Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 24, 1908, Image 4

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    * f. t " 4
I. M. ' RICE Editor and Proprietor.
MA UK ZAHR Foreman.
Entered at the postoilice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
Oats Mafter.
Subscriptionsl \ \ ' Pf-Vearin advance :
Cherry . Subscriptions :
J * ( tfl.oO when not paid in advance.
\ sl9 pcry1" ! * * * > ' paper disK -
Foreign Subscriptions ( continued at expiration if not renewed.
J 15C Per inc oacn issue ; b.v contract 12 c.
( Transicnt adv 20c per inch ; locals i0ca line.
Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents
per inch , net.
Local notice3 obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue
5 cents per line each insertion.
Henry C. Richmond Fo
Chief Clerk of the House
Henry C. Richmond wants to b
the Chief Clerk of the House thi
coming session of the legislature
Jfc is his first run for office of an ,
kind he says and we believe he i
well qualified for the position h
seeks. Mr. Richardson was form
erly editor of the Fremont Heral
and was second assistant secretar ,
of the democratic national con :
mittee during the past campaign
We believe him to be a man win
is interested in democratic succes
and is capable of working ad vac
tageously for the good of the part ,
and for our people. If he i
chosen for this place he may be o
valuable assistance in guiding tin
destinies of our legislature and ii
keeping their records clean. W
hope that a good man will b
chosen for this place who will b
interested in the welfare of th
greatest purty on earth to brin <
talent and understanding as a safe
guard against evil encroachment
of the enemy who might crippl <
the best of this legislature's worl
and laws by incorrect phraseolog ;
or ambiguous sentences.
Cliff Frank of the York "Tell
er , " in writing of a York womai
and some others who attended :
national "mothers' meeting" ' bad
East , says about two-thirds of the
delegates wore waists buttoned ir
\ , the back. That is very significien
and reminds us of the fanatics whc
think they know. There an
many of them in all 'spheres tha
know best of that which they have
least seen. Some people who nev
er pulled the strings over a horse
think they know best how to drive ,
or who never curried a horse knou
best how he should be treated.
Some persons may be too rougl :
in their treatment of a horse and
deserve some criticism and we
suppose it might as well conic
from those who think they know.
Humanity grows cold and perhaps
can stand a little touching up oc
casionally by those who are hu
mane to the horse while mankind
receives less consideration unless
in hearty accord with their aspira
Cherry Valley Cracklings.
Mrs. Victor Bird and children
have gone to Norfolk where they
intend to make their home until
school closes.
Mrs. Edythe Latta returned a
short time ago from Chadron
where she had been for three
months visiting relatives.
Adolph Schleuter was taken to
Omaha last week for medical
treatment. His mother and wife
accompanied him. He has been
in poor health for some time.
A trickish bob sled has been
kept busy at district No. 23 school.
It seems to object to being loaded
down with boys. It dumps them
all in a heap in the deepest snow
every time it gets half way down
the hill.
The new ball outfit was received
at the Cherry Valley school Doc.
13. About two month * ugo Frank
Iv-impert , jr. . hustprl Billy Nich
olas's mouth willi a ' " eball. Last
Tuesday Dwight MLXinSel tried
the same trick with Frank's mout
but his mouth was a bird in a cag
and the ball glanced off.
Mrs. 0. W. McDaniel an
daughter Ida left for Lincoln hu
Saturday where they will vis
relatives and friends for seven
weeks. They left Mr. McDanu
and son Dwight to keep house dui
ing their absence.
Miss Dorathea Grcwe left fo
her home at Neiizel last Friday
She will attend the teachers' meel
ing at Valentine Saturday. Sh
will be sure to enjoy her tw
kfcweeksr oil" after three month
of hard work in the school roor
of Cherry Valley.
Last Wednesday the C. V. S
nine layed oil a new ball diamoni
in Wm. Klingaman's pasture , bu
in order to make use of it in th
next few days they would hav
had to peal off seven inches o
snow which no one cared to do , s
coasting was the chief featur
Thursday and Friday.
School closed Friday afternooi
with a few recitations and spelling
rlown. The school was spellec
3o\vn on the word "acumen. "
The .attendance this month ha :
been rather poor owing to bac
weather. Those neither absen
nor tardy during the past montl
were Dwight and Ida McDaniel
Will and Ralph Nicholas am
Myrtle and Hazel Klingaman.
District No. 23 has nqw an en
rollment of 18 , 1C of whom are ii
ittendance. DOHATIIEA GKEWE ,
Pocket Knives and Scissors ai
, he Red Front.
Eat at the "Eancheis * H < me
neals 25 cents. Lunches a spec-
alty. J. BUADSHAW , Prop.
Wanted 150 head of cattle tc
'eed ' this winter , nine miles south-
vest of Arabia. E. D. TUYON ,
9-6 Wood lake , Neb.
Dr. Meehan , osteopath , will be
.t the , Donoher hotel on Monday ,
Vednesday and Friday of each
7cek after Christmas. Consulta-
ion free. Chronic disorders yield
o osteopathy when other methods
ail. 49 2
Taken Up
iy the undersigned at my place
ro . t i Britt , Neb. , on
) ec. 15 , 1908 , one three-year-old
oan mare , branded half diamond
) C on right hip.
The funeral services of Ross
fisher Petty crew were held at the
ouse of his father , R. F. Petty-
re w Tuesday afternoon , Rev. J.
i. Baker of Valentine conducting
Ross Fisher Pettycrew was born
Lpril T , 1S92 in Cherry county ,
Nebraska among the friends with
? hem he has always lived , and
icd Dec. LS , IbDS after a short
hioss of typhoid fever , lie was
good , honest , upright , moral
rincipli'd boy , beloved and ro
ppcted b.v all his friends.
The remains were laid to rest in
10 Harmony cemctery.
Deserts Shooting
Her EiysM ai YaeW Club ,
Counsel for Mains Struggle Vainly ,
Li-crtdit Ker Evidence Witne
S-ys Prisoner Ecckcned to Broth
and Tragedy Followed.
Flushing , K. Y. , Dec. 22. The-tr ;
of Thornton Jenkins Ilains reached
climax of dramatic intensity Avh
Mrs. Helen E. Annis , wile of Willia
E. Annis , in a deliberate recital , ia :
ing lor nearly three hours , pictur
the killing of her husband , as he s
at the tiller of his hoai , by Capta
Pctr C. Hains , Jr. Mrs. Annis near
fainted a few minutes before her t
animation was co1 'uded , but quick
It was a hard day for the defcn
and counsel for Hains was exkausti
from the cross-examination which w ;
directed toward the state's witness
in an effort to shake thoSr tastimon
Tlicrnton Ilains lost much of his en :
nonchalance. When led from ti
court by two deputy sheriffs the ; ) r ;
: mer appeared dejected and carewor
Mrs. Annis made an impressive fi
urc en the witness stand as she to
her story of Aug. 13. at the Eaynii
Yacht club. Several new points af.d <
dramatic interest to the trial.Vh
Annis' boat came alongside the ilor
the widow tct5fiel , Thornton Hai :
beckoned tn his brother and led tl
way dov/n the runway. The shcotii
followed within a few moments.
Lav/yer Mclntjre sought to disc-re
it the "beckoning episode , " which tl
state asserts proves that the authi
induced the army officer to comni
the crime , and kept Mrs. Annis on th
point under cross-examination f <
nearly half an hour.
"I ran down the runway and Thor
ton Hains pointed his revolver at m
I turned to go back and he presse
the weapon against my back , soyin
'You gel out of here or you will g <
the same. " I ran up the runway an
looking hack , saw my husband fall i
to the water. " So said Mrs. Annis i
relating her story , and this new cv
dence the lawyers for Hains stru ;
gled vainly to discredit.
Attorney Cutlcrcon Badly Hurt in Ai
tornobiie Accident at Broken Sow.
Broken Eow , Xca. , Dec. 22. Juclg
C. L. ( Jutterson , prosecuting attorno
for Custer county , was badly injure
by being caught between t\vo automi
biles while driving in a buggy wit
his wife.
He was taking the middle of thread
road when the two machines , drive
respectively by Messrs. Willing an
Johnson , attempted to pass on eithe
° : cie. The horse took fright and mad
a quick turn and upset the buggj
throwing the occupants violently on
In the rnixup the judge's head wa
badly crushed. One car was torn fror
'he head. The injuries are serious
Lut not necessnily iatal. Mrs. GUI
Lerson was slightly injured in the side
Family of Seven Have Close Call.
Tecumseh , Neb. , Dec. 22. J.V
Morris , living on a farm near here
ind his family of six had a narrow cs
: -r.ije irom being burned to death in i
[ he which aes'troyed their home. Th
ilames were in every loom when tli *
ether woke up. He grabbed the fiv <
children in a half suuocated condl
ion and threv\ them out of a windov
ind tUen removed his wife , who hai
est consciousness. He took them ale
o the barn , where he kept them warn
intil uci3r.ors ? arrived and helper
are ior them. The home and its en
he rd"nt3 ts were destroyed
Acxuced of Fur Robberies ,
Lincoln , Uec. 22. Details of a re
xnt heavy robbery of lurs came ti
igi t when Acting Governor Hopewel
ssued a requisition on the govcsrnoi
f Iowa for the return to Lincoln oi
wo men giving the names of C. W
silvers and Philip Mauve , under ar
est at Sioux City. A detective froir
icre went to Des Moines , where the
cquisition was honored , and he re
lorted Irom Sioux City that he had
he men in custody ami would return
, -ith them today. The men are charged
, -ith similar robberies at Omaha.
Buy your Kocker at the Red
'ront. 49 2
Mr. Canof Oasis dropped in
) say hello Monday evening.
Sheriff Kosscter took a young
lan by the name of Purely , who
as been teaching : school south of
nvrj , to Murclo , , S. D. , lastSatur-
i.y night to answer to his bonds-
ion who were afraid he had skip-
ed out.
Ed "Richards of Oasis died last
ight of pneumonia and bloating
r his stomach. He had been ill
nt a short time. Ed was a prop-
2rous stockman and leaves a host
' friends who will be grieved team
am of his death.
Degin Preparations of Report to Prc
dent P.cocevelt.
V.'cshiugtcn , Eec. u2. Jl- . : : tlie
are problems anj diOculties oi a
lie's character a. tt-i. . ; tae i rmo
fio-i one c-nd 01 t. . tl
other , the sjut.Ioi ! ot v.iiJi they ageing
going to dcrnanJ , was Uie i.vlaiat ! (
of L. H. Bailey , cLairma : : of the cou
try His commission , w.o , with fc
other members of that body , airivi
here to prepare their conclusions L
p : to President Korseve
The commission expccls to Lave ti
report in tne hands ot the pivside :
the latter part of the month.
"Hverj\Yicre , " said Prutssscr B :
ley , 'tiiCire are serious economic que
tions along the lines of distributio
marketing and the lack of effecti-
cc-rporation among thu laimeis. Fa.i
ers are .in need of crjziuizaticn ar
more paiticularly of social orraniz
tion. We lound , ior exr/nple , ivhe ;
farming is very prospeious , the soci
conditions may not be very gco
Gscat emphasis has been pla-jod c
the deficiency in schools and of bclt <
highways. "
Vies FrasMssl Bensez Repa
lid HTitii Raw M ,
Pert cr Spain , Dec. 22. Vice Pres
dent Gome : : , to whom General Casti
handed over the presidency en his d
parturc for Europe , has established
new government in Vcnezuoia. U
has replaced the old ministiy wth
new body of men , who represent var
ous factious in the state and who nav
figured prominently in various waj
in the country's political history.
Not only has Dr. Jose de Jesus Pai
disappeared fiom the councils of th
nation , but Dr. Baldo , who is now tra-1
eling in Castro's suite abroad , also ha
been removed irom his o cia ! positio
as minister of education. Genen
Diego Ferrcn , the minister of war , ha
been superseded by General Redul
Olivarcs , who took a prominent par
in crushing the revolutionists si
years ago.
Secret advices from Caracas ind
cate that the whole of Venezuela ha
been in a ferment ever since Presiden
Castro sailed.
Plan to Iscuc Motes Secured by Siivei
New York , Doc. 22. The Times su\s
In important banking circles in Wa'j
street something very much lik
sensation was created by the discoi
ery in a financial weekly , published i ;
Paris , L'Eccnomiste European , of
letter written by Senator Henry M
Teller of Colorado , a member of th
Aldrich currency commiss on , to Mare
ton Frewen , the well known bimetal
list of London , in which Sera-tor Tclie
seems plainly to indicate that the coin
mission has under consideration ;
plan to issue circulating notes securei
by silver , if the governor of India v/il
Maine Sails Under Sealed Orders.
Washington , Dec. 22. The iuc&
complete mystery surrounds the desti
nation of the battleship Maine , whicl
left Norfolk under sealed orders
Neither the state nor the navy depart
nient officials will make any statemen
jn the subject , more than to say tha
Lhe vessel has ' gone on a cruise , " anc
they will not deny nor affirm rumor :
Lhat the-ship is bound for any clatj
: n Venezuelan waters.
Features of the Day's Tra-ing anc
Ciojir ; Quotations.
Chicago , Dec. 21. Buying by S3v
; ral or the leading holders caused the
vhoat market to close strong today
inal quotat.oiia oeing ap UC i c. Corn ,
> ats and provisions aibo closed firm.
Jlosing prices :
Wheat Dec. . $1-00 ; May , § 1. 5 % ®
. .05i ; July , 97c.
Corn Dec. , aGVic ; May , GOij COc. .
Oats DPc.iO' , c ; May , 51& < &oliC. > .
Pork Jan. , $15.1,5 ; May , ? lJ.yij. (
Lard Jan. , $0.30 ; May , $9.5i' . . .
Ribs Jan. , $ S.27 X. ; May , JS.oTlj.
Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard
rheat , $ i.OO5'l.G3 : , ' ; No. 4 corn , 55@
o'/jc ; No. 3 white oats , 4S-i9c. (
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha , Dec. 21. Cattle Re-
eipts , 2,000 ; lOc higher ; native
teers , ? 4.00 < g/7.25 ; cows and heiters ,
2.75(3.5.00 ( ; western steers , $3.5jfa (
.00 ; Texas steers , § 3.00@5.10 ; cau-
ers. $2.00g/2.75 ( ; stocliers and feed-
rs , $275@5.25 ; calves , $3.00@l5.00 ;
ulls , stags , etc. $2.25@4.25. Hogs
Leceipts ? , 3,300 ; 5c higher ; heavy ,
5.40@5.C5 ; mixed , $5.35@5.40 ; light ,
5.25@5.40 ; pigs , $3.5j@5.00 ; bulk of
ales , $5 35(5/5.40. ( Sheep Receipts ,
, S'iO ; Htiong ; yearlings , ? 4.755.75 ;
ethers , $4.00@4.50 ; ewes. $3.25@
25 ; lambs , 35.75@G.75.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago , Dec. 21. Cattle Receipts ,
5,000 ; steers , $4.GOi 7.80 ; cows , $3.00
5.25 ; heifers , $2.50@4.GO ; Dulls , $2.7"
)4.50 ) ; calveg , $3.50@S.75 ; stoclie
lul landers , $2.50@5.00. Hogs " "
? ipts , 35,000 ; alg'loc higher ; cli v.
tavy shipping , $3.70jl5.85 ( ; butchers ,
j 6-5 © 5.80 ; light mixed , $5.0035.35 ;
: oice light , 55C5@5.GO ; packing ,
5C5S3.70 ; ill- , $4.00@3.15 ; bulk oi
lies. § 5.25 © 5.70. Sheep Receipts ,
> ,000 ; strong ; sheep , S4.00g5.00 ( ;
mlr 25.25(5)7.40 ( ) ; yearlings , $4.25 < S )
, rvw
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes ,
lipsidence and shop one blcck south of passenger depot.
Valentine. PHOXD 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Customers.
Go to the
WaltSier R A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Ship your Live Stock
Xo shipment too large ai d none too small to receive the
roost careful attention.
Each consignment intruF-ted to our care will be handled
by members of the firm. ,
Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal
guarantee ! to all.
"Write us for the market paper and our special market
letters , which we send you free of charge. r j
-\MOS SXYDEII , Tlog Salesman. MATT MALONE ) Cattle
ED. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. TIIOS. J. DONAHUE f Salesman.
New Motel. Electric Lights.
H Good Rooms , Hot and Cold Water.
MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Nebr.
Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains.
Valentine , Xeb. , Nov. 23 , 1908.
We wish to call your atten
tion to the fact that we are going to
manufacture all suits here in the fu
ture and all our help has had years of " i
experience in cutting and fitting. You !
need not hesitate in leaving your ord
ers for they will have our prompt at
tention and immediate service.
Our cutter has had 35 yearst \
service cutting find fitting.
Cleaning , Pressing and Repairing a Specialty.
hone 122. : : Valentine , Nebr.
Done in the most satisfactory manner ! Largest prices for
the seller and honest deaLng with the bidder ! On these
terms T.V. . Cramer solicits your patronage. Graduate
of Missouri Auction Schoo1 , August term. 46