Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 07, 1909, Image 8

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fl-eatens SLT-
Cause Renewed Ferr si
BattlesJ-'ips of ;
Fl Proceed tv , Naples Gris-
Rents Vessel to
Mctor Eannanr.el of icaly has
'the following order : "In the
Fibie mlsiortune wnich has overTaken -
Taken a part of our Laly , destroying
two cities.5 and a large number of vil
lages in Calabria ausl Sicily , I have
: - ain personal proof cr t.e magnifi
cent work of the army and Lie navy
and the men of the foreign ships. Unit-
"ing their efforts they accomplished
work of sublime mercy , snatching
.from the ruins with acts of true hero
ism the unhappy buried victims , nurs
ing the wounded , sheltering the sur
vivors and providing for their needs. "
A royal decree was issued proclaim
ing a state of siege in the earthquake
region. Therefore nobody will be al
lowed to go within the area of the dis
trict without special permission of the
government. The adoption of this
measure was considered necessary to
prevent the flocking to Messina and
lleggio of people , whose presence
would only embarrass the relief work.
Hereafter only those will be permitted
to go south who will be of actual as-
The report from Messina that ty
phoid fever has broken out there
has filled the authorities at Rome
with alarm and apprehension. It is
realized that unless proper sanitary
precautions are taken at once the dis
ease may spread far outside the ruined
districts. Even though- the present
cases may prove to be dysentery , it is
well known that this disease , under
such conditions as prevail at Messina
and Reggie , would be likely to prove
just as fatal as typhoid itself.
British naval officers have discov
ered that the bed of the Strait of Mes
sina has been raised many hundred
feet and as high as J.400 in places.
Their estimate of the dead reaches
The reports of bombarding the ruins
to prevent an epidemic are considered
premature. Even after five or six days ,
the living have been taken out of the
wreckage. Millions of money and val
uables and important records , which
are buried deep , must first be remove' ! .
The American officials , headed by Ma
jor Landis , the attache at Rome , with
the aid of sixty soldiers , are engaged
in the task of clearing up the ruins
of the American consulate at Messina
in order to recover , if possible , the
Bodies of Consul Cheney and his wife.
American Warship at Messina.
The American flag made its first
appearance in the harbor of Messina .
with the arrival of the converted
yacht. Scorpion , under command of
Lieutenant Commander George W. Lo
gan. The services of the Scorpion
were at once placed at the disposal
of the men in command at Messina.
There are still living people under
the ruins of Messina. A few were
taken out , but they cannot survive.-
The Duke of Genoa has arrived and is
now taking a prominent part in the
relief work. The crews of the Russian
squadron are arousing increased admi
Each morning at dawn the funeral
procession begins. One thousand sol
diers and sailors are at work among
the ruins. They carry the wounded to
the ambulance stations and the dead
to places which have been prepared
with quicklime for burial. This con
tinues until dark , when the searchlights
lights from the ships in the harbor facilitate - <
cilitate the work along the shore. |
Both at Messina and Reggiu the ;
guards are having difficulty in protect i
ing the survivors and the vast treas
ure in the ruined buildings from the !
bands of thieves that are swarming '
everywhei e. It is reported that six
Russian sailors have been shot by
looters at Messina and that sixteen
criminals have been killed at the same
place. Sh hundred persons engaged ,
in pillaglnj ? have been 'arrested. In |
an engagement at Reggie between the |
police and bandits two of the police
were killed.
King Victor Emmanuel received Am
bassador Griscom , who presented him
with the s'.earner Bayern in the name
of the American relief committee , rep
resenting the American people. The
Bayern is loaded with provisions and
medical supplies and is ready to pro
ceed to the Strait of Messina. The
king was greatly pleased and said that Americans were always first. His
majesty advised the ambassador as
to where the steamer should proceed
and as to the best means of distribut
ing its supplies to the unfortunates. ;
, Rear Admiral Sperry , commanding
the American battleship fleet , has noti
fied the authorities here that he will
.bo in Naples on Jan. f ) , with the first
.civision , composed of the Connecticut , '
Vermont , Minnesota , and Kansas. j
The latest news from Reggie shows
that earthquakes occurred there Tues
day , the shocks being about twenty
minutes apart. One of the heavy
"Shocks " caused the collapse of a num
ber of broken walls avid added to thfl
terror of the few survivors who re
main there.
Thirteen thousand refugees have ar-
.rived at Naples up to date , of whom
6.000 are wounded. They are receiv
ing th best of care , but many liavf
'died cf < heir injuries and others have
g'onf mad. More than 50 per cert of
th'cse taken cut cflife ruins after
lI : 5CT'jiayE did not havr. strength lef.1
to'tsurviva their terrible o ?
* * * r / r
. W I I J V
Rinht of Govcrn.-nent to Charge Graz
ing Fees Is Sustained.
Ths United States Government won
its case in deieuse of the constitu
tionality of forest reserves when
Judge Lewis in the United Stateo
distiict court at Eenver handed down
a deuion in fa\or ol the complainant
J in the cas , } of th'J Unitea States
aga.nst Fred Light et al. The case in
' volved the right of the department of
, lorestiy to cnarge grazing lees and
' was regarded as of the utmost importance -
; ance in the west.
j The case was brought shortly alter
; the decision oi the forestry depart
ment to charge- fee for grazing on
; forest lands. Cattlemen of Colorado
, determined to tesi the right of the
' go , eminent to make such charges. In
01 .er to bring a test case several men
, oi the Tablemen's association refused
to pay the lee , Fred Light and sev
eral others on Battlement , Me-a and
; Hoiy Cross reservations being chosen
1 to stand lor the cattlemen. The gov
ernment brought suit in equity to eom-
; pel payment. The constitutionality of
1 the forest loserves was the most im
portant question involved. The point
that there was a conflict between
1 state and federal lav/s was also
brought. Had the decision been
against the government , the whole
system of grazing fees would have
been defeated , and cattlemen would
have gene on the reserves without
charge. The case , it is said , will be
appealed to the United States supreme
Supreme Court Refuses to Review Big
Fine Suit.
The $29.000,000 fine of the Standard
Oil will nut be reviewed by the su
preme coart of the United States. The
uec.sioii of the court to this effect was
announced by Chief Justice Fuller.
The case came to the court en a pe
tition lor a writ of certiorari to order
up the record in the case for a review
of the decision of the United States
circuit court of appeals for the second
circuit , by which Judge Landis' orig
inal decision imposing a fine of $29-
OOO.OoO against the Standard Oil com
pany for accepting rebates from the
railroad companies was reversed. In j
' the supreme com I the case turned
largely upon the light of the court to
interfere in view of the fact that the
case had been passed upon by the
' court of appeals , the government con
tending for such privilege as a right ,
, while it was urged in behalf of the
j oil company that the precedents were
{ all against such a proceeding.
| The court s announcement was the
i barest formality. No reasons what
ever were given , the chief justice sim
ply announcing that the petition for
i certiorari was denied. Under this rul-
j ing the case will now go back to
j Judge Landis' court for a new trial ,
, in accordance with the decision of the
court of appeals.
Safe Wrecked and Evidence Stolen.
Evidence collected by Attorney
Clarence S. Dr.rrow of Chicago for
the defense of Fred S. Warren , man
aging editor of the Appeal to Reason ,
a socialist paper published at Girard ,
Kan. , was stolen from the safe
of that paper. The safe was wrecked
with nitroglycerine and the documents
taken , but a small amount of money
in the safe was left untouched. War
ren is under a federal indictment on a
charge of sending "scurrillous , defam
atory and threatening language"
through the mails in connection with
the trial of W. D. Ilaywcod in Idaho.
Third Term for Penrosc.
Roies Penrose was named for a third
term in the United States senate at a
caucus of Ue Republican members of
the Pennsylvania legislature.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chicago , Jan. 5. Libcial profit tak
ing by local longs caused weakness in
the wheat market here today , final
quotations showing net losses of : : | @
le. Corn , oats and provisions also
closed weak as a result of realizing
rales. Closing prices :
Wheat May , $1.07'July ; , 9Sre.
Corn ? , Iay , Gl Ol'/ie ' ; July , tfl'2 ' < >
Slc ; Sept. , Gl-Ysc.
Oats May , ol : ; , c : July , - lG@4Gtc. >
Pork Jan. . $1(5.20 ( ; May , $10.57' . . . .
Lard Jan. , $9.47' ' . _ . ; .May , $9.70.
Chicago Cash Prices No. : i hard
wheat , $1.01 @L05 ; No. 3 corn , 58 ©
5&Vic ; NO. 2 white oats , 51ic. .
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha , Jan. 3. Cattle Re
ceipts , 6,200 ; steady ; native steers ,
$4.00@7.00 ; cows and heifers , $ : ] .00@
535 ; western steers , $3.r 0@G.OO ; Tex
as steers , $3.00@5.10 ; canners , $2.00@
2.75 ; stockers and feeders , $2.75@
5.40 ; calves , $3.f 0&G.50 ; bulls , stags ,
etc. , $2.50 5.00. Hogs Receipts , 14-
500 ; 5@10c lower ; heavy , $5.00 .5.90 ;
mixed , $5.60 ( 5.70 ; light. $5 40 © 5.75 ;
pigs , $3.5d@5.00 ; bulk of sales , $5.55@
5.70. Sheep Receipts. 8,200 ; strong .
to ICc higher ; yearlings. $5.00@G.25 ;
wethers , $4.75 5.40 ; ewes , $3.90@
4.90 ; lambs , $ fl.75@7.35.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago. Jan. 5. Cattle Receipts ,
5,000 ; steady ; steers , $4.GO@7.75 ;
cows , < ? 7,5.25 ; heifers , $2.50@4.GO ;
bulls , $3.15@4.50 ; calves , $3".50@9.50 ;
stockers and feeders , $2.50@5.00. Hogs
Receipts , 37,0.0 ; 5@jOc lower ;
choice heavy shipping , $ G.05@6.20 : } r.
butchers , $ i)0ZG.17'/ ; ; ) ( ; ; light mixed , ' !
$ o.55R15.75 ( ; choice light , $5.SO@6.00 :
packing , S5. 3@5.95 : pigs , y-1.00 75.50 ;
bulk cf sales , 3.75G.15. Sheep Re
ceipts , 35.000 , steady ; uhccp , $4.00 ®
3.10 ; Iambs , $5.25 © 7.GC ; yearlings , :
54.25 07.CO.
Roosevelt Sends Special Com
muuication to House.
Answers Resolution Calling for De
tailed .Infcrmaticn Concerning Use
of Secret Service Men Restates His
Rep ! ; , ing to the resolution of the
house ot representatives asking the
president to e\p.aui UQ reierences to
the seciet service in MS recent annual
mpsaa e , Mr. Koosevelt sent a special
communication to the hcuibe.
lie declares that the representatives
are wholly unjustiiied in assuming
ihat the language ot the message ,
j which commented ontthe prohibition
| placed by congress on tue use ol' se
cret service men in cases other than
those of counterfeiting ( "and one or
( wo other matters which can be disre
garded" ) , is intended to cast a slur
upon them.
The language which the representa
tives wanted explained is as follows :
"The amendment in question oper
ates only to the advantage of the crim
inal , of the wrongdoer. The chief ar
gument in laver of the provision was
that the congressmen did not them
selves wish to be investigated by se
cret service men. A special exception
could be made in the law prohibiting
the use ot the secret service force in
investigating members of the con
gress. It would be far better to do
this than to do what actually was
i dene and strive to prevent or at least
! to hamper effective action against
j criminals by the executive branch of
the government. "
The special message declares that ,
notwithstanding the umbrage taken
by congress at this wording , "a careful
reading of this message will show that
I said nothing to warrant the state
ment that "the majority of the con
gressmen were in fear of being investi
gated by the secret service men' or
'that congress as a whole was actuated
by that motive. ' I did not make any
s 'ch statement in this message. More
over , I have never made any such
statement about congress as a whole
nor , with a lew inevitable exceptions , i
about the members of congress in any I
message or article or speech. On the
contrary , I 1 ave always not only dep
recated , but vigorously resented , the '
practice of indiscriminate attack upon
congress and in. ' . ' scriminate condemna- \
tin of all congressmen , wise and unwise - i
wise , fit and unfit , good and bad alike. " j
Air Koosevelt declares the evidence '
that members of congress did not wish '
tLemoClves investigated by secret serv
ice men is lound in the debates record
ed in the Congressional Record. He i
denounces as wholly unfounded a j
newspaper story to the effect that he ,
wishes to make Chief Wilkie of the :
secret service a second Fouche , modeled - \
ed alter the notorious chief of police
of Napoleon.
The real issue , says Air. Roosevelt ,
is. "Does congress desire that the gov
ernment shall have at its disposal the
most tllicieiit instrument for detection
oi criminals and the prevention and
punishment ol crime , or does it not ? "
He cites ( uses in which the secret
service htis secured evidence enough
to convict offenders against the feder
al laws.
A letter from the president to speak
er Cannon pro ! * ing against the cut-
In1 ? down ol the approp : at ion for the
bo < ret service , two letters irom Secre
tary Cortelyou on the sr.ue subject
and the newspaper ai tide already
mentioned are appended to the mes
Money for Earthquake Victims.
Following the receipt of President
Rocs vclt s special message aski. g an
apj-.roprlaiion 01" S300.000 for the relief
of Italian earthquake sufferers , the
house and the senate passed resolu
tions apprcprintlng $8. > U.OO. } , which
will be immediately available. The
president , ii his message , says : "Con
fident of approval , I have order-
er the government supply ships Celtic
j-jid Culgra to the scene of the disas
ter. whcrr\ upon receiving the author
ity which 1 now ask of you. they will
I1 n'oie to > food . clothing and
ether supplies with which they are
laden to the value of about 8300,000.
Th" Cclt'c las already sailed and the
Culcca is at Port Said. Eight vessels
uf the rct.irning battleship fleet are
already under orders for Italian
waters aul that government has been
asked if their services can be made
useful. "
fwenty Arrests at St. Petersburg for
Bomb Outrage.
Twenty arrests have been made ,
including seveial persons at the em
peror's palace at Tsarskoe Sclo , for i
alleged connection with the burnb ex
plosion in the Cafe Central in St. Pe-
: ersln.rg. The bomb was left on a >
.able by a man in the uniform of a stu-
lent and a waiter was killed and the
: afe badly damage. ! by the explosion.
The bomb outrage and the arrests
, vere the outcome of a vast terrorist
lot against the imperial family. ,
Police Boat Dynamited.
The police boat used on the.Mis . -
iouri river at St. Joseph , v-Mo. ,
vas wrecked' by an explosion of dyna-
uile , which shook the city. The'work
s believed to have been that of crim-
j'als. ;
yCcnnrli Bishop of San Francisco ,
Mgr. D'.nms O Council , rector of the
; thoic ! University at Washington ,
as been appointed auxiliary bishop of
; tiu Fraucib'co.
1909 JANUARY 1903
United States , Colombia and Panama
Reach Agreement.
Negotiations have just been cou-
eluvied uetween the governments of
the United States , Colombia and Pan
ama whereby all matters in contro
versy between them are settled. The
treaty or treaties have been signed by
Secretary of State Root for the Unit
ed States , Minister Cortez for Colom
bia and Minister Arosemena for Pan
By the terms of the treaty Colombia
recognizes the independence of Pan
ama and the two countries resume
diplomatic and commercial relations.
Panama agrees to pay to Colombia
$2,500,000 , in annual installments of
$250,000 for ten years , as her share
of the Colombian national debt in
curred at the time when Panama was
a part of that republic. The United
States agrees to furnish to Panama
the money to be paid to Colombia in
accordance with the terms of the ex
isting treaty between the United
States and Panama , the first payment
to be made nine years after date of
the treaty.
It was also learned that the treaty
permanently fixes the boundary line
between Colombia and Panama. This
is directly of interest to the United
States , as it comes within the Panama
canal zone.
Religious Zealots Attack Mosque and
Battle With Moslems Follows.
The religious riots between Moham
medans and Hindus have taken a more
serious turn again , requiring the- ac
tive intervention of British troops at
Liloghur , India , who fired upon the
Hindu mob.
'i ne Hindus had resumed the at
tacks of two previous days on the
mosque at Titaghur because the Mo
hammedans had sacrificed cows. The
Hinuus destroyed the sacred furniture
in the mosque and partially demolish
ed the walls. Inflamed Mohammedans
gathered to the defense of the mosque
and were subsequently surrounded by
a military cordon , which formed a bar
rier between the Mohammedans and
the Hindu rioters , who assaulted the
military in an endeavor to come to
close quarters with the Mjohammedans.
The troops fired upon the zealots , kill
ing and wounding several of them.
Isolated combats between Hindus
and Mohammedans are taking place
throughout the disturbed dl-strict.
Proposed Conference at White House
Receives Encouragement.
Universal approval has been ac
corded the movement initiated by
President Roosevelt recently in call
ing a conference to meat in Washing
ton Jan. 25 to discuss the problem ot
caring for the dependent children of
the country. Messages from men and
women prominent in all walks of life
from all parts of the country express
ing their deep interest and sympathy
with this important problem have
been received at Washington.
The proposed conference is expected
to be oi' far reaching consequences in
dealing with the destitute and neglect
ed children. The subject , affecting
the very heart of the home itself , will
be threshed out from every angle by
the leading sociological workers , jur
ists , educational loaders and others.
Supreme Court Refuses to Interfere in
Case Arising From Brownsville Riot.
The supreme court of the United
States dismissed the case of Oscar
Reid , one of the negro soldiers sum
marily discharged by the president on
account of the Brownsville riot , hold
ing that the amount involved was not
sufficient to juctiiy the bringing of the
case to the supreme court. The de
cision leaves in effect the decision of
the district court for the southern dis
trict of New York , which was against
Reid. He sought to compel the pay
ment of his salary since his dismissal.
Yaquis Are Giving Up Arms.
Notice was received trom Acting
Governor Cubilles of the state of Sonora -
nora , Mexico , that the treaty between
: he Mexican government and the
Yaqui Indians had been fully ratified
and that thousands of the Indians are
Doming into the capital and' surrender
ing their arms , in compliance with -the
terms of the treaty.
Merger Ends Moving Picture War.
A $15,000,000 merger will end a mov
ing picture war that has been in force
lor many months. The merger will re
sult , it is stated , in crowding out of
ansiness nearly 50 per cent of the mov
ing picture places.
T '
Storm Delays Train Service. n
Overland train service on the North-
; rn Pacific Jind Great Northern is in a
jad condition as a result of the pre
vailing. Storm , the westbound North b ;
jGQst Limited be'ag reported ten hctura te
ate1. teto
Pee ! Elected Speaker and Cona
Chief Clerk of House ,
G. W. Tibbets cf Adams County Ss-
lected President Fro Tem. of the
Senate and William H. Smith of
j Seward Secretary.
Lincoln , Jan. 5. Nebraska'3 legis
lative body is at work. The two
bouses convened at noon today under
conditions never before extant In the
state lawmaking body , and quickly or
ganized itself with a full Democratic
I aet of officers , so far as the legislature
selects its own officials.
Many members found bouquets on
their desks when the two branches
met at noon , and there were no vacant
The organization of the two branch
es was simply a confirmation of the
action of the Democratic caucuses
held last night. Secretary of State
Junkin called the house to order ex
actly at the stroke of 12 o'clock and
declared the lower branch ready for
business. The selection of a speaker
was taken up at once , the Democrats
naming Charles W. Pool of Johnson
county and the Republicans present
ing the name of Daniel M. Nettletcn.
who was speaker of the last legisla
ture. The vote was strictly partisan.
Mr. Pool receiving the full strength
of the Democrats and "Uncle Dan" be
ing given the unanimous support of
the Republicans. Secretary Junkin ,
after the tellers had handed in their
report , announced the vote and de
clared Mr. Pool elected , at the same
time appointing a committee to escort
him to the chair. Trenmore Cone of
Saunders county was then selected
clerk of the house and the new speak
er took the chair. The completion of
the organization , took only thirty min
In the senate , Lieutenant Governor
Hopewell , a Republican , called' the
body to order , and G W. Tibbets of
Adams county was selected for presi
dent pro tern , and William H. Smith
of Seward county for secretary. The
proceeding was brief , and when it was
concluded the lieutenant governor
made a brief address.
Little attempt was made by either
body to transact any other business ,
although many members introduced
bills representing their ideas on certain
necessary legislation. j
Many incidents came up in connec
tion with the organization of the Dem
ocratic body , among which was the
fact that eleven members of the sen
ate forgot to bring with them their
certificates of election. It did not
cause any annoyance , however , as
there were no contests , and on motion
of a Democratic member they were all
seated. The members who were thus
icndered technically ineligible includ
ed as many Republicans as Democrats.
The legislature is not expected to
get down to good working order before
the beginning of next week and ad
journment from Friday to Monday ? s
now apparent.
Mercury Drops to Twelve Below Zero
at Omaha.
Omaha , Jan. 6. Nebraska and Iowa
were struck by the cold wave which
came down from the northwest with a j
zeal that made the oldest citizen look
ivise. In this city the thermometer j
reached a minimum of 12 degrees Le- \
low zero last night. ' 1
John Grandsen , a special delivery |
boy , aged nineteen , was taken wi'h !
in epileptic fit near Fortieth and Frr-
lam streets and when he was fouud
m the sidewalk , was nearly frozen to
leath. He may iot recover. It 10- ,
luired the combined efforts of the po- '
ice , the Salvation Army , American
Volunteers and other charitable or
ganizations to care for the destitute „
m account of the suddenness of the
: old snap. j
The entire northwest is in the grasp
> f a cold wave , which in some sections
las already registered the coldest tern-
jeratures in years. Jn the mountain
egions of Montana s'everal points re-
) ort 60 below zero.
Bryan Joins Eagles.
Lincoln. Jan. 6. W. J. Bryan was r ,
ast night initiated as a member o
, incoln aerie , No. 117 , Fraternal Orj j
! er of Eagles. The. ceremony brougnt v
o Lincoln men high in the order from
arious states as well as members
rom Omaha and cities and towns of
Nebraska. j L ,
lowan Dies on Train.
Beatrice , Neb. , Jan. 6. J. E. Jones
f Winfield , la. , who is reputed to be a
. ealthy resident of that community , _
- as taken from a train here in a-he'.p-
2ss condition and died a few hours
iter. He was stricken with apoplexy. Sj ,
lis body will be returned to Iowa. . s-
'resident ' Roosevelt Invites Dr. Clark. a
' Omaha. Jan. G. Rev. A. W. Clark , j,1
f the Child Saving institute , has ic- _ w
eived from President Roosevelt a , "
pecial invitation to attend a confcr-
nce to discuss the problem of caring
) r dependent children of the country.
Bryan Going to Florida. <
Lincoln , Jan. 5. William J. Bryan a.n
'ill visit Florida early in February. si (
'he exact date of his departure has Ea
ot been fixed. Ke may also visit Cuba.c
Bcitzer Elected Captain. -"ai
Lincoln , Jan. . O. A. Bolizer , right eft
alfback of the Nebraska football
> am , was elected capita ol tbbibo * A i
.Jos rtrlstol
Ka.'itf- ) : f-
hnira < * - -\r
'iii'eB f-Hsr > f Kt.
cattle bruudei )
nR connected on
left hip or side as
flhown in cut
R M Faddis& Co.
PostofUce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
on left
on lrt l
or thigh.
Some branded J
niniled on
or in left I ! or s-Iiuu der
P II. Young.
Cattl * * branded
as cut on left aide.
Some Q.Yon
on left Jaw of
V horatjs.
on Gordoa Cre k north of Simeon ,
AU > eri Wmpple &
Kosebud S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO. ii right side
Some cattle also
have a 4on neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two barn
erosw hind qnar-
? Some Texan
till- brUllUCdr on eit DJU < - " " - nie jjSl
.n left side. &tSt
lorsps branded SOS on ' "ft hip. rforne witcte
randed AW oar connected on both Hide ? and
ft hir > of
N. S. Rowlev
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Saint * as cut on left
< ide and hip , and on' '
"ft sliould/T of bor
< es AlsoKSSIB on
"ft side
* ' on ifift si-'e
tl" bnnl- _
ed Imsk-JfSlgjgMJf " pec ( either side up ) on
"eft siae or lilp. p. on left jaw and lHfi.iliOHlder
il ior * i QJ
/ - \ on loft hip of her HH
left jaw of horspi
GP. . .Jordan. \
Rosebud. 5D
Heroes and cattle
same as cut ; also
CT BE f J on right
RaiiKf on Oak and
Butfe creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detectioa
of rustlers of stock
of thf-sebntnds.
Rrownlee , Xeb.
Tattle branded as
in cut on left
side. Some
brai'ilPd R T Y
on left bin. Kance
on North l.oup
rivftr two milrs
west of Browulee
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on rightside
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from aiy
Pat Pel per
Simeon Nebr
D. M. Sears.
leuiiecty , Nebr.
Cattle branded
i on cut.lef t side
ome on left nip.
Horses same on
ift shoulder.
Range Square
Roan Brothers
roodlake Neb
IJanire on
-k.- and Crook- '
t Lake.
Fracis Mis-
Mi. Kosebud.
IP in cut ; bores
name on les
ich. Kanue be-
ven " '
"priii C'k
d Little White
: er.
> where on left
niiark. square
: rep right ear.
Horses have
lie brand on
. thigh.
Kanp oil i Gordon and Snake Creeks.
Reward ' of $250 wih be | . ; iid to anv oerson for
or 8teallt *