Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 24, 1908, Image 8

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| 2 >
is full of ip = to = date ideas for Xmas
presents. Look through Ibis stoclo
ing , and also take notice of the
other popular suggestions
rm = = L
ffl. - . U.t ! ll _ _ , W
- '
T iiiVk'W ' fe
3f A _ j
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Wv i ; * i Pf- ' & * * >
H i . ? J
S eves ® i
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? -3 ?
. . . ,
; s o - ' 1,5
wr /J f
/ '
/ / SS'Jlf
/z'Fr / yr vf & 5rf
Aluminum Cofic-2 Percolators
Nicklc Plated Ware
Silver Knives , Forks and Spoons
| Stag Handle Carving Sets
Individuai Carving Sets
Japanese China , Glass Ware
and Dishes of all styles
Japanese Straw Baskets and Lacquer Ware
N xrS ii
PI § 1 Dolls , dressed and undressed , 6oll heads ard
bodies. See the large ddl m the Display
for both young and okl
1 Sleds nd coasters. The automatic coasters. A
[ 'all line of trunks , suit cas ° s and telescopes.
> v Home , White and New Koya I Sewing Ma
chines. ( All Standard makes. )
| Green Philippine Fibre Itusli Furniture. High
* ff grade .Reed Furniture , i deluding1 Foot Stools ,
a Tables , Boudoir Boxes and the handy ew-
iiiff and Woi'k Baskets.
f | V\'eatliered Oak Rockers , Book Cases , Lagaxinc
\k \ and Umbrella Stands. All sizes of Kitchen
Cabinets , and Couches.
This laro disjiay of gonds suitable for Christmas presents
v.-iil greatly inton L .vou. Do not forgetto ! call and see them. j |
i Hardv/a 'e -Furniture. . <
$ iLL Ln SiV ? PY FI30RE3 ,
t''tL.--iwr-rc Ccn Co.r. cte vVii ! '
the V. o/l 3 Under Frsc Trade Ccndi
lions Lnjcys Quiz for flighc Hears
V "asIiIn2lMi , Dae. 2" . Anmv.Cai
ne3e , IMIJO S ior tiie millions he uiatle
in the stcjl business and ior his > ; ewe
on economic questions , was an cuter
twining , if r.ct instructive , witness ue-
rore tne house ways ana means com-
matco tariff hearing.
An : : rt.ce en the tai'IU , especlailj
rclarlrg to the steel schedule- written
} > j Jii. Carnegie , iccantiy appeared in
a nic.itLly mas zine. Owiug tu the
sralc.ets niaae in that arucle it oe
came the bar-Is for the questions asked
by the meuibers cf the com aittce at
tbd hearings on the steel schedule.
As the testimony of various steel
manufacturers was at variance with
the statements made by Wr. Carnegie ,
the comciiti.'e invr.od him to give any
inlcrmatic.i the cji-iaiiaee could use.
As Mr. Caneslc dcchacd to accept
the invitation , he wa subpoenaed.
A'.tr.o.i he v.xs en tne stand for
nearly cl-'at he : r -t Jir. Carnegie
lr.ughc'1 and jcl cd "gcovl naturedh
throughout. He o.roperated severa.
cf the "olr.nd r tt io' v/ih his em
grain-no repast , praised the geuiuc
of CIaiIe * M. Cchv/ab , argo.1 the com
"lit lee to accept the testimony of
Judge E. H. Csry as conclusive , and
told sever ; : ! fanny storias. lie avoid
ed figures , roTi-ever , to sue i an extent
that it is o'ibtial if the tarirf frajicrs
are any y rc enliclztc-e'i on the steel
qucitiun they v.ere before Jlr.
Carnegie Avas sv\rora in.
S = ys Slcei Kcecls T-fo Protection.
Jlr. Carnegie's principal contiution
was that the stcei
industry roJs no
mere protection , that it has i cached a
point in ic3 drvelopiiisnt where the
Amr"caa Kpnaiacturers can compete
v. ith the vorid under free trade condi
tions. V/hile he claimed that the cost
of la cor and. production of steel are
ler-s in this country than the other
eour tiies producing steel , ? , Ir. Car
negie ave no figures to support his
He said Judge Gary told the com
mittee that the United States Steel
tnii'f oa its producs and that should
be sufficient evidence ior the com-
r.ittee to take off the duty on steel
and iron.
Mr. Carnegie's testimony was most
unicru ? and interesting end he fre-
quentiy caur.scl much laughter , the
joke often being at the expense of the
chaiiman or some other member of
the comr-tittae. He declared emphatically - [
ally against ccnibiiations or "trusts"
r.nd said : he had nothing to do with the
sale of the Carnegie Steel company
to the United States Steel corpora-
tion. He characterised the " : ; tock
gambler" as being the worst citizen a
corntry could have , and said he never
ra-1 one acsociatC'1 with him in lus- !
Gsry and Schwab Interacted Witnesses
Mr. Canegie dealt largely in the
ories and deductionSj slating that he merely expiessing his opinion F.
v.hen his testimony vaiied from that
cf Judge Gary and Mr. Schwab. Tie
said 1'iat these two gentlemen
very truthful , but were interested wit
nesses , and the committee should net
place too much stress on figures sup
plied bv "interested witnesses. "
Mr. Carnegie evidently enjoyed the
crossfire of questions put to him by
both Republici and Democratic mem-
born cf the committee , but frequently
f : . ; jsed regret that he could not wl
c//s * examine the members of the r' '
nltt ? ° Ho f39nod ? to clfvoio his in
, ' i-"s ! to making Chairman Payne
> representatives Daizeil and Ford- the
. i ; ice m'ortable. ' He railed Mr.
Frol1 ' Jt'hn"ani either gave him
n'cli evasive rorlies to his questions
' r iralt with him in uch a niannor as
to an evidently seriou discus-
s'c.i inlo a humorous one. The mem-
h r from Pennsylvania soon subsided Ic3
. , . . the
ito .
! sconce. <
Puto Har/csi in Chicecje. ana
Cliuago , Ecc. 22. In the first elev
en r.ciths : of { .bis year , twenty people arp
t-c l.i'.led in automolile accidents in
' 1 i > TO.-c3 compared with fifteen for
t.o iarje months last year , while 327
r - ; : r v-ei e injured. of
uicidc at St. Louis.
St. Loiis. : Dec. 22. Mr. and il\
IIr.ur.n Alters were found dead from .aior
rrs a3phyi.icllcn at their home , at Ley
' 1CS Chambers street. Apparently i. o
tlioy ! ad committed suicide The
tarto is net
Suycism Dead of Wound. S
an"c\v York. Dec 22. Harry B. Siiy- fore
dani , ths curb fcrouer v.'ho was shot in 5n °
bs : Bread street office by John C. mdde > : s > a , an inventor , died in the den ' '
HIK'.ECU street hospital Lumsden is Flj-nn
under arrest. 1. l nc
President" Fetcn ! to Resign.
r.Iexico Oity , Dec. 22.- Samuel M
. ; M n i rc'tirc
i irom ihe prsi h acy
of t "I lean Central railroad r.tiiin ;
' " "
' * r " i according to sn Hoc
u'itatire report. j that
TcIC3 2 His Ter.iA , Battle Over
the V\nr Begun. " , Pa. , Dec. 22. YTilh "
L'citle Over , the War Bogun" as his
tc. I. , V i' .To : . : ings Bryan lasi
r : It d--c-.are.J tnat tie Bamjcratic
r-rty must rontmue its light for re
fjiros on ! said he v/o.ild net give ur
ttc jrrineiplos for which he has fought
Mi. Br an sp'olze at -'dollar" dlnnei
given by prominent Democrats cf UK
cclo regions.
1'onceiujiij h's continued lcadrshif
or the Democratic rarty , Mr. Bryar
seil ; that leaiersJiip had come to hiir
v.Jrfcout eScrt en his own part and a-
icrg a 3 tlie pr.rty wanted him to cent
t : : . c ouch Icn-.Iv..zMp he did not fee
ti.t .t he could relinquish it at tlie be '
hrct cf these who might be persona' ! ;
intricate a in such action upon hi ;
part. Mr. EryaTi said Mr. Tafc hat
been elected tlircjgh a ccnbinatior
G , . financial , commercial an-i .nclustria"
interests of the country and that In
world rather icrnain a private citizen j 1
tLr.n be a president and be stibsor i
vlc-nt to these interests as Mr. Tafl
must be under the conditinr-s thai
elected him. Ha declared Presk'enl
Fo veit r-a ! ' 'cgrauej his high cf [ i
ee by making It the football of part
poetics the recent campaign.
h ,
i3 i j
3i3ors of Giiy
Plt'coLi.rg , D 'J. 22. So ren i.icir.bcrfc
cf the city council were arre tc.l at
the instance of the Voters' league , a j
civic rclorm organization , charged
wLh couspiiacy , corrupt practices and )
bribery iu connection v/ith municipal
iogls.atio1 ! during the past two years
Alleged acts in e taDiisIic depcsi
tones for the funds of t o city arc
enumeiated fn the cornp.aints , r.nd it
is said a nuiiber of persons occupying
ofUcial positions in local .banks v/ili
shortly Le arrested. Following a se
ries Oi veiled charges and innitendy
icierenccs to councilman.c acts , the
Voters' league several months ago em
ployed j detectives and the arrest are
based on the leports made by the de
tectives. Three of the compir.ints
against J. C. YTaoScn. chairman o ? the
finance committee ol the common
council , rnd John F. Klein cf that
committee and William Brand , presi
dent of the common council , charge
these men willi giving and offering tc
give monc : and oilier rewards r.nd
briber in cr.fe r io influence the votes
of other i.iTiibers of tlie cour.cil .n
ia\or of resolutions , etc. , desig a'ing
the depositories fcr the funtls ct the
cit ; . , biidgc ordinances and bend orcli-
Another complaint names these
. ,
thice , together with T. O. Atkinson
of the select council , Jacob.Sofffi andY
YII. . Me'nnry and Hugh Ferguson
of the ccr.iaccouncil , and charges
them with conspiracy to sccrre by
corrupt and unlawrul m"r.3 and by
biibeiy of other members of the two
branches of the council , the passage her
of ti-e mca uios enumerated in the
first charge.
EiSHC ? ,
Kcljrr. Fror.j i _ rip lo Lourdcs in a wit
Dying Condition. ban
Icw Yori : , Dec. 2J. i t. Rev. Jcim two
. iiicfcLud , bisliop ot tlie Catholic o.o-
cess cf ail.igtcn , Vt. , c i .ed on the ban
iteaiucr Ameii-.a Ironi CLeiboarg in n\ \ tarj
Cying condition. as
Bihhop I. ichaud left fcr Lo zdea ,
France , suie two months ago , auur FS !
physicians haj p'iven up all hope of
sta/ias the pro . oo of acut Brigi t's Stat
cicrass , from v/btch he was a sufferer ,
hoping thai he might be healed of his
complaint by the waters of this mirac serii
ulous spring. For a time the physic. an A me
o ha I accompanied the bisl op ure
abroad nota.l a marked improvement
the patient , but a relapse soon fcl- and
'cwed. Feeling trat the end was ncar andTl
bisbcp aa'ccd to be taken back tote sour
to file. States
Leitcr cr VMTc Ftohi iVi ! ! e Fire.
Zcigicr , 111. , Eec. 22. With a stub to
boin fire slowly { inrting : back lam-j an
6l'n : n Tvho have been ceaso- tion.
ly at work for da. s sjeking to save
" ccal sapnly of the great Zeiglcr
lire , Joe I eitcr , Chicago millionaire , Cc
his bor/itifal young v/Ifo have Taft
joined icrres with the workman and supe
personally combating the flames. ion
Cr-sIicJ tc Ccrlh by Shoppsrs. legis
Chicago , Doc. 22 Pj erl by crow.s whic . shopper * , , Ehncr BisJ'eP °
, the sr-ven-year-old s' > n 01 George llor
Eiidseye , a wiolaialo g/occr of Ser.t- lents
ilwas crashej to death in an ele- conn :
cC the Boston store hers. The ;
wa being taken by his grand- j New '
: : er to sec the toys. The elevator j Tn
operator was arrested. natic
any )
Lsp"f7re _ ! Wh-in in t-irci Round. 550.0 ;
Sr.n ; i-ra.'cl-'co. Dec. 22. Sa"m Lang- is un
; . the ro'orod middleweight , raak- that
his first appearance in a Icral ring , j cial
good with a vengeance and inci- j Amei
'cntaily i.iade short work of Jim pany
of Pueblo , Colo. Langford the
necked out his man in the first round
two minutes of fighting. Ri
Bishop fvlcQuaid in the Slisdow. ( hous
Foelicstcr , N. Y. , Dec. 22. oradc
Peri7rr.l . McQuaid of the dioccs ? cf Provi
llocher.ler is very lov- and i ; is said i cicty
he DM/ not live Lhroush the day. G. l.r
m dUE
OPSPfihss 'lou ; Whs ? U/\in _
iSUGISO firfci hilSi
0 i llli' fitlor-
I P0 & JJJ
L . .i IsO
Secrets cf i ennessce Aiders Revealed
in Ccur' : by Or.c cf tnc r.'lcrr.sers.
Soldiers end deputies Guard Prs-
cr.ers r.t Lnicn City.
Union City , Tenn. , Dec. 22. The
state '
practkai'y completed iu ease
against the eight ahtje.t night riders
orK tnal lor the murder of Captain
Kanken : when it diew from Frank
Fehringcr , a member cf the band , a
detailed statement , not only of the
Ranken : tragedy , but of "half a score
or more 01 other outrages. It also
called Mrs. Eiama Thurman Johnson ,
one of the two women said to have
been whippet ! by the banJ , and had
her tell her story.
The startling testimony of Con
fessor : Frank Fchringjr , involving the
men < on trial as actaal paitlcipants in
the uiurder of Captain Ranuen , was
given with an exactitude of detail
that was amazing. As .Mrs. Johnson's
name was called , a murmur of satis
faction arose. Xearly everyone Knew
she had been whipped , but except the
grand ; jury and prcsaeuting oificers ,
none had heard her story. She re
moved her veil reluctantly en tilt ; r
judge's < instructions that she might Le
heard by the jury.
Mrs. .Johnson hul married Joe
Johnson ; , a man thirty years older
than she , and lived with him four
years ; , when a chii-i was born. Last
August she sued him for divorce ,
charging cruelty , ; .nd asking main
tenance. Early in September the rid
ers visited her fathers home , and l ft
word that she must withdraw the suit.
She failed to do so and oa a second
visit her lather was whipped tl"
Riders Enter in Silence.
On both occasions shejvas at her
sister's homo. The riders seem to have
realized this , for on Sept. 30 , about 11
o'clock at night , they went to the sis
ter's house. Mrs. Johnson awoke to
find her bedroom filled with masked
and armed men. A man , whom she
said she recognized as Fred Pinon ,
one of the defendants , was standing GO
close that she could touch him.
"We have come to tell j'ou for the
last time that you must dismiss P di
vorce suitPinon is charged with
"I will not withdraw it , " she replied.
"You will before we get through
with you , " was the reply.
Mr. : . Johnson obstinately insisted
that she would press the c-aso. Two
members ; of the band seized the young
woman : , dragged her roughly from th
bed , threw her on a log in the v voL.
and one of them beat her across the
shoulders with a strap. After the first
beating they asked her if she would
dismiss the suit. She said no. Then
was again whipped. This time
fighting spirit was broken and she.
sobbingly , said she would give in to
their : demands.
Judge Jones sent out the jury be
fore court adjourned and said : "There
eight defendants here charged
with'a ! capital offense. They are net
handcuffed and are under guard of the
deputies. I do net think they are
sale Therefore I order the sheriff to
handcuff these men and ask tlie mili
to detail ten armed men to serve
guards. "
States Are Lacking in ; Prevent
Destruction of Finny Tribe.
Washington ; , Dec. 22. "The mot-
serious condition now confronting thj
American fishing industry is the fail
of the states to afrord adequate
protection to migratory fisnes in state
interstate waters. " as on
This is the serious note of warning : ome
sounded by George M. Bowers , United Her
fisli commissioner , in his an "eft " &
report. Mr. Bowers graphicall ; Ran
ilepicts the great destruction wrough Lake.
certain species cf fish and make : ,
earnest appeal for their preserva
. Wood
Taft Declares fcr Open Caucus.
Columbus , O. , Dec. 22. Charles P.
, who arrive. ] here personally to
superintend the campaign for his elec- ed La
as United States senator fron
. declared himself for an open
egislative caucus , the proceedings o <
shall be subject to published
; . Neither Cengre > : nan Burton
Senator Foraker , leading oppo-
: of Mr. Taft , would make any sion ,
' > . u.
omment Taft's
upon statement.
Smelting Czmpany Incorporatcr.
Trenton , N. J. , Dec. 22. The Intel
lational Smelting and -Refining con and I.
, with an authorized capital c' river.
50.000,000 , v/as incorporated here. I
understood that this is the compan -
is being organized by big finar
interests in opposition to th ;
American and Cattle !
Smelting Refining conr-
n > v.hi
, which latter company include *
Guggenheim interests.
Riltenhousc Succeeds Langham.
York , Dec. 22. E. E. Ritten-
( , insurance commissioner of Co'- me
, was elected president cf th3 -ft thigh.
'rovilent Savings Life Assurance s < -
of New York , succeeding Arthur Rew
r > n
l.r.r.gham of Louisiille , Ky. 'IIi\i
- . -
Valentin- - '
brara rlv
' a11 ' ' J't-
r B connected on
( eft liiporsideaa
ID cut
R M Faddis&
rostofllce address-Valentine or Kennedy.
me branded
( Hi left
P. II. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
Some QYon 'e ' * '
on left jaw or
V liorses.
e on GonlOH Crc-k north of SJ
\V lupple te
Rosebud S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS""i left side
O u - n rtehtside
Some cattle alao
Ifiive a-4-- ' ! ) ! ! neck
Some with A oil
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
tunm hind qnar-
ers Some Texas
it tie Ununieji * * I on ieft side and
on Iclt side.
Horss > 'orindcdSOSon ft hip. Some cattle
raudfd AW nar eouneeted on botd sides and
* ft- HIP r f hnfu i
N. S. Kowlev
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
S.ii'ie as cut on ! ef
Hie : ) il lup , an'J i'ii
eft slionll r of lior
on ieft M
" inna-5. Si'5S ; .
: * "
luiblc-S"C22 23 " pej : ( either side up ) on
eft siae or hip. f 011 left ja\v and Me shoulder
Q on Ifft hip of horses.
on left \si\v \ of horsps
G. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJBE ; j 011 riRht
Kanije on Oak aid
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of nistlers of stock
of rhcsfi nnuirfs.
JJrou ulee , Xeb.
l as
cut on left
s i d i * . So m e d K. T V
on li-ft hip. IlatiKG
on Xorth l.oup
liver two nnl-s
M webt of
Piillnian. Kebr
brarde l J
on right side
Horses branded JT
> n ri ht shoulder
.j y
Keisouable rewtrd
J leadine to ( "he r " -
.Mt " ' 1 fT'M"
. , , -an J
P'-lt PP ? pM
D. M. Sears. (
Cenaetiy , Nebr
Cattle ! branded
soncut.lef i side
ou left nip
Horses sam on \
Range Squa
Roan Brothers
V'oodlake ] Neb
f on .
a , d Ciuok-
_ ZM
. m.'or , '
re oa ieft
rk , square
light ear.
brand on
, . . . , . " ' .
„ w v v mj , ir. * { 'IcKS.
riiiMrif.i , . , " to any
t. t „ t per(0n fo
iiMctioiiff ij , , urs ? , V ! ? , ' m'st Bud finat
'itiev.ithabyvcbraml IJer = on > Met ling