Tiy This for a Severe Cough Get one bottle of Chapman's White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup and take one teaspoonful - ful every three or four Jiours. The prompt results from this simple reme dy will surprise you. It affords immediate re lief. There are many White Pine and Tar Cough Syrups but we believe ours is the best. It is put up in 4 ounce bottles tles and sells at 25c. Get a bottle today. VALENTINE. NED A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether , we pay out § 10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business , and gives you a record of every transaction. VAIETO STATE BANK VALENTINE , VALENTINE A R B E R SHOP All Jdnds of. SHAMPOOS , MASSAGES. I AND'LADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a. specialty * . HOT and COLD BATHS in connection i K Forest Shepard , Prop. I Valentine State Bank Building he JLotsp Valley Hereford Ranch. Urowniee , Nelu. f" ' o-'dier TrentV. - uinus 17th : i son < > f 17th. a half o le , a it ( i Honi'd" ! ii.- : ; 633 ahead of h r } havp about 30 head of 1907 bull calvt-s G. II. FAUMIAUKI : , H. DAI LEY , . Dentist. Office over the grocery deparmo.nl of T. C. Hornby's store. J. .W. McDANIEL , I'OUXTY KUItYKYOR Valentine - Kebr. All work will he { riven prompt and careful attention. W. H. Stratton i Dealer in MXyUK & FEED s r/l Merchandise PHONE 125 Cfr. Hall & Cath.ralentine , Nebr. JOHN F. PORATB Tubular wells and windmills , me up by Telephone. Talk of the Town Try Kazda's barber shop. George Dew was in town Mo day. Ex-Cora r. Arthur Bowring w : in town yesterday. Mrs. C'Ja.ra Johnson of Scribru is visiting homefolks this week. 0. A. Hancock and Dave Hani were up from \YoodIake Monda ; J. A. Muehan , the osteopatl has been in town several days th week. Fred Vincent and wife hav been visiting Gus Carlson's th past two weeks. Win. Fleischman of Merriraa was in town Monday on bu ines and visiting with friends. P. H. Toung , county assessor has been in town this week at t-nding to official duties. L. C Starr of Cody was in ou city Monday on business befon the county commissioners. We hear that another of Mr children has dipth * ria Mr. Cooley works at tlie mill. A M. Morrissey had business af Lincoln the pa t week. Lasl week he had a case at Bas-ett. Mralien hi.s rei-urrnnl to her daughter's , Mrs. Thorn. Mr , Thorn has purchased land near Scotts Bluff. J. A Scott , the homestead in- spt'ctt-r , IIHS returned from O'Neill uid is looking after business around town. Physiognomy , or how to read c laracter by the face alonf , to night at Bethel hall. You'll miss a treat if you stay away. Max E Viertel , the Crookston m Tenant and cashier of the Cronkslon bank , transacted bu-si- iess in our town yesterday. Wanted 150 head of cattle to feed this winter , nine miles south- v. st of Arabia. E D TUYON , ± 9-6. Woodlake , Neb. Ed Sattorlee , the Nenzel merch ant. , was in town yesterday on business at the landofficp. and look ing after other business matters. Miss Glen rioenhr went to Oma ha Tupsday to meet her mother who is returning from a several weeks visit with relatives in Mis souri. Dr. Traer's popular and humor- DU lectures , th1 piirpnology of matrimony , will be. given S.-ttur- iay evening. Look out for tree fun arid prizes. See bills Satur- iay. Several traveling .salesman II-IVP stopped in town to stay over the 3id weather and warm up In : IP mojintim * , they are visiting the iie' ' < thaiits and enjoying social ? amcs. Mrs J. C Northrop and chil- Irp.n has returned from a visit of days with a brother at where she reports hav- ir enjoyed a splendid visit during -he holidays. Dr. Traer's course'of health pcturps to ladies will begin Fri- lay afternoon at 3 o'clock A1- nittancft free. All ladies , young ind old , cordially invited. See ihe bills tomorrow. John Bichplor's residence is out ) f quarantine for diptheria and F > hn is able to mingle with thp rockm < 'n and friends about town , ilis little girl has recovered and .hfre . were no other cases in his ramily. H. H. Miller and little daughter vere in town Monday. Mr. M51- er has a homestead south of Eli tnd is teaching the Kilgore school. IP contemplates moving to Valen- ine after making final proof to iducate his children. Mrs. Mark Cyphers entertained lie Flinch club last niirht and it vas Mark's time to hide out. It vas pretty cold and there wasn't tny hay stack near so Mark prob- ibly hid away in the cellar , firing .he . furnace to keep 'em warm. 3teen to one you know. A. J. Wilson , a cattleman sou of Wood lake , was in our city la Thursday. I John Busch spent last Saturdz in town among friends. He liv near the Darr bridge. I C. G. lieadington , a Woodlat t ranchman , was transacting bu ness in town last Friday. I Dr. Meehan , osteopath , at tl Do lohwr hntpl , Monday , Wedne day and Friday each week. I j W. A. Parker , the Woodlal ; merchant and banker , was in tow last Saturday transacting busines T. J. Christopher , the auctioi neer , and his brother George ( Sime.on were in town last Srtui day. day.D. D. W Parmalee and wife an Miss Nellie DeBell drove dow from Rosebud last Saturday an * wentxeast on a visit. OrloLansing on the Niobrar south of town fell down and brok his collir bone loose from hi shoulder one day lu > & week whil out skating. F. E. lli'iff , representing Fair banks Morse & Co. , of Omaha shopped in our city .yesterday He looked over and touched uj our gasoline engine and thinks i will now run like a new enine. W. W L"ighton Ims bn i city tlie past two weeks adw.rti- ing for Dr. Traer , the phrenolo gist lecturer who is now entertain ing the people each evening al Bethel hall. Mr. Lcighton is a checker player and thus far has the best of the local players. W. P. Steele of Crawford was in our city last Friday and visited our office in search of a game oi chess. We spent several pleasant hears with him and had to take the consolation games of checkers for those he won off us in chess. Mr. Steele is a stock shipper. Clint Dotson took his family up to Hay Springs last Saturday night , where Mrs. Dotson and the children will visit fora few xveeks with hpr relatives and then more to Crawford where the family v/ill residp , to-be more centrally locat ed on the territory covered by Mr. Dotson as traveling repre sentative of the International Har vester Co. Dr. Traers course of lectures new b ing given at Bethel hall are proving to be both entertaining ind instructive. Considering the severity of the wp/ifcher they are Deing we.ll attended ami everybody eemwell pleased. This > eem- ; course ) f lectures Is something np.w in alentinii and oug it to be. enc > ur- iged by our best people. Dm't tail to take them in. See the pro grams. Fiivsupes have been put up Dn the school building leading to : lKi ground from the second story windows on the east and west sides. It would now be a proper ilring to train coming down the ire escapes when the weather is ivarm and learn how to reach the jround safely and orderly. This .raining will also be'Valuable to jhildren in other places whpre .hpy . might happen to be in case if fire. They will be taught to ) bserve the fi e escapes. Bob McGcier came near having in explosion last Friday night vhile trying to fill the gasoline ank of his hot water ( heater. He bought the gasoline tank was .bout empty and shut off the burn- ir and proceeded to fill the tank , nd when through set the can lown a few feet away. The blaze lad not gone out in the meantime , nd was burning low with a Hick- Ting light when Bob returned to dace the heater on the back bar , nd with a fhsh the drippings , bout the oil tank which was well illed exploded and flamed up round the tank. Bob was worse cared than hurt but he can't un- erstarid yet why the flickering ight dida't ignite the gasoline diile he was filling the tank. It /as a narrow escape , for had the ! xplosion occurred instant ' an ear- ier the oil can in Bob's hands ' pould also * have exploded. ! \ r,1 . . , ' . Old Crow , All Leading- Hermitage Brands and Bottled Guehen- Under the heimer Supervision Rye of the Whiskeys. U. B. Gov. We also handle the Budweiser Beer. taruaa * JOHN G. STETTER , Propr. Recently we have added a large line of Trunks , Suit Cases , Steamer Trunks Telescopes and Traveling Bags Before going on your trip look over our assortment and purchase what you need. We guarantee our goods to be the best and at the lowest prices in the city. © © o cPvooC uCo ' * - By R. H. WATSON Geraldine Trace well of the clas ? ' 07 made a pleasant call at oui home last Sunday evening before returning to her teaching in Cody Miss Gordon stopped over ii Chadron Monday to attend tin funeral of a cousin who hid dipr very suddenly. Mary Easier taught her , room on that day. ? selda Hocfs , who spent part ol last year in the ninth gradp of tin Valentine schools , visited friend < in Valentine last week and went west on Sunday morning's train , enroute to McCann where she is teaching this year. Mae Cavanaugh , who was a member of the freshman class in Valentine a few years ago and who now has a position in the Neligh schools , spent her holidays in Crookston. She seems to be having excellent success with her work at Neligh. Alma Carlson , who has been at home for the past year , has ac cepted a position at St. Mary's Mission for Indian girls. U'e be lieve that this is a case of the right person in the right place and that Miss Carlson will give mo > t excellent satisfaction in her new position. We understand that Ora Hoop er is to give a talk at the npxt teachers' meeting to be held in Valentine about the exhibits at the corn show. These young ladies should feel proud to have had thp privilege of entering this class and we have no doubt they have de rived much benefit therefrom. On Tuesday morning of thi- week , Laurentia Haley ga\e to the high school an excellent talk ibout her experiences in the cook ing school in connection with ihp Omaha corn show. She says that ) f 60 girls in the class 57 roomed in one house and we must imagine what a jolly time they had , thrre if the members of the class b < > inir Omaha girls and went to theii respective homes. For Sale Six-room house , stable for SPVPII lead of horses , granary and hav itable ; 3ne 4-room house , corn crib ami stable , city water in both houses. Must be sold soon , part time , part iash , or will take young heavy , eam as part payment. P. 1 < \ Simons , Sparks Neb. , or I , M. , Valentine" , Neb. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , PorCwt. Per Ton Bran , sacked § 1 05 § 20 01 Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 01 Corn , sacked 1 20 28 01 Oats , sacked 1 50 29 0 < Chop Corn , sacked 1 25 24 0 ( Chop Feed , sacked U 0 27 0 ( Ssi\vynr Oasis , Nebr < ! . Iv. Sawvcr lia : har-u of ih-.si lth . II rsc ? * O' > It * ilc r left sii ll > rs s ? onT \T Lu\d and Fee tm < c ? ! ' Rifjjiinis rn-s win ( ii.ointo ! k , V Olias < ! Jamison Srvvi ; f ras Oartlr t > rHiilei m a ay ijj-.rt ol'unni-i. A1 O til-1 fdt'filVII i ' + jfa * varr * branded tb same Bauye between -Or&oii on lilt t'.Ji. A V V. , K H aio llynniiison M. II U in Vnrt'nv 'st'-i : Vt' > r. IJ.V-tr.HTr tthillviJDS. lilNwor.h , N Mir. Eat at the "Karchers' Hrm r , meals 25 cents. Lunches a spec ialty. J. BIIADSIIAW , Prop. Sandy Griswold in Sunday's World-Herald , Jan. 3 , gives an extended write-up of the Burns- Johnson fijiht and seems to think Johnson is it. He doesn't think anybody will take the champion ship away from him for awhile. If Jim Ji'flYies sh HI Id come to the front he might mike it warm for awhile but perhaps he doesn't want to fight any more. The eyes of the world will turn to and the cheers of nations will greet a champion to defeat Johnson. Who will do it ? Some of our people are enjoy ing th < > lectures of Dr. Traer the phrenologist which are given nightly at Bethal Hall. Each night two or three persons are called up for examples and the Doctor causes many a broad smile as he tells the character of aach individual whom he has never seen before with the accur acy of detail that permits of no ioubt that he knows considerable ) f his subject. He has made a ? tudy of this work for 50 y ars ind it is worth while to spend a few evenings with him. Beside ihe fun there is instruction worth learning. The first , night Go.orjje Graskill and I M. Uic ? wont up to ; tart the fun and exhibition , and' last night Mr. White and Josh Flitt wont up to bo examined As Jach striking characteristic of the person was told the audience au hed heartily. bblLDilNG TIME NOW and the selection of Lumber for tlie purpose is a matter of great importance. There is . ALL KINDS OF LUMBER .on the market , both good and bad. Only the good kinds has found its way into our yards , 'it will pay to let us furnish an estimate on your next bijl. Remember , we carry first class stock. rCo. T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. Will meet all calls phone or mail. Versed on pedigreed stock. Valentine Nebraska Prices are what 3iI we are talking Now Our stock is complete. BiSHGP & YOUNG , Pouring Prosperity ii a Paoctore. Evct- see a drunken man trying to 111 a bottle Vv-ith the bottom broken tut ? It's a great waste , aucl it looks nightjsiily. . But it's no more foolish and no more wasteful than for a sober min to or- .cct Uis town to f.l ! up v.-Jti pry ; : c UKl bubble over \viih [ iroiperityvLoi ic is continually porhg .his dollars ate tlie v.-jilo worhl outs : * THROUGH L'HE MAIL OKIii ! Ii ; . .2 In tlie bot- oui of his hoae-to\vii. MOIIAL : Patronize ho.rre JaJuntrics.