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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1909)
L r I * AT J. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor. MARK ZAIII Foreman. Entered at the postollice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second i Class iMatter. ! TKRMS : Chprrv . J $1-00 Per year in advance : Uierry njt pai ( ] jn advance > 3 $ L5 ° ICrvcar in ad Fnrpio-n - t oreigll continued at expiration if not renewed. * 15c Pcr inch cach isue' b-y contract Arlv HicinoPifpc - Advertising Kaies { Tranicnfc adv 20c per inch ; Iocais 10ca iine. Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents per inch , net. Local noticc = obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue f cents per line each insertion. THURSDAY , JANUARY 7 , 1909. Cocoa door matts at. Frank Fischer's hardware. 52 Rev. Clark of Rosebud spent Sunday in our city and visited with Rev. Wells. Wm. Thunder Hawk and wife came down from Crookston this morning on business and returned on the freight. Frank Fischer's trunk and suit case advertisment will interest everyone who travels. Look for it. 52 Miss Mary VanOrsdal started back to her parental home in In diana Sunday morning in response to a telegram stating that her father was seriously ill. F. C. Metzger and wife came clown from Merriman Monday and went out to P. H. Young's ranch to visit a couple of weeks before going to their new home in Mon tana where Mr. Metzger has pur chased a ranch. J. E. Thackrey and his four children and Miss Cora returned from Kansas last night. The lit tle girl Eleanor WHS to Ivive stay ed with Mrs. DcW.vke br.l slu- cried to come back with her yap- and Aunt Cora so she was permit ted to have her choice. U.S. YiVrithor Itsiix-ats B for weekKmliwj ; . ? rin. 3 > . Daily mean temperature 19 ° . Normal | -22 ° . Highest 51 ° , lowest -14 ° . Precipitation 0.02 of an inch. Total precipitation from March 1st ( the crop season ) to date was IS.98 inches and the average f < > same period for 20 years i21.44 TBADC THE WASHER TJ1 AT WASHES How Can We Save Money and Labor ? By getting the Xeostylo washing machine the washer that washes Costs nothing you save it in the wear and tear of the clothe ? . Takes one-half the. time , one half the water , one-half the fuel , one- third the labor and one-eighth the wear of any other washing ma chine made. May be seen at F F. Kalya's , Valentine , Neb. For full particulars or for demonstra tion at your home , write A. J. JOUDAN , ] ' . ) Arabia. Nebr. Judge Quigley took the o-ith of office Monday and is now county jud _ ' < > of Chi rry cnunly. Hi' has : irp-Hv ! married D couple frr m tl e j-p-ervafion n l .Ira * --U'.lpd coi.- isixlerabklher Ivgal 1 , , N. S. Rowley came in Sunday and today is installed as county commissioner of this county. Geo. Russell came down the first of the week and attended to duties with James Mone and Alf. Morris un til last night when he went home. We have heard no complaint against Mr. Russell and he goes home without a scar or blemish upon his record as county com missioner. Mr. Rowley enters upon his duties as the people's representative , and with James Mone of Cody and Alf. Morris of Woodlake pretty centrally repre sent the county. Cr > J CL."Pr.urTE BEKCH. Broker. Eow Democrat Name : ! by Gov- erncr Ettelcfcr to Succeed Sullivan. Lincoln , Jan.i. . Governor Sheldon appointed J. R. Dean of Broken Bow to the \acaney on the supreme bench caused ty the resignation of Judge Suihvan. Mr. Dean notified the gov ernor of his acceptance by long dis tance telephone and v/as on hand for the of court today. Judge Dean's name \vas suggested to the governor by a Custer county delegation shortly after Judge Sulli van's resignation. The new judge is a Democrat having come through the Populist party. He was for two terms county attorney ot Custer county , hav ing been elected on the Populist tick et He has been a resident of Broken Bow : 'or the past'eisliteen or twenty years and lias acquiieu a comfortable competence in the practice of law. His lanr.iy consists of a wife and two childion. Pathetic Death of Hastings Girl , Hastings. Neb. , Jan. 4. Katherme I-Iugh ° 3 wr.3 one of the happiest little girls in Hastings Christmas morning , when she learned of the arrival of a little brother. She had been told to save her pennies and she might re ceive the gift she so much coveted. This she did. accumulating 190 pen nies , which she insisted on the physi cian taking as his fee for the gift. Her happiness * was so great that she became ill and has just died in con vulsions. It is considered one of the saddest incidents which hasever oc curred in Hastings. Her father , Z. H. Hughes , and his wife are prominent residents. Sheriffs Want Higher Salaries. Grand Island , Neb. , Jan. 1. Higlior salaries were advocated by all the sheriffs of Nebraska who attended the state convention here. These higher salaries were advocated especially for : he officials in the smaller counties. The next convention will be held in Omaha. The following officers were erected : President , James Dunning , Grand Island ; vice president , J. N Babb , Nance county ; secretary , H. S. Page , Fillmore. Tots F.n Away From Horr.e. Beaver City , Neb. , Jan. 1. Three children of G. W Hudson , the oldest ten yeais of age. v/ere found at a farm hoube seven miles from town , follow ing their disappearance- from home The youngsters in a spirit ol adven ture had run away fioia tlmir home and tramped more than ten miles be fore they wer < ? overtaken. The young est of the three , a mere baby , was hauled in an express wagon by the two oloer children. Nebraska Has Great Year. Omaha. Jan 1. Statistics for the year show it to be the greatest in the history of Nebraska despite the semi- panicky conditions which prevailed. The bank clearings for Omaha , which reflect the amount of business done in Nebraska , show an increase of more than filteen millions for the y ar. while the receipts of livestock iuid the transaction of business in oth- fjr lnes : show a corresponding increase , i Aged Nebraska Woman Arrested. Washington , Jan. 4. Mrs. May Ran- cla. aged eighty-nine years and claim ing Niobrurzi , Nt'b. , as her homo , was placed under arrest because she want- - . ' } to see President Roosevelt about Lo'nvj land titles , which she thought he inl-Thl liavo knowledge" of. Mrs. Ran- la. says her Jato husband was a friend 3f the president , who knows all { xbout the land deal. Thirty-first Session oi Leglsfo- lure Convenes at Lincoln , IMPORTANT MEASURES , One of First Quccticns to Corns Up Is Whether Joint Committees Wil Craft Platform Pledges Into Gills. Inauguration of Shuller.bcrc2r ; Lincoln , Jan. 5. The Thirty-lit r. . session of the Nebraska convened at noon today , with Charles YV. Pool of Johnson county as speaker of the house and Trennure Cone oi Saunders as chief clerk , in stn- ate G. W. Tibbets of Adanio countj was selected lor president pro ura and \Yiliiam H. Sn/.ii ci ticwani co in- ty secretary , the body Lanig or an ized with a Itul Uemociatic set oi officers. Thursday Governor Elect Shallon- bovger will be inaugarated into and Governor Sheldon , Nfcbiaci.hs first native son to ba elected chiet executive of the state , will rttiio to i private life Both tic inccminj ; rud the outgoing executive will deliver their messages to a joint sjooion of the legislative body held in the house. In honor of Governor Elect Sluillou- bergcr a ball will be given in the state house Thursday night , following a re ception , in which the receiving line will be composed of the- new and re tiring govcrnois and their wives , and the incoming anj the outgoing state officers and their wives. The colonels recently appointed on Governor Elect Shallenberger's staff will be on hand in brand new uniforms and their duty will be to mix with tha crowds , while the Alma company and the two Lin coln companies of the National Guard will act as special guards of honor during the evening. The reception will be hold in repre sentative hall and the ball in the sen ate chamber , which is smaller , though considered safer for dancing. Committees May Draft Bills. One of the very first questions the legislature will dispose of is whether joint committees of the house and senate will be selected to draft plat form pledges into bills. The last legis lature , which had a number of plat form pledges to carry out , adopted this mode of procedure , and some oi the members of that legislature who are also members of this , are in favor of the plan. Others , however , prefer to leave each member iree to intro.- duce bills without being handicapped by any action committees may take. The bills which may be drafted by special committees are those providing for the guaranty of bank deposits and for the valuation of physical property of railroads and other public utility corporations. The fact that ideas re- garrling these measures are so differ ent has create-l some sentiment for the selection of joint committees to whip the various suggestions into bills. Estimates of Appropriations. The estimates of expenses of the state government and the cost of pro posed new buiKIirr-s which the legisla ture will b ? rallpfl upon to appropriate is in the neighborhood of $1,000,000 more tban the appropriations of the last legislature , \\hich topped the high water mark. ' The estimates of needed appnprla- tions now on file , which do not include special appropriation bills which wilt be introduced , total $ o,579,543. Of this sum , $ -598-J53 is for proposed perma nent improvements and $1,772,528 for cunuu exponoL.5 and $ J,3jSGGl for tlm school apc ; tIcs ! ii.iJl. Reqr.es3 ! for the largest appropriations - ! tions for permanent improvements i come from the Kearney normal school : and Jrom the institute for the feeble ' minded youth at Beatrice. The normal , school asks for $ ! ; ftooo for aMitions } to the present bul'.iing an.l Hie feeble minded institute lor $108ouo for new buildingi ? . ! n addition to these estimates tiled the > --tate board of agriculture will ahk for n large appropriation for the pur pose of erecting a live stock pavilion a sfeel grandstand and a machinery hall. In its statement to the public the board announced that it would re quire at least $100,000 to construct any one of the proposed buildings. It is possible that this board \vll ask only for a sum sufficient to cutiaMuci one of the buildings this year. Since the fair has been located in Lincoln the state has appropriated ; i lotal of $08,000 for permanent improvements , the buildings and other improvements on the gr.ounds having been paid for out of the proceeds of the state fair. Telephone Legislation Likely. Following a conference with repre sentatives of all the telephone com panies of the state with the state rail way commission1 scheduled for Jan. 15 at Lincoln it is probable some tele phone legislation wiI ) be recommended j to the lawmaking body. U. G. Powell , rate clerk in the office of the commis sion , has an idea which will be dis cussed at that meeting , regarding the charges of telephone companies. Mr. Powell will advocate the installation of meters on each telephone which will record the acliul time the tele phone is used. The charge then is to be haye-i on the tS'iio Mr. Powell has not workeJ cut the details of hi ? plan , but expects the telephone men to cou- iributo iioinG ideas regarding tue ' charge that should fcc-cis-io. . : uln * > . One veo little \.o. . . . . . . c. the cause 01 much ue.-.iLc : au * .o.i iu- erable fighting in this legislature , and that word is 'immediate. " 'iiie n - twill will come over whetner that word shall be used in the proposed bill wi.iCh wJl provide ; or the yjuianiy of bank uei.ositd A very lai e num ber oj the members insist taat pay ment to depositors of money in a ue- iunct bank should be paid immeuiaie- ly. " Others believe that to pay tiit-m ' promptly" will do as well. Vvhile it is impossible at this time to get a line on the sentiment accurately , the mem bership seems to be pretty evenly di vided whether "immediate" or "prompt" payments should be provid ed for. Ivlr. Bryan has announced that he favors "immediate" payment , while tlicse who oppose this , and the num ber includes Dr. P. L. Hall , insists that the platform calls for "prompt" pay ment and the bill should follow the platform literally. This question loomed up as a very important factor in the fight over the organization of the house , as the vari ous candidates ior speaker were al most evenly divided on the question. Some held that "immediate" payment meant the day or the next day after the bank closed its doors , without even an investigation of its accounts , while others contended that "prompt" payment meant anywhere irom ninety days to longer. The question is yet to be settled. The Nebraska reference library has not yet moved into the state house , though announcement was made some time ago that it would be on hand with all kinds of information for the members. Owing to the great demand for more room by the state house offi cials because of the increase in the membersuip of the supreme court and the fact that each ot them needed an office in the capitol , no room has yet been set apart for the library. Two years ago this reference library was in charge of A. E. Sheldon of the Ne braska Historical society , and he fur nished information regarding legisla tion in other states and statistics for the use of members. No Lobbyists Registered. Up to the time of the organization of the legislature not a single person had registered as a lobbyist. Nebraska has an "anti-lobby" lav/ , which re quires that every person , other than an agent or a town or city or public board or institution , v/ho attempts to influence legislation shall register his name with the secretary ot state and announce what measures he id inter ested in and wnat corporation or inter est he represents. The law provulos that the lobbyist can appear betcre committees , file briefs or speak through the newspapers to the legis lators and no other way. For him to talk to the individual members ivgard- ing legislation is a violation ot tnis law , punishable by a fine or imprison- nient. It provides further that at the close of the legislature , within twenty days , he must file with the secretary of state an itemized statement show ing his expenses for the session. Considerable interest attaches to the practical working of this law , and some of the members of the last legis Jature , which enacted it , are very much divided' to its efficacy in abel jshing the lobby. So far , however , the indications are the lobby will not be as numerous as Jn the past. This is said to be due to the fact that the big interests of the state , which are liable to be affected by legislation , will merge their affair and provide one chief lobbyist , who will look after all corporation legisla tion. The next few days , however , will develop more about the lobby. Wants Half Holiday for Workers. Fred Humphrey , a new member from Lancaster county , has in preparation a bill in which he is very much interest' ed. Mr. Humphrey is anxious to give the working iian more time in which to enjoy lite , so 1.0 proposes to make every Saturday afternoon a legal half holiday. Representative Thomas of Douglas county will shortly introduce a meas ure to eliminate from the business of the state that of the chattel loan agent. The numerous suits filed by John O. Yeiser of Omaha against the loan agents and the exposures incidental thereto inspired Mr , Thomas to get up his bill. As a further protection of wild game Jn Nebraska , Deputy Game Warden Carter will recommend to the legisla ture the enactment of a law which will prohibit foreigners or persons not naturalized from carrying firearms. The legislation will be aimed directly at the Italian and Greek laborers now being used in the construction of ndw railroads According to Mr. Carter , those laborers use no judgment in the game they kill and pay no attention to I be game laws. Proposed New Capitol. During the last few weeks there hac- been considerable discussion over tlus legislature making a start toward' thv erection of a new capitol buildin ; . The sentiment for this has crystalline , to a certain extent and it is barelpo bible that an appropriation may 1- piftdo for a start on tiie building. The last legislature made an apprr priation for a start on a new state h. loriral building , which will be eroc : Across the street east of the capitc. . The historical society will again b Ijefon ; the legislature for another a - ( iropriation to build the first story/ It ip contemplated to make this building : ott ; a large sum. Some of the mem- h.ers contend the historical society have a place in the proposed capitol , while others contend this ue\v structure is too far in the distance 'or the historical society to wait on it. H. H. P" LPO T. -.J- . . - . - , . . , . . . . N. * - V GRANT Y E R , * ; CARPENTER & BUILDER All kinds of wood work done tonrW. Stork tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , mox 72 Nebraska References : M.v Many Customers. s A : e Go to the Stock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. Ship your Live Stock to UE CO. , SO. OMAHA OR CHICAGO ISTo shipment too larjje an I none too small to receive the most careful attention. Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled by members of the firm. Each man's stock soM on their merits and a square deal guaranted to all. Write us for the market uaper and our special market letters , which we send .yon fr e of charge. H A\ios SNYDER , Hoar Salesman. MATT MALOVE ) Cattle GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. Tuos. J. DONAHUK f Salesman. New Hotel. Electric Lights. Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. G 111 NEAR DEPOT MRS. 8. A. SEARS , P-'opr. , Valentine , lSTebr. Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains. B ery ROBERTSON ft CO , PROPRS. Gent's Furnishings and Clothing Valentine , N ib. , Nov. 23 , 1908. Gentlemen. We wish to call your atten tion to the fact thr.t we are going to manufacture all suits here in the fu ture and all our help has had years of experience in cutfr'ng and fitting. You need not hesitate in leaving your ord ers for they will have our prompt at tention and immediate service. Our cutter has had 35 years < service cutting and fitting. Cleaning , Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. Phone 122. : : Valentine , Nebr. AUCTIONEERING Done in the most satisfactory manner ! Largest prices for the seller and honest , deali g with the bidder ! Ua thebe terms T. U . Cramer solicits your patronage. Graduate of Missouri Auction School , August term. 46 W. CRAMER - VALE.\TI . E , NES.