Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 24, 1908, Image 7

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    Infuriated Mob in Caracas Destroys
Pictures and Statues of
the Dictator.
Property of President's Henchmen
Wrecked and Deposition of
Executive Looked For.
The Venezuelan capital Tuesday ex
perienced a significant popular demon
stration against the absent President
Castro. It took the
form of an out
break of disorder ,
following the war
like activities of
the Dutch warships
along the coast. By
nightfall it was
necessary to de
clare martial law
to put an end to
CASTKO. the rioting mm pn-
l.'iging The people rounded up all the
statues and pictures of President Cas
tro from clubs and other semi-public
buildings and burned them with rejoic
ing on the Plaza Bolivar. Castro's rule
in Venezuela seemed to be ended. In
spite of Holland's warlike activity on
the coast , there have been no demon
strations against the Netherlands. All
have been directed against President
Castro and Acting President Gomez.
Cipriano Castro has bpon dictator o
Venezuela since 1S90 anil is regarded as
the Plague of Europe. lie seized the
capital of the South American republic
in 1S09 and deposed President Andrade ,
who had fled to the island of Trinidad
on a gunboat , the only effective fighting
ship of the republic. President Castro
has proved one of the most successful dic
tators in South American history. He
has been menaced by revolutions and plot
ters since he assumed office , while for
eign powers have been on his trail.
Castro's origin is unknown. Spanish
and Indian blood flows in his veins. He
was a cattle herder in the ' 90s before he
became Venezuela's dictator and the defier
of the powers of Europe.
Donald G. Mitchell Passes Away at
Home in New Haven.
Donald Grant Mitchell ( Ik Marvel )
died at his home in Edgewood , New
Haven , Conn. Mrs. Edward L. Ryer-
son of Chicago , a daughter , who had
been summoned , failed to reach her
father's bedside before the end came.
Mr. Mitchell in August last suffered
an attack of acute indigestion. From
this he rallied so that he was able lo
walk about his home unattended until
two weeks ago , when he began to fail
slowly. Sunday his condition became
rapidly worse and the end came shortly
before 9 o'clock Tuesday night.
At the bedside at the time of Mr.
Mitchell's death were his sons , Harold
of New London and Walter of Newark ,
and his daughters , Mrs. Walter Hart
of Rye , N. Y. ; Mrs. Mason Hoppin and
the Misses Elizabeth , Bessie and Har
riet Mitchell , all of New Haven.
Mr. Mitchell's death will bring sorrow
row to lovers of literature everywhere.
Essentially of New England and pos
sessing to a high degree the best traits
of the intellectual English stock that
has made that part of the country fa
mous , he wrote for the world and the
world appreciated him. His "Dream
Life" and "Reveries of a Bachelor"
are known wherever the English lan
guage is read.
Bachelor Grocer of Charlestown ,
3as < i. , Conceals Instrument.
Inclosed in an envelope and nailed to
the bottom of a tub tlie will of the late
Patrick Monahan of Charlestown , Mas * . ,
disposing to relative of property valued
at $2oO,000 , was found in a cellar and
offered for probate. Monahan was a
grocer and unmarried. When lie died last
Sep em cr no W'H could be found and
John Monahan of Chicago , n brother , was
made administrator. Of the estate Sf 0-
000 is left to die Chicagoan : $ GO,000 tea
a sister-in-law , Margaret Mullen of Bos
ton : 50.000 each to three sisters in Ire
land , and smaller amounts to nephe- any
Air.slii ; > lZ\'si hovrx How Hasy It
WouJ t e to Destroy Cil > .
RoTXnaienshue Thursday night at-
temtjf.-il in Los Angeles. Cal. . to demon-
sf-ce how an airship could sail over a
oity unobserved under cover of darkness
and destroy tin * city by the use of power
ful e\plY > si\e.s. His flight failed in this
re-poet , however , as his airship was easily
discernible and the whir of the motor am ]
propeller could be heard at a great dis
; f\ \ tance. Knabenshne dropped a harmless
bomb on the city hull , where it was found
\ l.itor. KiKibenshue was accompanied by
George IJenslrr. his machinist.
MM ri'iii * Conn Dooms Convicted Men
to Iinprlsoiiiiicnt.
Th'1 S'jpreini' Cosirt of Missouri af
firmed the sentences of John Wooley and
I-OIP- S -sman to life terms in the State
, . : - ! " for murder. Wooley killed
] * , tcbuihter. Pearl Smith. : igPd ; >
. and S-issmnn killed a traveling
. ; ! } tnior . Cnrl Miller , taking his wagon
. ' .1 ! , orsc < The l.Utcr crime was not dis-
ri.eiod for several years- , when it was
revealed by a woman accomplice.
Pay Boll Patriot Gets Blow When
Chytraus Decides Galpin Case.
A smashing blow to the pay roll pa
triot was administered by Judge Axel
Chytraus of the Appellate Court in
Chicago when he liamled down a deep-
delving decision holding that no per
son can draw two , salaries from the
public treasury simultaneously.
The decision came in the case of Her
man B. Meyer against County Clerk Jo
seph F. Haas , an affair of two years'
standing Ln the court records of Cook
County and involving the right of
Homer K. Galpin , chief clerk of the Chicago
cage Municipal Court , to sit in the
State Senate , representing the Second
District. Galpin's term as Senator is
oflieially waning , and for all practical
purposes has expired. Judge Clifford
refused to issue a writ of mandamus
to County Clerk Haas on the petition
of Herman B. Meyer , who had sought
Galpin's in the Senate. County
Clerk Haas in turn had refused to no
tify Governor Deneen officially that a
vacancy existed in the Senate from the
Galpin district following Galpin's elec
tion -U5 chief clerk of the Municipal
Court. Judge Chytraus and the Ap
pellate bench now hold that Judge Clif
ford was in error and that Galpin had
no right to a seat in the Senate dur
ing the last two years.
The point of interest to politicians
generally , but most specifically unpleas
ant to more than thirty members-elect
of the incoming Illinois General Assem
bly , is that the common hw is against
two salaries going into the pockets of
one. man at the same time from the
public treasuries , and specifically tUit
a State legislator under the constitu
tion is forbidden to hold any other re
munerative oflice tinder the United
States or State government.
It is known within legislative circles
and among politicians that a large per
centage of the personnel of the Cook
County delegation in the Legislature
has an intimate acquaintance with some
public pay roll. There are examples
of the same situation with regard to
some of the down-State members of the
General Assembly. Federal , State , city
and Sanitary District employes , who
are drawing pay now , will be noted on
the official roll call of the Legislature.
Senator Accepts Position of Secre
tary of State Offered b yTaft.
Senator Philander C. Knox of Penn
sylvania has been offered and has ac
cepted the position of Secretary of
State in the Taft
cabinet , according
to a report in
Washington that
appears to be au
thentic. Mr. Knox ,
it is said , has con
sented to serve in
the cabinet , at a
sacrifice of his per
sonal inclinations ,
w ' - J1S ho woukl profcr
p. c. KXOX. to remain in the
Senate. It is said that Mr. Kuox's resig
nation from the Senate is ready to be
submitted to Gov. Stuart.
Senator Knox was appointed Attor
ney General by President McKiuley
and remained in that position under
Roosevelt until 1004. when upon the
death of Matt Quay he became Senator
for Pennsylvania.
Exprch-s Car Dynamited , but 3Iessen-
Ker Says Higrlivraymeii Got Little.
Oregon Railroad and Navigation train
No. 1 , known as the Chicago-Portland
special , was held up and the express car
dynamited by four unmasked robbers
shortly after 9 o'clock on a recent night ,
nine miles east of Portland , Ore. Ex
press Messenger 0. II. Huff said the rob
bers secured little of value. The robbers
did not molest the passengers , but un
coupled the express car and ordered the
engineer to take it down the track to
ward Portland. About a mile beyond the
point where the train was held up the
doors of the express car were shattered
by nitroglycerine. The train did not
carry a through safe , a small local safe
and a strong box being the only recep
tacles for valuables. The robbers com
pelled Express Me cnger Huff to open
the small safe. It contained but three
or four small packages , believed to have
been of small value. The strong bos
was not touched. The robbers escaped.
The Other John D.
Join1 1) . Archbold started life as an
oflicv lx > \ . But he evidently didn't have
to look after the letter files. Augusta
It 5 < ; difficult for Mr. Archbold to re-
meirhor aiytlrngiihont referring to his
letter fiV . which , as the world knows ,
are snlly incomplete. Washington Star.
Mr.NnhlioM was unable to explain an
item of S ± UM : > ,0 X ) paid to P. S. Trainer ,
be.\ond th" mere fact that it was for "ad-
jn-tments. " Perhaps Mr. Trainer did
-onip plumbing for the Standard Oil Com
pany. Kansas City Star.
We infer that the cost of the Archbold
letters is not included in Mr. Hearst's
outlay of S42.1XX ) for the Independence
campaign. The letters have been listed
as a jn.'nnuient investment , in all proba
bility Houston Post.
Though u nwn of letters. Mr. Archbold
will waste no time writing an autobiog-
i. ] > . ' . ] , . Atlanta Constitution.
i \viss ISleet President.
A. Deucher. minister of commerce , was
" 1'X'Jed president of the Swiss republic
fo'ino ) by the Federal Assembly. He
\ \ illiicceed Dr. F. Brenner , whose term
or ofii o expires Jan. 1.
Ir'Mi JI3H to Itcnpeit : AVork for < OO.
Th'1 Toledo plant of the Republic Iron
a"d teel Company , employing GOO men ,
v.-ill resume operations Dec. 2S after thir
teen mouths' idleness.
Attorney-General Says It Is Needed
in Prosecution of Rich
That Case , He Thinks , Shows the
Necessity of a Change in the
Present Statutes.
That the United States should have
iho right of appeal to the Suprein0
Court of the United States as a matter
of right , whenever
a conviction is re
versed on appeal by
the defendant to a
Circuit Court of
Appeals , is the
opinion expressed
by Attorney Gen
eral Bonaparte in
his annual report
for the fiscal vear
enuing .nine . .u ,
c. .T. r.oxAPAKTE. lees , submitted to
Congress. In this connection he cites
the case of the reversal of the Standard
Oil fine of more than $20,000,000 , in
which an application for a writ of certiorari -
tiorari has been made to the Supreme
lie holds that an amendment of the
present laws would be appropriate in
the case of all criminal proceedings , but
suggests that it would be especially so
in connection with prosecutions where
the wealth of the defendant usually
renders an appeal on his or its part
from any adverse judgment a matter
of course.
The Attorney General's opinion is
that in such cases there is no question
of double jeopardy , as the appeal of
the defendant from the original convic
tion is recognized by the undoubted
weight of well-considered judicial authority - t
thority as a waiver of his rights in '
this respect and as in the absence of i
some such provision of law as the Attorney - |
torney General recommends '
guilty persons -
sons may escape from just punishment
under the law as finally determined by
the court of last resort. j
He declares that the consistent pol
icy of the Department of Justice during
the year in enforcing the statutes in
tended to protect the interstate and for
eign commerce of the country from
evils arising through combinations in
restraint of trade and attempts to cre
ate monopoly , as well as discrimina
tions and other illegal practices on the
part of common carriers engaged in
such commerce , has been to investigate
carefully all complaints submitted to it ,
whether by public authorities or by re
sponsible private citizens , and to au
thorize proceedings , whether civil or
criminal , only when such investigation
has shown the complaints to be serious
and well founded and that success
might be reasonably expected.
Mr. Bonaparte reports that this pol
icy was attended during the year by a
fair measure of success in the proceedings -
ings authorized and that as a consequence
quence of decisions already obtained
or expected soon the statutes dealing
with such cases will soon be interpreted
so authoritatively that those seeking to
comply with the law will be relieved
from all uncertainty as to what the law
really is. He says that serious obstacles -
cles have been encountered in enforcing
the statutes and that these may be with
advantage readily removed by further
'The United States has had occasion
of late years , and will probably have
occasion in future , " he declared , "to
prosecute criminally many corporations
or other artificial persons. As such of
fenders cannot be physically arrested ,
it is obviously desired that a simple
and convenient form of process shall be
prescribed by law to have the legal ef- '
feet of an actual arrest and removal to
the trial district as in the case of a
natural person. "
Assassin Ilac'lcs Paces of 3Iaii and
Wife Tvith Hatchet.
Wicentz Florczik and his wife were i
murdered by an assassin at their resi- j
dence , 132 Bird street. Wilmington , Del. !
Their bodies were found by Alexander
Florczik , brother of the murdered man ,
and a lodger at the house , who is detained -
ed at police headquarters. Alexander
told tlie police that when he went home
about 11 o'clock at night he was unable
to gain admittance , and spent the night' '
with an uncle. He went to the house j
about 9 o'clock in the morning and found
the bodies. He said the two children , a
girl 2 years old and a 2-raonths-old baby ,
had not been molested. The baby lay in
a crib between the beds occupied by the !
parents. Both of the victims had been
hacked in the face with a hatchet which
was found on the man's bed. The murder
is thought to hare been committed for
revenge. Florczik was 38. and his wife
24 years old. The prisoner is 18. .
Former Member of City Board Sen
tenced to Penitentiary.
Fred Lied , formerly member of the
Columbus board of control , was sentenced
to four years in the Ohio penitentiary
for accepting a bribe from Nelson Can
non , representative of the Trinidad Pav
ing Company of Cleveland , in connection
with East Broad street paving. Fred
Immel , another former member of the
board of control , is serving a term in thf
wuuutilllwiilUllulfiifc fW
\/&m&&r \ ,
W ffe
Calls en Him to Tell on What He
Bases Secret Service Charges.
The House of Representatives Thurs
day , by unanimous vote , adopted a resolution
elution requesting the President to sup
ply it with any evidence that may be
in his possession that will justify the
.statement in his last annual message in
relation to the attitude of members of
Congress toward appropriations for the
secret service of the government.
Mr. Perkins , chairman of the special
committee charged to investigate the
allegations made in the President's mes
sage , and John Sharp Williams of Mis
sissippi both stated on the floor that
it was the desire of the special commit
tee to be just toward the President in
allowing him to submit any evidence he
may have , and both declared that the
committee would give it full and im
partial consideration. Mr. Perkins said
the committee would continue in ses
sion , during the Christmas holidays so
that it might receive such evidence from
the President promptly and proceed to
consider it.
Both the resolution and all of the
preamble , except that part of the latter
interpreting the meaning of the Presi
dent's ( message in relation to the secret
service , were adopted unanimously by
a viva voce vote. Mr. Bennett of New
York demanded a division on the pre
amble provision stating the commit
tee's interpretation of the President's
strictures upon Congress , but before
the j division was entered upon endeav
ored to withdraw his motion. Mr. Will-
! insisted that this could not be
dene , and , the vote being taken , 270
members voted aye and 14 no on this
wart ' of the preamble.
Milwaukee is after the next bowling
congress ' and looks good to get it.
Percy Iloughton has been elected foot
ball ' coach at Harvard for f another two
James R. Keene was the lamest winner
on die American turf this .season. He
won $282,0" .
Cornell's track team will meet the Ma
roons on an indoor track at the Bartlett
symua.sinm this winter.
Tommy Burns , the Canadian , is not
oul.v champion heavyweight fighter , but
lie is champion of all weights as a finan
The mot profitable race horse in the
United States this season was Sir Martin.
He captured stakes to the value of $7S.-
"V.X ) .
In the relay run from New York to
Washington nearly 1.000 boys carried a
silver tube containing a uie uge from
Rudolph Foster to President Roost--et. !
Pat-y Donovan , who has been l"t go
as manager of : he Brooklyn Na ioil :
League team , will in all probab'lity lie
appointed manager of the Boston cJub
ue\t year. >
Fred Br.itley ! of Boston was kvo-'relt j
out in the fourth reid of a bu\ii : ho if
v.iS { | Al Kubink of Grand Rapid : , 'jll-h. . J
at the West End Athletic Club iu I'jili-j [
delphia. lie became unconscious and was 1
hurried to a hospital. { [ !
Machine ( iocs Into the River lit Mil
waukee Through Open IJraw.
An automobile containing three men
dashed into the open draw of the Oneida
srreet bridge in Milwaukee at 1 o'clock
the other morning and wont to the bottom
of the river , carrying two of the occu-
i-ants to their death. A third was res-
( i.od with difficulty and is at the emer
gency hospital. The dead : Oscar Z.
Bartlett , member board of trade : Albert
Kunx , chauffeur. A. F. Solliday of the
Solliday Motor Company was rescued.
The car approached the bridge from the
caM. coining down the Oneida street hill
at a high rate of speed. The driver ap
parently did not notice that the bridge
wx open until the car was within twen-
tv feet of it. Kunz then made a frantic
ertort to avoid the river , but only succeed
ed in turning the car as far as the curb ,
where it bounded into the air , turning a
complete somersault between the dock and
the- center pier of the bridge , hurling Mr.
Bartlett and Mr. Solliday thirty feet to
the south of where the car hit the water.
The crew of the steamer Iowa , which was
passing through the draw , saw the tra
gedy and immediately lowered boats. Kunz
\\as pinned under the automobile at the
bottom of the river.
Xnpnlcoii , O. , Institution , Involved
In Insurance Failure , Assigns.
Men cried and women fainted in the
streets of Napoleon , Ohio , when they
found a notice of assignment posted on
the doors of the Citizens' State Bank.
I ) . D. Donovan was named as assignee.
President Heller of the bank is now con
fined in a hospital in a Minnesota town.
The failure is said to be due to overloans
made by Cashier Groll to Judge Michael
Donnell\ % who is president of the Ohio
German Fire Insurance Company , and the
assignment is also said to be the direct
result of the recent failure of that insur
ance company. These loans to Donnelly ,
it is alleged , were made without the au
thority of other officials. The bank is
capitalized at $71.000 and has an undi
vided surplus of $21,000. The deposits
amount to $ S3o.OOO. The bank examiner
objected to an extension of credit to Judge
Donnelly and required the amount to be
made up by the end of this month. The
directors determined to make an assign
ment in order to furnish equal and full
pi election to all the creditors.
Haiti's Revolution.
Xord Alexis' speedy departure will ob
viate the necessity of his making a finan
cial report. Detroit News.
With a little education those Haitians
migh't be able to settle their differences
through old-fashioned debating societies
instead of revolutions. Toledo Blade.
Old President Nerd Alexis has seen al
most as many revolutions as a roulette
sambier , and looks upon the freaks of
fortune almost as cynically. Atlanta
If Haiti keeps on having revolutions the
first thing she knows the chivalrous but
firm hand of the United States will be
stretched out in her direction. Augusta
BiST Furnace StarJi Up.
The Emma blast furnace of the Amr-ri- j
can Steel and Wire Company in Clevr-
l.nd ha < started for the first time in -f-
teen months. Two shifts of men. . . ) in
all. were put to work , and the 'j.-naco
will be kept going night and day.
Sen's ICays Jsiurt r try.
T''p van's rays focusing 'nro'igh a ? : = '
flo'.ic lilbil with water c asel n f. > hs
the hoij of J. C. ITiit in SyanoI I
Oa o. The timely dircovery of t ! . > Lia u ,
ulor.e hcvcd the ho no from destrnctioI I
Woman Says She Married Son of *
Late Secretary of State.
That Adelbert Hay , son of the Into-
Secretary of State. John Hay , was T\
husband and father Jit the time of IMS-
death from a fall from a second story
bedroom window , was declared by tho-
mother of Mrs. Mary Ryland I lay
who claims to be young Hay's widow
after her daughter had applied for ; v
marriage license to marry Dr. Arthur
Kraut , a wealthy manufacturing chem
ist of Philadelphia.
Adelbert Hay , she said , eloped from
Washington in August , 1000 , to Atlan
tic City with her daughter , and thex
were there married by th Rev. Will
iam Taylor Snyder of Washington. For
seven years she said , both she and her
daughter have tried unsuccessfully 40
compel the Hay family to admit the
marriage , or at least recognize yonng
Adelbert Hay Jr. as the grandson of"
the former statesman.
Obstacles were thrown in their way
and they were handicapped by poverty.
She accuses Dr. Snyder of withholding
the facts. Her daughter has a recojnfl
of the marriage , she says , but no cer
Gov. Folk has decided that under the
law the entire electoral vote of Missouri
should be cast for William H. Taft. The
Taft plurality in Missouri is 1,026.
At St. Louis prominent Populists , who
had been led into the Democratic ranks ,
and other radicals in that party , were caB-
ed to a conference to plan united action
through a radical political party , to es
tablish the rule of the people.
Congressman Theodore E. Burton of"
Ohio has been tentatively offered the sco-
ictarysliip of the treasury , in Taft's cab
inet , but lias not decided whether he will
accept. His friends in Ohio want hizn.
to be a candidate for the Senate.
J. J. Sullivan
of Columbus , who was-
appointed judge of the Nebraska Supreme
Couit by Gov. Sheldon , has tiled his res-
ii-nation. Gov. Sheldon accepted the res
ignation. Judge Sullivan took the oatb
of office and served one day. He declined
to issue a statement explaining his resi
The statement of the expense accouc-
of Robert M. La Follette's presidential
campaign committee has been filed at
Madison by Alfred T. Rogers , law jnrt-
ner of Senator La Follette and member
of the Republican na < ivnal committee
According to the statement contribuiion > -
aggregating $1T. * ' 2.10 ) were received to-
carry on the campaign of La FoHette for
nomination f v the presidency , and am
equal amount was exp'ndcd.
The -noounceme it that President-
Roelt had insisted upon the immedi-
' . ; appointment r.f John D. Pringle , edi
tor of the Labor World at Pittsburg , to-
be appraiser of that port , with a $3 , . XX > -
salary , ha * < a.stnrb d the regular Repub
lic.- ! ! ! 'ead-us of that part of the State.
j Jr. < ' : aritls I * . Neill. commissioner of" .11 a short time will be reappointetj
to ! ; - present positio.i by President Roose--
\i-rt. Dr. Neill was made commissioner
o1' b-or ! by President Roe e\elt in suc
rf-sloi of Prof. Carroll D. Wright , who-
: u' - . i.-ci \\\v \ position of president of Claris :
j'ty at Worcester , Ma-