Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 31, 1908, Image 5

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,3 , i 0
h .U. 6.
B 1
Promotes a healthy
growth of hair by re
moving the , dandruff
and nourishing the roots
of the hair. It will not
discolor the hair nor is
it greasy. It was se
lected by a National
Committee of Druggists
I as the best formula for
the growth and preser
vation of the hair.
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out 810 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
All kinds of.
< ,
Shampooing a specialty. ,1
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection
Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
'heLonp ' Vallej Uerefeid Hanch.
So'dier Creek f 'ol-
s 17th lfit'05" ' .
a. son of Coliimiins
17th. a half hrother
of the SlO.OOot ain-
nion Ole. . a n d
Pruii-t- Hoat-d'-l 131.-
C93 ai head ol herd
I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves
for sale.
Office ove.r the jrrocer.v deparmont
of T. C. Hornby's store.
V -ntine -
All work will he piven prompt
and careful attention.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
liurge , 3 ? * i r
Tubulartwells and windmills.
i lip by Telephone.
Talk of the Town.
Try Kazda's barber shop. tf
W. E. Cady of Cascade was in
town Monday.
Wm. Erickson of Kennedy was
in town Monday.
j J. W , Daniels was in town Mou-
day after buildiujj material.
David llanna of Woodlake was
in town on business Monday.
Leonard Beel returned from a
visit to his folks in Iowa last Fri
Mrs. O'Conner and children de
parted Sunday morning for Grand
G. A. Waggoner and Grant
Welker of Woodlake were Valen
tine visitors Monday.
Louie Stetter came down from
Crawford Sunday raorniLjj to visit
a few days in town.
MrFlorton carao down from
Mi'mmnnIon ! a to VIMI In r
sister , Mis CJIuuiliKrrct'
O D. Carvy , who \ \ & < been on
his annual | PIV , relumed to his
duties at the Boirduig school yes
W. S Jarkson h is gne hack to , 111 , in response to a
menge announcing the death of his
Geo. L. A.vors , who has been
working temporarily as carpenter
at the Boarding School , has re
turned home.
Miss Fannie Thackrey came
down from Rapid City , S. D. ,
Monday and went out to visit her
sister , Mrs. C. S. Ixeece.
Chas Reece drove to town with
the Thackrey family Sunday and
returned Monday , taking Miss
Fannie Thackrey and Miss Ilorton.
Miss Mina Noble , who has been
here on a vi it with here sister
Mrs Judge Walcott , went down
to Lincoln Sunday to visit another
Wm. Fugate was in town last
Saturday evening and tells us that
he is going to have a wrestling
match up at Kilgore with Lee
Hand Wednesday night , Jan 6.
Chas. Latta came to town Tues
day and looked well and hearty
again. Lie had a sick spell on his
way home from town la t Wednes
day but thinks he's all right now.
! Percy Shock ley , civil mining
engineer of Monterey , N. M. , has
been here the past few weeks vis
iting his father and mother at Ft.
Niobrara and returned to his duties
GPO. Cyphers departed Sunday
morning for New York City where
he will vi it his sister who is grow
ing old and wanted him to come.
Mi5 ? Allm visited there several
months la t winter.
[ 1. R Shockley , deputy sup-r-
vi or of Forestry , stationed t
Ilalsey this state , spent a few
days the past week visiting with
M'jor Shockley and wife at the
Fort , retaining home Sunday.
Dr. U. E. Traer on Human
Science will commence a course of
lectures on Tuesday evening , Jan.
5 , at S o'clock , in Bethel hall , Val
entine , of Phrenology , Physiology ,
Physiognomy and the Laws' of
Life and Health. Admission the
first two lectures free. Every
body cordially invited.
Frank Reed , a Cherry county
Kinkaider , is home on a visit
which will last till after the holi
days. All of the colonists from
this way seem to be well and pros
perous. Mr. and Mrs A. P. Lar
son expect to spend Christmas
with their son , Andrew , in Cher
ry county. Newman Grove Re
Dr. Major A. W. Shockley , for
a number of years with the Tenth ,
Twenty-second and Twenty-fifth
Infantry while they were stationed
at Fort Niobrara , and well-known
to Valentine and Cherry county
people , is now at Fort Wright ,
Spokane , Wash. , and has recently
been promoted to major surgeon
'in the U. S. A.
Oeo. I ) . IlugginK and YankO'Bry-
on are in town thin week.
VVm. Steadman is reported very
sick but is some better tnan a few
days ago.
Eat at the "Ranchers' Florae ,
meals 25 cents Lunches a spc -
ialty. J. BUADSIIAW , Prop ,
Wanted 150 head of cattle to
feed this winter , nine miles southwest -
west of Arabia. E D. TRYO.V ,
49-6 Woi-dlake - , NVb.
Karl Lurz \Voodlake was
transacting busine-s in our town
i | yesterday of a real estate nature.
Karl Luiz , sr , was in town last
The Bank of Crooks ton has been
organized with C. H. Cornell , presi-
j den ; M. V. Nicholson , vice president -
; ( dent ; Max E. Viertel , cashier , and
' C. H. Vanden , assistant cashier.
' Ten thousand dollars is the capital
stock and they have just completed
j a bank building and installe-1 a good
set of fixtures. Th open for
bu iii" \ . , .la.i. 4 , 1909
GE. . Ba rd , rh" prsnioi MM ihp
New Era is an OneuLt Indim rec-
! entl.v come Mere fr iu Philidelphia
were he folUiwi-d ihe printing
trade. He W-IN in imvn Pu sda\
and called at our ofKee. PinXe.w
Era is printed at ihe Hoa duiir
SCii M > 1 by the Indian ! M.\S and edi
ted by Supt. Staiiion. 'The paper
is self supi o 'ting but the primer
m charge leceives a salary as an
instructor and is appointed thru
the civil service.
Mrs. Grace Geddes came down
t > Valentine from Bonesteel , S.
D. , to file on 640 acres in the
western part of Cherry county.
Mrs. Geddes is teaching school
near Bonesteel and may teach in
this county next year when she
moves onto her section of sand
hills which will join with a section
her mother has taken and with a
section joining this her uncle ,
John Coleman , has taken. Mrs.
Geddes is a sister of A. M Church ,
one of the newspaper boys.
Ed. Richards.
Ed Riohards WHS birn February ,
1864 , in Wales and came with his
parents TO America when he was
eight years old.
When Ed was 17 or 18 years old
he was interpreter for the ,
while his faher was Issue Clerk at
Lower Brule agency. Later Eii
went to work in the cattle business
as a cow puncher , and for a number
of years worked for the Ogallalla
Cattle comp my , representing them
in the roundups and traveled over
the western part of this state and
E-istern Wyoming. Western South
Dakota and into Montana. He
later worked for John Bratt in the
same capacity , and about 12 years
ago started in for hini- elf with 80
head of Texas cows near Irwin.
S.mie years later he came do\vn to
Kennedy and for a\vhite run his
hed west of Dan Sears' ranch , then
moved to his present ranch eisfc of
He joined the M. W. A. some
- * and carried § 2,000
y-ars ago , in
surance for his family a wife and
f jur children. He also belonged to
t ie Masonic fraternity who took
charge of his funeral , which was
hdld in Valentine Sunday afternoon
at the M. E. church and the funeral
sermon was preached by Rev. Baker.
Ed Richards had a large circle of
friends. All the old time cattle
men knew him. The large attend
ance at his funeral was not only as
acourttsyto the departed friend
hut because of friends who mourned
his death. The country has lost a
citizen ; friends have lost a counse
lor and a comrade , the wife has lost
a valuable and loving husband and
the children a devoted father.
We'll all miss him. He's been
called away sooner than we expect
ed hut death conies to all and plucks
the apparently strong and rugged
ones , often passing by the frail.
A brother , R.chard J. h'ic.hard
came no to attend the funeral. He
lives nt Hartington with his moth
er. Ed was down to see them rec
ently and only a couple of weeks
before his death he was on our
streets , cheerful and strong as he
responded to onr "Hello Ed. "
Old Crow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
t _ ,
"Guchen- Under fche
heimer Supervision
Rye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. Gov.
"We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
On Sunday-next , Jan. 3 , there
will be the usnal services at St
John's Episcopal church , I ) th
morning and evening.
St. Nicholas Church.
In Arabia on New Y..r'D
Jan. 1 , 1909 , at 10 a. m sir rp
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank the kind
friends and neighbors whoso kind
ly assisted us in the burial of onr
bfloved son and brother , Ross F.
Petty crew.
Wes Massingale Murdered
Eldorado , A'k. , Doc 23. C.
W. Massingale , aged 50 years , of
Valentine , Neb. , who has been
here for several months wa rob
bed of about 8200 Wednesday
night and killed. His body was
found yesterday near the school
house in Eldorado. Lee L Combs ;
a farmer living about four miles
from here , who was arrested in
Little Rock last Summer , said fo
Ivive been charged with larcenv ,
is held in connection with the kill
ing. State Journal.
Sheriff Rosseter Alert.
Sheriff Rosseter is ever on the
alert to catch a criminal when he
gets after him , Orvill Wilson was
wanted for horse srealing in tlie
west part of the county and when
the sheriff went after him he skip
ped out Learning that Wilson's
relatives lived at Lincoln and be
lieving that he would drop in dur
ing the holidays , Sheriff Rosier
took a wnrranfc down to Lincoln
recently when he went down with : i
prisoner and placed it in the hands
of the sheriff of Lancaster county
and instructed him to keep watch
and Monday a message came that ,
he had him. Rosseter is now bring
ing Mr. Wilson up from Lincoln to
answer to the charge of horse steal
ing which may result in his being
taken back pret y near his home.
The Savage Fuel Co.
Two .years ago Ex-Governor E.
P Savage and son , II. S. Savnire ,
engaged in the fuel business a
their present location , buyinjj a
ite of six lots with railroad traH.-
atre on Adams and 60th streets
Up to the advent of this firm's
birth , South Tacoma had at times.
experienced fuel famines in tin
winter season , because the othei
dealers had not sufficient capital
or anticipated the amount of fuel
required to supply the people'-
wants. This new firm has at ail
times carried over 1000 cord.ol
dry wood in their yards and have
leased tej additional lots for stor
age of same. Six teams are kept
busy all the time with eioht to
twelve men employed in handling
the business. Besi-Ies dealing in
fuel , they supply all kinds of
building material , lime , cement ,
brick and gravel and do a general
contracting in heavy team work.
The payroll o the firm averages
§ 500 per month. South Tacoraa
Prfegs. 1
] is printed for folks who want to
keep up to date on big things ,
and who don't want to be bored
to death while they're at it.
So its chinks are filled with
good stories , good sentiment ,
and good humor.
\ Read the publishers' talk this
\ month , and you'll see just
where we stand.
TerCwt. Per Ton.
SH v\et Bros.
Oisis , Nebr
G. K. Pa
cattle. II r * > c
NT hraska Land arid Feeding do
llidwrrts Pres Will < 4Comtoek , V. f
( 'has C Jamison Se-i&Trea-
aij part ofaninml
a - < o tl : * followm ,
Hi .
GI. i'ti the F.I
V , It K .11
i'i "VT. R U in Xorthw-st TH Ne ! > r
BA.'tT..KlT KIO1I UIDS. Jillswon.ii , Aebr.
Contest Notice.
U S. Land Ollice. Broken Mow. Nebr-ska i
December 2. I'JOS t
A sufllci'Mit contest aftl'lrivir having ( teen lilt'il
in t us o.tlce. l y 'Va'ter ' W. Teeter , m u-tant ,
against liiiiu 'will e rrv fin. UTS1) ma-ie
ill : i'l 19 M for inn * . invse , .sv.'L'Mi'ii 2T ,
I1W , Ml'MV. V. SeCtlOll - tml U-llll | 25 , I'jlll O 31.
b. II.IM-I II > \\t' nev cunt. st--- . inlncli H
is Hr < : Hi that saiil cl has never rcsiai-d
i"ii tn tivaHil or nnpr iVfM said lr-ie foi
in if Man < iinoiiiii - . I i t iia-.r. th.t' lie hi *
> \io ! ! > y a an < l IM - s nil * i il tli.ti < l'iiii > nt
in iiiil.ti'ii a residon pf elscwtier Mian n --alii
rac . that jtll th ai > > v ane eil defects e\ibt
at this d itf ami have i'ot i-een cnre > t.
aid i'atti--s an * lu-rfbi nouliMl to at > i > nr
i f-sp (1 'I'Ml oflcr e i-U ncu touch-.IT s li alle a-
F on .it 10 oVoc'\ ! . in on . ! > .i ) > t ii'N lit H 0r > t e-
or-.j l i. Walton , U > . ( ; i : iiini > - > i'iiier. Aliillt'ii
ul ) . . anil tnr tinal hearing \vill ht-M
'tt l" ( i rloi-k a. in. on .lann rj -J. iKi : > i e
lu'-filu- ij > ftranil : teceiver .it HiI'utleci
Stateami tliliff in I'.roken I'.ow. elra k-i.
T-"e stii contestant havinir , in aproper ath
lavit li ( ! \ ' \i-niiiui "S.l'.iUijet lortn la-ts
\vhici ! shi v\ that t-r due diligence j ) Tvniai
e > 'vice ofli's none- cannot be in < ie , it is
h -re > v ordered an-i airect thasuch notice be
uivn by < lueand \ < > o > -nblic-tiion. { .
IS 4 'Ipll I'AHICS iif-i'.KUltY , Uece\
Sheriff Sale.
IJy virtue of an orler of salisMUd by he
! rK nt tin * n ti c emir' 01 ( lu-rrv. ( o. , > e' > -
rabK i , l > eeini > er 15 , llu n ! e" a ( it-i- o
inotijja e oie"i ) > tii - \\heifin Fie i rielc H
> 'linii/ \\as 1'ai ul niid tt. M.d'yioii n
I' ail t'lujtoii , suit.r S U't > nv-.t .in-l lilt
I. one-t. ins * w ie Kr > nK 1'fa e : aid Nori
fearlu - > ui.e , and Lh irles Uoire tfe dee -
e ants. v
Iwill el at the front dotr of'he conn lioi
n Vaieniine. Ctifiry roim y. Nehr.i lv.i.
neiiiU lilt- i nildiiii : wiieie the U t I TIH o1 - " . . !
miiiasii 11 , on tti oJUii y ot January
I.MI * . ! ill 10 oYloi k V AI. to iatist > iiidunifiii uf
; 1902.ii at it M ( > er O'Mt frmn .iat"
. j'ltUnir-nt ( jvein'ie ' Ultn. 10)5. a-i-l c > sts
r.ixed ac 2isri an l ac-uniu' c sis. at i nblic
i e.ioo Hit * iiighes ii'dtle . r-reoh tn
li 'VMii I'-cfili-d crO | > Tv ! ti > - " :
L\ie MO ih'--t-.l ( Juar erol Sict < n i- " 'Wiiall j )
; S lid e ol i i Cii - r.iiiitv > rbrj.-.k .
il i > ol i-e ember l'i'i- >
( ' A u. > s > : er , Sh iiff.
j ; \ lii.ii'ei. - , , ! .l.t , Nu
Atioinej lurl
Dail.\ mean temperature 32 ° .
Normal 21 ° .
iiinliest 48 lvve > L 15 ° .
PrecipitJtiion 0.00 of an inch.
Total precipitation from March
1st ( the crop season ) to date was
IS 9t > inches and the average for
same period for 20 years is 21.30.
and the selection of Lumber for
t'.ie purpose is a matter of great
importance. There is
on the market , both good and bad.
Only the good kinds has found its
way into our yards. It will pay
to let us furnish an estimate on
your next bill. Remember , we
carry first class stock.
T. J. Christopher ,
Will meet all callb phone or mail.
Verged on pedigreed stock.
Valentine Nebraska
Prices are what
we are talking
| Our stock is complete.
5 :
. * ?
Boom Yonr Own Town.
inCio v/ill prccpcr
Only \riicn tlie people
Of ths comziiinity
Make a united eUcrt.
Your Luriness depends
On others'prozpcrlfcj. .
Unlcz : \vorli together
Results are disappciatinj.
Oily tliose procpe.r
Wliozc patrons are prosperous.
Hotliing ; raccccds like ucc-:2 !
Toiviis thrive and fiourich.
Only v/licn they t or/o tc
V/hen their 017:1 T"rplc
Neleci no o