Nebraska Legislature : > Tfiv cov Ki SWOKN IN. ShnMe-nbcr er Now Chief Kxjcutivc of ( Nebraska. S Ashton C. Shallenberffer , the first > 5 democratic Ko\vrne r of Nebraska since the days of .1. K. IJoyd , in J891 , took tlie oath of office Tliursday afternoon In the presenceof UK- member of both houses A thousand spectators wit nessed the inauguration. In his mcpwige Shallenberger urges the passage of a bank deposit guaran ty act , advises strict economy and asks for several amendments to the pri mary election law. George C. Junkin , a former lowan , was reinstalled as secretary of state. The other ofi'icois are as follows : State treasurer , L. . Cl. Crian ; state superin tendent , E. fl. JJishop ; land commis sioner. C. JJ. ( "miles ; auditor , F. L. Barton ; attorney general , W. T. Thompson. W. H. Cowgill. a demo crat , was instated a.s railway commis sioner. Lieut. Hopewell was sworn in to preside over the senate. Thursday nijjht at the state capitol Tu lid ing occurred the reception to Gov. Shallenberj er and the new state of- lieers in the * house chamber and the Inaugural ball in the senate. The functions wore largely attended by so ciety people ( if the eity and slate. Gov. Shallenbcrger was attended by his newly oppointed staff. gorgeous in their new uniforms , forming a harmo nious contrast to the handsome gowns of the ladles. ATost of the members of the legisla ture attended. F. II. Monroe , of "Washington. D. registered Thursday in the office of the secretary of state as a lobbyist in conformity with the anti-lobby law passed by the last legislature. Mr. IMonroc is the first man to register un der the provisions of the law. He rep resents no privilege seeking corpora tion , but as secretary of the People's I'.lue L eague of America he will en deavor to persuade the members of the legislature to pass a bill submitting to the next general election an amend ment to the constitution providing for the initiative and referendum. MKSSAGR OF SJI.VLT/RXBKllGKK. Hank Deposit Guarantee i < ? Feature o3' the Document. Gov. Ashton r. Shallenberger in his message to the Nebraska legislature declares that he believes that no newer or radical legislation is needed at the present time , but that energy should be directed toward amending1 , improving or correcting the existing laws. He recommends the appointment of a qualified commission to revise and im prove the present code of laws , so that justice may be more easily and rap idly obtained in the courts of the state. He admits that the banking laws of Nebraska might bo improved , and as serts that it is a reflection upon our American civilization and business methods to longer fail to provide nn insurance guaranty funel ami banking law which will m ; > ke every dollar de posited in a Nebraska bank absolutely sure of .5oing returned to its lawful owner "Vrhen it shall IP demanded. "Tnere ? can be no rule of business olhics , " eleclnros the new governor , "which makes it just to secure the state and nation and deny the same protection to the individual depositor. The only question for you to decide , it seems to mo , is as to whether or not the proposed additional guaranty fund can he credited with the cer tainty that it will provide absolute security to the depositor and not place nn unfair burden and responsibility upon the banker. "I believe that the desired security can be obtained by levying a light tax upon the capital stock of each bank transacting business under our laws , thus providing a guaranty fund to pay promptly any possible loss to a depositor by reason of the failure of a state bank. The amount of such tax to be a certain per cent of the average deposits as shown by the reports of the department of banking , and pay ment to be made nt stated periods and for a fixed amount. "If one-half of the volume of money suppr-sod to bo in circulation in the United States were returned to the banks it would enormously expand the business and wealth of the state and nation and raise the banking pow er of the Uniloel states until it would exceed that of the rest of the civilized world. To bring this great idle fund into active channels of trade is the problem for bankers anel legislators to solve. If loss of bank deposits is made a thing of the past I believe that a great step in this direction will have been accomplished. " L-ct Bankers Share in Control. Gov. Shallenbfrgor quotes figures to show that the percentage of los to depositors during Into years has been greatly reduced , and during the eight years since HW ! his amounted to an average of about $26,000. He insists that this percentage of loss can still be materially reduced. To this end lie advises that the minimum capital required for incorporation of a state bank bo increased to at least $15,000 : also that bank examinations be made twicfca year , instead of once , as now requirod. Kxaminers.he claims , should be assignee ! to a certain terri tory and thus eventually would be come familiar with conditions and se curities in that locality , and would ac quire the necessary knowledge as to the worth of the hills receivable of the banks which tlie-y would examine , which is the essential thing in deter mining the solvency of any banking corporation. "Under a guaranty plan which would make the banks of the state sustain the losses of the entire sys tem. " the message reads , "the bankers should be given a share in the con trol of the department The present banking board , which is composed of three officers elected for an entirely different purpose , should be abolished and a non-partisan board established to be composed e.f three members to its members to have hael at least five its members to have had a tleast five years' practical experience in banking and at least two of them to be actively engaged in that business at the lime of their appointment. A bank com missioner should be appctat-etil by the governor with in .ipI--Jval of the banking board , who .should have had ; r. experience in the banking' business quivalent to that required by a mem ber of the board , and h "hould select j the necessary number of examiners \\ith the approval of the board of con- i trol. The banking board should sit in j session at Lincoln at stated periods j ami be paid for actual t me in session. They should have complete control ef the issuance of charters and the gen eral administrdation of the banking laws. It has been urged by critics of the guaranty of deposits plan that it would lead to the establishment of too many banks. This would be a serious objection if such were the result. It woulel greatly strengthen our banking system if the banking board were em powered to exercise a proper censor ship over the issuance of bank char ts rs. A substantial increase in the amount required as a minimum cap ital for the establishment of state banks would have a salutary effect in keeping the number of banks within a a satisfactory limit and also provide greater security to the depositor. " Jlenv to Provide a Fund. Jrr regard to the amount of assess ment to be levied in oreler to provide an adequate fund for the prompt pay ment of depositors of insolvent banks , Cov. Shallenbcrger suggests that one- fourth of 1 per cent be levied upon the deposits as shown at the last state ment published prior to the com mencement of the operation of the law : this assessment to be followed by additional levies in like amount at pe riods of six , twelve and eight months thereafter. After the accumulation of a guaranty fund equal to 1 per cent of he average deposits in tJie guaran teed banks , an annual tax of one-tenth of 1 per cent should be levied , "be cause it is necessary uneler a proper system of insurance that the prosper ous years should pile up a surplus fund to provide for the inevitable de mands of less fortunate times. " It is suggested that as an additional i-eeurity against any possible emer gency such as extraordinary demands upon the fund , the board should be empowered to levy an assessment of not to exceed 2 per cent of the aver age eleposits in any one year. While this assessment might never be levied , the power to use it would have a sus taining effect in times of possible pan ics. Such a system , the governor de- elares , "would be a rock of refuge for the banks and for the people in the Heicest financial storm that may come. " The proposed guaranty fund , he ; : ys. should be deposited with the stat - banks under regulations similar to our present state depository law or with such additional security as the legislature may require. The pro- iwseel law ought to provide that na tional banks may avail themselves of the- advantage and protection of the guaranty fund under suitable provi- -ions and satisfactory showing as to the condition of such banks to the banking board. It is suggested that the banking boarel be empowered to fx the rate of interest to be paid de- po < itors by banking coi-porations op- e rating under the guaranty of deposits iiior. . if this be thought too great a power ta confer upon them , the rate should be fixed in the statute by the ' . -ii-inture. Amend the Kevenue Law. The new governor advises that tlu present revenue law be amended in -o Jar as is necessary to restore to the people the right to elect the precinct i--f ssors. and to limit , in part , the ar bitrary powers which the present la\\ crives to the state board of equalization aMl assessment , so that the people shall have restored to them some voice in determining the amount of taxes they shall be compelled to pay to sup port the state government. It is declared that the railroael commission should be authorized and empowered to appraise the physical value of the public service corpora tions of the state and to control their debt making power : and that the leg islature shoulel provide the means with which to pay the cost of such ap praisement. Gov. Shallenberger says that it is his belief that adequate funds for this purpose can be provided by requiring all corpoartions doing busi ness within the state to pay a small annual license fee into the state treas ury , just as a bank or insurance com pany is now required to do. Complete local self government un der charters satisfactory both to the cities and to the legislature is advo cated for Omaha and South Omaha. The present primary law is declared both unsatisfactory and unfair. A county primary is suggested , to nomi nate county officers and delegates tea a state convention. The state conven tion to select two or more names to go upon the primary ballot and to make the county platform , which ought to be Issued in advance of the primary instead of after it. For Board of Control. A non-partisan boarel of control , tc be appointed by the governor , is sug gested , this board to have the entire management of the various state insti tutions ; to be composed of three mem- bers. and to have at its command a qualified purchasing or business agent. The governor urges the abolishment of the practice e > f maintaining a cash fund at the various state institutions , ami aelvises that this proposed board of control purchase all supplies for all the institutions by open competition among those desiring to sell to the state. It is adviseel that the clerk of. the supreme court and other officers who now receive and retain the fees paid them by the public be placed up on a fixed and reasonable salary , and all fees and moneys recovered by them he turned into the state or county treasury. A suggestion is made that the legis lature make a proper appropriation to assist in the worthy and patriotic pur pose of erecting a suitable monument in Lincoln to the memory of the mar tyred president , Abraham Lincoln , for whom the city was named , this being the centenary of his birth. Caution and good judgment are urged in the matter of all appropriations. First Foreigner \Vhy do they call thia the "garden city ? " Second Foreigner Why ? Look at the rich , black dirt in the streets ! Chicago Tribune. The stopping ei -in oxpre. w train re quires twice us much power as * tarttoi it Sufferers Ask to Be Shot Rather than Further Endure Horrors of Ruined Cities. tEMON RINDS ARE DELICACIES. Famishing1 Populace in Devastated Region Fights Desperately for Pieces of Food of Any Kind. . A press correspondent on the scene of the Sicilian earthquake says that when Deputy Lainnguu appeared among the famished , wounded , desper ate survivors at Reggie , they crowded arouud him and shrieked : "You who are in authority , tell the government to take us away from here or have us all shot to end our suffering ! " The correspondent who heard the heartrending appeal says : "I have witnessed shocking episodes enacted by famished survivors and have myself felt the pangs of hunger. For long hours I had nothing to eat except a few lemon rinds picked up from the inud and have sought desperately for a morsel of bread. On approaching the military authorities I was sent to a place among the ruins Avhere the mu nicipal assessor , surrounded by a howl ing mob , was distributing tickets for bread and raw meat. A desperate struggle was going on. "The soldiers had requisitioned a few oxen , horses , and asses lean , wounded and dying animals , which they hurried off to the seashore , slaughtered , and cut them up with bay onets. Pieces were distributed among the people , who with difficulty were kept hack by the soldiers with their rifles. No sooner was one piece , still warm , received than it was torn to shreds by ten eager mouths , and the people struggled on the ground for any morsels that fell. Stories of almost miraculous escapes and episodes of the most appalling character are told by survivors. " TWO CITIES OF DEAD. Fear of Disease Causes Forcing of People from Reggie and Messina. The authorities decided to evacuate completely Reggie and Messina , con veying everybody outside , and leaving the cities perfectly empty. They will be surrounded by military lines to pre vent any one re-entering. This measure has been adopted iu order to prevent a pestilence occurring. A royal decree was issued placing the Messina and Reggie districts in a state of siege , which Is stricter than martial law. What was the bustling and pictur esque port of Messina and the prosper ous city of Reggie are cities of the dead. Where happy thousands once lived vultures and their grim suste nance are the sole inhabitants. Every ship that coulel be put in service trans ported the terror-stricken people of the two places to more favored spots in Italy. Reports of the inevitability of further shocks and the slight tremors of the day before decided those who had remained where their homes once stood that In Ihe future the land must become a desert and that Messina and Reggie will exist only in memory. The idea of recovering the dead bodies has been abandoned. At first when a form was rescued from the ruins it was placed with others in a long row to await identification. Few were recognized. The rescuers ceased to care for the dead. When bodies were found they were left to decom pose. The search for the living will continue to the last minute , and it was astonishing how many people were dug out alive as late as Friday. Quicklime was at first used on 'the bodies , but this soon gave out. The stench became horrible , greatly impeding the work of rescue. Vultures have swarmed to the places where the cities were and add to the ghoulish horror of the charnel houses. Children Burn eel to Death. In the absence of the mother , who went to the field to see their fath r , two chil dren , aged 2 and 4 years , were burned to death at the home of Thomas Burgess near Moody. Mo. & * THE UNITED STATES FLEET SO BOMBAED STHICKEH SICttY WITH MISSILES & ' MERCY. - -Minneapolis Journal. KNOW CHURCH VICTIM : . Man Murdered in Michigan Identi fied as Gr. Browning. By means of two false teeth It has been definitely established that Gideon Browning , of Adair village , was the man who was butchered Tuesday even ing in the little "Rattle Run" Metho dist Church in Columbus township , near Port Huron , Mich. With part of the mystery which has enshrouded the brutal crime thus cleared , the super visors of St. Clair County immediately offered a reward of $500 for ( he arrest of Rev. John H. Carmichael , of Adair , pastor of the little church and the man who at first was supposed to have been killed , dismembered and then burned in the church stove. The teeth which identified the dead man were found when the ashes from the stove were sifted. The minister is a man over six eet tall , weighing more than 200 pounds , and the description says : "Both te a have been broken and he walks with a decided limp. Both liis feet turn out noticeably , one at an angle of 43 de grees , lie has a scar on the upper lip and another on the side of his nose , liis eyes are light blue or gray. ' ' Strenuous efforts to discover some motive for the killing of the carpenter by the minister were fruitless. Rumors that Carmichael had been seen crossing the St. Clair River into Canada could not be corroborated. An officer sent to St. Thomas , Ont. . reported no trace of him there. Mrs. Carmichael and Mi a Carmi chael. wife and ( laughter of the min ister , were examined by the prosecut ing attorney , and he stated afterward that he Avas convinced that they knew nothing of the murder nor the man's disappearance. A statement by Mrs. Carmichael that her husband's sister is an inmate of an insane asylum in West Virginia may explain some of the features of the crime. LIFE FOB WIFE MURDERER. Olilonn Placed Poison I" Colfee , the ; Trial Shotvcel. Ill Gallipolis , Ohio. Judge Branbury sentenced Fred Van Meter , 27 , to life imprisonment at hard labor in the peni tentiary for the murder of his young wife. Van Meter's wife died after drinking coffee , which , it is charged , had been poi soned. Uis mother-in-law narrowly es- cnpcd death , but recovered. Nine of the jury favored electrocution , hut a compro mise was reached. ROCK RENT BY EXPLOSION. Stronj ? Flow of Gns AfterwnrelN Makes Invcstijfniioii Impossible. A second mysterious explosion , appar ently some distance beneath the surface , took place on the farm of D. E. Liven- good , ten miles south of Sandusky , Ohio , where workmen have been engaged for some time in clearing away forest and underbrush with a view to opening up a stone quarry. The first explosion rent the rock for a distance of forty feet , leav ing * gap six inches in width midway be tween the ends and of unfathomable depth. Following the second explosion , which opened up another gap of about the same length and width of the first , some twenty feet to the south , there waa noticeable n Gtsong odor of ga < = , as a re sult of which men employed on the prem ises were unable to work. Mr. Livengood is about ready to believe that oil and gas are to be found on his farm in val uable quantities. He refuses TO lease and is seriously thinking of abandoning his stone quarry plans and of drilling oil and gas wells iiist > iid. . CALLS EDDY FAITH A FRAUD. Dr. Jolinitton Myers Fiercely A - nailn Christian Science. In an address .which bristled with the strongest denunciatory terms at his com mand , the Rev. Johnston Myers of Im- mnnuel Baptist church , Chicago , arraign ed Christian Science as one of the great est menaces of modern times. He denounced - nouncod the entire Christian Science movement as a fabric of lies and fraud "built upon n foundation of error. " lie declared that the teachings of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy were * those of a physician with whom she formerly was associated and whose teachings were also "a pack of lies. " And. last but not least , he declar ed that to his own personal knowledge "this delusion" was responsible for scores of death'- , lie * himself had charge of at least one funeral a month , said he. which was directly chargeable * to Christian Sci ence. These accvjsations were laiel at the door of Mrs. Eddy's cult in the course of an address on Christian psychology in which Dr. Myers advocated the program of mental treatment , which also includes drugs and physicians , as outlined by Bishop Fallows. DEATH OF FLY SAVES MANY. Sudden .Fate of Insect In Milk Lead * to Discovery of Poixon. A wholesale attempt to exterminate the roomers in a boarding house nt G20 East First street , Los Angeles , failed be cause a fly was instantly killed when it fell into a five-gallon can of poisoned milk. Two men are held in the city jail on suspicion of having carefully arranged to poison the twenty persons. The pris oners , who gave their-names as W. H. Morris and Charles Johnson , are both negroes. Johnson , the police say , lived ' at'125 Hose street , and it was there that a quantity ot poison , salts of vitriol , similar to that found in the milk , was discovered. Mrs. Fannie Martin , the landlady , said tSie two prisoners had vis ited her place , had been ordered away , and that they declared they would have revenge. The milk was left on the back porch in an open five-gallon can. As TklAP SHOWING SCENE OF WORLD'S GREATEST CALAMITY Mrs. Martin started to carry the milk into the house a fly flew into the milk and almost instantly died. She notified the police and a chamical analysis was made of the milk , the poison facing dia- covered. WOMEN ACQUITTED OF MURDEB. BIrs. Erl > and Mrs. Belsel , Slaters , Are Set Free at 21 cell a , Pa. Mrs. M. Florence Erb a .d Mrs. Cath arine Beisel , charged with the murder of Capt. J. Clayton Erb , husband of the for mer , were acquitted in Media , Pa. , after the jury had been out nearly eighteen houre. At 9 :46 o'clock : the jnry < M e in and asked for further Instructions on the question of self-defense. Oae f the jurors asked what Mrs. Beiael TVEB Jus tified In doing when Capt. Erb threatened her. Judge Johnson said : ' 'it is f r the jury to say what was the condition of her mind. If it was necessary for her to shoot to save her life or herself from great bodily harm , or if she thought so , she had a right to shoot. The Isar is that a person must escape if he can be fore shooting. It is for yon to decide whether Mrs. Beisel had that opportu nity " BIG OH , FINE FAILS. Supreme Court Denies Petition in $29,000,000 Case. Judge Landis' world's record line of ? 29L'40COO , imposed more than a year ago against the Standard Oil Company of Indiana for rebating , on Monday was forever set aside by the United States .SupremeCourt. . Chief Justice Fuller announced the decision , denying , without comment or explanation , the government's petition for u writ of cer- tiorari. The action of the nation's highest tri bunal caused wide interest all over the country , as the issues have been fol lowed closely. United States District Attorney Sims of Chicago , who was in active charge of the prosecution , declin ed to comment , however , stating that whatever further action may be taken would be ordered from the office of At torney General Bonaparte iu Washing ton. Briery , this is what the Supreme Court' ? decision means : Limits maximum penalty in case which was overturned tD $720,000. Makes limit of fines in all pending cases against Standard Oil Company lesa than $4,000,000 in the event it is con victed on all the indictments against it Reqiiirfs a new trial of the action in which t\\f \ record fine was imposed and forces the admission of much testimony in behalf of defendant which was excluded by Judge Landis. Compels number of settlements with railroads to be used as basis , instead ol number of carloads shipped , fiyus greatly reducing the number of offenses. The case went to the Supreme Court soon after the final ruling was made by the Court of Appeals , Nov. JO , 1008. A petition was filed by the Department of Justice on belmJf ol" the government , asking that the record in the case be certified fur a review by the Supreme Court. This is tbe petition which has been denied. In the Supreme Court the case turn ed largely upon tl e right of the court to interfere in view of the fact that the case had been pass -d upon by the Court of Appeals , the government contending for such privilege as a right , while It wan urged in hehaK of the oil company that the precedents were all against such a proceeding. The action of the Supreme Court consisted in the announcement that the government's petition would not bo granted. The effect of this announce ment will be to leave standing the de cision of the Court of Appeals , which was adverse to the government and fa vorable to the company. TYPHOZD FEVER IN MESSINA. Sanitary SleaiiM Inadequate to Pre vent Siireael of Uixea.te. Typhoid fever has broken out among earthquake sufferers in Messina. Thia fact will ( Tiuso drastic action to be taken iamediaty for the disposal of the dead. Hope of rescuing any more of the living beneath t"e ruins has been abandoned. Until the present all attention has been concentrated on the removal of human bodies fr > m the streets , while the car casses of animals killed by the eartbquaka and thort of dogs and cats shot by the patrols nave been left lying where they fell. The decay of these carcasses has greatly augmented the danger of the spread of. disease. Means are far inade quate lor the care of the injured. In a single hospital on board ship there -vrer * 400 bounded persons without a singls nurse. "Kid" McCoy says he will fight ne more , but will drive racing automobile * for a living hereafter. P roy Smallwood , the Welsh runner , who is matched to race Dorando at St. Louis , defeated Robert Halleii of New York and Michael Spring of Brooklyn , in a ten-mile relay race. At Sydney , X. S. W. , Jack Jonnson , the Texas negro pugilist , defeated Tommy Burns , the Canadian , and took away tfaa latter's title of heavyweight champion. Poilce stopped the fight in the fourteentll round. In a twelve-mile exhibition relay rac at the athletic grounds in Fall River , Mass. , Dorando Pietri , the Italian Marathon then runner , defeated Floyd Doughty of Providence , and Sanaupel Myers e > < 3am- bridge , by .kalf a lap. Bj ri nSc 'g tkaa -was 1 : 3:39 ; that of the team jres lt :13.