Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 07, 1909, Image 6

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    \ ,
History records the following c.irth-
quakc disasters in southern Italy and
Sicil } ' . tlic region shaken by the recent
< iuike : :
Tlim * and pa ] < v-
7 Pompeii and I lemilanetim. . .100,000
IKSi ; Calabria 20,000
1-1. < ; -Xij > Ies -50.000
3 < ; 2 < ; Naples 70,000
m58 Calnljria 'Jo.nfiO
170:5 : A < ) Ha . " ,000
17H ( Palermo
17S:5 : Mussina : uil oilier large
I owns 100.000
3S.TIAJelli 14.000
JS.-J7 \ : > } ) los 10.000
18.-J7 Calabria 10,000
1S81 SHe -4,000
JS.SI5Jinj ! nul other towns 1.0(10
ji ) ) ; > Calabria it.oOO
1UO ! Vos i'lu.t rosion "tUO
J17 : ! Calauia l.,000
Oi > ; ! I'lftv-fotir oities ami towns
an 1 : : oo vil'.i , " s 100,000
ID 1ST OF 1676.
TIi.1 Jv : n < - : jew i r.i J'r Turkey
1)ro'/vi" uili : it the asst .ubliiig of tlie
r tvir : < ! ote.'l iini'iinneii4under Ihe
j fc'i SpfI
constitution promul-
jrutfil in July by
I S n 1 1 a n A b d u 1
! l'i\ ! Tie ! new
irder of things is
c.'lleil the result of
1 the "great bloodless
revolution" Carried
on for years by the
"Young Turks" par
ty. And all the
world is wondering
last this new era
peace and good will and relief from
despotism and religious liberty in the
blood-drenched realm of Abdul Ilainid.
For it is only in 1870 thai a similar
" "new era" was joyously acclaimed
.throughout Turkey , when this same
JVlidul llamid proclaimed , soon after
bis ascension to the tottering throne ,
that "the welfare of the Turkish empire
lies wholly in the full and sincere ap
plication of the constitution. " It con
tained the same high-sounding ring of
sincerity ns his recent utterance to the
effect that "all iu the nation are mem
bers of the committee of union and
progress , and I am their president. Let
tis live together and make the country
prosperous. "
Among the new leaders is Prince
S : b'uHldine. : son of Sultan * Murad V. ,
who was deposed. 'Whether the "new
era" is onl- another cunning ruse on
the Sultan's part time alone will reveal.
, I * > stal Orders Sent to Europe Foot
Up ? . ' , OOOOOO.
The ni h for postal money orders to
'be sent abroad as Christmas presents has
ended , and Postmaster JCchvard M. Mor
gan of New York City was able to have
compiled figures showing thnt from Dec.
2. to Dec. 10 , inclusive. 3o2S7 ) interna
tional postal money orders , asgregating
$ . " ! , O40,72S.21 , were issued and shipped to
foreign lands. The steamship Lusitaria
-carried 110,022 orders. The countries to
which the bulk of the other 210S5o inter
national money orders were sent are :
Xo. Amount
Countries. of orders , of orders.
Croat Britain 7,041 : ? SSS. 10.8.02
Italv 27,221 7SS. : .Or..74
.Sweden 2S.3S1 : * 40.r : 1.21
.Austria 17,010 : ; 2J.t : 2r .3C
'fiermauy 25.2-40 ? .W. ? 12.4. .
Hnnparv 12.oOO 2 ! > 2.0.VJ.OS
! Russia . 12,404 l'17:5.12 ) ! :
Norway 10,140 147,102.44
Greece 2,591 108,110.42
.France 2,820 40.102.44
There is no way to compute the value
in presents alone.
The Russian Duma voted by a large
majority to continue the increase in pen
sions to army officers authorized during
-the Russo-Japanese war.
It was reported at Berlin that Austia-
Tlungary was prepared to pay Turkey
? 20COO,000 as compensation for the an |
nexation of Herzegovina and Bosnia , the
-.transaction only awaiting necessary for-
The course adopted recently by the
Indian authorities to cause the arrest ,
.swiftly and mysteriously , of all natives
suspected of revolutionary activities is
having a good effect on the unrest of
the population.
Tie importation into or the transit
through Belgium of cattle , sheep or pigs
from the United Status has been pro
hibited until further notice. This action
is taken because of the foot and mouth
disease in America.
In Paris a Franco-American commit
tee has been formed to take charge of
the erection in Paris of a monument to
the memory of Horace Wells , a Hartford , f
Conn. , dentist , to whom is accredited the t
( discovery of laughing gas. c
Emperor Nicholas has approved the I
proposed construction of a memorial
church to the sailors who perished in
the Russo-Japanese war and a commit
tee Bias been formed , headed by the Queen
of Greece , to collect funds.
The insurance litigation growing out
of the fire that followed the recent earth-
.quakc in- Jamaica lias been settled , all
the companies agreeing to accept liabil
ity and to pay all claims. The total
.amount is about $ . ' 5,000,000 , plus $ o7.,000
The Dalai Lama of Tibet , who has been
-wandering for four years over Manchuria
and northern China , left Pekin on his
journey back to Lhassa , where in future
he will be regarded as a more occlasias-
tic , pledged to suj poit whatever reforms
.China desires to carry out in his country.
"TyiJcn" of Fer.2iiiiiy.
Charles It. B.irrctt , an educator
known throughout Hi ? Middle West ,
classifies American women into "types , "
desirable and undesirable. He says :
"The type of American woman most
in the public eye is artificial , insincere ,
extravagant and selfish. She is an un-
soivable proposition. She will tyran-
ime-hor husband and love a dog.
"This type demands consideration on
the ground of sex only. She. has re
ceived stu-h attention by reason of sex
that she is spoiled , over-.ueenea . She
does not merit or worth as
qualifications necessary to herself. She
is nervous and proud of it. She lacks
npose and poise , having mudi the dis
position of a spoiled child. Incapable
of gratifying her ainbitioiir alone , she
Is dependent on the irtellectual or
financial worth of fs'.liier or husband to
get a place in society. She likes a
palatial home , but lacks , appreciation
nf ho-.v she cretr it or who maintains it.
She seeks recognition and admiration
BolQly from the rntinir of worldly pos
sessions and the influence she com
mands through the position of father 01
"There is also the 'fine and dandy
typo the victims of faddtem. the imi
lators of the rich and fashionable , tin
frivo'c'jp. ' tl * butterfly , tlie giddy , the
t"solfdecoiv 'l " . ?
gossipy , > - ryp" poses
sing poss ! ! / the intellectual colorinc ,
of a seminary : Use undisciplined. 1h'
unambitious. i:2 ! uustatiraoi ! typo that
needs to be moored to some of the re
sponsibilities and sv.hslanHalitics of
"These lypos do not represent tin
womanhood and motherhood of om
country. The one that does represent
Ir is sensible , sincere , economical am
charitabie. and has little regard for the
extravagance and ariificir.lity of bei
BOX' . "
nine CoriH'd Silk.
A stunning \Niting gown of Copen
hagen blue corded silk with empire
skirt and short-waisted blouse. On the
latter there is a plastron effect of silk
beautifully embroidered in silver
thread. A bow of black satin caught
with a buckle of brilliants furnishes an
attractive j finish. Worn with this cos
tume is a striking hat of black satin
ind plumes.
Women's Delertoi'.iii : .
"Women should not copy men in
dress , manner or ideas , but should be
like the women of colonial days , who
could sew , cook and care 'or the
home , and who had an abiding faith
in their husbands. " declared Rev.
William Hayes Leavill , I ) . D. . president
af Westminster College. Fulton , Mo. ,
In his address at the recent banquet
of the Society of Colonial Wars , held
In St. Louis.
"Few women of to-day , " he said ,
"would leave their homes , their
friends and all the attractions of life
to follow their husbands into a for-
Bign land as did the women of colon
ial days. Modern influences have had
a deteriorating effect on women ; they
have destroyed much of the attractive
ness of women.
"The home Is the place for women
unless It is absolutely noeppsary for
them to leave it. I do not believe any
fvoman should enter the field of busi
ness and take a man's place unless
conditions require that she should do
jo. I am not a believer In woman's
right ? as woman's rights are known
to-day. "
Rnlei for Siolc lloom.
Every woman ought to acquaint her
self with the generalities to be ob
served in caring for the sick. Do not
sit on the edge of the bed , uway back
and forth in a rocking chair , or rattle
the leaves of a book or newspaper
These things are often annoying to a
well person.
Never speak to the patient of his
symptoms ; neither go to the opposite
extreme and appear disinterested. A
person ill appreciates and craves sym
Cultivate a light touch , a low tone
of voice , and a light step , but do not
go about stealthily on tiptoe or whis
per. The patient's curiosity is sure to
be aroused and he becomes restless.
Pee that the hinges of Ihe doors are
well oiled. Open and shut them noise
lessly , but not slowly.
Do not attempt to do the patient a
good turn by reading aloud ( o him until
ho is well along on the road to re
covery. The exertion of listening is
wearing when one is weak.
Muffs are gigantic in size and in
Cloth top boots again are to be In
Paris declares that all hats must be
Squirrel pelts are in great demand
for linings.
Startling effects in millinery are now
Many skin's are unlincd , and cling
as never before.
Directoire hat scarfs come in colors
to match any hat.
Now veils are so long as to be al
most cumbersome.
Touches of color smarten many cos
tumes of neutral tint.
Net and lace are the most used waist
materials of the season.
Two faced cloths are much In vogue
for long automobile coats.
Louis XVI. designs are most popular
among coiffure ornaments.
The Russian Cossack cap Is one of
the leading turban shapes.
New turbans are roomy , comln ,
down on the head to the ears.
Hoots with uppers in harmony with
the costume are much affected.
The directoire glove is laced up the
sides instead of being buttoned.
One of the newest fancies is for stiff
linen collars , trimmed with color.
Many new dancing frocks are made
of tulle , embroidered with beadwork.
The simulated button hole , elaborate
ly worked , is seen on ever } ' variety of
Net waists , lined with China silk ,
have tucked fronts and backs and long
The most fashionable coats are al
most perfectly straight from shoulder
to hem.
The extremes In hat , muff , and
coiffure sixes Avere never more pro
For the first season in many years
all white is overshadowed by colors ,
even for dancing frocks.
A favorite hat will be the merry
widow , reduced in size , but with In
creased ornamentation.
Tnliln Appointments.
Fruit trays are made with very high
Some are Incased in fine wicker.
Bonbon dishes are made in novel
Shallow silver dishes are used to
hold olives , pickles , and cheese.
Miniature forks are used for numer
ous purposes.
They are graceful and dainty.
The straw for drinking soft drinks is
now made of silver and found on all
modern tables.
There are wine coolers of silver and
Fine platters hold egg cups.
Pierced silver trays are used for
various purposes.
Quaint milk jugs have a pitcher to
A great many of the tailor-mades of
he day are being made with two skirts ,
no short and the other long. For the
venn who makes one or two suits do [
luty throughout the season , it is an
rconorny. Some of the couts that go
with short cloth suits are so elaborate
with braid that they deserve more than
a showing at places where walking
skirts are permissible. Given a modish
long skirt and the coat may literally go
to mill and to meeting most acceptably.
Select geranium red cashmere and
make the skirt with inverted plaits , but
press the plaits from waist to hem to
give a straight effect. Have the plaits
broad , slightly broader at the hem.
Make the waist with a rounded yoke ,
small tucks on each shoulder , spllca
the material from the yoke ' o the bottom
tom of the dress waist and 'urn under
the edges to make elongated V-shnp-'d
openings. Run the allover net under
these openings there should be three ,
a. broad one in the center and one at
each side -then lace them across wi'h
narrow red silk soutache and tie at the
top with small bows , having tassel
ends. Lace the sleeves from the shoul
der to the wrist , and have narrow strips
cf lace beneath. Narrow ruflles of tulle
at the top of the collar and wrists will
be needed.
Carron 1531 for
Burns and scalds are more likely h
happen In the kitchen than In other
parts of the house , so it is well to pro
vide for the special use of the domes
tics a bottle of carron oil a mixture of
equal parts of linseed oil and lime wa
ter and also a supply of soft lineq
rag or lint for their special use in case
of emergencies. A clean , air-tight tin
should be used for storing the band
ages , so that they may not get soiled.
The carron oil relieves the pain of
burns and scalds at once. The lint
should be soaked In it and laid on thq
wound , to exclude the air , that healln/
may begin as soon as possible.
Ifoilinsr 2OO ERTK-S at Once.
If one would bo familiar with all tin
latest electrical novelties , he must
make a tour of the kitchen of a big
Atlantic liner. The automatic egg-
boiler ? , like those on the Lusltania and
Mauretania. are able to cook 200 eggg
at once , a clock arrangement causing
the basket containing the eggs to hop
out of the water at any half minute up
to six mimitcs. Another noveliy Is a
self-dumping oyster cooker for stews.
At the expiration of a given time the
cooker pours its contents Into a eoup
plate and automatically shuts off thf
Fur 011 ZVeckvrenr.
It is quite the fashion ( o put fur on
some of the smart pieces of neckwear
that are worn with elaborate gowns.
The sketch shows one of the best
models. The collar band Is of Irish
lace , with frills of old pink chiffon at
top and bottom. The long , full jabot
Is of the pink , and is edged , like the
stock , with narrow black fur. There
are loops of pink satin ribbon down
the center , held In place with an ablong
gilt buckle.
RnA's for Short JVecks.
Surely ever- article in the realm ot
fashion may be so modified that it will
be becoming to almost every woman.
For instance , the- ' lovely neck ruffs ,
that were the despair of the short-
necked woman , are now fashioned in
a way that she may not only wear one ,
but find that it suits her. In the front
from ear to ear the ruff Is quite plain
and fiat , a fold of ribbon or a strip
of fur , perhaps , while the back portion
is augmented by the conventional ruf
fling or frilling , a bow in the back be
ing the finish.
A woman who sews a great deal ol
the time has found that her back does
not become so tired If her chair is
low , or If she has a stool upon which
to rest her feet. . It is surprising what
\ difference the comfortable position
makes and how much more work she
can do.
Should the arms become weary , she
puts a cusnlon in her lap. On this
she rests her elbows , changing the posi
tion of her sewing , thus giving both
irins and eyes a chance to recover.
Lionts SevtMi Million Children.
The birth rate in the Tinted States
in the days of its Anglo-Saxon youth
was one of tin4 highest in the world-
In the course of a century the proportion -
portion of our entire population cou-i
sisting of children under the age of
10 has fallen from one-third to one-
inarter. This for the whole United
States Is equivalent to the loss of abouf
r.000,000 children.
Founder of Huge llefineries Is Vic
tim of Pneumonia.
Clans Spreckels , widely Icnown as
the " .Sugar king of the Pacific coast , "
i died at1:30 : o'clock Saturday morning
at his home in San Francisco in his
eightieth year. The immediate cause
of death was an attack of pneumonia.
j which developed with alarming symp
toms during the past few days. His
I condition Christmas night told his physicians -
sicians death was near and relatives
; remained at his bedside until the hour
of his death.
Despite his advanced age Mr. Spreek-
els had devoted a large share of atten-
I tion to the various enterprises in which
j he was interested , and it is not more
| than a month since he appeared heforo
the Ways and Means Committee of the
House in Washington as an authority
on the subject of sugar duties.
Apart from the importance which at
tached to Clatis Spreckels as the pioneer
neer sugar refiner of the Pacific coast
and , as an investor of millions in Cali
fornia and the Hawaiian Islands , the
Spreckels family has for many year ?
been one of the most prominent in the
. State.
Claus Spreckels was born in Lam-
stadt , Germany , in IS2S , and came to
the United States iu 1S4G. After being
emploj-ed for some time in Charleston
S. C. , and Nov.- York he came to San
Francisco , reaching this city in ISnfi
tie established a store there and later
conducted a brewery. In 1SGS he built
the Hay Sugar Refinery aud began the
importation of raw material from
Hawaii. Prospering in this business ,
he established other refineries ami
promoted the beet sugar industry by
establishing refineries and engaging in
the farming of beets on a large scale
He also built a refinery at Philadel
phia , invested largely in the Oceanic
Steamship Company and many other
enterprises , including the building o' '
the San Joaquin Valley Railroad
Many of his interests in Hawaii art1
reported to have been disposed of bj
his son Rudolph during the la tier's
recent trip to the islands.
President Roosevelt Asks Canada and
Mexico to Aid in Conservation.
Announcement has been made at thf
White House in Washington of a proposed -
posed plan for a conference looking
toward the conservation of the uatu
ral resources of North America , to b < -
held at the White House Feb. 18 next
Letters suggesting the plan have
been addressed by President Roosevelt
to the Governor General and to the
Premier of Canada and to President
Diaz of Mexico. They will be deliv
ered to the officials in person by Gifford -
ford Pinchot , chairman of the Nation
al Conservation Commission and chief
forester of the United States , whom
President Roosevelt has chosen as his
personal representative to convey the
invitations and to confer with the au
thorities of the two governments. Mr
Pinchot first will visit Canada. lie then
will carry the invitation to President
Diaz at the City of Mexico.
The proposed North American confer
ence is the outgrowth of the two con
servation conferences held In Washing
ton , In which the governors of the
States and Territories were the prlnci
pal conferees. The representatives des
ignated by the Canadian and Mexican
governments will , under the proposed
plan , consult with representatives of
the State and other departments of
this government and with the National
Conservation Commission. The main
object of the conference , as announced
will be td point out that natural re
sources are not limited by the bound
ary lines which separate nations , to de
velop a better knowledge of the natural
resources of each nation on the part of
the others , and to invite suggestions
for concurrent action for the protection
of mutual interests related to censer
Counterfeiter * Make Silver CertiJl-
cute , Miit It IN Ea.slly Detected.
A counterfeit $5 silver certificate which
appeared in Philadelphia has been discov
ered by { he secret service. It is of the
series of 1SHD and bears the portrait of
an Indian chief. Possibly the easiest
way to identify the counterfeit is by the
fact that tlse shading under the words
"United States of America' ' looks like : i
picket fence in bad repair instead of be
ing regular in its formation. Part ol
Llie note is lighter in color than that ol
the genuine , while the color of the ba'-l ?
is a trifle darker green. Some of th <
words are imperfectly formed , the words
"this certificate is receivable , ' ' being bad
ly reproduced.
Interstate Commerce Body Pleased
l j1.1,000 Fine at Little Hook.
Individuals as well as corporations ai'd
railroad companies are to be vigorously
prosecuted for rebatins , and may expect
no mercy. Great satisfaction was ex
pressed at the interstate commerce com
mission in Washington upon the receipt
of advices from Arkansas to the effect
that T. II. Hunch of Little Rock had
been fined $1.1.000 for rebating. Bunch
was indicted for receiving rebates upor.
shipments of grain from Omalui and
Kansas City to Little Rock and for ac
cepting unlawful eh ration allowances. He
pleaded guilty to ten counts and the re
maining forty were dismissed.
Fire in Moving Picture Slimv.
In a moving picture show in Thompson
street , New York , a film took fire and
the eighty persons present were thrown
into a panic. However , all escaped. The
box in which the operator of the ma
chine was stationed caught fire and the
flames spread to the second floor before
the firemen arrived and extinguished
Big Political Boss of Can rrr.-cl o
Given the KLuihmi : : * Term.
Abe Kuef. a-f the real ruler of S .11
Francisco. with tle : income of a priue.
was sentenced Tuesday to fourteen
3 ears in Sim ( Jt'cntin prison for bribery.
.fudge Lsmr : gave th- fallen boss MM-
extreme limit : ' t'i : ! avr. but the term
uill be ml- : * 5 : ' ' little over eleven
years for g-u-tl ueiiavior.
The end of the long legal battle in
the Supreme Court and the beginning
of a still longer fight in the higher
courts was devoid of spectacular inter
est. Kent' said nothing when Iw ho-inl
IMS doom , and the court omitted the
UMiai formal reflect ions , the proceed
ings being reduced to the simplest legal
formula. Immediately after sentence
n notke of appeal was filed , a certificate
of probable' cause being signed Iy the
court , which will : tct as a stay until a
lull of exceptions can be prepared.
Meanwhile Ruef will still be fighting in
Hie courts three years hence , and the
prison walls will still await him. The
conviction of Ruef , in the opjnion of
most people , is the crowning triun > 'i
of the graft 'prosecution. It wa In-
nho brought about the election of
Mayor Schmitz and ihe union I ; i or
supervisors who misused their olii r <
ind after their election it was Ri i > f
rvlm held complete coiltrol of the logis/
la tion of the city.
- jind llor SsMer on Trhil
Chitrjifd 11 it ! : KilHiiiv.
Mr < . ri-ir. : ice M. Erb and iier sKtrr.
Mrs. Catherine Keisel , were placed on
trial in tlie Delaware County Court in
Me ! iii. P.i. . rhargedia 'he murder u
Mrs. iii's lit-band. : C.iptain .T. Ciauo.i
Krb. at his coun.ry home , Red ( .
aeur Village fJreen. on fche night of Orr.
5. Captain Hrb. who was secretary to
Israel \V. Durham. Republican leader of
f liiudelphii. [ and a well-known National
txtianlMiian. was shot in a fight in wliiIi '
Mrs. ! > ; > and Mrs. Bciscl participated.
Mrs. Boisel is charged witJi having fin d
the shot , but both she and MVs. Krb
jiave licen indicted on a charge of murder.
) lrs. ! > ! > . it is alleged , quarreled with
ior husband and summoned to 3ier horn"
from a nearby hotel Mrs. Beisel , though
L'aprain Krb had served notice 10 his
jister-in-hnv not to come to the hou e
IVfieu Mrs. Beisel entered there was a
wangle , and shortly thereafter servants
Heard the cra'-hing of glnss and five shots.
Mrs. Erb. who sent for assistance , s.ild
arr sister had shot Erb , who was dead in
ihr hall near his bedroom with three
) ufts [ in hisbody. . Mrs. Beisel admitted X
iritis the shots' , bue declared slie did so in
KIf-defense. Mrs. Beisel has been in
lail , but Mrs. Erb has been out on bail.
Mnii Sentenced to Jjiil by on lieiicli.
fn the Omaha police court Mrs. Frank
Frfihab accepted an invitation from
Judge Crawford to take his place on the
Deficit while her husband was on trial
Dti a charge of abusing his wife and chil-
3rrn. "You may do whatever you please
cvith this man who has abased you. so
long as you keep within the lawml
Judge Crawford. Freihab had an atior-
005 and his trial proceeded , with his wife
acting as police judge. The accused hus
band protested that he was not guilty of
abusing his wife. "Witnesses testified
that he drank to excess , came home in
toxicated , failed to provide the necessaries
of life for his family and was frequently
cniol to them when in his cups. When
I he witnesses had testified Judge Craw
ford held a consultation with the wife.
Sfi- " decided that Freihab should be sen
tenced to one day's confinement in jail.
the minimum sentence. Judge Crawford
imposed sent "nee.
I-'nlier at Detroit Fatally Hnrt In
Effort to Ksc i > e Flames.
William McKay , a painter , who came to
J'eiroit ' , Mich. , a month aero from Cleve
land with his family , was probably- fatal
ly injured while trying to save his two
children from a fire in a rooming house
in FIi < jh street. Their escape from tin *
third floor by the stairswas cut off bv
flames. Mclviy took Edith , aged ! > . > !
liis back , and John , aged 2 , under on > ;
nrra , and lowered himself from the w in-
He hung for several minutes thirty fret
from the ground , but his strength n *
out before a ladder could reach him and
hr fell with the two little ones. McK i v *
back and both less were broken. Ivi rh
and John were comparatively nniujun 1.
Mrs. McKay jumped from the window
and sustained a broken arm.
Jnter.stn.le Commerce Hotly Pleased
liy $ I.1O } ( > Fine at Little Rock.
Individuals as well as corporations nn l
railroad companies are to be vigorou-'v '
prosecuted for rebating , and may exp > ' < t
no mercy. Great satisfaction was ex
pressed at the interstate commerce com
mission in Washington upon the rerfipt
of advice ? from Arkansas to the efVt
that T. II. Bunch of Little Kock hid
been fined $ ir ,000 for rebating. Bunch
was indicted for receiving rebates upon
shipments of grain from Omaha and
Kansas City to Little Rock and for ac
cepting unlawful elt ration allowance" . lie
pleaded guilty to ten counts and the re
maining forty were dismissed.
Yellowstone Park Snid to Cover : : i
Extensive Deposit of Fuel.
Cleveland Hilton , manager of the M'-n-
tana Coke and Coal Company of KM-
ri-'tee. says n large deposit of coal li s
lor the Yellowstone park. Speaking \
o : tht > deposits , he said : "Some day. prob
ably within the no\t twenty or forrv
jcars. the e deposits will , I believe. h *
thrown open to development and op rv
tion. I have traced outcrops of
sovcral thousand feet in the park. Then-
is no question that millions of dollars *
worth of coal and other minerals are lock
ed up in this national reserve and I look
to see them opened one day. "