w rap up Some Hot Water within a good hot water bottle and apply it to the frigid sections of the bed , down near the foot , i.l ( . and you will pass the winter devoid of the terrors of cold feet. Hot water bottles are needed in every home as a hot application in case of sickness or at tacks o f neuralgia , toothache , etc. We have a full stock of water bottles made of the finest rubber at reasonable prices. VALENTINE. NED A Safe , Simple System The system of paying xby check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out § 10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINS. VALENTINE BARBER SHO All kinds of. I . SHAMPOOS , MASSAGES , AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a specialty. Mi HOT and COLD BATHS in connection Forest Shepard , Prop. Valentine State Bank Building The Loup Vallej H refoid Ranch. , Nebr , Soldier Preei"ol - mmnis l"lli I0"0.r n. a son of Culuitihiis 17th. a half brother of the $10.000 C'ain- pioii Otle , a n d Prince Bo-ihdH 131- r C93 a ! head ol herd I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves for sale. C.H. FAULIIAHKU. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. J. W. McDANIEL , rOUXTY SURVEYOR Valentine - All work will be piven prompt and careful attention. W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 'cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. JOHN F. PORATH Tabular wells and windmills. me up by Telephone. i 1 Talk of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop. tf Cocoa door matts at Frank Fischer' hardware. 52 Mrs. liobuiir and Miss Glen have returned home. The county dads are checking up the unuiiiy olHtert , this week. ii. it. iiemi ricks of Eli was in imwi Monday. Owen Etter is the name of the barber employed by Forest Shep- aid. I Lawrence LO man , who has been ill for some time at the home on Cherry street , is recovering. Kev. Vincent R. Beebe of Ains- worth is in the city assisting Kev. J. E. Baker conduct a series of revival meetings. C.V. . Gaskill and family re turned Saturday from Valentine \v here they were visiting relatives during the Holidays. Burton In dependent. llepresentative John F. Carr left the lirst of the week for Lin coln to take his seat in the thirty- first general assembly. Spring- ! view Herald. Jim Irwiu was severely hurt several days ago by falling from a step ladder across a barrel , hurt ing his side and chest. Jim is not over the eifVcts of it yet but is able to get around. Ed and \Valter Vollentine and 'Sidney ' Irwin of Lavaca were in town Monday as witnesses against Wilson who is charged with steal ing a l.or > e from Mr. Vollnntinp. Wilson was bound over to the district court. The railroad comp-m.v and Clark- son , thp local ice man , are busy this week putting up ice. The weather is g < od for ice but we fail to PP any other advantage excpt- iiiir to warmer climatus which may get some of our citizens Oscar Newman and Carl Connolly nelly and a fiend came up last week for a vi it with Mrs. New man's father and mother , W. H. Hooper and wife on north table , and \\ith Mr. Newnrin's sisters Mrs. VV. T. Brosius and Mrs. Fairchild. Mrs Mahala McKercher , 74 years old , died at 3 a. m. , yester day at the family home , three miles east , of Normal. The funer al will take place at the home this afternoon at 1 o'clock , and burial will be at Wyuka , cemetery. State Journal , Jan 9. Jes e Granger's team got a lit tle gay last Saturday and broke the wagon wheel and reach down at the mill and but for prompt as sistance of some of the ice men might have done more damage. Jesse tells us that he and the Missis are going to move to town. The Workmen and Degree of Honor lodges held a joint installa tion of officers Monday night and invited a few extras to join in the feast , prepared by the lodges after the installation. Then there was music by the Ealya orchestra which was good enough to make a Methodist want to dance and they danced. There were lots of young people there and they all seemed to enjoy a good time. Lexv Smith died at the St Jos eph's hospital in Omaha early Sunday morning of stomach trouble and a complication of ail- f ments. Fie was taken to Beemer , ! ' the home of his relatives , for burial , j Lew Smith and Mat House came to * this country together. They were schoolmates in Missouri and grew up together and worked together ] several years after coming to this county. The deceased was married - j ried twice , first to Miss Nevada Brown who died about ten years asro , and a few years ago was marf ried to Miss M ty Stephenson. ' Mr. Smith was about 45 years old. ' He was an Odd Fellow and a Workman , in which order he car ried some insurance. The German Fire Ins. Co. lias been incorporated with § 100,000 capital stuck , fully paid up , and I has taken over the old German Mutual Fire Ins. Co , and fully guarantee all out-standing policies in the old company. They start the new . \ear with ovei § 25U.OUO capital and surplus. Forest Shepard received a telegram - ' gram this morning that his broth er Will , who has been in Omaha doctoring , is worse , lie was shot in the hip at Crawford several wesks ago and went to Omaha to have the bullet removed. Forest took the afternoon freight to Long Pine and the early train from there to Omaha. The M. W. A. and Royal Neigh bors held a joint installation of of ficers last night. The ladies al ways out do the men on such oc casions and had a feast prepared which they served after the cere monies , in which they also excel. There were a hundred or more de spite the zero wealher and after supper the wood choppers hooked onto a Royal Neighbor apiece and tripped the light fantastic until a late hour. Special services are in progress at the M. E. church and interest is increasing each eveninir. Song service begins at 7:30. preaching at 8:00. : Sunday morning Rev. Beebe will take for his subject , "Is God For Us ? " The evening service will be a union service. Subject for evening. "The Busi ness of Life. " This her vice is 3sppciilly : for business men and 3very buiine s man is invited to be present Sunday Service for Men. Valentine biNines < men sire in cited to the service a ! 7:30 : Sunday . liirht. Subject , " "The Business ) f Life/ ' Estray iNotice. I have taken up a estravs to ; vd white face yearling steers No , , Brands , one has left ear either iropped off or end frozen off. Nether ) ther marks I am able to find. Fhey are at my ranch on sec. 33 , ; p. 33 , r. 25 , Cherry Co. , Nebr. 15 D. A. HANCOCK. BIkhorn Change of Route. Washington , D. C. , Jan. 13. Fudge Kinkaid has secured a fav- > rable report on the bill , which ecently parsed the senate , per- nitting the Elkhorn road to change ts route across the Niobrara res- srvation and Niobrara river. It vill probably pass the house and ) ecome a law before the end of he week. World-Herald. Talk of Oasis. \ Bill Tripe is after rats nowdays. The news is froze up this week. We see that the canal is very veil. I see Lenard Beal has got back rom his visit east. e : We haven't lost sweetheart jizp for she is back again. Glory o God. We don't know if Dave or Earl ? going to win out at Oasis , the oad is hot. Dave and big mattress are kind spooning It looks kind of sus- licious to a man up a tree. It has been pretty cold hero but tock is doing well. They are sing lots of hay these days and 7e never saw stock look better bis kind of weather. Look out for Plymouth Rock hickens. We see Daddy Long egs has got back frorr Carppri- jrville. Our Chicago friend has een promoted to cook. a Sam McAlpvy is looking wpll ince his change in life , and he as talked his wife's right wing off. am says all you old bachelors re fooling away your lives. c ( To be continued. ) e TIIE WOLF.it Old Crow- All Leading Hermitage Brand and Bottled Guchen- Under the lieimer Supervision Kye of the vVliiskeys. $ IT. S. G-ov. also handle the Budweiser Beer. JOHN Q. STETTER , Propr. Recently we have added a large line of Trunks , Suit Cases , Steamer Trunks Telescopes and Traveling Bags * Before going on your trip look over our assortment ai.d purchase what you need.'c guarantee our goods to le the best and at the lowest prices in the city. Old Timer Returns. R-iIph Crabb returned . \ester- la.v morning from Taromn , YTa h , Bringing his father who 5 in poor leallh back. Gehile P Crabh ivas formerly a farmer on noitli .able , coming here from Western Missouri in the earl v day * amivis : iprc durinjr the tr.vinir tim-s of Jrouths and crop failures , .h < /lines that tried men's souls. " ami lie faint hearted went back lo heir wife's relation. The fall of 1893 Mr. Crabb was elected coun ty treasurer of this county and leld the ofiice two terms During ihe fall of 1897 Mr. Crabb and J 3. Vincent started a store in Val- jntine and the first of the year 1898 Mr. Crabb left the trea .r- > r's office to take up his duties in /he store. They seemed to do a ; oed business but did not make as nuch money as they anticipited ind Vincent sold his interest to Will Morgareidgo and Morgar- ; idge in turn to Claude Reece. Hie store was not a financial suc cess and was closed up in 1892 to my creditors. Mr. Crabb and family went to Pacoma , Wash. , where they have Ince lived , but Mr. Crabb's health las not been good in the west. : Ie has had several severe spells > f sickness and has longed to be > ack to Cherry county where we 10pe he will recover. He stood he trip pretty well and is now at he home of his daughter , Mrs tfal Jefl'ers in town , but expects 0 go "out to his son's place north- ast of town in a few days when le is rested and the weather is letter. Mr. Crabb had been driving a 1 ray wagon until last Thanksgiv- ng when he beame ill , and shortly lefore Christmas Ralph went from iere to see him and induced him D come home with him. Mr. Crabb tells us of seeing lany Cherry county people in yacoma. Hal Savage and wife,1 ohn Thompson and wife , Henry nd Frank Query and wives and nether Query. Myrtle married teacher , a very fine man Mr. Jrabb says. Myrtle is having ioor health again. Out at Billings , Mr. Crabb noted - } ed that the sky was clear and re- larked that there wasn't a cloud i sight. A remarkable thing for Taconnite , perhaps , but here * e have several such days during le year. Frank Fischer's trunk ami suit # ase aclvertisment will interest ver.yonc who travels. Lonk for r. ' 52 Eat at the "Ranchers' Home , m < al < 2 ; " ) cents. Lunches a spec ialty. , J BUADSIIAAV , Prop ! ! 1 f'PJCES FOP FEED , IVrCwt. Per Ton. Hran. Backed _ 1 05 § 20 0 ( Shorts , sacked 1 20 2:3 00 Corn , sacked 1 20 2M 00 Oat . Dirked 1 50 29 00 Cln p Corn , -wicked 1 25 2400 Chop Feed , . sacked M 0 27 00 Sheriff Sale. I > \ viitueof ; m onler ol s il" ISMI ' < ! by flic clerk ut tiniKtneL c' > urr < > i Ch < Mrv. Co./Nel- laskt. | ) ( ijiliir 15. 190S iini'er ; i ( ! * ( ' et > nl HioMnHtii' iir M' ' < Mirv \\lieiein rn"lrri-'k II S -Inil / \\i > > i'l.iuiull nul It M. riurmi mi' lVirl ( la > ton , his \ \ ilC S Worrcsf and Mlla rtf i , mv fe Frmk IVarre and N'or i- , in : , \\iie ami i hail s Wone-t were dc- . I uill M'H at tlirfiont door of 'lie c-nurf in Va'riitiiie Oifrrv roun-v. Nebraska , that lu'inj : t'lf i uildi \\iifr * ' th - 1-f-t term ofai < l court \vas ti 1 I. on the IWlhlay of .Jaint iry 1'C'I .It 1(1 ( O't lock A Ms.lt'stV llld'iMHMlT "f > 1)038' ! ) > a i i .tt'r nr 4 l' ( ' > c > - t irun date oi luil inriif \ 'ii'ciiilv2Uh. . l'"S ) ami cnsi" t.ivcii at $ L'l S5 ant aruiMu c > - > ts at im'ilif ' a'letio i. MI the liitIiebidder , ioruttli. ti ! folvnfj f't'-cul't'd property , to-wit : Th So ith'-a it Q lanerof s'-cii m 0. Tounshi SS'i Urn e 31. in Chercomity. . Neli D id tliis : feta d.tv ot I ) ce'ntn-r l' is ( ' A IC-'ssi-tur , - he Kiu & IMiU'ei . is iMil.i. N-l > 51 3 Attornej lor i.l Contest Notice. U.S. Land omc , Vak-ntine. .laniiary 2 1909. A .sufficient content afiid ivil hav-im bc-'n de ! . in tin'jti ( - b\ \l ik C htu it < > ii'isuii. . ; if ; . ir'M hnincstcad et m 193-IM. madi * Jn e " . li ! ) , 10 w'iN'KJ-t \ \14 N } j \\Vi , M'l-ttou 2B ; XKli KU * . ! ion'J7 Town- sh" ISO Ka'-ue 31 IIN .lo t-ph ln > a n. co te-tef i whnh it is il s--i thai J - vh Mi < aun iia III-V T fst1 1 shed rf idHiit'i'n on t' > lai < l -nife ilium nnon Mine. , tn i lie h is 1.1 ed to rii e his ac'li " < iito | this dalf haid pirt.es ar heiebv o'lli-cf to atijiear. resuoini and llt-r evnioncf to icitini' s.iualletr i ti -i in oVIoc-k a in n Fehruu , l.j 1:11.9 : hffore HIM re ihtt-r and M-ci-iver.it the Unn.-o Stales I..u l < tlu in Val nil e. N'cbr The s.nd conu-st ait liivin in a iimper atli- dasir tiled. ) .1111 < ry2 , Hi'in s r frth fai-ts wlncli sliow thaf .iur du.ulnrence peison.tl se vn-e ot this nonce cinn.it bin ide it isheierd r- cd and duected t at such nonce be uivi-n b\ < ( - : ( pr per publicat on 52 4 K K OI.SOV. Receiver Contest Notice , U. S. Lai d Office. Valoi'tinp. Nebraska , t Jamwiy 'J. 1009 , t" A siiflipjenfr contest aftidwvi iHvin hpen iil el in HM o't'iT t > \ D ivid I''i ' miia n.con e-tv t a r nils' Honic-tea'l e trv M > " 9:57201177 : in.nie ' Jni.e4 l"0-t top " ' -"K . 'N'iS < 4. SH > t \ ' * / ( . section 13 ; VFi % sei-'foii 21 to\\.i hip 2s ranire : > 0 , In Mnni * Minlii'irr. ' c > at"ste > i > whi'-li i' is nilec * d th ; t .s-ii'l Alinnie II > ill > uit ha" n'\ei cstabiN id re > : d nee MO P th land si'celilin iipmi anie. and > > h' hat lail'd to cure hr iac t-s up otltisd te aid narti" * a e 'inteliN ( .tificit to nimoir r.-- -I > o d a"1' offer vnlence toii-'in4 ! said -lleya- Uoiiir 10 > ' lock a in on I-V ! 1.5 ISO ) i e- fore tht * reins r and ic > 'iv r .it the L'-iite Sf.iti-s i and . nice. Vrtk-nn ie. Nebraska 'I he s ml e .nr s'a t av nr : in , t jr > pf r all'- d ivi . Hl"d .1 in 2 1000 s t forth f.itslinb I " sliou tliat after dn < tiiizenct > uer-0" > al seri ii of th- ! notice cannot be ni.i-'e , it is here \ ordered an dir c-ted 'ha1 S ich : otn'e nmen by due -unl proper publication 12 . " 2 1 F. OI. ! OX Kec-iver. Contest Notice. U S. Laud O-r'ce. \ a entinVebras'ci. . t . ! nuarv 9 , 1'Atf i A snflici'-nt contf-'Jt aflidi\it hanu ; b-en fil d in this oil'cey M'tr-c C .Stfw.it co-it- sl ant a ajn r UOMI seal entiy No mug-til 194 in de .lime : ? 0 19tis. ir s\\ \vit nw wy. set t ! ' > n I 'jii's and si. s ctiin2 township 2. niiiti31. . In i er > v Ivft'r-M ti. contt-ste. ' . in nliic' < ii is" > de ! ( jd that SHU IV'-r 1' tt-rsou h.is ve'.er stibU-heU iidiiice upon the i.iml sjiK-r- till i upn th's inie ind ti hts i.ide'i ' lo cure his lai lies up ° Hi > < ' " tf M iMi , < rti sate h r-- \ i otifir-d to appear , re ; > nd an 1 o'.l revi eit-e f-'in lung s.ud all - - j ? ti n n : 10 < > : -l 'cK a in n Fd naJO ISHt-.i "e'or tlie rec sierand rep -ivtr at the United S' > T R 1-u-d o ee V'lleiifne. obraKa The at'ico te ta't h.ivn n ,1 prop-r am- da\it file ila" . It ! $ < U. s t fo th tactslnch how th-it after due diii fiu-e p rsoirtl ser heel ol titN notice -an notl > inde.ii nlir by-Tder e.t n i ( tn-ct- tliHt s : ch notice ! ) r giv n"t y due " and proper publication. j E. oj r.v L. 14 Jlecoiver. Notice of Probate of Will. In the county court of Cherry cuiintv , Ne braska. STATE OF NEBRASKA. I COUNTY OF CIIERKY , ss To all persons intere.stetl in the estate of fohn Ford , deceased : On reading the petition of RennettV. . smith , praying that the instrument tiled in his court on the nth d.iy ot January. IWt. nd purporting to be the last will and testa lent ot the said deceased , may be proved id allowed , and rei orded as the last will id testament of said deceased : that said .jstruraent be admitted to probate , and the uiministration of said estate be granted to i ' * - Smith and Uennett W. Smith. as executors. unn o _ , ordereJ that all persons inter- -steit in s.iul matter , mav. and do appear at he county court to be held m and tor said ounty , on the 3Jth d.iy of January , A. U. . I1M9. at 10 o'clock , a. m. . to show cause , if anv aierebe. why thepiayer ot the netitioner > hould not be granted , and that notice of the pendency ot said petition and that the hear ing thereof be given to all persons interested in s.ud matter by publishing a copy of this raer in the Valentine Demorrat.'a weekl. lew spaper printed in said county for three > urressive weeks prior to said dav ot hearing. Witness my hand and seal of s.ud court this yth d. iv of January. A D. 190.i. 13 JAMKS C. Qtru.LKV Cbumv Judgi. IT'S BUILDING TIME NOW atirl the selection of Lumber for the purpose is a matter of great importance. There is ALL KINDS OF LUMBER < > n the market , both good and bad. Only the jrond kinds has found its wiv into our yards. It will pay to let us furnish an estimate on your next bill. Remember , we carry first class stock. T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. Will meet all calls phone or mail. Versed on pedigreed .stock. Valentine - Nebraska Pricrs are what we are talking Now Our stock is complete. BISHOP & YOUNG , fi 55 Sa\vyer Bros. Oaiis , Nebr G. K. Sawver has rhrL of th se cattle. ! I rse-i i on le'tshonl- left SH inip left thigh. Kauge on Suaka iver. Laud and Feeding Co. Plcharrts-Pres Will G Comstock , V. 1' . Caas C Jamison Sec&Treas Oitrie brrtuded on a ly part of animal ; 1-Tsea branded the i rdon on the F.E. t J. V R. B. and oM M. U II in North . ' t-n. > 'enr. li.V tTi.KlT ttlUIlARUS. J.Jlswor.h. N