Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 24, 1908, Image 6

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M : . RICE , - - - - Publisher.
xth a. Letter to All National Invcsliga
Cors , Comptroller Murray Sets Forth
-a. Xuinher of Additional Require-
ls He Desires Carried Out.
Comptroller of the Currency LaAV-
cencc O. Murray has issued an order
that every bank examiner provide a
520,000 bond for the faithful perform
ance of his duties. The examiners are
required also to take an oath of office ,
which is another precaution the comp
troller has ordered to insure proper
examination of national banks. The
comptroller also has sent the following
letter to every national bank examiner
in the country , requiring them to
make more careful inquiry into the
value of bank assets :
" "Page 30 of the book of instructions
( requires examiners to obtain by carc-
: ful inquiry from the officers and direc-
'tors of the bank all the information
possible as to the A'alue of its assets ,
and to endeaA'or to Arerify this informa
tion as far as possible by careful and
discreet inquiry from reliable sources
.outside of the bank. "
v , -.From complaints received at this
-office it is evident that these instruc
tions are not generally complied with
and that many examiners do not cen
ter at all in this respect Avith the of
ficers or directors. In every instance
the examiner must confer Avith the
cnanaging officers of the bank and
-some of the directors as to the value
of the paper and securities found in
the bank , especially such in regard to
which * there is any question or prob-
ai > Ie loss , in order that the examiner
may have the full benefit of the judg-
mcnt of the officers and directors of
the bank as to the A'alue of such assets.
The examiner is not bound to accept
such estimates as conelusiA'e , but
should grve due and full considera
tfon. "
Physician Arrested for Ala
bama. Crime.
Dr. T. A. Jones , one of the most
' .prominent physicians in East Lake ,
Ala. , has been arrested on a charge
of murder. The arrest is the result
of an im'estigation by the coroner in
to the death on December 1 of John
leaker , Avho. according to a chemist ,
died of arsenic poisoning.
Mrs. Bertha M. Taylor , daughter of
the dead man , Avas arrested Sunday ,
t-arge insurance policies carried by
Baker were payable to Mrs. Taylor ,
whose husband died September 3. Dr.
-Jones pronounced the cause of his
death gastritis. His body also will be
exhumed and the stomach examined
by the coroner. His insurance policy
was payable to his Avifc.
Jii a Pistol Duel lie Kills a Robber
After Beini ? Mortally Wounded.
I- If 'In a pistol duel on the main street
of WytheA'ille , Ya. , Chief of Police
Walter McClintock and E. A. Cregger
were killed. McClintock shot Crcggcr
' to death after he himself had been
i mortally Avounded , and the two bodies
: fell near each other in the thorough-
< Chief McClintock and a deputy had
a Avarrant for the arrest of E. A.
and his brother DaA'e
Cregger , charg
ing robbery. When the officers met
.the Creggers in front of the court
Thouse and told them they had a AA'ar-
rant for their arrest E. A. Cregger
dreAv his revoh'er and began firing on
_ SIcClintock. The deputy succeeded ir
DaA'e Cregger.
( Anti-Foreign Crusade.
It is feared that the anti-foreign
movement at Canton , China , originally
caused by the death of a coolie on
the steamer Falshan , Avho is alleged to
Xiave been brutally kicked by a portu-
-.guese watchman on the A'esscl , will
culminate in outbreaks against all for
eigners. So serious is the situation re
garded that the British torpedo de
stroyer Hart has been sent to Canton ,
$50,000 Fire Loss.
An explosion Sunday morning in a
"building at ScA'enth street and Wash
ington ax'enue , St. Louis , Mo. , started
a fire that resulted in a loss of $50-
Earthquake Shock in France.
An earthquake shock at Notre
Dame , France Sunday threw the pop
ulation into a panic , but did no mate-
.rial damage.
Sionx City T/ve Stock Market.
'Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
City liA'e stock market folloAv : Beeves ,
-$6.00@7.00. Top hogs , $5.50.
Ptomaine Poison.
'The family of X. S. Richardson , con
sisting of six persons , became A'iolent-
ly ill Sunday after eating pork and
beans at dinner in their home at Kan
sas City , Kan. It is believed the pork
.contained ptomaines.
Lost LiA'es in Fire.
Two little children were cremated
'Saturday night when the home of Ed-
\vard Toner was burned near Traverse
jCity , Mich.
Ceylon Business ? .fen Praise America's
The Chamber of Commerce and the
Planters' association at Colombo , Cey
lon , Friday night gave a banquet in
honor of the officers of the United
States Atlantic battleship fleet. Col.
Sir Henry Edward McCallum , govern
or of Ceylon , in a speech said it had
been the good fortune of Ceylon to ac
cord a Avarm welcome to the fleet and
that its presence would be instrument
al in the continuance of peace.
The prosperity of Australia , Hong
kong and the Straits settlements Avas
due , he said , to the crown colony gov
ernment , and America Avould have
adopted this system in the Philippine
islands had its constitution permitted.
GOA' . McCallum also praised the ex
emplary behaA'ior of the American
creAvs ashore.
The chairman of the Planters' asso
ciation said President RooscA'elt doubt
less had many AMCAVS in mind Avhen he
ordered the battleship fleet around the
world , and he trusted the most lasting
of these Avould prove to be the con
solidation of friendliness between na
Rear Admiral Spcrry said that in
traveling in the king's domains he had
been impressed mostly by the absolute
solidarity of interests commercial ,
political and economic.
There Avas no position possible for
che United States in a war where
Great Britain Avas involved , the ad
miral declared , except that of benevo
lent neutrality.
In the presentation of 1,000 pounds
of tea to the officers and men of the
fleet the chairman of the Planters' as
sociation expressed his profound ad
miration of the unparalleled achieA'c-
mcnt of marshaling the American fleet
in a stately procession from sea to
sea. The Ceylon planters , he declared ,
in priding themseh'es on their inde
pendence acknoAvledgcd that their
prosperity Avas attributable to free in
stitutions. They especially sympathized
wih the American nation and appre
ciated the absence from its -tariff of a
duty on tea , and also the new pure
food laAA' , Avhich Avas aiding the con
sumption of Ceylon teas. Admiration ,
sympathy and gratitude , said the
speaker in conclusion , prompted the
gift of the tea.
Pennsylvania Capitol Grafters Arc
Judge Kunkel Friday morning im
posed the folIoAving sentences upon the
men convicted on March 13 on the
charge of conspiracy to defraud the
state in contracts for supplying furni
ture to the neAv slate capitol : J. II.
Sanderson , W. P Snycler , W. L. Ma-
thues and J. M. Shumaker. $ . " (00 fine
and t/wo years' imprisonment , the max
imum penalty.
Immediately after sentence Avas pro
nounced the defendants Avere remand
ed to the custody of the sheriff , pend
ing application for superscdeas , Avhich
Avas made in the superior court at
Philadelphia. As soon as it is grant
ed the defendants Avill offer bail pend
ing an appeal to a superior court.
The men Avere competed of defraud
ing the state out of $1.30S ! ) in a con
tract for Avooden furniture. Other
charges im'olvod large sums in the ag- '
gregate. They Avere tried last spring
and last week they Avere refused a new
trial. The men competed Friday Avere
tried a second time and acquitted of
the chai'ge of defrauding the state in
a metal furniture contract.
Aeroplanist Smashes All Former
Wilbur Wright , the American aoro-
planist , established a neAV Avorld's rec
ord for heaA'ior than air machines Fri
day at Lemans , France , remaining in
the air 1 hour. 53 minutes and 59 sec
onds. The best previous record is 1
hour , 31 minutes and 51 seconds , made
by Wright on September 21.
The aeronaut attained an aA'crage
height of 24 fet. The distance Avas of
ficially measured as 61 miles , which
does not include the Avide SAVceps and
turns made during the flight. He de
scended only because an oil feeder got
out of order.
Sues Divine for $25,000.
Rev. Dr. Robert S. Copcland. rector
of the Protestant Episcopal Church of
the Ascension , of Baltimore , Md. , has
been sued for $25.000 damages by Dr.
Pierce B. AVilson , Jr. , Avho is suing his
wife for a di\'orce. naming former
United States Senator Wellington as
co-respondent. The suit is by title , no
cause of action being stated in the pa
per filed in court.
Uniform Iia\vs Are Urged.
That all the states of the union
should haA-e uniform laAvs on Aveights
and measures , or that there should be
a federal laAV on the subject , Avas the
Consensus of opinion expressed by the
It-legates from A-arious states attending
Lhe national conference of the organ-
zaiion of inspectors of Aveights and
measures of the United States at
Griffiths Knocks Out Morgan.
Billy Griffiths , of Cincinnati , knock-
-d out Jack Morgan , of Indianapolis ,
n the thirteenth round in a scheduled
wonty-round bout before the Cham-
ion Athletic club at Springfield , O.
A Wholesale Hanging.
.James Jenkins , John Portella and
.00 Chung , HJi'cc murderers , were .
unged on the same scaffold , in the
dovincial jail at XCAV Westminster ,
} . C. . Friday.
Turkish Ruler Passes in Review Be-
1'ore Subjects.
A neAv constitutional goA'crnment
for Turkey Avas inaugurated Thursday
Avith every sign of success. The new
parliament elected under the constitu
tion promulgated by the sultan last
July Avas opened , and everything passA
ed off Avithout the slightest displeasure.
Any fear that the sultan may haA'e
had as to the temper of his subjects
AA'as dispelled by the ample display of
enthusiasm. The fact that the sultan
came out openly to meet his people on
this occasion has gone a long Avay to-
Avard removing the effects of past evils
attributed to the palace rule , Avhile
the'grand ' vizier , Kiamil Pasha. Avho
insisted on the sultan's coming by the
road AA'hich passed through the Euro
pean quarter of Pera and Stamboul ,
thus bringing the soA'ereign into con
tact Avith the masses , has shown his
great Avlsdom , and has by this move
secured further success in the consol
idation of the constitutional regime.
The opening of parliament Avas sol
emn. Two hundred deputies and sen
ators , together Avith the representa-
tiA'es of Ararious religious communities ,
a large number of other state dignita
ries and the heads of diplomatic mis
sions , Avere present. With the excep
tion of the sultan's six sons in the box
adjoining the imperial box , no other
princes were present. After the read
ing of the speech from the throne
there was a flourish of trumpets and
the troops massed outside the build
ing gave three cheers for the sultan ,
while artillery salutes announced the
event to the whole population. Never
before haA'e such crowds been seen in
the streets , a remarkable feature be
ing the number of Turkish Avomen
filling the AvindoAvs and balconies along
the line of march.
Son of Wealthy Iowa. Fanner Kills
Himself at Kansas City.
Well dressed and possessed of a con
siderable sum of money. J. P. Pritch-
ard. a Avealthy farmer of Xewell , la. ,
was found dead in his room at a hote-
in Kansas City , Mo. . Thursday night
from self-inflicted pistol wounds. Mr.
Pritchard. who was on his Avay to Ok
lahoma City , registered at the hotel
Wednesday night. Ho. gave orders to
the clerk that he should not be called
Thursday morning. Thursday night
the hotel manager , becoming suspi
cious , forced an entry into the young
man's room and found him dead. He
apparently had committed suicide dur
ing the night.
Several Sailors , Almost Worn Out.
Row to Shore at Fort Morien.
Exhausted by eight days of toil at
the pumps and thirteen hours passed
in an open boat Avilh the thermometer
near zero , seven 711011 rowed ashore at
Port Morien. N. S W. . Thursday and
reported that the French schooner
Marcolline had foundered off the Cape
Breton eoast at midnight on Tuesday.
When the boat finally grated on the
beach several of the sailors AA'ere so
Avorn out that they had to be lifted
The Marcollino , a schooner of 250
tons and having a crew of seA'en men.
left Calais. Franco , on Xovember }
Avith a cargo of salt for St. Pierre.
German Hotel Promoters Arc Accused
of Misapnroprisitiou.
Charged Avith misappropriating
$2,000.000 two brothers , Adolf and
Fritz Eberbaoh , hotel company promoters
meters , have been arrested , the for
mer in Silesia and the latter at Vienna.
The men are charged Avith having
founded a hotel trust , AA-ith an enor
mous capital , with offices at Hamburg ,
Berlin and Bremen Avith '
; haA'ing ap
pointed dummy directors and having
manipulated the funds. When the
trust Avent into liquidation the broth
ers disappeared , the shareholders re-
cciA'ing only 2 per cent of their in
Bliz/ard in AVIsconsin.
A blizzard , the Avorst so far this
Avinter , Avhich prevailed all of Thurs
day night , has Avrought great destruc
tion to telephone and telegraph wires
north of Milwaukee in the A'icinity of
Sheboygan , Port Washington , Fond du
Lac and Oshkosh. The snoAv is hcaA-y
and Avet.
Disasters on the Water.
There Avere 1,094 Aressel disasters in
the United States in the last fiscal
year , resulting in a property loss of
$1,863,790 and the loss of 22 lives , ac
cording to the annual report of Super
intendent Kimball , of the United
States life saving service , which wag
filed Thursday.
NCAV President of Hayti.
Gen. Simon , leader of the last reA'o-
lution in Hayti , that resulted in the
flight of President Nerd Alexis from
Lhe capital , and Avho made his trl-
jmphal entry into Port au Prince ten
ilays ago , was Thursday unanimously
2lectcd president of the republic by
Lhe Ilaytian congress.
Lynching in Kentucky.
Elmer Hill , charged Avith the mur-
ler of Mamie Womack , in Adair coun
ty , Ky. , was dragged from jail at Mon-
.icello , carried four miles to Greasy
: reek and there hanged to a tree.
Will Not Go to Colorado.
Jasper Wilson , secretary to Secre-
.ary of Agriculture Wilson , says there
s no truth at all in the report that
Mr. Wilson is to be the head of the
Colorado Agricultural college.
g 2
§ * From Day to Day Condensed "
sj jBlnilil * IH flWjc * NJ
City May Ha AX * National Corn Exposi
tion Long : as it Wishes.
The National Corn association unan
imously re-elected the old officers at
its annual mooting at the Rome hotel ,
Wednesday morning. Important as
this action is , it docs not not overshadowing -
owing the action of the association
in declaring that it "is the wish of the
organization that Omaha shall have
the National Corn exposition so long
as Omaha desires. "
The National Corn association has
the say-so in this matter , and the ac
tion is therefore conclusive.
The re-election of Messrs. Funk ,
Holclcn , Montgomery and Jones is a
highly gratifying thing for those who
know anything- about the history and
development of the exposition , know
of tl'O extent and quality of their
work and next to important work well
done , the next most pleasant thing in
the minds of all men is the recognition
The National Corn association did
another thing along this lino. It
voiced formally and onthusastically its
endorsement of the great and good
work which Senor Zeforino Domin-
guez is doing in an agricultural way
for the people of his country.
Grand Island School Board Upholds
Instructors in Act.
The board of education at Grand
Island is determined to secure a high
er order of discipline in the local high
school and at a meeting , by unanimous
vote , sustained the action of Principal
Matthews and Superintendent Ban-
in suspending for the rest of the term
and until after the holidays , fifteen
male students , who had defied the au
thority of the principal in the matter
of lowering the class Hag. The one
Incident led to other evidences of in
subordination , twenty-three of'the
twenty-eight girls of the class failing
to come to school one afternoon out of
sympathy and going skating with the
boj'.s. These were suspended for two
days. Aside from sustaining the sus
pending order the board adopted a
resolution that hereafter none but the
American flag shall bo hoisted on any
school building or grounds Avithout
permission from the principal and
that any concerted class action , or
that of a combination of classes , shall
be punishable by suspension from
school for the rest of the semester , or
disqualification for work done In the
same , or both.
\Vell-to-Do "Farmers Suspected and
Search Ilovcals Good > .
Thieving of all kinds has bocn go
ing on in the A'icinity of Max\voil for
some months and all wore at a loss to
locate the guilty parties. Wedncssday
Sheriff Miltonbergor cleared up the
mystery after soai-ching premises with
a search Avarrant. The day before
certain articles Avefo missed from the
depot platform , and the search re
vealed these articles in the possession
of Cyrus Clark and Henry Goiso. two
farmers of that neighborhood. Be
lieving that these parties might bo.
guilty of other thefts , complaints were
filed and their promises searched. The
sheriff found on their farms 737
pounds of hind quarter beef. 685
pounds of corned beef , two rolls of
wire , stolen lumber , a number of
branded hides , a buggy i-obe anfl a
long list of other stolen articles. The
farmers haA'e been arrested and con
fined in the county jail.
" - " - "
Wolley is Acquitted by Jury in "Lincoln j
W. A. Wolley , formerly a citizen of
Alma , has boon acquitted of a murder
charge by a jury in the district court
at Lincoln.
Wolloy Avas accused of killing Jo
seph Walkins , a hackman. during the |
state fair last fall. j :
Watkins claimed that Wolley had I
not paid his hack fare , which assor- ]
lion Wolley denied. Watkins tried to
eject Wolley. Avho shot his assailant. j i
Gov.-clect Shallenborger eamo from | ]
Alma and testified to the good churn e- ' i
tor of the defendant. I :
Drainage Project Almost Complete.
The ditching on the drainage dis
trict north of Peru is nearing complo- j i
tion. The channel lias boon cut to j <
both Buck crook and Duel : crook , and ; (
both streams have boon turned into it. | { .
As Camp creek Ava.s turned into the i
north ditch during the summer , this
now drains a.way all the water which
flowed into the swamp.
Electric Power Tor Mill. j
The Fairbury roller mills will install j
an electric motor to operate the plant j
until the concrete dam. which gaAo
Avay under the Avator pressure Sunday , < i
can be rebuilt. f
Good Price for Land. j t
Peter Jansen , living near Janson. j 1 :
has just sold a section of land near j a
his ranch for $64,000 , or $100 per t
Farm Residence Burns.
The dwelling on Hurley Osburn'.s
farm , eight miles nortliAvest of Oxford ,
burned to the ground , causing a loss
of $1,200.
New Lease on Life- .
R. Mead Shumway , convicted of the
murder of Mrs. Martin , of Adams , Avill
not die on January S. The supreme
court has sot January 29 as the date
Cor the execution of the sentence. Sev
eral voluminous court records must
yet be examined.
Held to District Court.
Joseph Bush and Frank Williams ,
the tAVO men arrested at Wymore last
week on the charge of robbing a store
it Diller , Avere bound over to the dis
trict court at FsJrbury.
Mr. Bryan Disclaims Role of Nebraska
That William J. Bryan will not at
tempt to dictate the action of the Ne
braska legislature this winter , but
will act in an ad\'isory capacity , is in
dicated by the following statement
made recently :
"I haA'e only one interest in the leg
islature. " said Mr. Bryan , "and that
is to see every pledge of our platform
carried out and this applies to the
pledges made in our state platform
and to such pledges in our national
platform as can be carried out by the
state legislature. I need hardly add
that I shall take no part in contests
for offices in the legislature or the of
fices to be filled by the gOA'ornor. My
I one interest is to see the promises
kept. This I am interested in because
platform pledges are a contract made
with the Aoter and also because I be
lieve that the keeping of such prom
ises is necessary if the democratic par
ty is to maintain its position in the
state. "
Mr. Bryan said that he would spend
his Avinters in Texas hereafter , but
he had no intention of changing his
residence from Nebraska. He denied
that ho had hunted bear in Texas , and
also that he had been arrested and
fined for exceeding the limit in duck
Regarding his Interest in democrat
ic newspaper ventures. Mr. Bryan en
tered a denial to the report that his
support extended to other A'entures
than his own paper.
Five Places Visited , but Little is
Tuesday night A\as * a busy one in
Holdrege for night owls. Some time
between midnight and morning : the of
fices of the Phelps County Lumber
company. Thomas Huffofd , Deiaher &
Kronquist. implement men ; C. A. Gal-
loAvay and the Tidball Lumber com
pany were entered and the offices
thoroughly ransacked.
The start seems to haA'e been made
at the office of the Phelps County
Lumber company. Nothing AA'as miss
ed hero except a screwdriver. From
here they Avent across the street to
the coal office of Thomas Hufford ,
Avhere a bicycle was stolen. They
next tackled Doishor & Kronquest.
the office Avas ransacked and $2 or $3
in postage stamps found , Avhichwere
taken , as Avell as something less than
$2 in change Avhich Avas found in the
desk draAvers. From here they -went
to the lumber office of C. A. GalloAvay
and only a foAV cents' Avorth of postage
stamps taken. They then Avent across
the street to the lumber office of the
Tidball company and after going
through the desks and cash drawer
departed Avith two copper cents. i
Complaints AVOI-O filed and Avarrants
issued and officers jot on the trail. {
Avhich Avas followed to Mlnden , where
the parties got aAvay. There Avere tAVo-
of them and they Avere traced to the'
fair groundsjust east of Minden , Avhere
they made their getaway. The suppo
sition is that they Avent south.
Will Hold Their Annual Session at the
State Capital.
The winter meeting of the Nebras
ka Territorial Pioneers' association
Avill bo held at Lincoln January 12-13.
in connection Avith the annual meeting
of the Nebraska State Historical so
The principal features of the moot
ing Avill be a banquet and exhibition of
relics , curios and photographs , to be
contributed for the occasion by the
pioneers from their priA'ate store of
treasures. Further plans contemplate
the reservation of permanent quarters
for the Pioneers' association In the
now fire-proof building of the State
Historical society which Is noAV in.
? ourse of construction at Lincoln.
A A'isitor need not necessarily bo a
member of the association to enjoy
Lho meeting or contribute to the col
lection of relics. Further information
regarding the meeting Avill be gladly
furnished upon application to C. S.
Paine , secretary-treasurer of the Ter
ritorial Pioneers. Station A , Lincoln ,
Objects to Drainage Ditch.
The city of Fremont will put up a
vigorous fight against the proposed
chroeder ditch north of tOAvn. The
ibjoction i based on the ground that
.l.o ditch would take all the water
Yoni Raw Hide crook , north of town ,
ind as the city sewer empties into that
: reek about five miles southeast of the
; ity , the sewerage would be obstruct-
d and the city deprived of water nec-
; ary to carry it off.
Farmer Breaks Jaw.
While returning home Otto Obrest.
in employe at the Jenny Bros , cheese
"actory near Leigh , met Avith a dls-
ressing accident a few miles south of
own. Ho fell off his AA-agon and.
> roke his jaw. Examination showed
L compound fracture. The man had
een drinking.
Kicked by Horse.
Anton Gloisten. of Nebraska City ,
ras kicked by a horse in the back and
u's spine injured. He has been in a
omatoso condition since then and ]
ears are entertained for his recovery.
Boy Injured by Gun.
George Frank , of Grand Island , a
art of about 22 years of ago , Avas ac-
identally shot in the ankle , the dis-
hnrge of the pumpgun so shattering
In- bone that amputation Avas neces-
ary betAveen the ankle and knee.
New Game Bird Thrives.
Reports are bing received at the of-
ce of Game Warden Carter at Lin-
oln to the effect that the Hungarian
artridges Avhich Avere planted in Xe-
raska a year ago are doing remarka-
ly AA'Cll.
I Mtfv.'c. V f , , Vx C i
- A / 'V S1J ] > I
State Auditoi
The blonnln : : :
SeaTle , now bunk Printed , window
30 1906. to De
that from December ,
1908 there were registered
comber 30 , ,
' bonds of all
in the auditor's office
I kinds amounting to $2,301,6SG.6o Of
! this amount $75,000 was issued by
by precincts
counties , $9,000
, and villages and $1,3-1-
f,00 by cities
districts. While this
186.65 by school
represents an ' " < ! < * ted-
large amount .
ness against the
school districts , it does not necessarily
follow that it has all been contracted
within the time stated , as a goodly
bonds , issued
amount of it is
sued to take the place of other bonds
voted years ago , which have matured
and have not been paid. From the
chool districts of many of the west
ern and northern counties of the state
many issues of bonds have been regist
ered in order to provide school build
ings in districts where none have ever
before been erected.
* * *
Lancaster county promises to supplj
the coming legislature with enough
freak bills or bills to that order , to
keep the session busy. As a hint of
what is to come from this county , the
newspapers are publishing
with one of the members. This rrfprVy-
sentative-elect has announced thzit jfi'o
has under course of construction a bill
making Saturday afternoon a legal
holiday. While this part may not be
so freakish as it appears at first blush
his reason for the passage of such a
bill is that it will compel more people
to attend church on Sunday. He is
of the opinion that if all clerks and
working people have Saturday after
noon off , and no legal business can be
transacted on that afternoon , thesa
people will be in a frame of mind to
better appreciate Sunday and will at
tend church.
* * *
In bulletin Xo. 14 , which he hag
just received from the printers Deputy
Labor Commissioner Ryder has
table showing the amount of farm and
city mortgages filed and released dur
ing 1907 and 1908 and of interest p lid.
In 1907 there were 16,658 mortgages
filed involving capital to the amount
of $36,432,073.26 ; there were released
17,990 involving $126,357,391.56. In
the same year there were filed city
mortgages to the number of 12,436 ,
involving a capital of § 13,258,930.57 ;
there were released 11.014 involving a
capital of $9,887,902.36. The rate on
the city mortgages was from 6 to 10
per cent and on farm mortgages from
5 to 10 per cent.
Deputy Attorney General Grant
Martin has receiA'od a number of let
ters from out in the state congratulat
ing him on his opinion regarding the
sale of short Aveight lard. Because
the lard is sold in tin cans the
chants held it AA'as exempt from Utry
provisions of the pure food , r f fc-
in to the branding of Aveight. The
food commissioner , J. W. Johnson , has
collected evidence sheAving that threo-
p und cans of lard are short about 20
per cent , and , as a result , he hag
> rdered prosecutions begun in a num
ber of localities against the local mer
* * *
The money made by prisoners in the
state penitentiary for OA'ertimo has
reached such proportions that the
Avardon Avho has it in charge does a
big business Avith more depos-to
than most banks of ordinary capital.
The biennial report of Warden Bcomop
shows that during the biennium $5G-
000 Avas deposited , an increase of
$22.000 over the previous tAVo years- .
The sum represents 12,000 deposits.
The convicts make this money by
Avorking overtime in the broom factory
and receiA'c it from A'arious sources.
* * *
Thomas L. Hisgen , late candidate
for president on the Independence
league ticket , is going to ask the legis
lature ( : Massachusetts to enact onq
of Nebraska's UIAVS. Mr. Hisgen hag
Avrittcn Secretary of State Junkin fo ?
a copy of the law enacted last Avintep
Avhich prohibits the selling of anv
commodity at a different price in eng
place than in another , freight rates
being considered. Mr. Hisgen said ha
desired to have the bill before the
Massachusetts legislature , which meets in
January 1.
Tag day and the SaU-ation army and
the Volunteers of i America have col
lided in their efforts
to help the roor
and needy in Lincoln , and as a rLult
a fight is on not unlike that which fvai
pulled off in Omaha some years "
Avhere tA\o different societies
or pv
sons wanted the exclusiA-e
privilege of
praying in the city and county jail
* * *
Senator BroAvn Tuesday filed a eopy
of the resolutions of the last republi
can state convention in Xebra ka
dealing Avith the irrigation problems of
western Nebraska , urging a further
increase in the fund of the reclamation
The supreme court judges have de
eded to retain the present supreme
: ourt commissioners , four in number ,
intii April 10. On that day the court '
calendar , encumbered Avith 600
ivill be cleared for the first time
: he history of the state. in
* *
LaAvson G. Brian. Nebraska's state #
measurer , has another one on S- '
Christmas list. Mrs. Brian Tuesdav , '
presented him with '
babv t -
: ourth in '
the housi of Brian i'i *
: hildren the eighth. ' Of
* * *
Representative-elect Sid Bntt. ,
runkin were boys togethe ?
) ak , la. , some thousar over ii
Lgo and their meetinc < ,
ng with that of long-lost
eparated for that length of