Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 07, 1909, Image 7

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    r * :
John Wouldn't Ke There.
"I canna' leave ye thus , Nancy , " a.
Eood old Scotchman wailed. "Ye're too
Qulcr to work an' ye couldmf live in the
ahiishouKp. din I die , ye in-iun marry
anilhcr man. v.'ha'll keep ye in comfort
In yer auld age. "
"Nay. nay , Andy , " answered the good
fipouFe. "I could im' wed aiiither man ,
for what \v.-ul I do wi' two husbands in
heaven'1 . \idy : pf > rd.'T < 'd long over
this ; hut suddenly his face brightened.
" 1 hae it. Xany ! " he cried. "Ye
ki'ij auld John CliMiii s V lie's a kind
man. ! > tt ! ie Is na' a iJii'in'.jrr c/ t'.io
kirk. ! Ie ! i ! . < < c. X.irv. . : ri * ; ri : : ye'll
marr ; . h"I : : ! ' . ' ail the R..rii. 1:1
heaven .Inljn's na < hristian. "
Ili-i Crude MOKM ! .
, Man With the Nose But don't
ycnr JHiovp in sinnrantccin hank depos
its ?
tA On With liie rtiiivinx Krow Don't I ?
Ily George. 1 was one of n. committee that
served notice on a hank president onca
that if his lia.ik busted we'd tar and feath-
cT him !
How's Tills ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
K. .1. CIIHNKY f : CO. , Toledo. O.
\ \ > . tin1 I'lulersi ne : ! . have known F. J.
Cheney for the last l."i yearn , and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business trans-
notions , and financially able to carry out anj
obligations made by his linn.
Wholesale Dni ists. Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally ,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials scm.
free. Price , 7. > c/ per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
The floor area of St. Peter's , Rome , is
227,009 square feet , being the greatest
floor area of anv cathedral in the world.
& buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog 103
N. W. Hide & Fur Co. . Minneapolis. Minn.
IIow mosquitoes exist , within the Arc
tic circle , without a blood diet , is a mys
for the signature of E.V. . GROVE. Used the
World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 2oc.
"Now that your son's in college , I
Buppose he'll be getting exclusive ; he'll
be getting into the Four Hundred. "
"Oh , he's more exclusive than that !
He's on the nine already. " Philadel
phia Press.
.Itched mid Burned Terribly Could
Xot Move Thumbs "Without Kle h
Cracking Sleep Impossible Culi-
cura Soon Cured Eczema.
"An itching humor covered both my
hands and got up over my wrists and
even up to the elbows. The itching and
burning were terrible. My hands got
all scaly and when I scratched , the
surface would be covered with blisters
and then get raw. The eczema got so
bad that I could not move my thumbs
without deep cracks appearing. 1 went
to my doctor , but his medicine could
only stop the itching. At night I suf
fered so fearfully that I could not
Bleep. I could not bear to touch my
hands with water. This went on for j
three months and I was fairly worn i
out. At last I got the Cntcura Reme
dies and in a month I was cured. Wal
ter H. Cox , 10 Somerset St. , Boston ,
Mass. . Sept. 2.IOCS. . "
Potter Drug & Chein. Corp. , Sole
Props , of Cuticura Remedies , Boston.
Will stop any eougli that
can be slopped by any
medicine and cure coughs
that cannot be cared by any
oSner medicine.
Ef is a3vays ke best
cougli cure. You cannot
afford So take chances on
any olSier Bond.
Fhrcai and Lungs
need just Jic protection cold
end is si- that is obtained from
Piso'sCur- ycu he ven cougher
or cold. slijK ; or wnoui , Lecm lat
ins Pbo's Cure today nrd < oilmuc
until you are we ! ! . Curihc cough
while it it frah. whrn a 5 v doeo
of PIso's Ctri * tr.zy fv c'J that you
willnc-d FdT.out for h.-jf actsi-
tury M'ltant to iMte. Free flora
opi&tes nnd liam. ' < jl in-icdirn .
At all druggists' , 2.3 els.
K > -f > Landing of first settlers at Ply
mouth. Mass.
1710 The American Weekly Morcary ,
thf third newspaper in America , made
its first appearance in Philadelphia.
17K ! ) Thomas Mifllin became the first
Governor of Pennsylvania under t'he
constitution of 1700.
1SOO Attempt to assassinate Napoleon
ISO * " lOmhargo act parsed , forbidding
tlie departure of any vessel from the
lniu-rt States for a foreign port.
IS 11 My-o t'au ? 100 persons perished in
the burning of a theater in Richmond
mend , Va The Now Orleans , the
first steamboat built in western wat
ers , started from Pittsburg for New
ISM Treaty of peace between the
United States and Great Britain
signed at Ghent.
1S17 American Colonization Society ,
whi.-h aimed to return free negroes
to Africa , formed in Washington ,
U C.
1820 Georgia refused to permit the
Indians to set up an independent gov
ernment in that State A party of
Choctaws attacked a camp of Osage
Indians on the Canadian river and
killed seven of their number.
18. . . " Patent for revolving firearm issued
to Samuel Colt.
1S"7 Steamer Caroline captured and de
stroyed at Niagara Falls.
lSr/4 Two United States ships seized at
Havana for conveying arms and sedi
tious 7 ; - odamationsrmod collis
ions took place in eastern Kansas
between the two political parties.
1S01 Federal force captured Tybee Isl
1S02 Federal force captured Fort Van
Huron , Ark.
1SG4 Wilmington. N. C. . bombarded by
the Union fleet. . . .Gen. Sherman
entered the city of Savannah.
1S71 Great fire in Little Rock. Ark.
1SS7 David Howard Harrison became
premier of Manitoba.
1SS9 Charles I. proclaimed king of Per
ISO. . Unsuccessful train robbery on the
Southern Pacific near Burbank , Cal.
1894 Captain Dreyfus found guilty and
sentenced to Devil's Island for life. . .
Sir Mackenzie Bowell became pre
mier of Canada and formed a new
1000 President Paul Krnger arrived in
Paris. . . .Martial law proclaimed in
Cape Colony.
"SsfeJ-iiS'- '
The Minnesota railroad commission has
ordered a reduction in rates ranging from
2i ) to . ' 50 per cent on milk shipped over ;
the Mantorville brunch of the Chicago
Great Western road. The company will
appeal to the courts.
The hearing on Xorth Dakota coal
rates before Referee Hopkins has been
concluded. The findings will be submit
ted to the State Supreme Court. Efforts
r.rp being made by the oflicials of the
State to get tln > coal rates ordered by the
railway commission enforced. Heretofore
the railroads have ignored the order on
the ground Uiat the movement of coal
was of minor importance in a freight
way : i'd ih" rates were conli catory.
The dirct-rors of the '
C'uicago. Burling
ton ( Juincy railroad at Xow York
ralififd lh < > pim-ha e of a controlling in
terest in ili < - Colorado and Southern ,
which had been acquired from Edwin
IIi\\ ! < - \ .ind associates. Th < > purchase
\\as entirely of common . * > tock to the
amount ofJ ! . . > UO.UtK > . giving the Hill
intei-v : < a majority of the .S4SXlf ( > .000
total c.ipial. ; It gives the Hill system its
long-desired outlet to the ( Julf of Mexico.
Two receivers for the Municipal Trac
tion Company and the Cleveland Rail
way Company have been appointed by
Federal . .InduxTaylor. . .ludge Taylor
made it clear that the receivers were
merely to pre.scrve the property and , that
he would not undertake to determine the
rights of the Cleveland Railway Com-
pani * , or the Municipal Traction Com
pany to restoration of their property , but
would reserve that decision for the final
It leaked out in connection with the
order of the Pennsylvania railroad for
135,000 tons of rails that after .secret ne
gotiations the steel rail makers of the
Pittsbun : district had finally consented
to supply the rails at $28 a ton , while
penniting the inspectors of the railroads
to he present at all times during the pro
cess and to determine how much shall be
cut off the top of the ingot from which
rails are to be cast. The concession caino
when it was learned tfiat the Pennsyl
vania had begun negotiations with for *
eigu makers.
Glrln TaKRTht lLlfcavlns. .
A course in life-saving has been In-
silliitod amii'.g the women students of
Columbia I'iv : : rsiy : for thpurpos ? of
m ; > ! : irg th'i"i as aie ; > : as m.i i'i ro -
risS-- < l- ' > \ ' i:1 pc-ivors. The/ r-i..v' '
th" ivvi 1-ir 'ifi'savi'dri ' : ! ' . ! : ( -.r : " > . :
the grips ami breaks. tuwi „ t' s.n'i-
ancl artificial ivspiration. A . ; ' . ; ! . '
dressed girl is thrown into the \\atir at
OIM- end < > ; tie . \vir.nmi : tiM- . .iMil
ot't ! r girls : . ; v obKj.d t. ) f- < : ! : rir
from the opposite c-'d : : ; ' < ! t ' . . ! : cr
bark , v-hrh : is r-Iivai'.y < ! - > ; ie ii : > ' r-
oi'tK This i.'nv n.parkr.v i : : cr-cdca :
ti.'ji ha ! " 'oiii' i'
IJiully liijun-il : itul ! l
ScriuittJy i 1:1 : ; iii-ii ! .
William Wli.lo. K. H. man. U'.i ! < " < > n-
sianline St. . Thu-c River : ; . Mich , sa.vs :
"In a railroad c'lnt.sitin my ki lite.s ;
mn > t liiiM' hern in./i ,
as 1 passed biuoily
nrii.e\vii ! p.iin Jur a
long time alter.vas
weak and linn , and
so 1 cot'it ' not work. alter 1
Wtfllt lu the
hospital ami rentain-
c > ( l ; 1 ' ' " ° * l b l X
months , but my c.ise
bcemed hopeless. Tlie urine parsed in-
. . .t.iu.iniy. 'iwo months ago 1 began
Liking Doan's Kidney Pills and the
improvement has been wonderful. Four
boxes have done me more good than all
the doctoring of seven years. 1 h.r.o
gained so much that my triundsvoi -
, kiat it. "
Sold by all dealers. : 0c a box. Fos-
ter-Milburu Co. , liuilalo , X. Y.
Pcliit Overruled.
Ilis Wife Alpheus. do you think it is
right for you to gamble in wheat ?
He Why not , Alvira ? I'm the bread
winner of this ffiir'ly. '
Mrs. WInsIow's Soothing Syrup for child
ren teething , softens the gums , reduces in
tin in mat ion. allays pain , cures wind colic.
23c a. bottle.
Mounted on bicycles , twenty Chinese
bandits raided a tobpo I'IDV near Pekin
recently and made off with the contents
of the safe.
PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any
case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or Protnid-
Ine Piles in 0 to 14 dajs or money refunded ,
Armor Pinto Saved Alfonso Czar
Xot SH Fortunate.
The huge state coach in which King
Edward rides toopen Parliament
weighs four tons. It would have
weighed nearly six if certain high offi
cials had had their way at the corona
tion. They wanted to line the vehicle
with plate armor as a precaution 1
against possible bomb throwers. But
his Majesty objected.
Hence it happens that the only dif
ference in this direction between it and
any ordinary coach is that it is pro
vided with steel shutters , which ,
though invisible to the ordinary ob
server , can be instantaneously raised to
mask the windows when desirable.
Other inouarchs. however , are not so
indifferent to danger in this respect.
King Alfonso , for instance , had all his
state and private carriages armor-
platecl immediately after his attempted
assassination in Paris in 3903.
To this he owes his life , as does also
Queen Ena. The bomb thrown by the
anarchist , Morral. on the occasion of
Ihoir wedding at Madrid exploded Im
mediately beneath tle coach in whie.h
they were seated.
But its steel plates withstood the
concussion and the young couple weiv
uninjured , although the horses ware
blown to pieces , together with no
fewer than twenty-three innocent by
In this respect Alfonso was luckier
than was the Czar Alexander of Rus
sia , who first invented this style of
vehicle. On March lu , 18S1 , heva ?
driving in St. Petersburg in a slcdgf
lined throughout with three-quarter-
inch steel plates when a bomb was ;
thrown by a nihilist. The explosion
that followed was terrific.
But the Czar Avas unhurt and , think
ing the danger was over , he leaped
from the window , only to be instantly
slain by another bomb , thrown by a
second nihilist , who himself was killed
by the same explosion.
Mrs. Highmus I &ee from the fashion
elates that ! ; ov.-us are not to be worn so
long next year.
Mrs. Pneuritch Gracious ! My husband
will have a fit. I never wear a gowa
more than once or twice even now !
Complete Recovery from Coffee
"About nine years ago my daughter ,
from coffee drinking , was on the verge
of nervous prostration , " writes a Louis
vil'e ' lady. "She was confined for the
most part to her home.
" \Vheu she attempted a trip down
town she was often brought home in a
cab and would be prostrated for days
"On the advice of her physician she
gave up coffee and tea. drank Postum ,
and ate drape-Xuts for breakfast.
"She liked Postum from the very be
ginning and we soon saw improvement.
Tn-day she is in perfect health , the
mother of Jive children , all of whom are
fi > i'i of Postum.
"She has recovered , is a member of
three fharily organizations and a club ,
lio'-'iin : an oflice in each. We give
PMMTI : ! ! ami drape-Nuts the credit for
her recovery. "
"Tiiere's a Ko'ason. " given by PoKtuin Co. , Battle
Cn-ek. Mi'-'i. Head "Tlie Road to We.Il-
vi'i ' . " in pk.T3.
! 7\cr rosJ the above letter ? A
.v.rv one appears from time to
t rrc. They arc genuine , true , and
C il of liunan interest.
The United States' , it ia estimated ,
has 203,79-1,624 apple trees and 17-
716,184 pear trees.
It is not always the man who sets
into the field first in the morning wlro
raises the host crops.
The man who refuses to mix with
Jiis neighbor and Hocks all by himself
has mighty poor company.
Being a good neighbor means a great
deal more than merely keeping our
share of the line fence.
A steady pull of ten hours counts
more than a spurt before breakfast and
an afternoon's rest at the old iishitf
You might about as well throw your
hen manure into the creek as to mix :
It with ashes or lime. Feet or muok
Is iho best to use as an absorbent.
Lambs make greater gains in feed
ing than old sheep. Good second-
growth clover is a great feed for the
[ ambs. The heaviest fleeces are gener
ally found on medium-sized sheep.
For a number of years following the
Introduction of the culture of sugar
beets in this country in 1SS7 the in
dustry was at a standstill. By 1S93
the production of beet sugar had
I cached 22.1.1 short tons. In 1001 it
was 184,606 , while last year the total
output was 500,000 short tons. The
Increase noted is due chiefly to the
extending of the culture of the sugar
beets in the irrigation sections of the
"West rather than to its adoption in
( sections where there is sufficient rain-
i'all to produce the ordinary tilled farm
Suceess of the Corn Sliovr.
The Chamber of Commerce , the busi
ness men of Springfield , the exhibitors ,
the newspapers and the people who
have patronized the exposition , have
nil been sowing corn show seed. They
have visited the Illinois Corn Exposi-
tion which closed last night , seen the
glorious exhibits , realized the value of
the show as an entertainer and educator
cater , and are sowing the seed of in
dorsement right and left. Now let's
Bee that the fields are well cultivated ,
the growing plant of future corn show
enterprise properly nurtured and a
magnificent crop reaped in the form of
still better and greater corn show In
1909 than the brilliant show of the
present year , the magnitude and suc
cess of which were sufficient to war
rant making the Illinois Corn Show a
permanent institution in Springfield.
Springfield Register.
Fife \Vlirat.
Each wheat has its own life history
And romance. Take Fife wheats ,
which were the foundation of many
varieties in spring wheats up to the
introduction of Durum wheat. Years
ago , nearly a century ago , David Fife ,
a Scotchman of Otonabee , Out. sent
to a friend in Glasgow for a small
bag of seed wheat to try in a cleared
patch of the backwoods. The friend
obtained some seed from a vessel just
in from Dantzic. Unfortunately , it
was a fall wheat and reached David
Fife In the spring. Nevertheless , Da
vid Fife sowed it in the spring. One
can guess how feverishly the back
woods farmer watched for the growth
of his experiment. Only three wheat
heads survived till the fall ; but those
three wheat heads were entirely free
of the rust 1'iat had ruined his neigh
bors' crops ; and those three heads re
ally represented a new variety of
wheat , a fall wheat turned into a
spring wheat David Fife treasured
the three heads and planted them in
the spring. Such was the beginning of
Fife wheat in America. It is thought
it must have come originally from Rus
sia ; for , crossed with Russian Lagoda
by Dr. Saunders , of Ottawa , it has pro
duced a wheat splendidly adapted for
the cold climate nnd long summer sun
light of the northwest.
Decrease ? n Apple Production.
To show the decreases hi the produc
tion of apples in the Union in the last
twelve years , these statistics , compiled
by the Federal Department of Agricul
ture , are quoted ;
Groiwers produced 60,540,000 barrels
in 1S95 , and 69,070,000 barrels in 1896 ,
the banner year in the history of the
country. There was a decrease of
nearly 25,000,000 barrels , or more than
the entire crop of 1897 , when the yield
amounted to 41,536,000. Another de
crease followed in 1898 , the yield being
placed at 28,570,000 barrels , but In 1S99
and 1900 there were substantial In
creases , placed at 37,560,000 and 47-
060,000 barrels , respectively. There
was a drop of 20,590,000 barrels in
1901 , while in 1902 there was an in
crease of 20,6.33,000 barrels , the crop
toeing estimated at 47,625,000 barrels.
Forty-five million barre's of fruit pro
duced in 1903 , and in 1 ° 04 the yield was
300,000 barrels greater. Then , in 1905 ,
it dropped to 23,500,000 barrels , and in
19CK5 it increased to 36,130,000 barrel ? .
The crop of 1907 fell off to 25,000,000
barrels , which is the estimated yield
for 1908. The total yield for the thir
teen years amounts to 559.701,000 barJ
rels er 1,670,283,000 bushels.
Beef Produced on Gra ? * . nnd Alfalfa.
Prof. Herbert W. Muuiford of the
University of Illinois , who has spent
half of this year investigating cattle
conditions in Argentina , South America ,
recently showed to a farmer and stu
dent audience at the College of Agri
culture a very interesting series of pho
tographs which lie took in that coun
try , and gave the following , among
other Items , showing conditions in
strong contrast to our own and throw
ing clear light on the character of Ar
gentina competition :
The past three years Argentina ha3
been exporting considerably more beef
to Great Britain than have the United
States , and the Argentina beef can bo
delivered in London as cheaply as that
from Chicago.
The best sires have been secured
without regard to price , ? 10,000 and
515,000 being paid many times , and one
animal was found which had cost $21-
000. But the best bull seen on this
trip was bred in Argentina. The short
horns are the most numerous. The cat
tle country is close to the great river
system which furnishes much of the
transportation , and lies principally Im
mediately west of Buenos Ayres.
As fine herds of cattle as you ever
saw are produced in Argentina without
a mouthful of grain , simply on grass
and alfalfa , and these cattle were never
in a stable. Breeding cattle in extra
fine flesh were seen on alfalfa pasture
one cow in particular showed actual
rolls of fat on her rump , and yet she
had never tasted anything else than
alfalfa from her birth. Grass-fed mut
ton has gone to London market too fat
to sell. One ranch or estancla visited
contained 100,000 acres and had on it
18,500 cattle , 10,000 sheep and 2,000
horses. Most of the cattle country I/
flat and level.
Xo Mud for
There are some farmers who are im
pressed with the belief that hogs do
not require mud wallows in summer
and then there are others who declare
that a hog that does not have access
to a mud hole cannot thrive. There is
no doubt that a hog Is a "hog" in his
habits largely because he does not
have a chance to he decent.
He needs a great deal of water in
hot weather , and if he cannot get it he
will take mud as the next best thing.
A hog rushes to a mud hole to cool off.
He comes out and the mud dries on
his skin. The next mud bath he takes
adds another layer to that already
dried on and in a short time the pores
of his skin are completely clogged up
with mud. Now , a hog cannot thrive
with his pores all closed any better
than a man. A dirty man is never a
perfectly healthy man nor a dirty hog
a perfectly healthy animal.
If a hog has access to a deep pool
of water , as he should in hot weather ,
he will keep clean and thrive much
more than if he lies around in a mud
hole made filthy by long continued use.
Most farmers who supply a bathing
place for their hogs make them so shallow -
low that they are soon converted into
mud holes.
On our home farm we usually kept
from thirty to fifty pigs and they had
a pool of water fed by a stream , and it
was deep enough for them to swim in.
The sides were dug clown sharply and
were laid with cobblestones for a dis
tance of four or five feet from the wa
ter's edge. The pool was always rea
sonably clean ; we never had trouble
with mange or lice , and when on two
occasions cholera swept through the
country our hogs were not affected.
The hogs never used the pool unless
the -weather was extremely hot We
do not believe in the mud idea for
hogs or filth of any kind for other ani
mals. J. B. Miller.
Made Clever Girl Blush.
One of the cleverest girls In New
York society blushes every time she
hears the name of Octave Mirbeau ,
the Paris playwright , for it reminds
her of an occasion on which she be
trayed Ignorance of one of the sim
plest of agricultural products. She
went with her chaperon and several
friends to the author's Cormeil'.e.s
house to see the gardens , of which he
is prouder than of his playwriting
ability. One of the first things that
caught her eye was a bed of gre n
plants tipped with red. The contrast
appealed to her aesthetic sense , and
she gushed a little , just the least bit
in the world. Indicating the parterre
with the tip of her parasol , s-he cried :
"What lovely things they are ! You
must send me some of the flowers
when they bloom , dear M. ' Mirbean. "
To which , with a laugh , the build * ref
of comedies returned , "You may have
to wait for some time , for they ar--
cabbages the kind one eats in you-
beautiful America with corned beef ,
you know. "
The Real Thii& .
Mrs. Bluehose Who is your favorite
writer , Mrs. Shopleiph" :
Mrs. Shopioigh My husbau'l.
Mrs. Bluehose Why. I wasu t'awT : *
that he was of a literary turn.
Mrs. Shopleigh 01) ) . yes ; he writ n
Milk that Is delivered to the home-
of New York City each moruius
from 30,227 dairies.
ime 24 , Xo. 1
Peruna Drug Co. , Columbus , Ohio.
Gentlemen : I can cheerfully recom
mend Peruna as an effective ciir fur
cough.- and colds.
\ou anautlioried to u < > 1113plmta
with te hiuinial in an. ; publication.
Mrs. Joseph Hall ( Jlmst * .
SO-1 Tenth St. , Washington. D. C.
Could Not Smell Nor Hear.
Mrs. A. L.Vet.el , 1023 Ohio St. . Tt-rr-
flaute , I ml. , writes :
"When 1 began to take your medicina
I could not smell , nor hear a church
bell ring. Now I can both smell and
"When I began your treatment inj
lu-ad was terrible. 1 had buzzing and1
i-hirping noises in my head.
" 1 followed your advice faithfully and
took Peruna as you told me. Now I
might say I am well.
"I want to go and visit my mother
and see the doctor who said I was not
long for this world. 1 will tell him it
was Peruna that cured me. "
Peruna is manufactured by The
Peruna Drug Mfg. Co. , Columbus , Ohio.
Ask your Druggist for a Prco
Peruna Almanac for 1909.
"Formnntlis I liad creat tronMetrlthmy utoiunrh ,
nd useil alt kinds of medicines. My tonijiiw has.
been actually as creen . trass , my breath liavinir
nliul odor. Two weeks nio 3 frieinl rci-oiiiiii < -i
Casirets nnd after umni ; theai I cuii vullinply ami
cheerfully sny thut tlioy Imve nntSrolr cnreil ni - I
therefore let > ou know that 1 snsll recoujintinii.
them to any one sniTerine from imrh troubles. "
Clias. II Halpern. 114 K. 7tt > St. . New Yonc. 1 . Y.
Best For
The Bowels
Pleasant , Palatixblfl. Potent. Tasti Good Do Good.
Never glkon. . Weaken or Orlpe. 10c25c.50e. . NTes
Bold in h-itk. Tlie ccnnniq tnblet stamped COO.
Guaranteed to cure or ymir money b < 'L.
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or N.Y. jot
Positively cred by
these Little Pills.
Ttay also reltoYv Di -
trees troa Dyspepelft , Ii >
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating ; A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness. Nanaca ,
Drorrslnoss , Bad Tast *
la tlia Kottth. Cbatea
Tongue. Pain In tHa Btdo ,
tno Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
GARTERS Genuine Must Bear
ITTLR Fac-Simile Signature
Instead ol
Bjw * * , '
V ! * JX
As further inducement to settlement of the
\Ylu-at K.UMIJX lands \\Vstt-rti Canada , the
Canadian ( .ove-mmnt lias ii i-ascd the arc-a.
th it may be 'akrn by a homest ndt r to 320 acns
l..O f r c and. 1W to purchased atc3.00 per acre.
Thtso lands arc in tiv irrain-raisiinrare.-i. whore
mixed farming is also carried on with unqualified
A railway will shortly be built to Hudson Cay ,
bringing the v.-orld's m.irke's a thousand mies !
nearer thi e wheat iicMs , where schools and
churches are convenient , clirmte excellent. ri 1-
v. ays close to all settlements and local markets
"It would tahf time to assimilate the
revelations that a visit to the great em
pire lying to the North of us unfolded at
caery turn. " Correspondence of a Natiocol
Editor , v. hoifittd V.'estern Canada ia
Aucust. 1'HW.
Land1 ; may al-o be purchased from Railway
nnd Lad c .mn-mies at LOW PRICES AND'
ON EASY TERMS. For pamphlets , maps and
information as to low Railway Rates ap ? y to
\ \ 1 > Superintendent oi Immvjratlon ,
Ott.iua. i'annd.i. or 1 : . I. llo'mes. ' 315 Jackson
&t.St Paul. Minn , and I M. Ma : Lachlai. Box
HO \\atertr-\\n , bo Dakota Authorized Goverc -
ment A ent .
i'ieas i-uj where yon savr thi * advertisement.
We will net you 22 to 26 cents
straight through for your Muskrats
accord ing to No. cf kits. $1.00 each for
prirno Skunk , broad stripes included. All
kinds of Fur booming. Write for price
Drawer 26 , Onuwa , Iowa.
r \ si T ox II ATJX o
1 ol : Mariel's PreparalioE
WUMtft ihc < l Kcmeay. ( AtDnijjuu )
wn < ! f r ! oo' ' ! ! 'U-T for \Vomcn. "
FUr\t II DKUCc CO. . SO U' . SS < 1 St. . ? f.T. City
C. C. X. U. - - - Xo. 2 1909.
1 ! afflicted with
Sore Eyes , use