-abiding and thrifty citizens who have been accustomed to tte moderate use of malt beverages from childhood. The fellow who has got the ' price will get all he wants anyway , wholesale by case or cask , and make j 10 hones about it. And von't It be a pretty spectacle to see the tramping loboes with a capial : of ten cents go .o the place across the street and rub , moulders with the sanctimonious Pecksniffs who yowl prohibition and iffect to scorn the open saloon , but all he time take their v nips on the sly in .he back room of the "dispensary ? " My memory of history may have be- onie a little defective through ad 'anrinevears. . ut to the hest of my ' . ecollection , whenever It nas come to downright contest between the "purl- ans" and their more broad-minded ellow men , it has generally been the elf-righteous that have done the emi- rating. Better "let well enough alone. " It SI s my firm belief that the present agi- * ation has been started by selt-seeking oliticians only to distract the atten- ion of the people from far more seri- us evils. . It is universally conceded that corn- lercial exigencies and educational in- uences are steadily advancing the mperance cause. Let these good in- uences continue , but from an acri- We won't ! " with its personal recrim- lonious campaign of "You will ! " and lations and" long-enduring animosities , oed Lord deliver us. ! One who has been urough the "CTJ- ide" ox the early seventies and tl c ard-fought campagn e ± v ought to ave formed decided opinions abtnt is fuunty cf well-meant out Impractf- 11 legislation. Respectfully , Honor and Valentine. . ! * ! < ft , Her > e and cattle oraua&d .iB connected on ieft hip or aide an in cut R M F fldit < & f'o Postofflce address- Valentine or Kennedy. nie hrandeul on Irft thiph. bnnded .on left khonlder lor thigh. Soiw Some branded on rlKh thigh shoulder on left i ! orhem tier. or thi-h P n. Yonng. Simeon NVbr. - branded as nut 011 left , aide Some Q. yon left side. en left Jaw of V horsee. on Gordon Cre k north of Simeon , rujipl- & Kosebud S , D. rattle branded n left side n right 8ida cattle also Dave a 4on neck Some with A on itft shoulder and some branded vith two bars bind qnar- Some Texas aidu cind on left side. florses branded SOS on ' "ft hlD. Home branded A.W bar nonnested on bntM sidee and * * lr > nf N. S. Rowlm Kennedy. - Nebraska ; w < ! m it and hip , aud on ft shoiildt'r of her on huskSSI BE8f i ' pep ( either side np ) on * i.'f or hlf. p on left jaw and MIhimlrler . tr * t k. | i | Q m ifft hip o' ' n left jaw of horsps H P. Jordan Koanbud , 3D Horses * nd cattli same a cut ; also 0.1 BK fj on rtjrht hip. Range on Oak and A liberal rnward for information 'eadlngto detection of rusllftra of stock KOHL & FERRILL. Brownlee , Neb. rattle branded an in cut , on left nide. S o m brai1d B. T Y on left hip. Rang * on North I.oup river two mil- * west of I. A. V A RYAN Pullman , Nepr Oattlf branded JY on right side Horses branded JT on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any Information leading to the r < - covery of cattle strayed from my Pat Peiper Nebr D. M , N br Cattle branded * s 02 cut.lef : side * < irnp on loft nip Horses same on ft shoulder. Roan Brothers woodlake N b Uatifj. ' on LKK kami Ciook- Lake. JOHN KILi/s PLENTY t Kr.i cis Mis iion. Kosc-bud. . D. n ttle branded Uh In cut ; hores R : < Ilif OI1 Ic.S Ilidl. KMII.-U hf- wvprjn ci'k .nd Linirt White iver. Citri.- branded \ nj where on left \ \ arnark. square crop right ear. Horses have line brand on < * tl thigh. on R..nlon and Snake Creeks. fc'ffi SJSTS"S ! ° r ' * " ' " " "