( § ' " . Gifts Our stock of Christmas goods contains : i Toilet Cases Post Card Albums Traveling Toilet Cases Hair and Cloth Brushes Kodaks Phonographs Manicure Sets Perfumes Candle Sticks Candy in Fancy Boxes , Foun tain Pens and many other items suit able for Xmas gifts. Only Six Days 'Till Christmas. ttJ * * * tfirnmS2SSB VALENTINE. NED iCSBG A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited tothe need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. fALENTINE' STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. i sES sTS .VALENTINE | S < - BARBER SHOP ? 1 All kinds of. SHAMPOOS , v f MASSAGES. ? (4 AND LADIES I HAIR DRESSING _ 8 Shampooing a specialty. W HOT and COLD BATHS in connection $ | Forest Shepard , Prop. 3 Valentine State Bank Building $ 'I he Loup Vallej Hereford Ranch. Browniee , Nebr. Soldier Prep Col- uiiums 17th 1C0050 , a son of Colmntuis 17th. a half brother of tlie $10.000 rvam- pion i.Ie , a n d Trinee KoalidH 131- C93 ai head of herd I now have about CO head of 1907 bull calves for sale. C. n. FAULIIAUEII. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. J. W. McDANIEL , COUXTY SURVEYOR Valentine - Xebr. All work will be given prompt , and careful attention. W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOTJH & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. JOHN F. PORAT ! e , Tubular 'wellsand windmills. me up bj Telephone. Talk of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop. tf Flexible Flyers at the Red Front. 49 2 Milton Nicholson is home from school at O'Neill. Miss Estella Nicholson is home from her visit in Buchanan , Mich. Miss Xellie Easley is home from Rosebud where she has been en- gay ed as a private teacher. Mrs. John Hittle of Penbrook rame up Sunday and started to Passadena , Cal. , where she ex pects to spend the winter. R. D. Evans and Mrs. Farrell drove'up to Valentine Monday to do some Christmas shopping and take in the Mahara minstrels. Mrs. Cora O'Connor and Hep Shockley came up to Valentine Sunday night and are visiting at the Post with Major Shockley. Harrison Davenport is home for the holidays from Lincoln where he has been attending the state university the past few months. J. E and William Petty crew and wife took in the Corn ehow last week and James is down in Iowa visiting the old timers now. Will Piercy returned from Omaha Sunday night where he had three loads of cattle on the market and took in the corn show. S. S. Pierce of Sand creek has f jund SJQW Fly's buckskin horses recently advertised in THE DEMO CRAT and has notified Snow Fly to come and get them. Clem Ilahu took in the Corn show and went down from there to Nodoway county , Mo. , to visit relatives a few days , returning home Saturday night. Last Friday we went over to the school to view the work done by the pupils and see the new school rooms which make Valen tine's school building large enough for several years to come. Fay Grady broughtin his father , mother , B. L. Grady and wife , his brother John and sister , Mrs. Dave Archer , Tuesday and that night they departed for Sturgis , S. D. , to visit several weeks with Otis Grady and wife. A. H. Stees returned last Thurs day from St. Paul via Omaha where he took in the Corn show. Mr. stees has been back to the old home for several months the past summer and has now come back to Cherry county to make this his home. W. G. Ballard went down to the Corn show in Omaha and from there to Walnut , la. , to visit a sis ter that he hadn't seen for twenty years. From Omaha Mr. Ballard wont across to Council Bluffs to see W. V Johnson who is in a hospital suffering from a paralytic stroke. Mrs. Abba Thackrey has had a very bad week but was some bet ter yesterday and today. I. M , Rice was called out to Hackberry lake Tuesday and returned last night bringing Grandma Rice and Mrs. DeWyke to town. They will rest awhile visiting ye editor dnd family before returning to their homes in Kansas. Mrs. Thackrey is reported worse today. Misses Ora Hooper and Loren- tia Haley were the two young la dies Cherry county sent down to the Corn show at Omaha to learn domestic science. They had their fare and expenses paid and we hope they will tell the other young ladies what they learned. Why couldn't they write an article for THE DEMOCRAT and tell it to all the people ? Mahara's minstrels gave their show here Monday night and al though a fair house greeted them there were not as many as should have seen the show , which was more than Valentine can ordinarily expect. There a e 23 persons in the show and they give a good performance. The show is some thing new in the west , 'with en tirely new specialties and a pleas ing variety i C. P. Wiltse of the Newport Re publican was in town yesterday. Oliver Walcott is home from the state university to spend the holidays. Miss Ruth Stetter is home from Ponca where she is teaching school this year. George Stetter is home from the Kearney Military Academy for a three week's visit. Miss Allie Cyphers took in the corn show at Omaha , returning home Tuesday night. The weather is again fair and pleasant with enough snow for Santa Claus sleighing , Marguerite Quigley came up from Bellevue Sunday morning to . spend Christmas vacation at home. Miss Mary Barnes is very ill of pneumonia at Kennedy and had Dr. Lewis called out to see her Sunday. Oscar Bucchle and wife have re turned from Sturgi.s where Oscar has been assisting John Btillis as plumber. R. M. Faddis and J. 11. Quigley have been in Mwntana the past two weeks looking after stock interest and visiting friends. Clinton Collette is home from Fail bury and Miss Tacy from the Omaha reservation to spend t'ie ' holidays with their parents. People fortunate enough toown _ a sled or sleigh runners for a bug gy are enjoying the sleighing the past week which is the best in sev eral years. Mr. and Mrs , Sam Hudson were in from the ranch thft latter part of last week. Mrs. Hudson was busy at the office ia the court house and Sam was learning how it was done. Fred Jones was in 'town yester day visiting friends and that night went up to Cody to visit his par ents Fred is making a SUCCPS at Bellevue college , having lately been honored with the atheletic management. Geo. Cyphers expects to start Monday morning for his old home in New * Jersey for a six weeks visit. It has been 15 years since Mr. Cyphers has been back to his old home and he will notice many changes no doubt. Wedding Nuptials. KUSKIE MAGOOX. Harold Kuskie , son of A. K. Kuskie of Sparks , and Miss Gail Magoon , neice of Mrs. L. N. Lay- port , were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon at the lat- ter's home by the Rev. Beale. Mr. Kuskie is a prosperous young farmer and has a host of friends in the community. Miss Magoon has resided here for several years , and by her many virtues has won the friendship of all. KUSKIE GROOMS. Clyde Kuskie and Miss Elsie Grooms , both of Sparks , were married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's mother by the Rev. Peacock. The groom comes from one of the oldest fami lies in the county and is starting into this new venture with all the attributes that are necessary for a successful and happy life. The bride is a daughter of another of the oldest and best families near Sparks and would be a credit to any man. THE DEMOCRAT joins the host of friends in extending congratulations to these young couples. Contest Notice. U S. Lund Office. Broken Row. N December ' _ ' . 1903 t" A sufficient contest affidavit having Deen filed In t us olllce by sva-lt-r W. Teeter. p < m estnnt , against Hoi . * ? teail entrv No. 375(5 ( mule : June 29 1X ! > 4 for line , njvso , ssi > . section 27 ; n\v. iit'.sw , SMV. section 2'i. imvnship'Jti. nviiKe 3J. by Haviii JI Sweeney eontrsteH. in which it is alleged that said cl iniant has never resided upon , cirtivateil or improved said tract for in 're han .six months last pait : that he has wholly a andone s me. mid that claimant nirtintainsa residoive elsewher than "naid tract , that all thanov alleged defects exist at this date and have not been cured. Said parties are hereby notified to anp fir resp-iMl and offer evidence toiichini : sai aliiva- t on at 10 o'clock a. in on .laii'iary 1 ! ) 1909 r > e- fore J H. WHton , U . Commissioner. Mullen > ei > - . . and that tlit- final hearing will held at ! < o'rlocK a , in. on .laniiiry 2 , 1 % ! ) I e tore the raster and receiver at the United States land OHIee in Broken How , ebra-ka , Tne stiis coute.xtaiit having , in aproper affi davit li ed V.veniner 23,1903 .set forth facts which show that : i't > r due diligence personal tciAiceof this notice cannot be nnde.it is hereby ordered and directed Ilia' such notice be tsi.Yvn by due ami prop/ publication , Jfu-d LrstRiXM AJWKEimn Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands and Bottled G-ucheii- Under the heimer Supervision Kye of the Whiskeys. U. S. Gov. We also handle the Budweiser Beer. JOHN G. STETTER , Propr. Folding Doll Go Carts at tlu- Red Front. 49 2 Nebraska During 1909. During the week of December 21 to 28 , inclusive , The. Lincoln State Journal will accept § 3 from mail subscribers for the whole year of 1909. without Sunday , or $ -1 with Sunday. The regular price is1 and § 5. This cut-price is good only during Bargain \Veek and all you have to do is to mail your remittance to the State Journal , Lincoln , Nebr. , and the paper will be mailed to your ad dress commencing Jan. 1 , 1909. and continue until Jan. 1 , 1910 , when it will be stopped unless you pay for it another year. All sub scriptions are payable in advance , consequently no unpaid bills , and this saving together with cutting out solicitors' salaries , hotel bills and railroad expenses make it pos sible to give you this cut-price. The Journal is the paper you will want to read during the legisla ture because it is right here in Lincoln and with its great corps of trained newspaper men will be able to give you the most thorough and reliable legislative news. Its uncontrolled by party bosses or selfish ambition to hold or get a job for its proprietor. It's not afraid to print all the news all the time about all things. It's a clean home paper , no liquor or unclean medical ads appear in its cojumns. Its business is profitable enough to give its owners legitimate re turns without making alliances with any interests opposed to the public welfare. Every public matter is treated impartially , un selfishly and entirely from the standpoint of the people's interest. One year's reading will convince you that the State Journal is truly | Nebraska's greatest newspaper. Remember , this special rate is only made during this one week of Dec. 21 to 28 to got new sub scribers and regular price of $4 and § 5 will be charged thereafter. Why not test The Journal this one year and see if its publishers are really conducting their newspaper upon such hiah standaul. M. E. Church Notes. There will be regular services at the Methodist church next Sab bath morning , subject "Perfect Through Suffering. " In the eve ning a Christmas service will be held , subject "The Other Wi.-e Man. " Special music for this service. Everybody inviied. The Xmas exercises of the M. E. church will be held Xmas night. A cantata by the cnildren and the choir will be given. The presents put upon the tree will be sent to the Children's Home at York. Come and bring something to make some one else happy. That is the Xmas spirit. Chas. Latta was in lown for a load of freight. Monday and ap peared in the best ef health but was taken ill on his way home Tuesday and telephoned to John Daniels to come and meet him which he did and Mr. Latta com pleted his trip in Mr. Daniels' buggy while the latter took charge of the freight wagon. FOR JANUARY Vvill tell you something ) ci > may not know about Fanv.ing , Fires , Pearl Fishing , Pi' ' - , Woman's Iniision , Flying- Machines , sncl Actors. It will give you lots of good short stones and beautiful pictures. You'll like it. Get one to-day. LOOK FOR THE PATCHWOJIK COV R roil SALE uv GEG. ELLIOTT. MILL PKICES FOR FEED. PcrCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked _ § 1 05 § 20 00 Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00 Corn , sacked 1 20 23 00 Oats , sacked 1 50 29 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 25 24 00 Chop Feed , sacked M 0 27 00 Bros Oasis , Nehr ( I. lv. Sawvor has cliar'e of tlit-se cattle. II rsc B > J o'i Iftshou'- der. Sin ft th'Kh. on Snake u\er. NT-hraskH Land and Feeding Co tartl tt Rieu.irrts Pra * V/ill ( JComstock , V. F Chfis 0 Jamison Se &Troas ti Cattle branrtf-d m & ' , , ' . * ? ' ' ? & any part of animal also tb * followiut brandy jrjtuded let SJirae Range between Gordon on the F.h M v , R R. arc * llyannison . R. 11 in Xirt'nv-.t-rn Nehr B.\JttVKTr KIOJIvIlDS. lilNwor.h , Nehr. THE WASHER THAT WASHES How Can We Save Money and Labor ? By getting theNeostyle washing machine the washer that washes. Costs nothing you save it in the wpar and tear of the clothes. Takes one-halt' the time , one-half the water , one-half the fnpl. one- third the labor and one-eigiiih UIP wear of any other washing ma chine made. May be seen at F Italya's , Valentin * , Neb. For full particulars or for demonstra tion at your home , write A. J. JORDAN , 49 Arabia , Nebr. Keen Kutix-r Skates at the Rod ! Front. We have just heard that Misj .Jeffreys died at her home near i Basssett of typhoid fever. ! IT'S BUILDING TIME NOW and the selection of Lumber for the purpose is a matter of great importance. There is ALL KINDS OF LUMBER on the market , both good and bad. Only the good kinds has found its way into our yards. It will pay to let us furnish an estimate on your next bill. Remember , we carry first class stock. T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. Wih meet all call * phone or mail. Verged on pedigreed stock. Valentine Nebraska I Prices are what f. we are lalldng - Now Our stock is complete. mm , Flo. W LJi id the If "MAIIKE ! ) COPY" on a newspaper wrapper is rurc to make the receiver open and rend. Last year a southern man bought fifty copies of his local paper contain ing a sijgjjujll.jn for n factory location , marked them and mailed them to Gfly individuals or concerns that might be interested. Result : Twelve immediate : : - - . ' : . three propositions for tlie factory site , one thriving factory located which to day pays wages to 17C jersons living in that town. Watch this paper for such opportu nities to BOOM YOUR TOTVN.